App-D Originators of Cultivars (Updated April 5, 2020)
Last update: April 5, 2020 ©MD & ILS APPENDIX D Annotated Alphabetical List of Lilac Cultivar Originators Nota bene: Diacritical marks are integral part of certain languages (e.g. French, German, Latvian) where they affect pronunciation, or they are used in transliterations (e.g. Russian, Ukrainian, which use Cyrillic characters) where they facilitate transliteration in reverse, without loss of characters. In the transliteration of first, middle and family names from Russian to English some Cyrillic characters are transliterated by using two or more Latin characters, such as я = ya; ю = yu; ш = sh; ч = ch, and so on. Whenever this is the case the Latin characters have been underlined. For example, the Latin ya will transliterate to the Cyrillic я, rather than to the individual characters ы and а. The Latin transliteration of the Cyrillic character щ is underlined twice: shch, distinguishing it from ш = sh and ч = ch appearing side by side. This convention has been adopted from Charles Dragutin Holetich, Lilacs - Special Issue 11(2):1, International Lilac Society; 1982. -- Neglecting umlauts is simply an orthographic error and changes the pronunciation of a name or word; neglecting diacritical marks is unnecessary and awkward. Two or more names enclosed in parentheses, for example: (Smol’skiĭ and Bibikova), indicates that two or more people were involved in creating a cultivar. Aelbrecht Frans Aelbrecht [contemporary], nurseryman, Boomkwekerij Zilverspar, Lebbeke, Belgium. Ahonen Paavo Ahonen [contemporary], nurseryman, Ahonen Nursery, founded 1951, Karstula, Finland. Akimova Svetlana Vladimirovna Akimova [1979- ], (Светлана Владимировна Акимова), PhD, Prof., Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Russia. (Aladin, Archangel'skiĭ, Okuneva, Aladina, and Akimova) Aladin Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich Aladin (Сергей Александрович Аладин) [1953- ], Candidate of Agric.
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