Tax Administration / Institutional Strengthening 10April 2011 Contents
Tax Administration / Institutional Strengthening 10April 2011 Contents Introduction Tax admInIsTraTIon / InsTITuTIonal sTrengThenIng • Transparency and Ethic as a Condition to Strengthen and Improve Institutional Effectiveness / Linda Lizzotte MacPherson. -- In: 44th CIAT General Assembly, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2010. • Management Tool and Relevant Contextual Aspects for Strengthening the Tax Administration / Andrew Reed. -- In: CIAT Technical Conference. Naples, Italy, 2009. • Strategies and Instruments for Improving Management in the Tax Administrations / Marcelo Lettieri Siqueira. -- In: 43th CIAT General Assembly, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2009. • Strategic Planning as Factor Contributing to the Improvement of Institutional Capacity/Néstor Díaz Saavedra. -- In: CIAT Technical Conference. Naples, Italy, 2009. • Strategic Planning as Factor Contributing to the Improvement of the Institutional Capacity / Mario Visco. -- In: CIAT Technical Conference. Naples, Italy, 2009. Introduction CIaT Tax Thematic series In an effort to provide an ever better and highly qualified tax information service to its member countries, the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations hereby presents the tenth issue of the CIAT Tax Thematic Series. The purpose of this series is to disseminate relevant information on specific taxation issues to support the research and study work carried out by the tax administrations of the CIAT member countries. The bibliographical material of this tenth issue is devoted to “Tax administration/ Institutional strengthening”. The material gathered includes studies and papers prepared by technical officials for presentation either at the general assemblies or technical conferences, essays, research scholarships and articles published in the tax administration review, among others. To speed up the search and recovery of information a general table of contents and index is presented for each paper.
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