Journalism Dept. Loses Full Accreditation
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SPORTS: SWIMMER SCHOOLS OPPONENTS, PAGE 10 | • FEATURES: 'TIMELINE' FALLS FLAT, PAGE 5 Friday, December 5, 2003 Serving Texas Christian I niversit) since 1902 • Vol. 101 • Issue 55 • For! Wortl .leu.rdii Today's Journalism dept. loses full accreditation STATE/NATIONAL NEWS the proposal, then the department ABILENE - Democratic BY CRYSTAL FORESTER the Accrediting Council for Thomason said address the budget and diversity I S. Rep. Charlie Slenholm has Slafl Re| i Education in Journalism and "This department has grown issue. Thomason said. will have until May 2003 to tut Mass ( ommunication. significantl) over the last I he journalism department will the problem, he said filed in nin for re-election in his TCU's journalism department have a chance to send a report to The two issues thai were current Wesi Texas district, needs to hue more minorities Ihis is the first nme the depart- decade and the budget has jusi the accrediting council about how which would change drastically and solve budget problems ment has not been fully accredit- not kepi up." said Thomason, a brought up In the sile team were if the Legislature's redislricting before il can receive lull accred- ed since 1967, Thomason said. journalism professor. n plans to take care ol the prob- outside the department's control. plan is approved. itation, said Tommy Thomason, The two problem areas the site Mciiiugs are being held this lems in March and again in May. Thomason said The accreditation News Digest on page 4 department chair. team found were budget and week with the provost, College Thomason said. If the accrediting team had only good things to saj The department received pro dh irsity. Before the department oi Communication Dean \\ ilh.nn council accepts the proposal, the about the faculty and curriculum. FORT WORTH — A 13-year- visional accreditation after a can receive full ^accreditation, Slater and Thomason to look at department would he fully re- old hoy accused of giving a recent visit hv a site team from the issues niusl be addressed. what the university can do to accredited. If it does not accept fmoreon ./"/ RA W./.sl/ , female classmate an unwanted hicke) is one public apology away from gelling Ins assault case dismissed. News Digest on page 4 JUST BROWSING MBA CARSON, Calif. — A cam- eraman inside a Goodyear hlimp was injured when ihe airship program came loose from its moorings, drifted into a parked truck and nose-dived into a fertilizer pile beside a plant nursery. gains News Digest on page 4 On strength Pro lessors usr site to in JOHN \ Ml VII N test for plagiarism Staff Report* TAMPA. Fla. — University \ more selective approach to oi South Florida students accepting students and a stronger should beware that any paper group of students lo choose from I hey submit may be tested for have helped propel the growth of plagiarism with a Web site that the graduate program at the Ml is hemg offered to USF"s facul- Neele) School of Business, said ty and stall Pegg) Conway, directot ol MBA At the beginning of this admissions. semester, faculty and staff were According to a Neeley school able to request to subscribe lo an report prepared b) Dean Robert e-mail account at Lusch, full-time MBA students The Web site allows professors have improved their Graduate lo cross-check students' papers Management Admission lest against databases to identify pla- scores over the past st\ years as giarism. enrollment in the graduate pro USFis not the only school in grams has increased. The GMAT is the stale thai is licensing a standardized lest designed to test The University a student's ability to succeed in an of Florida. Florida State MBA program. University and University of "The GMAT is only one pan of Central Florida are also using the story, though," Conway said the sile lo deter students from "Students are also coming in with cheating and plagiarizing. Sophomore history major Portia Barker and junior advertising and public relations major Veronica Shields look at some of the interests more experience So we are being Susan MacManus. a USF in the Student Center Lounge Thursday afternoon. Today will be the last day of the craft show. selective with a stiongci base," political science professor, said According lo Lusch's report. students don't understand that GMAT scores loi full-time MBA purchasing papers online or nol students have increased about 70 to citing information correctly in a ,sti points from 545 in fall 1997 to term paper is not only unethical Students develop new sorority 605 in tall 2003 Scores gol as high but is intellectual theft as 61? in fall 2002 Conway said ihe "The average student does Kedondo said. \\\ ROXANNA LATIFI GMA'I gncs people a quick sense nol know the extreme conse- skill Stall Chapters have been estab- quences of plagiarism at a uni- lished in New Jersey. (more •<// 1//-' 1 page 2l versity." MacManus said. "I. A new voice is being heard Pennsylvania, Delaware. New along with other professors, see on campus, and it's Chi York. Texas and Connecticut, a lot of downloaded stuff in Upsilon Sigma, the most Chi l Ipsilon Sigma is the first papers, and I am just sick and recent addition to TCU's National Latin Sorority on tired of it." Greek community. Local i ampus. — The Oracle Eugenia Kedondo. a junior Chi Upsilon Sigma stands radio-TV-film major, for 'Cora/ones Unidos researched for one month Siempre' Ol Hearts United residents before deciding to bring CUS Inside Always CUS, established ill to the university. ll)X0. is one of the oldest The Pulse/Campus Lines 2 "1 wanted lo bring some- Latin sororities in the nation satisfied < (pinion 3 thing different to campus to iiul currently has about 500 >/,VI»/I Spiltmail/Photii Editor News Digest 4 avoid the stereotypical view Junl0r radl members. Th e TCL chanter ° TV-film major Eugenia Redondo and junior marketing manage- BEiM ISKVMH\BI Rl. of Latinos, and I knew I could ment major Lisa Cano, the only two members of Chi Upsilon Sigma, are Features 5 • n hVportH Etc. 9 do that through CUS," SORORITY, page 2) looking for more members to join the Latin sorority. Spoils 10 Neighbors say that, lately. TCI) has transformed its image from block bulb lo team player. Student debuts 'Cooking in College' DVD I'wo years ago. TCU bulled The heads with Bluebonnet Hills neigh eat healths meals I he idea for the nine meal bors ovei the construction of the TODAY Hi KRIST1 WALKER Stall II. | i DVD developed from there, he said. Lupton Baseball Stadium and Ihe Nigh: 53; I.OH: 29; Sunn) "We wauled to do something our genera- bright stadium lighting they were Cooking gourmet meals while at school is tion would like." Kelly said. "That is win we forced to lace each evening SATURDAY not something at the top of most college stu- did it on a DVD with music, instead of a game 01 no game and that they High: 52; Low: M. Sunny dents' lists of things lo do. However. Taylor cookbook weren't consulted in the planning : Kelly, .i senior marketing major at TCI . says Kelly said he cooked little and went oul to This pasi summer neighbors SUNDAY cooking is a lop priority. eat more at the start of his college days. The protested when TCU did not Kelly said this is because he. along with unhealthy and expensive lifestyle helped turn included them in plans lo re/one a High: 66; LOW! 50; Sunny and business partner and longtime friend. David him on to the idea of cooking health) meals large portion ol Ihe neighborhood w indy Spina, have created a 50-minute cooking for himself. Kelly said. bordering ihe southern and eastern |)\ I) called "Cooking ill College.' which is "1 cooked grilled chicken, macaroni and edges of ihe university. geared Inward preparing cheap. i|tnck and cheese, hot dogs and the 'necessities' at first, Concessions were made aftet easy meals. and I ate oul a lot." Kelly said, "Then. I real- several meetings with the neighbor- Looking ized that I couldn't afford to eat out at restau- The video demonstrates how to cook hood associations. The agreements rants all Ihe lime" American. Italian and Mexican dishes lot Sr> led lo rezoning Ihe 60 acres 1933 — The 21 si Amendment Kelly said it is simple cooking for those or less per serving, Kelly said. The recipes between Cantey Street and Berry to the U.S. Constitution is rati- who do nol know how lo cook He said he. are a collection of family ami populai recipes Street for high intensity use. allow fied, repealing the IXlh himself, did not learn lo cook until recently. that lake live 10 lo minutes oi preparation ing buildings up lo 60-feel tall Amendment and bringing an "When I grew up,Thanksgiving involved plus cooking time, he said end to the era of national prohi- my mom and sisters cooking while my dad unlimited residential units per acre bition of alcohol in America. Kelly said the idea came about when he with commercial spaces. The area and Spina realized how little collt ge students and I Witched football," Kelly said. Utah became the 36th state lo Although Kelly admits he occasionally north of Cantey was re/oned for low ratify Ihe amendment, achieving Special to tht Skill know about cooking. Kelly said tl !) decided intensit) uses, allowing buildings up Senior marketing major Taylor Kelly prepares a helped in Ihe kitchen with thanksgiving the requisite three-fourths.