BOSTON BRUINS HEAD COACH BRUCE CASSIDY On his thinking for mixing up the forward lines... I didn’t think Krech’s [David Krejci] line had anything early on. Marchy’s [Brad Marchand] under the weather so expected him to be a bit off, but it just didn’t look like was going to be a good matchup against [Jack] Eichel. Turns out none of our match-ups were. His line clearly had their way, no matter who we put out there and it ended up being the difference in the game. So, that was the gist behind it, and at the end of the day their best players out played ours, from the goalies to the top line. Another tough one that we probably deserved points in, but we’re not getting it.

On his decision keep Charlie McAvoy and Matt Grzelcyk against Eichel’s line ... Well Charlie’s [Charlie McAvoy] played against top lines since he’s been here, essentially. So, he’s been replacing Zee’s [Zdeno Chara] minutes against them. We’ve used [John] Moore on that spot and Grizz [Matt Grzelcyk] and Charlie have been a pair, so we thought they could do the job. The two-on-two , that was a forecheck mistake. We- our third forward dove down and we got caught, too much time and space. So, the D- I don’t put Grizz at fault there. A shot from the outside, you hope you get a save on that one. But that stemmed with our forward, it just allowed them too much room to get going. The d activates, and it’s a poor decision there. In the last one, Charlie ran behind the net. It was unnecessary. Obviously, you’d like to have that decision over. We did that the other night in Pittsburgh, same time of thing, we ran below the goal line with Johnny Moore, so we’re going to have to crack that in a hurry because we’ve been pretty solid at that all year so got a little impatient there. Still, it’s a puck that found its way in. It looked like kind of a harmless play we’d hope we’d be able to keep out of our net.

On looking for the defense to step up.... Yeah, and we need it, right? You have to be part of it at the right time. That’s been our – we’ve wanted to guard against just selling out because we haven’t scored enough to get into those trade chances type of games. We’ve lost them the last two nights, right? It just hasn’t gone our way. Now whether we’ll continue to do that who knows, but I don’t think that’s our formula right now, all things considered. It’s just not going in. We had another goal taken off the board again tonight, like in Pittsburgh, that could’ve been the difference as well. So, we’ve got to be careful when they activate, and he picked a good time tonight in order to make a good play.

On if there’s a concern for the loose-ness of the defense... I don’t know. We’ve had some odd man rushes against, but the shot totals – we’ve asked our players to play disciplined. We’ve stayed out of the box against good power plays. Toronto last week, Pittsburgh, Buffalo tonight. They have a good power play, you saw it. They moved it around, so that part of it is good. So, a little loose in our decision making, yes, the odd man rush – Brandon [Carlo] stepped up once tonight. We’ve asked them to be assertive if they can get there on time. So, it’s a matter of being on time. You’re not going to be perfect. So, a little bit looser but all-in-all, no, I don’t think if you asked Tuukka [Rask] tonight he’d sit there and say it was a free-for-all in front of him. I thought we played a decent defensive game.

On the information he was given around the no-goal call… I was given, first by the linesman, that it was a goal on the ice, so I was confused when they came over and told me that – first of all they announce non-reviewable. I found out later through the assistant captains that he was in the process of blowing his whistle. I think it was a poor call. The puck’s visible. We scored the goal. There’s no goalie interference. At least the other night in Pittsburgh it’s on the goalie; you could see where they could lose it. My beef is, you know I’m not a big fan of review, but the reason it’s brought in in the first place in any sport is to get the call right, and I thought there was a clear example of it’s a good goal. The puck was never frozen, no goalie interference. You’d hope the get that one right, so for me it’s a head scratcher how that one gets off the board especially when the has been preaching how to get goals. In September the video comes out that unless it’s something really, really egregious we want to keep the goals. I was very surprised when that one came off the board.

On if it was called a goal on the ice… No, apparently the linesman got it wrong with the referee, so that was where the miscommunication was, so I assumed it would stand. Now they can always challenge goalie interference. That’s always their prerogative if it came to that. Then I was told later that it was not called a goal on the ice. He was in the process of blowing the play down. And they always put out an email on what rule it was. I’m not going to quote that because I don’t know what rule it is.

On what the young line did to generate looks… Well, they were winning pucks with their feet. Protecting them in the offensive zone. I think Danton [Heinen] did a really good job of being strong on it, coming strong out of the corners a couple times and then attacking seams. Against man-to-man if you separate and win your puck battle usually you can find some ice if the other players have pulled their checks out of there. JFK [Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson] was moving well, made hell of a play on the rush there. I thought Ryan [Donato] usually finds the puck and gets a shot off, came out of the corners as well, separated. So, I mean there’s two grade a’s – him and Heinen – that the goalie basically stole off us. So, you have to get those guys credit. They did a nice job.

BOSTON BRUINS GOALTENDER TUUKKA RASK On the defense being a little loose the last couple games… I don’t know, not necessarily. We make mistakes that we try not to make. I made one big one there in the third on the [Jack] Eichel goal but I didn’t feel like it was too loose. Maybe a couple turnovers in the second there but other than that no, not too bad.

On if he got a good look at the Jack Eichel goal… Yeah I saw it, I just couldn’t match up his speed. He was coming so fast and I don’t know if I got flat footed or what but he’s a good player, he’s a quick player and if you give him a little room he’s going to find it and he did.

BOSTON BRUINS DEFENSEMAN TOREY KRUG On if he feels like the defense has been a little loose the last couple games… Yeah probably. I think to be honest maybe we’re giving up a little bit more but it’s just big momentum shifts in the game where we need a big play and all of the sudden it’s a big play for the other team. Maybe that’s just where experience kicks in and we’re a team that needs to continue to learn how to win and come up in those big moments. We’ve done a great job up until this point so we got to get back to it.

On the defenseman finding the back of the net twice tonight and if it was in the game plan… Well they’re a man to man team so anytime you can get some movement in the offensive zone and create confusion so that it causes chaos for them then you find an open spot. We had some players make some great passes today so it’s definitely part of it.

On giving up a goal right after they tied the game… Those are big moments in games, right after a goal, first and last minute of each period, those are big moments and you can’t give up goals and you have to try and keep that momentum and continue to go. It was another mistake where they scored the same type of goal twice in the game and normally we pick up on that and make the adjustments and go from there. It’s just unfortunate that we weren’t able to keep that momentum and go because I thought we were actually playing pretty well.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD JOAKIM NORDSTROM On defensive mistakes… I think we have been cheating a little bit in the neutral zone, around the blue lines. I think a lot of chances that the other team have scored on have been self-inflicted wounds, so we got to clean that up a little bit.

On chemistry with Krejci and Pastrnak… I thought we had a couple good shifts, obviously we need more in the net, we need to score.

On goal chances… I think we had a couple grade-A chances that we weren’t able to capitalize on, so you know, it’s a tough night.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD DANTON HEINEN On getting chances but not scoring… Yeah, it’s always better when you’re getting chances, for sure. At least you’re creating stuff, but I mean, like tonight, I had a grade-A chance, and chances aren’t really going to get much better than that, so it’s a matter of bearing down there.

On if his confidence level is rising each night… Yeah, I think so. I think we’re getting a little more comfortable as a line and felt pretty good tonight. We were getting a few looks, and it’s just a matter of them going in.

On his line… I think lately we’ve been feeding off each other a little better and I think sticking to what we do good. Everybody, like you said, brings a different thing to that line, and I think we can’t change our games at all. We’ve got to stick to what got us here and what’s kind of successful and what gives us opportunities. Yeah, I think we’ve just got to stick to what we do good. You saw JFK [Jakob Forsbacka Karlsson] make some high-end plays tonight; it’s just a matter of me putting them in, or I think the goalie made a good save on one there on [Ryan] Donato. But, like you said earlier, as long as we’re creating.

On how he has improved in puck battles… I think that’s something I focused on a lot coming into the league. Guys are so big and strong and have such good sticks, so you’re not going to win every battle, but I think I’ve been trying to improve on that. I thought our line won a fair share of them tonight. When we’re winning our battles, usually we have the puck a little more, so that’s something we’ll try to continue to work on.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD RYAN DONATO On his shot attempt tonight… Yeah, I think what happened was I was trying to do something similar to the last move…he didn’t bend on the first move, so I thought that if I kept it going that way, I would have it and maybe I did a little too much, but if I got it up I would’ve scored. At the end of the day I was falling down, so I couldn’t get it up.

On the line buzzing and keeping their heads up… Yeah, of course. I mean, could only last for so long, right. I mean we had so many grade-A chances that it was incredible that one didn’t go in. Just, unlucky in a way, but I think, I mean hopefully, as soon as that changes, once those start going in, they’ll come in a hurry and come often. On the team continuing to battle through and getting chances… Yeah, of course. We have so many talented guys on the team, and we know if we just continue to shoot and get those chances, they’re going to go in eventually. I mean, we can’t get down our ourselves. The way we are playing has worked and we shouldn’t change that, and once we get our chances we will continue to score.

BOSTON BRUINS FORWARD DAVID KREJCI On if he felt like they were one play short in the third period… Tough one. Big division game. It’s a tough loss, so turn the page, learn from the mistakes and get back at it tomorrow.

On if there have been a few more defensive breakdowns lately… Maybe, but you know we’ve got veterans for games like this. Tonight, tomorrow, big division games. We knew they played last night in Washington, so we wanted to come out hard, simple. We didn’t do that, so like I said, turn the page and get back at it tomorrow.

BUFFALO SABRES COACH PHIL HOUSLEY On getting 3 points out of 4 on the road… I’m very pleased. I thought it was a gutsy effort by our guys. You know, it was a similar situation where we went from Winnipeg to Minnesota on a shortened schedule, playing at five o’clock, and our travel last night, you know, having to get out to Dallas and there’s some complications getting out and we got in a little bit late so, it’s a credit to our guys. They found a way to win. They really dug in tonight.

On the little things being the big things… They’re huge for our team. You know, we focus on the details all the time, but I just really like the way we started. You know, I think at one point it was 7-1 in shots, and obviously you know, Linus [Ullmark] makes a huge save on the penalty shot, and our penalty kill was excellent again tonight. And you know, we battled through the game. Tough building to win in and Linus came up big, and Jack [Eichel]’s line, and particularly Jack, stepped up another notch tonight. But, you know all those little details do add up.

On Jack Eichel’s play… Yeah, he’s just brought his game to another level. Especially under the circumstances tonight too. He played 24-25 minutes last night, then comes back and plays almost 20 minutes tonight, and he plays at both ends. He’s attacking the game with speed offensively, he’s reloading with meaningful strides coming back into our zone. He’s just playing a 200-foot game and a very complete game right now.

On getting Matt Hunwick’s back on the left side… No, we just rotated him around a little bit. In the second period we were having a little bit of problems executing out of our zone, and they were coming after us and they had a couple power plays that gave them some momentum, so we didn’t really like the pair so we moved him around a little bit. I liked Matt’s game tonight for coming back after all what he’s been through…to come into this building and in a very, very big game, a divisional game, had a really good solid game for us.

On ’s physicality… Well, I mean it does throw a little bit of fear into the opponent. Like, if you’re going to go into his corner, you’re going to pay a price; if you go in front of the net, he’s going to try to box you out with some physicality and he’s not afraid to join the rush and get involved offensively. He’s really playing some good really good hockey for us as well.

On Conor Sheary’s return… Yeah, I think he’s playing well. I mean he’s using his speed. Tonight, [Casey] Mittelstadt’s line, they had some tough times in the defensive zone, but when they had the puck, they were really good. They were really attacking the game and got some O-zone time. Would’ve liked to get them some more shots to get that shot mentality back, but I really liked the chemistry of that line.

BUFFALO SABRES GOALIE LINUS ULLMARK On the penalty shot… I mean it’s a penalty shot, just me against him. Try to be as patient as possible with my feet.

On how he felt tonight… Yeah, I felt good out there. You know, seeing the puck pretty well. Guys are doing a good job holding them away from me so I can see the shot lane at most of the times.

On preparing for the penalty shot… Just breathe and enjoy the moment. You know, it’s nothing I can do about it, just trying to refocus, take a couple deep breaths and start looking forward for it.

On feeling like you’re never out of a play… Well as a goalie, you certainly are not. There’s not a play where you can’t throw yourself out there or make a stick save or even throw your stick sometimes. I mean, it’s not legal, but you can try so that’s how I feel.

On what getting 3 out of 4 points on the road against two good teams means… That we’re a terrific team. Top of the league. So, we’re going to stick with it. It’s a tough league. Can’t just take anything for granted. You’re just as good as your last game, you know, so just have to get back to work now when we go back to Buffalo.

On making the save on [Ryan] Donato and then scoring… No, it’s hockey. You know, it doesn’t matter if I made a great save or make no saves and they score. Still have to be one goal up on the board.

On hearing the whistle before the puck went into the net… Yep. I did. Well you never know for sure. He might consider that he didn’t blow the whistle before. In my mind, I felt that he blew the whistle beforehand, so that’s why I kind of kept the puck for myself.

BUFFALO SABRES FORWARD JEFF SKINNER On the last play of the game… Yeah, he’s [Zemgus Girgensons] been huge. I think last few games he’s made some real big plays at big times. I think, that line I think, is on a roll. I think Larry’s [Johan Larsson] line has been working really hard and it’s nice to see him get some reward. I think last few games he’s been working really hard. He’s beat out some icings that’s lead to goals. Obviously, that block at the end is huge. Those are the little things. I think when you guys said to sort of step up and sort of carry momentum throughout the game and those guys have been providing a lot of that.

On when Jack is on the ice and having to be ready at all times… Yeah, it’s nice. I think that it’s a great pass. I think you just have to try and create some space. I think try and get it off. He draws so much coverage to him and he’s so good with the puck even when he’s got pressure on him. You just have to be ready, be aware and sort of try to find open spaces as much you can.

On his game-winning goal… I can’t remember who popped it up to Reino [Sam Reinhart] on the break, then he went across ice to me. Pretty good breakout, I think, all five guys coming up together, and I gave a sort of 50-50 puck to Reino. He won the battle and pushed it down to Eichs [Jack Eichel], and again, he makes a great pass and I just tried to go to the net, and just tried to get a wack on it, and fortunately it went in.

On what he’s learned about Jack Eichel… I think just the appreciation of the total package. I think that when you get to see it sort of every day, every game, every practice and see the consistency with which he plays and the competitiveness and the, obviously, the high-end skill and the plays he makes with the puck and the work he does without it just sort of, I think like any great player, I think, obviously you see it when you play against him, you see it on the highlights, but to be able to see it sort of every day, every shift is pretty fun to watch.

On getting three points on the trip… Yeah, it’s a good feeling, I think. You’ve got to have everyone contributing. I think both goalies played really well, and then I think the D-men, they played really well. I think tonight especially, they played tremendous. I think they were up on the play and sort of had tight gaps, making it tough for them in the neutral zone to sort of create space and when you’re playing top teams like that, it’s going to take everyone, I think. It’s a big road trip, something we can try and build off and take it into the next home game.

BUFFALO SABRES CENTER ZEMGUS GIRGENSONS On his block before his empty-netter… You know, we’ve had different guys doing it all season long, so it just happened to be me this time blocking the shot, so not that big of a deal. Just a blocked shot.

On his willingness to sacrifice… Yeah, I think every player here is willing to do that. We have throughout the whole season, all that stuff, so it’s not that big of a deal.

On if he takes pride in doing things that don’t show up in the box score… Yeah, definitely, it’s the little things, the hard work, that’s what I bring, the energy, the physicality, and I’ve just got to keep doing that.

On the performance of goaltender Linus Ullmark… Yeah, it was great. He made big stops. Both our goalies have been playing unbelievable. They keep us in every game. They give us a chance win.

BUFFALO SABRES CENTER JACK EICHEL On what it’s like playing in Boston… It’s good. I think, obviously, I always have an extra, maybe, jump in my step and a little bit more emotion in a building I came up going to a lot and watching games with my dad coming here, and you know, I just picture myself in the crowd watching guys that I loved watching when I was a kid, you know, coming here to watch Sid [Sidney Crosby] or Ovi [Alexander Ovechkin], and I picture myself in the same situation. It’s obviously special coming back home. I obviously have a lot of family and friends here. It’s awesome that we played such a good game as a group, and you know, we just stuck with it. Obviously, it wasn’t the outcome we wanted last night. We wanted two points there, I thought we could’ve had it. It’s great to come in here after less that 24 hours and get two points and be able to move on.

On where this game ranks in the games he’s played in the Garden… I’m not really sure. I’ve played a lot of games here. I’ve had some memorable moments, and some moments you’d probably want to forget, so you know, in terms of where does it rank, I’m not really sure. It’s a big win for our group at the point of the season that we’re at. It’s good. I mean, they’re a team that’s right behind us in the standings right now, and I thought we came out here and played a really good game after less than 24 hours.

On the Zemgus Girgensons block before his empty-netter… I think you look at our group this year, we’ve been doing it all season. We’ve been getting contributions from everyone. Maybe it’s not on the scoresheet, but that could’ve been one of the biggest plays of the game for us and Gussy [Zemgus Girgensons] is a guy that does it every night. He brings 100 percent effort, he plays the game more desperate than most guys out there and you can’t say enough about him. He’s team- first every day, and it’s an unbelievable play by him, and if we don’t get stuff like that during the season, then I don’t think we are where we are, so we’ve continued to get it, and you can’t say enough. And it’s not just him too, it’s, you know, a lot of guys, whether it’s D-zone, face-offs, making plays on walls, getting the puck out of our zone, and obviously a lot of big blocked shots by us tonight. It’s awesome to see the group come together and get a win.

On what has brought the team together… For one, I think we’ve obviously been through a lot of adversity together, and I think we’re probably sick of it. The last few years, it’s not been easy, but you know, with the way our season has started this year, I think we have the confidence in each other and the belief, and we think we can win every game we play, so you know, it was no different tonight. We thought if we do the right things long enough and don’t break, we’ll give ourselves the chance to win, and we did that.
