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~, =' MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART. I' NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS-1963-A 1 '" / ", j ~ t " l 1. ~ " :' q '," a Points of view or opinions stated in this document are 'f those of the author(s) and do notrepresent the official f,DA'TEi F'ILMED ... . . ~. , " ~ , "i "',, r~~~~ bm~~; - United States Oepart~ent of Justice .. "'';'''~'''~4~;'''<·'~··'''::;'':;i':';;' .. " .. :.~j "

Washington, D.C. 20531 \, n "'""1_~:.-..-_.~

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;. ~.r' ~ ~ ~ " NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (NACLEET) c Q) Q) .0 11) Chief James P. Damos, Chairman Communications Committee oJ ETC .c: Andrew H. Principe, Vice Chairman ~ (]) Cjlief Harlin R. McEwen,Subcommittee Chairman CIJ CIJ iii () Weapons and Protective Equipment Subcommittee Assistant Deputy Superintendent William L. Miller :;~" " ~'r-! ...,...,:::J :::J 'r-! .jJ Dr. Noel C. Bufe, Subcommittee Chairman Chief Daniel B. Linza It! til 00 ::l William Costello Chief William 'F. Quinn ---CIJ S c­ j Of-:) CIJ :::J Clarence Edward Hawkins Charles C. Sava E:E u Cl '1:11) en Francis S. Kenney Dennis D. Wright cu c 4-l 0.= 5 () 0 CIJ cu Q) IoLlce: PATROL VEHICLE Philip La Fond S. Arthur Yefsky cc u 'r-! ::J "0 r-I Nicholas Montanarelli u)~ ..Q .jJ ::Jz·cu e · TESTING Major General Paul M. Timmerberg Security Equipment Subcommittee' 0. ::l ~ ~ (]) Director Samuel W. Nolan .8 Q Lt. Col. Thomas J. Regel, Subcommittee Chairman c,., .Q.c Sheriff Harold E. Bradley 8l"O Transportation Subcommittee Director Norman A. Carlson .-E-Q) CJ)· m~ Chief Robert W. Landon, Subcommittee Chairman Commissioner Charles T. Cobb Cl.5, ::>· Roy F. Carlson James Griffiths Conducted by the Gino M. D'Angelo Chief Maxie Patterson John Grow MICHIGAN STATE POLICE Chief Edwin Anderson Forensic Science Subcommittee ------. EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN Robert McAtee DL Charles S. PettY,Subcommittee Chairman John Gunn, Jr. COLONEL GERALD L. HOUGH, DIRECTOR Bell P. Herndon Superintendent James J. McCaughey Deputy COmmissioner J. R. Quintal Reprinted by the EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER' RESEARCH DIVISION RESEARCH DIVISION EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CENTER . BUREAU OF OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH . Norman Darwick, Acting Executive Director Joseph L. Gormley, Senior Staff Analyst . INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE Frank D. Roberson, Assistant Director, Robert A. Miller, Senior Staff Analyst Bureau of Operations and Research, 'Robert L. Monroe, Senior Staff Analyst Gaithersburg, Maryland 20760 and Project Director . William Simms, Senior Staff Analyst Warren J. Woodfield, Technical Staff Analyst under Supporting Grant Number 77NI.99.0017(S.1) LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION awarded by the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE U.S. Department of JUstice Henry S. Dogin, Administrator, LEAA law Enforcement ASSistance Administration Henry Bratt, Director, NILECJ National Institute of law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Paul Cascarano, Assistant Director, NILECJ ~ Paul Estaver, Director, Reference & Dissemination Division, NILECJ Lester D. Shubin, Program Manager for Standards, NILECJ November 1979 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS LABORATORY (LESL)

Lawrence K. Eliason, Program Manager Ralph Gorden, Jr., Program Manager Marshall J. Treado, Program Manager Jared J. Collard,Assistant for Special Projects

OFFICE OF TESTING LABORATORY EVALUATION TECHNOLOGY Test results and analyses contained h .; endorsement by the Law Enforce erel,! 0 nor rep~e~ent r:roduct approval or James O. Bryson, Chief ment of Justice, or the IACP. ment AssIstance AdminIstratIon, the U.S. Depart- Douglas B. Thomas , Dr. Diana M. Kirkpatrick : '


The National j~dvisory Committee for Law Enforcement Equipment and Technology (NACLEET), wh"ich is advisory to the Equipment Technology Center (ETC) Of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), has ranked police patrol vehicle testing as its number one priority in the transportation area. The ETC program is an evaluation program to provide data for the purchasers, users, manufacturers, and researchers of law enforcement equipment. Last year, the ETC conducted the National Law Enfor,cement Vehicle Evaluation Program MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE in California in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. After the first year's effort, it became evident that 49-state vehicles and California vehicles should be tested separately to speed up the process. This year, the Mi chi 9an State Pol ice (MSP) deci ded to test both full size and mi d AND size vehicles. Since testing by the ETC \'vould be a duplication of the Michigan effort, it was decided to monitor, reprint and publish the MSP test results. The ETC sent two staff representatives to the MSP testing program to observe MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET the testing. The MSPprogram was conducted in a most professional manner giving good test data for departments to use. It should be pointed out that two full size and one mid size did not meet MSP performance criteria. However, the three IIfailing cars II did wen in the handling and braking phases of the test. These IIfailingll cars are good police package vehicles which many depa~tments will be able to use even though they are a little slower than the passing vehicles. The ETC looks forward to working with the MSP on 1981 vehicle testing and would like to thank Colonel Gerald R. Hough, Director, MSP, for his department's cooperation and professionalism in getting this year's testing program accomplished in a timely manner.



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-and ,~' ';' ' Department 'of ManagemehtandBudget tJ

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... ',,,,, ' ", ", .. MJcbigan StatePQl ice ExecutiVe Qivision 1" i) PolicYOeve16pment& EvalUation 'Section , 0 , October, 1979, ' ' , " -~------~--~------

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~~~n e~~~~a!~o~h Oft the full-size p~tr?l vehicles identified the PREFACE v hi l' , ~ op scorer. As lndlcated on the competitive patrol b~dd~/a~~al~Nl~n, p~g~,71, ~hePlymouth Gran Fury was also the low ~1 e PUlch~sed ln 1980. The Malibu 305 accumu- The Police Patr:ol Vehicle Evaluation and Purchasing Program was developed latedthe hlghest score ln the mid-size patrol vehicle evaluation in 1976 by the Policy Development and Evaluation Section of the r·1ichigan H~we~e~, ~fter the,bid adjustm~nt, the Plymouth Volare 318 was deter­ Department of State Police, in cooperation with the Purchasing Division mlne 0 e the adJusted low bldder (refer to page 72). of the r~ichigan Department of Management and. Budget. It was developed primarily for the purpose of identifying thnc::1'! vehicles which will best At the time the vehicles were tested, the Ford LTD 351W H.O. VV meet the needs of department patrol officers. The program eliminates Plym~u~h V~lare 3l8,4V, and Aspen 318 4V had not completed E.P.A. from the"-Qid process those v.ehicles which are obviously inferior and certlfl~atlon. It l~ our recommerydationthat contact be made with the gives the top-scoring vehicle or vehicles a dollar-and-cent advantage in approprlate corporatlon to deterffilneavailability, the bid process. We are happy to,beable to share this information and Sincerely hope We subsequently found that the test data produced, and the conclusions tha~ the data 'tIlll be of value to you. If we can be of any 'further reached, were of interest not only to our own department, but also to a~slstaryce to you in addi~ional explanation of the program, or in numerous other law enforcement agencies across the country. We sincerely dflscusslng how our data mlght be adaptable tio your needs please feel hope that this report. which contains the results of our evaluation of ree to contact: ' the 1980 model patrol vehicles 3 will be beneficial to you in' making your purchasing decisions.

The 1980 evaluation includes test results for both full- and mid-size Lt. Curtis L. VanDenBerg, patrol vehicles. The full-size vehicles tested were the Buick LeSabre Sgt. David B, Storer, or 350 cid, Chevrolet Impala 350 cid, Dodge St. Regis 360 cid, Ford LTD 351 Sgt. William F. McFall cid, and 360 cid. The mid-size vehicles were the Chevrolet Malibu 305 cid, 318 cid, 255 cid, Michigan State Police and Plymouth Volare~3l8 cid. At the request of the manufacturers, a Executive Division Chevrolet Malibu 350 cid and a Dodge Aspen 360 cid were tested for Policy Developlllent and informational purposes only. They will not be allowed to bid against Evaluation Section our mid-size patrol car specification .which requires the smaller engine. 714 South Harrison Road (For a detailed description of all vehicles tested and how they were East Lansing, MI 48823 equipped, see pages 1 through 21.) Phone: (517) 332-2521, Ext. 340 During this year's test, we encountered several problems that require a brief explanation, First, upon completion of the acceleration, top speed, and brake tests with the Chevrolet Impala, it was learned that'an extra spare tire had mistakenly been left in the trunk. After discussing the situation with representatives from Chevrolet, it was decided to re­ test the Impala on acceleration and top speed even though the tires had been slightly "flat spotted" during the brake test. The acceleration and top speed data presented for the Chevrolet Impala are those developed from the re-test of the vehicle. Secondly, during the Vehicle Dynamics Evaluation, the Plymouth Volare, while on a warm-up lap, sustained sufficient damage to eliminate it from further testing. For the purpose of our competitive evaluation, it was the joint decision of the Department of State Police and the Department of Management and Budget, with concurrence : oj by Corporation, that the Volare 318 be assigned the same vehicle dynamics score as the Aspen 318. The Vehicle Dynamics data sheet reflects this decision. Due to their inabiJity to meet the established minimum acceleration requirements, the Buick LeSabre and Chevrolet Impala were eliminated from the bid process on full-size vehicles. The Ford Fairmont, f9r the same reason~ was eliminated from the bid process for mid-size vehlcles. We did continue to evaluate the cars, primarily in order to provide the data to other law enforcement agencies whose requirements for acceleration and/or top speed differ from ours. '. .. i

" -i;ii- \\ 1\ I TABLE 'OF CONTENTS -1- PAGE NUMBER SECTIONS· " STATE OF MICHIGAN i DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Title Page •· ....' ..... ,~~ .....•... Iii.~.,.'~a •• ~, .•• ~ •••• '••••••• '~, •• PURCHASING DIVISION . 0 i i Preface ...... 0 .. a ." ...... w" .. e." .... !" ...0" ...... ~ • ~ .... " ...... :...... '..... ~. 0'1.' SpecificatioQ? for t'1i ch. 3905-0010 September, 1979 Tab 1e of Contents ... . \.... II: .... ~ .. tI ...... '...... - .... , ...... ,' ... '.

Vehicle Specifications :j I, POLICE CARS: PATROL Full-Size Vehicle Specifications •• ;' ...... •...... (~: 1 ;;;j II 4-Dogr - V-8 Engine (I' Vehicle Hardware Description " " Wheelbase114.4~ - 119.9" Cl ,',' ,:" Mid-Size Vehicle Specifications ..•••....••.•..•.••... 11 D V~hicle Hardware Description BID REQUIREMENTS:." " ,22 ~ I Testing Equipment ...... ,..•...... Prior to bidding, a car dealer,()manufacturer, or his representative, will be requtred to furnish a v..ehicle fQr test purposes. All test Competitive Evaluation vehicles shall be .1980 lJ:lodels which are '.~quipped, with th,e drive 23 tratn~ suspensiqn, and brake components,'as well.as tires and interior Veh i c1 e\\ Dynami cs . '... lit ...... e, ...... ~) . appointments and instrumentation as ca11~9 for in the specification requiremeflts on all vehicle~ in this requlsition. Submitters of Premi se and Test t1ethodology vehicles shall declare in writing any deviations from the specifica­ Test Facil tty Di agram t'ions(:lt'the time of delivery of these test cars. Interior and Test Data exteri or colors sha rl be the manufacturer I s opt; on. One extra set """", of four {4) wheels and tires shall be supplied with each car submitted Acceleration, Top Speed and Braking ...... ·;; .. .. 26 for testing. Vehicles submitted shall have undergone sufficient break- in to permit extended periods of maximum acceleration and high speed Premise and Test Methodology I driving. Brakes on the test car shall'have been burnished pi,.Jior to Testing Facility Diagram I delivery." Summary Test Data I 59 Test cars soa11 ",be del ivered to' the Michiga.n Department of State ••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••• ·······,·'· Ergonomics Q POlice Headquarn'ers, 714 South Harrison Road, Ea~t Lansing, Michigan, "1 no .later than 5:00 PM, October'16, 1979. . Premise and Test Methodology c' Test Data These test vehicles will be subjected to a se',"ies u of. i,nitial perform­ ance qualification tests: Each vehicle successfully completing these 62 ,i Communi ca ti,Ons ~ •• '•• '. ;...... CI ...... testswjll then be subjected to seven (7) competitive performance I, i and acceptabi 1 i ty" tes tsv ' The St'at:,e 'Of Mi chigan shall not be respon­ J Premise and Test Methodology .! sible for any damage during the tests, or the condition of the vehicle I) I Test Data wilen returned to the submitter after" test; ng: Furthermore, a 11 cars 1 j 65 tested .wi 11 be at the owner IS ri s kfor any damage occurri ng to the I Fuel Economy ...... ,.: .....' ...... , .. . ,.... . vehicles for any reason. ' .' ~ I) - .~ ! Premise and Test Methodol~gy I) The test 'Vehicl,es will be tested and dr"lven under the supervision ·1 " ~~-=--" 66 of the Mich"jgan Department of State Police, and will be te~~ted and ! Weighting, Scoring, and Dollar Conversion Methodology driven by ~mployees of the department or personnel designated by , ! 1 l~ the department. " . t 69 I Fi na 1 Raw Scores ...... -;~ .. -... ~ ....•) ...... ' t "';i ; ,=." Vehicles used for testi,ng wil'l be returned to the submitter ',no later Competitive Patrol V~hicle Evaluation Results •...... 71 than December 1~ 1979. . ~ " ~ o J ,) :1 I ,

• I l J (~) ; 1 't ! ." ''',t ---' r I \. / "~- I -2- Mi ch . 3905-0010 . -3- September~ 1979 J, I I \..-.-,"' Mich. 3905-0010 September, 1979 SPECIFICATIONS: /7 Model - 1980 Current New Gauges: T? be equipped with"'~mmeter or' voltmeter, water temperature, and 011 pressure gauges, preferably located in instrument cluster, TO BE STANDARD FACTORY EQUIPPED INCLUDING~ BUT NOT LH1ITED TO~ THE Gr under dash co,!avenient'to driver. . .' FOLLOWING: Glass: All Windows shall be heat absorbing (tinted) type. Air Conditioning: Standard nona~tomatic temperature control model, factory installed. System must be c\esigned to prevent com­ Headlights: To be equ1pped with Quartz-Halogen highbeam headlights. ponent damage due to high speed drivingw . , light~ Comb~nation Dome and r~ap,mounted on headliner on longitudinal Alternator System: Transistorized~~~gu1ator, 80 amp minimum output cent~rl1ne{)of ve~icleapproximately25" from Windshield garnish capacity~ minimum curb idle output of 45 amps (at ma~ufacturer's moJ~lng. Dome 119~t.control1ed by l~otatingheadlight switch to recommended idle speed). Shall be of heavy duty des1gn capable ,."Pl~xlmum C.C.vJ. .posltl?n. Operation to be independent of other of survivi ng patrol car operation ... Output rati ngs are fo~ llghts. Door ~am~ ~Wltch~s to be made inoperative. Map Lights, typical underhood ambient temperatures and not S.An E.rat1 ng controlled by lndlvldual lntegral switches, to direct a restricted method. beam of lig~t to t~e.driver and/or to the front seat passenger. Exact mountlng posltlon to be approved by Michigan State Police. Antenna: Standard AM type, externally mounted or in the windshield type acceptabl e (radi 0 not to be included). Light: Engine and trunk compartments equipped with mercury switch. Battery: 12 Volt; 465 cold cranking amps, minimum Locks:, All locks on a car to be keyed alike, 5 keys to be furnished wlth each car, diffrrent key for each car. Brakes: Power assisted, low peda" position. Disc type in front; . drum type in rear. Four wheel disc brakes preferred, if Mirrors~ Rearview, Outside: Installed on left-hand and right-hand available. doors, to be ren1qte controll ed type. Rectangul ar desi gn approximate size 511 x 3"; minimum viewing area of 15 square inches. Chrome Strip: To be removed from· doors if it interferes with State Police Shield, but shall be furnished if standard. No holes to be on doors for mouldings. Mirror, Rearview, Inside: Day/night type. Cigarette Lighter and Ash Receiver: On instrument panel. Paint Color: To be same as Dulux 93-032 ..

Cool ing System: Vehicle to have max~mum size cool ing s~stem available; ~Pilot Inspection: Prior to the initial delivery of ,patrol vehicles, incorporating "coolant recovery' system. Factory lnstalled. ,. the manufacturer snall schedule a 'pilot model inspection in ~rder t~·determine compliance with the spetifications. The Differential: Heavy duty, limited slip required. lnspectlon shall be tonducted at the point of vehicle asse~bly ~nd the manufacturer shall be responsible for all costs Engine: Cubic inch disp~acement to be atmanufacturers.option lncurred (not, to exceed 6 representatives from the State bf Michigan)., CI " providing that the car will meet or ex~eed ~he yeh!c~e p~r­ formance requirements found elsewhere 1n thlS speclf1catlon. Radio Speaker: A permanent magnet speaker, either oval or round, Floor Mat: Heavy duty rubber, front and rear. Trunk mat, full to be mounted in the speaker opening provided on the dash of floor. . t~e unit, voicec?i~ impedance 3.2 ohms, power handling capa:" clty 7.~ watts, mlmmum. Speaker to be of a quality equal to Front and Rear Armrests: Front and rear armrests to be of a style ,.;' aut0'!l0tl ve g~~de. Two speaker ] e~ds connected tOI' the speaker without ash trays or ash tray to be made inoperable. . termlnals, nelther grounded, shall be long enough to extend one foot beyond the ~enter of the lower edge of the dash. -, ~ ,) Front Seat Assembly: Split bench type, 60-40 preferable, or 50-50 ~. acceptable, iridividually adjustable for~ and a!t, less center Rear Window Defogger: Electrial grid type. Controil to be within de~lgned convenient reach of driver, control switch to b.eclearly marked armrests, heavy duty interior constructlOn for rugged 't' as to function. . .. pol ice use, comfot'tabl e foam-padded seat cushlons and backs. , . Remote Control Rear Deck Li,d Release: Control to be within convenient reach of the driver: Electric system wired independently pf , ignition switch, preferred ... BOWden cable system not accept'abJ~::., " ~.

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Mi ch .3905~00l 0 -5- September, 1979 Mi ch. 3905-001 0 September, 1979

Roof Top Reinforcement and Special Wiring: Install a steel plate Tools: Wheel wrench and jack. 1/8" thick x 10" wide, to the underside of top, cente.red on the longitudinal centerline of the mof panel. Plate is to extend from the windshield header to the first top cross mem­ Transmissi~n: To be 3-speed fully automatic, heaviest duty available. ber support and is to 'be welded at both ends. Dri 11 one 5/8" Must lncorporate low gear lockout to prevent manual shifting. hole through roof panel and reinforcing plate, approximately 19" from windshield moulding on longitudinal centerline. EX;lct Upholstery: Seats to be upholstered in cloth, or combination of placement of hole to be approved by Michigan State Police. cloth and vinyl (blue). All vinyl not acceptable. Feed a minimum of three insulated stranded wires (one #12 and Wheels: Heavy duty, 15" x 6.5" minimum. two #16) through hole in roof .and route directly to either side of top at a right angle to the longitudinal centerline, thence Windshield Washers: Automatic type. to corner post and down the inside of corner post. Wires to extend JP,'> above roof hole and 48" beyond where they emerge at Windshield Wipers: Multiple speed electric. bottOhrbf corner post. Top hole to be taped to prevent entry of water. Wires to be concealed between headlining and roof panel. QUALIFICATION TESTING

Secondary Ignition Wiring: Resistance type for radio noise suppression~ In ord'er to qual i fy for biddi ng, a 11 vehi cl es submitted by manufacturers must meet each of the following performance standards: Service Manuals: ~anufacturer to supply five (5) service manuals prior to pilot inspection. . 1. ACCELERATION Special Wiring: One 14 gauge insulated wire funning from center under-dash to rear center trunk area, leaving 4 feet of this o 60 13.0 seconds or less wire extending under the .. dash and 3 feet extending in the trunk o 80 23.0 seconds or less for mounting rear shel1 fights. Flexible conduit not acceptable. o - 100 ----- 43.0 seconds or less Speedometer: Shall be calibrated to within 3% accuracy. Scale Each vehicle will make four acceleration runs, and the times graduations to be linear and of 2 mph increments. 0-120 MPH scale. for the four runs will be averaged. 2. TOP SPEED Spotlights: Unity #225-6, 6" diameter, left- and r~ght-hand mounted, equipped with aircraft landing lamp 4537-2. Plllar or.other approved mount. Left and tight spotlights to b~ indivldual1y A speed of 110 mph must be attained within a 3-mile distance. fused with 10 amp capacity. Installation to I;>e approved by For pur~oses t~ be.explained ~n.another section ~f.this report, Michigan State PoJice. the Vehlcles wl11, after attalnlng the 110 mph mlnlmum, be accelerated to the maximum speed attainable within 15 miles. Steering: Power steering, manufacturer to provide steering gear 3. BRAKES which affords maximum firm "feel" and fast return character­ istics; designed for high speed pursuit type driving. a. Four stops from 90 mph with a constant deceleration rate Steering Wheel: Round or oval with anti-slip surface. ." of 22 ft. per sec./per sec. maintained from 90 to 0 mph . Actual brake application to be made at two-minute intervals Police Suspension System: To. include, heavy-duty' springs, front and followed immediately by a controlled impending skid stop rear, in combination with heavy-duty s.hock absorbers., and front from 60 mph at maximum deceleration rate attainable. and rear heavy-duty stabilizer bars. (Vehicle to remain stationary between first, second, third, and fourth 90 mph stops, and before 5th stop from 60 mph.) Technical Service Bulletin: Manuf~(turer {6 supply seven (7) copies of all technical service bulletins covering vehicles purchased b. Five minutes after test "a" has been completed, it will under this contract. be repeated, followed immediately bya panic (all wheel lock) stop from 60 mph. Tendency for bra'ke fade and Tires: Tires to be Goodyear Rayon P225!70R15 Police Radials per State ability of the vehicle to stop in a straight line will of Michigan specification 5260-Sl, May 21, 1979. be evaluated.



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' MAKE, MODEl, & SALES CODE NO. Buick I "Le Sabre N-69 . I MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODE NO. Chevrolet I Impala I lBL69 ,350 CU.IN. 5.7 LITERS' ENGINE DISPLACEMENT ENGINE DISPLACEM~NT 350 CU. IN. 5.7 LITERS 4 BBL. Rodchester Single Exhaust CARBURETOR·EXHAUST CARBURETOR·EXHAUST 4 BBL. Single Exhaust 1,55 @ 3400 RPM" HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NET) HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NET) 165 @'3800 RPM 280 @' 1BOO RPM TOROUELBS •. @ RPM TOROUE LBS, @ .RPM ,260 @ 2400 RPM 8.0 to 1 COMPRESSION RATIO COMPRESSION RATIO 8.2:1 2.73 to 1 AXLE RATIO AXLE RATIO 3.08:1 Power Fast Ratio 14.1 to 15.3-1 Overall Ratio STEERING STEERING Integra 1 Power ,-, 39.49 Left 39.30 Right ., " TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) T~U=R~N~IN~G~C~IR~C~L~E~(~C~UR~B~r~O~C~U~R~B~)r-_3_8_._8_F_e~.~_t-f'~~/ ______GR70X15B -,Goodyear - F1exten TIRE SIZE TIRE SIZE GR70-151J -'Goodyear - Flexten Coil Spring Front and Rear - Sflecial Suspension With H.D. SUSPENSiON TYPE FRONT SUSPENSION TYPE FRONT Independent - Slatype With,Coi1 Springs Stabilizer Bar and Bushing - H.D. Shocks With H.D. Grommets Four Link Type 2 Upper Control Arms Bias Mounted SUSPENSION TYPE REAR SUSPENSION TYPE REAR $2 Lower Control Arms Parallel Mounted SWEPT AREA ) Combined- SO. IN. BRAKE FRONT ,TYPE Disc -Semi -Metall ic BRAKE' FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 236.9 SO.IN. SWEPT AREA' 397 SO. IN. BRAKE REAR TYPE Drum - llX2-23 ~ BRAKE-REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA 138.2 SO.IN. 217.4" OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH 212.1 " 55.0" OVERALL HEIGHT OVERALL HEIGHT 56.0" at DesiQn Load 4123 4146 TEST . LBS. WEIGHT CURB I. LBS. WEIGHT CURB 39~4 LBS. TEST 3922 LBS. 115'.9" WHEELBASE WHEELBASE 116.0" , ' 39.5" HEAD ROOM, FRONT HEAD ROOM FRONT 39.4" 38.2" HEAD ROOM REAR HEAD ROOM REAR 39.2" 42.2" LEG ROOM FRONT LEG ROOM FRONT 42.4" 39.0" LEG ROOM REAR 39.0" 61 •. 0" SHOULDER ROOM FRONT SHOULDER ROOM FRONT 60.8" Sl.0" SHOULDER ROOM REAR SHOULDER ROOM REAR t 60.8" 55.0" HIP ROOM 'FRONT HIP ROOM - FRONT 55.0" 55.3" HIP ROOM REAR HIP ROOM REAR 55.3" URBAN IHIGHWAY ICOMBINED 17 URBAN HIGHWAY COMBINED E.P,A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE 15 22 M.P.G. M.P.G. M.P.G. , E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G • 14 IM.P.G. 17 IM.P.G. 15 . .

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MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODE NO. Dodge I St. Regi s - 4 Door 1- EH-42 .. MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODE NO. Ford I LTD - S I 61 ** ENGINE DISPLACEMENT E58 360 CU. IN. 5.9 LITERS 351W 5.8 H.O. .' ENGINE DISPLACEMENT H.O. CU. IN. LITERS CARBURETOR·EXHAUST 4-BBL. Dual Exhaust .CARBURETOR·EXHAUST Ford 7200 VV Dual Exhaust HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NEl) 185 @ 4000 RPM HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NEl) 172 @ 34.0.0 RPM TOROUE LBS. @ RPM 275@ 2000 RPM . .265 @ 200.0 RPM TOROUE LBS. @ RPM COMPRI:SSION RATIO 8 •.0 to 1 '. COMPRESSION RATIO 8,.3 AXLE RATIO 2.94 to 1 AXLE RATIO 2.73 to 1 STEERING Power - Firm 15.7: 1 STEERING Recir. Ball & Nut With Integral Pump TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 42.4 Feet TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 39.2 Feet TIRE SIZE ~R70X15 BSWGoodyear - Bluestreak - F1exten l~qependent. Lateral. -Non-parallel-ConTrol Arms TIRE SIZE GR7.oX15 . SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT Wlth Torsion Bars (144 Lb./In. at Wheel) With Ball Joints and Coil Spring, Parallel .Lon9itudina1' Leaf SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT Independent S.L.A. SUSPENSION TYPE REAR (136 Lbjrn.atWheel - Full Rate) SUSPENSION TYPE - RI:AR 4-Bar Link With Coil Springs BRAKE-FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 224.0 SO. IN. BRAKE-FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 228.7 so. IN. BRAKE-REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA 165.9 SO. IN. r. BRAKE-REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA i57.1 SO. IN. OVERALL LENGTH , 220.2" OVERALL LENGTH 209.3" OVERALL HEIGHT 54.5" OVERALL HEIGHT 54.7" WEIGHT CURB 4100 LBS. TEST 4173 LBS. 4035 WEIGHT CURB 4.030 LBS. TEST LBS. WHEELBASE . 118.5" WHEELBASE ]14.3" HEAD ROOM - FRONT 38.2" HEAD ROOM - FRONT 37.9" HEAD ROOM REAR 37.4" ~ 37.2" HEAD ROOM - REAR LEG ROOM - FRONT 42.3" LEG ROOM - FRONT 42.1 " LEG ROOM - REAR 38.3" \ LEG ROOM - REAR 40.6" SHOULDER ROOM - FRONT 61 • .0" SHOULDER ROOM - FRONT 61.7" SHOUI:,l)ER ROOM - REAR 61.0" .' SHOULDER ROOM - REAR 61.7" HIP RUOM - FRONT 57.4" .' HIP ROOM - FRONT 61.2" HIP ROOM - REAR 57.4" z..\ URBAN IHIGHWAY ICOMBINED HIP ROOM -REAR . 56.9" E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 11 M.P.G. 17 M.P.G. 13 URBAN I HIGHWAY ICOMBINED 16'1< E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 14* M.P.G. 18* M.P.G •. * estimated fuel economy figures as submitted to the E.P.A.

c, ** See Preface ()



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MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODE NO. Plymouth IGrim Fury - 4 Door I JL-42



HORSEPOWER @ FlPM (S.A.E. NET) 185 @ 4000 RPM

TORQUE LBS. (~RPYl 275 @ 2000 RPM


AXLE RATIO 2.94 to 1

STEERING Power - Firm 15.7:1


TIRE SIZE GR70X158SW - Goodyear - Bluestreak - Flexten Independent, yateral, Non-Paral 1ell ) Control Arms With SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT Torsion Bars 144 Lb:lIn at Wheel Parallel Longitudinal Leaf SUSPENSION TYPE - REAR (136 Lb'/In. at Wheel - Full Rate) BRAKE-FRONT' TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 224.0 SO. IN.




'. WHEELBASE 118.5"


, " HEAD ROOM - REAR 37.4"







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,.' " STATE OF .MICHIGAN· " O~,PARTMENT OF 'MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET' ~1 a r " . 'PURCHASING DIVISION . " " ' . . .' ..,;', "1',: ", 0, .,Spec; fi cati onsfor· M1Ch ~.' 3905 .. 0010a ", Sept~~ber~ ,1979 .',{\ .. '. POLICE CARS: {MID· SHE} 4-DQorSedah, - V-B, Engine,'

" ~ , -, " I; < ENG I NEDl SPLACEMENT .-0 ' . ',f'£OERAL VERSION\ " ' :t~HEELBASE '108.1 . . - , . ,n P', , " ',,' Ford 'Fa; dnon{, • .D . 255 105.5 ,\.' ~\ " 'Plymouth Ydla~e.) , .,' 318 co 1l2,.T

Ddd9¢Aspen 318 112.7 " j ! \I '~

;.J '810 REQUIREMENTS:." G, 0" 'prfdr'to biddlOg ,a car dea let, manufacturer, or hi~ representati've, willberequire,d to furni$ha, vehicle ,for,',testpurposes. All, test 0, ,vehiclesshallbe'198Qmodelswhichareequipp.ed, with the drive Ii' . train:, s(Jspensi.on, and brake componen~s , as well as tires and .interior aPp()intmentsandinstrumentation, asca'Tledfor 'in the specification

u (; requireinentsonallvehiclesin this requisition'. '. Submitters Of .' ,,' vehiclessn,al1 cd~cJare til' writinganydeviati6ns from the speci fi ca­ tions at the time of: del i:very of tchesetest.cars. Int~riorilrtd exterior£) .' ~colors'shall be the manufacturer's option. c One extra set of four' (4) I . wh~els and tiresshall.be supplied with e~th ear submitted for testing. Vehi.clessubmitted ~hal1h~:ye undergone sufficient break-in to ,permit I ex~ende.d perjodsof lTIC\ximunracceleration 'and high spe~d driVing.. . I ,. ~r"akeson the test. car shall havebee,nburnished prior to delivery.\ i "~:~~~:~tc';,.',~"~'" ,'. " ". c'. ' ... ,' . '. .Q,. 't _...... ~", '. , ,: '_. ,~" ,,' ~., ' • u' "/ Jest cars ,shaH ,be delivered to theMic·hig'anDepartmentofStat~Pol;ce o! Headquarters ~ 714 South Harrison Road, East Lans'ing,,~1i chi gan ,no later I r "" I ... than 5:00 'PM; October l6, 1979c •. :· , '. '., . ,0 I t ,,' .' These test , vehi tles '. will be ~Ubj ~e.ted'· to a ~eri es of initi a l'perform-. '" , ' ance qua lifi cation tests • Each vehie 1e suecessfullycompleti ngthese 0,'" . tests will then be sqbjected to seven (7) competitive 'performance .'( ,'. . ,and acceptabi i itytests. Tne State of MH:hi gan sha 1100t ,:berespon;... .",,' >' " . 5 ible for' any damage during .the tests~ or, theD CQl1di tionoftne vehicle . • I ""wh~mreturrHi!d to,thesubmi tter :a fter tes t;ng .F'ourtherrr/dre,allcar~ . ,c 'tested\'ttlibe"~ttheown~r's rtskfor, a,nY dam~geoccur~ingto,~the " yehitles, fora~y reason. .' '. , , . , ';~The,.testvehjclesWillbetested a~dd.riveri und~rthe Oe'Cember 1, 197~. '. . ,.' i' " '" .; " " ~~:> {, ,'i,I' , I) , o ~ '", -.,.. .-- .\l. . " . \' / 1 I ..- . . ... ~\ -12- -13- Mich. 3905-0010a Mich. 3905-0010a September~ 1979 September, 1979 Q

SPECIFICATIONS: L~ght: 'Combination Dome and Map, mounted on headliner on longitudinal centerline of vehicle approximately 25" from windshield garnish Model - 1980 Current New mold.ing. Dome light controlled by rotating headl"i'ght switch to maximum C.C.W. position. Operation to be independent of other TO BE STANDARD FACTORY EQUIPPED INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE " lights. Door jamb switches to be made inoperative. Map Lights, FOLLOWING: . , controlled by i ndi vi dua 1 integra 1 switches" to di rect a res,tri cted beam'oflfght to the driver and/o'r to the {rant seat passenger. Air Conditioning: Standard nonautomatic temperature 'contro1 model, ,Exact mounting position to be approved by Michigan. State Police. factory installed. System must be designed to prevent com­ ponent damage due to high speed driving. Light: Engine and trunk compartments equipped with mercury switch. Alternator System: Transistorized regulator, 80 amp minimum output Locks : All locks on' a car to be keyed a 1ike, 5 keys to be furn; shed , capacity, minimum curb idle output of 45 amps (at manufacturer's with each car, different ~ey for each car. recommended idle speed). Shall be of heavy duty design capable of surviving' patr.ol car operation. Output ratings are for MirrorS, Rearview, Outside: Installed on left-hand and right-hand typical .underhood ambient temperatures and not S.A.E. rating doors, to be remote, controlled type. Rectangular design method. - approximate size 5" x 3"; minimum viewing area of 15 square inches. Antenna: Standard AM type, externally mounted or in the windshield type acceptable (radio not to be included)~ Mirror, Rearview, Inside: Day/night type. "- Battery: 12'Volt; 455 cold cranking amps, minimum Paint Color: To be same as Dulux 93-032. '. Brakes: Power assisted, low pedal position. Disc type in front; Pilot Inspection: Prior to the iilitial delivery of patrol vehicles, drum type in rear. Four wheel disc brakes preferred, if the manufacturer shall schedule a pilot model inspection in available. order to determine compliance with the specifications. The inspection shall be conducted at the point of vehicle assembly Chrome Strip: To be removed from doors if it inter'feres with State and the manufacturer shall be responsible for all costs Police Shield, but shall be furnished if standard. No holes to incurred (not to exceed 6 representatives from the State of be on doors for mouldings. Michigan). . '

Cigarette Lighter and Ash Receivsr: On instrument panel. Radi 0 Speaker: .A permanent magnet speaker, either oval or round, to be mounted in the speaker opening provided on the dash of Cooling System: Vehicle to have maximum size cooling system available; the unit, voice. coil impedance 3.2 ohms, power handling capa­ i ncorpora ti ng "coolant recovery" sys tem. Factory ins ta 11 ed. city 7.0 watts, minimum. Speaker to be of a quality equal to automotive grade. Two speaker leads connected to the speaker Floor Mat: Heavy duty rubber, front and rear. Trunk mat, full floor. terminals, neither gro~nded, shall be long enough to extend one foot beyond the center of the lower edge of the dash. Front and Rear Armrests: Front and rear armrests to be of a style without ash trays or ash tray to be made inoperable. Re~.r Window Defogger: Electrical grid type. ConUol to be within . convenient reach of driver, control switch to be clearly marked Front Seat Assembly: Bench type, heavy, duty interior construction as to function., designed for rugged police use, comfortable foam-padded seat \\, , l cushions and backs. Remote Cori~rol Rear Deck Lid Release: Control to be withiQconvenient l ; \' i reach of the driver. Electric system wired independently of ! f', Gauges: To be ~quipped with ammeter or voltmeter, water temperature, ;a'~' ignition switch, preferred. Bowden cable system not acceptable. and oil pressure gauges, preferably located in instrument cluster, Ji or under dash convenient to driver. 1\ Glass: All windows shall be heat absorbing (tinted) type.

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fr I -14- r, Mich. 3905-0010a i September, 1979 -15- Mich. 3905-0010a September, 1979 Roof Top Reinforcement and Special Wiring: Install a steel plate 1/8" thick x 10" wide, to the underside of top, centered on the longitudinal 'centerline of the roof panel. Plate is to Tools: Wheel wrench and jack. extend from the windshield header to 'the first top cross mem­ ber support and is to be welded at both ends. Drill pne 5/8" Transmission: To be 3-speed fully automatic, heaviest duty available. hole through roof panel and reihforcing plate, approx~mately Must incorporate low gear lockout to prevent manual shifting. 19" from windshield moulding on longitudinal centerline. Exact placement of hole to be approved by Michigan State Police. Upholstery: Seats to be upholstered in cloth, or combination of Feed a minimum of three insulated stranded wires (one #12 and cloth and vi nyl (blue). ",}fll vi nyl not acceptable. two #16) through hole in roof and route directly to either side of top at a right angle to the longitudinal centerline, thence Wheels: Heavy duty, 14" x~;5-1/2" minimum. to corner post and down the inside of corner post. Wires to extend 18" above roof hole and 48" beyond where they emerge at Windshield Washers: Autbmatic type. bottom of corner post. Top hole to be taped to prevent entry of water. Wires to be concealed between headlining and roof Windshield Wipers: Multiple speed electric. panel. QUALIFICATION TESTING Secondary Ignition Wiring: Resistance type for radio noise suppression. In order to qualify for bidding, all vehicles. submitted by manufacturers Service Manuals: Manufacturer to supply five (5) service manuals must meet each of the following performance standards: prior to pilot inspection. 1 • ACCELERATION Special Wiring: One 14 gauge insulated wire running from center under-dash to rear center trunk area, leaving 4 feet of this o - 60 14.5 seconds or less wire extending under the dash and 3 feet extending in the trunk o - 80 25.5 seconds or less for mounting rear shelf lights. Flexible conduit not acceptable. o - 90 34.5 seconds or less Speedometer: Shall be calibrated to within 3% ~ccuracy. Scale Each vehicle will make four acceleratiollruns, and the times graduation~to be lin~ar and of 2 mph increments. 0-120 MPH scale. for the four runs will be averaged. Spotlights: Unity #225-6, 6" diameter, left- and right-hand mounted, 2. TOP SPEED equipped with aircraft landing lamp 4537-2. Pillar or other approved mount. Left and right spotlights to be individually A speed of 100 mph must be attained within a3-mile distance. fused with 10 amp capacity. Installation to be approved by For purposes to be explained in another section of this report, Michigan State Police. the vehicles will, after attaining the 100 mph minimum, be accelerated to the maximum speed attatnable within 15 miles. Steering: Power steering, manufacturer to provide steerfng gear which affords maximum firm II feel II and fast return character­ 3. BRAKES istics; designed for high speed pursuit type driving. a. Four stops from 80 mph with a constant deceleration rate Steering Wheel: RQund or oval with anti-slip surface. of 22 ft. per sec./per sec. maintained from 80 to 0 mph. Actual brake application to be made at two-minute intervals Police Suspension System: To include heavy-duty springs, front and followed immediately by a controlled impending skid stop rear, in combination with heavy-duty shock absorbers, and front from 60 mph at maximum deceler.ation rate attainable. and rear heavy-duty stabil i zer bars. (Vehicle to remain stationary between first, second, third, and fourth 80 mph stops, and before 5th stop from 60 mph.) Technical Service Bulletin: Manufacturer to supply seven (7) copies of'al1 technical service bulletins covering vehicles purchased under, b. Fi ve mi nutes after tes t II a II has been completed! it wi 11 this specification. be repeated, followed immediately by a panic (all wheel lock) stop from 60 mph. Tendency~for brake fade and Tires: Tires to· be Goodyear Rayon P205/70R14 minimum, Police Radials per abiYity of the vehicle to stop in a straight line will State of Michigan specification 5260-S1, May 21, 1979. be evaluated. G FAILURE OF A VEHICLE TO MEET ANY PORTION OF THE FOREGOING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS DURING THE PRE;,·BID QUALIFICATION TESTING WILL RESULT IN THAT , VEHICLE'S" DISQUALJFICATION. BIDS ON A DISQUALIFIED MAKE AND ~10DEL OF VEHICLE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE.

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CARBURETOR·EXHAUST " 4 BBL. Single Exhaust CARBURETOR·EXHAUST "''4 BBL. Single Exhaust HORSEPOWER@ RPM (S.A.E. NET) , 155 @ 4000 RPM l55@ 4000 RPM -c HORSEPOWER@ RPM (S.A.E.NET), TO ROUE LBS. @ RPM 240 @ 1600 <;::::::::;,,;;/1 TOROUELBS. @ RPM 240 @ 2000 RPM COMPRESSION RATIO 8.2:1 '. COMPRESSION RATIO 8.5 to 1 AXLE RATIO 2.73 AXLE RATIO 2;94 to 1 STEERING Integral Power STEERING Power - Firm 15.7:1 TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 37.19 Feet , TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 40.7 Fi!et 'TIRE SIZE P205/70R14 TIRE SIZE FR70X14 BSW - Goodyear - Bluestreak - Rayon SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT Independent - Slatype With Coil Springs (~. Independent. Lateral. Non-para~!el Control Arms L;nk type 2 Upper and 2 Lower Contro lA~ms SUSPENSION TYPE FRONT With Transverse Torsion Bars (127 Lb./ln. at Wheel) SUSPENSION TYPE REAR Supporting Rear Axle . Semi-Elliptical Leaf Sprlngs SUSPENSION TYPE REAR \) ('/35 Lb,Lln. at Wheel - Full, Rate) BRAKE FRONT TYPE Disc swel>TAREA 191.6 SO. IN. BRAKE FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 204.5 SO. IN. BRAKE REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA 116.1 SO. IN. BRAKE REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT,AREA 165.9 SO. IN. OVERALL LENGTH 192.7" ._----- OVERALL LENGTH 204.3" OVERALL HEIGHT 54.2" at Design Load ! OVERALL HEIGHT 55.5" WEIGHT CURB 3484 LBS. TeST 3519 LBS. WEIGHT CURB 3673 LBS. TEST 3809 LBS. . WHEELBASE 108.1 " WHEELBASE 112.7" HEAD ROOM FRONT 38 •.7" ,., HEAD ROOM FRONT 39.3" \ HEAD ROOM - REAR" 37.7" HEAD ROOM REAR 37.7" LEG ROOM FRONT 42.8" ..;;, LEG ROOM -, FRONT 42.7" LEG ROOM REAR 38.0" .LEG ROOM' REAR 37.8" SHOULDER ROOM FRONT 57.3" SHOULDER ROOM FRONT 55.7" 'SHOULDER ROOM REAR 57.1" ." SHOULDER ROOM REAR a5.7" , 'HIP ROOM FRONT 52.2" . HIP R09~·· FRONT 57.2" HIP ROOM REAR 55.6" . HIP ROOM REAR 57.0" URBAN lCOMBINED E:'i>.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 17 J~~~.~~AY 24 M.P.G. 19 URBAN HIGHWAY 16 I 24 I~OMBINED 19 .. ":' E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. M.P.G. M.P.G. * See Preface "

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1 >1 , i , I -18- " -19} \1 INFORMATIONAL HARDWARE DESCRIPTION INFORMATIONAL HARDWARE DESCRIPTION il MAKE. MODEL, & SALES CODE NO: Ford Fairmont I 92 I HL MAKE. MODEL. & SALES CODE NO. Plymouth Vol are - 4 Door - 41~<~':'-';'/:'1)< LITERS I I ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 255 CU.IN. 4.2 \,'---- ENGINE DISPLACEMENT E47 318 CU. IN. 5.2 LITERS 1) CARBURETOR·EXHAUST Ford 2150 2V SinQle Exhaust 1 . CARBURETOR·EXHAUST 4 BBL. Single Exhaust HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NET) 119 @ 3800 RPM HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E. NET) 155 @4000 RPM TOROUE LBS. @ RPM 194 @ 2000 RPM I TO ROUE LaS. @ RPM 240 @ 2000 RPM COMPRESSION RATIO , 8.8:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 8.5 to 1 AXLE RATIO 2.26:1 AXLE RATIO 2.94 to 1 STEERING. Rack and Pinion STEERING Power - Firm 15.7:1 TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURBi 39.0 Feet TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CLIAB) 40.7 Feet TIRE SIZE P205/70R14 TIRE SIZE FR70X14 BSW - Goodyear - Bluestreak - Rayon Hybrid McPherson Strut With Coil Spring SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT " Independent:. Lateral.Non~ara!!el L;ontrol Arms SUSPENSION TYPE - FRONT With Transverse Torsion Bars (127 Lb./ln.,at Wheel) SUSPENSION TYPE - REAR Four Bar Link Coil Spring Semi~E11 ipt1ca I ~eat sprlngs ' SUSPENSION TYPE - REAR (135 Lb./ln. at Wheel - Full Rate) BRAKE-FRONT TYPE Disc - Semi-Metallic' SWEPT AREA 176.6 SO.IN. BRAKE-FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 204 •.5 SO. IN. BRAKE-REAR TYPE Drum - Organic SWEPT AREA 110.0 SO. IN. BRAKE-REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA 165.9 SO. IN. OVERALL LENGTH 195.5" OVERALL LENGTH 204.3 11 OVERALL HEIGHT 52.9" ~ J I OVERALL HEIGHT 55.5" WEIGHT CURB 3109 LBS. TEST 3117 LBS. WEIGHT CURB 3673 LBS. TEST 3800 LBS. 105.5" WHEELBASE " , WHEELBASE 112.7" HEAD ROOM - FRONT 38.3" HEAD ROOM - FRONT 39.3" HEAD ROOM - REAR 37.4" HEAD ROOM REAR 37.7" LEG ROOM '- FRONT 41.7" LEG ROOM - FRONT 42.7" LEG ROOM -REAR 35.3" LEG ROOM- REAR 37.8" \ SHOULDER ROOM - FRONT 56.7" -,· ....,t ~. SHOULDER ROOM FRONT 55.}" SHOULDER ROOM - REAR 56.7" SHOULDER ROOM - REAR 55.7" HIP ROOM - FRONT 56.2" HIP ROOM - FRONT 57.2" HIP ROOM - REAR 53.7" URBAN lHIGHWAY ICOMBINED HIP ,ROOM '- REAR 57.0" E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 18 M.P.G. 26 M.P.G. 21 URBAN IHIGHWAY ICOMBINED q E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 16 M.P.G. 24 M.P.G. 19 * See Preface I '

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MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODE Chevrolet Malibu 1AT19 NO~ I I MAKE, MODEL, & SALES CODe NO. Dodge I Aspen - 4 Door I NL-41 ENGINE DISPLACEMENT 350,p", 5.7 CU.IN, LITERS ENGINE DISPLACEMENT E58 360 CU,IN. 5.9 LITERS t -;-'J,~ CARBURETOR·EXHAUST 4 BBL. Single Exhaust. e',! CARBURETOR·EXHAUST 4 BBL. Single Tail Pipe - Dual Exhaust

HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S.A.E, NEn 165 @ 3800 RPM HORSEPOWER @ RPM (S,A.E, NEn 185 @ 4000 RPM

TOROUELBS. @ RPM 260 @ 2400 'RPM TOROUE LBS, @ RPM '275 @ 2000 RPM COMPRESSION RATIO 8.2:1 COMPRESSION RATIO 8.0 to 1 AXLE RATIO 2.73:1 AXLE RATIO 2.94 to 1 STEERING Integra 1 Power STEERING Power - Firm 15.7:1 TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 37.19 Feet TURNING CIRCLE (CURB TO CURB) 40.7 Feet TIRE SIZE P205/70R14 --'- TIRE SIZE FR70X14 BSW - Goodyear - B.1 uestreak - Rayon SUSPENSION TYpe - FRONT ~ndependent - SlatypeWith Coil Springs Independent. Lateral., No -para1 ~1 Control Al)'s With SUSPENSION TYPE FRONT TransVerse Torsion Bars 127 Lb. In. at Wheel . Link Type 2 Upper and 2 Lower Control Arms t Semi-Elliptical Leaf Springs SUSPENSION TYPE - REAR Sypportina Rear Axle SUSPENSION TYPE REAR JJ35 Lbjln. at Wheet - Full Ratlll BRAKE FRONT TYPE SWEPT AREA SO.IN, Disc 191.6 BRAKE FRONT TYPE Disc SWEPT AREA 204.5 SO,IN. BRAKE-REAR TYPE SWEPT AREA Drum 116.1 SO. IN, BRAKE REAR TYPE Drum SWEPT AREA , 165.9 SO.IN, OVERALL LEt-IGTH 192.7" OVERALL LENGTH 204.3" OVERALL HEIGHT 54.2" at Design Load OVERALL HEIGHT 55.5" " WEIGHT CURB 3501 TEST 3519 LBS. LBS. WEIGHT CURB 3734 LBS. TEST 3825 LBS. WHEELBASE 108.1" '. WHEELBASE 112~7"

HEAD ROOM - FRONT 38.7" 39.3" HEAD ROOM FRONT ,~, I HEAD ROOM REAR 37.7" 37.7" , ., HEAD ROOM REAR I! LEG ROOM - FRONT 42.8" 42.7" r LEG ROOM FRONT .- LEG ROOM - REAR . 38.0" f. LEG ROOM REAR 37.8" ! \ SHOULDER ROOM - FRONT 57.3" 55.7" ! sHoULDER ROOM FRONT I SHOULDER ROOM - REAR 57.1" 55.7" SHOULDER ROOM - REAR ;£~ HIP ROOM -FRONT 52.2" 11 HIP ROQM FRONT 1i7.2" ~I HIP ROOM - REAR 55.6" HIP ROOM REAR 57.0" URBAN \ \ HIGHWAY URBAN E.P.A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. 14 I 20 I~~DM..... _._ 1'j' IHIGHWAY ICOMBINED If M.P.G. E.P,A. MILEAGE ESTIMATE M.P.G. ,13 M.P.G. 15 M.P.G, 18 Vehicle tested at manufacturer's request. f .* Vehicle tested at manufacturer's requ~st. ! * r

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The following test equipment is utilized Quring the acceleration, top PREH~SE,- rHi::~igali State P?lice patrol vehicles must have handling speed, braking, and vehicle dynamics portion of the evaluation program. characterlstlcs WhlCh aresuperlor to standard vehicles. High speed cornering and handling ability are essential in pursuit situations and LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORPORATION (Labeco), Box J58, Mooresville, can offset losses in outright top speed capability. Accident avoidance Indiana 46)58 characteristics can. also be greatly increased with a vehiCle designed for maximum handling. , , '" 1. Tracktest Fifth Wheel , - Determine h'i9h, speed pursuit handling il 2. 001.1 Digital Velocity Meter TEST,OB~ECTIVE ~ach vehi~le's characterl~tlcs and performance ln comparlsonto the other vehicles in ' the test, group. The course used is a road racing type course containing 3. 002.1 Digital Distance Meter :j h~ 11 s, curves, ,and corners and i s1. 635 mi 1es in 1ength. The course slmu1ates actual conditions encountered in pursuit sit~lItions in the 4. Transmitter Assembly for 001.1 and 002.1 fie1d,with the exception of other traffic. The evaluation will be a true test of the success or failure of the vehicle manufacturers in 5. Digital to Analog Converter (two channel) offering balanced packages in terms of their blending of suspension . com~onents, acceleration capabilities, and braking characteristics of 6. Astro-Med, Portable Two Channel, Strip Chart Recorder Model thelr cars. Serious deficiencies in handling, acceleration, or braking "~~-~, , will result in a relatively poor score on this test. Twenty-five percent of each vehicle's total score will be derived from this test. HEATH COMPANY, Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 , METHODOLOGY,: Each vehicle will be driven over the course fo\') at 7. Digital. Multi. - Function Stop Watch ~ Model GB-1201 least 12, timed laps; using at least three separate drivers. Each vehicle's lap, times will be averaged to derive the final score on this MICRO ~I~ITCH, Division of HoneyWell, Freeport, Illinois 61032 test. ' 8. Modulated L.E.D. Control (photo electric micro switch) 'Model FE-MLS-3A

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Brooklyn Gate 3

Brooklyn Gate 2

Penske Speedway 'nc. D.B.A. Michigan International Speedway 12626 US-12 Brooklyn, Mich. 49230

Brooklyn Arrows indicate Gate 1 Michigan State Police Road Test Course and Direction of Travel. VIP Press Parking Brooklyn Infield Gate

Infield Parking

7.635 Miies , . \

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-26- -27- ,ACCELERATION AND TOP SPEED TESTNG BRAkE TESTI NG ACCELERATION PREMISE - Michigan State Police patrol vehicles must be equipped PREMISE - Michigan State Police patrol vehicles must be capable of with brakes which ar.e capable of 'deceleratit1g the vehicle as quickly as accelerating to highway speeds and greater as quickly as possip1e in possible under extreme conditions, while allowing a high level of ,control order'to minimize the delay betWeen violation and apprehension. to be maintained. TEST OBJECTIVE TEST OIlJECTIVE Qualification Test; Determine the ability of each test vehicie Qualification Test: Determine the acceptability of each to accelerate from a standing start to; 60 mph. 80 mph. and vehicle's braking performance for highway patrol and high 100 mph (full size vehicles); 60 mph. 80 mph. and 90 mph speed pursuit service. The ability of.a vehicle to make, a (intermediate size vehicles) within the time allowances contained straight lOck up>stop within' its own lane and any evidence of in the patrol vehicle specifications. Failure eliminates the brake fade will be evaluated, Fa,ilure eliminates the vehicle vehicle from bidding. from bidding. Competit'l\ie Test:, Determine each test vehic1et acceleration Competitive Test: Determine ,the deceleration rate attained by time to 100 mph for the,full size vehicles and!!90 mph for the each vehicle on two fiO - 0 mph impending skid stops. Vehicles intermediate size vehicles. Ten percent of each test vehicle's will be scored on their average deceieration rate attained in score is derived from this test. comparison with the other vehicles in'the test group. Ten percent of each vehicle'S score is derived from this test. ,METHODOLOGY - Using a fifth wheel in conjunction with an electronic ~; digital speed meter and an electronic multi-function timer. each Vehicle METHODOLOGY - Each vehi~le will first be required to make four is driven through four acceleration sequences; two northbound and two deceleration5 at 22 ft./sec. (90 -0 mph full size vehicles or 80- 0 southbound to allow for wind direction. The four resulting times for mph intermediate size vehicles). with the driver Using a decelerometer each target speed are averaged. and the averaged times used to, determine to maintain the deceleration rate. The vehicle will then make, one 60 - "pass" or "fail" on the qualification tests. and to derive scores on the o mph impending skid. The exact initial velocity at the beginning of competitive test. the deceleration and the exact distance required to make the stop will " \. be recorded by means of a fifth Wheel in conjunction with electronic digital speed and distance meters. From these figures. the average TOP NJ.Q deceleration rate for ,the stop can be calculated. Following a 5 minute cooling period. this sequence will be repeated. This second sequence PREMISE - Michigan State Police full size patrol vehicles must be will be followed by one 60 - 0 mph full four-wheel lock stop. both to capable.of attaining a minimum top speed of 110 mph within a d1~!I~nce of , , determine ability of 'the brakes to lock and ability of the vehicle to',c three ml1es or less in order to successfully pursue. overtake, )1., ~ stop in a straight line(within its lane. apprehend violators. Intermediate size patrol vehicles. due to "t"eir limited patrol usage. will be required to attain a top speed of 100 mph withi n a di~tance of three mi 1es or 1ess. ' DECELERATION RATE FORMULA . ,:-::::- TEST OBJECTIVE *Initial Velocity2 Deceleration r~te in ft. per sec. 2 Qual"jfication Test: Determine each vehicle'S ability to attain the minimum top speed required. Failure eliminates the 2 X Stopping distance vehicle from bidding. ' EXAMPLE: CompetitiVe Test: Determine the actual top speed attainable within a distance, of 15 miles from a standing start. Fifteen 60.8 MPII " 89.175 ft. per sec. / squared" 7952.24 percent of each vehicle's score is derived from this test. " 23.198 ft. per sec. 2 \ METHODOLOGY ~ Following the fourth acceleration run. the vehicle 171.4 ft. X 2 342.8 shall continue to accelerate to the top speed attainable within 15 miles from the start of the run. The distance required to reach 110 'mph (full size vehicles) or 100,:nph (intermediate size vehicles) will *Initia1 velocity must be expressed in terms of feet per' second, with be noted. The highest speed attained within the 15 mile distance will 1 mil e per hour bei ng equal t9 1.~667 feet" per second. be the vehicle's score on the competitive 'test.


'.'~, ------~

I ' ,

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z ~.., ~ '-94 ex:g 0:: C z ::1 I N ,00 I l

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NOmH~ I ~, !


{I I I ' ,

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rI r-" I \





Buick ChElvrQlet Oodge Ford Plymouth la Sabre SPEED Impala St. Regis " lTO·S Gran Fury '0-60 MPH (Sec) 13.445 12.955 11 .533 11.535 lJ .310 0-80 MPH (Sec) 24.478 23.803 19.618 19.775 19.543

.~ 0.100 MPH (Sec) 49.383 46.165 36.700 37.330 35.453 '. TopSpeed 113.1 110.4 122.7 120.5 124.6 Distance to reach , 110 MPH minimum (Miles) 1.39 1.38 .90 .95 .92 v.. Mile (average)'

Time 19.50 ,19.08 18.40 18.50 18.15 1 N Speed 74.33 73.25 1.0 77 .50 7.7,75 76.75 .1 BRAKING Phase! , ' " Initial Speed ' (MPH) 59.8 59.8 60.3 60.5 60.8 '. Stopping Distance (Ft) 175.5 163.3 163.5 187.9 172.2 2 ,Deceleration Rate (Ft/Sec ) 21. 917 23.554 23.920 20.953 23.090 Phase'/I \

Initial Speed (MPH), 60.5 61.2 60.5 60~6 60.9 Stopping, Distance (Ft) 168.0 169.0 171 ,1 ) 71.4 182.5

2 \ Decele.ration Rate (Ft/S(!c ) 23.434 ,,,23.838 23,010 23.046 21.859 .. Deceleration Rate (Average) /1 22.676 23.696 23.465 22.00el 22.475 , ,

'Obtained frOm Strip ChartRecordi09s of Acceleration Runs


__~~,:t~' _~~ __-"_-1-"'.~' ___"._~_' ______,

, , " "

1 I / ,

- -1 {~ I r--~ j


Chevrolet Dodge Ford Plymouth . Chevrolet** Dodge.** SPEED Malibu-305 Aspen·318 Fairmont·255 Volare·318 ~allbu-350 Aspen-360 0-60 MPH (Sec) 12.808 13:"245 15.925 12.618 12.330 10.958

",. 0-80 MPH (Sec) ·c ·23.9~0 24.173 29.245 22.245 22.675 19.243 0-90 MPH (Sec) 33.440 32.290 49 .• 130 29.388 31.893 25.720

Top~peed 113.4 117.3 111.6 120.0 110.8 122.~ Distance to reach .7"1, 100 MPH minimum (Miles) .75 .71 1.15 .67 .. p8 . , 114' Mil, (average) * :, Time 19 •. 20 19.55 20.65 1'9.33 19.00 " 17.~5

Speed I 73.50 73.25 68.~0 74.7,5 74.25 77.50 W o BRAKING I Phase I

Initial Speed (MPH) 60.0 60.1 60.8 60.8 60.5 " 60.0 Stopping Distance (Ft) 154.6 172 .. 7 169.1 164.5 163.7 173.4 .

2 \\ Deceleration Rate (Ft/Sec ) Q.0'50 \I 25.046 \-', 22.496 23.513 24.171 22.331 \ ., Phase II \ CC Initial Speed (MPH) " 59.5 .60.3 ,60.5 60.8 60.6 60.5 \ Stopping Distance (Ft) 164.1 177 .3 158.1 167.8 156.1 "161. 7 , 2 ( Deceleration Rate (FtlSee ) I , , 23.205 22.059 24.902 I 23.696 25.304 24.347 Deceleration Rate , 24.126 ' I 22.278 24.208 I 23.934 ! 24d577 23.339 (Average) .' (FtISee 2 )

'Obtained frorn Strio Chart Recor~k\gs of AccelerairOr"' p .... ~s

**Venicl es tested at manufacturer I s request.


, , ,


I " Y . " r r-- I r \


TEST LOCATION ChryslerProvlngGrounds DATE Detober 20., 1979 TEST LOCATION Cl1ryslerProvlngGrounds DATE Detober 20., 1979

Ac::CELERATION ACCELERATION MAKE'& MODEL Dodge St. Regis BEGINNING TlME~ __--::.9..:.:4.:.:1:-.. __ AMIfItX 8 MAKE & MODEL Buick leSabre BEGINNING TlME ___.:: :.;:1:.:.4.:.- ___ AMIR~ .,'

TIME SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN Hl RuN H2 RUN 83 RUN H4 AVERAGE TIME SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN Nl ' RUN 112 RUN t:i RUN N4 AVERAGE 11.533 0-60 13 Sel.;s 11.68 11.16 11 ,85 11.44 , - 0·60 13 Sees 13.65 12.90. 13.70. 13.53 13..445 0·80 23 Sees 20..22 18.53 20..85 18.87 19.618 0-80 23 Sees 25.56 23,.44 25.35 23.56 '24.478 , '0-100 43 Sees 41.16 32.32 41.83 31.49 36,.70.0. 0-100 43 Sees 59.15 42.98 54.81 40..59 • 49.383


ACCELERATION ACCELERATION MAKE & M()DEL ___F,-,o;.;.r.;;.d...::l~T.:::.D ____ BEGINNI.NG TlME ___,--.:..1~D::.:2::.2 __AM/m MAKE & MODt:L Chevro 1et Impa 1a BEGINNING TIME __-=6:.:::::;D6==-- ____MIIIPM : , " TIME : SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN Nl RUN RUN N3 RUN 84 AVERAGE TIME " *2 SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN Nl fiUN *2 ,RUN N3 RUN *4 AVERAGE '0·60 13 Sees 11.59 11.45 11.82 11.28 11.535 0-60 13 Sees 12,,94 13.0.3 13.0.4 12.81 12.955 \ 0-80 23 Sees 20.55 19.12 20..47' 18.96 19.775 J 0-80 23 Sees 24.74 23.14 24.75 22.58 23.80.3 0·100 43 Sees 42.35 32.20. 42.23 32.54 37.330. (j-l00 43 Sees 51.58 40..44 52.55 40..0.9 46.165


, , ". - ./ f / r r-- I (


-34- -33-


TEST LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds DATE October 20, 1979 TEST LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds DATE October 20, 1979

ACCELERATION ACCELERATION MAKE & MODEL Plymouth Gran Fury BEGINNING TIME 11:11 S ---____~AM/R~ MAKE & MODEL Chevrolet Malibu 305 BEGINNING TIME ____5_. 2_-C.___ jI(M/PM


o 60 13 Sees 11.44 11.18 11.S0 11.12 11.310 0·60 14.5 Sees 12.80 12.40 13.14 12.89 12.808

o 80 23 Sees 20.1S 18.65 20.71 18.66 19.543 0·80 25.S Secs 24.23 22.82 2S.96 22.87 23.970

0·100 43' Sees 39.31 31.98 38.46 32.06 35.453 0·90 34.5 Sees 35.95 30.7.9 36.90 30.12 33.440 -'---- J



., --~-~,,='======


MMj~ .... MODEL ~---- BEGINNING TlME ______.AM/pM MAKE & MODEL Dodge Aspen- 318 BEGINI41NG TIME ___l"'2;.:.:.=.;09=---_--I

TIME TIME SPEEDS REQUIREMENT SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN HI RUN 82 RUN .3 RUN H4 AVERAGE RUN 81 I\UN 82 RUN 83 RUN 84 AVERAGE 13.245 0·60 " 0-60 14.5 Secs 13.34 12.92 13.70 13.02 1-- " \ '. 0-80 0·80 25.5 Secs 24.88 22.51 26.63 22.67 24.173 - 0-100 , 0·90 34.5 Sees 34.85 28.69 36.44 29.18 32,290,






1 / - " .- " , r - ,.,...... ·1 I r- I I


-36- -35-


" TEST L9CATION Chrysler Proving Grounds DATE October 20, 1979 TEST LOCATION ChrysltirProvlng Grounds DATE October 20, 1979

ACCELERATION ACCELERATION MAKE & MODEL Chevrolet Malibu. 350* BEGINNIN~'TIME __--=:.2!.:::2:::.5 ____ "M/PM MAKE & MODEL Ford Fairmont - 255 BEGINNING TIME_--.:3":..:.:.::.:02=-..:...-___ )II.IIPM

, TIME TIME SPEEDS REQUIREMENT illJN iiI RUN 82 . RUN 1i3 RUN .4 AVEIlAGI' SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN HI RUN .2 RUN .3 RUN .4 AVERIIGE'. 0·60 12.04 11.97 12.75 12.56 12.330 0·60 14.5 Secs 16.48 15.20 16.54 15.48 15.925 - , (j·80 23.02 21.80 24.56 2~.04 22.675 0·80 25.5 Secs 31.82 26.58 31.59 26.99 29.245 - 0·90 34.17 29.08 35.73 28;54 31.893 0·90 34.5 Secs, 61.51 38.90 57.59 38.52 49.130 -


ACCELERATION \) ACC~~ERATION MAKE ~ MODEL Dodge Aspen - 360* BEGINNING TIME __4:.;.:.;:.:40:...... ____MM/PM MAKE & MODEL Plymouth VQ1are 318 BE~INNING TlME_-.;3;,.:.:..;,.48"--___,,.....r..q/PM

TIME , \ TIME SPEEDS REQUiREMENT RUN.l () RUN .2 ~ RUN .3 RUN .4 AVERAGE SPEEDS REQUIREMENT RUN .1 RUN 82 RUN .3 RUN .4 I\VERAGE !'i' 0·60 11.15 10.80 11.24 19. 64 10.958 0·60 14.5 Secs 12.56 12.25 12.90 12.76 12.618 - ,< 0·80 20.02 18.26 20.38 18.31 19.243 0·80 25.5 Secs .22.51 20.67 23.93 2.1.87 22.245 - ()

0·90 ' 27.87 24.20 27.04 23.77 25.120 0·9ff 34.5 Secs 31.29 26.54 31.98 27.74 29.388 -


* Vehicles tested at manufacturer's request:


fr ( ,



MAKE & MODEL Sui ck LeSabre


I 20 W ""-J I o 1 1 I 1 ,I 1 1 10 sec 20 sec 30 sac 40 sac


, :

400 .r I' !


Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence.


11 I ----~-~ ------

.- .



MAKE & MODEL Chevrc> 1et Impala


M , p

I 'W (Xl I o 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I. 1 I I .1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec 40 sec


Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence. (J


" , ~t r I ------


~ I [~ \



I W ~ I o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec non, ;;: 1,-+" @

l;: ft:{, "

. :~ I,;::;; ir \ F ' ~i ~nn. m== tit! n;: " E ,' ... .; E t·;:,; T 400


" II 1H:;4;.!~· . 0

Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence.

, ....

r I .. 1




.. (- I i I 1





1 MAKE & MODEL Ford LTO - S 1


.. 1 ~




20 I , .p. 0 I i o il 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I. I' 1 I 1'1 1 I I I .- 10,sec 20 sec 30 sec ;1 \ 1

~ 1

1 F6QO E E ~ T 400 1 200 1 o 1

Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence. ~ 1 '~ 1


---' ~"'''~~~~------+.a.: -- r { ------

~. - . "



MAKE & MODEL Plymouth Gran Fury

M p H

o I I I I I ! I I I I I. I I I 10 sec 30 sec

F 6QO E E T \ 400 .~ i i ~ 200


Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequen~e.

It .,

tt I r " ..... t


. - .-~----~-""----'-~. 'w_~_ ... f I


M~KE & MODEL Chevrolet Malibu - 305-4V


p H 40

20 I .j:::o N I o .., I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec 40 sec




Strip chart recording of one northbound acc~leration sequence.

o , ...... ".. .. 1 I '"" , - / , ...... (.



MAKE & MODEL Dodge Aspen - 3l8-4V

I ~ W I

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. 1 1 1 1 I. 1 1 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec i , i , }

F E E \ T 400 .,<,



Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence.


" "

~' ", .- , ..

r I


MAKE' & MODEL Ford Fa i rmont - 255-2V


, ) I I I I I I I I I I i' I I I I I I, I I I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec 40 sec 50 s(\~


Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequenq,e. I " I I , t I

<,.. .. __ .. _ .. - .-~------~-~--,- .. -"~.-.~-~-.,.,~.-- ."'-"-..... ~--~.-...... -..---. .... -""'*""~"-""-~~~.-~--...... ~~'"~~~~--.-..-'"--~-______..... {l~ ~ ~~ ~~ _~~_,<=. ....---~.-,"", " , .. , __ ,_ .. ~,_,_'""~ "'''' __.'',_ ._'~-----.l___ '. ~ \-_ ..~." _____ ,_,_,,J.! ", ...... -1 / .------~------

I '

", .. - ~ "



MAKE & MODEL Plymouth Volare - 318-4V

M p H

I 20 .j::o CJ'1 I o I I 10 sec 20 sec


Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence. 'I) , .....

7 I ------~ ------I '

, r


\ 1 I ACCELERATION \ 'I ! ,1 MAKE & MODEL Chevrolet Mali bu- 350-4V i ) '! - :/ 100 1


20 I ../::> 0'1 I o

I I I I I r .I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec 40 sec ..,

\ F E E T

200 I. o

7 I Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence. H ..... ~.- --__ J " ..". . ? I .- ,

"...... -, i :



MAKE & MODEL Dodge Aspen - 360-4V -


20 I ...... f::> I o I I 10 sec 20 sec 30 sec

600 \




Strip chart recording of one northbound acceleration sequence.

, (I

, """ "

." n .. r / r , r --1/.


'i -48- I BRAKE TESTING ~\49-' FULL SIZE VEHICLE BRAKE TESTING DATE t:\ 6 FULtSIZE VEHICLE iI LOCATION' Chrysler ProvIng Grounds MAKE & MODEL BUick Le S"bre DATE 10-20-Z2' 1 LOCATION Chrysler ProvIng Grounds' PHASE I '." MAKE & MODEL Chevrolet Impala QRAKE HEAT,UP (90mPh-22ftpersec.i) I PHASE .1 StoPl/l Completed I IiRAKEHEAT.UP (9Q mph - 22 fl. per sec.') Stop #2 Completed SlOp 1/1 Completed Slop 113 Completed S\opll2 Completed Slop 114 Completed Stop 1#3 Completed

Stop 1/4 Completed TEST (60 mph -Impending skId - maxImum decelerallon rale allalnable)

S«ipll5 Inl!lalSpeed S9.8~mph StoPPlngdISlance-c,"":-"1_7_S_;S___ fl. ,TEST (60 mph - ImpendIng skId - 'ina)(Jmum deceleraHo~r~le att~'nable) , Decele.rallon Rale 21.917. fUsec.' Stop 115 InitIal Speed __-,....5_9_._8 ___ mPh SloppIng dlsiance ___16_3_._3 " ___ fl. Deceleration Rale __-=2c:..3 .:...:::S..:;.54,--_~ ft./sec.' , '.. " 0 PHASE II BRAKE HEAT-UP (90 mph _ 22 fl. per sec.')G Slop 116 Completed PHASE II, BRAKE HEAT·UP (90 mph -22fl.persec.') Stop 117 Comp I eted , Slop 116 Camp I eted \l:) Stop 118 Completed .Stop 117 Comp I eted Slop 119 Completed Stop 118 Comp I eted

Stop 119 Completed ll;!ST (60 mph - Impending sllld - max.lmum decelerallon rale attaInable)

Slop 1/10 Inlt/alSpeed 60.5 mph SloPP/ng dISlance,:--l-,'_iB_,_O___ fl. TEST (60 mph-Impending skId - mal:lm~m decelerallon rate attaInable) Decelerallon Rale __-=2.:;.3,,-. 4",3'-'.4 ___ fUsec.'. :) 0:) i \ StoPW10 ,lnltia'speed 61,2 o mph Decelerallon Rate 23. 83B PHASE III. fUsec.' TEST (60 mph - fUI! Wheel/ock.up) o PHASE 11/ Slop 1111 EvIdence of severe fadlngprlorto locklrig1 . Brakes would lOck? ' . YES NO TEST (60 mph - full Wheellock;up) . VehIcle stOpped In stralghillne?,) X X Slop 1/11 Evidence of severe faejlng prIor to lOcking? VehIcle stopped wIthIn corredt IlIne? X YES NO Brake~,wolJld lOck? .. . '.• X X VehIcle stopped In straight line? X AVERAGE SCORE ___~~_,_6_76--,'u_. - __ FT/SEC.' VehIcle stopped withIn correc~ lane? X X AVERAGE SCORE __..,.,;;.;23_'..;;.69",6"- __FTISEC.> () .:

" o Q I , ~

.:':"\ "'- b ·1 / ~ r , --, f~ Ii ,

r~J J .j t -50- ; i " ~I. -!jl- . I BRAKE TESTING :I FULL SIZE VEHICLE BRAKE TESTING DATE 10-20-79 FULL SIZE VEtflCLE ,:; LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds ' MAKE & MODEL Oodge St. Regis , DJ\TE 10-20-79 LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds , MAKI:& MODEL Ford LTD "~',I PHASE i - BRAKE HEAT·UP (90 mph ""722 ft. per sec.') PHASE I , Stop III Comp 1eted BRAKE HEAT·UP (90 mph - 22 ft. per sec.') ,i:1 Stop 112 Completed Stop III Completed

Stop 113 Completed Stop 112 Itomp 1 eted II

Stop/l4 Completed Stop 113 Completed ! StoP/l4 Completed i TEST (60 mph - Impending skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) II Stopll5 Initial Spee{j 60.3 mph St"pplng distance---:-J 163.5 TEST (60 mph ~ Impending skid - maximum decelerallon rate altalnable) --~-__ ft. 1/ Deceleration Rate.~_2_3_._9_20____ fUsee.' Stop \\5 Initial Speed 60.5 mph SI9Pping dlstance __l",8;.;.7..;..."--. 9~_fl. i Deceleration Rate 20.953 fUsee.' () II PHASE /I

BRAKE HEAT·UP (90 mph - 22 ft. per sec.') PHASE /I ij Slop #6 Comp 1eted BRAKE HEAT·UP (90mph-22 It. per sec.') 'J , Stopfl7 Completed Stop 116 Completed /1 Stop Ita Completed StoPil7 Completed q i:I Stop #9 Completed StopHa Completed , Stop #9 Completed " TEST (60 mph-Impending skid - maximum deceleration r~te attainable) Stop 1110 In~tial speed, __--:6"'0:.:..::.- 5 ____ TEST (60 mph -Impending skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) mph ~"opplng distance __1_7_1_, _1 - ___ It. 6 DecelE1ratlor1i Rate ____""2"'3..;.., 0::..1:..:0'-- __ IUsec,' Stop 1110 Initial speed 60. mph S,toppjr!Q dlstance_-...:..;..71;,..;.c.,:4___ l ft, Deceleration Rate __2_3_. 0"",4..;;..6 ___ ,/sec,' II PHASE '" \ TEST (60 mph - full wheel lock.up) PHASE 1/1 Stop 1111 EvIdence of severe fading prior to lOcking? TEST (60 mph :- full wheellock.up) YES NO, 'Brakes would lock? X () 'Vehicle stopped In straight line? X Stop 1111 Evldi3nce of severe lading prIor to locking? YES NO Vehicle stOpped within correct lane? X B,rakes WOUld lock? <- X X , Vehicle, stopped In slralght line? X Vehicle stopped Within correct lane? X ,. AVERAGE SCORE-_--=2""3;...,4"'6""5 ___FT/SEC,. X AVERAGE SCORE __~22_._0_0_0 ___FT/SEC" 0

, \"


1 / - I - ---~------~ ~~~~------

" r --'t" r r f"


" ' !


MAKE & MODEL DATE 10':20-79 LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds Gran.


BRAKE HEAT,UP (90 mph - 22 ft. per sec.')

Stop 1#1 Comp 1 eted

stop #2 Completed

S~?P 1/3 Completed

Stop #4 Comp 1eted 't.?c TEST (60 mph - Impending skid - maximum deceleniUon rati9 attainable) \ 1\ " 172.2\ Stop 115 Initial Speed 60.8 mph dlsiahl)e ft. st~PI1..\.I1g \\ '\ \\ Deceleralion Rate __.::2::.3:.:, 0::.:9:;:0:.-' ___f!.lsec.', \\ , ' \"\ PHASE II \ \~ BRAKE HEAT·UP (90mph-221t:persllc.')

Completed \ StopNS ~ I) Stopli7 Completed V \, I Siopi/8 Completed I \ StopN9 Completed o TEST (SO mJ)h -Impending skid - maximum deceleralion rate attainable) r 182.5 ,ft. Stop 1#10 Initial sp~ed -.:..~6~0:..=.9,--~_mph 0 Stopping dilltance

Deceleration Flate 21 .859 ftJsec.' , . PHASE III

TEST (SO mph -lull wheellock·up) YES NO Stopl#11 Evidence 01 severe fading prJorto locking? X Brakes would lock? ' l< Vehicle stopped Instralght!lne? X Vehicle stopped within corr~ct lane,/ X

. AVERAGI: SCORE __.-,;:o2;;;,;2';.,.:4..:.,75=---,-_FT/SEC,'

f - I '

r r-- 1 ,- i ,

,., , "I',....~

o .' 1 I -53- j j '-54- BRAKE TESTING D I MID SIZE VEHICL~ BRAKE TESTING "& " I) Chevrol et ... MID SIZE. VEtflCLE if DATE 10-20-79 LOCATION Chrysler Proving roun s L Nalibu (305) D G d , .MAKE .& MODE ==-~, Dodge DATE 10.. 20-79 . LOCAlloN CllIyslerProvlngGrounds MAKE & MODEL Aspen (318) >} ~HASE I (.> :1 " BRAKE HEAr·Up (80mph-22ft,persec,') .PHASE I

Slop 111 Completed BRAKE IiEAT.UP (8ttmph-22ft.persec.')" Completed Stop #2 Completed StopH1 Stop 112 " Cpmplet'e/' 0 Stop #3 II Coinp 1 eted i II ,,\,! iI stop 113 ,I Stop 114 Compl eterl. Completed II? Stop 114 Completed TEST (60 mph - Impending skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) TEST (60 mph- Impending skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) Stopll5 Init!aISpeet! ,p 60.0 mph Stopping distance 154.6 ft. Stop 115 Initial Speed _---:6:.::0~.~1 ___~ mph Deceleration Rate ....::.25=.;.:..:0:,.:.4;:..6 ___ fl.lsec.' Stopping dlstan~.e __..;l..;..'7..:::.?.;.;' 7_ It. . Det:el~ration Rate_--=2:.::.2,;...4:.:;.9.:,.6 ___ ll.Isec.'

BRAKE HEAT·UP (80mph-22ftpp..rsec,') PHASE II

stop #6 Comp 1 eted OCAKE HEAT·UP (80mph-22ft.persec.') Stop 116 C~mpleted G Stop 117 0 Compl eted , StopH8 Compl eted I Stop 119 Compl ~ted TEST (60mph -Impending skid - maxlml~m deceleration rate attainable) !r TEST (60 :nPh - Impending skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) SYoPll10 Initial speed 59.5 ' ...... __ mph Stopping distance .. 164.1 ft, : I Declil'eration Rate __-"2::!3~.!::2~05::...... _....:.dl.lsec.' Stop 1110 Initial speed 60.3 mph Stopping dlslance_...... !1'-!.7:...7...,.3::,.,...__ fi. beceleral/on Ratel ______=:22:..:.c;:0..:::..59:...... --..; fl.lsec,'

~ G II TEST '(60 mph - lull wheellock·up) (I PHASE III .- \ YES NO TEST (60 IJlPh.-!UII wheellock·up) Stop 1111 Evidence of severe fading prior to 109klng? X ,) Brakes would lock? " . YES NO 1\ x StopH11 Evidence of severe fading prior to 'jacking? )( !A Vehlllie stopped In straight line? X Vehicle stopped within correct lane? '. Brakes would lOCk? , X X , Vehicle stopped Instralght line? X Vehicle stopped within correct lane? X AVERAGE SuORE -"2:.:4~.~12::6'--- ___ FT/SEG,' f \ .\ \ AVI:.RAGE SCORE __..:2:.:2.:.;' 2:;;.7.;:.8 __--,FTISEC.' [) rJ '. ' .. ~ .J'i ::s i"~ ..;', ~, ,'. ) I () I '.',',


f ~ ., "'-

fr I .- / I '

, r · ... • ... 1

..--.'1 rI {.


::z• .;::------.

Q -55- c; (," BRAKE TESTING -56- MID SIZE VEHICLE BRAKE TESTING Ford II MID SIZE VEHICLE OATE--1Q::20-79 Chrysler Proving Grounds MAKE & MODEL ____Fa; rmont(_ 255) ~= '~OCATION 'Plymouth DATE 10-20-79 LQCATION ChiyslerProvlngGrounds MAKE & MODEL Vol are (31S) PHASE I PHASE I B~AKE HEAT·UP (BOm;h -;.)22Jt.persec;) (l /) StopH1 Completed BRAKE HEAT·UP (BOmph-22ft.persec.')

Stop 112 Stop 1/1 Completed Compl-eted <;::, Stop 112 Stop 113 ' Completeq Completed Stop 113 Stop 114 Completed Completed '!

~, stop 114 Completed TEST (60 mph -Impending skid -=. maximum deceleration rate attainable)

Stop 115 Inll!al Speed 1_ 60.S mph Stopplngdlstance __169.1:.::.::..:..:. __ It , TEST (60 mph - Im'~ending skid -,maximum deceleration rate attainable) Dece~railon Rate ___,;' =:.::.!-=-_~It.lsec.'23.513 "" stop 1#5 Initial ~peed" '~O.S' mph" Stopping dlstance_...... :l-=6.:.4:..:.5,--!) __ 1I, Deceleration Rate _-=-24:.:•..:.;17;..:i ___ ft:lsec,' PHASE II .:c'.; BRAKE HEAT·UP (BO mph - 22 It. per sec.') ! \I Stop #6 Comp 1 eted BRAKE HEAT·UP (BOmph-22ft.persec.') "[j .p Stop/!7 Completed SJgPl/6 Completed ij ~ Stop liB Camp eted StOP'/l7 CompTe ted :1 1 \I J) Stop #9 Comp'l eted Stop liB Completeti .:: }.) Stop #9 : Completed ;1 TEST (60 mph -Impending skid - ma~lmum deceleration rate attainable) ~ (~S Stop ~10 InltiaHipeed " 60.5 mph Stopping distance 15S.1 ~._II, TEST (60 mph - Irr,Qending skid - maximum deceleration rale allaln~,ple) ,', 167.8 Deceleralio'l Rat,e __.!:24::.:,:,::9.;:::02=-- __ ft.lsec.' Stop 1110 Inlilal speed - 60.S {} mph Stopping dlstance_...... :~:.:::.._....",tt.., "

t ....'-i "" Deceleration Rate __--::;23~.:.!6:::9::.6- __ft.lser;:.' (i PHASE III. ...

., , ~;.~ \ I ,!r::ST (60 mph - lull wheellock.up) YES NO Stopll11 evidence 01 severe fading prior to locking? X TEST (60mplJ - full wheellock,up) Brakes would,lock?, X L~ r' YES NO II Veh'?le stopped In straight line? X Slop 1111 Evld~nce ofsevere fading prior to locking? X , v'Mfcle stopped wlthlnllorrect lane?· X Brakes wOI,JI~ lockii . , ) X Vehl,cle st, oppe,d Il'lstralg,h.tI,ln~ ,,' I ()X '7';.-:; ~~/ ... )~ , Vehicle stoppe~ within correct'l~;/~ X AVERAGE SCORE __...... ::2:.:.4.:.:.2:.:0c:.S_~_FT/S~C.' , AVERAGE SCORE 23.934 FT/SEC.' ~ , 0 , o~

",I c/ D o () ,~


c:J", ,. ,,'

I ~l ", - " ./ ------~ r I~ I r ...




BRt\KE TESTING -58- MID SIZE IJEHICLE BHAKE· TESTING 'MID'SIZE VEHICLE DATE 10-20-79 Chevrolet LOCATION Chrysler Proving Grounds MAKE &, MODEL M~libu (350) * Dodge DATE 10-20-79 , LOC,/\TION·Chrysler Proving Grounds MAKE & MODEL Aspen (360)* PHASE I

BRAKE HEAT·UP (80 mph -22 It. per sec.') ':> PHASE'

SlopHl Completed BRAKE HEAT.Ut>'(80mph-221t.Pllfsec.')

StopH2 Completed Stop #1 Completed

Slop 1/3 Completed ~I Stop 112 Completed

Slop 1/4 Completed StoP/#3, Completed' r'.. ' StopH4 Completed .. TEST (60 mph - l!)1pendlng skid - maximum deceleration rate attainable) ~ ..

Stop/l5 InltialSpeed 60.S mt:\ Stopphlg dlstance_...:1..::;6.;:.3o..:'7 ___ '_, It. TEST (60 mph - Impending skId - maximum deceleration rate attainable)

Deceleration R'ate 24.0S0 It.lsec.' Stop 115 Initial Speed 60.0 mph Stopping dIstance 173.4 It. Deceleration Rate __...:,=.22=..:..:3::3"'1 __--,ll.Isec.' PHASE U o BRAKE HEAT·UP (80 mph i:: 22 It. persec.') " PHASE II BRAKE HEAT·UP (80mph-221I.persec.') I)top#6 comp1et~d'" . . Stop #7 Comp1 eted Stop #6 Compl eted

Stopl/~0 Completed Stop:!7 Completed StopH9 Completed .,. "Stop #8 Crimp1 eted Stop 119 Comp1etl!d d! ., I) '-j TEST (60 mph ~'Impendlng skid ~maxlmum depeleration rate attainable), " Stop#10 Inltlalspeed. 60.6 mph Stopplngdistance_...... 1S.... 61..o. .... 1_." __ IL TEST (60 mp;' ~ Impendlnll skld;;- maximum deceleration rate attainable) ,,)) "Deceleratlon Rate, __=2S~.~3~0::!4 ___--,It.lsec.' Siop 1110 Initial s'peed 60.5 mph. Stopping dlstarice_-,1",6.:..1;..:'7'-- __ft.

Deceleration Rate Co 24.347 ft.lsec.' PHASE III \ c TEST (60 mph..,. lull wheellock.up) PHASE III l~ YES NO • 0 Slop 1111 EvJdence 01 ladlng prior to locking? TEST (60 mph :'Iull wheellock.up) •• . ,"~ seve~ll X \~ Brakes would Io'ck? " YES NO Vehicle stopped In strl.llght line? x ." Slop 1111 Evidence of sev~rE! lading prior to 10ckJI Ig? X X Vehicle stopped wlthl;, correct lane~ B'takes would lock? " x X o Vehicle slopped In stralgl)~lIne? X Vehlc.le slopped within correct lane? X AVERAGE SCORE...:,,~_...::2:..;4..;,..6:..;7..;7._. ___ FT/SEC.~ ,0 1\ '" Vehicle tested at manufacturer's request. AVERAGE SCORE __,.::2",3.:.,:.3",,3:.:;9_· __",--FT/SEC.> " i} '" Vehicle tested at manufacture~'s request. /

.') o

1 I .- / - -- '- ---~ -----' ------,

...... t




. ERG.oN.oMICS SEATS l ~~~~~ Iif~ ZU~~ til. ~; ~ I:~tl PRE."IisE - Mii:"higan State Police patrol vehicles are used for . t:I"'..:J CJ.f ~i:j' t,.0!:j .forl extended peri ods of time each day. by i nd.i vi dua 1 offi cers. These Front vehi c 1es consequently mus t afford a reasonable degree of comfort Padding 5.13 6.5.0 7.75 6 • .0.0 7.75 and have instruments and controls placed conveniently. .., Depth of Bench 4.38 5.63 7.5.0 5.75 7 .. 5.0 Angle of Back 5.63 6.38 6::m- 7.25 6.38 TEST QBJECTIVE - Rate each vehicle's ability to provide a suitable AdjUstabilUy 6.25 6.88 7 . .0.0 6.88 7 . .0.0 enVironment for the patrol officer' in the performance of his assigned Seat to Wheel Relationship 5.5( 7.63 7.13 6.5.0 7.13 tasks. Teil percent of each vehicle's total score will be derived.from Seat to Pedal Relationship 6.38 75.0 7.5.0 6 13 7.5.0 this evaluation. Rear METH.oD.oL.oGY - IJtil i zi ng an ergonomi cs form, a .mi nimum of four Leg Room ·7.00 6,8B . 8.5.0 8.50 officers shaJl.'>independentlyand indiVidually score each vehicle. . (front sea! in rearward. Each factor will be graded on. a 1 te. 1.0 scale, with. 1 representing , positron) . "totally unacceptabl e," 5 representi n9 "average" and 1.0 representing "superior." The scores will be averaged to minim; ze personal prejudice for or against any given,ychicle", CON.TROLS AND INSTRUMENTATtON Vehlc!eControls PedalS",;,:Slze and Relationship Steering Whee) Ppsitlol1 \-leaterlA·C Controls Location .c. ~...:1.&.>LI.!...J.._.>lL!..iL.I-..,..:l""",,i!..:-'-_~.!.il..J..--,:!.r..!..2..J

c . Instl'!imentatlon 75 6.38 38 Clarity '4.63 I 7. 1 5.38 I 6. 1' Placement 4.63 7.13 5.25 6.13" 5.25 .

VISIBILITY Front ./U5 7 • .00 8;00 .7.38 8.00 LellSlde 6.00 6.50 6.63 5,75 6.63 LeI! Rear Quarter 4.88 5.75 6.25 4'.63 6.25 II Righi Side. 6.38 6.88 7.UO 5:38 . 7.00 Rigtlt .Rear Quarter 5.50 1i.25 1i.75 4 88 .' 6.75" Rear 4.811 Ii.or 'r2!> .5.88 .25

.. , HEATERfA-C Operation Blower Range 6.63 688 7.13 6.38 7.13 TemperatUre 7.50. 6.25 6.75 6.88 6.75 Vent Placement 7.00 .13 BiDe 5.63 B.OU \ Vent Adjustability 5. 3 6.38 7.75 6.25 7.7':) :, ..


). WIndows if' . Seal 6.881 . 6. 63 1 PQsltionot Crank t~~1 .tigl ~:~61 f)·S.38 ~. 7.38

Doors' 63 Ease of Entry and. Exit-Front· ~-7~+-ci~H~-7,*+~~~f,--,;,.;m;...J(7. 38 1 7.63 1 7.63 1 6.75 1 7. 1 Ease of EntryandExlt...;...Rear . L.,,",:-...lI.:.~.I-~~.w.._~~..I..,.."""':~~I.-....!!.~w6,50 5.75 6~88 . 6.63 6:88

TOTAls 150.20 I 171.191 180.051 157.211 '180.051 1/

I) U



" -. r " {-- I r... ·- I


ii Ii !i I, )1 -61- II I',I I.'I ERGONOMICS EVALUATION_!~ID SIZE I SEATS i ~ e ~I o::} 0.:1 ~ COMMUNICATIONS Front I: I I!. '/: # / Padding II J>~." 6.00 5.6311 5.00 ! PREMISE - Michigan state Pol ice patrol vehicles must be .. ,out­ Depth of Bench 5;63 5.75 , 6.6311 4.50 fitted with an array of cOflillunicatio/ls and emergency warning 'equip­ Angle of Back 6.00 6.63 ment. Vehicles must have availab1e(?Pace to install the equipment Ad!ustablilly --r:zs:r 4.75 7.25 and should be engineered to illlow iilstallation in a minimum "mount 5.75 5.88' 5.50 5.88 of time. ,Seat to Wheel Relallonshlp 5.63 7.13. Seat to Pedal Relatlonshlp 5.25 7.13 5.88 7.38, 4.38 7.38 TEST OBJECTIVE - Determine each vehiCle's ability to accommodate Rear " the requjred communications and emergency warning eqUipment and Leg Rcom [ 4.251 6:8EII assess the relative difficulty of Such installations. This evaluation (front seat In rearward 4.63 1 6.88 w,:::p represent five percent of eat:h vehic1e,'s total score. position) METHODOLOGY - Personnel froin the departmental Radio Installation and Garage units .will comparE! all vehicles b!!ing evaluated and score CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATlO,,", them based on the relative difficulty of the necessary installations. Vehicle Controls Each factor will be graded on a 1 to 10 scale; with 1 representing Pedals-Size and Relationship "superior."totally unacceptable," ". 5 representing "average," and 10 representing Steering Wheel PoSition Heater/A'C Controls Location

Instrumentation ' Clarity Placement [ 6.63/ 5.50 / 8.00 6 63 4 50 7 38 VISIBILITY , Front 6.88 7.88 7.25 LEiftSIc!e '6.00 7.88 Left Rear Quarter 7.50 6.50 7.50 Right Side' -i..l5. 7 ~25 7 50 7 ~25 RighI Rear Quarter 7.13 7.~ , 6.63 J.Jil Rear' 6.00 h~3 6.25 _5 ..38 7.13 .38 5.25 lH

HEATER/A·C ,Operation . " Blower Range 7.25 'Temperature 7.25 6.25 7.25 6.88 7~ 6.88 7.38 Vent Placement ..1.13 7.63 Vent AdJuatablllty 6.38 7.63 ..5. 00 ]...63 6 ,13 .6,

WINDOWS AND DOORS" () Windows \ Seal 75 POSition of Crank [ 7. 1 7.00 1 7.75 U5 6,13 7.75 I' ) Doors " , Ease,ofEnlry and E1Clt-Front Ease of Entry and exit-Rear 5. 25 1 7.88 E ~;ggl 4.50 . 6.88 ] !.I TOTALS I: 152.431 189.591 4 14 . 79 1189.591 /J (/


II / . \

-.-"~. I ' ---1 I. I

(-1- r I




3. ENGINE AC.CESSIBILITY '» v 3. ENGiNE ACCESSIBILlTV \ 8 8 8 9 8 10 10 10 10 I Radio power connection., Radio power connection .1 8 8 9 4 9 , Power arid control. cable Installation 8 8 8 8 , Power and control cable Inslallallon ...:. 1 " 5 5 5 0, 5 Siren speaker installation (garage) 0 0 0 0 "\." Siren speaker Installation (garage) 0 , , '-

His . 81 110 108 96 83 ' 96 I, TOTALS TOTALS t Q II 'oj

.(.J 0 " .i ,',

• ..~ •..c


I --~---

[ .

<:; (~, .'. .' ' ' .. '. " •.... " ".. ' . . (C'. ...,.,,,, .".... ". '''.' '. 'PREf.1IS~',",rh~~H,cni~anState POlice,. with a 'fleet of more than 75Q patr61vehitles ;!'sP?nds.a cQnsicier~bJ e 'afi!ount of . money" each year ,.on fueJ. Due,.to.sha~~PlY.rfs·ing··N·¢l priC:es·.~ . fuel"

·.i .' . TEST> OBJECTI~E ~ ~ti~termjnithe fUel ecpriomypotentialof ail= .' Il.·vehi cles '~.E:lingeyalu~ted." ' ' , . ..' ',,' jt ' .' ...·.t4ETHOOO"'OGY ... The vehiclesWillb.e scoreCl based on theurb~i1' . estitnates'fd~:fuel economypUbli~hedby the Environmental ~



.;) . , 1.1 .'


0 ., / 17,

P;',' . Dodge Aspen -- 318-4V"''': 16.' , o . ~ , ",' " o o \\ . o· .. Ford Fai~~()nt3'255~2Vo 0°18 . \ {~.

';,,"'J) '10, •• \\

"r PIYmouihiVQlare ··~318.lv . . " . . "t----"-....;;. :;..~""'-: .. ~~\.-.....,..,..;.....,.....: ..--\\.),;.':'----".,...,..--.-,....j~r-:------,-.,---+-----,..,.....,..;....,...... ;.---.;-+------,..;...... ,,...... ;.--f -, . ~;' • ,.- . '. : .'~ ,:>',' " ~, '0 I' . MAKE/MOPEl' ....:, MfD,SIZE (l~rg~ J:nglne) . j ;u '0 . I.

./ - ~,., a o· , ."

:/ '\ " ., .•- ·c


" \-. / 1 I , . ,::'), r o


" ~


" !

(' , .. ~'

IJ ,~ . ," - '" , n ," v '® .. "I . - ~ If f " " " .- r- ,

-66- -67-

STEP V MICHIGAN STATE POLICE, PATROL VEHICLE WEIGHTING AND SCORING Compute the dollar value represented by the final scores ("R"-Scores) by multiplying the "R"-Score times the dollar figure which is a percentage of the median price of all vehicles bid. 1. WEIGHTING STEP VI In order for the competiti\le evaluation to accurately reflect the qualities of each test car that we feel are most important, Add the dollar score for each car to the actual bid we have assigned specific weight factors to each category of prices for each car to arrive at the Adjusted Bid the evaluation. The actual use of the weighting tlill be explained Price. in the scoring section of this report. The assigned weight for each of the categories is as follows: .

Vehicle Dynamics ------~------25% Acceleration ------10% Braking Rate in Feet Per Sec. 2 ------10% Top Speed ---~------15% Fuel Consumption ------~---- 25% Ergonomics ------10% Communications ------~ Total ------100% 2. SCORING The following is an explanation of the scoring methodology used throughout the competitive evaluation: STEP I Gather and record the raw test scores (expressed in terms of times, feet per second squared, spe('ds, questionnaire totals, or miles per gallon) for each car in .each category. STEP II Find the "Z"-Score for each car in each category (see attached sheet for instrUctions). STEP III

MultiPly each resulting "Z"~Score in each category by the welght of the category. This will equal the "WID Z" \ score. STEP IV Sum across the "WID Z" scores for each car. The result­ ant number represents the total point score for each car for the competitive evaluation. This number wilJ here­ after be referred to as "R."

.. y • r

.... ---t /' "

liZ" - SCORE FOR~~ULA - ... Z = Xi - X - I , or Z = X'1 - X N S liN ~. (Xi _X)2 / ;=1


X· X i Xi -)2 1 = Z ..2 (ca !egory ) = WTD Z i Xi - X (Xi - X S Welghtea* ,I i 1 363 63 3969 1. 31 J .131 i 2 248 -52 I 2704 -1.08 -.108 I '3 289 0) -11 121 co ::1I .23 -.023 I j i 1; Xi = 900/3= I ~ :: 6794/3=2265 I x = 300 *Category weight of 10% used S'~=48 in example . ,j .,. The IIZ"-Score or standard score var; able transformation is the most common and,.universa lly uti 1i zed 'method for standardizing the scale of i.nterval - level measurement. A "Zu-S for an individual Gore i/ trial is obtained by dividing the standard deviation for the trial group into the amount the q Ij individual trial differs from the mean; therefore, the HZII-S core for a trial is the decimal amount of standard deviations from the mean of that particular trial (e.g., "ZII = +.91, the score of this II . \ particular trial is .91 standard deviation units above the mean; "l" = ,..,1.32, the score of this particular trial is 1.32 standard deviation units beTow the mean). r J STANDARD DEVIATION - A method of measuring the average amount by which individual items of data vary or "deviate" I . from the mean (average) of all numbers which comprise the data. " It specifically is the quadratic mean of the individual deviations from the arithmetic mean of a.ll trials.

Xi = The IIi th" car. X = The mean of X. S = The Standard Deviation. ' N = Number of cars in the test . ..L= The "Z"-Score or Standarized score with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1.

, , ,

',. f / ,. - / / ,


25% 10%· 5% 10% 15% COMMUNI· 25% 10% BRAKING CATIONS FUEL ECONOMY VEHIC/I.E TOP SPEED ERGONOMICS RATE (points) (urban epa) DYNAMICS ACCELERATION (points) (I/sec') (mph) (secs) (secs)

RAW SCORES RAW SCORES RAW SCORES CAR RAW SCORES I RAW SCORES RAW SCORES C\ MAKEI RAW SCORES OJ:) I MOPEL 15 113.1 150.20 105 Buick 96.235 49.383 22.676 La Sabre 14 110.4 171.19 113 Chevrolet 92.848 46.165 23.696 Impala 112 11 23.465 122.7 180.05 Dodge 91.100 36.700 St. Regis 157.21 81 14 22.000 120.5 Ford 92.179 37.330 LTD·S 180.05 110 11 Plymouth 35.453 22.475 124.6 Gren Fury 90.836


RAW SCORES RAW SCORES RAW SCORES CAR RAW SCORES RAW SCORES MAKEI RAW SCORES RAW SCORES \ MODEL .....I o 152.43 108 17 Chevrolet 33.440 24.126 113.4 Mallbu·30S 93.319 189.59 96 16 Dodge 32.290 22.278 117.3 Alpen·318 96.198 18 1ll.6 144.79 83 Ford 95.674 49.130 24.208 1 Falrmont·255 189.59 96 16 Plymouth 29.388 23.934 120.0 Volare·318 96.19B

\ " ,


25% 19~ 18% . 1"~% 10% ~% 2S% , C VEH ACCEL BRAKE TOP ERGO CO'" FUEL TOTAL BID S.88% A. DYH DECEL SPEED ECOH SCORE ADJ R SEC SEC FT,/S2 MPH PTS PTS UR EPA $-328.64 ACTUAL N SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE TOTAL ACTUAL ADJUSTED BIOS* 0 ~ & tr & & & &c WTD BID BIDS • WTD Z WTD Z WTD Z WTD Z WTD Z WTI) 2: WTD Z DEV ADJUST~' DODGE - DODGE ST. REGIS 1 91.18 36.79 23 .. 47 122.70 180.95 112.99 11.99 ST. REGIS $6,572.80 8.117 0.835 9.134 0.999 0.971 9.939 -9.177 8.227 $ -74.78 $6,498.10 I '-J FORD LTO 2 92.18 37.33 22.99 129.58 157.21 81.8e 14.88 FORD LTD .. $6,905.85 -9.347 -9.136 -8.196 -9.188 -0.141 -9.871 9.354 -8.636 $ 298.99 $7,114.84 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY :3 99.84 36.45 ?2.48 124.69 180.05 119.ge 11.98 GRAN FURY $6,536.48 9.231 0.101 -0.928 9.179 0.071 9.032 -0.177 9.499 $-134.29 $6,402.19


---"-- ~~ --" .,-.~~-- ~ .. ~~-,.,."., -~

. ,

' .

.~ " , ". r I ,


~ICHICAH STATE POLICE COf'IPETITIVE PATROL VEI-iICL£ EVAL.UATION . 25% 19% 18% H5% 1e7- S% 2'% C VEH ACCEl.. BRAKE TOP ERGO CO" FUEL TOTAL BID S.88% A DYH DECEl SPEED ECOH SCORE AOJ R SEC SEC FT/S2 "PH PTS PTS UR EPA $-299.47 ACTUAL H SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE SCORE. SCORE SCORE TOTAL ACTUAL ADJUSTED BIDS* 0 L tr , 2c &r .. "lTD BID BIDS • lIT£> 2 WTD*' Z WTD Z WTD 2 WTD Z WTD Z WTO 2 DEU ADJUSTMENT CHEVROLET CHEVROLET MALIBU - 305 1 93.32 33.44 24.1'3 113.49 152.43 19S.99 17.90 MALIBU 305 $6,235.48 8.354 -9.182 8.982 -9.194 -8.141 9.971 9.354 9.423 $-126.?2 $6,109.26 DODGE 2 96.28 ·32.29 117.39 DODGE ASPEN - 318 22.28 189.59 96.89 16.88 ASPEN 318 $5,969.33 -0.177 -8.934 -8.141 9.822 9 .. 871 -8.935 -8.177 -8.471 f 149.61 $6,109.94 PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH VOLARE - 318 3 96 .. 28 29.39 23.93 128.88 189.59 96.99 16.88 VOLARE 318 $5,802.51 -8.177 8.136 8.059 9.172 9.971 -9.935 -9.177 9.948 $ -14.39 $5,788.12





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/ () / NEWLY REDESIGNED FOR 1980. ENGINEERED ... POLICE VEHICLE MANUFACTURERS' BROCHURES TESTED ~ . . AND BUILT ... TO BE AN EFFECTIVE MEMBER , res to the MSP report to give law We have added the manufacturers br~~h~ of data to select their.vehicles OF YOUR LAW ENF.ORCEMENT TEArViI forcement agencies a complete pac good e and Ford are repr1nted. ~~om. Brochures from ~uick, Che~~~~~~~al t~ the Dodge bro~hur~. Please The Plymouth brochure 1S almost ~hrysler fleet representatlVe 1f you contact your Plymoutth ~~~~~~r~rfor bid purposes. would like a Plymou h . . . h law enforcement agenc1es the . We hope these brochures w~ll *1ve tI~ you have any questions concern1ng information they are look1ng or. Warren J. Woodfield,.IACP Staff, bid specifications, please co~t~ctMarYland and tt112 Wash1ngton, D.C., extention 277. metropolltantelephon~ 800-638-40~~'3~~~~~8_~~22 area ca , Ii


Ii ! i 1

I: !

IJ /i I j , HERE'S AN ALL-PURPOSE LAW ENFORCEMENT VEHICLE I I THAT'S READY FOR ACTION IN YOUR PATROL FLEET. 1I' '. If you have included LeSabre in your patrol '0 ' . experience with the LeSabre Lawman, be fleet in the past, you'll discover that this 1' prepared for a law enforcement machin.eoihat . t 1 redesigned ver:sion has a surprising number ! may be especially weI/. qualified for your '. , of improvements that will it even more mak~ particular need~.. performance worthy. If you have no LAWMAN LAWMAN'S BASED ON STANDOUT BUICK DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS ESPECIAllY DEVELOPED FOR POLICE WORK ACTION P * 1 Heavy Duty Cooling 2 Heavy Duty Energizer 380 AMP Delcotron 1 L-77 350 4-barrel 4 Heavy Duty Frame, Springs, v-a 2 Automatic Wheels RELIABILITY ACTION Transmission 5 Notch back front seat 3 Fast Ratio ROADABILITY w/arm rest MANEUVERABILITY Steering DURABILITY 6 Common Single Key System STABILITY 4 Rear Stabilizer 7 Semi-Metallic Pad Disc Bar Brake 5 Heavy Duty 82,73 Axle Stabilizer 9 Police Pursuit Tires Bushing 10 Police Calibrated Speedometer 11 Full size tire SPECIAL OPTIONS: Heavy Duty Rubber floor mats replace carpet with BG9, Heavy Duty seat buns (front) - available Feb,,1980, A75, * All items in package are based on interdependence of features as determined by Buick Engineers, Performance and maintenance objectives in the Buick engineering tradition require that no items be substituted or deleted, See back page for available Lawman equipment. STANDARD EQUIPMENT High Energy Ignition Full-Flo Ventilation Rear Door or Quarter Armrests Semi-closed Cooling, Coil-Spring Suspension, Lights: Front and Rear 4-jet Windshield Washer System Front and Rear door operated roof, front ashtray, glove compartment, and underdash courtesy. Catalytic Converter Forward-Mounted Steering Windshield Wiper System Bumper Protective Strips Gear and Linkage with single wipe feature Front & Rear plus for misty conditions Front and Rear Bumper Guards Quick Engine Warm-up Trued Tires and Combination Turn Signal Cut Pile Carpeting System w/Electric Choke Concentric Wheels and High/Low Beam Fr.ont and Rear Control Power Steering Choice' of Cloth Full Foam Seat Inside Hood Lock Notchback or Vinyl Release Notchback Seats Extensive anti-corrosion protection Power Front Disc, Diagnostic Connectors Del uxe Wheel Covers LeSab.-'3 Lawman's basic dimensions Many factors am features go into other special equipment features Rear, Drum Brakes to aid in checking and are full size for f'lli service, Trunk the demanding make-up of a and modifications (see chart at servicing of engine capacity is 20,3 cubic feet, an police vehicle, An advantage right) have been included to make important factor for vehicles that Buick designers enjoyed was the LeSabre Lawman particularly GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS carry emergency equipment. Also starting with a basic full-size able to demonstrate its suitability Overall Length 217.4 Front Head Room note that High Energy Ignition, 39.5 machine that is characteristically in competitive comparisons, It Width 78.0 Leg Room 42.2 Power steering, and Power Front comfortable, substantial and may pay you to investigate Height 55.0 Shoulder Room 61.0 Disc and Rear Drum Brake.::; are well-equipped - with fully 40 Lawman's specific attractions Wheelbase 116.0 Rear Head Room 38.2 standard equipnlent. percent of its parts and and to make your own strict Tread Front 61.7 Leg Room 39.0 components new for 1980, On top estimate of the life-cycle potentials Rear 60.7 Shoulder Room 61.0 Overhang Front 43.2 Knee Clearance 3.5 of that Buick added :1 5,7 liter of the LeSabre Lawman for your Rear 58.2 Luggage Capacity (ft.3) 20.8 (350 CID) 4-bbl V-8 engine and department. Passengers Front 3 Curb Wf:jight (Ibs.) 3966 400 automatic transmission, Many Rear 3 Fuel Capacity 25 gals. HERE'S WHAT lAWMEN WHO HAVE TRIED BUICK LeSABRE lAWMAN SAy ....

John P. O'Brien, Sheriff Genesee County, Michigan .. I have been Sheriff of Genesee County, Michigan, for the last seven (7) years and we have used Buick LeSabre Patrol cars exclusively during this time. I am pleased to say that they have more than done the job we have expected. We are happy to report that of the last seventy (70) patrol cars that we have sold that have had in excess of 50,000 miles, we have averaged 36.59% return of our original investment. This is important to me in reaching the three basic points in a Patrol Fleet: Cost of operation, comfort and resale." A. R. Lubke., Superintendent Department of Public Safety Missouri State Highway Patrol "As Superintendent of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, I feel we have been very fortunate to use Buicks in our patrol fleet during the past fifteen years. The Buicks have proven to be a fine patrol car and our officers are very proud of these cars. We have experienced good success with the Buicks over the years and find they had a high resale value when our cars were traded. We are looking forward to receiving the 1980 model Buick Lawman that we presently have on order, and we expect that this car will provide us with the same excellent service."

AVAIlABLE EQUIPMENT (May be specified on your Dealer Order) K05 - Engine Block Heater A31 - Power Windows 068 - Outside Rear View Sport *C60 - Air Conditioner U35 - Electric Dial Clock Mirrors C49 - Elec. Rear Window Defogger * C95 - Dome Reading Light B84 - Protective Body Side Molding A01 - Soft Ray Tinted Glass (only available with BT1) B32 - Front Carpet Savers A02 - Soft Ray Tinted Windshield B37 - Carpet Savers and Handy Mats U63 - AM Radio CD4 - 3-Speed Windshield Wiper *N33 - Tilt Steering Column UN9 - Windshield Antenna with Low Speed Delay Feature N34 - Custom Sport Steering Wheel AU3 - Electric Door Locks UA6 - Theft Deterrent System G67 - Automatic Level Control *A90 - Electric Trunk Release DF3 - Remote Control Outside A Y9 - Power Seat, 6:Way, Driver Rear View Mirror - and Passenger Right Side 55/45 Split front seat available W21 - Accessory Group 033 - Remote Control Outside (consists of custom color Rear View Mirror- coordinated seat & Left Side shoulder belts, left remote control mirror, rocker panel molding, trip odometer & left & right visor vanity mirrors) *Recommended fc~ Police service. See Y'i0ur Buick dealer for additional available equipment.

A WORD ABOUT ASSEMBLY, COMPONENTS AND OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT IN THESE BUICK PRODUCTS: The Buicks described in this brochure are assembled at approved for use in Buick products and will provide facilities of Corporation operated by the quality performance associated with the Buick name. Buick or GM Assembly Division. These vehicles With respect to extra-cost optional equipment, make incorporate thousands of diffE!rent components produced certain you specify the type of equipment you desire on by various divisions of Gene.ral Motors and by various your vehicle when ordering it from your dealer. Some suppliers to General Motors! From time to time during options may be unavailable when your car is built. Your tllS manufacturing process, it may be necessary, in order dealer receives advice regarding current availability of to meet public demand for particular vehicles or options. You may ask the dealer for this information. equipment, or to meet federally mandated emissions, GM also requests the dealer to advise you if an option safety, and fuel economy requirements, or for other you ordered is unavailable. We suggest you verity that reasons, to produce Buick products with different your car includes the optional equipment you ordered components or differently sourced components than or, if there are changes, that. they are acceptable to you. initially scheduled. All such components have been ~~------

This brochure should not be used for ordering purposes. Rather it is intended as a source of advance information for Public Safety officials planning for future police vehicle fleet needs. For further details, contact your local Chevrolet dealer or the Chevrolet Zone Office I and BU. covering your area. Designed and tuned for police performance.

... \ ! • . II " I ., . I • - Chevrolet's 19aO police vehicle lineup consists of the popular, on regular production cars. The chassis package and special Life Cycle Cost/Performance Evaluation. serviceability of both car and equipment. full-size Impala and the agile, mid-size Malibu. Much of what equipment options are engineered specifically for police work Increasingly important to Public Safety departments is the This process of Life Cycle Cost/Performance Evaluation you want in a police vehicle is already engineered into the and, along with the vehicle, are tuned to police needs. cost of keeping a police vehicle in service, mile after mile, is now used by law enforcement agencies in many parts of the regular production Impala and Malibu, including a full­ For this reason, it is necessary that you allow sufficient lead month after month. Initial purchase price is no longer the only country. When reviewing your department's needs in terms of perimeter frame and Body by Fisher which provide com­ time between date of ordering and desired delivery otyour or best indicator of product value. The process of recognizing vehicles available. it is suggested that you conduct a Life fortable and roomy working environments for police officers. 19aO Chevrolet police vehicles. To further expedite delivery and considering most important factors is known as Life Cycle Cycle Cost/Performance Evaluation on the Chevrolet To these sound basic designs, you can add the Chevrolet of your Chevrolet police vehicles, it is suggested that you Cost/Performance Evaluation. These factors include initial vehicles and other units you're considering. We'd like to 9C1 !1olice chassis and companion special equipment options. arrange with another supplier for installation of any equip­ cost. plus fuel economy. parts replacement. resale value. suggest that you also might want to contact Public Safety The 9C1 package and other special options are designed to ment not included in the special equipment options listed police capability. human environmental factors. as well as departments using Chevrolet police vehicles to compare be an integral part of the vehicle and are not items installed on the back page of this folder. mechanical evaluations such as potential downtime and your findings. IMPALA 9C1 FULL-SIZE DUTY, FULL-SIZE VALUE MALIBU 9C1 AGILE, HARDWORKING MID-SIZE

4-Door Sedan 1AT19

2-Door 1 BL47 2-Door Coupe 1AT27

New ideas, new technologies have helped reshape the 19aO And last year's already big trunk has 0.7 cubic feet more The Chevy Malibu 9C1. with its mid-size 10a.1-inch wheel­ ment agencies for law enforcement pursuit purposes). Malibu Impala to meet space and energy needs of today. An entirely capacity in the Sedan; 1.1 cubic feet more capacity in the base, easy turning and maneuverability in city traffic, and quality features include double-wall construction for two new power lineup includes the new 3.a Liter V6 engine along Coupe. Standard Impala features include: full-size roominess generous overall interior room and trunk capacity. is almost layers of steel in doors. hood. rear deck lid; a strong full­ with a 5.0 Liter 4-Bbl. va and a 5.7 Liter va (available only and comfort, impressive driving characteristics, automatic exactly what an urban police vehicle should be. For 19aO. perimeter frame; Full Coil spring suspension at all four to law enforcement agencies for law'emforcement pursuit transmission, power steering and power brakes. An available there's a new. standard 3.a Liter (229 Cu. In.) 2-Bbl. V6 that wheels; extensive corrosion-resistant treatments and a Delco purposes). The Impala has been aerodynamically improved gage package can be integrated into the instrument panel has 29 more cubic inches. 22% more power than last year's Freedom battery that never needs refilling. Among the avail­ to reduce wind resistance. It is more than 100 Ibs. lighter to (he right of the steering column. V6. Available are a 5.0 Liter (305 Cu In.) 4-Bbl. va and a able options is a gage package which is integrated into the than last year's model. There's a new 25-gallon fuel tank. 5.7 Liter (350 Cu. In.) 4-Bbl. va (available only to law enforce- instrument panel directly in front of the driver.

IMPALA STANDARD FEATURES MALIBU STANDARD FEATURES • New side-lift frame jack lifts by the • Single-loop front seat and shoulder • Delco Freedom battery never needs • 10a.1" wheelbase with tight turning • High Energy Ignition. • Single-loop seat and shoulder belt frame, not bumper, for greater belt system. refilling. circle (37.2 feet curb-to-curb). • Full Coil spring suspension. system . convenience. a New interior trim fabrics and colors. • High Energy Ignition system. • All-welded. full-perimeter frame. • Early Fuel Evaporation. • Speedometer face includes metric • New door lock design helps make • Headlight dimmer switch on turn • Power front disc/rear drum brake • Window frame on doors of 4-Door • Coolant recovery system. numerals. break-ins more difficult. signal lever. system with disc brake audible wear Sedan. with large fixed window in rear • Power front disc/rear drum brakes • Interior hood release. • 116-inch wheelbase with tight turning • Three-speed automatic transmission. sensors. doors. Behind the rear windows are with disc brake audible wear sensors. • Vertically mounted spare tire. circle (3a.a feet curb-to-curb). • Power steering. • Early Fuel Evaporation system. swing-out vents. • Cushioned body mounting system. • Headlight dimmer switch on turn • Interior hood release. • Speedometer face includes metric • Extensive corrosion-resistant I • Extensive corrosion-resistant • Delco Freedom battery never needs signal lever. • Window frame on doors of 4-Door numerals. treatments. . treatments. refilling. Sedan and Coupe. • Built-in diagnostic connector for 1I...... ·.M .. o.~.e.d .. fu.I.lf.o.a.m.s.e.a.t.c.o.n.s.tr.u.ct.io.n ...... e.n.g.i.n.e.e.le.c.t.ri.c.a.ls.y.s.te.m ...... 111~

~,------I This brochure should not be used lor ordering purposes. Rather It IS Inlended as a source of advance information for Public Safety olf,clals plannmg for future polrce vehicle fleet needs For further details, contact your local Chevrolet dealer or the Chevrolet Zone Office SPECIFICATIO covering your area


Includes the following which are or OHK tires are ordered). different than regular production • Larger radiator (same as RPQ VOS). Impala: • Fuel vapor return system on VSs. • Higher gage frame. • Special balanced drive shaft. • Engine valve train durability features. THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS • Greater capacity oil filter (1-quart MUST BE ORDERED WITH' capacity-VSs only) (unavailable 9C1 EQUIPMENT: with 7PS engine oil cooler). • RPQ LC3, LG4, or LM1 Engine • Firm feel steering gear and linkage. Assembly (see Powertrain Combi­ • S.5" ring gear rear axle. nations for details). • Temperature controlled fan on • RPQ K73-70-amp Delcotron models without air conditioning. generator (50 amp at 700-RPM • Semi-metallic front brake pads. idle) (included with air condi­ • 11" x 2" 23 lb. rear brake drums. tioning and Electro-Clear rear • Large bolt circle 15" x 7" wheels. window defogger) or SEQ 7K4 • Special police pursuit suspension SO-amp Delcotron generator includes larger front and rear (5S amp at 700-RPM idle). stabilizer bars, special springs and • SEQ 7Z9-Specia/ Police Speed­ shocks (included only when police ometer-2-mph increments, 120- mph maximum (available only to IMPALA POLICE VEHICLE POWERTRAIN COMBINATIONS law enforcement agencies for law enforcement purposes in pursuit SAE NET usage); or SE~ SA1 speedometer Engines Displacement Federal Axle Ratios -production type (required for non-pursuit usage). Option Torque Federal California No. Type Liters Cu. In. Carb. Ft.-Lbs. • SEQ 6C1-Heavy Service Front HP@ RPM @RPM Option Ratio Option Ratio Bench or SEQ 6F3-Heavy RPO IMPALA POLICE VEHICLE SEAT TRIMS V6 3.a 229 2 Bbl 115 @ 4000 175 @ 2000 Base 2.73 - - Service 50-50 Seat or 6B9-Heavy LC3 (A)t Service Bucket Seats. RPO 5.0 155 @ 4000 240 @ 1600 RPO RPO YF5, Trim • SEQ 5JN or 5JS-Police Service LG4 (A)** va 305 4 Bbl (155 @ 4000) (230 @ 2400) G92 3.0a G92 3.0a - SE~ GC1 SE~ GF3 SE~ GB9 Tires. SEQ SAA available for Bench 50-50 Seat RPO va 5.7 350 4 Bbl 165 @ 3800 260 @ 2400 Base 3.08 H.D. pOlice tire deletion. In addition, LM1 (B)*t -- Upholstery Type Color H.D. H.D. Buckets regular production tires (OHK) and ( ) California Horsepower & Torque. Regular Prnduction Any Reg. Any Avail. Not Not SEQ 9A3 speedometer gear Trims (cloth or vinyl) (A) Produced by GM-Chevrolet Moto~ Division. Prod. Color Trim No. Available Available change must be ordered. (B) Produced by GM-Chevrolet Motor Division & GM of A WORD ABOUT ENGINES SE~ GRG-H.D. Vinyl Dark Blue VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 • RPQ UA1-4000-watt battery Canada. The shown in this brochure are equipped with GM-built engines Camel Tan VCC1 VCC1 VCC1 equivalent to SO amp.-hr. *Available only to law enforcement agencies for law produced by various divisions. Please see your dealer for details. enforcement pursuit purposes. SE~ GR7-H.D. Cloth Dark Blue VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 **RPO G92 is required to be ordered and priced when specifying 9C1 with LG4 engine. Also requires RPO Camel Tan VC(,~ VCC1 VCC1 YF5 for California. tNot available in California. ee ------~ au

This brochuro should nol be used for ordering purposes. Rather II IS Intended as a source of advance information for Public Salety officials plannmg lor future police vehicle fleel needs For further details. contact your local Chevrolet dealer or the Chevrolet Zone Office SPECIFICATIO covering your area


Includes the following which are o Fuel vapor return system on V8s. different than regular production o Special balanced drive shaft. Malibu: o Specific brake master cylinder and booster. o Higher gage frame. o Engine valve train durability THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS features. MUST BE ORDERED WITH o Greater capacity oil filter (1-quart 9C1 EQUIPMENT:

capacity on V8s only) (unavailable o RPQ LC3, LG4, or LM1 engine with 7P8 engine oil cooler). assembly (see Powertrain Combi­ o Front and rear semi-metallic brake nations for details). linings. o RPQ MX1 Three-speed automatic POLICE o Vented, higher gage wheels 14" transmission. x 6" 5-bolt. o RPQ K81 63-amp Delcotron • Specific body mounts. generator producing 38 amp @ o Special police suspension 700-rpm idle. includes front and rear stabilizer o R PQ N41 Power steering bars, special springs and shocks, o SEQ 7Z2 Special police speed­ special front suspension jounce ometer with 2-mph increments, bumpers (only when OFK tires or 120-mph maximum. Includes volt­ pursuit tires are ordered). meter, water temperature gage, oil o Higher cooling capacity radiator pressure gage and clock; or MALIBU POLICE VEHICLE POWERTRAIN COMBINATIONS (same as RPQ VQ8). optional SEQ 7Z9 Special police o Temperature controlled fan on speedometer with 2-mph incre­ Engines SAE NET models without air conditioning. Displacement Federal Axle ?lI'lHos ments, 120-mph maximum. (Avail­ able only to law enforcement Option Torque Federal California Type Liters Cu, In. Carbo Ft.-Lbs. agencies for law enforcement No. HP@ RPM @RPM Option Ratio Option Ratio MALIBU POLICE VEHICLE SEAT TRIMS purposes); or SEQ 8A1 speed­ RPO ometer-production type V6 3.S 229 2 Bbl 115 @ 4000 175 @ 2000 Base 2.41 LC3 (A)t - - .. Trim (required for non-pursuit usage). 6C1 SE~ 6B9 SE06F3 o SEQ 5KV or 5KW Police service RPO VS 155 @ 4000 240 @ 1600 RPO RPOG92 SE~ LG4 (A)*iI 5.0 305 4 Bbl (155 @ 4000) (230 @ 2400) G92 2.73 &YF5 2.73 H.D. H.D. H.D. tires. In addition, regular produc­ . Bucket Seat 50-50 Seat RPO UpholsterY Type Color Bench Seat tion tires (OHK) and SEQ 9A3 VS 5.7 350 4Bbl 165 @ 3S00 260@ 2400 Base LM1 (B)*t 2.73 - - Regular Production Any Reg. Any Avail. Not Any Avail. speedometer gear change must Trims (cloth or vinyl) Prod. Color Trim No. Available Trim No. be ordered. SEQ SAA available ( ) California Horsepower & Torque. (A) Produced by GM-Chevrolet Motor Division. Dark Blue VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 for police tire deletion. o SEQ 6C1 Heavy service front (B) Produced by GM-Chevrolet Motor Division & GM of SE~ 6R6-H.D. Vinyl Black VBB1 VBB1 VBB1 Canada. bench seat, or SEQ 689 Heavy Camel Tan VCC1 VCC1 VCC1 "Available only to law enforcement agencies for law A WORD ABOUT ENGINES service front bucket seats, or SEQ enforcement pursuit purposes. Black VBB1 VBB1 VBB1 ""RPO G92 is required to be ordered and priced when The Chevrolets shown in this brochure are equipped with GM-built engines 6F3 Heavy service front 50/50 specifying 9C1 with LG4 engine. Also requires RPO produced by various divisions. Please see your dealer for details. SE~ 6R7-H.D. Cloth Camel Tan VCC1 VCC1 VCC1 split front seat. YF5 for California. Dark Blue VDD1 VDD1 VDD1 o RPQ UA1 4000-watt battery tNot available in California. equivalent to 80 amp.-hr. --~ ------~--~------~-----

This brochure should nol be used for ordering ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON purposes. Rather it is Intended as a source of advance Infermation for Public Safety officials planning for future IMPALA AND MALIBU 9C1 POLICE VEHICLES. police vehicle fleet needs. For further details. contact your '?cal Chevrolet dealer or Ihe Chevrolet Zone Office L.. covermg your area, ..

~~~~v Regular Production Options (RPO) ~f Hole in roof panel 0 ~f0 C60 Air conditioning-Four Season 0 0 687 0 C61 Air conditioning-Comfortron (V8 models only) 0 0 6E2 Key single locking-fleet keyed alike (3 keys) 0 0 U63 AM push-button radio 0 0 6A4 Key single locking-single vehicle (3 keys) 0 0 U69 AM/FM push-button radio 0 0 7Y2 Lamp door ajar warning 0 0 UP5 AM/FM push-button radio with C8 radio & power 0 0 6C5 Lamp dome/reading antenna 0 0 6C7 Lamp extra dome between visors with switch 0 0 TR9 Auxiliary lighting group attached 0 884 80dy side moldings 0 7X4 Lamp luggage compartment 0 8W2 Body side moldings 0 0 7Y1 L.amp underhood 0 0 N33 Comfortilt steering wheel 0 6H9 Lock rear door vent window 0 0 K30 Automatic speed control 0 0 682 Rear door handles inoperative 0 832 Floor mats--front 0 0 6L4 Rearview outside mirror R.H. 0 833 Floor mats-rear 0 0 6G2 Roof reinforcement (1O-inch wide plate) 0 0 V30 Front and rear bumper guards 0 0 6A3 Rubber front and rear one-piece floor mat 0 0 VE5 8umper impact strips-front and rear (sedan only) 0 0 893 Door edge guards 0 0 6C1 Seat construction heavy-duty front bench 0 0 U05 Dual horns 0 0 689 Seat construction heavy-duty front bucket 0 0 U35 Electric clock-conventional (included on Malibu 0 0 6F3 Seat construction heavy-duty front 50/50 with 7Z2 gages) (sedan only) 0 UE8 Electric clock-digital 0 0 6C2 Seat construction heavy-duty rear bench 0 0 C49 Electro-Clear window defogger-electric (sedan only) 0 837 Front and rear floor mats-color keyed 0 0 aR6 Seat upholstery seamless heavy-duty vinyl dark 0 CD4 Intermittent windshield wiper system blue or camel tan (sedan only). Also black on Malibu. 0 Seat upholstery seamless heavy-duty cloth dark 0 G80 Limited slip differential 0 0 6R7 0 blue or camel tan (sedan onl'/). Also black on Malibu. 0 AU3 Power door lock system 0 Spare tire relocation (available only with 5JS/5JN 0 0 A31 Power windows 0 684 AG9 Power (6-way) front bench seat tires) 0 Speaker radio dash mounted (4 ohm, 42" lead) 0 0 U75 Power antenna (includes radio suppression) 0 0 7Z7 (available only with radio equipment) 0 0 6Z1 Speedometer cable two piece (not available with 0 0 8S1 Quiet Sound Group-insulation automatic speed control) 0 0 033 Rearview mirror-L.H. remote control 0 0 9A3 Speedometer gear change 0 DF3 Rearview mirror-R.H. & L.H. remote control 0 q 7W7 Spotlight L.H. (Unity model 250) Spotlight L.H. (Unity model 225) 0 0 C50 Rear window defogger-forced air 0 0 7W8 0 A01 Tinted glass-all windows 0 0 7W9 Spotlight L.H. and R.H. (Unity model 225) 0 Switches doorjamb inoperative for dome light (not 0 0 A02 Tinted glass-windshield only (U76 required for 0 0 7Y6 windshield antenna) available with TR9) Switches rear doorjamb dome light (sedan only) 0 0 U76 Windshield antenna (includes radio suppression) 0 0 6C6 0 5JN Tires, P225/70R15 fabric radial b/w police service Special Equipment Options (SEO) (requires 9A3) (Five tires alike) 0 5JS Tires, P225/70R15 fabric radial w/w police service 0 6F8 Ashtray relocation from under dash to front door (requires'9A3) (Five tires alike) armrest 0 5KV Tires, P205/70R14 fabric radial b/w police service 0 0 6C9 Conduit-l1~-inch radio condu)t routed inside from (requires 9A3) (Five tires alike) dash to trunk (sedan only) 0 5KW Tires, P205/70R14 fabric radial w/W police service 0 0 7P8 Cooler-engine oil (LM1 and LG4 engines only) (requires 9A3) (Five tires alike) 0 0 7L9 Cooler-powersteering fluid (LM1 and LG4engines 0 0 1K5 Transmission first gear blockout only) 0 0 8D1 Undercoat 1I16-inch thick 0 0 6H5 Electric trunk opener in dash 0 5V3 Wheel trim-Malibu Rally type (for undercover work) 0 0 7P4 Engine block heater (not available with YF5) 0 0 6ca Wiring RG58 A/U antenna cable (behind dome lamp 0 7Z4 Gages-voltmeter, oil pressure, and water to trunk) (sedan only) temperature 0 0 6E4 Wiring six 12-gage leads from dash to roof (sedan 0 7K3 Generator-70-amp Delcotron 50 amp at 700-rpm idle only) 0 0 7K4 Generator-80-amp Delcotron (58 amp at 700-rpm 0 0 6E5 Wiring four 12-gage leads from dash to roof idle) (V8 models only)

A WORD ABOUT ASSEMBLY process, it maybe necessary, in order special paint, make certain you specify COMPONEt\ITS AND OPTIONAL to meet public demand for particular the type of equipment you desire on EQUIPMENT iN THESE vehicles or equipment, or to meet your vehicle when ordering it from your CHE:VROLETS. federally mandated emissions, safety dealer. Some oRtions may be unavail­ and fuel economy requirements. or for able when your car is built. Your dealer The Chevrolets described in this other reasons, to produce Chevrolet ret;eives advice regarding Qurrent brochure are assembled at facilities of products with different components or availability of oQtions. You may ask the General Motors Corporation operated differently sourced components than dealer for this information. GM also by the G M Assembly Division or G M of initially scheduled. All such compo­ reguests the dealer to advise you if an Canada. These vehicles incorporate nents have been approved for use in QQtion you ordered is unavailable. We thousands of different components Chevrolet products and will provide suggest you verify that your car produced by various divisions of the quality performance associated includes the oQtional eguiQment you General Motors and by various sup­ with the Chevrolet name. ordered or, if there are chang~, that pliers to General Motors. From time With respect to extra cost regular they are aQceQtable to you. to time during the manufacturing and special optional equipment and Litho In U.S.A. 9/79 1953

'J I ------~~-


For years, tough Dodge police cars have adjusting discs with semi· metallic pads; provided outstanding performance and rear brakes have big ii-inch by 2Y2-inch service for staie and local police depart· drums-and brake application is power ments across the country. St. Regis is the assisted for low pedal effort. Rear brakes latest Dodge to be engineered and outfit· have automatic adjusters. ted for the rigorous and demanding tasks common to police work. And SI. Regis has EASY·TO·READ GAUGES the size, performance and dependability GIVE ACCURATE READINGS to make it first choice for any police force. \ The St. Regis Police Pursuit instrument I panel has big gauges for engine tempera· OPTIONAL 5.9·LlTER (360 CID) ture and the alternator so the driver can FOUR· BARREL V·8 ENGINE •.. \ keep track of these important engine and DESIGNED FOR PURSUIT POWER! electrical functions. An oil pressure gauge (Not available in California) is included with the optional certified Dual carburetor air intake snorkels and speedometer. An oil pressure warning dual exhausts give this optional v-a the light is standard. free breathing needed for fast-action pur­ suit Jobs. It gets St. Regis Pursuit off to a RESPONSIVE STEERING fast start and has the power and stamina AND HANDLING required for high-speed police work. Firm-Feel power steering (oil cooler Engine durability is increased by the standard on v·a models) and police use of many heavy-duty parts-valves, handling suspension are standard on valve springs, rocker arms, timing chain, St. Regis Pursuit. Steering is easy and water pump and others. It also includes a r<:lsponsive, but with a good feel of the crankcase oil anti-turbulence baffle. road. The police suspension gives a firm, Chrysler Corporation's lively 5.2-liter controlled ride for predictable action in (318 CID) two-barrel heavy-duty V-8 is high-speed pursuit. also available on the St. Regis Pursuit. California models are equipped with a HEAVY·DUTY ~~ATS ARE DESIGNED four-barrel version of the same engine, FOR COMFOR'i AND DURABILITY which is also available in other states. All St. Regis Pursuit front seats have heavy·duty construction with heavy·duty TORQUEFLITE AUTOMATIC full foam or spring cushions for comfort· IS STANDARD! able seating. Heavy-duty seat materials Smooth, efficient and 'lough-that's -cloth-and·vinyl and all·vinyl-to ' ..... ith· Chrysler Corporation's TorqueFlite stand the around·the-clock service of three-speed heavy-duty automatic trans· police work are avaliable with K1, K2 and missions-engine matched in per­ K9trims. formance characteristics and with a Rear seats with heavy·duty construc· reputation for performance, durability and tion and full-foam padding are also low maintenance requirements. An available as an option with Ki, K2 and \ auxiliary oil cooler and low gear block­ K9trims. out are included. ROOMY TRUNK FOR EXTIt\ GEAR HEAVY·DUTY DISC BRAKES Open the trunk of a St. Regis and you'll FOR CONTROLLED STOPPING find plenty of room for big· size loads of Front brakes are heavy-duty self- spef)ial police equipment and gear. Optional 60/40 heavy-duty cloth-and-vinyl seat available in bille or cashmere ST. REGIS PURSUIT SEATS AND INTERIOR TRIMS Seat Seat Seat Trim Colors Availability 'TYpe Ti'lm and Codes ABOUT THIS CATALOG. We have tried to make this catalog as complete as possible. And we hope you find STANDARD-Front- bench(l) heavy-duty cloth· dark blue (K1CS) -Rear- bench(2) and·vinyl cashmere (K1T3) it useful. However, since the time of printing, some of Seat Code: K1 the information you'll find here may have been updated. Also, some of the equipment shown or described OPTIONAL-Front- bench(l) heavy-duty all-vinyl dark blue (K2CS) throughout this catalog Is available at extra cost. -Rear- bench(2) Seat Code: K2 cashmere (K2T3) Your dealer has details and you should ask him for OPTIONAL-Front- 60/40(1)(3) heavy-duty cloth- dark blue (K9CS) current information before ordering. -Rear- bench(2) and·vinyl cashmere (K9T3) Seat Code: Kg For additional standard and optional equipment, OPTIONAL-Front- bench with folding ali-vira;l . dark blue (84CS) center armrest(l) Seat ode: B4 green (B4G5) see pages a and 9. Dimensions are on page-i5. -Rear- bench cashmere (B4T3) red (B4M6) heather (B403) OPTIONAL-Front- bench with folding cloth-and- dark blue (A3C8) center armres!(1) vinyl green (A3G5) -Rear- bench Seat Code: A3 cashmere (A3T3) red (A3M6) heather (A3D3) (1) Heavy-duly seat construction. (2) Regular-duty seat; heavy·duty construction Is avallable at extr~ cost. 2 (3) The 60/40 optional seat has a folding center armrest and \WO ~" ;.arate seat sections with a seat adjuster for each section. DODGE ASPEN PURSUIT (A38PACKAGE) SURPRISING ROOMINESS AND COMFORT!

You have to sit in the front seat of an CONTROLLED RIDE AND HANDLING Aspen Pursuit to appreciate the Every Aspen Pursuit is equipped with roominess and to feel the comfort. special police suspension for firm, Actually, Aspen has more front-seat responsive handling and better car con­ legroom and headroom than some trol. This suspension includes front and "regular-size" cars-and legroom and rear antisway bars, transverse-mounted headroom are the two important torsion-bar front springs, heavy-duty rear roominess dimensions in any police car. leaf springs, heavy-duty strut bushings Aspen's compact exterior dimensions and heavy-duty shock absorbers. -only 204.3 inches long overall-are Firm-Feel power steering-that ideal for maneuverability in traffic and in retains a feel of the road-is standard other close quarters. with all Aspen Pursuit models. This power steering is geared for high-speed control THREE HEAVY-DUTY ENGINES! and includes oil cooler with V-8 engines. Aspen Pursuit can be equipped with the stanaard 3.7-liter (225 CID) one-barrel EASY· TO·READ GAUGES heavy-duty Slant Six for best economy, the Aspen Pursuit has gauges for important Aspen instrument cluster optionaI5.2-liter (318 CID) heavy-duty V-S functions: engine temperature, alternator for lively performance with good economy, and fuel level. They give the driver or the optionaI5.9-liter (360 CID) four­ continuous readings so he knows what's barrel heavy-duty V-8 with dual exhausts going on. An oil pressure gauge is and single large tailpipe (not available in included with the optional certified California} for extra performance. All three speedometer. Oil pressure warning light engine:; have heavy-duty parts for in­ is standard. creased durability. BIG TRUNK-BIG CARGO TOUGH TORQUEFLITE AUTOMATIC COMPARTMENT TRANSMISSION! Aspen's Pursuit sedan has a large trunk This smooth-operating, efficient and dur­ capacity with the full-size spare mounted able automatic transmission is standard forward. A deep trunk well makes room on Aspen Pursuit models. Heavy-duty for taller items. . TorqueFlite comes in three separate ver­ sions, engine matched in performance COMFORTABLE SEATS, HEAVY·DUTY and size characteristics. Millions of miles CONSTRUCTION, DURABLE TRIMS of reliabl~ service over the years have Front seats in all Aspen Pursuit models Optional heavy-duty all-vinyl bench seat given TorqueFlite its reputation for per­ have full-foam padding for seating formance and durability. An auxiliary oil comfort. Full-foam padded rear seat with cooler and low-gear blockout are also heavy-duty construction is available in standard. blue, red or cashmere. BRAKES BUILT FOR HARD SERVICE The standard seat trim is cloth-and­ vinyl, available in blue, red or cashmere. Heavy-duty power brakes are standard on all Aspen Pursuit models. The front disc brakes have semi-metallic pads; the rear brakes are big ii-inch by 2Y2-inch drum type. This brake combination provides controlled stopping even in heavy use.

ASPEN PURSUIT SEATS AND INTERIOR TRIMS Seat Seat Trim Trim Colors Optional 60/40 heavy-duty all-vinyl bench seat Seat AvaiJab/lity Type and Code and Codes STANDARD-Front- bench(1) regular-duty cloth- blue (AiB2) -Rear- bench(2) and-vinyl red (AiM6) Seat Code: Ai cashmere (A1T3) OPTIONAL-Front- bench(1) heavy-duty aI/-vinyl blue (K2B2) -Rear- bench(2) Seat Code: K2 cashmere (K2T3) OPTIONAL-Front- 60/40(1)(3) heavy-duty aI/-vinyl cashmere (KXT3) -Rear- bench(2) Seat Code: KX OPTIONAL-Front- bench(1) regUlar-duty blue (B2B2) -Rear- bench(2) all-vi~1 red (B2M6) Seat ode:B2 cashmere (B2T3) (1) Heavy-duty seat construction. (2) Regular-duty seat; heavy·duty construction Is available at extra cost. (3) The 60/40 optional seat has a folding center armrest and two separate seat sections with a seat adjuster for each section.

For additional standard and optional equipment, see pages Sand 9. Dimensions are on page 15. 5 ~~~ : .p "'-;. II , " , /'" • j • I


) "I- ~ If".. " ", DODGE AND SPORTSMAN WAGONS CAN HANDLE THOSE SPECIAL POLICE JOBS is especially useful in close quarters SPORTSMAN OFFERS FOUR SEATING where a hinged door could not be opened ARRANGEMENTS . .. SEATING UP For versatility, dependability and durdbil­ fully. Double, hinged side doors with ven­ TO 15 PASSENGERS ity-Dodge Vans and Sportsman Wagons ted glass are standard. make ideal choices for any police force or The Dodge Police Vehicle is sheriff's department. These sturdy ­ ideally suited for emergency and special­ tough vehicles can serve in a variety of duty operations. It can carryall kinds of capacities-for emergency duty, people special equipment and gear without de­ movers, riot squad equipment carriers, tection. But it can also be ordered with mobile radio control centers, etc. And optional side and rear windows. The these ruggedly constructed vehicles can Maxivan provides over 11 feet of cargo take all kinds of punishment while con­ floor length-and it's wide enough to tinuing to deliver dependable service. accommodate two full-size stretchers Sportsman Wagons are available 'l'Jith side by side. a choice of four seating capacities-for five (standard), eight, twelve and, on COMFORT, UTILITY AND DURI. 8300 Maxiwagons, fifteen-and they can BILITY HIGHLIGHT SEAT CHOICES be converted to ambulance service by Dodge Vans and Sportsman Wagons removing the rear bench seats. A single offer a variety of seating options. The big rear door that can be opened a full 90 de­ difference is in the number of seats pro­ grees and can be operated with one hand vided. Sportsman's standard seating ar­ is standard. A metal door check arm holds rangement has bucket seats for the driver it in the full open position, A single fixed and front passenger-as well as a quick­ wide window in the door gives good rear­ release three-passenger bench seat. ward visibility. Double rear doors are Additional bench seats are available on available as an option. Sportsman for eight or twelve passen­ gers; and, on the 8300 Maxiwagon, A wide Sliding side door is a desirable fifteen passengers. Only the driver's Sportsman Wagon or Van option for many bucket seat is standard on the Van-the operations. It slides back easily to provide front passenger bucket seat is an option. wide access to the vehicle's interior, and No rear seats are available on the Van. DODGE VAN AND SPORTSMAN WAGON FRONT SEATS AND INTERIOR TRIMS(1)

AVAILABILITY SEAT TYPE & CODE TRIM COLORS & CODES Sportsman, Custom Sportsman, low-back bucket- blue-KT2 Dodge Van-STANDARD Tacoma vinyl A. Standard five-passenger seating, all green-KT3 models. Seat Codes: KN1-Vans;(2) cashmere-KT5 KN2-Vans & Wagons black-KT1 (Van only) 8. Optional eight-passenger seating, Royal Sportsman, Dodge Van low-back bucket- 8200 and 8300 models. Royal Interior Package-STD. blue-KT2 Oxford vinyl green-KT3 C. Optional 12-passenger seating, 8300 Dodge Van-OPTIONAL Seat Codes: KA3-Vans;(2) cashmere-KT5 models. KA5-Vans & Wagons red-KT6 black-KT1 (Van only) D. Optional 15-passenger seating, 8300 ROlal Sportsman S.E. high-back Command bucket 127.6-inch-wheelbase Maxiwagon. - TANDARD blue-KT2 reclining-Tahoe cashmere-KT5 cloth-and-vinyl red-KT6 Dod!;le Van with Royal Seat Code: KN7-Vans & Intenor Package-OPTIONAL Wagons Royal Sportsman, Dodge high-back Command bucket- Van-OPTIONAL blue-KT2 Tucson cloth-and-vinyl green-KT3 Seat Code: KN6-Vans and cashmere-KT5 Wagons red-KT6 black-KT1 (Van only) Royal Sportsman, high-back Command bucket Dodge Van-OPTIONAL blue-KT2 swivel-Tucson green-KT3 cloth-and-vinyl cashmere-KT5 Seat Code: KN8-Vans and red-KT6 Wagons hlack-KT1 (Van only) Royal Sportsman S.E" high-back Command bucket blue-KT2 Dodge Van with reclining & swivel- Royal Interior Package- cashmere-KT5 Tahoe cloth-and-vinyl red-KT6 OPTIONAL Seat Code: KN9-Vans and Wagons

(1) Trim tor standard and optional rear bench seats matches front·seat trim on wagons Sportsman Wagons are equipped With driver's bucket seal. lront-passenger bucket seal and three-passenger qUick-release rear bench seal. Additional bench seals , > are optional Dodge Vans are equipped With driver's bucket seat only-front~passenger bucket seat IS optIonal ~,. (2) Dnver's bucket seat only In Dodge Van

' '''"- ,'>$"~ . :;. fi/ " ('.• For additional standard and optional equipment, see pages 10 and 11, Dimensions are on page 15 . . J 7 ------~

1980· Docige Police Fleet Equipment, Cars

STANDARD EQUIPMENT WITH (A38) PURSUIT PACKAGE Dodge Pursuit Packages,· Code A38 .- Aspen St.Regls Aspen St. Regis Dodge, A38 Pursuit Packages are available on the Aspen and St. Regis models shown in the fol/owing Code chart~ Air Claaner-Dry-type, replaceable element •. : ...... • S S Wheels-Black enamel (14"x 6.0"-JJ) .....•...... •.•.••.• S NA Body Style Carline Alternator-Heavy-duty 65-ampere Chrysler with Wheels-Extra heavy·duty (15"x7.0") .•.•....•....•.•••.• E S NL41 4-door sedan Windshield Wipers Two-speed with electric washers ....• S Aspen electronic regulator .•..•..•...... ••.•.••.....••••••..• S S S NOTE: See page 8 for contents of Code A38 Pursuit Package Ammeter ...... S S EH42 4-door pillared sedan Antifreeze-For minus 35° F ...... S S St. Regis Armrests-Front and rear (rear includes ash receivers . OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 'h-;TH (A38) PURSUIT PACKAGES on st. Regis) •...... •..••.....•.•...•.•...... S S Ash Receiver-Front .•..•••..•..•.•••...... •..... S S Ash Receivers-Rear ...... E S Aspen St. Regis Automallc Air Conditioning HI-Pres~ure C?lutch Air Condlllonlng(1) ...... E E Cutoff Switch-For compressor, with optional Alternator-100-ampere, dual belt dn~e, 8-cy!.; sll1gl~ Pursuit tires and wheels air conditioning only ...... S S belt, 6-cy!. (recommended for cars With emergency lights) . E E Axle Ratlos-2.9 .•....•...... •••••...•.•.•.•..• S S Tire Size(1) Axle Slze-8.25" ...... S NA Clear Windshield-With tinted side and back window glass TirelYpe NA E Sidewall Wheel Size 9.25" ...... NA S Aspen St. Regis Deacllvate Door Switch-Control of dome lamp •.•••.••.. E E P215/70R14 Battery-500-ampere ~5-ampere-hours) with Deck-Lid Release, Remote-Electric: control on fabric-belted black 14x6.0JJ Thermo-Guard heat s ield ...... S S instrument panel ...... E E radial-ply, high- S NA Brakes-Heavy-duty power brakes ~ith dua! master Defroster, Rear Wlndow(2)-Electricaliy heated •.••.•.... E E P215/70R15 performance heavy-duty cylinder: disc front brakes with semi-metallic front black Defogger, Rear Window(2)-Blower·type •••..•..•.•.•... E NA police type r---- . 15x7.0JJ E S pads; 11" x 2.5" rear drum brakes ...... S S P225/70R15 Brakes Power Booster-Dual tandem ••••.•.•...•...... NA S Engine Block Heater-No! available in California ....•.... E E black heavy-duty , -Single diaphragm ..••...... S NA Engine 011 Cooler -O~tionai E58 engine only ..•••.••.... E E 15x7.0JJ NA E Engines (see Engine C art on page 14) (1) All P·metrlc tires listed are .. standard" load range. Catalytic Converter ...... •.••...••••...... •... S S S-Standard. E-Optlonal at extra cost. NA-Not available. Coolant Recovery Sys~em ...... : ..•.• : ...... S S Fast-Idle Throttle Control-Manual locking type ...•.•..•. E E Coolant System-Maximum capacity radiator with 18" diameter seven-blade flex fan on 6-cylinder Hose Clamps-Stainless steel, worm ty.:>e ...... E E en~inas without NC; 20': diameter seven-blade fan Keys Single-Same key for all locks on car, diffE!lrent IMPORTANT TIRE NOilCE wit thermal torque drive ~n V-8 en~inE!S; 18" key for each car only (NA with optional tilt steenng wheel) . E E diameter five-blade fan with therma dnve on Keys Universal Sln~le s~stem-same key for all locks Certified high-speed radial tires with fabric belts are 6-cylinder engine with NC ...... S S on all 1980 cars in feet ( A with optional not be used for speeds over 100 mph. tilt steering wheel) ...... E E standard on all 1980 Dodge St. Regis and Aspen Pursuit Easy-Fill 011 Filler liIbe (with V-8 engines only) •...... • S S Packages. A rear antisway bar to provide optimum handling with Electronic Ignition ...... S S Lamp, Glove Box .....••...•..•...... •...... •... E E radial tiresis standard on all Pursuit Packages. Engines (see chart on page 14) Lamp, Luggage Compartment •...... _...... E E These tires on Pursuit Packages have been tested for Engine Mounts-SpooHype ...... S S Lamp, Underhood •.•..••.••...... •.•.••...... ••.. E E good handling characteristics by Chrysler Corporation. If bias or biaS-belted tires are installed, it is recommended Front Fender-Wheelhouse panel high-temperature Light, Additional Dome ...... ••....••...... ••..•• E E that the rear antisway bar be removed because of adverse Locking Gas Cap ..••••....•...... •...... •..•.•...•. Tires other than high-performance police-type tires should aluminized shields (8-cy!. only) ...•..•...•..•...... NA S E E handling effects with these types of tires. Gauges-Engine temperature, ammeter, fuel •...... S S Mats, Floor-Heav~-duty black, front and rea~ .••..••..... E E Grass Shield for Catalyllc Converter ...... •.. S S Mirror, Right, Outs de-Remote-control (avall~ble only in combination with left remote outside mirror) ...... E E Heater with Defroster ...... S S Mirror, Inside-Day/night ...... E S Heaan1;~~:lr~:~~;~ ~~~.~~~~~.~~t~~.~~~~~ •....•..•..... S S Police Bonding Strap Package-Includes braided Hood Release-Instrument panel mounted ...... S S bondin~ straps as follows: exhaus,t systel!l,.4 straps Horns-Single ...... S NA on Sing e 8 on dual, 7 on dual w/slngle tailpipe; Special·Order EqUipment, Cars Dual .....••...... •.....•....•...... •. E S hood to body, 2 straps; deck lid to body, 1 ~trap; trans. to chassis, 1 strap; engine to chaSSIS, 1 strap; Interior Ti'lm, Aspen Cloth-and-vinyl straight bench (A 1) engine to body, 1 strap ...... E E Special order items beyond regular production optional available in blue cashmere or red ...... S NA requirements, we have standardized some of the most Interior Ti'lm St. Re'gls-Heavy-duty cloth-and-vinyl Radiator, Silicone He~ter.and Bypa~s Hose equipment may be ordered to meet police needs. straight be~ch (K1) available in dark blue or cashmere .... NA S Available on 8-cyl. With air conditiOning only ...... •..•... E E Longer build scheduling times and minimum quantity popular of these special order items.-Acceptance Radio Cable Condult-Wa" diameter Mirror-Inside day/night .•.•...... •...... •. exactly as listed in the following chart will help speed E S (Aspen requires H.D:rear seat) ...... : .....,' ...... E E orders are normally required. -Outside left, manual, door-mounted ...... •.. S NA Radio Suppression Package-Standard With radiO ...... up production and enable us to meet your needs -Outside, flag-type, left and right, manual ...... E E To minimize both building time and order size NA S Relay Control System-I~cludes one ;?10:gal.',ge quickly and accurately. . direct battery feed wire With 30·amp circuit 011 Fllter-Fuli-flow, throwaway ...•...... •...... S S breaker, two #12 wire circuits with ignition Pressure Warning Llght(NA with certified speedometer) 011 S S key control (thru relay) with 20-~mp circuit breakers Parkin,!Brake warnln~ Light ...... S S on each, and two #10 ground wires ...• '..•....•.•...•..• E E Police ccessory Fee WIre-from battery to passenger Roof Reinforcement Plate-For light or siren ... , . : ...... • E E st. Regis Minimum Roof Wire-Six 12-gauge and two 16-gauge wlr~s wlt~ compartment: #8 wire with fusible lin,k protect[on ITEM Aspen with Quantity through grommet In firew~1I plus two Jump.er wires roof hole on roof centerline, 19 inches rear of.wmd~hleld .• E E (cornering lamRs not available on St. RegiS) ...... S S Roof Wire-Six 12-gauge and two 16-gauge. wires With withA38 A38 Order Power Steering 011 Pump Cooler roc.f hole on right side of roof near center pllI,!r ...... •.. E E Special provisions to assist in fie,ld Installation of pOlice electrical accessories. (with V·8 engines only) •..•...... •.....•...... •... S S Roof Wire-Six 12-gauge and two 16-gauge wires less roof hole .....•...... •.•..••....•.•..•...•....•.•. E E Seat Belts-Three front, three rear (drivE!lr and 1. Special horn and siren switch to permit driver selection of horn or siren operation right-front passenger seats have combined Seat, Rear-Heavy·duty co.nstruction with full·foam from the steering wheel horn switch. Includes single wire routed t() center of instrument lap-snoulder beits) .•..•...... ••• : .•...... •...... S S cushion (A1, B2, K2, KX tnms only) .. : .••..•..•.....••.. E NA panel for agency connection to siren control. (Includes special switch plate and Seat Front-Heavy-duty seat construcllon •...... S S Seat Rear-Heavkduty construction With full-foam (K1, K2, 9 trims only) ...... ,' ...... non-standard ash receiver on St. Regis.) Splash Shield, Rubber-Special heat-reflective, cu~hion NA E • • • ~ • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • '0 • • • • • • • • ~ rightside ...... NA S Speedometer(3)-Certified to 125 mph: Includes E E 5 Speedometer-Non-certified.85 mph ....••.•.•...... •.. S S oil pressure gauge in lieu of warning light (NA witn A01 2. Special instrument panel radio speaker with 4-ohm nominal voice coil impedance. Steering, Power-Pursuit Firm-Feel type ••..• : ••.•...... S S Package on St. Regis; NA with clock on Aspen) ...•..•.•. E E Stoplight Swltch-Heavy-duty (not available with Spotlight Left 6"-Windshield-pillar mounted ...••...••. E E Includes'36" lead wire$ attached .to speaker.....•...... : ...... automatic speed control) .•..•.•. : ...... S S SPOtl~ht: Right, 6"-Wlndsh!eld·pillar mounte~ •.••• , •... E t: E E 1 Suspension, Aspen-Specially deSigned and engineered Sure- rip Rear Axle-2.9 ratio ...... E E 3. Special antenna cable RG 58 NU. Routed from a point approximately in the center of the suspension for pursuit-type work: front and rear inclu~es Tinted Glass-All windows (including shaded windshield) .• E S roof panel down the right roof quarter to the luggage compartment ...... , antisway-bars, heavy-duty rear leaf spnr:'gs with Trim-See pages 2 and 5 E special bushings, heavy-duty strut bUShln~S E 1 and 1-3/16-inch front and rear shock absor ers ..•....••.. S NA Wheel Covers-Vented 15" ...... NA E If an antenna-roof hole is specified (Item 4, below), the cable will be routed through the hole Suspension, St. Regis-Specially. designed and. Wheel Covers-Vented 14" ...... E NA and weatherproofed for shipping. engineered suspension for pursUit-type work, with the Wheels Heavy-duty (15"x7.0") ...... E S following heaVy-duty components matcned for high- speed handling: front antisway bar, torsion bars, S-Standard. E-Extra Cost. NA-Not Av.ail!ible. . . If a roof hole is not specified, the cable will be coiled and taped to the underside of the rear antisway bar, extended-life upper and lower, (l)Ask your dealer for details regarding restnctlons applicable to the later installallon roof panel. control arm bushings and heavy-dUty rear le,!f springs of air conditioning. with special bushings and heavy-duty 1-3/16'lncn (2)Eitherrequired on all vehicles registered In the state of New York. 4. Special 0.81" diameter roof hole located on car fore and aft centerline near center of front and rear snock absorbers , ...... , ...... NA S (3)Warnlng: calibrated speedometer with scale over 85 mph may legally be purcnased only by law enforcement agencies for the purpose of law enforcement. roof, approximately 40" to rear of upper windshield molding. This size fits many standard Tinted GlaSS-Ali windows (Including shaded windshield) " E S Tires (sele Tire Chart on page 9) . antenna bases ...... •..•...... Tire, Spare, Conventional-Same as Road Wheels •••••.• S S E E 1 Ti'ansmlsslon Auxiliary 011 Cooler •...... ••.•.••..•...•• S S E-Optional at extra cost. Ti'ansmlsslon Low-Gear Blockout ...••..•••••...•••..•. S- S Ti'ansmlssll)n, TorqueFlite Automallc-Three-speed ..••. S S 8

9 -~-.-~----~------

Van and Sportsman Wagon optional equipment

1980 Dodge Van and Sportsman Wagon equipment Sportsman Dodge Wagon Air Condllfonlng(l) Van Sportsman Dodge Sportsman Dodge Sportsman Dodge Intewal front aVailable on all models Wagon Van STANDARD EQUIPMENT STANDARD EQUIPMENT E Power St"arlng Available B100 and B200 Wagon Van Wagon Van ~~~I~;gr;:~~J0ith oJ ~ithout ~uxiliary heate~i;;~ i27:6'~' E model; standard 8300 models air condo at extra ~sti s (reqUires Integral front Power Windows, Electric For iront'doci; ;';;Iy' .•.....• E E Air Cleaner-Dry type ...... S S Springs, Rear, Leaf . E Alternator~3-ampere : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ..••..•...... E E Radios ...... E Air Vent Doors-Left outlet in cowl side panel, B100(1) all rTiodels-1,375-lb capacity -117-ampere ...... E E right outlet in right side of Instrument panel .... S S @ground ...... S S Automatl~ Speed Contro;':':'i\vail'ablii vhii •• i: ...... E E -~~/FM·'············ ...... E E Alternator-48-ampere ...... S S B200-1,810-lb capacity@ground -AM/FM si~reci' ...... •...... ••..•...... ••.. E E -AM/FM stereo with 'search: Tune' ...... •.•.•...... F- Antlfreeze--20°F protection ...... S S -1,980-lb capaGity @ ground Maxivan ~~~0e;;~~~~~~~~~!~fg~t~~~~~~Sr~I~~i~~8~~b~:,~nd E and Maxiwagon ., ...... S S Battery ...... E E -~~/FM stereo with cassette tape p'lily~~' ...... E E Armrests-Driver and front passenger ...... S S o 'lr,(2) system. . . . • ' B300 all models-2,360-lb capacity@ ground. S S 59-ampere-hour/375-amp Cold Crank E Ashtray-Driver's compartment .....•...... S S 70-ampere·hour/430_amp Cold Crank' •...... ••..•. E -AM/ M stereo wjth eig'ht:iraci( ia'pe piayer ..•..•..•. E Steering E E E (Maintenance-Free) -AM/FM stereo With 40-channel CB transceiv ...... Axle, Front-Independent front suspension Manual-8100, 8200 ...... r E E S S B5-ampe~e-hollr/500.amp 'c~jd Cirririli" .•.•...... E E RadiO, Rear Speaker-Available with AM/FM ra/loon. iy ... .. 8100,(1) all models-3,300-lb capacity ...... S S Power-8300 ...•...... •...•.... ,. S S E E 8200, all models-3,300-lb capacity ...... S S long life ...... Scuff Pads Side ste~ sill fot Battery, Auxillary-85-amij'h~i5ci6:~m'p C'I~i' .. : . " .... E E front and side cargo passenger doors 8300, all models-3,600-lb capacity ...... S S Tires Crank long-life for B300 Vans 0 I A . 0 . Shock Absorbers-HeavY·duty 1,18" dia ...... E E Axle, Rear B100(1)-Five all batteries except B5.amp_hr/50nO~amvallable wuh fro~t an~ rear (standard on B200 Maxivans 8100,(1) all models-2,700-lb capacity ...... S S wlVan-ali models- Cold Crank lonV;life main battery p an Maxlwagons) 8200, 3,550-lb capacity ...... S S P195/75R158 (4PR) glass-belted radial ..... S Brakes, Power- 100 Van models Wi4:ici6:lb····· ...... NA E Sky Lite Sun Roof"':6ri~~r:S ~;,;n .ilr' •.... '" ...... E E - GVW (standard on all other models) Spare Tire Cover-For ail Van mtfdeltment ...... •. E Maxivan & Maxiwagon-3,850-lb capacity .... S S w/Sportsman-all models E Bumpers, Bright Finish-Front and reiir:' ••..•••. , •.••. S E Wd for Sportsman and Custom spo~isman 8300, all models-5,500-lb capacity ...... S S P195/75R158 (4PR) glass-belted radial ..... S - for standard Vans and Sportsman and . agons (color-keyed) ...... •.....• Wheels & Rims-Five Custom Sporlsman Wagons •••..••••.. Springs, Heavy-Duty-Consult local ••....•.....••• E E Battery-48-ampere-hour/305-ampere 15"x5.50" five-hole disc ...... ,.,., ...•. S S Bu.~per ~uards-Front and rear: bright ..•.•.•....•... E E Dodge dealer for ratings Cold Crank .. " ...... S S B200-Four finish with black rubber inserts SW\r~hes, Dome Lamp-Door'cip~~ilied' tei;········ ... E E Bu"!per~ ~nd Bumper Guards wiiti N. r; si' i ..... " .... E E a oors: all Van models, Sportsman ' Brakes wlVans-109.6" and 127.6" wb Brrght liliish-Front and rear e r ps- 8100(1)-11.75" x 1.25" front disc; 10" x2.5" and Custom Sportsman Wagons ...... P225/75R158 (4PR) glass-belted radial, .... - S Bumper, Rear Hitch Type-Bright finish···· .•.•.• , .•••.. E E E E reardrum ...... S S -127.6" wb Maxivan Cigar lighter ...... E E Tlit-lYpe Ste~ring Column Requires . 8200-11.75"x1.25" front disc; 10"x2.5" P235/75R15C (6PR) glass-belted radial ..... - S E power steenng and automatic transmission at reardrum ...... S S . -Five Ctock, Digital, Solid-State Ele~i':~nic' ·F····Cr' ., ...... E extra c~st.

\ GALVANIZED STEEL, A~ITI·RUST TREATMENTS KEEP DODGE POLICE VEHICLES LOOKING BEltER Through the years, Dodge and Chrysler Corporation have shared ,I Chrysler Corporation's corrosion protection is unsurpassed in the in a tradition of engineering excellence and leadership. Many industry. It includes the use of galvanized sheet metal panels, one automotive advances-such as hydraulic brakes, Safety-Rim of the best known methods of corrosion protection. wheels, alternatqr, electronic voltage regulator, electronic ignition Dodge uses galvanized steel in many critical body areas and electronic spark control-owe their development to this because it resists rust longer than ordinary steel. For example, engineering know-how. galvanized steel is used for rear outer wheelhouses, body-side And this same engineering expertise makes Dodge Police inner sills, door outer panels, quarter panels, front fenders and . Pursuit cars the tough, dependable and durable vehicles they are. the rear floor pan extension on all St. Regis and Aspen models. Other selected components also use galvanized steel. Dodge UNIQUE HEAVY·DUIY SUSPENSION REINFORCED BODY AND CROSSMEMBERS vehicles also have galvanized steel in critical body areas. In addition, St. Regis and Aspen models receive Chrysler Corporation's seven-step dip-and-spray anti-rust treatments. Dodge vehicles are protected by a six-stage anti-rust process. Extra welding

HEAVY·DUTY POLICE BRAKES When the action is fast and furious, you can depend on Dodge's heavy-duty brakes for controlled slowdowns and stops in a St. RegiS or Aspen Police Pursuit car. Front disc brakes have semi-metallic brake pads for greater heat resistance and continued braking power during repeated brake applications. Big rear drum brakes-11 inches by 2.S inches-balance out the heavy-duty brake system. Driver's ST.REGIS braking effort is greatly reduced in St. Regis by a high-capacity, Aspen Pursuit cars have a unique transverse torsion-bar front tandem diaphragm-type power booster; in Aspen, by a single­ suspension system and an iso-clamp multi-leaf rear-spring Body strength starts with a firm foundation. That's why St. diaphragm power booster. suspension-all rubber-isolated from the car body. Heavy-duty Regis welds additional reinforcements to the underside of the Braking safety is enhanced by a dual master bral


12 .~------~------.------1980 Dodge Police Vehicle Dimensions Police car engine features CARS The optional 5.2Mliter (318 CID) The optionaI5.9-liter (360 CID) As~en four-barrel engine has the following two-barrel and four-barrel heavy-duty Aspen Sedan st. Regis St. Regis Pillared Hardtop Sedan features for longer life and better engines have the following features for Wheelbase ...... •..•...... 1'12.7" Wheelbase p~rformance: longer life and better oil economy at ...... 118.5/1 Overall length ..... , ...... 204.3" • Anti-turbulence windage tray between high mileage: Overall length ...... Overall width ...... 220.2" crankshaft and oil sump • Double roller timing chain 72.4" Overall width ...... 77.6" Headroom, front ...... • Crankshaft of select-hardness cast • High-temperature valve seals and 39.3" Headroom, front ...... nodular iron shields rear ...... •...... 38.2" 37.7" rear ...... • Dual snorkel air cleaner on St. Regis The 3.7-liter (225 CID) one-barrel Legroom, front ...... " '" 37.4" 42.7/1 Legroom, front ...... • Double roller timing chain heavy-duty engines have rear ...... 37.8/1 42.3" • Forged connecting rods molybdenumMfilled top rings for better 38.3" Shoulder-room, front ...... 55.8/1 • Heavy chrome-plated oil rings oil economy at high milea~'e. 3.7-liter (225 CID)one-bbl Slant Six r Shouldr~r_r~eo:";r~~~'::::::::::::::::: 61.0" rear ...... 55.6" • Heavy-duty valve springs rear ...... 61.0" • High-strength rocker arms • High-temperature valve seals and NOTE: Inter/or dimensions shown are for standard passenger car trims. Front headroom will be slightly less with the Police Pursuit Package, due to the heavy.duty fronl seat conslructlon. shields • Lubrite-treated camshaft • Molybdenum-filled top rings DODGE VAN AND SPORTSMAN WAGON • Nimonic exhaust valves • Special Silichrome-1 high-temperature 127.6"wb steel intake valves 109.6" 127.6" Maxlwagon wb wb • Water pump with larger bearing Maxlvan B HI.n!i/ed qouble door opening-side door width ...... , ...... 47.2" 47.2" 47.2" C - Sliding Side door opening-width ...... 49.3" 49.3" 49.3" 5.9-liter (360 ,?ID) four-bbl V-8 5.2-liter (318 CID) four-bbl V-8 -height: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ...... '...... 39.8" 39.8" 39.8" D Door opening hinged rear double door height ...... 47.2" 47.2" 47.2" E D~or opening-hinged rear double door width ...... 47.2/1 47.2" 47.2" F - Single rear door opening-height ...... 49.3" 'd h ...... •...... 49.3" 49.3" Car engines -WI t ...... 47.2" 47.2" 47.2" -degree of opening ...... 49.3" 49.3" 49.3" ...... 90· G Floor Width, maximum 90· 90· H Width between wheelh~uses' ...... ENGINES WITH FEDERAL EMISSIONS CONTROL PACKAGE 70.4" 70.4" 70.4" 1-Height--maximum passeriger'~re~ ...... 50.0" Models with A38 Pkg. 50.0" 50.0" J - Length-rear door to driver's seatba~k ...... 53.2/1 53.2" 53.2" Code Engine and Carburetor Net Torque (ft-Ib) Net Horsepower Aspen St. Regis K Overall exterior length ...... : ...... 92.9" 110.9" 136.9" L - Overall exterior width . : : : . : ...... 178.9" 196.9" E25 3.7-liter (225 CID)l-bbl Slant Six 160@1,600rpm 90 @ 3,600 rpm X NA - Maximum width inside ...... 222.9" 79.8" 79.8" 79.8" ~------~.~.. ~.. ~.. ~ ... ~ .. ~.. ~.. ~ .. ~... ~ .. ~.. ~...... 72.2" E45 5.2-liter (318 CID) 2-bbl V-8 245 @ 1,600 rpm 120 @ 3,600 rpm X X 72.2" 72.2" E58(1) 5.9-liter (360 CID) 4-bbl V-8 275@ 2,000 rpm 185 @ 4,000 rpm X X ENGINES WITH CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS CONTROL PACKAGE Models with A38 Pkg. Code Engine and Carburetor Net Torque (ft-Ib) Net Horsepower Aspen St. Regis E25 3.7-liter (225 CID) 1-bbl Slant Six 160@1,600rpm 90 @ 3,600 rpm X NA E47(2) 5.2-liter (318 CID) 4-bbl V-8 240 @ 2,000 rpm 155@ 4,000 rpm X X

X-Engine Is available with A38 Package. NA-Engine is not available. (1) E581ncludes dual exhaust with single large tailpipe on Aspen: dual exhausts wllh dual tailpipes on St. Regis. (2) E47 also available In other states. NOTE: All engines have catalytic converters and require unleaded fuel. All engines have heavy·duty features and matching TorqueFlite transmissions.

Dodge Sportsman and Van engines BID INFORMATION For information on the Dodge Pursuit Packages it will be necessary to sub 't b'd . .. . ENGINES WITH FEDERAL EMISSIONS CONTROL PACKAGE complete specifications, including dellverv reqt~irements to the Fleet DiVisi~~ ~h Inv:tat~n, open.lng date, ~um.ber of units, special conditi-:ms and Michigan 48015. ., , rys er orporatlOn, Special Bid Group, P.O. Box 700, Center Line, Code Engine and Carburetor Net Torque (ft-Ib) Net Horsepower Bid Information concerning Dodge Vans and Sportsmqn W f r EA3 3.7-liter (225 CID) 1-bbl Slant Six 170@1,600 rpm 95 @ 3,600 rpm Corporation, P.O. Box 644, ., Michigan '48288. agons or po Ice use shOUld be directed to the Truck Bid Department, Chrysler EC1 5.2-liter (318 CID) 2-bbl V-8 240 @ 2,000 rpm-manual 135 @ 4,000 rpm-manual 240 @ 2,400 rpm-auto. 140 @ 4,000 rpm-auto. parts are engineered by Chrysler Corporation for use In your EC5 5.9-liter (360 CID) 4-bbl V-8 270 @ 2,000 rpm 170 @ 4,000 rpm now Dodge. When replacement Is necessary be sure to specify Chrysler Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time MOPAR parts-used by professIonal mechanIcs ali over the world, without nOtic. e or obligation, In prIces, colors. materials, eqUipment, or specincations and to change or discontinue models. Check your dealer ENGINES WITH CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS CONTROL PACKAGE .. for complete current Information. ;j tnopar Code Engine and Carburetor Net Torque (ft-Ib) Net Horsepower .. Dodge *EA3 3.7-liter (225 CID) 1-bbl Slant Six 150 @ 2,000 rpm 90 @ 3,600 rpm 'I

EC2 5.2-liter (318 CID) 4-bbl V-8 245 @ 2,000 rpm 160 @ 4,000 rpm A PRODUCT OF - CHRYSLER EC5 5.9-liter (360 CID) 4-bbl V-8 270 @ 2,000 rpm '170 @ 4,000 rpm -CORPORATION • 3.7-liter engine available on 8200 van only except Maxivan In California. Form No. 81·307·0027 8/79 30M Litho In U.S.A. 15 14 -----~~======~',. " .. "~~ . "t' -~\ ~., ,'< ,-"'\.1." oO}'" • ~iI ;/ "?_'~" "":" '~"'"", ~.'. ' .... , '. '.' ,", '., r--- ,



DIMENSIONS FAIRMONT LTOS/LTCI (Model) 4-0r_ 2-Or_ 4-0r_ A-Wheelbase 105.5'/ 114.3" 114.3" 8-0verall Lenglh 195.5'1 209.3/1 209.3" C-Overall Wldlh 71.0" 77.5" 77.5" D-Headroom-Front 3S.3" 37.9" 37.9" Rear 37.4" .37.2" :17.2'1 ~ .. Legroom-Front 41.7" 42.1 11 42.1/1 -Rear 35.3'1 40.6" 40.6" F-Shculder Room-Front 56.7" 61.7" 61.7" -Rear 58.7" 61.0" 81.7" !>-Luggage Capaclly (Cu. Ft.) 18.8 20.5 E 20.5 Ii: Llttover Height 29.6'1 22.3" 22.311 H Fuel Tan~ (Gals.) 14.0' 19.0 19.0

E-Estlmat&d --16 gallon due rn February 1980

POWER FAIRMONT LTD S/LTD - TEAM DATA Engine (liters) 3.3L T 4.2L S.OL S.8L Displacement (Cu. I:;.; 200 I 255 302 351 No. Cylinders 1-6 T V-8 V-8 v-a Valve Adjusters Hydraulic Hydraulic \ Transmission- Auto. Auto. Auto. Auto. Alternator (Amps.j 100 ~OO 80 100 8attery (Amp/Hr•• ) 77 77 71 71 Rear-Alele Ratio 2.73 2.26 2.26 3.08

-First Gear lockout Standard

lIIusfratiot\J and 'nt'orm,lIon Ptosented herein were'correct when apPIOVed lor println", Ford Dlvlllon taserveslhe rlghl to dlsconlirlue or chang(J, at Iny lime, sP6Cllicallons ordelll;ns wilhoul ;ncurtlng obt;galions. Some 'allure_shown or describod aro opllonalal fulra cosi. MOil opllons ollared on all modelt. Some opl/onl are required In combination With olhar or,1kll1l, Always consult ygur Ford Daaler lor the latesl. mOl' comploto Inlormatlon on mpdels.loalutes,. Prices and availabillty. Mileage Ilguresato osllmalel based;)n lesls approved bylhe U.S. EnVironmenlal Profectlon Agency and are for comparatlvo purpOses. Actual mileage tna~ differ dependlno on .pEte4. weather, and dl,ltJnco. Actual hlghwav mileage win probablv bt le,1t Ihan Ihe highway estimate,

Ford Division Fleet, Leasing, and Rental Sales " r--

FORD FAIRMONT FAIRMONT In addition to those items In the special Police Package, Fairmont's basic standard features Engineered Toug~ ... STANDARD include many Belter Ideas lor the 80·s. Police Proven FEATURES The cost-efflclent Ford Fairmont Is one 01 the lowest­ priced cars in Its class-a prime consideration In Heavy-Duty Unitized Body multi-vehicle lIeet purchases. For the economy­ minded public administrator, Fairmont is also space­ and fuel-elllcient.

Fairmont's unitized body construction Is rugged and roomy-built to handle rough usage. Its aerodynamic design control with minimum efforf. Power offers low wind-resistance for optimum steering adds sure, effortless control fuel efficiency. In normal patrol work or high-speed pursuit.

Heavy-Duty Seating Comfort The allertlate standard 3.3 liter Positive Handling (200 CID) Six is well-proven and Front Suspension responsive to·demands.

Corrosion Protection To help keep your Fairmont Police Units looking new longer, Ford uses pre­ coated (galvanized) steels. vinyl sealers and aluminized wax In critical areas -plus a tough enamel finish-paint coat. Additional and valuable protection inclUdes Ford's new 3-year unlimited mileage Limited Corrosion Perforation Fairmont's computer-designed front Warranty. Exhaust components and suspension Incorporates a version of perforations caused by accidents are EPA Engine Ratings The heavy-duty front and rear seats In not covered. the Fairmont Pollee Package are the well-known MacPherson strut front designed to provide all-day working suspension. The heavy-duty system comforf. The ali-vinYl seat trim wears used In the Pollee Pacllage Is reinforced ADDITIONAL FAIRMONT well, cleans easily. to pass maximum duty requlrements­ as Is the 4-Bar Link Rear Suspension, STANDARD FEATURES which Fairmont shares in design • DuraSpark Electronic Ignition System principle with many fUll-size Fords. Instruments and Controls • Anodized Aluminum Bumpers with Front Bumper Guards • Power Steering with Cooler • Color-Keyed Cut-Pile Carpeting Fairmont Police Package" 011 Front Disc Brakes • Two-Speed Eleetrlc Windshield The 1980 Ford Fairmont Police Package • Heavy-Duty Handling Package­ • Heavy-Duty Front Seat Power front disc/rear drum brakes Wipers with Fluidic Washer System is available on 4-door sedans with includes special front and rear • Heavy-Duty Rear Seat provide positive braking In all situations. • Ram-Air Forced Ventilation either the 3.3 liter (200 CIO) slx-cyllnder stabilizer bars. high rate front and The Police Package Includes heavy­ engine or tho new 4.2 liter (255 CIO) rear springs. unique struts and shocks • Ali-Vinyl Seat Trim • Foot-Operated Parking Brake with duty seml'metalllc linings on front disc Warning Light V-8 engine, and Includes the foliowing and jounce bumpers brakes for superior fade resistance and • Calibrated Speedometer-U.S.! • Inside Hood Release equipment: • Maximum Cooling Package-includes Canadian increments to 120 MPH/ 10" rear drums with organic linlnus. extra-fin density radiator and 180 Kr/Hr • Bright Trim: Grille, Headlamps, • Automatic Transmission with Auxiliary shrouded heavy-duty fan that adjusts Parking Lights, Rear Window, Oil Cooler and First Gear Lockout automatically to demand • Map Light-Dual Beam Driver-centered controls read at a Quality Power Drip Moldings • Day/Night Interior Rear View Mirror glance. Two-lever steering column • Power Brakes-(front disc with semi­ • Coolant Recovery System controls provide five basic functions; The 4.2 liter (255 CID) V-8 Pollee • Bright Hubcaps metallic linings, rear drum with • Cigar Lighter (1) Windshield wiper and washer; P~ckage engine Is performance­ • Ford Motor Company's lifeGuard organic linings) • Parking Brake Warning Light minded and features a rugged cast-Iron Design Safety Features • Heavy-Duty 14 x 5.5" Wheels (2) horn. turn signals, and headlight • 1Oo-Ampere Alternator dimmer. construction with light weight for good • Heavy-Duty Unitized Body Structure power-to-welght ratio. (includes exira reinforcements lor •• 77-Amp/Hour Battery (maintenance • P205170R14 SSW Police Fabric Radial Tires rough·road performance) free with heat shield) Rack & Pinion Steering "Fairmont Polica Package will bo available In • Power Decklld Release • Transistorized Voltage Regulator 19BOJi, Check your Ford Dealer for details. Here's a direct, low-friction steering system which provides maximum --~------~------

, (


The new LTD S 4-Door Sedan offers fleet buyers In addition to those Items specified for 1980 FORD LTD S LTD size and comfort plus many basic LTD quality FORD LTD 5 AND LTD the Pollee Packages, 1980 LTD Sand features-but at a lower price. Individual front LTD sedans share many features that New Full-Size Ford Series end treatment. S.O.lIter (302 CID) V-S engine. POLICE PACKAGE contribute to the comfort, safety, and Automatic Transmission. Power steering and power workIng efficiency of both series In law·enforcement work. Here are some Especially For Fleet Buyers front disc/rear drum brakes. Standard features STANDARD FEATURES representative examples. like these make the LTD S a very attractive buy In fleel quantities.

1980 Ford LTD ... H.O. Package -Steel upper control arm bushings Responsive and In addition to the 5.0L and 5.8L Police and upper ball joints and unique Packages. Ford plans to offer a 5.8L lower control arm bushings Agile for Police and "H.O:' (high output) package later in • Power Steering with Forward Pursuit Needs the model year. The H.O. Package, Mounted 011 Cooler which has met the Michigan State • Heavy·Duty Power Front Disc/Rear The 1980 Ford LTD has new front Drum Brakes (seml·metailic front forward of the rear axle for a lighter, Police and I.A.C.P. criteria, will include The LTD's body-on·frame construction end styling-with a sculptured grille, a dual exhaust system and revised disc pads, flared and grooved rear more efficient suspension. dual halogen headlamps, and wrap­ drums for better COOling) provides a solid platform for mounting camshaft for improved high speed per. chassis components that combine to around parking lamps. formance, as well as an engine oil • Automatic Parking Brake Release Improved Sound Insulation • 60-Amp Alternator (100-AMP with deliver LTD's famed "quiet ride:' Trim cooler, premium bearings, heavy-duty outside, LTD S and LTD sedan models lligher levelS of soun' 1sulation over Basic Pollee Packages transmission, unique valves and valve 5.8L engine) • Heavy·Duty Front Seat can provide plenty of roomy comfort the LTD S surround the LTD passenger 1980 Ford Pollee Packages are offered springs. Tentative production avail. inside f"r six adults. compartment-setting up effective • Calibrated Speedometer (0-140 MPH on the LTD S 4-Door Sedan and the LTD ability is early 1980. Check your Ford barriers against road and traffic noise 2·Door and 4·Door Sedans, with either Dealer for detaila. in 2 MPH Increments; 0-220 Km/Hr in 5 KM Increments) Responsive Suspension that can decrease working efficiency the 5.0 Liter (302 CID) V·S engine orthe on the Job. 5.8 Liter (351 CID) V·8 engine. The Ford Police Packages Include the • 71·Amp/Hour Battery (maintenance following equipment: free) • SelectShlft Automatic Transmission • Battery Compartment Heat Shield Advanced Front Seat DeSign with External 011 Cooler and First • Remote-Control Electric Decklld Gear Lockout LTD's front seat design (heavy-duty in Release the Pollee Package) helps assure ' • Heavy·Duty Radiator and Coolant • Single· Key Locking System prime operating controls at fingertip EPA Engine Ratings System working comfort for the whole shift. convenience on twin column-mounted R~covery • Dual Beam Map Light Molded-foam padding for comfort • Heavy.Duty Frame . control stalks. • Heavy-Duty 15x6.5" SafetyRlm combines with a steel "Flex-Q.Lator" • Poll):':; Maximum Handling Package­ Wheels spring mat for firm support-especially Inclu~es: DuraSpark Ignition System • GR70 x 15 Pollee BSW Special A computer·tuned suspension system under the thighs. -,Extra-heavY·duty, high'rate front Fabric Radial Tires and rear springs Is a major reason for the LTD's ride and Ford's DuraSpark Solid State Ignition -Heavy·duty upsized front and rear • BrIght Hubcaps (replaces deluxe handling. Up front Is a long· and short. Command Position Seating Syst~m provides a hlgh.voltage spark, shock absorbers (extra) wheel covers) arm design with low·friction ball )olnts. eliminates the conventional points and • Conventional Spare Tire The LTD driver-center provides an condenser and extends sparkplug life -~:g~r~~~Iia~~ont and rear pollee At the rear Is a compact 4·bar link instrument cluster that reads at a design with rear shocks mounted The electronic voltage regulator has ' glance ... expansive glass areas., ,and no moving parts.

" i , \,



ADDITIONAL LTD S & LTD LTD EASY·SERVICE Mini Fuse Panel Dealer Installed Options STANDARD FEATURES FEATURES Easy-access f,uses in a more compact In addition to factory-installed options, INCl.UDE: Fixed service costs CIIn become a panei. No special tools required, can your Ford Dealer has available a num­ • Power Ventilation System ma)or item In fleet malntenance_ be replaced by hand. ber of dealership-installed accessories. • Deluxe 'I-Spoke Soft-Rim Steering; Below are some prime examples 01 These include: Wheel Ford's concarn lor easier servicing 01 Modular Steering Column • Compass 1980 LTD S and LTD models. • Anti-Theft Door tack Buttons Allows direct access to column­ • Fire Extingui~hers mounted controls. No need to remove • "Tiltaway" Door Hinges (easier Improved Heater/Air • Spotlights entry & exit) steering wheel or column first. Condilioner Servicing • Wheel Splash Guards • Inside Hood Release Air condition evaporator core. Windshield' Wiper Motor • Deep-Well Trunk (over 20 cu. ft.) with condenser and blower motor are all low liffover height designed for direct access and easier Can be replaced, if needed, without first having to remove the cowl screen. • Color-Keyed Cut-Pile Carpeling servicing. • Large. Bin-TYpe Locking Glove Box Front-Mounted Radio & Reduced Maintenance • Rectangular Headlights (Dual Heater Control Panels Convenience items that can save time halogen on LTD) with Wraparound and money like the new malntenance­ In addition to the many standard features provided Parking Lamps Easler access to radio and heater OPTIONAL controls directly from the front rather free battery that never needs water. on 1980 Ford LTD S and LTD pollee vehicles, there • Chrome-Plated Grille than from behind the Instrument panel. are also many options available to suit the special • Lighted Glove Box and Ashtray EQUIPMENT­ lTDS<D needs or deSires of locallaw.-enforcement agencies.

REGULAR PRODUCTION • Tinted Glass (Complete) Limited Produc!.lon Options OPTIONS • Fingertip Speed Control OPTIONAL In addition to Fairmont's long list of standard • First Gear Lockout Delete • Electric Clock (Sweephand) eqUipment, there are many options available to fit Appearance/Protection • Heavy-Duty Black Floor Mats (in more specialized requirements and/or personal • Electronic Digital Clock place of carpet) EQUIPMENT­ • Tractron-Lok Axle (TimeIDale/E-T) preferences. • Front Floor Mats • Optional Ratio Axle • Flight Bench Seat • Front and Rear Floor Mats • Rear Bumper Guards' • Dual Flight Bench Seat Recliners FAIRMONT • Power Door Locks • Bumper Rub Strips • Split Bench Seats with Dual Recliners • Full Wheel Covers (15") • Vinyl Insert Bodyslde Moldings (std. (non heavy-duty) REGULAR PRODUCTION LIMITED PRODUCTION on LTD series) • Dual Remote-Control Outside Mirrors • Tinted Glass (windshield only) OPTIONS OPTIONS • Color-Keyed Deluxe Belts (with • Autolamp On/OfflDelay System • Luggage Compartment Light comfort-regulator feature) • Single Ui. Remote-conlrol Outside • l00-Amp Alternator (standard with Appearance/Protection Comfort/Convenience • Heavy-Duty Black Rubbar Floor Mats • All-Vinyl Seat Trim Mirror ' , 5.8L engine] (replace standard carpeting) • Rear Bumper Guards • SelectAire Conditioner (Manual • OuraWeave Vinyl Trim • illuminated Entry System • Engine Block Immersion Heater • Color-KeYl1d Front Floor Mat • Front & Rear Bumper Rub Strips Temperature Controls) • Lower Bodyslde Protection • Tilt Steering Wheel • Organic Brake Linings (require rear bumper guards) , (Included In Appe,arance Protection • Bucket 8,eats Group) • Luggage Compartment Mat (rubber) • Pivoting Front Vent Windows • interval Windshield Wipers • Rocker Panel Moldings • ElectriC Rear Window Defroster • Tinted Windshield Glass • Front Cornering Lamps • Convenience Group; includes • Vinyl-lnsert Bodyside Moldings • Tinted Glass All Around Dealer-Installed Accessories • I.uggage Compartment Light • Proteclion Group: Includes door­ Interval wipers, visor vanity mirror, • Lower Bodyslde Protection • Finger-Tip Speed Control edge guards. front & rear color-keyed trip odometer. low fuel and low In additiol1 to factory-Installe


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Ford has always led the way In Beft:lr FORD ECONOLINE Ideas for Vans and Club Wagons. And Despite the wide variety of lengths, whellibases, window piace­ there Is no better Idea for municipalities NOTABLE ments, trim choices, and interior layouts available with Ford to consider than the addition of Ford Vans and Club Wagons, ali models share the same basic VANS & CLUB WAGONS Vans and Club Wagons to their mobile engineering and styling features that make them outstanding law-enforcement agencies. Tested STANDARD in their work as auxiliary police vehicles. Below are some Extra Versatility For Community Service Needs designs and proved-value features can prime examples of these standard features. add an extra dimension !Q your emer­ FEATURES gency services and police/community relationships.

Twin-I-Beam Front Suspension placed rubber body-mounts further Front End Service Center Design help to isolate passengers and cargo Ford's famous independent front­ The front-end Outside Service Center suspension design consists of two from road shock and vibration. Body­ on-frame construction is a Ford design of all Ford Vans and Club forged-steel I-beam axles. Each front Wagons gives immediate, convenient wheel has its own axle and big call engineering first and exclusive for this type of vehicle. access to 28 different service checks spring-to Independently step over -a definite time- and money-saving bumps and other imperfections in the plus for multi-unit municipal fleets. road surface and enhance handling. Quick-Release Rear Seats Another of Ford's many Better Ideas Popular Options Multiply Rugged Body-On-Frame for Improving the versatility of rear Utility Value Construction space In Vans and Wagons. Club Wagon standard bench seats are easily A wide variety of Ford options are Deep, full-length frame sideralls form available to tailor the Econoline Van or a rugged backbone for body-on-frame removed to enlarge Ille cargo area, making it an Ideal utility vehicle. Club Wagon of your choice to specific construction, setting the foundation needs and desires. Betaware some of for a solid ride. Twelve strategically Removal feature is not available with optional 4-passenger bench seat. the most popular choices.

REGULAR PRODUCTION • Deluxe Insulation Package OPTIONS • Stepbumper, chrome or argent • Dome Light Courtesy Switches • Protection Group: includes black (Option availability varies with certain (ali doors) stepwell pads in front and sliding models and styles. Consult your dealer • Fintertip Speed Control doors, front door edge guards, for fuli details.) • Tilt Steering Wheel front bumper guards (with chrome bumpers only) Appearance • Tinted Glass All Around • Single Sliding Cargo Door (reptaces • Security Group: Locking gas cap(s), • Bodyslde Accent Tape Stripe double doors at no extra cost) Inside locking hood release, spare tire tock • Bright Moldings: drip rail, upper • Two-5tage Door Positioner (for Econoline Van bodyside, window, lower character double-hinged rear doors) it Ideal for pollee personnel transport. cu. ft. for cargo and comfortable seating line Trailer Towing Packages Spacious seating arrangements may Ford Econoline Vans offer maximum for up to 15 people. Another Better • Deluxe Wheelcovers versatility-in size, models, body styles, be provided for up to 15 passengers Idea from Ford-especially useful and Seats & Seat Trim • Light Duty Package powerteams, and adaptability to pollee (Super Wagon only), and for maximum practical In police applications. (trailers up to 2000 Ibs.) flexibility all Ford Club Wagon three • Dual or Quad Captaln's Chairs: needs. Four basic models are available Audio Equipment -Reclining only • Heavy Duty Package -E-loo, E-150, E-250, and E-350 passenger bench seats. Include a (trailers up to 10,000 Ibs.) -each with your choice of hinged or "quick-release" feature for easy Wide Selection Of • AM Radio -Reclining and swivel sliding side cargo doors at no extra removal. Cargo and passenger loads Powertrains Available • AM/FM Monaural Radio • Cloth & Vinyt Trim cost. The E-loo and E-150 offer a may therefore be Intermixed In many different combinations to suit the The sturdy 4.9L/300 CID Six Is standard • AM/FM Stereo Radio (spea~ers in choice of either a 124" or 138" wheel­ door panels) Increased Maximum Payload needs of the moment. All Ford Wagons power on all 1980 Ford Vans ann Performance !:n~e. Wagon's (except in California). Availabte R~tings for 1980 range from 1260 feature a choice of functional doors • AM/FM Stereo Radio with 8-Track • SelectShift Automatic Transmission pounds to 5070 pounds, GVW's from and windows: smooth-sliding side engine options are shown below. Tape 5200 pounds to 9500 pounds. Econo­ doors for easy one-hand operation and • 4-Speed Overdrive Manual • AM/FM Stereo Radio with Cassette Transmission See your Ford Dealer for advice line Vans come in three body styles: large entry/exit or loading openings 1980 ~old Van/Club Wagon Englno Cholcos Player Cargo Van, Display Van, and Window -or conventionally hinged double­ MODEL • Super Cooling Package and counsel on selecting \he doors. Both side entries have a low­ ENGINE AVAILABILITY • Rear Speakers (for AM and AM/FM right 1980 Ford Econoline Van or Van. The Cargo Van is without side or 4.9l1 • Power Steering rear windows-best-suited to cargo­ step entry Inside the wagon for 5.0ll 5.au a.au 7.5l1 monaural radios) Ctub Wagon for your needs-and 300 302 351 400 460 • Front Stabilizer Bar ha.ullng (or, when specially BQuipped, all-weather safety and sure-footing. CID CID CID CID CID equipping (t to your satisfaction. Optional "Privacy Glass" may replace I·a v·a v·a v·a prosoner transport). Display Vans have v·a Comfort/Convenience . • Heavy-Duty Shocks (front and rear) windows only In the right side and rear clear or tinted glass for extra privacy In E-1oo Sld~ Opl. Opl~ N.A. N.A. • Engine Block Heater the rear areas. E·150 Sid. OoL Opt. N.A. N.A. doors, and are suitable for conversion E-250 Std, Opt!' • Air Conditioning (tinted or privacy to field emergency vehicles. The Opt. Opt Opt!'(a) glass recommended): • Gauges: all pressure gauge and E·350 Sid. N.A. Opt!' Opt. Opt!' ammeter Window Van has windows all around Super \fanl -Instrument panel unit for front and lends itself to many different police 'Avallability Varies wllh mo(ioland Itale Chock your Ford seat area • Auxiliary Fuel Tank-18-galion applications. Doatef IOf complele details Super Wagon (a) Avallablo only with 11. 12 paS$onoor E.250. -Auxiliary unit for rest of Van or (13B"WBonly) These are extended-body models on Most poputar transmission for Vans Wagon Club Wagon the 138" wheelbase. An additional 20" and Club Wagons is the optiDnat • Heaters: Protection added to the rear of 150/250/350 SelectShift Automatic. Where per­ The versatile Ford Club Wagon is the -High output • Dual Horns models gives these models greatiy mitted, a 3-Speed Manual Transmission -Auxiliary for cargo or passenger "people's choice" in the general expanded hauling capacity-up to 347 • Inside Locking Hood Release market. The same basic design makes Is standard and 4-Speed Manual with area Overdrive 'also optionally available. • Push Bar (front bumper)

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The 1980 Ford Bronco offers trim new size, excellent maneuvera~!IIty, and room for as 1980 FORD BRONCO ADDIT~ONAL 1980 BRONCO Interior many as six adults with optional bench seatR. STANDARD FEATURES Functional In addition to Its established features like • Drlver's Bucket Seat (with Tilt Back Exterior • Power Front Disc/Rear Drum Brakes Great Choice For Combined truck-type transmission and straddle-mounted for Real' Access) • Foot-Operated Parking Brake rear differential pinions, Bronco offers many • Black Front and Rear Bumpers • Fixed Passenger Bucket Seat (Pivots Off.. Road Comfort, Forward for Easy Entry) • 12-Volt. Maintenance-Free Battery new engineering and functional advances • Black Truck-Style Grille with Bright for 1980. Surround Molding • Color-k~"ed Patterned Vinyl Seat • 25·Gallon Fuel Tank ~iliWAnd • Bright Hubcaps Trim • DuraSpark Electronic Ignition System klughness • Bright Door-Mounted Mirrors • Color-keyed Vinyl Sun Visors ~~~ • Swing-Down Tailgate • All-New Color-keyed Instrument • Heavy-Duty Front and Rear Shock Panel Absorbers • Power·Operated Tailgate Window • Color-keyed Door Trim Panel with • Free-Running Front Hubs • Bright Tailgate Letters Integral FUll-Padded Armrests • Front Stabilizer Bar • Dual Bright Mirrors • Windshield Header and "A" Pillar • Power Steering , Push-Button Type Doorhandles Moldings • Five 5-Hole Disc Wheels • Wraparound Talilamps with Rear • Dome Lamp • Inside Mounted Spare-Tire Carrier Side-Markers .. Color-keyed Cowl Side Trim • Color·keyed Front Compartment Rubber Floor Mat • 103 cu. ft. Cargo Area (without Rear Seat)

1980 FORD In addition to Its many standard features, the 1980 Bronco has available a wldo selection of opllonal features to help BRONCO yo.! tailor either the Ford Custom Bronco or the Bronco Ranger XLT to your exact needs and desires. Below Is a OPTIONS partial list of available options.

Appearance • Sliding Rear-Quarter Windows • Chrome Grille (Tinted) • Security Lock Group: includes Locking Gas Cap. and Locks on • Accent Tape Stripe • Swingaway Outside Spare Tire Inside Hood Release, Glove Box • Lower Bodyslde Molding with Black Carrier (with Lock and Black or and Spare Tire Vinyl Insert White Cover) Tough Twin-Traction Beam • Chrome Front and/or Rear Bumper New • Bright Wheellip Moldings • Electronic' Digital Clock (Tells Time. Independent Front Suspension • Chrome Rear Step Bumper • TU-Tone Combinations (check your Date. and Lapsed Time) Bronco Is the only American-built Ford Dealer) • Front Bench Seat • Argent Rear Step Bumper four-wheel truck with this advanced Audio Equipment • Flip/Fold Rear Bench Seat engineering feature. The Twin-Traction 1980 BRONCO KEY Beam front suspension eases the front • AM Radio Performance SPECIFICATIONS wheels over bumps separafely-to • AM/FM Monaural Radio • SelectShift Automatic Transmission help cushion the ride. • AM/FM Stereo Radio (Quad • Handling Package: Includes Front Powertraln Bronco's new-design 2-speed transfer Speakers) Stabilizer Bar, Quad HD Hydraulic ENGINES case with Its 2.61:1 and 1:1 ratios allows TRANSMISSIONS New 1980 Bronco Interior • AM/FM Stereo Radio with 8-Track Front and Rear Shocks 4oSpd. for easier shifting, towing In "Neutral" Player • Heavy Duty Air-Cleaner Manual Aulomallc With the Ignition switch relocated to (Standard) (Optional) position (eliminates need for drlveshaft • AM/FM Stereo Radio with Cassette • Gauges: 011 Pressure. Ammeter the steering cOlumn. Bronco Is more disengagement) and more efficient 4.9l (300 CID) 1-6 (SId) X N.A. Player • Engine Block Heater theft-proof In 1980. Key must be turned operation In 2-wheel drive mode. 5.Ol (302 CID) V·6 (Opl) X X Comfort/Convenience • Speclai Altitude Performance 5.6l (351 CID) V-6 (Opl) to LOCK before It can be removed. Package X X Other anti-theft features include: Six Fiberglass Roof Colors • Air Conditioning • 32-Gallon Fuel Tank Inside hood release. relocated vent To Choose From • Heaters: Bronco Key Dimensions' window lock buttons. and sliding -High output • Super Engine COOling Package Wheelbase ...... " ..•• '" ••.• )04.7" InSide door lockS-located below the -ComfortVent • Auxiliary Transmission 011 Cooler Overall Length ••••••••••••.•• 177.6" -Auxiliary (SelectShift) standard armrests and virtually impos­ Overall Height •••.•.•••••..••. 73.7" sible to reach from outside the cab. • Convenience Group: Includes • Trailer-Towing Packages The new Bronco interiors provide Front Tread •••• '" •••.•...••. 65.1" Intermittent Wipers. 12-lnch Dayl Protection Master Control Seating-with more New Double-Panel Roof Night Mirror, Map Box In Doors. Rear Tread ...... 64.4" front-seat leg room, a new. driver­ Construction. Headlights on Warning Buzzer, RH • Skid Plates Dash-to·tailgate (floor) •••.•..•• 122.4" centered Instrument panel with Door Courtesy Light Switch • Dual Electric Horns Driver·seat-to·tallgate ••••••...• 60.6" clustered warning lights. a windshield A new double·panel roof construction In the cab portion Is featured on all Now-your choice of six different fiber­ • Western MirrorS-Bright Low-Mount • Fog Lamps (Includes Plastic Covers Rear opening height •.••••••••• 35.7" 5" taller than last year, and Improved glass roof colors. Three new colors Swingaway (9" x 6") and Bright Front Bumper Guards) Tailgate opening (Inside) ...... 63.5" climate control. More comfortable. 1980 Broncos. High'strength steel support members are sandwiched for 1980: Candyapple Red. Midnight • Fingertip Speed Control • Exterior Protection Group: includes Wheelhouse spacing ...... 50.8" more functional. more attractive. Blue and Dark ChamOis. Carryover Bright Door Edge Guards. Front between the Inner and outer panels. • Tilt Steering Wheel -Base vehicle with standard OQulpment. colors are: Black, Light Sand and White. • Tinted Glass All Around Bumper Guards. and Rub Strip OTHER ETC CONSU~ER PRODUCT REPORTS

1. Police Vehicle Testing - January 1979 (Testing of 1979 Model Year Vehicles) 2. Police Body Armor - December 1979 1 • Supplement No. 1 - January 1979 \ • Supplement No. 2 - March 1979 1 j • Supp1ement No. 3 - May 1979 • Supplement No.4 - September 1979


1. Metallic Handcuffs - Available January 1980 2. Portable FM Transceivers - Available May 1980 3. Transceiver Batteries - Available July 1980 4. Riot Helmets - Available February 1980 5. Crash Helmets - Available February 1980 6. Sirens Available April 1980 7. Warning Lights - Available July 1980 8. Field Drug Test Kits - Available July 1980


I GUideline 79-1 - Blood Alcohol Kit - Living Subject* GUideline 79-2 Post Mortem Blood Alcohol Kit* I Guideline 79-3 - Rape Evidence Collection Kits* ! Guideline 79-4 Controlled Substances Evidence Handling and Security Procedures* If " I

*Available January 1980 , I I

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