Future Forests Nursery #BRN: 0363 73-1539 Hao St. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 VALID FOR YEAR: ISLAND: Hawaii Genus Pot Sizes Acacia koa dibble tube Acacia koaia dibble tube Acrocarpus fraxinifolius dibble tube Adenanthera pavonina band pot Afzelia quanensis band pot Aganthis robusta band pot Albizia guachepele dibble tube Albizia lebbeck dibble tube Albizia saman dibble tube Alocasia sp. 3" pot Anthurium andraeanum 3" pot Araucaria bidwillii 3/4 gallon Artocarpus heterophyllus band pot Astronium graveolus dibble tube Azadirachta excelsa band pot Azadirachta indica band pot Cajanus cajan dibble tube Calcedrus decurrens dibble tube Calliandra calothyrsus dibble tube Calophyllum inophyllum band pot, 2.5" x5" Cedrela odorata dibble tube Chenopodium oahuense band pot Coprosma rhynchocarpa band pot Cordia alliodora dibble tube Cordia subcordata band pot Cryptomeria joponica band pot Cybistax, donnell-smithii band pot Dalbergia latifolia dibble tube Dalbergia retusa band pot Dalbergia turcurensis dibble tube Dendrocalamus asper band pot Diospyros sandwicensis band pot Dodonaea viscose dibble tube Elaeocarpus angustifolius dibble tube Enterolobium cyclocarpum band pot Erythrina sandwicensis band pot Eucalyptus cloeziana dibble tube Eucalyptus deglupta dibble tube Eucalyptus dunnii dibble tube Eucalyptus grandis dibble tube Eucalyptus microcorys dibble tube Eucalyptus pellita dibble tube dibble tube Eucalyptus saligna dibble tube Flindersia breyleyana dibble tube Gliricidia sepium band pot Guadua angustifolia band pot Hedyotis terminalis band pot Hibiscus arnottianus band pot

Monday, August 25, 2008 Page 1 of 2 CERTIFIED NURSERY

Hibiscus brackenridgei* band pot Hymenaea courbaril band pot Ilex anomala band pot Inga sp band pot bijuga band pot Jacaranda mimosaefolia band pot nyasica dibble tube Khaya senegalensis dibble tube Metrosideros polymorpha band pot Microlepia strigosa band pot Myoporum sandwicense band pot Myrsine lessertiana band pot pyramidal dibble tube Osteomeles anthylidifolia band pot Pipturus albidus band pot Pisonia brunoniana band pot Pongamia pinnata band pot Pterocarpus angolensis band pot Pterocarpus indicus band pot Pterocarpus macrocarpus band pot Reynoldsia sandwicensis band pot Rubus hawaiensis band pot Santalum paniculatum band pot Sapindus saponaria band pot Senna siamea band pot Sophora chrysophylla band pot dibble tube Swietenia mahogany dibble tube Tamarindus indica band pot grandis dibble tube Thespesia populnea band pot Tipuana tipu dibble tube Toona ciliata dibble tube Vitex rotundifolia band pot Wikstroemia sandwicensis band pot

Monday, August 25, 2008 Page 2 of 2