APPENDIX Table Al. Fishes of the Clear Lake Estuary Table A2
APPENDIX Table Al. Fishes of the Clear Lake Estuary Table A2. Macroinvertebrates of the Clear Lake Estuary Table A3. Planktonic Organisms of the Clear Lake Estuary 60 Table Al. Fishes of the Clear Lake Estuary (* - Species Known to Inhabit Armand Bayou) Achirus lineatus. Lined Sole * Adinia xenica. Diamond killifish Alosa chrysochloris. Skipjack herring * Anchoa mitchilli. Bay anchovy Archosargus probatocephalus, Sheepshead Arius felis, Hardhead catfish Astroscopus y-graecum, Southern stargazer Bagre marinus, Gafftopsail catfish Bairdiella chrysoura, Silver perch * Brevoortia patronus. Gulf menhaden Chaetodipterus faber. Atlantic spadefish Citharichthys spilopterus, Bay whiff Cynoscion arenarius. Sand seatrout * Cynoscion nebulosus, Spotted seatrout * Cyprinodon variegatus. Sheepshead minnow * Dorosoma cepedianum, Gizzard shad Dorosoma petenense, Threadfin shad Elops saurus, Ladyfish * Fundulus grandis. Gulf killifish Fundulus pulvereus. Bayou killifish Fundulus similis, Longnose killifish * Gambusia affinis, Mosquitofish Gobiesox strumosus, Skilletfish Gobioides broussoneti, Violet goby Gobionellus boleosoma, Darter goby * Gobionellus bosci. Naked goby Gobionellus hastatus, Sharptail goby Gobionellus shufeldti, Freshwater goby * Lagodon rhomboides, Pinfish * Leiostomus xanthurus, Spot Lepisosteus osseus, Longnose gar * Lepisosteus spatula, Alligator gar Lepomis punctatus, Spooted sunfish Lucania parva, Rainwater killifish Menidia beryllina. Inland silverside * Menidia peninsulae, Tidewater silverside * Micropogonias undulatus, Atlantic
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