CREC Study Guide Key
CREC Study Guide Key Theology 1. List four kinds of theology: a. Biblical Theology. b. Historical Theology. c. Practical Theology. d. Systematic Theology. [Note that there are, in actuality, dozens of answers to this question, such as theological anthropology, hamartiology, ecclesiology, etc.] 2. Name four of the methods by which God specifically revealed Himself and His will in the Old Covenant. a. Dreams. b. Visions. c. Angels. d. Face-to-face. [One could also answer general and special revelation, prophecy, Scripture, theophany, Christophany, writing on the wall, etc.] 3. The idea that God the Creator has revealed Himself in His work is known as General Revelation or Natural Revelation. 4. Special Revelation or Supernatural Revelation is where God revealed Himself through the prophets, apostles, and His Son, and as these were divinely recorded in Scripture. 5. Inspiration is the supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit upon divinely chosen men by which their writings become trustworthy and authoritative. 6. Infallible is the term used to describe the facts that the word of God perfectly achieves its end, gives us reliable testimony, and provides us with an authoritative norm for faith and life. 7. What is the interpretive method required by the rules of grammar and the facts of history? Grammatico-historical method. 8. What is meant by the “analogy of faith?” Scripture interprets Scripture. 1 9. The term that refers to the list of books recognized by the church as the authoritative word of God. The Canon. 10. These thirteen extra-canonical books were accepted at the Council of Carthage (397) as suitable for reading, but were rejected by the Reformers as unworthy and contradictory to the accepted canon of Scripture.
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