Country Brief for Fiji
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PRRP works with Pacific Island nations and their people to consider the risks they face from climate change and disasters and include those risks in their usual plans for development. PacificPacific Risk Risk Resilience Resilience Programme Programme (PRRP) (PRRP) Communities can become more resilient to climate change and disasters if routine government, WorkingWorking towards towards resilient resilient communities communities in thein the Pacific Pacific community and other planning takes these risks into account. This risk governance approach is delivered through a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and international non-government organisation Live & Learn Environmental Education (LLEE), CountryCountry Brief Brief for for Tonga Fiji March March 2015 2015 and supported by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). PRRP is being delivered in four countries: Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu. Fiji has been ranked the 19th most vulnerable country1 in the FAST FACTS world to disasters. In recent years, Tropical Cyclone Evan (2012), • Ensuring CCDRM development planning processes follow the regular flash floods, and drought-like conditions (2014) have Integrated Rural Development Framework (IRDF), a public- • 1 Public Private Partnership (PPP) incorporating a placed communities and settlements across Fiji at risk and that service combining public and private resources to enhance Food Bank and agriculture Knowledge Hubs impacts significantly on development. livelihoods. • 9 communities across 3 districts in Western Division To address these challenges the Government of Fiji is have created their own Community Development Plans • Coaching CCDRM to 40 trainers from Commissioner Western’s committed to the better integration of climate change and (CDPs) integrating risk considerations Office, Ba Provincial Office and local district representatives, disaster risk management (CCDRM) into broader socio- • 40 community leaders trained in CCDRM to coach 500 who then replicated this training to approximately 500 economic development. This includes: developing the national residents and assist them develop their CDPs residents, across nine villages. Green Growth Framework (GGF); completing a Climate Public Expenditure and Institutions Review (CPEIR) to access and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) manage global climate change financing; and integrating PRRP APPROACHES IN FIJI • Partnering with Vinaka Fiji (the volunteer program of Yasawa CCDRM approaches into sub-national programming, including Trust Foundation, established by South Sea Cruises), and Fiji is a focus country for the Pacific Risk Resilience Programme Community Development Plans (CDPs) for incorporation into in collaboration with Ba Provincial Office, to establish Food (PRRP) to help support and identify new and existing the Integrated Rural Development Framework (IRDF). Soso village residents finalise their Community Development Banks in Soso and Kese villages in the Yasawa Islands to opportunities within Fiji’s evolving national CCDRM processes. Plan (CDP). improve food security during disaster periods. This includes PRRP takes a ‘learning by doing’ approach involving trialling, establishing agriculture Knowledge Hubs and building on or Model Testing, innovative ways of integrating CCDRM into farm demonstration sites in the Western Division districts of broader socio-economic development. Key approaches (since • Integrating CCDRM planning tools and processes to Sabeto, Vitogo and Yasawa. the Programme commenced in Fiji in July 2014) are to: develop nine Community Development Plans (CDPs) for Sabeto, Naviti and Vitogo Districts in the Western Division, Gender and social inclusion (GSI) • Focus on risk governance to help national, sub-national and by linking iTaukei Affairs with Ba Provincial Office and the • Providing technical and staff capacity to Ministries community structures and systems work together to manage Commissioner Western’s Office. This has enabled linkages coordinating Fiji’s DM clusters for Food Security, Education the impacts of climate change and disasters. This involves between: community and Provincial planning, with Ba and Safety and Protection. PRRP support has enabled the identifying opportunities to more effectively integrate Provincial Office incorporating CCDRM into its Corporate inclusion of GSI considerations in the Rapid Assessment Forms CCDRM into routine Government and community needs Plan; and also sub-national and national planning, with (RAFs) of the Education Cluster and in MWCPA (for evaluation assessments, planning, budgeting, and implementation of development of CCDRM Toolkits being integrated into both of evacuation centres in relation to protection issues). development and sectoral activities. the Government’s endorsed planning processes. • Promote cooperation and collaboration through • Assisting ministries to merge their two CDP processes into a partnerships to strengthen risk governance approaches. standardized national approach. PRRP works with Government agencies, the private sector, NGOs, international and other agencies to align and harmonise approaches across related thematic For more information contact: and geographic areas. In particular, PRRP partners with Pacific Risk Resilience Programme (PRRP), UNDP Pacific Centre by Government agencies well-placed to integrate CCDRM into Mail: Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji national development planning. These include Ministries of: Email: [email protected] Phone: (+679) 330 0399 Finance and Strategic Planning (MOF); Agriculture, Rural and UNDP website: Maritime Development and National Disaster Management ourwork/crisispreventionandrecovery/in_depth/PRRP/ (MARMDNDM), incorporating the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO); iTaukei Affairs (ITAB); Education, From left, Sunia Ratulevu, NDMO; Misau Fasala, Director Corporate, Ministry of Rural & Maritime Development and National Disaster Men, women, youth and Elders all contribute to their Community Heritage and Arts and National Archives; and the Ministry of Management; Doris Susau, LLEE Regional Manager for PRRP Development Plan (CDP) process. Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation (MWCPA). 1 World Risk Index, featured in the World Risk Report 2014, calculated by the United Nations University for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and published by the Alliance Development Works/Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft (BEH). for traditional knowledge and governance systems, allows better protection for communities and is fundamental for PRRP HIGHLIGHTS increasing national capacities for building people’s resilience Working with Government and Partners to climate change and disaster risks. PRRP is supporting GSI • Assisting with the CPEIR processes to improve systems and approaches through its assistance to Disaster Management capacity to better access global climate change finance. (DM) Clusters for Food Security, Education, and Safety and This has provided a strong platform for PRRP to leverage Protection (with support for a CCDRM officer in the Ministry the integration of CCDRM into national level planning of Women). processes. • Develop private sector linkages to encourage the • Working with thematic Disaster Management (DM) Clusters integration of risk into business planning and decisions, in Education, Food Security, and Safety and Protection. and establishing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) This has included providing the Ministry of Education with Community members are trained and directly assisted to produce between Government and companies. This will generate dedicated staff and technical expertise to help assess 167 then implement Community Development Plans (CDPs) that cost-efficiencies as well as greater impact for public risk schools and develop Extended Dry Period Response Plans consider climate change and disaster related risks governance initiatives. PRRP is collaborating with the for 51 schools. These multi-stakeholders plans involve volunteer arm of South Sea Cruises, Vinaka Fiji, and partners rainwater harvesting systems, water tanks, and awareness • Facilitate a strong enabling environment and building including Ba Provincial Office, to establish a Food Bank to on safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices. Community members across nine villages in Fiji’s Western Division, on national processes to empower communities to identify assist remote island communities in the Yasawa Islands including Matawalu Village, are now trained in CCDRM development planning. their needs and develop appropriate responses to climate enhance their food security for future disasters. • Providing CCDRM technical assistance for development of change and disasters. Assistance is provided to MARMDNDM the Agriculture DRM Strategy, National Agriculture Capacity Communities guiding risk sensitive planning and iTaukei Affairs, linking with Ba Provincial Office and • Emphasise capacity development for individuals, Assessment, and integrating risk in the Agriculture Strategic • Establishing agriculture Knowledge Hubs (KHs) in the Western Commissioner’s Western Office, to integrate CCDRM planning communities and institutions to strengthen risk Development Plan. Division to strengthen food security for communities, such as tools and processes into Western Division’s sub-national management. PRRP works with Fiji partners to identify trialling farm plots of resilient crop varieties. and community planning processes. This