
Anglican of America

WHAT IS ? 3, 2019

Class 1 ‒ A Brief History Anglicanism & The

The Vincentian

Now in the Church itself we take the greatest care to hold that which has been believed everywhere, always and by all. That is truly and properly 'Catholic,' as is shown by the very force and meaning of the word, which comprehends everything almost universally. We shall hold to this rule if we follow universality [i.e. oecumenicity], antiquity, and consent.

- St. Vincent of Lerins, 5th c.

Anglicanism as Mere

The Anglican , has no peculiar thought, practice, or of its own. It has only the Catholic of the ancient , as preserved in the Catholic and maintained in the Catholic and Apostolic of 's Church from the beginning. It licitly teach as necessary for nothing but what is read in the Holy Scriptures as 's Word written or may be proved thereby. It therefore embraces and affirms such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the Scriptures, and thus to be counted apostolic. The Church has no authority to innovate: it is obliged continually, and particularly in times of renewal or , to return to "the faith once delivered to the ." (St. Jude 3).

- (99th Archbishop of )

ANGLICANISM IN BRIEF I. Those churches that trace their spiritual roots to the Church of and whose beliefs and are guided by The Holy Scriptures and The Book of Common (BCP). Broadly speaking,Anglicans are that have been formed in the English Tradition. II. Today there are over 85 million Anglicans across the world (third largest Christian in the world) spanning 165+ . A. Each Province is self-governing and led by an Archbishop or Presiding B. are subdivided into which are led by in voluntary communion with each other C. serve a local church under the authority of a Bishop D. Paul's Church is under the authority of Walter H. Grundorf, D.D. in the Anglican Province of America (APA) III. If you grew up Episcopalian, in any Protestant tradition, memorized 's Prayer, read the King James , or interacted with Christianity in the then you have been influenced in some way by the English (Anglican) Christianity! ANGLICANISM IS HISTORICAL I. Persistent Myth ‒ Anglicanism did not begin when Henry VIII wanted an anullment! II. The Church wasin England before it became the 33 AD ‒ ! The of Christ goes out into the world 47 AD ‒ Earliest recorded Christian presence in England1 200 AD ‒ (d. 222 AD) mentions a Christian presence in England2 209 AD ‒ The first recorded British is St. Alban3 314 AD ‒ Three British Bishops attend the Council of Arles

394 AD ‒ St. was a Bishop/ to Scotland Missionary efforts from these 432 AD ‒ St. Patrick was a Bishop/missionary to saints reconverted England; “” emerges 449-557 AD ‒ Anglo-Saxon migration to England; Relapse into 563 AD ‒ St. was /missionary to Scotland. Founded Iona Two Saints represent 600 AD ‒ St. Augustine, envoy of , becomes 1st two traditions of 635 AD ‒ St. Aidan founds Lindisfarne4 Christianity which influence Anglican 664 AD ‒ of (Celtic Church accepts Roman authority) thought and practice. III. English Church Separates with Rome 1517 AD ‒ Luther and the Continental Reformation begins 1534 AD ‒ passes the Act of Supremacy (making the English Sovereign the head of the Church) 1539 AD ‒ The English Bible is placed in all churches 1549 AD ‒ Archbishop publishes the first English 1553-1558 AD ‒ Queen Mary returns the English Church to Rome 1554 AD ‒ Archbishop Thomas Cranmer martyred 1558-1603 AD ‒ Queen Elizabeth secures the English Church's independence from Rome 1611 ‒ King James Bible published IV. Anglicanism in the United States 1776 AD ‒ United States formed and the American Church is still overseen by of 1784 AD ‒ Seabury consecrated the first American Bishop 1789 AD ‒ First American BCP published and the founding of The Episcopal Church 1888 AD ‒ -Lambeth Quadrilateral adopted (document about the reunion of ) 1873 AD ‒ Reformed Episcopal Church founded (first split) 1928 AD ‒ New American BCP published (this is the BCP of Saint Paul's Church) 1976 AD ‒ Continuing Anglican movement in the United States begins (second split) 2017 AD ‒ Union of major Continuing Anglican

1 - De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae 2 “The extremities of , the various parts of Gaul, the of Britain which have never been penetrated by Roman arms have received the of Christ.” (Def, Fidei, p.179) 3 St. - Ecclesiastical History of the and others. 209 AD is the early date 4 “Augustine was the of , but Aidan was the Apostle of the English.” - JB Lightfoot, ANGLICANISM IS A BRANCH OF THE CHURCH Why start with the Church? Why not start with (How do we know God?) or with Jesus Christ (Who is God?) Just as a child's first teacher is , so to are newborn Christians have the Church to teach and nourish them. Another analogy would be learning an instrument requires a tutor.

The Church is NOT: ΏΏ A mere gathering of like minded individuals ΏΏ A human invention ΏΏ Something we "do" or "attend" it is something we are

Three biblical images for the Church: Key to these images isunion with Christ. If you want Jesus, then find His Church! ΏΏ (Rom 12:4-8; Col 1:18-24, Eph 5:23, Gen 2) ΏΏ (Eph 5, , ) ΏΏ Temple of God (Eph 2:19-22; Jn 2:21) Four Notes of the Church found in the : And I believe in one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church From the 1928 BCP Offices of Instruction (pg. 291): 1. One ‒ (Eph 4:4-5; 1 Cor 10:17; Jn 10:16); because it is one Body under one Head. 2. Holy ‒ (Jn 16:13; Eph 5:25-27; 1 Pet 2:9); because the dwells within it 3. Catholic ‒ (Matt 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; Rev 7:9); because it is universal, holding earnestly the Faith for all time, in all countries, and for all people; and is sent to preach to the whole world What does it mean to be Catholic? Anglicanism is Catholic because "it holds the entire Faith, containing all things necessary for salvation as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, for all people in all times and in all places. Another word for Catholic is "universal," not because everyone in the world is automatically a member of the Church, but because all those who are saved belong to the Church, and because the Church is the one means of salvation that God has provided for his human creatures (see Genesis 22:18; Luke 2:10-11; Acts 17:24-31; and Hebrews 13:8)."5 Catholic does not mean in communion with the Bishop of Rome. Some aspects which we will explore in greater detail in coming classes: ΏΏ Accepts Holy Scriptures as the highest and perfect ΏΏ Accepts the Faith contained in the three Catholic Creeds (i.e., Apostle's, Nicene, and Athanaisan) ΏΏ Accepts the authority of Ecumenical Councils ΏΏ Accepts the ΏΏ Accepts the three-fold ministry of Bishop, , and ΏΏ Accepts the ΏΏ Accepts the use of images in worship ΏΏ Accepts the use of ceremony and in worship ΏΏ Accepts the Christian 4. Apostolic ‒ (Acts 2:42; 2 Tim 2:2) because it continues stedfastly in the ' teaching and fellowship. ΏΏ Teaching - as contained in the Creed ΏΏ Fellowship - maintaining the ministry of the Apostles (i.e., preaching, sacraments, order of ministry)

5 Tarsitano, Louis R., An Outline of an Anglican Life. pg 2.