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May 17, 2020 The office is now open. Please continue to place envelopes, cards etc. in the mail slot. Please leave Food Pantry Donations outside the PMC door. Limit visitation to the office as much as possible. Please wear a mask if entering & sanitize hands. Thank you! Congratulations to the Class of 2020 from St Mary Catholic Church JanelleBryant Defiance Correy Olivo Defiance GarrettCampbell Defiance SophiaPadilla Defiance Courtney Daeger Defiance Reagan Polasek Tinora Jordan Davis Defiance Benjamin Pry Defiance Alec Ehlinger Defiance Layne Sheets Fairview Brianna Fortman Defiance Peyton Shirk Defiance Calvin Held Defiance Carlee Ann Smiddy Defiance Emilee Lasley Defiance Shay Soukup Defiance Evan Mallett Fairview Jack Vanderhorst Defiance Samuel McGuire Fairview Tristan Villareal Defiance Elizabeth Mendoza Defiance Grace Walter Defiance Makayla Moore Defiance Elliot Wannemacher Tinora We encourage our parishioners to please pray for our graduates that God may guide them and protect them as they embark upon the journey before themNmay the road be paved with joyous opportunities to serve the Lord. AMEN Also, we invite you to send our graduates a card of congratulations on their accomplishment! God Bless you Graduates! St. Mary Catholic Church 4197822776 SECOND HOUR INFORMATION: As always we thank you for your I fall so many times… continued generosity to I don’t know about you but there St Mary’s Parish. are so many times in life that I fall During this difficult time, if you are able to sometimes it’s graceful and no one continue your financial gifts to cover day to notices; sometimes its flat on my day operational cost it would be face in front of everyone; sometimes I stumble; greatly appreciated. etc. We all fall. But we also all must get back up and it’s in the lesson that we learn from falling and the strength to get back up that we truly grow. Have strength and keep the faith. Please continue to watch the Second Hour Face- book page for reminders, encouragement, inspi- ration, and maybe a few laughs. Wed, May 20 M NO CLASS for all Youth Group Activities: Zoom Youth Group Wed May 20 The Prayer Shawl Ministry is running low on I have been so blessed by our Zoom Youth prayer shawls that are used for funerals and Groups and I’m again sad to see them come to visits to the sick of our Parish. Please consider an end but that means that summer making and donating a Prayer Shawl to vacation is coming for you! this healing ministry. Also, I hope that you are following Thank You! Second Hour on Facebook and Insta- gram. My blessings and love to you all! Y.E.S. PROJECT 2020 & 2021 After prayerful reflection and discussion, it has been decided that it is best to take this year off from the Y.E.S. Project. While this was a difficult decision to make, we believe it is the best for everyone’s health and safety. We are hopeful that we will be back for Y.E.S. 2021 so mark your calendars for June 1719, 2021! Thank you for your understanding and support! Please keep the families and friends of Katie Dicke and Wendy Ryan in your prayers. May they know the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Masses/Services resume we are asking for volunteers to stay after EVERY Mass and help sanitize/disinfect the pews and ANYTHING that might have been touched during Mass. This way we can do our best to stay on top of the current situation. This will continue until we get the all clear from The Diocesan Office and the Bishop. THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING! Prayer During A Health Crisis Compassionate and Loving Father, In the face of confusion and concern impart to us the calm of your presence. In You allow us to find hope and healing. Be with those who serve the sick and give them Your caring hands. Be with those who lead and give them Your Spir- it of wisdom. Be with those who have fallen ill and give them Your comforting heart. Wrap your arms around our world and hold us in your love. Allow us at this time of trial to then serve as instruments of that love to all we meet. We ask this in Your Name. Amen. May 17, 2020 STREAMING MASSES: GOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER PLEASE CHECK WITH UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE EACH PARISH WEBSITE May 17th, 2020 FOR INSTRUCTIONS Sixth Sunday of Easter : St. Joseph Sylvania St. John XXIII We hope for many things: passing an exam, find- EWTN check times for Daily Mass ing our true love, securing sustainable work, or surviving an illness. We often seek to have God Listen Live: EWTN Livestream 24/7 be a part of what we hope for and desire, almost Catholic Radio | EWTN trying to convince Him that our agenda is what is https://www.ewtn.com/tv/watchlive/united ultimately important. While our particular hopes states may appear to be what needs to be achieved in https://www.youtube.com/user/EWTN order for us to be happy, they really are not. Our lesser, more personal hopes can distract us from wordonfire.org/dailymass/ true hope. LiveMass.net When God became a human being, a powerful message was sent: all that is authentically human Massonline.org is found in the divine. As the human Jesus lived and died in order to show us that he truly is the Check your TVODiocese of Toledo Mass universal Christ, we have to keep our sight fo- cused on our eternal truth and destiny and who https://saintpatrickscathedral.org/live we truly are. We have to be careful when we allow our earthly concerns to distract us. True hope is St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church FB Page found when we place our trust in Christ’s promis- es and don’t rely on our own strength. True hope thedailymass.com focuses on striving toward the fulfillment of God’s promises and not simply on achieving what we St. Mary Church FB pageO think we need in this life. Hope always travels with Livestreaming Sunday & Holy Day two friends N faith and love. In this trio of virtues, Masses/Services we find the very presence of God born in every human being. These are God’s greatest gifts, and they lead us to the fullness of His presence. RECONCILLIATION IS BY APPOINT- As with faith and love, we cannot see hope with MENT, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH just our human eyes. We don’t carry this virtue OFFICE TO MAKE AN within us to use solely for our own personal agen- APPOINTMENT WITH da. Hope is not something that simply comes with the human package. As with faith and love, hope FR. RANDY. is a gift that is given to us to draw us closer to our eternal truth. Faith, hope, and love are signs that FOOD PANTRY there is something far greater going on in us and IS OPEN something greater to persevere in obtaining. The MWF 2:30 PMO4:30 PM true divine gift of hope is what will endure any hardship we encounter, especially those that will PLEASE LEAVE ALL DONATIONS come from authentically living the Gospel. With all OUTSIDE THE PMC FRONT DOOR. that is happening in our lives, in our church, and WE WILL BRING THEM IN. in our world, what is the reason for our hope? Ask God for the fortitude to see His eternal gift as the THANK YOU! reason we get up in the morning and do the things we do. St. Mary Catholic Church 4197822776 Readings for the week of May 17, 2020 Day Date Mass Times & Intentions Living and Deceased Members Sunday: Acts 8:58, 1417/Ps 66:13, Of the Racciato Family 45, 67, 16, 20 [1]/1 Pt 3:1518/Jn Sunday May 17, 2020 Robert Bowers 14:1521 Melissa Zeller Monday: Acts 16:1115/Ps 149:1b2, 3 First Responders 4, 56a and 9b [cf. 4a]/Jn 15:26N Monday May 18, 2020 16:4a Joan Lasek Tuesday: Acts 16:2234/Ps 138:12ab, Tuesday May 19, 2020 2cde3, 7c8 [7c]/Jn 16:511 Students @ HCCS Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22N18:1/Ps Wednesday May 20, 2020 148:12, 1112, 13, 14/Jn 16:1215 Rose Linebrink Thursday: Acts 18:18/Ps 98:1, 23ab, 3cd4 [cf. 2b]/Jn 16:1620 Thursday May 21, 2020 Ascension: Acts 1:111/Ps 47:23, 67, Marian Gump 89 [6]/Eph 1:1723/Mt 28:1620 Friday May 22, 2020 Friday: Acts 18:918/Ps 47:23, 45, 6 7 [8a]/Jn 16:2023 Pat Ryan Juan Soliz Saturday May 23, 2020 Katie Dicke Saturday: Acts 18:2328/Ps 47:23, 8 9, 10 [8a]/Jn 16:23b28 Todd & Shelly Shafer 25th Anniversary Next Sunday: Ascension: Acts 1:111/ Ps 47:23, 67, 89 [6]/Eph 1:1723/Mt Ralph & Peg Coressel 28:1620 Sunday May 24, 2020 7th Sunday of Easter: Acts 1:1214/Ps 27:1, 4, 78 [13]/1 Pt 4:1316/Jn 17:1 11a Residential/Commercial DriveBobEstle.com Cleaning Services Sales/BodyShop Disaster Restoration Services 419.782.8015 ROEHRIG PAINTING, LLC Service/Parts Painting Contractors 888.782.8015 (419) 782-3156 CITY BEVERAGE CO. CHEVROLET CADILLAC CHEVY TRUCKS 782-7065 Ken’s Furniture 1710 Jefferson Ave. 1420 Ralston Ave. • Defiance 800-678-4838 419-784-4285 PROFESSIONAL AUTO BODY DEFIANCE Tim Miller Compliments of: REPAIR & PAINTING RECREATION INC. Steyer & Co. CPA’s BATT & STEVENS Open & League Bowling Daily BODY SHOP Automatic Scoring AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • PARTS • MACHINING Independence Rd.