On the performance of different mutation operators of a subpopulation-based genetic algorithm for multi-robot task allocation problems Chun Liua,b,∗, Andreas Krollb aSchool of Automation, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications No 10, Xitucheng Road, 100876, Beijing, China bDepartment of Measurement and Control, Mechanical Engineering, University of Kassel M¨onchebergstraße 7, 34125, Kassel, Germany Abstract The performance of different mutation operators is usually evaluated in conjunc- tion with specific parameter settings of genetic algorithms and target problems. Most studies focus on the classical genetic algorithm with different parameters or on solving unconstrained combinatorial optimization problems such as the traveling salesman problems. In this paper, a subpopulation-based genetic al- gorithm that uses only mutation and selection is developed to solve multi-robot task allocation problems. The target problems are constrained combinatorial optimization problems, and are more complex if cooperative tasks are involved as these introduce additional spatial and temporal constraints. The proposed genetic algorithm can obtain better solutions than classical genetic algorithms with tournament selection and partially mapped crossover. The performance of different mutation operators in solving problems without/with cooperative arXiv:1606.00601v1 [cs.NE] 2 Jun 2016 tasks is evaluated. The results imply that inversion mutation performs better than others when solving problems without cooperative tasks, and the swap- inversion combination performs better than others when solving problems with cooperative tasks. Keywords: constrained combinatorial optimization, genetic algorithm, ∗Corresponding author. Email addresses:
[email protected] (Chun Liu),
[email protected] (Andreas Kroll) August 13, 2018 mutation operators, subpopulation, multi-robot task allocation, inspection problems 1.