Blgonla Lrews
VOL. 19 SEPTEMBER, 1923 No.6 ~be Blgonla ~tsstonar" lRews \t be ®fficial ®rgan of the JDiocese of Blgonla ARCHBISHOP The MOST REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D. D.C.L., Sault St. Marie. DIOCESAN OFFICERS The VEN. GOWAN GILLMOR, D.D. A. C. BOYCE, Esq., K.C., D.C.L., Archdeacon of Algoma, Chancellor of' Diocese, SA ULT STE. MARIE, Onto OTTAWA,Ont . The' REV. CANON PIERCY, . T he REV. F. W, COLLOTON, Clerical Secretary of the Synod, Treasurer of the Synod, STURGEON FALLS, Onto SAULT STE. MAHl E, ant. CAPT. J . B. WAY, A. ELLIOT Esq., Lay Secretary of the Synod, Hon. I,tegistrar. SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. SA ULT STE. MAlliE, Ont. J. A.'VORRELL, Esq., ICC., D.C.L., The nEV. D, P. FULLER, Hon. Treasurer (of Invested Funds), Principal of the Indian Home:;. TORONTO, Ont. SAULT STE. ~dAH I E, Onto c .,. ... lJO THE ALGOlVIA MISSIONARY NEWS ST. -P A UL'S, HAILE YBURY In the JrlOnth of June , while levelling t h e ,.\'alls of St . Paul's Church, the workm en di s<:: over ed . the foundation stone, with its contents uninj ured by the t e rrible conflagration through which it had passed. They consist ed of a coin of the realm, a copy of "The Alg oma :Missionary N e v~s" of the 15th S eptember, 1894, the " Canadian Churchman" dated 13th September, 1894, and the "North Bay Times" of 5th A pril, 189 L1<, The stone was "well and truly laid" in the latte r part of S eptembe r of that year, a nd the e vent w as marked b y great r ej oicing, in which many visitors from all ove r the district took part.
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