TOWN of SYLVAN LAKE a Town for AII Seasons 7:00 P.M. October 23

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TOWN of SYLVAN LAKE a Town for AII Seasons 7:00 P.M. October 23 TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE A Town For AII Seasons REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 7:00 p.m. October 23' 2006 1. Call to order 2. Emergency Evacuation Procedure 3. Additional Agenda ltems 4. Adoption of the Agenda 5. Adoption of Minutes: Regular Council Meeting of Septernber 25, 2006 6. Adoption of Minutes: Regular Council Meeting of October 10, 2006 BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 7. None PUBLIC HEARINGS & DELEGATIONS 8. Brian Austrom: Sylvan Lake Regional Partnership (see items 22 &23, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 9. Bylaw #1389/2006: 2d and/or 3d reading; A Bylaw for the purpose of closing a lane within I the boundaries of the Town of Sylvan Lake 10. Bylaw #1400/2006: A Bylaw to amend the Land Use Bylaw #130712043 to amend definitions for height and grade 1 1. Nova Builders: Pocedure on Lands within the ARP District PROTECTTVE SERVICES 12. Fire Deparknent: Budget Ad,iustment: Thermal lmaging Camera 13. proposed Speed Limit Change: Speed Limit on 60h Street (Range Road 15) from 40 km/h to 60 km/h; Report from Operational Services RECREATION 8 PARXS 14. Request to Revise Award of Tender: Multipurpose Facility Aluminium Bleachers t Town of Sylvan Lake Regular Council Meeting Agenda october 23, 2006 Page 2 Recommendation from Friends of 15. Budget Adiustmeni: Electricity lnstallation on Pierl Sytvan Lake Provincial Park; 16. Facili$ Naming: Sylvan Lake & District Family & Community Centre the sylvan Lake communitv & 17. Bylaw #1399 DAffi: A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw #13302004 - to lnmrporate Summer S6,l"l Developnnent Advisory Board Bylaw; Composition of Board Village RePresentative ADMINISTRATION 18. Organizational Meeting: Request to Reschedule to October 30, 2006 19. Municipal Sponsorship Grant Railway Park Promenade 20. Community Econornic Development Board: Quarterly Report the of the Municipal Planning 21 . Bylaw #1401DA06: A Bylaw to Amend _composition CLmmission and Subdivision Approval Authority Board' Recyc|ing Review 22' Sy|van Lake Regional Partnership: Solid Waste Disposal and (information onlY) use on sylvan Lake 23. Sylvan Lake Regional Partnership: lmpact study. Non-Resident Recreation Facilities and Programs (information only) FINANGE 24. Third Quarter Financial Statement 25. Cheque distribution report OTHER ITEMS 26. Correspondence & Information ltems UPCOM]NG MEETINGS & EVENTS 27 . CouncJ RePorts (verbal) November 6 Municipal Planning Commission Economic Development 28. Adjoum I 14 council 14 Recreation Boad 22 BudgelPresentations 23 BudgelPresentations December 1 Budget Deliberations 2 Budget Deliberations 9 Christmas Party TOWN OF SYLVAN LAKE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 2006 REGULAR COLNC]L MEETING ?:00 !.M. ii COLNCIL CHAMBERS Depug Mayor F. Peck; Clr. R. Backs; Cl'. K MacVica4 C)r' J Pavne; il*,*, Clr. L. Sills Fiedler Mayor B. Lambertson 1l*"'"o,I- Chief Administrative Ofbcer H. Dieta Assislanl Adminhtrative Oficer M)ron Thompson; Economjc DeveloPment & Comnunications officer T. Cameronl Director of Finance E. CamPbell; Director of Cornmunity & Social Development M. Cunis; Director of Operations A. Cassor; Direclor of Protective Services Deonis Krill; Legislative and Adrninistsative Seryices !i^'-"""" J. KDrylo; Director of Recreation & Parks R. Lebsack; Recofding Secretary M. Liftmann, I Call to Order: Deputy Mayor F. Peck called the meetugto order at 7:00 Pm' Emergency Deputy Mayor F. Peck idenlified lhe availabie emergencf exits and procedure Evacuation to exit the building. Procedure: Additional Agenda MOVED by CLr. K. Macvicar thal Council accePl the additional Closed Items: Camera item - Community Builditg tnjtiative Funding Grant 302.09.06 CARRIED LNANIMOUSLY AdDpljon ofrbe MOVED by Clr. K. Macvicar THAT the Agenda of SePlember 25, 2006 be Agenda: adopted as prescnled 303.09.06 CA'RIED uNANIMousLy Minutes;Council MOVED by Clt. J. Payne MeetinB of I 2006 have September I l, 2006; WHEREAS the minutes of the Regular Meeting of SePtembsr l, Adopted as lresEnt€d: been circulaled lo all membels ofCouncil; 304.09.06 NOW TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED TFIAT the Council Meeting minutes of September I 1, 2006 be adopted as presenled- CARRIED I]NANIMOUSLY Business Arising aom NoIIe the Minutes Tbe Honourable Luc Ouelletle uas b attendance to present the Alberta HeaingsDelegalions; Emergency Servjces Medalto Fle Chiefcliff Brausen for l2 years of se ice' Luc Ouellette; Presentation of Alberta Emergency Services Medal of Honour Bylaw Bylaw #1398,2006: A Bylaw #13q8n006 - a b.vlaw to aFend tle Pa*s & Recreadon Fees Mezzanbe Bylaw b Amend the tjes,2Oos to incorporate tink board advertising fees and Upper Recreation & Parks Rental fees for the Multi Purpose Facilir/ Fees Bylau' 305.09.06 MOVED by Clr. J. PaFe that Council give first reading to #1398,?006. CA.R,RIED TNANIMOUSLY give reading to Bylaw i06.09.06 MO\ED by Clr. R. Beck that Council second #1398,a006. CARRTED LNANIMOUSLY conseni of Council 307,09.06 MOVED by Clr. L Macvicar lhai with the unanimous members piesent, Byla*;l398/2006 be ptesented for tbird and final reading' CAX,R]ED INANIMOUSLY give and final reading to 308.09.08 MOVED by Clr. L. Sills Fiedler ilat Council third Bvlaw #13982006 cARx-lED LNANIMousLy ll I T Initials ) TOWN OF SI'LVAN LAKE MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25. 2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Multi Purpose Faciliry MOVED by CLr. K. Macvicar I Scheduting with a facj)ity Services Conbast for Agreement Sylvan WHEREAS Council has been presented ice scheduLing for th€ Lake Summer Hockey the Mulli Pwpose Facility to streamliDe the Prccess the Camp public and user groups booking facility; 309.09.06 NOW THEREFORE BB IT RESOLVED ftat Council apFrove the Facility Sewices Conoact with the Sylvan Lake Summer Hockey Camp Ltd' Ten commencing October 1, 2006 !o March 3l' 200? in the amouB! of Thousand Dollars ($10,000 00) witb the following amendments; L Clarification of the definition of ''conttactor'' to Freclude EmPloyer- Employee relationshiPs 2. verifi;ation ofthe term'may be ufieasonably witbbeld'in section 3, of Contlactor Obligations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY President of the Sylvan Lake Nautical Swim Club: Council heard concems from Clint Bailey' club is experiencing with the extended Request fof Nauticals on financial rePercussions the tansportation closure of the Aquatic Centse 310.09.06 Council also heard conments iom Brian Sabey outlining the time 6_ames arowd the season for a swim club and a request for dry tand tnining space in Iieu offtnding or traDsPorlation to an altemate facility' Moved by Clr. K. Macvicar WHERBAS Coutcil has received a request from the Nautical Swim Club for a reduced rental rate for the club to use the gymnssium at the Communiry Centre to facilitate dryland training during the duration ofthe Aquatjc Centre closure; NOw THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tha! Council authorize a reduced T rental rate for the club to utilize the Community CetiEe 3 - 5 iimes Per week and THAT the club work with Administration to negotiate a satisfactory armDeement for both the club 3nd the To\r'n CARRIED LTN.4.N]MOUSLY Communlty MOVED by cb. J. Payne EndowmeDl Fund r€quest the Town to comPlete ancl Grant ApFlication: WHEREAS Council has teceived a for Applicatiotr to the Red Deer & Sylvao kke An submit the Community Endowment Gmnt ofthe Sylvan Lake An Society and; Socjery District Communiry Foutdalion on behaLf 3l1.09.06 WHEREAS the Society is Plaming to utilize the filrlds to bost the Albena _ Corununjtf An Clubs Association's Central zone Show oD May 4 6, 2006; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tbat the Town of Sylvan Lake comDleLe and submii the gant application on behatf of tle Sylvan Lake Ad Societv in rhe amount of one fiousand Dollars l$1.000 00) and FLTRTHER TllATifsuccessful, overse€ the accounting Erd reporting for the gra ' CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Television: Local MOWD by clr. K. Macvicar cH . _,_ - Tel€visiao SateLlile the CRTC to hav€ satellile television Caniage; R€quest for WHEREAS CH Television is lobbying satellite subscrjbers atd is Letl,ar of Suppon DrovideB make avsjlable local progranming to all Sylvan Lnke; 312.09.46 iequesting a letter of supporl fiom the Town of NOW THER.EFOR€ BE IT RESOLVED TIIAT the request be approvecr' CARRIED I IN FAVOUR: F Peck R. Back K. Macvicar J- Payne OPPOSED: L. Silh Fiedler tl 5 Iri!ia)s Training and DeveloFment Low tmpact DeveloPmeIIt Conference; Request for Council TILAT the request be approved and Delegation NOW THERIFORE Bg IT RESOLVED authorized to attetd I13.09.06 lhat Clr. Lynda Silis Fiedlerbe DEFEATED IN FAVOUR: L Silis Fiedler OPPOSED: F Peck K. Macvicar J PaYne K_ uacKs Training and MOVED by Clr. L Backs Development Aherta for a CLr' L- Sills Fiedler to attend Housjng CoaLition WHEREAS Council has recejved a teqLrest Cooference in Edmonton on November 9 l0' Conferellce; Requesl the Alberta Flousing Coaliiion - 2006 and Ck. L. Sills Fiedler i5 a champion oflo\'r'cosl a{Iordable bousing; Delegation IT RESOLVED TIIAT the request be apProved and 314.09.06 NOw THERIFORE BE I that Clr. L)'nda Sills Fiedleabe authorized rc attend CARRIED T]NANIMOUSLY FedeFtion of MoVED BY Clr. K. MacVicar Canadian MunicipaliLies is calling lor a long term Municipalities: THIREAS the Fede-arion of Canadian invesEnerl and is seekrng leiters oL Request for Irtt€r of Fede|al commitment to i.ltasructure Suppon support ft om Canadian Municipaliti€s; 315.09.06 NOW THERIFOR-E BE IT RESOLVED tbat rcquest be approved CARRIED TJNANIMOUSLY Parkland Regjonal MOVED BY Ch R. Backs Library;2006 - 2009 been presenled wjth a coPy ofthe Proposed Parkland Budgel Approved : WHEREAS Councilhas 2006 2009 which rcpresenrs the following: File #015040,PAR Regional Libratr' budget for - 316.09.06 2008 budget);and 1. 2007: $5.65 Per capita(a5 Projected inthe 2006 2. 2008: 56.l I Per capita; and l. 2009: $6.34Pe|aPita NOW TTIERIFOR-E BE IT RESOLVED THAT the budget be approved as presented.
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