General Index Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 135 ) GENERAL INDEX Abbesses endorsed Charter, 1,8. Belgic combed ware, 70, 77, 94-96. Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine; Belgic Rubbish Pit, An Early: 111111 African; on King's Council; School Hill, Deal; by W. P. D. Stebbing, of Theodore and Adrian; witnessed 126, 126. Charter, 3, 4, 7, 11. Beorhtweald, Archbishop, 1, 6, 8; Aeaba, also Aebho or Domneva, on King's Council, 11, 13; en- mother of St. Mildred of Thanet, 1, 8. couraged missionaries, 11. Aeons., endorsed Charter, 2, 13. Beornheard, Witness to Charter, 3, Aethelfrid, witnessed Charter, 11. 11, ; on King's Council, 11. Aetheiraed of Merolla ravaged W. Kent, Berhtuualdus See Beorlitweald. 11, Bethersden Church: Brass to Liclia Aelhilmer of Reculver, 3, 7, 8. Ch.ut 64. Allingtort Castle visited 1946. Des- Birch, Cartularium Saxonieum, 4. cription given by the Hon. Mrs. Birley, Mr. E.: Report on mortarium Horsfield and Mr. Horsfield, xl. stamps, 100. Andrew, St., Rochester, S. Blight, J. H. of Watford, details of Archbishopric of Canterbury, nomin- Belgic urn, 109, 110. ations for, 665 • 3, 6. Blood money for King Mull, 6. Arch. Cant. XLVI, Copy of Charter, 2. Bluemantle, Herald, 24. Arch. Cant. XLVI, Nunnery at Boo, 7. Boghurst Family, The Tomb in Arch- Cant. I, Sir E. Daring and Press Strood Old Church, showing arms: Marks, 10. Ledgers in St. Margaret's, Rochester, Arch. Cant. XLVI, "Port named 109: Later represented by Caddell. Cilling ", 12. Bolton, Edmund wrote Elements of Arch.
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