PRICE: $4.00 THE MAY-JUNE 2019 OFFICER REVIEW Commander-in-Chief’s Perspective ® Leadership is a OFFICER REVIEW Core Capability MOWW OFFICERS Commander-in-Chief Dear Companions of the Military Order, LTC John H. Hollywood, USA (Ret)
[email protected] Our life experiences teach leadership. Leadership was also taught in our basic officer Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief classes and reinforced throughout our service. What we learned through these and other LTC Charles S. Chamberlin, USA (Ret) means enables our success as Companions.
[email protected] Vice Commanders-in-Chief BGen Frederick R. Lopez, USMCR (Ret) Leadership is critical to the good of the Order. Being a leader takes thought and
[email protected] preparation, and discipline, follow-up and follow-through. It requires one to be a self- LTC Michael A. Okin, MD, USA (Ret)
[email protected] starter. While it’s not always a stress-free role, knowing what needs to be done and Maj Robert J. Williams, USAF (Ret) realizing you don’t have to do everything yourself does make things easier. This is where
[email protected] CPT Paula R. Mitchell, Ed.D., USAR (Ret) your prior training and experience are invaluable.
[email protected] The “how to” parts of the job can be learned by seeing how other Companions operate Treasurer General LTC George J. L. Walker, USA (Ret) and by determining what was or wasn’t successful. Plus, you have mentors, e.g., fellow
[email protected] Companions, department and region commanders, VCINCs, even committees and the Judge Advocate General COL John L.