2020 SONG INDEX 10K (HGA Native Songs, ASCAP/All Essential -B- B.S
NOV 14 2020 SONG INDEX 10K (HGA Native Songs, ASCAP/All Essential -B- B.S. (Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI/Efuru Publish- DAYLIGHT (Sony/ATV Allegro (Australia) Pty -F- GOLDEN (HSA Publishing Limited, GMR/Uni- Music, ASCAP/Wes The Writer Music, BMI/We ing, BMI/Brian’s Piggy Bank, ASCAP/WC Music LTD, APRA/I Like Turtles Music, ASCAP/KMR versal Music Works, GMR/Universal PolyGram Are The Good Music Publishing, ASCAP/Atlas BACK HOME (April’s Boy Muzik, BMI/Warner- Corp., ASCAP/Lil Bastards, BMI/Warner-Tamer- II House Of GT Publishing, ASCAP/88rising FAITHFUL GOD (I Am They Publishing, BMI/ Int. Publishing Inc., ASCAP/Songs By Cabin Mountain Songs, BMI/Capitol CMG Paragon, Tamerlane Publishing Corp., BMI/Artist Publish- lane Publishing Corp., BMI/Universal Music Publishing LLC, ASCAP/Kobalt Songs Music Be Essential Songs, BMI/All Essential Music, Mobile, BMI/These Are Pulse Songs, BMI/One BMI/worshiptogether.com songs, ASCAP/six- ing Group West, ASCAP/My Lord Prophet Music, Corp., ASCAP/My Last Publishing, LLC, ASCAP/I Publishing LLC, ASCAP/EMI April Music, Inc., ASCAP/Wedgeworth Publishing, ASCAP/Capitol Year Yesterday Publishing, BMI/Creative Pulse steps Music, ASCAP/ThankyouMusic Ltd, PRS/ ASCAP/WC Music Corp., ASCAP/Summer Am H.E.R. Publishing, ASCAP), AMP/HL, H100 ASCAP/Kurstin Music, ASCAP/Bucks Music, CMG Genesis, ASCAP), HL, CST 27 Music, BMI/Songs Of Universal, Inc., BMI), Capitol CMG Genesis, ASCAP), HL, CST 37 Walker Publishing Designee, ASCAP/LVRN 77 ; RBH 22 ; RBS 4 BMI), HL, RO 35 FAITHFUL NOW (HBC Worship Music, ASCAP/ HL, H100
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