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SERIES III No. 38 Reg. No. GR/RNP/GOA/32 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 18th December, 2008 (Agrahayana 27, 1930) SERIES III No. 38 5. Educational Essential:- GOVERNMENT OF GOA qualifications :- 1) Degree of a recognized Department of Home University or equivalent HomeGeneral Division 2) Diploma in Computer Office of the Collector, North Goa District, Panaji of minimum 6 months —— duration. Applications ar e invited by the Collector, Nor th Goa 3) Knowledge of for filling up the following vacancies in the Konkani Collectorate, Nor th Goa District, Panaji. Inter ested and Desirable :- eligible candidates may submit their applications Knowledge of giving details in prescribed format so as to reach this Marathi Office by 26-12-2008, after 10.00 a.m. during working hours. Applications should be addressed to the The above number of vacant posts are likely to be Collector, Nor th Goa District, P anaji and increased. supersubscribed mentioning the details of post applied. The applicant should clearly fill up the application and submit before last date. The incomplete and late A1. Name of the Post :- A wal Karkun applications shall be liable for summary rejection, while acceptance of forms. The dates of the interviews shall 2. Number of Posts:- 03 (three) be informed by sending call letters. General Category The prescribed form of application will be available 3. Pay Band+Grade Pay:- PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200+ in the office of Collectorate, North P anaji @ Rs. 30/- for +Grade pay Rs. 2800 A. K.’s post, between 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. in all working days. 4. Age:- Not exceeding 40 years (Relaxable for Government Panaji, 10th December, 2008.— The Additional Servants upto 05 years) Collector, Swapnil M. Naik. ¿¿¿ Department of Forest —— Notification No. 7-38-2001-02/FD Whereas the forest land as specified in the Schedule hereto is the property of the Government and the Government has proprietary rights over it (hereinafter called as the “said forest land”); And whereas the Government is entitled to the whole of the forest produce thereon; And whereas the Government proposes to constitute the said forest land as reserved forest under section 3 of the Indian Forest A ct, 1927 (Central A ct No. 16 of 1927) (her einaf ter called as the “said A ct”); N o w , ther efor e, in exer cise of the powers confer red by sub-section (1) of section 4 of the said A ct, the Gover nment of Goa hereby declares that it has been decided to constitute the said forest land as reserved forest and further 439 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 38 18TH DECEMBER, 2008 appoints, under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the said A ct, Shri R amesh Velingkar as the For est Settlement Officer to inquire into and determine the existence, nature and extent of any right alleged to exist in favour of any person in or over any land comprised within such limits, or in or over any forest produce, and to deal with the same as provided in Chapter II of the said Act. SCHEDULE District : North Goa For est Division : North Goa Taluka : Bicholim Range : Keri V illage/Town : Cudnem Sr. No Name of Approximate General Description Description of Boundary Remarks the For est area of the Land For est L a n d (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) (6) 1. Cudnem 39.36 ha. The forest land situated in Survey North : by Survey No. 146 of Cudnem No. 152/0 of Cudnem village of village. Bicholim Taluka. The whole area of East : by Sonus-Von-Voliem village. 39.36 ha. is broken by mining and South : by village; infrastructure carried out by the W est : by Survey Nos. 158, 157, 156, mining companies. 153 and 151 of Cudnem village. By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. Jessie Freitas, Under Secretar y (For ests). Por vorim, 5th December, 2008. ¿ Office of the Chief Conservator of Forests Gomantak Maratha Samaj Bldg., Panaji Goa —— Applications are invited by the Chief Conser vator of Forests, Gover nment of Goa, Panaji for filling up the following vacant posts in the Forest Depar tment. Sr. Name of the Category & No. of Scale Educational Remarks No. Post vacancies qualification Essential : 1.Forest Guard General — 05 Rs. 4440-7400+ 1) SSC or equivalent. The number of O B C — 21 +Grade pay 2) Knowledge of posts may change ST — 08 1400 Konkani. among categories S C — 01 and in total Ex-Serviceman — 02 (likely to increase) . Desirable: Knowledge of Marathi. 1. Age: Not exceeding 40 years for General Categor y. Not exceeding 45 years for ST & S C Categor y. Not exceeding 43 years for OBC categor y. Not exceeding 43 years for Ex-ser viceman categor y. (Relaxable for Gover nment servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Government). 440 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 38 18TH DECEMBER, 2008 2. Physical Requirements for Forest Guard: Height Chest (Girth) Expansion (Full) (Male Candidate) 163 cms. 79 cms. 5 cms. (Female Candidate) 150 cms. 74 cms. 5 cms. 3. Walking test :- W alking Test of 25 kms. to be cover ed in 4 hours for male candidates for the post of Forest G uar d. W alking Test of 16 kms. to be cover ed in 4 hours for female candidates for the post of Forest Guard. 4. Sequence of Tests :- .I W ritten Test. II. Physical Fitness Test for candidates who qualif y in Written Test. III. W alking Test for candidates who qualif y in Physical F itness Test. IV. Oral Test. V. Medical Test. Prescribed Application For m for the posts of Forest Guards can be obtained from Asst. Conser vator of For ests, Central Mobile Squad, Forest Depar tment, 1st Lif t, 3r d Floor, Junta House, Panaji on any working day from 29th December, 2008 to 2nd Januar y, 2009 on payment of Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only). The complete application for m alongwith the cer tified copy of the r elevant documents should be submitted to the same office by 9th Januar y, 2009. Fur ther, it is infor med that working in Forest Depar tment involves str enuous field work, risk fr o m W ildlife, Poachers, Smugglers and therefor e those who are daring and love for natur e and can work in isolated, remote forest areas may only apply. Panaji, 11th December, 2008.— The Chief Conser vator, Sd/-. ¿¿¿ Department of Printing and Stationery Government Printing Press, Panaji-Goa —— Notice Applications on plain paper giving the details such as full name, complete residential address, date of birth, educational qualifications and employment registration number, etc. suppor ted with attested copies of all the relevant cer tificates along with cer tificate of 15 years r esidence in Goa issued by the Competent authority, are invited by the Dir ector of P rinting and Stationer y, P anaji- Goa latest by 26-12-2008 fr om filling up of posts car rying Revised Pay Scales (VIth Pay Commission) and other admissible allowances:- I) Graining Machine Operator One Post (General) 1) Revised Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 1900 (Minimum pay Rs. 5830+GP Rs. 1900). 2) Essential Qualifications — 1) Middle School or equivalent preferably in English. 2) Experience as Graining Machine Operator in the Offset Press of Standing or satisfactory training in a Government Press. 3) Knowledge of Konkani. II) Block Fitter One Post (General) 1) Revised Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 1900 (Minimum pay Rs. 5830+GP Rs. 1900) 441 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 38 18TH DECEMBER, 2008 2) Essential Qualifications 1) Std. VIIIth in English. 2) Three years experience in the trade. 3) Knowledge of Konkani. III) Compositor 2 Posts (General) 1) Revised Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 1900 (Minimum pay Rs. 5830+GP Rs. 1900) 2) Essential Qualifications — Certificate of successful completion of Apprenticeship under the Apprentice Act, 1961 in the trade of Compositor H and “OR” VIIIth Std. in English with 2 years experience as compositor in Printing Press. — Knowledge of Konkani. IV) Machineman 2 Posts (OBC-1, General-1) 1) Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 2400 (Minimum Pay Rs. 7510+GP Rs. 2400) 2) Essential Qualifications — Certificate of successful completion of Apprenticeship under the Apprentice Act, 1961 in the trade of P rinter “OR” VIIIth Std. in English with 3 years experience with trade. — Knowledge of Konkani. V) Asst. Binder 2 Posts (OBC-1, ST-1) 1) Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 1900 (Minimum Pay Rs. 5830+GP Rs. 1900) 2) Essential Qualifications — Certificate of successful completion of Apprenticeship under the Apprentice Act, 1961 in the trade of Binder “OR” VIIIth Std. in English with 3 years experience with trade. — Knowledge of Konkani. VI) Asst. Artist-Retoucher-Cum- 1 Post (General) -Compose Matter Paster & Designer. 1) Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs. 5200-20200+Grade Pay Rs. 2800 (Minimum Pay Rs. 8560+GP Rs. 2800) 2) Essential Qualifications — Certificate of successful completion of Apprenticeship under the Apprentice Act, 1961 in the trade of Process Cameraman with 3 years experience as a process C ameraman and Retoucher in the Offset Press “OR” —1) Degree in Fine Arts. —2) 5 years experience in the trade. —3) Knowledge of Konkani. VII) Half Tone Etcher One Post (General) 1) Scale of Pay — P B -1 Rs.
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