Daily Public Ledger (Maysville, Ky.): 1900-09-28

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Daily Public Ledger (Maysville, Ky.): 1900-09-28 g3F"Freah Oysters John O'Keere's Murray 4 Thomas bare juat re- , tW pAILY ceived a full car of marble, consisting 1 of Corner Posts, Hough and finished 1 stock. They got a bargain and can sell cheaper than ever. Call and getjtholr with fine girl liable- n Tuesday even- PUBLIC LEDGER '"«• Never has our stock been so large, ttVILLM m m HKPUBUCAX. never has our stock been as complete Klghty cents per share, *8 for 10 shares, *S0 1(10 with goods that go to make handsome for shares stock In twen- bridal presents. We will make a special ty-third series Limestone Building MAYSVILLE, KY., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. PRICE-ONE CENT. offer of per cent, off of every article Association. Good Investment, paying In stock rather than move the goods. cash dividends. Books now open for ' l i? Tie subscription to stock. Call on any of MaysifUle is)eather. ry is t Hay's loltle. the office liTChoice, select Spices at Oheno- Dr. Theodore N. Wise, a prominent eth's Drugstore. They don't keep the SECRET SOCIETIES. other local paper* Knight Templar, died Wednesday at tasteless kind. Covington, aged K.3. Rev. T. B. Ntratton will preach at e best, and that it doesn't and Visiting Brethren Are st for the money. Mrs. Klixa Anderson, wife of John Stewart's Chapel tomorrow at 7 D, in. Can't ) have it left at your real- S. Anderson, died recently at Flem- md Sunday at 10:*) a. m. and H p. m. Invited to Attend. inthT ingsburg, aged about At). Mr. Hal Curran k your order. There was a little girl. And she had little curl, Kight in t lie middle of her for' head. for it," sho said, uleot You tlMW«htof .ixl ng s da.y Mr. Harry Metcalfe, I I of Colonel The liltle hat she wore, Long behind and before, Saturday for Monterey, Mexico, Kugene, son of Mr. Frank Boyd of ed up Iti the air, like an arroi where be has accepted a position as Stated aonrention of LUntiton* Lodge And she had a little plume near Minerva, was painfully hurt ou the draughstman for an electrical concern. No. M, K. of P., this evening at". thigh a few days ago by a horse . The young man Is a nephew of Mr. i. 0. 0. side, the flat was I BomMi OoenuVi The verdict Is unanimous that Mrs. L. Joseph Metcalfe of this city. John L. Chamberlain, K. of R. and H. V. Davis's display of Fall and Winter Her pretty little mouth Because of a petition of the Millinery by many Tabler's Burkeve Pile Ointment Is not .South, was the finest ever seen in Always pointed North and subscribers, it was determined at a a panacea, tint is recoaimcnded for blind, it only uttered "prunes" or this city. bl. .-ling or protruding piles, and It will meeting of the Board of Directors of 'Neither "cabbages" nor "game" Mrs. Margaret Hchwartz of Friend- the New Public Library on Tuesday Could she undertake to name, ship Lodge of this citv has been eleeted evening to set the limit of two weeks wasn't even for "rhetima- room President of the Rebekah State Assem- instead of one to the holding of a book bly t he The Misses Oollenstein are In Cincin- for ensuing year. taken out by a ticket holder. This FUNERAL NOTICES. So the dear little girl nati today. Miss Sallie Ball was one of the brides- change goes into operation on Friday With her pretty little curl, of this maids at the wedding of Dr. week. Mr. Henry Schubert of Hover was And her plume, and her "prunes," and Charles Oddfellows Will Meet at Their Hall her "prism, Steen Miss Suits- and Nell White Beese at Au- In the city yesterday. Handsomely engraved And her narrow little hat, gusta Wednesday evening. Friday at 1 O'clock P. M. Dwelt contented in a flat, Kor she hadn't any room for pessimism. The wedding of Miss Mary Poage and Mr. Kugene A. Hold! —Chicago Tribune. Mr. I>. Well, urn Kees of ( iermantown, which was announced several weeks Overcoats tVOMI No. 12. The wedding of Miss Ann Osborne of DMUU Members of DeKalb Lodge No. 12, I. this county and Prof. William Hardin nineteen hundred, at » o'clock, O. O. F., are requested to meet ftl their Lucas of Paris is announced to occur at Mavsville. Kentucky. Hall on tomorrow, Friday, September the home of the bride on Thursday, No- At Home, Cbat •J.-, lWio, at 1 o'clock p. m., to attend the vember 1st. 1.31 West Second street. (Tit of Washington City Mr. Pearce funeral of P. li. Richard Dawson from Til! is here visiting his father, Mr. Charles Mr. Oeorge S. Davenport, aged 21, the Central Presbyterian Church at I H0EFLICH 8 CASH SALES, Pearce. :. B. m.i Mill Minnie M . M k. aged SO, o'clock. Our sister Lodges are respect- rcales »r, worth 12H«; Ties 10>i, both of Orangeburg, were married yes- fully invited to attend. Our sort Of Clothing lor men and lOB MM, all Wool Carpet &0<>, Rugs >o>> terday afternoon at the Clerk's otlice S. R. Hakovkk, N. li. isdifterciii in many renpecte from , wort h $2.50. by Judge Newell. John W. Thompson, Secretary. be usual ready-made clothing. Ii tits Clark Overton and Miss Josie Ash- ike custom made, and material Juat legin i I Firsl Mrs. Cullen and Miss Louisa Urecn- ton were married Tuesday at Flemings- CAPTAIN RUSSELL'S TIGERS. Mgood. We handle the Ixsst known f Oc- - -wood are the guests of Mrs. Hen Bow- burg. Whole—1« tailor- pi oil MM ions. Stein- tober instead of the first Sunday, Re Members of Ringgold Lodge No. 87, t. man of Newport. Bloota and Adh-rs head the Hut. The new Republican weekly at Au- K. «L Oarrelt arriving on Tuesday, the Two Games From Fifth Warders and O. O. F., are requested to meet at their gusta is expected to issue its llrst edi- Jrt. Regular services Sunday. Mr. Hall Friday at 1 o'clock to attend the One From All Stars. t'orter returns on Saturday. funeral of P. <i. Richard Dawson of our CigM-OkiaM sister Lodge, DeKalb No. IS, from the Mi-s Lily Darragh, aged thirteen, Charles Price, colored, is in Jail Central Presbyterian Church at 2 o'clock died this week at 111 e home of her uncle, pending an investigation into the p. in. Chahi.ks DlaTrntlOH, N. ii. A. Dud Pollitt, in Tolleaboro, of menin- death of William Routt, whose body A. N. 11 ii if, Secretary. gitis. was found Monday morning alongside the C. and ((.track. It is thought by Mrs. Sarah A. Buggies, widow of Cap- Dr. and daughter the officers that Price can tell some- Bcavy-lUeigW Mr*. 0. 0. POlHM ; tain l.indsey B. Buggies of Vanreburg, Beartrice, Mrs. Porter of thing about the occurrence. Miss and New has been granted a pension of $8 per hem, Tenn., are visiting relatives in the month. On Wednesday evening, October 3d, W. The wife of the Rev. John Cheap died John Vogel A Arthur Deming's Big Wednesday at Pollard, aged twenty- Minstrels will be seen at the Washing- ton Overcoats! eight, and the remains were Interred at Opafa-hoOM. The company is half No matter what you want In that line we have them. Oar Bo}V and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. liussell left yes- Children V Department <h now readi terday afternoon to spend the remain- equaled either in prico or quality. satisfy us that the performance will be tot mother*. Our stook of Vestee. der of the week at the Kali Fe*tival,.Cin- Silver! Well wo have It, too. step in in keeping with the heralding. The ad- elnnatl. and let us show you. vance sale of seats opens Monday morn- McCahthky, the Jeweler. Mr*. Dr, Harper and little son leave ing at Nelson's. today for their home at Itonhain, Tox., t Thi LaMMM ; ha after an extended visit to her parents, pleasure of a del Captain and Mrs. Hamilton. Flat with a imported bird 1'oplar KM Kirk's North Lib dog. The Sun says Charles is very is today furnish John H. POlltM of Bloomington visited proud of his fine dog and invites his In* father and sisters here yesterday. Vaneeburg friends out to hunt, but says He returned to Lexington this morning, the Senator and Mr. Davis of Maysville Whtri Ml horses start next week. The funeral of the Colonel Richard tollie, Market I B Dawson will take place at 2 o'clock rjTHello Central! Our Phone No. is !orps nf competent teachers will this afternoon from the Central Presby- 183, The H. K. Lauigdon Grocery Co. here. Under the thorough Instruc- be terian Church, with services by the tion offered Maysville ladles can llnd Mr. Harlan True, aged AJ, and Miss Rev. J. C. Molloy. The remains will no better opportunity to become their Mary Weddle, aged In, both of Shan- bo interred in the Maysville Cemetery, dressmakers. non, married Wednesday. under the auspices of the Oddfellows. Past Orand Judge Thomas R. I'blster Mr. will deliver the charge at the grave, I If, Mr. A. D. Cole will act chaplain and evening, the Rev. Robert Tolle • W. C. Pelham as Orand Marshal. The ting. pall-bearers will be Captain Jacob Walter Coleman, colored, under U Miller, Messrs. Henry Newell, Simon years old, has been appprentlced Nelson, N.
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