Annual Travel Profile 2017 Travel Year Table of Contents

Page Introduction …..………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Research Method …………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Executive Summary ...... 7 Detailed Findings ……………………………………………………………………………..... 22 Size & Structure of the U.S. Travel Market …….…………………………………………… 24 Size & Structure of Pennsylvania’s Travel Market ...……………………………………… 29 Comparison of Pennsylvania Overnight and Day-Trips ……………………………………..45 Pennsylvania Overnight Leisure Segments: Comparison of Market Segments by Age….48 Pennsylvania Marketable Overnight Trips ...…………………………………………….51 Main Origin Markets ……….………………………………………………………………. 52 Main Origin Markets by PA Tourism Region …………………..………………………. 57 Traveler Profile ….……………………………………………………………………….….. 70 Trip Planning & Booking ………………………………………………………………..….. 82 Trip Characteristics …………………………………………………………………….... 104 2 Table of Contents (cont’d)

Page Overnight Marketable Trips (cont’d) Trip Experiences ……………………………………………………………….……….... 111 Activities by Origin Market of Traveller ………………………………………...... ….... 118 Activities by Absence/Presence of Children in Household ……………………….124 Regional Attractions Visited ………………………………………..………………..….. 128 Importance of Factors In Choice of Pennsylvania Tourism Region ……………….... 158 Product Delivery ………………………………………………………………………….. 181 Trip Benefits …………………………………………………………………………….... 202 Pennsylvania Marketable Day-Trips ………………………………………………………….. 205 Origin Markets …………………………………………………………………………..... 206 Traveler Profile ………………………………………………………………………….... 209 Trip Planning & Booking ………………………………………………………………... 220 Trip Characteristics …………………………………………………………………...... 237 Trip Experiences …………………………………………………………………………. 241

Trip Benefits ……………………………………………………………………………… 246 3 Introduction


 Travel and tourism continues to an important industry for Pennsylvania – a proven jobs engine providing employment opportunities for hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians and generating hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues for the state and local communities.

 In 2017, Pennsylvania hosted an estimated 202.1 million travelers (as measured in person-trips) from throughout the U.S. – a 2.7% increase from 2016 and the strongest increase since 2012.

 In contrast to the past several years, over 50% of the 5.2 million increase in PA’s total visitor volume between 2016 and 2017 was derived from the overnight segment.

 Nationally, total overnight visitor volume grew 2.1%, reaching a new record high

of 1.6 billion travelers. 4 Research Method

The research for this report was conducted by Longwoods International. The results consist of: • Estimates of the volume of overnight travel for the U.S. • Estimates of the volume of overnight and day-trip travel to Pennsylvania and its tourism regions. • Characteristics and profile of overnight and day trips to the state and the individual tourism regions. The results are based on results from the Travel USA® annual survey of U.S. travelers. Each quarter, a random cross-section of panel members is sent an e-mail invitation to participate in the survey with a reminder e-mail sent several days later to non-responders. For the 2017 travel year, this produced 329,470 trips for analysis nationally – 232,320 for the overnight segment and 97,150 for day trips.

5 Research Method (Cont’d)

• The Travel USA® program identified 8,726 survey respondents who visited Pennsylvania on an overnight trip in 2017 and 6,459 on a day trip. • A follow-up survey was sent to a representative sample of these visitors to augment the information from Travel USA®, providing more in-depth information on visitor spending and visitor activity, as well as strategic data on trip characteristics, planning and booking, and impressions of Pennsylvania’s tourism product. • There were 2,183 total responses for the overnight segment and 1,093 for the day-trip segment from this return sample. • Estimates of Pennsylvania’s 2017 overnight and day-trip visitor volume were based on a number of sources, including Travel USA®, the customized return-to-sample research, and consultations with Tourism Economics.

6 Executive Summary Executive Summary

Pennsylvania’s unique mix of historic, cultural, outdoor, and recreational/ entertainment events and attractions and proximity to major population centers continued to attract travelers from throughout the U.S. in 2017.

 Pennsylvania hosted an estimated 202.1 million travelers in 2017 – a 2.7% increase from 2016 that outpaced the 1.9% rate of increase in 2016 and was the strongest year- over-year rate of increase since 2012.

 As in prior years, slightly over a third of travelers (69.6 million) included an overnight stay during their 2017 Pennsylvania trip. For the first time in several years, PA’s 4.0% rate of increase in overnight travel outpaced that of the U.S. (2.1%).

 Pennsylvania’s significantly higher growth rate for overnight travel in 2017 relative to the U.S. average offset just a small portion the state’s underperformance over the past several years, with Pennsylvania’s 16% rate of growth between 2009 and 2017 remaining well below the U.S. average (23%).

 An estimated 132.5 million Day-Trips were taken to and/or within Pennsylvania in 2017 – a 1.9% increase from 2016. 8 Executive Summary – Overnight Totals

People visit Pennsylvania for a variety of reasons, but for those who stayed overnight visiting friends and relatives (VFR) continued to be the most popular reason in 2017.

 VFR travel accounted for 46% of the state’s overnight total – or an estimated 32.3 million travelers in 2017 – a percentage that remained above the U.S. average (43%), but down from 48% in 2016.

 Marketable trips (i.e., non-VFR leisure trips that may be influenced by marketing) was the second most popular reason for travel to and/or within Pennsylvania in 2017 accounting for 40%, or an estimated 27.5 million travelers of the state’s overnight travelers, vs. the 43% U.S. average.

 Business and business-leisure travelers accounted for the remaining 9.8 million Pennsylvania overnight travelers in 2017, or 14% of the state total – equal to the U.S. average.

9 Executive Summary – Day-Trip Totals

As in prior years, Pennsylvania’s Day-Trip travelers were far more likely to be traveling for purely leisure purposes than the state’s overnight segment in 2017.

 An estimated 132.5 million day-trips were taken to/within Pennsylvania in 2017.

 Marketable trips (i.e., leisure trips that may be influenced by marketing) were the main reason for day-trip travel to and/or within Pennsylvania accounting for 55% (unchanged from 2015 and 2016), or an estimated 72.5 million day-trip travelers in 2017, which was well above the percentage (40%) for the state’s overnight travel segment.

 VFR travel continued to account for 36% of Pennsylvania’s Day-Trip total, or an estimated 47.4 million travelers in 2017, vs. 46% for the overnight segment.

 Business and business-leisure travelers accounted for the remaining 12.6 million day-trip travelers, or 10% of the state’s 132.5 million day-trip total.

10 Executive Summary – Main Characteristics of PA’s Marketable Travelers

As in prior years, Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight travelers in 2017 were primarily middle-aged, married, and educated, with slightly less than half with children under age 18 living at home.

 Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight travelers had a median age of 43.5 years – a bit below the 45.9 years of the state’s marketable day-trip travelers, but above the U.S. median (41.9 years of age) for the marketable overnight segment.

 The majority (63%) of PA’s overnight travelers were married or living with a partner, with that percentage rising to 74% for those 35-44 years of age.

 The vast majority of the state’s marketable overnight (86%) and day-trip travelers (81%) held a college degree or had attended college.

 The median household income of the state’s marketable overnight travelers was essentially unchanged from 2016 at $62,920, remaining below the U.S. median ($65,740). Nineteen percent of PA marketable overnight travelers reported household incomes of at least $100,000, matching the U.S. average in 2017. 11 Executive Summary – Travelers with Children

While less than half of Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight travelers, on average, had children under age 18 living at home, the percentage varies greatly depending on the age of the adult traveler.

 On average, 48% of Pennsylvania travelers had children under 18 years of age living at home, but with the percentage far higher for those in the 25-34 and 35-44 age ranges.

 For the most part, Pennsylvania travelers were slightly less likely to have children living at home than the U.S. average. Percent With Children Under 18 Years of Age Traveler’s Age Pennsylvania U.S. Average 18-24 46% 52% 25-34 65% 69% 35-44 78% 80% 45-54 55% 55% 55-64 16% 17% 65+ 4% 5% 12 Executive Summary – Why Vacation in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania’s tourism industry continues to cultivate a positive image and experience among travelers. As in prior years, nearly half of the state’s marketable overnight travelers had visited before and wanted to see more.

 The primary reason marketable overnight visitors visited Pennsylvania in 2017 was because they had visited before and wanted to see more (49%, up 2 percentage points from 2016). Over 70% had visited Pennsylvania at least once in the past year and 88% had visited the state at least once before.

 Proximity was also a factor in deciding where to travel in 2017 with an additional 20% primarily choosing Pennsylvania because they lived within the state or nearby.

 Recommendations from friends/relatives were responsible for an additional 19% of the state’s marketable overnight visitors in 2017.

 Smaller percentages of leisure travelers chose to visit Pennsylvania based on an advertisement they saw or heard, an article they had read, or based on a recommendation from a social media site.

13 Executive Summary – Where Do Pennsylvania’s Visitors Come From?

Pennsylvania continues to be a “drive-to” destination with the majority of travelers either Pennsylvania residents or from neighboring states.

 Pennsylvania residents comprised 32% of the state’s Marketable Overnight travelers in 2017 – up 2 percentage points from 2015 and an additional 2 percentage points from 2016. At 45%, Pennsylvanians also comprised the largest proportion of the state’s Marketable Day-Trip segment in 2017.

 New York, New Jersey, Ohio, and Maryland remained the top four out-of-state markets together accounting for 42% of the state’s Marketable Overnight travelers in 2017.

 Pennsylvania and these same four states accounted for 87% of the state’s Marketable Day-Trip travelers in 2017 – a slight increase from the prior two years.

 Pennsylvania’s overnight business travelers came from a wider geographic area than the state’s leisure travelers in 2017, with Pennsylvania residents continuing to account for 27% of the segment’s total and New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Virginia also continuing to account for the same percentage (33%) as in 2016. 14 Executive Summary – Where Do Travelers Like to Go In Pennsylvania?

The major urban centers of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh continued to be the leading destinations for both overnight and day-trip travelers in 2017.

 As in prior years, Philadelphia and The Countryside remained PA’s top destination region for total (i.e., business, leisure and VFR) overnight and day-trip travel among the state’s 11 tourism regions, followed by Pittsburgh and Its Countryside, Dutch Country Roads, and the Pocono Mountains regions.

 The Pocono Mountains and Dutch Country Roads regions were leading destinations for marketable overnight leisure trips in 2017, followed by Philadelphia and The Countryside and Pittsburgh and Its Countryside regions.

 As in prior years, with their large population bases and as economically diverse business hubs, the Philadelphia and The Countryside and Pittsburgh and Its Countryside regions once again hosted the largest number of VFR (visiting friends and relatives) and business travelers in 2017.

15 Executive Summary – What Do Travelers Like to Do on Their PA Trip?

Pennsylvania’s vacation travelers enjoyed a wide range of activities in 2017, with shopping, historic sites, scenic drives, and cultural activities and attractions remaining among the most popular.

 Almost a third of Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight travelers went shopping (including outlet and “unique” shopping) in 2017, while 20% visited a historic site or landmark and 12% took a scenic drive.

 As in previous years, there were clear differences in the types of activities depending on the presence or absence of children on the trip. Marketable overnight and day-trip travelers without children along were far more likely to go to a bar or club, enjoy fine dining experiences, and/or visit a , or while those traveling with children were far more likely to visit an amusement or waterpark or zoo, and/or enjoy outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, and camping.

16 Executive Summary – When and How Travelers Plan Their PA Trip

As in prior years, the trip planning cycle continued to be short and the internet remained the top planning tool for travelers to/within Pennsylvania in 2017.

 Thirty-five percent of Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight leisure travelers planned their Pennsylvania trip within a month or less of traveling and 10% did no advance planning before hitting the road. In general, the shorter the trip, the shorter the planning horizon.

 Over 45% of Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight leisure travelers used the internet to plan their 2017 trip, while 16% relied on personal experience, 15% received advice from friends/relatives, and 12% used social media.

 Planning where to stay was by far the main reason Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight leisure travelers used the internet in 2016, with 47% using the internet to research lodging options; 30% for maps/directions; 29% to find out about local activities/attractions; and 24% for info on restaurants.

 In terms of technology, marketable overnight travelers were far more likely to use a laptop (47%) or desktop (43%) to plan their 2017 Pennsylvania trip, but turned to their smartphone (72%) and, to a lesser extent, tablet (26%) or laptop (26%) during the trip. 17 Executive Summary – Pennsylvania Travelers and Social Media Use

Travelers are highly engaged in social media but with clear differences based on age; younger travelers often post pictures and news of their travels while older travelers are more apt to read travel reviews posted on a website.

 Close to 71% of Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight leisure travelers used social media for travel-related purposes in 2017 – a rate just slightly below the U.S. average.

 As in prior years, travelers in the younger age groups were far more likely to “tweet” and use social media before, during, and after their trips than older travelers, i.e., almost 80% of travelers under 45 years of age used social media vs. 56% aged 65 or above.

 Overnight leisure travelers under age 45 use social media to post and view travel-related photos/videos and find travel deals, events, and promotions, while older travelers were more likely to use social media to read and post online travel reviews, but at rates well below those of the other age groups.

18 Executive Summary – Main Trip Features

Short getaways with family or close friends and stays at hotels/motels continued to be among the most common features of trips taken by Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight travelers in 2017.

 Pennsylvania is clearly a “drive-to” destination with the vast majority of the state’s marketable overnight visitors arriving by car, van, small truck, or RV in 2017, with 70% traveling at least 100 miles to their Pennsylvania destination.

 Short stays continued to be the norm for the state’s marketable overnight travelers in 2017, with 64% spending just one or two nights on their Pennsylvania trip and 9 percent staying a week or longer.

 Almost three-quarters of the state’s marketable overnight travelers chose to stay in hotels or motels in 2017, with 12% staying at their second home or in housing owned by friends or relatives and 9% at a campground or trailer/RV park.

 Almost 60% of the state’s marketable overnight leisure visitors traveled with a spouse/ partner in 2017 and 29% traveled with children.

19 Executive Summary – What Travelers Look For in a Destination

Travelers have clear priorities and expectations when deciding where to go on vacation or for a weekend getaway. Travelers’ top priorities in 2017 included destinations that perceived as exciting, attractive for an adult vacation, and safe and worry-free.

 Other top travel priorities of U.S. overnight travelers in 2017 were: family friendly, climate, with sightseeing opportunities, unique, and affordable.

 Once again, Pennsylvania scored well on each of the top priorities, with two-thirds to nearly three-quarters of the state’s overnight leisure travelers agreeing that their 2017 Pennsylvania trip experience largely met each of these top priorities.

 In addition to the list of travel priorities, there are certain images associated with a destination. Pennsylvania’s image strengths among 2017 visitors included its well-known landmarks, access, being a place visitors feel welcome, a good place for adult and family vacations, as well as a place with lots to see and do, with authentic historical sites, within good proximity, and offering a fun vacation getaway. As in prior years, Pennsylvania residents rated the state more favorably than non-resident travelers who visited the state. 20 Executive Summary – Main Benefits from PA Leisure Trip

Research continues to show that taking a leisure trip purely for fun offers a number of benefits to individuals’ overall health and well-being.

 As in prior years, Pennsylvania’s marketable overnight and day-trip leisure travelers believed relaxation/stress relief to be the primary benefit of their Pennsylvania trip in 2017. This was cited by 60% of overnight travelers and 58% of day-trippers, with “a break from day-to-day responsibilities” continuing to rank second.

 Creating lasting memories and improving and enriching personal relationships with family and/or friends also remained among the key benefits cited by travelers who visited Pennsylvania in 2017, as well as having no fixed schedule.

 Visiting places never seen before, arriving home with great stories, and being either physically or intellectually challenged were of less importance for the state’s marketable overnight and day-trip travelers in 2017.

21 Detailed Findings U.S. Overnight Visitor Volume, Market Segments, and Trip Types Size and Structure of the U.S. Domestic Overnight Travel Market

U.S. overnight visitor volume continued to increase in 2017 to more than 1.6 billion travelers, with the 2.1% rate of increase nearly double that of the previous year.

 Overnight travel by U.S. residents rose 2.1% to nearly 1.62 billion travelers in 2017. The year-over-year growth was a full percentage point higher than in 2016, but still below the 2.4% rate of increase in 2015 and the 3.5% increase seen in 2014.

 Of the nearly 1.62 billion overnight trips taken by U.S. travelers in 2017, 86% were for leisure purposes – either to visit friends and/or relatives (VFR) or for purely vacation/getaway weekend trips that may be influenced by marketing (i.e., “marketable”) – down 2 percentage points from 2016.

 Business trips accounted for 10% of the overnight trips taken by U.S. travelers in 2017, while an additional 4% were combined business-leisure trips.

 As in prior years, the top trip types for U.S. marketable overnight travelers in 2017 were: touring, special event, outdoor, city, resort, and casino trips. 24 U.S. Overnight Visitor Volume 2008 to 2017

Base: Overnight Person-Trips

+2.1% person-trips in billions +1.1% +2.4% 1.618 1.585 +3.5% 1.568

+2.0% 1.532 +2.7% 1.480 +3.4% 1.451 1.426 +4.3% 1.413 1.367 -8.1% 1.311

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 25 Structure of U.S. Overnight Travel 2013 - 2017

Base: Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

43 43 Visiting 44 Friends/Relatives 2017 43 44 2016 47 2015 48 Marketable* 46 2014 47 46 2013

10 9 Business 10 10 10

26 *Business-Leisure trips are included in Marketable trips in this slide. U.S. 2017 Overnight Market Segments

Base: Adult Overnight Trips

Visits to Friends/Relatives 43% Marketable Leisure 43%

Business 10%

Business-Leisure 4%

27 Main Purpose of U.S. Overnight Trips in 2017

Base: Adult Overnight Trips

Visiting Friends/Relatives 43% Touring 8% Special event 8% Outdoors 6% City trip 5% Marketable Resort 5% Percent of Total Trips 43% Casino 4% Theme park 3% Cruise 2% Golf Trip 0.7% Ski/Snowboarding 0.6%

Other business trip 7% Conference/Convention 3%

Business-Leisure 4% 28 Pennsylvania Visitor Volume, Market Segments, and Trip Types Pennsylvania Visitor Volume

 Pennsylvania hosted an estimated 202.1 million travelers (as measured in person-trips) from throughout the U.S. in 2017. Of these, an estimated 69.6 million (or 34%) were overnight trips – the same percentage as in the previous three years.

 Marketable trip types are trips that can be influenced by marketing, i.e., leisure trips for purely vacation or getaway reasons and that exclude travel whose main purpose is to visit friends and/or relatives (VFR). Of the estimated 69.6 million overnight trips in Pennsylvania in 2017, 40% could be considered marketable trips – a 1 percentage point increase from 2016 and three percentage points below the U.S. average.

 As in prior years, special events, touring, and outdoors remained the top three marketable trip types for Pennsylvania overnight travelers in 2017.

 Visiting Friends/Relatives (VFR) accounted for 46% of PA’s overnight travel in 2017, once again remaining above the U.S. average (43%).

30 Pennsylvania Total Visitor Volume 2009 to 2017

Base: Total Overnight + Day-Trip Person-Trips Pennsylvania hosted a record number of travelers in 2017. The 2.7% growth rate was well above that of the past several years and the U.S. average for 2017. +2.7% +1.9% in millions of person-trips +1.5% +4.1% +0.3% +0.3% 202.1 193.3 196.9 +3.8% +1.4% 189.2 189.8 190.4 179.2 181.7 172.7

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 31 Total Trips to Pennsylvania in 2017

Total Person-Trips = 202.1 Million

Day-Trips 132.5 Million



Overnight Trips 69.6 Million

32 Pennsylvania Overnight Visitor Volume 2009 to 2017

Base: Total Overnight Person-Trips Pennsylvania hosted a record number of overnight travelers in 2017, with a growth rate that surpassed the 1.1% U.S. average and was the strongest since 2011. +4.0%

in millions of person-trips +1.4% 69.6 +0.9% +0.9% +1.2% -0.3% 66.9 +3.7% 66.0 65.0 65.4 +3.5% 64.2 64.8 61.9 59.8

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 33 Pennsylvania 2017 Overnight Travel Market Segments

Base: Adult Overnight Trips to Pennsylvania

Visits to Friends/Relatives 46% Marketable Leisure 40%

Business 11%

Business-Leisure 3% 34 Comparison of Pennsylvania and U.S. Overnight Market Segments, 2017

Base: Adult Overnight Trips As in prior years, travelers were more likely to travel to/within Pennsylvania to visit friends and relatives (VFR) than travelers nationwide.

2017 Overnight Travel, Main Purpose of Stay Pennsylvania vs. U.S. Average, Percent of Total Travelers

46% 43% 43% 40% U.S. Average Pennsylvania

10% 11% 4% 3%

VFR Marketable Business Business-Leisure

35 Main Purpose of Overnight Trips To/Within Pennsylvania in 2017

Base: Overnight Trips

Visiting Friends/Relatives 46% Special Event 10% Touring 8% Outdoors 6% City Trip 4% Percent of Total Marketable Theme Park 4% Trips Resort 3% 40% Casino 3% Skiing/Snowboarding 0.6% Golf Trip 0.6% Other 0.3%

Conference/Convention 3% Other Business Trip 8%

Business-Leisure 3% 36 Pennsylvania Overnight Travel 2017 Special Event Trip

Base: Adult Overnight Trips to Pennsylvania

Professional or College Sports Event 23%

Fair or Festival 17%

Concert/Play 12%

Wedding 10%

Birthday 5%

Race Event 4%

Holiday (e.g., 4th of July, Thanksgiving, etc.) 3%

School Graduation 1%

Class or Family Reunion 1%

Other 27% 37 Pennsylvania Regions Visited on Overnight Trips*

16.3 Philadelphia & The Countryside 15.9 12.0 Pittsburgh & Its Countryside 11.8 9.6 Dutch Country Roads 9.9 9.6 Pocono Mountains 9.5 6.2 Pennsylvania's Great Lakes 6.1 Upstate PA 5.8 5.6 2017 Lehigh Valley 4.9 4.8 2016 4.1 Pennsylvania Wilds 4.3 4.0 The Alleghenies 4.2 In millions of trips 3.8 Valleys of the Susquehanna 3.9 3.0 Laurel Highlands 3.1 *Spent time in region. Figures reflect both business and leisure travelers, including those visiting friends and family. 38 Total exceeds state total as a number of travelers visited more than one region. Pennsylvania 2017 Visitor Volume Day-Trip Travelers

 Pennsylvania hosted an estimated 132.5 million day-trip travelers in 2017.

 Of these, 55% were marketable trip types (a much higher percentage than the overnight segment and the same percentage as in the previous three years).

 Touring, special events, and shopping remained the three top marketable trip types for day-trip travelers in 2017, followed by the outdoors, city trips, , and theme parks.

39 Pennsylvania Day-Trip Visitor Volume 2009 to 2017

Base: Pennsylvania Day-Trips Pennsylvania hosted a record number of day-trip travelers in 2017. The number of day-trip travelers rose 17% between 2009 and 2017, slightly outpacing the 16% increase by the overnight segment.

in millions of person-trips +1.9% +1.8% +2.1% +5.7% +0.6% 0.0% 132.5 +0.2% 127.3 130.0 +3.9% 124.2 125.0 125.0 117.3 117.5 112.9

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 40 Pennsylvania 2017 Day-Trip Market Segments

Base: Adult Day Person-Trips to Pennsylvania

Marketable Leisure 55%

Business Visiting Business-Leisure 7% Friends/Relatives 2% 36%

41 2017 Special Event Trip Pennsylvania Day-Trip Travelers

Base: Adult Day-Trips to Pennsylvania

Holiday (e.g., 4th of July, Thanksgiving, etc.) 16% Fair or Festival 12% Professional or College Sports Event 11% Birthday 10% Class or Family Reunion 10% Wedding 7% Concert/Play 6% Funeral 5% Business Event/Convention 5% Anniversary 2% School Graduation 2% Race Event 1% Other 22% 42 Main Purpose for Pennsylvania Day-Trip, 2017

Base: Day-Trips

Visiting Friends/Relatives 36% Touring 12% Special Event 10% Shopping 9% Outdoors 6% Marketable Trips City Trip 6% 55% Casino 4% Percent of Total Theme Park 4% Resort 2% Skiing/Snowboarding <1%

Conference/Convention <1% Other business trip 6%

Business-Leisure 2% 43 Pennsylvania Regions Visited on Day-Trips*

27.9 Philadelphia & The Countryside 27.3 20.4 Pittsburgh & Its Countryside 19.4 17.8 Dutch Country Roads 17.8 17.2 Pocono Mountains 17.1 11.4 Pennsylvania's Great Lakes Region 11.7 11.6 Upstate PA 11.3 2017 10.8 2016 Lehigh Valley 10.6 9.0 Valleys of the Susquehanna 8.7 7.3 In Millions of Trips The Alleghenies 7.6 7.2 Pennsylvania Wilds 7.3 6.5 Laurel Highlands 6.5 *Spent time in region 44 Total exceeds State total as a number of travelers visited more than one region. Comparison of Pennsylvania Overnight and Day-Trips Pennsylvania Purpose of Stay Overnight vs. Day-trip, 2017

The graph below illustrates the differences in the purpose of stay between PA’s overnight and day-trip travelers in 2017. As in prior years, overnight travelers were more likely to travel to and/or within PA to visit friends/family, while day-trip travelers were far more likely to travel in the state for purely leisure (i.e.,“marketable”) reasons.

55% 46% Overnight Day-Trip 40% 36%

11% 3% 7% 2%

Marketable Leisure Visits to Business Business-Leisure Friends/Relatives 46 Pennsylvania Special Event Trips Overnight vs. Day-Trip Travelers, 2017

Base: Adult Overnight and Day-Trips to Pennsylvania

23% Professional or College Sports Event 11% 17% Fair or Festival 12% 12% Concert/Play 6% 10% Wedding 7% 5% Birthday 10% 4% Race Event 1% 3% Holiday (e.g., 4th of July, Thanksgiving, etc.) 16% Overnight 1% School Graduation 2% Day-Trip 1% Business Event/Convention 5% 1% Class or Family Reunion 10% 0% Anniversary 2% 0% Funeral 5%

27% Other 22% 47 Pennsylvania Overnight Leisure Segments: Comparison of Market Segments by Age Pennsylvania’s Overnight Leisure Segments by Age of Adult Traveler, 2017

Base: Adult Leisure Overnight Trips to Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania’s youngest and oldest travelers were far more likely to visit the state to visit their friends and family than those in the middle age ranges.

Marketable Visiting Friends/Relatives

58% 60% 56% 50% 50% 49% 51% 49% 51% 44% 42% 40%

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or older Age of Adult Traveler 49 PA & U.S. Marketable Overnight Leisure Segments by Age of Adult Traveler, 2017

Base: Adult Leisure Overnight Trips Pennsylvania for the most part hosted a smaller percentage of visitors traveling for purely leisure (marketable) reasons in 2017 than the U.S. average, regardless of age.

Marketable Trips as Percent of Pennsylvania U.S. Average Total Overnight Leisure Trips 54% 54% 50% 48% 49% 49% 48% 48% 46% 44% 42% 40%

18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or older Age of Adult Traveler 50 Pennsylvania’s Marketable Overnight Travelers Main Origin Markets for Pennsylvania’s Marketable Overnight Travelers Main Origin States for Pennsylvania’s Marketable Overnight Travelers

Base: Overnight Marketable Trips

32% Pennsylvania 30% 17% New York 19% 13% New Jersey 10% 7% Percent of Total Ohio 6% 5% Maryland 4% 2017 3% 2016 Virginia 4% 3% Florida 4% 2% California 3% 2% Massachusetts 2% 2% Michigan 1% 53 Repeat Visits by Pennsylvania’s Marketable Overnight Travelers From Main Origin Markets

Base: Overnight Marketable Trips Most travelers (88%) who visited Pennsylvania in 2017 for purely leisure (marketable) reasons had visited the state before, with the percentage varying by travelers’ state of residence.

TOTAL - From All States 88% New York 89% New Jersey 92% Ohio 85% Maryland 83% Virginia 76% Florida 79% California 67% Massachusetts 79% Michigan 63% 54 Main Urban Origin Markets for Pennsylvania’s Marketable Overnight Travelers

Base: Overnight Marketable Trips

Philadelphia 13% Pittsburgh 9% In-State Wilkes Barre-Scranton 5% DMA’s Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York 5% Percent of Total Johnstown-Altoona 3%

New York, NY/NJ/PA/CT 22% Washington, DC 5% Out-of- Cleveland, OH 4% State DMA’s Baltimore, MD 3% Buffalo, NY 2% Boston, MA 2% 55 Main Origin States for Pennsylvania’s Business* Overnight Travelers

Base: Overnight Business Trips

Pennsylvania 27% New York 12% New Jersey 7% Ohio 6% Massachusetts 5% Maryland 4% Percent of Total Florida 4% Illinois 3% Virginia 3% North Carolina 3%

* Includes Business-Leisure Travel 56 Main Origin States Pennsylvania Tourism Regions Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Pocono Mountains Region

Base: Overnight Trips

New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey remained the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Pocono Mountains region in 2017 – together accounting for 77% of the region’s total for overnight travelers. Percent of Region’s Total

New York 28%

Pennsylvania 26%

New Jersey 23%

Florida 3%

Ohio 3%

Virginia 3%

58 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Upstate PA Region

Base: Overnight Trips

Pennsylvania and New York were the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Upstate PA region in 2017 – together accounting for more than 50% of the region’s total for overnight travelers. Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 32%

New York 20%

New Jersey 9%

Maryland 5%

Florida 4%

Virginia 4%

Ohio 3% 59 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Lehigh Valley Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey were the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Lehigh Valley region in 2017 – together accounting for over 60% of the region’s total for overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 26%

New York 18%

New Jersey 17%

Florida 6%

Maryland 6%

Virginia 3%

60 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Philadelphia and The Countryside Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey remained the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Philadelphia and The Countryside region in 2017 – together accounting for 50% of the region’s total for overnight travelers. Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 21%

New York 15%

New Jersey 14%

Florida 6%

Maryland 5%

Virginia 5%

California 3% 61 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Pittsburgh and Its Countryside Region

Base: Overnight Trips

Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York were the top origin markets for overnight travelers to Pittsburgh and Its Countryside region in 2017 – together accounting for half of the region’s total for overnight travelers. Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 27% Ohio 14% New York 9% Maryland 6% Virginia 5% Florida 5% West Virginia 4% New Jersey 4% Michigan 3% 62 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Dutch Country Roads Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey remained the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Dutch Country Roads region in 2017 – together accounting for close to 60% of the region’s total for overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 29%

New Jersey 15%

New York 14%

Maryland 7%

Virginia 6%

North Carolina 3%

Florida 3%

Ohio 3% 63 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio remained the top origin markets for overnight travelers to the Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region in 2017 – together accounting for two-thirds of the region’s total for overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 35%

New York 17%

Ohio 15%

Florida 4%

Maryland 4%

New Jersey 3%

64 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Pennsylvania Wilds Region

Base: Overnight Trips

Pennsylvania was by far the top origin market for overnight travelers to the Pennsylvania Wilds region in 2017 followed by New York, which together accounted for almost 60% of the region’s total for overnight travelers. Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 47% New York 10% Maryland 6% Ohio 4% New Jersey 4% Florida 3% North Carolina 3% Virginia 2% Illinois 2% 65 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Valleys of the Susquehanna Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania was the top origin market for overnight travelers to the Valleys of the Susquehanna region in 2017, followed by New York, New Jersey, and Maryland – together accounting for close to 60% of the region’s overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 32% New York 12% New Jersey 7% Maryland 7% Virginia 5% Florida 4% North Carolina 4% Tennessee 3% Ohio 3% Massachusetts 2% 66 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to The Alleghenies Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Maryland remained the top origin markets for overnight travelers to The Alleghenies region in 2017 – together accounting for close to 60% of the region’s total for overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 40%

New York 9%

Ohio 8%

Maryland 7%

Florida 4%

New Jersey 4%

Virginia 4% 67 Main Origin States for Overnight Travelers to Laurel Highlands Region

Base: Overnight Trips Pennsylvania was the top origin market for overnight travelers to the Laurel Highlands region in 2017 – accounting for more than 42% of the region’s total for overnight travelers.

Percent of Region’s Total

Pennsylvania 42%

Ohio 11%

Maryland 9%

New York 7%

New Jersey 4%

Florida 3%

68 Pennsylvania Tourism Regions Visited by Residents of New York State

Base: Overnight Marketable Trips

The Pocono Mountains region remained the most popular destination for New York leisure travelers who visited Pennsylvania in 2017.

Pocono Mountains 26% Philadelphia & The Countryside 17% Dutch Country Roads 16% Pennsylvania's Great Lakes Region 8% Percent of Total Upstate PA 7% Pittsburgh & Its Countryside 7% Lehigh Valley 7% The Alleghenies 4% Valleys of the Susquehanna 4% Laurel Highlands 2% Pennsylvania Wilds 2% 69 2017 Traveler Profile — Overnight Marketable Trips Gender

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Pennsylvania

48% U.S. Average Male 50%

52% Female 50%

71 Age

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Age (in years)

14% 65+ 16% Pennsylvania 16% 55 - 64 U.S. Average 14%

19% 45 - 54 19%

21% 35 - 44 19%

19% 25 - 34 20%

11% 18 - 24 12%

Pennsylvania U.S. Average Median Age: 44.8 44.1 72 Race

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

86% Caucasian 83%

7% African-American 7% Pennsylvania U.S. Average 7% Other 10%

73 Hispanic Background

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

93% No 91%

7% Pennsylvania Yes U.S. Average 9%

74 Marital Status

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

64% Married/With Partner 63%

24% Never Married 25% Pennsylvania Divorced/Widowed/ 12% U.S. Average Separated 12%

75 Household Size

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

1 18% member 20%

2 36% members 35%

3 17% Pennsylvania members 18% U.S. Average

4+ 29% members 27%

Pennsylvania United States Average Household Size: 2.8 2.8 76 Presence of Children in Household

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

No Children 54% Under 18 Years of Age 54%

At Least One Child 21% Between 13-17 Years of Age 21% Pennsylvania U.S. Average At Least One Child 23% Between 6-12 Years of Age 23%

At Least One Child 18% Under 6 Years of Age 17%

77 Presence of Children in Household by Age of Adult Traveler

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Adult Travelers with Children Under Age 18 Living at Home

51% 18-24 49%

56% 25-34 61%

74% 35-44 74%

58% 45-54 54%

16% 55-64 Pennsylvania 16% U.S. Average

Age Range of Adult Travelers Adult of Range Age 6% 65 or older 5% 78 Education Level

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 22 Post-graduate 21

40 College graduate 42

24 Some college 23 Pennsylvania 13 High school or less U.S. Average 13

1 Other 1

79 Employment Status

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Employed Full Time/ 52 Self-Employed 53

9 Employed Part Time 9

6 Not Employed 5

18 Retired 18 Pennsylvania U.S. Average 7 Student 7

7 Homemaker 6 80 Household Income

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 7 $150,000 and over 6 16 $100,000-$149,999 16 Pennsylvania U.S. Average 17 $75,000-$99,999 17 23 $50,000-$74,999 23 18 $30,000-$49,999 19 19 Under $30,000 19 Pennsylvania U.S. Average Median Household Income: $63,540 $62,850 81 Trip Planning & Booking 2017 Marketable Overnight Trips Main Reason for Choosing Pennsylvania

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total

Visited Before and Wanted to See 49% More 47%

20% Recommendation From Friend 17%

19% Live Nearby 20% 2017

6% 2016 Saw/Heard Advertisement 7%

3% Read an Article/Heard a News Story 5%

Read a Recommendation on Social 3% Media 4% 83 Pennsylvania 2017 Trip Planning Horizon

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

As in prior years, the planning horizon was relatively short for most travelers to Pennsylvania, with over 60% planning their trip within two months of departure.

Percent of Total

2016 2017

33 35 19 18 20 20 20 18 9 10

No Advance 1 Month or Less 2 Months 3-5 Months 6 Months or More Planning

84 Information Sources Used for Planning the Trip

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total

Online/Internet 46 44 Personal Experience 16 11 Advice from Friends/Relatives 15 13 Social Media 12 11 Auto Club 7 10 2017 State Tourism Office 5 2016 4 A Toll-Free Number 4 3 Local Visitors Bureau(s)/ 3 Chamber of Commerce 6 Travel Guide 3 6 Travel Agent 1 1 85 Use of Pennsylvania Tourism Office Trip Planning Tools

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

16 20 15 Pennsylvania travel guide 17 8 Blog about Pennsylvania 11 2017 Pennsylvania Facebook 8 2016 page 11 5 Other visitPA Social Media*

3 visitPA Instagram*

* Added in 2017 86 Usefulness in Trip Planning

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

2017 2 28 70

2016 1 26 73


3-Pt. Scale: Not Very Useful Somewhat Useful Very Useful

87 Pennsylvania Travel Guide Usefulness in Trip Planning

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

2017 2 40 58

2016 3 38 59


3-Pt. Scale: Not Very Useful Somewhat Useful Very Useful

88 Websites Used for Planning Pennsylvania Trip

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Lodging Website(s) 21

Online booking engine 18

Attraction Website(s) 17

Restaurant Website(s) 5

Other trip-related website(s) 4

89 Trip Elements Planned Using Internet

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 47 Lodging/Accommodations 50 30 Car Route/Locations/Map 28

Local Activities/Attractions/ 29 Things to See and Do 31 2017 24 2016 Restaurants 27

Transportation 10 (Flight/Train/Bus/Rental Car) 12 2 Packages Tours/Cruises 4

90 Reasons for Visiting

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

29 To learn more about Pennsylvania 30

28 To help me decide which Pennsylvania destination to visit 26 2017 2016 27 To obtain more information after I decided to visit 27

16 To help me decide to visit Pennsylvania 17

91 Influence on Planning

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

2017 5 14 54 27

2016 5 15 55 25


4-Pt. Scale: No Influence Very little Influence Some Influence Large Influence

92 Influence on Visitation

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

2017 4 10 63 23

2016 5 10 61 24


4-Pt. Scale: No Influence Very little Influence Some Influence Large Influence

93 Channels to

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total

Internet Search 65 62 Family/Friend(s)/Colleague(s) 15 14 Pennsylvania Travel Guide 14 11 Pennsylvania Welcome Center or Rest Area* 7

Other Advertisement (e.g., Radio, Billboard, etc.) 7 10 2017 Internet Advertisement 7 10 2016 Travel Brochure 6 9 Magazine or Newspaper Article/Programs 6 9 Magazine or Newspaper Advertisement 5 9 Social Media (e.g. Facebook, Trip Advisor, etc.) 5 4 Happy Thoughts E-Newsletter* 4 94 *New category added in 2017 Technology Used by Travelers, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

26 Laptop computer 47

0 During the Trip Desktop computer 43 Planning the Trip

72 Smartphone 34

26 Tablet computer 18

95 Social Media Channels Used by Travelers to Pennsylvania in 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Facebook 76

YouTube 45

Instagram 33

Twitter 22

Pinterest 22

Snapchat 18

LinkedIn 13

96 Online Social Media Use by Pennsylvania Travelers

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Used Any Social Media for Travel 71

Posted Travel Photos/Video Online 34

Read Travel Reviews 30

Looked At Travel Photos/Video Online 26 Accessed Travel 25 News/Events/Deals/Promotions Read a Travel Blog 13

Got Travel Advice 12

Contributed Travel Reviews 12

97 Online Social Media Use by Pennsylvania Travelers (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Used Any Social Media for Travel 71

Connected With Others Interested In Travel 11 Followed a Destination/Attraction 11 Gave Travel Advice 9 Tweeted About a Trip 6 Subscribed to a Travel E-Newsletter 5 Blogged About a Trip 4

98 Travel-Related Social Media Use By Pennsylvania Travelers, By Age

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

SOCIAL MEDIA USE BY TRAVELER AGE TOTAL 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ ANY SOCIAL MEDIA (net) 71% 75% 80% 63% 56% Posted travel photos or video to a social media or other website that allows media sharing 34% 40% 40% 29% 23% Read travel reviews posted by users on a public website, such as 30% 23% 32% 30% 33% Looked at travel-related photos or video using social media or website that allows media sharing 26% 28% 31% 24% 12% Used a social networking site to learn about travel deals, news, events, or promotions 25% 32% 32% 20% 11% Read a blog about travel 13% 20% 15% 12% 6% Got travel advice using a social networking site 12% 13% 15% 12% 5% Contributed travel reviews to a public website where users provide the content, such as 12% 9% 12% 12% 16% Used the internet to connect with other people who are interested in travel 11% 10% 14% 9% 9%

Joined the Facebook Fan page or Twitter feed for a specific travel destination or attraction 11% 20% 14% 8% 3% Gave travel advice using a social networking site 9% 10% 11% 8% 4% Tweeted about a recent trip 6% 12% 8% 3% 1% Subscribed to an e-newsletter about travel 5% 1% 6% 6% 5% Blogged about a recent trip 4% 9% 5% 1% 1% 99 Planning Considerations Beyond Cost

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Destination I wanted 35 to see and experience 32

Performance/Event/Occasion 16 I wanted to attend 17 16 Activities I wanted to do 18

Looking for a certain type 12 2017 of vacation experience 15 2016 7 Nearby Destination 6 7 Visit Family/Friends 6 5 Cost was the only consideration 5 100 Percent of Travelers Booking In Advance

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

76 77 81 83

2014 2015 2016 2017

101 Booking Cycle

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 2016 2017

25 19 16 17 17 12 14 14 10 9

Less than 1 1 to 2 2 to 4 1 month* 2 Months 3-5 Months 6 Months or week* weeks* weeks* More

*Wording changed on survey questionnaire in 2017 to provide more detail for shorter time frames. 102 Use of Vacation Packages and Group Travel

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

12 Pre-Paid 11 Package 12 15 2017 2016 14 2015 Escorted 14 2014 Group Tour 16 18

103 Trip Characteristics of Pennsylvania’s 2017 Marketable Overnight Travelers Distance Traveled to Pennsylvania

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

4 Over 1,000 Miles 3

5 500-1,000 Miles 6 2017 8 300-499 Miles 2016 8

53 100-299 Miles 55

21 50-99 Miles 22

9 Under 50 Miles 7 105 Total Nights Away From Home

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

28 1 Night 29

36 2 Nights 31 2017 27 3-6 Nights 2016 30

9 7+ Nights 10

Average Number of Nights 2014 2015 2016 2017 106 3.0 3.4 3.3 3.1 Length of Stay

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Average Number of Nights

2017 2.1 0.04 Total = 2.1

2016 2.2 0.03 Total = 2.2

Pennsylvania* Other Places

* Those who spent at least one night anywhere in Pennsylvania. 107 Lodging*

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total 73 Hotel/Motel 78 9 Rented Campground/RV or Trailer Park Site 9 8 Home/Cottage/Cabin of Friends or Relatives 9 6 Bed & breakfast 8 4 Own House/Cottage/Cabin 4 2017 4 Country Inn/Lodge 2016 5 3 Time Share 5 3 Rented Home/Condo/Apartment 4 3 Rented Cottage/Cabin 5 4 Other Lodging 6 108 * Percent of trip nights spent in each type of lodging Average Size of Pennsylvania Travel Parties

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Average No. of People on Trip

2017 2.6 0.8 Total = 3.4

2016 2.6 0.8 Total = 3.4

Adults Children under 18

109 Composition of Travel Party

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

58 Spouse/Partner 61

29 Child(ren) 28

19 Friend(s) 22

13 2017 Just Myself 10 2016 12 Other Relative(s) 11

9 Parent(s) 9

2 Grandparents 1 110 Trip Experiences — 2017 Marketable Overnight Trips Things Seen and Experienced on PA Trip

Percent of Total

15.0 Historic House/Museum 16.5 19.8

13.7 Outlet Shopping 11.1 10.2

12.1 Scenic Drive 14.3 16.4

10.6 Other Shopping 11.0 8.6 2017 9.4 2016 State or National Park 11.7 9.8 2015 9.3 Art Museum/Exhibit 6.9 8.6

7.4 Unique shopping 5.4 8.6 112 Things Seen and Experienced on PA Trip (cont’d)

Percent of Total 7.2 Civil War Site 4.7 9.4

Farmer's 7.0 Market/Farmstand* 6.7 2017 Brewery 4.2 3.9 2016 6.4 Winery/Vineyard 4.5 2015 5.2 6.3 Other Attraction (not listed) 4.2 6.2 Other Historic Site(s) 8.4 5.0 5.6 Other museums 5.9 3.5 *Category Added in 2017 113 Things Seen and Experienced on PA Trip (cont’d)

Percent of Total 5.3 Zoo 6.5 5.7 4.6 Spa 5.3 3.3 4.5 Bird/wildlife watching 2.6 4.6 4.2 Botanical garden 0.5 2.4 4.0 Revolutionary war site 4.6 2017 3.8 Factory tour* 2016 3.5 Historic village/recreation 3.9 1.0 2015 2.6 Farm tour/corn maze, etc.* 0.2 2.6 Local artist or craft/artisan 4.5 2.5 Historic re-enactment(s) 1.9 2.4 Educational Seminar 2.8 1.4 Cave 1.1 1.9 1.2 Underground railroad site 0.5

*Category Added in 2017 114 Dining

Percent of Total 13.2 Unique local foods 12.5

8.7 Up-scale restaurant 7.3

7.4 2017 Other culinary experience* 2016

7.0 2015 Farmer's market/farmstand*

6.7 Brewery 4.2 3.9 6.4 Winery/Vineyard 4.5 5.2

*Category added in 2017. 115 Entertainment

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total Bar/Nightclub 14 10 Casino or Racetrack 9 7 Nightlife 8 9 Fair or Festival 8 9 Other Live Performance 4 3 2017 Professional Theater 3 2 2016 Local Music or Theater 3 2 Music/Film Festival 3 0 Rock Concert 2 2 Rodeo 1 2 Trade Show 1 2 Classical Music or Dance* 1 116 Sports and Recreation

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 15 Swimming 16 Amusement/Theme Park(s)* 13 11 Hiking 8 8 Camping 7 7 Fishing 4 Professional Sports Event* 6 Waterpark(s)* 5 2017 3 Canoe/Kayaking 3 2016 3 Other Outdoor Sport/Activity 6 College Sports Event* 3 Boating/Sailing* 3 3 Other Pleasure Biking/Bike Touring 0.2 2 Snow Skiing/Snowboarding 3 Youth Sports Event* 2 117 *Category added in 2017. Activities by Origin Market of Marketable Overnight Travelers, 2017 Main Activities of NEW YORK Travelers Visiting PA vs. All Other U.S. Destinations

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Pennsylvania has a distinct advantage in attracting NY travelers interested in theme parks and water parks relative to other U.S. destinations, but far less in other types of activities.

Shopping Fine dining Swimming Theme park Participation Rates Landmark/historic site Percent of Total Bar/nightclub Waterpark Museum Casino Attended Professional/College… National/state park To Pennsylvania Rock/pop concert To All Other U.S. Destinations Beach/waterfront 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 119 Main Activities of NEW JERSEY Travelers Visiting PA vs. All Other U.S. Destinations

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Pennsylvania has a slight advantage over other US destinations in attracting NJ travelers who are interested in theme parks, hiking/backpacking fairs/festivals, and wineries.

Shopping Fine Dining Beach/Waterfront Bar/Nightclub Casino Landmark/Historic Site National/State Park

Museum Participation Rates Theme Park Percent of Total Hiking/Backpacking Waterpark To Pennsylvania Fair/Festival To All US Destinations Winery

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 120 Main Activities of OHIO Travelers Visiting PA vs. All Other U.S. Destinations

Base: Leisure Overnight Trips Pennsylvania has an advantage over other U.S. destinations in attracting OH travelers interested in museums, historic sites, casinos, and professional or college sports events.

Shopping Landmark/Historic Site Fine Dining Casino Participation Rates Museum Percent of Total Bar/Nightclub National/State Park Beach/Waterfront Hiking/Backpacking To Pennsylvania Theme Park To All Other U.S. Destinations Professional/College Sports Event Fishing

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 121 Main Activities of MARYLAND Travelers Visiting PA vs. All Other U.S. Destinations

Base: LEISURE Overnight Trips Pennsylvania has a slight advantage over other U.S. destinations in attracting MD leisure travelers interested in historic sites, breweries, fairs/festivals, and camping.


Fine Dining

Landmark/Historic Site Participation Rates Percent of Total Museum


National/State Park


Theme Park Brewery To Pennsylvania Fair/Festival To All Other U.S. Destinations Camping


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 122 Main Activities of PENNSYLVANIA Travelers in Pennsylvania vs to All Other U.S. Destinations

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Pennsylvanians typically participate in more activities while on an out-of-state leisure trip compared to a trip within the state, except for hiking, camping, fishing, and fairs/festivals.

Shopping Camping Hiking/Backpacking Landmark/Historic Site Fine Dining

Bar/Nightclub Participation Rates National/State Park Casino PA Residents Traveling in PA Fishing PA Residents Traveling Out of State Museum Theme Park Fair/Festival

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 123 Activities by Presence/Absence of Children on Pennsylvania Leisure Trip Comparison of Activity Levels for Travelers With and Without Children on PA Trip, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Travelers with children are far more likely to visit a PA theme park, waterpark, or zoo and enjoy outdoor activities, while those without children are more likely to enjoy fine dining and historic sites. Shopping Swimming Theme Park Landmark/Historic Site Waterpark Participation Rates National/State Park As Percent of Total Museum Camping Fine Dining Hiking/Backpacking Zoo With Children Fishing Fair/Festival No Children Under Age 18 Bar/Nightclub Youth/Teenage Sports Event 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 125 Activity Participation Rates for Travelers 18-34 Years of Age With and Without Children on PA Trip, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Younger travelers with children on their PA trip were far more likely to visit a PA theme park, waterpark, and enjoy outdoor activities, while those without children were more likely to enjoy fine dining, breweries, bars/nightclubs, and historic sites. Shopping Theme park Swimming Waterpark Museum Participation Rates Hiking/Backpacking As Percent of Total National/State Park Camping Landmark/Historic Site Fine Dining Zoo Dance Bar/Nightclub Fishing With Children Rock/Pop Concert No Children on PA Trip Brewery 126 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Activity Participation Rates for Travelers 35-54 Years of Age With and Without Children on PA Trip, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Middle-age travelers with children on their PA trip were far more likely to visit a PA theme park, waterpark, and enjoy outdoor activities, while those without children were more likely to enjoy fine dining, breweries, wineries, and bars/nightclubs. Shopping Swimming Theme Park Landmark/Historic Site Participation Rates Waterpark As Percent of Total National/State Park Camping Museum Fine Dining Hiking/Backpacking Zoo Fishing Bar/Nightclub Casino With Children Brewery Winery No Children on PA Trip 127 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Activity Participation Rates for Travelers 55+ Years of Age With and Without Children on PA Trip, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Older travelers with children on their PA trip were far more likely to visit a PA theme park, waterpark, and national or state park, while those without children were more likely to enjoy fine dining, casinos, wineries, bars and nightclubs, and fairs and festivals. Shopping Swimming Landmark/Historic Site Theme Park National/State Park Fine Dining Waterpark Museum Participation Rates As Percent of Total Beach/Waterfront Casino Camping Hiking/Backpacking Sports Event for Youths/Teenagers Bar/Nightclub With Children Winery Fair/Festival No Children on PA Trip 128 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Regional Attractions Visited 2017 Marketable Overnight Trips Pennsylvania Regional Map

130 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region, Erie Area

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total City of Erie Presque Isle State Park 16 Splash Lagoon/Waldameer Water Parks 7 Presque Isle Downs & Casino 7 Erie Zoo & Botanical Gardens 5 Winery/Vineyard 5 Lake Erie Speedway 5 Historic House/Museum 4 Covered Bridges 3 Tom Ridge Environmental Center 3 Underground Railroad 3 Erie Art Museum 2 Golf course 2

U.S. Brig Niagara/Erie Maritime Museum 1 131 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region, All Other Areas

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Grove City Shopping Outlets 5 Pymatuning State Park 5 Erie National Wildlife Refuge 5 Golf course 5 Oil City 4 Historic House/Museum 4 Winery/Vineyard 3 Covered Bridges 3 Conneaut Lake 3 Conneaut Lake Park 3 Oil Creek State Park 2 Cook Forest 2 Underground Railroad 2 Oil Heritage Region 1 Wendell August Forge 1 Oil Creek & Titusville Railroad 1 132 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pittsburgh and Its Countryside Region, Pittsburgh/Allegheny County

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total City of Pittsburgh 41

Professional Sports Event 15

Duquesne Incline 11

Carnegie Museums 10

Pittsburgh Cultural District 9

Kennywood Amusement Park 8

Historic House/Museum 8

Andy Warhol Museum 7

Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium 7

Fort Pitt Museum 6

133 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pittsburgh and Its Countryside Region, Pittsburgh/Allegheny County (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total

Children's Museum of Pittsburgh 5

Cathedral of Learning 4

Golf course 3

Winery/Vineyard 3

National Aviary 2

Phipps Conservatory & Gardens 2

Underground Railroad 2

College Sports Event 1

Professional Cultural Performance 1 134 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pittsburgh and Its Countryside Region, All Other Areas

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total *Remainder of Region

Historic House/Museum 2

A Covered Bridge 2

The Meadows Casino 1

McConnell's Mill State Park 1

Slippery Rock 1

Amish Farms/Countryside 1

Crooked Creek State Park 1

Moraine State Park 1

135 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Laurel Highlands Region

Base: Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Seven Springs Mountain Resort 18

Other Frank Lloyd Wright Houses 15

Historic House/Museum 15

Flight 93 National Memorial 12

Fort Necessity National Battlefield 10

Fallingwater/Frank Lloyd Wright House 10

Great Allegheny Passage Rail Trail 9

Ohiopyle/Ohiopyle State Park 9

Note: Small Sample Size 136 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Laurel Highlands Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips Percent of Total Winery/Vineyard 9

Nemacolin Woodlands Resort 9

Fort Ligonier 6

Bushy Run Battlefield 5

Ligonier/Fort Ligonier Days 5

Idlewild & SoakZone 5

Westmoreland Museum of American Art 5

Underground Railroad site 4

Pittsburgh Steelers Summer Training Camp 3

Mountain Playhouse 3

Note: Small Sample Size 137 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pennsylvania Wilds Region, Williamsport/Lycoming County

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Little Pine State Park 11

Historic House/Museum 8

Millionaires' Row (Historic Homes) 7

Peter J. McGovern Little League Museum 6

Underground Railroad 5

Golf course 4

Little League World Series & Related Events 4

Winery/Vineyard 3

Piper Aviation Museum 1

Note: Small Sample Size 138 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pennsylvania Wilds Region, All Other Areas

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Allegheny National Forest 19 Pennsylvania's Elk Herd/Elk State Park 9 Kinzua State Park/Kinzua Bridge/Kinzua Dam 8 Black Moshannon State Park 6 Cook Forest State Park 5 Clarion River 4 Quehanna 4 Pine Creek Gorge/Pennsylvania Grand Canyon 4 S.B. Elliott State Park 3 Historic House/Museum 3 Kettle Creek State Park 3 Golf Course 2

Note: Small Sample Size 139 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pennsylvania Wilds Region, All Other Areas

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Bucktail State Park 2

Punxsutawney/Groundhog Phil 2

Cherry Springs/Dark Sky Preserve 1

Pennsylvania Lumber Museum 1

American Golf Hall of Fame 1

Straub Brewery 1

Tionesta/Tionesta Lake 1

Eldred World War II Museum & Learning 1 Center 140 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Valleys of the Susquehanna Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Covered Bridges 18

Knoebels Amusement Park & Resort 10

Historic Home/Museum 9

Winery/Vineyard 8

Shikellamy State Park 4

Bloomsburg Fair 4

Golf Course 2

Underground Railroad 2

Ricketts Glen State Park 2

Note: Small Sample Size 141 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events The Alleghenies Region, State College Area

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Penn State University 40

Penn State Sports Event 6

Toftrees Golf Resort 5

Golf course 5

Penn State All Sports Museum 4

Historic Home/Museum 3

Winery/Vineyard 2

Bellefonte Museum 2

Shavers Creek Environmental Center 2

Penn's Cave & Wildlife Park 1 142 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events The Alleghenies Region, All Other Areas

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Horseshoe Curve 5

Covered Bridges 4

DelGrosso's Amusement Park 4

Bedford Springs 3

Old Bedford Village 3

Raystown Lake 3

Blue Knob State Park 2

Altoona Railroad Museum 2

Boyer Candy Company 2

143 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events The Alleghenies Region, All Other Areas (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Golf course 2

Underground Railroad 2

Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site 2

Winery/Vineyard 1

Historic Curtin Village/Eagle Ironworks 1

Gravity Hill 1

Johnstown Inclined Plane 1

Historic Home/Museum 1

144 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events — Upstate PA Region, Endless Mountains

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Endless Mountains Nature Center 6

Covered Bridges 5

Golf course 4

Loyalsock State Forest 3

Ricketts Glen State Park 3

Winery/Vineyard 3

Eagle's Mere Historic Village 2

Old Mill Village Museum 1

Underground Railroad 1

145 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Upstate PA Region, Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Area

Base: Total Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs 17 Steamtown National Historic Site 8 Covered Bridges 7 Historic Home/Museum 7 Golf course 7 Ricketts Glen State Park 5 Hickory Run State Park 4 Lackawanna Electric Trolley Museum 4 PA Anthracite Coal Museum 3 Winery/Vineyard 2 Houdini Tour & Museum 2 Pioneer Tunnel Coal Mine 2 The Downs at Hazleton 1 146 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pocono Mountains Region

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Bushkill Falls 18 Camelback Lodge and Aquatopia Indoor Waterpark 13 Delaware Water Gap 13 The Crossings Premium Outlets 13 Mount Airy Casino Resort 10 Great Wolfe Lodge 8 Jim Thorpe 7 Pocono Raceway 7 Pocono Indian Museum 7 Lake Wallenpaupack 5 Golf course 5 Kalahari Resort/Waterpark 5 147 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Pocono Mountains Region (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Carousel Water & Fun Park 4

Caesar's Resort 4

Tobyhanna State Park 3

Covered Bridges 3

Winery/Vineyard 3 Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreation 3 River Hickory Run State Park & Big Boulder 2 Field The Downs at East Stroudsburg 2

Historic Home/Museum 2

Old Jail Museum 1

148 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Dutch Country Roads Region, Gettysburg Area

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Gettysburg Battlefield/National Military Park 19 Gettysburg National Military Park & Museum 14 Historic Home/Museum 9 Covered Bridges 9 Gettysburg Diorama 8 Winery/Vineyard 6 Outlet Malls at Gettysburg Village 5 General Lee's Headquarters 4 Eisenhower National Historic Site 4 Hall of Presidents & First Ladies 2 Land of Little Horses 1 Underground Railroad <0.5

Gettysburg Battlefield/National Military Park and Gettysburg National Military Park & Museum had a combined net participation rate of 19%. 149 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Dutch Country Roads Region, Hershey/Harrisburg Area

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Hersheypark 29 The Hershey Story, The Museum… 13 Outlets at Hershey 7 Hershey Gardens 7 Hollywood Casino at Penn… 4 Hershey Theater 4 Covered Bridges 4 Winery/Vineyard 3 Indian Echo Caverns 3 National Civil War Museum 2 Historic Home/Museum 2 Whitaker Center for Science & the… 1 Pennsylvania State Capitol 1 Antique Auto Museum at Hershey 1 Underground Railroad 1 The State Museum of Pennsylvania 1 Golf course 1 150 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Dutch Country Roads Region, Lancaster/Amish Farmland Area

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Amish Farms/Countryside 25

Outlet Mall (Rockvale, Tanger) 14

Covered Bridges 14

Lancaster Central Market 9

Strasburg Railroad/Traintown 9

Historic Home/Museum 6

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania 6

Dutch Wonderland Family Amusement Park 5 151 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Dutch Country Roads Region, Lancaster/Amish Farmland Area (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total People's Place Quilt Museum 3

Historic Lancaster Walking Tour 2

Winery/Vineyard 2

Landis Valley Museum 2

National Toy Train Museum 2

National Watch & Clock Museum 1

Ephrata Cloister 1

Golf course 1

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm 1

Underground Railroad 1

Wheatland (President John Buchanan Home) 1

152 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Dutch Country Roads Region, All Other Areas

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total Harley-Davidson Factory 2 Utz Quality Foods Factory 1 Historic Home/Museum <1 Army War College <1 Winery/Vineyard <1 Cabela's <1 Covered Bridges <0.5 Daniel Boone Homestead <0.5 Underground Railroad <0.5 Pine Grove State Park & Iron Furnace <0.5

153 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Lehigh Valley Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips Percent of Total Covered Bridges 22 Bethlehem Sands Casino Resort 18 Historic Home/Museum 16 Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom 14 Underground Railroad 7 The Downs at Lehigh Valley 7 Museum of Indian Culture 6 Crayola Factory 6 Golf course 5 Winery/Vineyard 5 Martin Guitars 4 National Museum of Industrial History 3 Mack Trucks 3 Bushkill Amusement Park 2 154 National Canal Museum 1 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Philadelphia & The Countryside Region, Philadelphia

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent of Total

Liberty Bell/Liberty Bell Center 35

Independence Hall/Independence Visitor Center 29

Historic Home/Museum 17

Reading Terminal Market 17

Philadelphia Museum of Art 16

National Constitution Center 14

Philadelphia Zoo 10

Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site 7

The Franklin Institute 7

Independence Seaport Museum 6

US Mint 5 155 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Philadelphia & The Countryside Region, Philadelphia (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Museum of the American Revolution 4

Academy of Natural Sciences 3

Golf course 3

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 2

African American Museum in Philadelphia 2

Rodin Museum 2

Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site 2

Underground Railroad 2

Philadelphia Premium Outlets 1

Please Touch Museum 1 156 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Philadelphia & The Countryside Region, Brandywine Valley

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Longwood Gardens 3

Winery/Vineyard 2

Covered Bridges 1

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site 1

Historic Home/Museum 1

French Creek State Park 1

Brandywine River Museum 1

157 Pennsylvania Attractions/Events Philadelphia & The Countryside Region, All Other Areas

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total King of Prussia Mall 3

Prime Outlets 3

Covered Bridges 3

Peddler's Village 2

Valley Forge National Historic Park 1

The Barnes Foundation 1

Historic Home/Museum 1

Philadelphia Park Casino & Racetrack 1

Nockamixon State Park 1

158 Factors Influencing Choice of Pennsylvania Tourism Region Factors Influential In Choice of Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 74 77 Convenient access by car 66 69 Affordable attractions/events 64 67 Lots of things for adults to see and do 58 61 56 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 59 Having family or friends who live in the region 53 58 2017 Unique or local food and cuisine 53 2016 56 Availability of mid-range accommodations 52 53 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 51 52 A fun city environment 49 52 Great shopping 48 50 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 47 50 160 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Lots of historic things to see or experience 46 49 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 46 50 A great rural/agricultural area 45 48 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 44 45 A fun place for couples 44 46 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 43 46 2017 Lots of things for children to see and do 43 2016 47 Within a two-hour drive from home 43 45 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 42 46 Availability of luxury accommodations 38 41 Availability of camping or RV facilities 36 39 Focus on “green travel” 34 36 161 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pittsburgh & Its Countryside Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Feeling safe at the destination 73 70 Affordable attractions/events 62 60 Convenient access by car 58 61 Lots of things for adults to see and do 56 53 Having family or friends who live in the region 53 51 A fun city environment 52 2017 48 51 2016 Unique or local food and cuisine 48 46 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 43 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 45 44 Availability of mid-range accommodations 43 40 Lots of historic things to see or experience 42 40 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 40 37

162 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pittsburgh & Its Countryside Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

A fun place for couples 39 36 Lots of information about the destination on the… 37 38 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 36 35 Great shopping 35 35 Within a two-hour drive from home 32 33 2017 Lots of things for children to see and do 31 30 2016 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 31 31 A great rural/agricultural area 28 29 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 27 29 Availability of luxury accommodations 26 28 21 Focus on “green travel” 22 Availability of camping or RV facilities 20 18

163 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Laurel Highlands Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Feeling safe at the destination 70 63 Convenient access by car 65 60 Affordable attractions/events 65 61 Unique or local food and cuisine 55 45 Lots of things for adults to see and do 54 51 2017 Having family or friends who live in the region 52 50 2016 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 49 44 Lots of historic things to see or experience 44 49 A fun place for couples 42 38 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 41 44 Lots of information about the destination on… 40 33 Availability of mid-range accommodations 39 33 164 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Laurel Highlands Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Availability of economy or budget accommodations 39 34 Within a two-hour drive from home 38 36 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 37 34 Great shopping 36 33 A fun city environment 35 37 2017 Lots of things for children to see and do 35 32 2016 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 34 32 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 33 31 A great rural/agricultural area 32 34 Focus on “green travel” 26 27 Availability of camping or RV facilities 24 24 Availability of luxury accommodations 23 24 165 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pennsylvania Wilds Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 71 67 Convenient access by car 64 59 Affordable attractions/events 62 60 Having family or friends who live in the region 56 54 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 49 44 2017 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 49 45 2016 Lots of things for adults to see and do 47 46 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 46 45 Lots of historic things to see or experience 44 42 Availability of mid-range accommodations 43 42 Unique or local food and cuisine 40 38 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 40 37

166 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pennsylvania Wilds Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Within a two-hour drive from home 39 36 Great shopping 38 35 A great rural/agricultural area 38 34 Lots of things for children to see and do 37 35 A fun place for couples 36 38 Availability of camping or RV facilities 36 2017 32 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 36 2016 34 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 33 31 A fun city environment 33 31 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 32 31 Availability of luxury accommodations 29 27 Focus on “green travel” 27 26 167 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Valleys of the Susquehanna Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Feeling safe at the destination 70 71 Convenient access by car 63 69 Affordable attractions/events 57 59 Having family or friends who live in the region 53 55 Availability of mid-range accommodations 46 44 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 44 2017 44 Lots of things for adults to see and do 39 2016 41 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 37 40 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 36 36 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 36 34 Unique or local food and cuisine 35 32 Lots of historic things to see or experience 34 31

168 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Valleys of the Susquehanna Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Within a two-hour drive from home 33 33 A great rural/agricultural area 32 30 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 31 29 Great shopping 30 27 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 30 29 A fun place for couples 30 2017 32 A fun city environment 27 2016 28 Availability of camping or RV facilities 25 27 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 25 23 Lots of things for children to see and do 24 27 Availability of luxury accommodations 24 23 Focus on “green travel” 15 11 169 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of The Alleghenies Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important* Feeling safe at the destination 67 62 Convenient access by car 54 53 Having family or friends who live in the region 52 48 Affordable attractions/events 51 52 Lots of things for adults to see and do 48 47 Unique or local food and cuisine 43 2017 43 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 41 2016 46 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 40 37 Lots of historic things to see or experience 40 42 A fun city environment 37 38 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 37 33 Availability of mid-range accommodations 35 35 170 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of The Alleghenies Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

A great rural/agricultural area 34 35 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 32 35 Within a two-hour drive from home 32 28 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 32 30 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 31 28 2017 Great shopping 30 32 2016 A fun place for couples 29 32 Lots of things for children to see and do 25 24 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 25 28 Availability of luxury accommodations 24 24 Availability of camping or RV facilities 23 20 Focus on “green travel” 21 23 171 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Upstate PA Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 71 72 Convenient access by car 60 62 Affordable attractions/events 53 56 Having family or friends who live in the region 51 54 Lots of things for adults to see and do 48 51 Unique or local food and cuisine 43 2017 40 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 41 2016 44 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 41 45 Availability of mid-range accommodations 40 43 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 39 41 Great shopping 38 37 Within a two-hour drive from home 35 31 172 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Upstate PA Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

A fun place for couples 31 33 A fun city environment 31 34 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 30 33 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 30 29 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 29 33 2017 Lots of historic things to see or experience 29 32 2016 A great rural/agricultural area 28 30 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 27 24 Lots of things for children to see and do 26 29 Availability of luxury accommodations 24 21 Availability of camping or RV facilities 21 18 20 Focus on “green travel” 21

173 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pocono Mountains Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 76 77 Convenient access by car 73 74 Affordable attractions/events 65 68 Lots of things for adults to see and do 62 59 Availability of mid-range accommodations 49 52 2017 Within a two-hour drive from home 47 48 2016 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 46 43 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 45 42 Unique or local food and cuisine 45 42 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 44 43 A fun place for couples 40 40 Lots of information about destination on the Internet 39 39 174 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Pocono Mountains Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Great shopping 39 42 Having family or friends who live in the region 38 41 Lots of historic things to see or experience 38 40 A fun city environment 38 37 Lots of things for children to see and do 34 34 33 2017 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 36 2016 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 33 36 Availability of luxury accommodations 32 35 A great rural/agricultural area 30 29 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 27 30 Availability of camping or RV facilities 22 25 Focus on “green travel” 21 22 175 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Dutch Country Roads Region

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 79 80 Affordable attractions/events 72 71 Convenient access by car 71 69 Lots of things for adults to see and do 64 66 Availability of mid-range accommodations 55 55 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 55 2017 52 Lots of historic things to see or experience 54 2016 56 Unique or local food and cuisine 52 49 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 49 47 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 49 48 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 48 49 Lots of information about destination on the Internet 48 48 176 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Dutch Country Roads Region (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

A fun place for couples 46 44 Lots of things for children to see and do 45 42 A great rural/agricultural area 43 40 A fun city environment 42 40 Great shopping 42 39 41 2017 Within a two-hour drive from home 38 35 2016 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 31 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 35 32 Availability of luxury accommodations 32 30 Having family or friends who live in the region 27 25 Focus on “green travel” 25 23 Availability of camping or RV facilities 24 19 177 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Lehigh Valley Region

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 67 70 Convenient access by car 55 58 Affordable attractions/events 54 49 Having family or friends who live in the region 48 46 Lots of things for adults to see and do 46 44 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 44 42 2017 Within a two-hour drive from home 41 2016 42 Unique or local food and cuisine 41 40 Great shopping 37 32 Availability of mid-range accommodations 36 35 A fun city environment 35 31 Lots of information about destination on the 35 Internet 32 178 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Lehigh Valley Region (cont’d)

Base: Total Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 34 33 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 33 31 Lots of historic things to see or experience 32 31 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 31 28 A fun place for couples 30 32 A great rural/agricultural area 29 27 2017 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 29 27 2016 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 26 26 Availability of luxury accommodations 24 23 Lots of things for children to see and do 24 22 19 Focus on “green travel” 17 Availability of camping or RV facilities 15 13

179 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Philadelphia & The Countryside Region

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

Feeling safe at the destination 73 74 Affordable attractions/events 64 67 A fun city environment 62 66 Lots of things for adults to see and do 61 65 Convenient access by car 60 64 54 2017 Lots of cultural things to see or experience 57 2016 Availability of mid-range accommodations 54 56 Unique or local food and cuisine 54 53 Being at a place I’ve never seen before 51 57 Lots of historic things to see or experience 48 51 Lots of information about the destination on the Internet 46 48 Availability of economy or budget accommodations 41 45 180 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Factors Influential In Choice of Philadelphia & The Countryside Region (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips % Rating Factor As Very Important*

A fun place for couples 41 46 Within a two-to-four-hour drive from home 39 45 Having family or friends who live in the region 37 31 Great shopping 35 37 Different or unique local artwork/craftwork 34 34 2017 Within a two-hour drive from home 34 37 2016 Lots of things for children to see and do 33 40 A great rural/agricultural area 31 33 Great opportunities for nature/eco-travel 29 31 Availability of luxury accommodations 29 32 24 Focus on “green travel” 26 Availability of camping or RV facilities 18 20

181 * Rated 8, 9 or 10 on 10-pt. Importance scale Product Delivery — Marketable Overnight Trips Traveler Priorities

❖ Respondents were asked to rate Pennsylvania (on a scale of 1 to 10) on approximately 60 destination attributes. ❖ A factor analysis was undertaken to organize these attributes into 11 categories, or factors, in order to simplify discussion. ❖ The degree of association between each factor was then measured on whether Pennsylvania is a place “I would really enjoy visiting.” ❖ To motivate Pennsylvania visitors to return, it is important that the state be perceived as a destination that is exciting, attractive for an adult vacation, has a good climate, and while at the same time safe and worry-free and family friendly.

183 Traveler Priorities in 2017

Base: Total Overnight Trips


Adult Atmosphere

Worry Free

Family Destination


Sightseeing Relative Unique Importance




Sports and Recreation

A measure of the degree of association between each factor and whether a destination is a place “I would really enjoy visiting.” 184 Travelers’ “Hot Buttons,” 2017

Base: Total Overnight Trips

*A measure of the degree of association between each attribute and whether a destination is a place “I would really enjoy visiting.”

1 A fun place for a vacation/getaway 6 Good place for families to visit

2 Lots to see and do 7 Truly beautiful scenery

3 Good for adult vacation/getaway 8 A good place for couples to visit

4 Exciting destination 9 Good place to get away and relax

5 A place I would feel welcome 10 Interesting fairs/festivals

185 Product Delivery

❖ Image ratings by recent visitors can be viewed as product ratings such that recent visitors are, presumably, rating Pennsylvania based their personal experience. ❖ Pennsylvania’s image strengths among recent visitors include its history, beautiful scenery, access, proximity, a good place for adults to visit and it’s well known landmarks. Pennsylvania is also seen as a safe, relaxing, fun, interesting, welcoming place with lots to see and do.

186 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Adult Atmosphere 72

Worry Free 71

Affordable 70

Family Destination 70

Climate 69

Exciting 68

Sightseeing 67

Unique 61

Sports and Recreation 59

Entertainment 56

Luxurious 55 187 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Adult Atmosphere

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Adult Atmosphere 72

Good for adult vacation/getaway 74

A good place for couples to visit 71

188 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Worry Free

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Worry Free 71

A place I would feel welcome 74

Safe place to travel in tourist areas 71

Good place to get away and relax 70

Warm/friendly people 69

189 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Climate

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Climate 69

Climate was perfect for what we wanted to 69 do

190 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Affordable

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Affordable 70

Easy to get to 74

Close enough for a weekend getaway 73

Not too far away for a vacation 73

Very affordable for a getaway weekend 69

Affordable accommodations 69

Great value for the money 68

Very affordable vacation destination 68 191 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Family Destination

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Family Destination 70

Good place for families to visit 74

A fun place for kids 69

A place welcoming for children 69

192 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Exciting

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Exciting 68

A fun place for a vacation/getaway 72

Exciting destination 64

193 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Sightseeing

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips Percent Who Strongly Agree Sightseeing 67

Wellknown landmarks 75 Lots to see and do 74 Authentic historical sites 73 Truly beautiful scenery 72 Excellent State/National parks 71 Great place for walking/strolling about 70 Noted for its history 69 Interesting cities 69 Beautiful gardens & parks 68 Interesting small towns/villages 67 Excellent museums/art galleries 67 Great wilderness areas 65 Interesting festivals/fairs 64 Great shopping 64 Great place for birding/nature viewing 63 Great farm stands/farmers' markets 63 Authentic & exciting historical reenactments 63 Too much to do and see in just one visit 63 Great place for antiquing 62 194 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Unique

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Unique 61

Unique & Interesting customs/traditions 63

Lots of unique local cuisine 62

Talented artisans 59

195 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Entertainment

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Entertainment 56

Great live music 57

Great for theater and the arts 56

196 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Luxurious

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Luxurious 55

First class hotels 59

Good place to find elegant, 54 sophisticated restaurants

First class resorts 52

197 Pennsylvania’s Product Delivery — Sports & Recreation

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree Sports and Recreation 59

Great camping 67

Good place for skiing/winter sports 61

Excellent fishing 60

Great leisure biking 60

Excellent hunting 59

Good place for extreme/adventure sports 56

Great mountain/offroad bicycling 56

Fun & challenging golf courses 53 198 Pennsylvania’s Top 20 Image Attributes, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Well-known landmarks 75

Easy to get to 74

A place I would feel welcome 74

Good for adult vacation/getaway 74

Good place for families to visit 74

Lots to see and do 74

Close enough for a weekend getaway 73

Authentic historical sites 73

Not too far away for a vacation 73

A fun place for a vacation/getaway 72 199 Pennsylvania’s Top 20 Image Attributes, 2017 (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent Who Strongly Agree

Truly beautiful scenery 72

Safe place to travel in tourist areas 71

Excellent State/National parks 71

A good place for couples to visit 70

Good place to get away and relax 70

Great place for walking/strolling about 70

Warm/friendly people 69

Climate was perfect for what we wanted to do 69

Noted for its history 69

Very affordable for a getaway weekend 69

200 Pennsylvania’s Top 20 Image Attributes: PA Residents vs. Non-Residents, 2017

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent who strongly agree 78 Wellknown landmarks 73 78 Good for adult vacation/getaway 73 PA Residents 79 Easy to get to 72 Non-Residents 77 Lots to see and do 72 77 Authentic historical sites 71 81 Good place for families to visit 71 84 A place I would feel welcome 70 77 Truly beautiful scenery 69 76 Safe place to travel in tourist areas 69 84 Close enough for a weekend getaway 68 201 Pennsylvania’s Top 20 Image Attributes: PA Residents vs. Non-Residents, 2017 (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent who strongly agree 82 Not too far away for a vacation 68 76 PA Residents Great place for walking/strolling about 68 Non-Residents 80 A good place for couples to visit 66 80 Good place to get away and relax 66 77 Climate was perfect for what we wanted to do 66 78 Very affordable for a getaway weekend 65 77 Affordable accommodations 65 78 Great value for the money 64 79 Very affordable vacation destination 63 76 Great camping 62 202 2017 Trip Benefits — Marketable Overnight Trips Main Benefits From Pennsylvania Overnight Trip

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total

Relaxed/relieved stress 60 57 Break from the day-to-day 46 49 Created lasting memories 39 36 Enriched relationship with family/friends 33 31 No fixed schedule 30 28 2017 20 Arrived home with great stories 2016 17 Visited a place I've never seen before 19 20 Renewed personal connections 17 18 Enhanced cultural experiences 16 18

204 Main Benefits From Pennsylvania Overnight Trip (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Overnight Trips

Percent of Total 15 Improved family ties 15 14 Try new things 14 14 2017 Enhanced knowledge of history 16 2016 9 Physically challenged and energized 8 9 Better outlook on life 9 6 Intellectually challenged and energized 8 5 Was pampered 4 2 Gained new skill(s) 3 205 Pennsylvania Day-Trips Origin Markets — Pennsylvania Day-Trips Main Origin States for Pennsylvania Marketable Day-Trip Travelers

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

45 Pennsylvania 47 17 New Jersey 14 12 New York 12 7 2017 Ohio 7 2016 7 Maryland 6 2 West Virginia 2 2 Delaware 3 2 Virginia 2 208 Urban Origin Markets for Pennsylvania Marketable Day-Trip Travelers

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

20 Philadelphia 19 11 Pittsburgh 10 8 In-State Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York 7 DMA’s Wilkes Barre-Scranton 7 8 2017 4 Johnstown-Altoona 4 2016 2 Erie 2

20 New York, NY 18 4 Baltimore, MD 4 4 Out-of-State Cleveland, OH 5 DMA’s 4 Washington, DC 5 3 Buffalo, NY 2 2 Youngstown, OH 2 209 Traveler Profile — 2017 Marketable Day-Trips Gender

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

45 Male 46 Pennsylvania U.S. Average

55 Female 54

211 Age

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

10 18-24 12 16 25-34 19 22 35-44 20 Pennsylvania 22 45-54 20 US Average

Age Years inAge 15 55-64 14 15 65+ 15 Pennsylvania U.S. Average

Median Age 45.8 44.4 212 Race

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

88 White 84

5 African-American Pennsylvania 6 US Average

7 Other 10

213 Hispanic Background

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

94 No 92

6 Yes Pennsylvania 8 U.S. Average

214 Marital Status

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

60 Married/With Partner 60

24 Never Married 25 Pennsylvania U.S. Average 16 Divorced/Widowed/ Separated 15

215 Household Size

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

20 1 member 21 36 2 members 34 16 3 members 18 Pennsylvania U.S. Average 15 4 members 15 13 5+ members 12

Pennsylvania U.S. Average Average Household Size: 2.8 2.7 216 Children in Household

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

No Children 54 Under 18 Years of Age 54

At Least One Child 22 Between 13-17 Years of Age 20 Pennsylvania U.S. Average At Least One Child 23 Between 6-12 Years of Age 23

At Least One Child 17 Under 6 Years of Age 17

217 Education

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

18 Post-graduate 19

41 College graduate 41

22 Some college 24 Pennsylvania 18 U.S. Average High school or less 15

1 Other 1

218 Employment

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total Employed Full Time/ 49 Self-Employed 50

10 Employed Part Time 9

7 Not Employed 7 Pennsylvania U.S. Average 18 Retired 18

6 Student 6

8 Homemaker 8 219 Income

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

4 $150,000 and over 3 12 $100,000-$149,999 10 11 $75,000-$99,999 12 Pennsylvania 17 $50,000-$74,999 19 U.S. Average 16 $30,000-$49,999 17 19 Under $30,000 20 Pennsylvania U.S. Average

Median Household Income: $56,330 $54,280 220 2017 Trip Planning & Booking — Marketable Day-Trips Main Reason for Choosing Pennsylvania

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 38 Live nearby 39 35 Visited before and wanted to see more 37 20 Recommendation from friend 14 2017 4 Saw/heard advertisement 2016 5 2 Read an article/Heard a news story 3 2 Read a recommendation on social media 2

222 Planning Cycle

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

2017 2016

30 29

20 19 16 17 16 13 13 11 9 7

Same day 1 to 3 days 4 to 7 days 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 Month or More 223 Information Sources Used for Planning Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 24 Online/Internet 21 23 Personal Experience 19 16 Attraction Website(s)*

12 Advice from Friends/Relatives 9 2017 9 Social Media 2016 9 6 Auto Club 6 5 Online Booking Engine 6 5 Restaurant Website(s)*

*Category added in 2017. 224 Information Sources Used for Planning Pennsylvania Day-Trip (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 5 Travel guide 6 Other Trip-Related 4 Website* 4 Lodging Website(s)*

Local Visitors Bureaus/ 4 2017 Chambers of Commerce 4 2016 3 State Tourism Office 4 3 A Toll-Free Number 1 2 Travel Agent 1

*Category added in 2017. 225 Technology Used by Travelers in Planning and During 2017 Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 38 Laptop computer 9

28 Desktop computer Planning PA Day-Trip 2 During PA Day-Trip 22 Smartphone 61

15 Tablet computer 11

226 Trip Elements Planned Using Internet

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

24 Car Route/Locations/Map 25

Local Activities/Attractions/ 23 Things to See and Do 26 12 Restaurants 15 2017 6 2016 Flight/Train/Bus/Rental Car 7 6 Lodging 8 2 Packages Tours/Cruises 3 227 Use of Pennsylvania Trip Planning Tools

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 13 14 Pennsylvania Travel Guide 11 12 Blog about Pennsylvania 8 9 visitPA Facebook page 7 9 2017 visitPA Twitter page 4 3 2016 Happy Thoughts e-newsletter* 4

Other visitPA social media* 4

visitPA Instagram* 4

PURSUITS magazine 3 5

*Category added in 2017. 228 Reasons for Using

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

35 To learn more about Pennsylvania 29

29 To help me decide which Pennsylvania destination to visit 31

18 2017 To obtain more information after I decided to visit 2016 21

18 To help me decide to visit Pennsylvania 19

229 Influence on Planning Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips


2017 4 9 54 33

2016 5 16 53 26

2015 6 27 46 22

2014 <1 24 49 22

2013 5 25 50 20

No Influence Very Little Influence Some Influence Large Influence

230 Influence on Visiting Pennsylvania for a Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips


2017 2 19 46 33

2016 3 19 50 28

2015 5 16 51 28

2014 6 21 46 26

2013 8 14 49 29

No Influence Very Little Influence Some Influence Large Influence

231 Usefulness of Pennsylvania Travel Guide in Planning Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent 2017 2 37 61

2016 2 33 65

2015 4 31 65

2014 6 30 64

2013 3 38 59

Not Very Useful Somewhat Useful Very Useful

Note: Small Sample Size

232 Use of Vacation Packages and Group Travel

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent 2017 2 37 61

2016 2 33 65

2015 4 31 65

2014 6 30 64

2013 3 38 59

Not Very Useful Somewhat Useful Very Useful

Note: Small Sample Size

233 Planning Considerations Beyond Cost for Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

Destination I wanted to see and 33 experience 28 23 Activities I wanted to do 24 14 Nearby destination 11 12 Performance/Event/Occasion I 2017 wanted to attend 14 5 2016 Cost was the only consideration 7

Looking for a certain type of vacation 4 experience 5 4 Visit Family/Friends 5 234 Percent Who Booked In Advance

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

49 48 46

2015 2016 2017

235 Booking Cycle

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Booked in Advance

Percent of Total

29 30 25 21 22 17 17 14 16 14 13 12 13 14 13 10 11 9

Same day 1 to 3 days 4 to 7 days 2 weeks 3 weeks More than 1 month in advance 2015 2016 2017 236 Use of Vacation Packages and Group Travel for PA Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total


Pre-Paid Package 9 2017 10 2016 2015

15 Escorted Group 13 Tour 14

237 2017 Marketable Day-Trip Characteristics Distance Traveled for Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

65 Under 100 Miles 65 65

19 100-149 Miles 20 19 2017 2016 9 150-199 Miles 8 2015 10

6 Over 200 Miles 7 6

239 Average Size of Travel Party on Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Average No. of People on Day-Trip

2017 2.3 0.7 Total = 3.0

2016 2.4 0.7 Total = 3.1

2015 2.3 0.8 Total = 3.1

Adults Children under 18 240 Composition of Travel Party on Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total 56 Spouse/Partner 54 57 32 Child(ren) 33 29 19 Friend(s) 21 16 2017 9 Just Myself 12 2016 15 2015 13 Other Relative(s) 11 12 12 Parent(s) 10 11 2 Grandparents 0 241 1 Trip Experiences — 2017 Marketable Day-Trips Things Seen and Experienced on Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Percent of Total

Other shopping 15 13 Outlet shopping 13 9 Scenic drive 12 12 Farmer's market/ 8 Farmstand* Unique shopping 7 5 2017 Historical house museum 7 10 2016 State/national park 6 6 Art museum/exhibit 6 6 Zoo 5 5 Bird/Wildlife watching 4 3 243 *Category added in 2017. Things Seen and Experienced on Pennsylvania Day-Trip (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Percent of Total 4 Brewery 3 4 Civil war site 3 4 Winery/vineyard 4 4 Other museums 3 3 Local artist 6 3 Historic village/recreation 4 2017 Farm tour/corn maze, etc.* 3 2016 2 Other historical sites 3 2 Industry/manufacturing tour 0 2 Botanical gardens 1 2 Revolutionary war site 4 1 Historical re-enactments 2 244 Dining/Entertainment

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Percent of Total 9 Unique local foods 12 7 Casino/racetrack 7 5 Fair/exhibition/festival 3 5 Bar/disco/nightclub 3 5 Up-scale restaurants 5 3 Nightlife 3 2017 2 2016 Local music 1 2 Other live performance 4 1 Professional theater 1 1 Jazz/rock concert 3 0.4 Music/Film festival 1 0.1 Classical Music or Dance 1 245 Sports and Recreation

Base: Marketable Day-Trips

Percent of Total

Amusement/theme park(s)* 12

Hiking 8 7

Professional Sports Event 4 6

Waterpark(s)* 4 2017 Camping 3 3 2016 Other outdoor sport/activity 3 3

Swimming* 3

Fishing 3 2

Youth sports event* 2

* Category added in 2017. 246 Trip Benefits — 2017 Marketable Day-Trips Benefits From Pennsylvania Day-Trip

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Percent of Total 58 Relaxed and relieved stress 54 50 A break from the day-to-day environment 52 34 Created lasting memories 28 28 Enriched relationship with spouse/children/friends 28 2017 27 Enjoyed life with no fixed schedule 29 2016 17 Improved family ties 16 17 Got to visit a place I've never seen 17 17 Arrived home with great stories to share 16 13 Enhanced knowledge of history 14 248 Benefits From Pennsylvania Day-Trip (cont’d)

Base: Marketable Day-Trips Percent of Total

12 Renewed personal connections 12 11 Got to try new things 13 10 Enhanced cultural experiences 10 7 Better outlook on life 2017 8 2016 7 Was physically challenged and energized 10 5 Was intellectually challenged and energized 6 3 Gained new skill(s) 2 2 Was pampered 3 249