Lorentz Kl.Pdf
H. A. LORENTZ IMPRESSIONS OF HIS LIFE AND WORK edited by G. L. DE HAAS-LORENTZ 1957 NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY AMSTERDAM S' Translation by Joh. C. Faggingcr Auer (with the exception of the papers on pp. 5, 121, 129, 165) Sole Distributors for U.S.A.: Jnterscience Publishers Inc., New York ! ! ! ■ No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, micro film or any other means without written permission from the publisher. Printed in the Netherlands I CONTENTS A. EINSTEIN, H. A. Lorcntz, his creative genius and his personality..................................................................................... 5 W. J. DE HAAS, On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of H. A. Lorentz.................................................. io G. L. DE HAAS—LORENTZ, Reminiscences....................... i5 A. D. FOKKER, The scientific work....................................... 48 G. L. DE HAAS—LORENTZ, Reminiscences (continued) . 82 BALTH. VAN DER POL, H. A. Lorentz and the bearing of his work on electromagnetic telecommunication........................... 121 J. TH. THIJSSE, Enclosure of the Zuiderzee........................... 129 G. L. DE HAAS—LORENTZ, Reminiscences (continued) . i45 P. EHRENFEST, Funeral oration............................................... 154 G. L. DE HAAS—LORENTZ, Reminiscences (conclusion) . 160 H. B. G. CASIMIR, The influence of Lorentz’ ideas on modern physics.............................................................................................. 165 ILLUSTRATIONS
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