WORTH, POUND HILL AND MAIDENBOWER PARISH MAGAZINE ST BARNABAS’, POUND HILL ST NICHOLAS’, WORTH Reg. Charity No. 1131090 April-May £1.00 1 CLERGY SERVING THE PARISH Rector Revd Canon Anthony Ball 01293 882229 Associate Vicar Revd James Grant 01293 404127 Curate Revd Steve Burston 01293 279028 Revd Canon Roger Brown 01293 520454 Assistant Priests Revd Gordon Parry 07802 432398 REGULAR SERVICES St Nicholas Worth St Barnabas Pound Hil l Sun 08.00 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer, 1662) st nd th th 09.45 Sung Eucharist 10.00 1 ,2 , 4 and 5 Sundays Eucharist (Common Worship) (Common Worship) rd 11.30 1st Sun of each month 10.00 3 Sunday of each month Nic’s 30 minute service Informal Family Service (All Age Prayer and Praise) Mon 17.00 Evening Prayer 08.30 Morning Prayer and Eucharist Tues 17.00 Evening Prayer 08.30 Morning Prayer 10.30 Eucharist Wed 17.00 Evening Prayer 08.30 Morning Prayer and Eucharist 15:00 4th Wednesday of each month Messy Church Thu 10.30 Eucharist 08.30 Morning Prayer 17.00 Evening Prayer Fri 17.00 Evening Prayer 08.30 Morning Prayer and Eucharist Sat 17.00 Evening Prayer 08.30 Morning Prayer and Eucharist Stepney‘s Coffee Shop Maidenbower Fri 11:30 A time to chat and pray – coffee, cake and questions Church in the Pub Last Fri 20:00 No hymns, no creeds, no confession, just a pint down the pub with friends. of each In the Coaching Halt, Maidenbower. Steve says, “Don’t leave me lonely!” month CONTACT US You can also find us here: If you have a Baptism, Wedding or general enquiry, you can call the office on 0300 111 8150 www.worthparish.org or email us on
[email protected].