State Rep Seeks Pet Quarantine Change Lights on the Front of Their Homes
rt Vol. 23, No. 46 Serving Marine Forces Pacific, MCB Hawaii, III Marine Expeditionary Forces, Hawaii and 1st Radio Battalion November 30, '1995 y. GSA contract will Ii`i 00 increase readiness Marketing Office. Accordingly, it. is Sgt. Jesse Faleris increasingly important the current Staff writer fleet of vehicles remain serviceable. In a measure expected to increase "In the past few months there has operational readiness and cost-effec- been a big push on GME upkeep," said tiveness, the Base Motor Pool will Trott. "This includes cleanliness, cor- ti, i ': a v ;4 o. :..i'ir take a new contract which will replace rosion control and preventive mainte- Weekend basketbaladion. See 11:4 an aging fleet of Marine Corps vehi- nance." 11, 11-2 for more. cles with leased vehicles from the "We had a bread van go down for a General Service Administration. blown engine, and it was determined GySgt. Scott H. Trott, roadmaster for not to have any oil," said Trott. "Once .: ..,.. , the motor pool here, said with the cur- a vehicle is down, we don't have Rappel tower off. rent contract, vehicles are repaired by replacements." He continued, "That's the civilian employees who comprise what's happening, where these vehi- . im .,.., .:- the Motor Pool's repair center. cles are getting downed where preven- "There are only, three mechanics, tive maintenance could have prevent- The rappel tower is closed .i.nd of and they're so short-handed it isn't ed it." liiras until repairs and funny," Trott said. The fleet is separated into three clas- i I Trove -Merits are made.
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