October 19, 2020 Honourable Lisa MacLeod Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries Email:
[email protected] Honourable Doug Ford Premier of Ontario Email:
[email protected] Andrea Horwath MPP Leader of the Official Opposition and the Ontario NDP Party Email:
[email protected] John Fraser MPP Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party Email:
[email protected] Mike Schreiner MPP Leader of the Green Party of Ontario Email:
[email protected] Taras Natyshak MPP
[email protected] Re: Request for Consideration of Amendments to Bill 108 Dear Minister MacLeod, At the regular council meeting of October 5, 2020, Council reviewed the attached correspondence from the Town of Amherstburg recommending the amendment of Schedule 11 of Bill 108 to return the authority for final decisions to municipal council’s as the elected representative of the communities wherein the property and its features of cultural heritage value exists. As a result of the review, the following resolution was passed, R20-10-370 Moved By Councillor Bjorkman Seconded By Councillor Bowman That correspondence from the Town of Amherstburg, dated September 21, 2020 to the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries recommending that Schedule 11 of Bill 108 be amended to return the authority for final decisions to municipal council's as the elected representative of the communities wherein the property and its features of cultural heritage value exists, be received and supported; and That a letter of support be sent to the Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, Lisa MacLeod the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, Andrea Horwath, MPP and Leader of the Official Opposition and the Ontario NDP Party MPP John Fraser Interim Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, Mike Schreiner MPP and Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, Taras Natyshak MPP Essex and to the Town of Amherstburg.