PARISH COUNCIL The Parish Office, East Peckham Jubilee Hall, Pippin Road, East Peckham, , TN12 5BT Clerk to the Council, Mrs. K Bell, Telephone/answerphone: 01622 871309 Website: Email: [email protected] Twitter @East PeckhamPC

To Members of East Peckham Parish Council You are requested to attend a meeting of the Parish Councils Planning & Transportation Committee on Monday, 05 March 2018 at 7.00 p.m. in the Meeting Room at the Jubilee Hall, Pippin Road, East Peckham, TN12 5BT.

23 February 2018 Karen Bell Clerk of the Council __


1. Apologies for absence

2. Declarations of Interests and/or lobbying

3. Minutes 3.1 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 05 February 2018 3.2 To receive an update on any matters arising not included elsewhere on the agenda

4. Planning Application For Consideration TM/18/00225/FL Conversion of garage to family room at 20 Medway Meadows, East Peckham

TM/18/00258/LB To place a wood burner into the living room, flue system to exit through the roof at 3 Crowhurst Oast, 85 Bells Farm Road, East Peckham

TM/18/00273/FL Erection of 8 No. two storey terraced dwellings (6 x 2 bedroom and 2 x 3 bedroom) and associated car parking and landscaping at Former Rose and Crown, 2 Road, East Peckham

5. Planning Decisions TMBC has GRANTED PERMISSION for the following TM/16/01975/CAN & Consultation by Borough Council ref 15/505082/FULL: TM/18/00023/CNA Retrospective – utilizing small parcel of land adjacent to car park entrance for siting of existing car wash incorporating a covered seating unit and for existing ‘cash for clothes’ collection unit at The Country Park

TM/17/03266/FL Conservatory to the rear of Kilmory, 18 Old Road, East Peckham

TM/17/03290/MIN Details of lighting pursuant to condition 25 of planning permission TM/16/1563 (Rail aggregate depot), KCC ref: TM/16/1563/R25 at East Peckham Pit, Hale Street, East Peckham

TM/17/03445/FL Single storey extension and balcony to rear of dwelling, timber balcony and external stairs to garage and new pitched roof outbuildings at Driftwood, 27A The Freehold, East Peckham

TM/17/03496/FL Erection of a rear conservatory at Brent View, 274 Tonbridge Road, East Peckham

TM/18/00301/MIN Section 73 application to vary conditions 19 and 20 of TM/98/2045/MR92 to allow importation of inert materials (other than spent railway ballast, hard-core and waste concrete products) by road until April 2020 at East Peckham Pit, Hale Street, East Peckham

TMBC has REFUSED TO PERMIT the following TM/17/03111/FL Small ground floor in-fill extension and change of use to two dwellings at 13 Old Road, East Peckham

KCC has GRANTED PERMISSION for the following TM/18/0301 Section 73 application to very conditions 19 and 20 of TM/98/2045/MR92 (as amended by TM/10/3237) to allow importation of inert materials (other than spent railway ballast, hard- core and waste concrete products) by road until April 2020 at East Peckham Quarry (Arnolds Lodge Farm quarry), Boyle Way, East Peckham

6. Planning Enforcement Investigations: To receive information regarding the following 6.1 Former Rose & Crown, 2 Branbridges Road 6.2 Branbridges Road/Clovis Land, East Peckham

7. Planning Inspectorate Appeal – 5 Caysers Croft, East Peckham: To receive information

8. Kent Highway Services 8.1 To consider new items for referral to KHS 8.2 To receive any new information from KHS

9. KCC Consultation – Mineral Site Options Evidence Addendum: To receive information

10. KCC Public Rights of Way – MR522 East Peckham, MR364 and East Peckham and MR365 West Peckham: To receive information regarding Public Footpath Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2017 (Public Notice, Statement of Reasons, Order and Order Plan and Order)

11. Matters for Further Discussion

12. Date of Next Meeting: 16 April 2018