Confederated Tribes and Bands Established by the of the Yakama Nation Treaty of June 9, 1855 March 19, 2010 David A. Brockman, Manager Richland Operations Office U.S. Department of Energy P.O. Box 550 Richland, Washington 99352 Mary Beth Burandt, Document Manager Office of River Protection U.S. Department of Energy Post Office Box 1178 Richland, WA 99352 TC&
[email protected] Dear Mr. Brockman and Ms. Burandt: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Tank Closure and Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement (Draft TC & WM EIS) for the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington (DOE/EIS-0391-D) prepared by the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE). This letter, including the attachments, summarizes and transmits the Yakama Nation's comments and concerns regarding the alternatives presented in the Draft TC&WMEIS. The Yakama Nation's vision for the cleanup and closure of the Hanford Site includes the following objectives: 1. Compliance with Yakama Nation Treaty Rights, including full access to cultural resources by the Yakama Nation and its members within its ceded land and aboriginal territory, including on the Hanford Site. 2. Protection of the health of Yakama Nation tribal members and the environment in the following ways: • The Hanford Site and all its resources (including, but not limited to, the Columbia River, the islands in the Columbia River, other surface waters, geologic resources, groundwater, air, and biological resources including plants, fish, and wildlife) are safe for all exposure scenarios and tribal uses. • The cleanup actions must achieve cleanup goals that are protective based on the exposure parameters and lifestyle described in the Yakama Nation exposure scenario Yakama Nation Exposure Scenario for Hanford Site Risk Assessment, Richland, Washington, prepared for the Yakama Nation ERWM Program by RIDOLFI Inc., September 2007.