THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 RAJAB 9, 1438 AH Amir attends, Muslim man ExxonMobil, Messi double, patronizes dies after Qatar Petroleum Suarez national attack by India sign Cyprus stunner take operetta3 cow vigilantes7 gas21 deal Barca20 top Kuwait strongly denounces Min 20º Max 32º Khan Sheikhoun massacre High Tide 08:59 & 19:07 Low Tide Donors pledge billions at Syria aid conference 01:57 & 13:44 36 PAGES NO: 17190 150 FILS

BRUSSELS: Kuwait yesterday condemned in strong terms conspiracy theories a suspected deadly chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun in Syria, and called on the international community to inter- vene and halt the spilling of Syrians’ blood and prosecut- Back to square one ing “officials responsible for such crimes”. International donors yesterday pledged $6.0 billion in aid for Syria this year at a conference overshadowed by the attack blamed by the West on Damascus. The Brussels meeting, co- chaired by the European Union and United Nations, was a follow-up to a meeting last year in London which raised By Badrya Darwish $12 billion in all for humanitarian aid programs. Addressing the “Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region,” Kuwaiti First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al- Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah said: “We are holding this cru- [email protected] cial meeting which calls for alleviating the humanitarian hardships suffered by the brotherly Syrian people. We meet here while pictures of the ugly massacre that hap- pened yesterday in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib is t looks like Kuwait Airways is jinxed. It’s back in still vivid in our consciousness.” the limelight after years of struggle, but not with Continued on Page 13 Igood news. The long war for privatizing it, which made the airline suffer, damaged its reputation, its bottom line and operations to the point that even Rajaan arrested Kuwaitis shun it and opt for other airlines. This despite Kuwait Airways once being the leader and KUWAIT: British authorities yesterday arrested the fugi- pioneer in the region. tive former director of Kuwait’s Public Institution for There is no clear plan for the blue bird - how Social Security. Fahd Al-Rajaan’s arrest comes days after many shares will be under public control, the stake BRUSSELS: (From left) Kuwait First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- the Cabinet endorsed an extradition treaty with Britain of government, and the share of the private sector. Sabah, Prime Minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and High Representative that was signed in December. Rajaan is wanted by Kuwaiti pilots were sacked after opting to stay with of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Kuwaiti authorities and Interpol for embezzling public the government in case the airline was privatized, Federica Mogherini observe a minute of silence for the victims in the Syrian town of Khan Sheikhun while funds in 2015 and hiding them in accounts abroad. The government has also frozen the assets of Rajaan in which isn’t the case until now. New aircraft were attending an EU-Syria conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region at the European Kuwait as well as those of his wife and children. bought and everyone was happy that the fleet was Commission yesterday. — AFP improving and being updated to compete with other regional carriers. Then all of the sudden, back to square one. Rasha Al-Roumi resigned and rumors say that she Trump: Attack ‘crossed a lot of lines’ was pushed to resign by the ministry of social affairs. Then a new board was quickly set up. Why was Roumi sacked? Everyone says that she enjoyed US threatens unilateral action • Russia backs Assad a good reputation and integrity. If she enjoyed all WASHINGTON: US President Donald House news conference with Jordan’s these qualities, why was she pushed out? We want Trump warned yesterday that Bashar Al- King Abdullah. “When you kill innocent to know what’s going on. And why was the whole Assad’s Syrian regime had crossed a line children, innocent babies, little babies ... board changed? We expect an explanation, at least with its latest alleged chemical attack and that crosses many, many lines, beyond a from the government. Were these people guilty of faces a US response. Trump described the red line, many, many lines,” he warned. “I something, or were they stopping something from strike on the rebel-held town of Khan will tell you, it’s already happened, that happening? This is what the public wants to know. Sheikhun as an “affront to humanity” and my attitude towards Syria and Assad has In my opinion, why must everything be priva- warned it had changed his view of the changed very much ... You’re now talking tized? There are certain things that, for the sake of Russian-backed Syrian leader. Previously about a whole different level.” the nation, should stay with the government, like the White House has said its sole focus in Trump did not go into detail about oil, our national resource. And KAC, our national Syria is defeating the Islamic State group, what a US response to the atrocity will be airline, which was doing very well under govern- not on ending Assad’s civil war against - and he has previously opposed deeper ment control until the greed of a few people pre- opposition fighters. US military involvement in Syria’s civil vailed, who started thinking of privatizing the air- But Trump and other senior US offi- war. But his statement that his attitude line and taking control of Kuwait Airways. cials said that the latest attack, which had changed came after the US ambas- Why did you wait until after buying the new air- doctors say caused the agonizing deaths sador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, craft, which the government paid for, and then talk of at least 72 people, had changed the had warned of unilateral American of privatization? Excuse me, but it should have calculus. And he renewed his criticism of action. “When the United Nations consis- been done some time ago when the airline was still his predecessor Barack Obama who in tently fails in its duty to act collectively, operating with old aircraft but had a good reputa- 2013 famously failed to take action after there are times in the life of states that tion. What I hope is that the parliament, for a Assad crossed a “red line” with a previous we are compelled to take our own change, will stand with one hand and do some- WASHINGTON: US President Donald Trump meets with King Abdullah II of Jordan chemical attack. “It crossed a lot of lines action,” she said. thing for the nation and save our national airline. in the Oval Office at the White House as First Lady Melania Trump and Queen Rania for me,” Trump said, at a joint White Continued on Page 13 look on yesterday. — AFP MPs demand probe in UK to help reform Saudi economy RIYADH: Britain said yesterday it would al issues including security and strength- KAC chief resignation help Saudi Arabia to diversify its oil- ening business ties. dependent economy as British Prime An earlier statement from May’s office By B Izzak Mohammad Al-Mutair said the issue of KAC Israel proposes Minister Theresa May visited the Gulf said she would discuss with the monarch will be among the points that will be KUWAIT: Lawmakers yesterday strongly included in the planned grilling against the freight rail link kingdom. May and Saudi King Salman “tax and privatization standards to help lashed out at the government’s handling of prime minister. held talks focused on “bilateral relations Saudi Arabia diversify its economy and Kuwait Airways Company (KAC) after the MP Riyadh Al-Adasani pointed out that to Jordan, Saudi and cooperation” as well as “regional and become less reliant on oil”. The prime resignation of its chairwoman and the what happened at KAC is evidence that international developments”, the official minister “pointed out that security rela- appointment of a new board of directors. attempts to privatize the carrier have failed, JERUSALEM: Israel’s transport minister proposed yes- news agency SPA said. A statement from tionships between the two counties had Islamist opposition MP Jamaan Al-Harbash adding that the government should submit terday linking its freight railway network with Jordan May’s office said the two discussed sever- Continued on Page 13 criticized the way Rasha Al-Roumi resigned a long-delayed draft law calling to place KAC and Saudi Arabia and said he presented the idea to and the reasons she raised in her resigna- under the Kuwait Investment Authority as a US President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy last tion letter, and said that he and a number state-owned company. He demanded an month. Under the proposal, goods could travel by rail of MPs will submit a request in the next ses- investigation into what happened at KAC from Israel’s Mediterranean port of Haifa through sion to probe the issue by the public funds and the government’s lack of support for the Jordan to Saudi Arabia’s Gulf port of Dammam via protection committee. national carrier. Roumi resigned on Tuesday saying that MP Abdullah Al-Roumi charged that the Jordan. the government did not back the airline, resignation of the KAC chairwoman is yet Yisrael Katz, who also serves as Israel’s intelligence provided preferential treatment to another another proof that the government is minister, declined at a news conference to say domestic carrier and did not pay KD 600 sponsoring corruption, adding that he was whether Arab states had agreed to join his initiative. million as part of its pledged capital. The surprised by the resignation, although the After Syria’s civil war began in 2011, Israel opened its government immediately appointed Sami duration of the board was to expire in 2019. Haifa port as a conduit for goods coming from Turkey Al-Rasheed, the former chief of Kuwait He criticized the government for not issu- and Europe to be trucked to Arab countries further National Petroleum Co, to lead a new board ing any statement to clarify and explain the east, but traffic has been limited due to small capacity of directors. situation at KAC. and political opposition. Harbash said regardless of the new MP Roumi said the resignation came A railway connection would formalize links across appointment, the resignation should not be despite the success of the outgoing chief tense borders. Israel, which has fought three wars allowed to pass without a proper investiga- and board of directors in modernizing the with its Arab neighbors, has peace treaties with Egypt tion. He said Roumi raised the problem that KAC fleet and improving its financial status, and Jordan, but not with Saudi Arabia. Katz, a mem- the government provides better treatment overcoming government hurdles. to other operators than KAC, which means He described the government’s attitude ber of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s rightwing there is an attempt to limit its capabilities. towards the resignation as ill-advised that Likud party, told reporters Trump’s envoy Jason Several lawmakers and analysts claimed provided yet more evidence that the gov- Greenblatt expressed enthusiasm about the plan dur- ing his regional visit. there are attempts to damage KAC by some ernment supports corruption and fights RIYADH: Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz presents British Prime Minister Theresa who want to purchase it. Opposition MP against reforms and reformists. Continued on Page 13 May with the Order of King Abdulaziz yesterday. — AFP LOCAL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- with Speaker of National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanem. — KUNA photos meets with Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense Sheikh Mohammad Al- Hamad Al-Sabah meets with Chairman of the Federation of Arab Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Journalists Moayed Allami. Amir, Crown Prince meet top officials

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received at Bayan Palace yesterday His Jaber Al-Mubarak, and Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. His Highness the Amir also received In other news, His Highness the Prime Minister received at Bayan Palace Chairman of the Federation of Arab Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanem, and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- Journalists Moayed Allami and deputy head of the federation Adnan Al-Rashed. The meeting was attended by Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Meanwhile, His Highness the Crown Prince received Ghanem, His Highness Sheikh head of His Highness the Prime Minister’s Diwan Sheikha Etimad Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. — KUNA Kuwait shouldered responsibility towards int’l community: FM

BRUSSELS: Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al- order to allow the Syrian people to sit Sabah, First Deputy Prime Minister and around the negotiating table and provide for Minister for Foreign Affairs of Kuwait, said security and stability. These were the main yesterday that since the first pledging con- topics that we were able to talk about this ference that was held in Kuwait, the coun- morning,” he added. try has shouldered its responsibly towards In other news, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled the international community and to the met yesterday with UK Foreign Secretary Syrian people. Boris Johnson. The meeting, held on sidelines “We were hoping that the only pledging of the conference, tackled means of boosting conference for the crisis would be that of the Kuwaiti-UK relations, regional and inter- Kuwait in 2013, but unfortunately today we national issues of joint concern. are obliged to organize many other pledg- Separately, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled met ing conferences and we reached the fifth with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Al-Hariri, one,” he told a news conference after the discussing identical topics Senior ministry first session of the international conference officials attended the two meetings. Later on Syria in Brussels. today, he met with German Foreign Minister He noted that this protracted crisis has Sigmar Gabriel, also tackling similar issues. spilled over to the neighboring countries and In addition, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled held many UN reports draw our urgent need to separate meetings with ’s Minister of access swiftly the beneficiaries within Syria State for Foreign Affairs Kentaro Sonoura and and also to extend assistance and help to Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano. The neighboring countries who host a great num- meetings touched on enhancing relations ber of refugees, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. between Kuwait and the respective foreign “Along with this humanitarian assistance nations on all possible levels. The meetings we also need a development program in also touched on important regional and order to upgrade the capacities of infrastruc- international matters. Senior Kuwaiti diplo- tures like electricity, energy, roads,” he said. mats and foreign ministry officials attended BRUSSELS: Kuwait’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah poses with other par- “We need to work on the political track in the meetings. —KUNA ticipants for a group photo during a conference on Syria and Region in Brussels yesterday. — AFP

Ministry of Information’s Undersecretary Tareq Al-Merzem (second left) is honored by Kuwait Journalists KUWAIT: A general view of the audience at a conference on media freedom in the Arab world. — Photos by Yasser Association members. Al-Zayyat Kuwaiti official stresses press freedom promotion events

KUWAIT: A senior Kuwaiti media official under- adding that he is so proud of the Kuwaiti press Journalists Moayed Allami hailed the State of lined yesterday the significance of conferences which plays a key role in the Middle East media Kuwait as ‘pioneering’ in the promotion of pub- and events aiming at the promotion of the scene. lic freedoms in general and freedom of the press freedom. Speaking to reporters on the The undersecretary considered these gath- press in particular. sidelines of a conference on media freedom in erings and events a good opportunity for the Allami, who is also the Iraqi press associa- the Arab world, Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti conferees to share experience in the media tion’s chairman, believed that the press plays an Ministry of Information Tareq Al-Merzem said field. He hoped that today’s conference would influential role in Kuwait, which is very devel- media promotion gatherings reflect the spirit come up with concrete recommendations and oped in the media domain. He recalled that of the Kuwaiti constitution where press free- suggestions that are mainly aimed at encourag- Kuwait was the first Arabian Gulf country to dom is enshrined. ing and spurring the media freedom. have a chairwoman of the Kuwait Journalists The Ministry of Information is eager to sup- Meanwhile, Chairman of the Federation of Arab Association. — KUNA port all events and forums that are meant to TUNIS: Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Khaled Al- promote the media freedom, the official added. Jarrah Al-Sabah meets with Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi. — KUNA These conferences are considered a major sup- porter of the media professionalism, he said, Interior Minister meets Tunisian President

TUNIS: Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister ping up mutual efforts in this regard. and Interior Minister Sheikh Khaled Al- Meanwhile, the Tunisian leader Jarrah Al-Sabah met with Tunisian hailed close relations with Kuwait, which President Beji Caid Essebsi in Tunis yes- are based on mutual respect and appre- terday. During the meeting, they dis- ciation, thanking Kuwait for its contribu- cussed Kuwaiti-Tunisian relations and tions to his country’s economic develop- ways of bolstering and consolidating ment. He voiced satisfaction with the bilateral cooperation and coordination level of coordination between Kuwait in the security field. and Tunisia, stressing the necessity of Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah conveyed upgrading the existing level of ties up to the greetings of His Highness the Amir new horizons. Afterwards, the Kuwaiti Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- minister of interior held separate talks Sabah to the Tunisian leader, pointing with his Saudi, Qatari, UAE and Bahraini to firm and deep-rooted relations counterparts on the sidelines of the between both Arab nations. He reiter- 34th session of the Council of Arab ated Kuwait’s backing to Tunisia in its Ministers of Interior, which kicked off in Chairman of the Federation of Arab Journalists (From left) Editors-in-Chief of Al-Qabas Waleed Al-Nisf, Kuwait Times Abd Al-Rahman Al-Alyan, fight against terrorism, calling for step- Tunis earlier yesterday. — KUNA Moayed Allami speaks during the event. and Annahar Emad BuKhamseen share a discussion on the sidelines of the event. LOCAL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- KUWAIT: Military personnel perform during a national operetta held at Bayan Sabah, and other top state officials attend the operetta. — Amiri Diwan photos Palace yesterday. Amir patronizes national operetta

KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah attended and patronized at Bayan Palace yesterday a nation- al operetta celebrating loyalty to Kuwait. The event was attended by His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah, Speaker of the National Assembly Marzouq Al-Ghanim, Sheikh Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Sheikh Faial Al-Saud Al- Mohammad Al-Sabah, His Highness Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. The operetta was also attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of the Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh, other ministers, senior officials of the state, as well as high ranking officers from the army, police, Kuwait National Guard (KNG), and Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD). The operettas saw the participation of students from different schools. His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf were honored during the festivities. — KUNA Children greet His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

Children greet His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem looks on.

A general view for the audience reacting to the performance.

His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah receives a memen- to gifted to him during the event. LOCAL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 Photo of the day

KUWAIT: A seagull spreads its wings near a beach in Kuwait City. —KUNA photo

Kuwait, UAE ink memo to encourage talented

KUWAIT: The Sabah Al-Ahmad Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC) on Tuesday endorsed a mem- orandum of understanding (MoU) with UAE Ministry of Finance designed to create a stimulating environ- ment for innovators. The MoU aims at bolstering cooperation, creating an invigorating environment for innovation, said Dr Omar Al-Bannai, SACGC General Director in a statement. Turning to efforts at the national level, Bannai said five academies for sponsoring talented citizens were opened in the country’s six governorates. Fatima Al-Nagabi, Chief Executive Officer of Innovation at the UAE Ministry of Finance, said the memo was inked in line with the ministry’s strategy for encouraging inventors. The SACGC is affiliated to Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science (KFAS), the 2017-2022 strategy of is designed to examine citizens’ talents in early age and help in increasing number of creative nationals. The MoU is valid for one year. It is renewable according to needs of the two parties. —KUNA KPC extends contracts for oil supply to Egypt CAIRO: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) and Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) have agreed to extend two contracts for supplying oil byproducts to Egypt. The three-year contracts were signed by KPC’s Managing Director for International Marketing Nabil Bourisli and EGPC’s Deputy Chairman for Foreign Trade Hisham Noureddin, in presence of Egyptian Minister of Oil and Natural Resources Tareq Al-Mulla. The extended contracts provide for supplying around 1.5 million tons of oil byproducts annually, and two million barrels of crude oil monthly. Following the signing ceremony, Boursili hailed cooperation with the Egyptian oil sector as a ‘distin- guished model’ for attaining joint economic interests. He said both sides are willing to develop and expand coop- eration in the coming period to cover more fields and strategic CAIRO: KPC’s Managing Director for International Marketing Nabil partnership aspects. He added that Egypt is a promising and Bourisli (left) and EGPC’s Deputy Chairman for Foreign Trade Hisham major market for oil investment thanks to its various potentials, Noureddin sign the agreement. —KUNA primarily infrastructure and geographic position. —KUNA Japanese PM lauds ties with Kuwait

KUWAIT: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lauded by His Highness the Prime Minister of Kuwait Meanwhile, Kuwait Ambassador to Tokyo the ties linking Japan to the Arab world, Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah Mansour Al-Otaibi said that relations between affirming that his country was eager to boost to Japan in May of 2016, affirming that Japan’s Japan and the Arab world have witnessed relation on all possible levels with several Prime Minister indicated that it was one of the great leaps in recent years, resulting in several Arab countries, including Kuwait. Abe’s state- highlights of Kuwaiti-Japanese relations. signed accords and agreements aimed at bol- ment came during his speech to the annual Shinzo Abe also touched on Japanese-Arab stering ties in all fields. Otaibi, who also chairs Arab-Japanese day celebration held late cultures, saying that both sides shared similar the council of Arab Ambassadors to Japan, Tuesday in Tokyo. values and views. Overcoming obstacles in affirmed that the Asian nation played an inte- A statement by the Kuwaiti Embassy said the way of enhancing Japanese-Arab relations gral role in world politics, indicating that that the Japanese Prime Minister expressed was necessary, said Abe who reiterated his Tokyo’s stance on important regional and special interest boosting ties with Kuwait. It nation’s eagerness to extend ties with the global issues was to be admired by all nations indicated that Abe touched on the past visit Arab world. around the globe. —KUNA LOCAL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 Minister confirms MEW staff allowances will not be cut Fishermen still struggling; farmers reassured

By Meshaal Al-Enezi

KUWAIT: Minister of Electricity and Water and Minister of Oil Essam Al-Marzouq denied plans to deduct Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) employees’ allowances retroactively, and stressed that he had instructed relevant departments to quickly pay the allowances to those who deserve them as per the regulations. Marzouq’s confirma- tions were made on receiving Kuwait Engineers Society Chairman Faisal Dowaih Al-Ottol and a number of board members in his office Tuesday to explain the efforts they exerted. They demanded The 64-meter-long ‘Saffar’ boat. —KUNA photos equality in receiving allowances for hazard, noise, pollution and various other reasons like those their peers in the oil sector get. Ottol also demanded mandating MEW engi- neers to get the society’s membership as a condi- tion to practice the profession. He also noted that the minister was briefed about a plan to raise pow- er efficiency, noting that the same plan was used last summer at various mosques and helped save 60 percent of the electricity by using smart power systems. Meanwhile, Secretary General of MEW’s Labor Union Nawaf BuYabes said the allowance will be paid the same way it was paid before without com- KUWAIT: Fishermen pack up their gear at a Sharq harbor following a long day of promising the rights of any employee, and the work yesterday. —Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat union’s board is following closely what is going on at the administrative office and that they are work- reporters after receiving Chairman of Kuwait Program (MGRP) on June 1. Motoutah said seven ing hard on entering the data of each employee Farmers Union Barrak Fahd Al-Sabeeh and the companies would temporarily benefit from the who has ‘remote area allowance’ at the instructions union’s treasurer Bader Al-Shoraian, Jarrah said the ‘Ashal’ project that was experimentally launched by of Marzouq. BuYabes said the union will send a let- Interior Ministry had received a request from the Sabeeh, until the service is generalized to all com- ter to the Civil Service Commission to amend deci- union to build the center to help farmers process panies. Motoutah added that a special media sion 4/2012 which did not justify employees, and their transactions faster and easily. awareness campaign targets all parties involved urged departments that sent lists of its employees in the production process, especially in terms of to write to the ministry to act quickly. Manpower employers’ and employees’ rights and duties. He With the presence of Minster of Social Affairs also stressed that the authority takes very good Fishermen and Labor and Minister of State for Economic care of the rights of laborers working in Kuwait Despite the Cabinet’s decision to suspend clos- Affairs Hind Al-Sabeeh, the Public Authority for through special laws and legislations, such as law ABU DHABI: Officials celebrate the commissioning of the ‘Saffar’ boat. ing Shamlan Harbor until an alternative is found for Manpower celebrated its third anniversary yester- number 109/2013 establishing the authority and fishermen, they are still suffering after they were day. The ceremony was attended by the authori- law number 6/2016 pertaining work in the pri- Kuwait keen on upgrading military evicted from their accommodations close to the ty’s acting director Abdullah Al-Motoutah, top vate sector. shore, Kuwait Fishermen Union Chairman Thaher authority officials and members of the diplomatic capabilities: Deputy Chief of Staff Al-Sowayyan said during a meeting at the union’s corps in Kuwait. Sabeeh stressed that the most Citizenship law headquarters yesterday. Sowayyan said promises important and strategic goal set by the authority Chairman of the parliament’s priorities commit- to build a special village for fishermen had been ABU DHABI: The Kuwaiti Ministry of speed protection for eight vessels of was automating transactions, which had been tee MP Thamer Al-Suwait announced that the made for the past 17 years without it seeing light already done by launching the authority’s online most important topics on the agenda of the com- Defense is keen on upgrading its mili- varying sizes and capabilities. so far. He also warned that such sufferings would tary capabilities, especially in the navy, Meanwhile, Dr Khaled Al-Mazrouei, services system. mittee’s next meeting would include proposed jeopardize the availability of fresh fish in local mar- Sabeeh explained that over 43 of the authority’s amendments to the citizenship law. He explained Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army CEO of ADSB said the contract was signed kets if they continue any longer. services can now be done online after concerned that the suggested amendments include subject- General Sheikh Abdullah Nawaf Al- on July 15, 2015, under which three large companies set up their usernames and passwords. ing the decision to cancel or withdraw citizenships Ahmad Al-Sabah said yesterday. His vessels and five small boats are to be Farmers “This will reduce crowding at the authority’s depart- to the administrative court. Suwait added that the remark came during the commissioning built. He added that the small 16-meter- The Interior Ministry’s assistant undersecretary ments, reduce traffic jams and help companies with committee would also discuss cutting interest of the 64-meter-long ‘Saffar’ boat at the long speedboats were delivered to the for citizenship and passports Maj Gen Mazen Al- large numbers of employees issue work permits rates on loans provided by the social insurance headquarters of Abu Dhabi Ship Kuwaiti defense ministry several months Jarrah expressed readiness to build a special center and all other transactions easily on a 24/7 basis,” she authority. He added that the committee had Building (ADSB) Company. He said after ahead of delivery date. ADSB is a leading to serve farmers at their union’s headquarters in explained, noting that the authority managed to already discussed regulating the pharmacists’ pro- the ceremony that Saffar (sea traveler) is provider of construction, repair and refit Shuwaikh. He added that this would be done in increase its revenues to KD 47 million. She also not- fession with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and part of a contract with ADSB to build services for naval, military and commer- appreciation for the great role they play in provid- ed that the authority would be linked with the stressed that the related executive charter would and supply landing crafts and high- cial boats. —KUNA ing crops that sustain food security. Speaking to Manpower and Government Restructuring be issued within three months. Allowance replaces vehicles for officials By A Saleh Ibrahim Al-Nashi said it is keen on emergency landing on the military providing housing care to Kuwaiti runway of Kuwait International KUWAIT: The board of directors of families according to the law. Nashi Airport following a landing gear the Public Authority for Housing denied rumors on social media that malfunction. No injuries were Welfare decided that it is necessary the authority struck out several reported in the incident. for the authority’s officials to hand housing requests of applicants for over their vehicles by October as refusing to bring exit and entry Pope visit instructed by the Cabinet to rational- records and certificates of their chil- The Pope of Alexandria and ize spending. The board approved dren, saying that such information is Patriarch of All Africa Tawadros II payments of financial incentives in inaccurate. will visit Kuwait following Easter exchange of the vehicles of KD 150 celebrations, in his first visit to per month to department directors, Emergency landing Kuwait. The visit is expected to end which goes up as the rank gets high- A Kuwait Airways aircraft with before Pope Francis visits Cairo on er. The authority’s official spokesman 156 passengers onboard made an April 27.

KUWAIT: Interior Ministry officials honor the family of martyr, non-commissioned officer diver Abdullah Othman Al-Dousary. News Interior Ministry in brief honors martyr

Kuwait emphatically denies By Hanan Al-Saadoun breaching Iraqi air space KUWAIT: The sea borders sector, in the presence of KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti Army yesterday categorically denied reports that an aircraft of the Kuwaiti Air Force had violated Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary for Sea the Iraqi air space. The chairmanship of staff said it was Borders Affairs Major Gen Sheikh Mohammad Yousuf Al- determined that no such breach had taken place after Sabah, honored the family of martyr, non-commis- reviewing electronic and radar data. The army affirms its lit- sioned officer diver Abdullah Othman Al-Dousary, in eral adherence to international treaties and charters on recognition of the sacrifice the late officer had given for respecting States’ sovereignty as well as its commitment to his country. The building of the diving and rescue units principles of good neighborliness. —KUNA was also named after him.

Campaign Students win medals RIYADH: Five Kuwaiti students earned silver and bronze Detectives carried out a campaign in Kabd to make medals in the physics and mathematics competitions held sure the area was free of unlicensed weapons and by the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States. Yousef ammunition. The department said such campaigns will Badr Al-Enezi won the Gulf physics bronze medal, Omar Al- continue and will cover all areas to secure the society Mutawaa got a silver in mathematics, while Hussein Al-Sabti against the danger of unlicensed weapons. and Ahmad Al-Mula and Mansour Al-Surayea won a bronze in mathematics. It was Kuwait’s first participation in this edu- Cooperation cational contest organized by the bureau. —KUNA A delegation from Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD) visited the Director General of the Public Forum encourages privatization Authority for Disabled Affairs Shafiqa Al-Awadhi to dis- KUWAIT: Kuwait Financial Forum concluded yesterday with rec- cuss the procedures of launching the program of inquir- ommendations focusing on necessity to press ahead with eco- ing about disabled persons during fires and the possi- nomic reforms and support small enterprise and execute privati- bility of its improvement. zation programs as well as luring foreign investments. The forum Separately, a mock evacuation exercise was held at called for trimming consumer consumption, checking unneces- sary spending and expanding role of the private sector in the Saleh Shihab Secondary School in Mishref by the civil economy. Moreover, it urged for government participation in defence. KFSD, medical emergencies, Najda police and broadening the private sector role, adopting the knowledge the traffic department also participated in the drill. The economy and working out mechanisms for backing small and exercise was successful in its procedural, preventive and medium companies. —KUNA training goals THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 From the Arabic press Crime Report Al-Anbaa Kidnapper at large Was Bahlool KUWAIT: Farwaniya detectives are looking for an unidenti- really insane? fied person who attempted to kidnap a minor Syrian girl by after placing his hand on her mouth to prevent her from By Dr Najem Abdulkareem crying out for help. A security source said the girl was not able to give a description of the suspect, as the suspect eople in the western Arab world describe a was behind her. The girl’s father said the girl was able to stupid person as ‘Bahlool’, which is the name scream, so the suspect hit her and escaped. Pmentioned in Abbasid history of someone who is said to have lived during the reign of Caliph Haroun Al-Rasheed and is even said to have been Intruder caught State funds one of his cousins, who on seeing many people los- A youth was detained at Reqqa police station after ing their lives in the quest for power, pretended to detectives arrested him for entering a house without be insane. permission and attempting to assault a minor girl. A Some other historians say that he was highly security source said that a woman told Manqaf police knowledgeable and only said the truth at the time that her daughter saw her neighbor’s son in her room when people were silenced. So, in order to save his trying to approach her, so she screamed, prompting life, he pretended to be a fool and was thus named him to escape. The suspect insisted that what the girl Bahlool! It was even said that Haroun Al-Rasheed said is untrue, although the girl and her mother insisted once summoned him to his palace and had the fol- on their claim. lowing dialogue with him:

Reckless driving Traffic department detectives arrested an expat and impounded his vehicle for endangering the lives of others Some other historians by leaving the vehicle’s door open with people inside, which could’ve led to someone falling outside and endan- gering motorists’ lives. Detectives responded to the orders Al-Anbaa of Assistant Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs Maj Gen say that he was highly Fahad Al-Shuwaye after a clip on social media showed the man driving and opening the door on a highway. 240 expats involved in visa trafficking case knowledgeable and Multiple arrests A police patrol spotted an Indian man and attempt- KUWAIT: More than 200 expats discovered that they had The source said several expats who had two months left ed to stop him, but he escaped on foot. He was later entered Kuwait with visas registered on the file of a citi- on their visas wanted to renew them, only to find out that only said the truth caught in Salmiya. Police found 50 liquor bottles with zen’s farm whose estimated number of laborers needed they were on the wanted list over a case of forging the him. Meanwhile, a police patrol in Jaber Al-Ali were was forged, so they were placed on the wanted list and number of required labor. He said the expats went to their alerted by a man sleeping in a car, so they asked to face deportation, although their residency permits are still sponsor and reminded him of the agreement which said Haroun Al-Rasheed: Do you need anything that I check his ID, but he was not in a normal condition. valid. A security source said a citizen brought in 240 expats they remained on the file of his farm until the end of the can give you? Bahlool: Yes, I want three things, for When his car was searched, an imported bottle of of various nationalities for his farm between 2014 and two years, before transferring to other sponsors, but he which I will be thankful to you all my life if you man- liquor and a glass were found. He was taken to the 2015. Each of them paid between KD 1,600 to KD 1,800 for told them it is not his mistake and that he had to lodge a age to do so. Rasheed: What are they? Bahlool: I police station. — Al-Anbaa a work visa in Kuwait and were given a two-year residency complaint against them when the social affairs and labor want you to prolong my life. Rasheed: I cannot. This permit. They then worked in other places while waiting to ministry summoned and accused him of forging the num- is up to Almighty Allah. Bahlool: I want you to pro- transfer their residency permits to other sponsors. ber of required workers for his farm. —Al-Rai tect me from the angel of death. Rasheed: This is also up to Almighty Allah. Bahlool: I want you to make sure I go to paradise after death. Rasheed: I cannot. The decision will be up to Allah. Bahlool: Al-Qabas Then, you ought to know that you are nothing but a mamlouk (slave) like myself and you can do me nothing. Historical lessons A while later, Rasheed learnt that Bahlool was dwelling amongst graves, shouting words that were frightening people. He went over and shouted from By Mushari Al-Ameeri horseback: When will you get back your mind? When will you reason up? Bahlool ran up a tree and veryone knows the reason for the him: Is the current rent high? The lessee shouted: “Oh, Haroun. When will you be back to strike by traders in Mubarakiya - a said: Our shops were bought by a mer- your mind? When will you reason up? “Are you ask- Ehike in rent by 500 percent. The chant from Najd, and we are afraid he ing me to reason up while you are the one living increase is too much and activities are may raise the rent, and we all will lose. amongst graves?” said Rasheed, leading his horse very sparse, and this market is what is left The landlord asked for a solution in his underneath the tree. “I live amongst graves because from the old market to document our old opinion. The lessee replied that they I know that that palace of yours will perish,” Bahlool history. Despite this fact, they are using hope that he does not raise the rent at answered, pointing to Rasheed’s palace and then all their capacity to harass the simple all. Luhaib then reduced the rent for all, pointed to a grave, saying it remains forever. “This is people in their livelihood. In whose inter- and all lessees were happy and their why I live around it to prepare for it. It is a much bet- est are these inconsiderate policies to activities increased as well as the love ter than that palace. Who is insane now, Haroun?” raise the rent? and prayers for Suleiman Al-Luhaib. he asked. If we go back in history during the He stars in another story that shows us Rasheed: Allah ordered us to build. Bahlool: Yes, early forties of last century, a respected Kuwaiti men of the past cared for their he did. But you built everything for yourself and for merchant - the late Suleiman Al-Luhaib - work and for each other. A lessee sold his those surrounding you, while the dwellers of these bought real estate near Mubarakiya mar- shop and charged 20,000 rupees to vacate graves found nothing but this. I prefer living ket, and all investors thought the new it. The seller then told Luhaib: I sold the amongst them because they do not cheat, they are merchant, who was originally from Najd, shop for this amount as vacating fee. Do honest, they do not tell lies nor steal like those liv- will increase the rent, so some of them you want any of it? He answered, while ing with you, under your custody or in your palace! started to grumble, and this reached playing dama with his friend in a shop: Hearing this, Haroun thought for a while and said: Luhaib. No. Then the new renter asked him: Will You are right. Bahlool: I am more right than you Rents then were governed by a law the rent be the same? Luhaib replied: Yes, Haroun. Do you remember when you failed to pro- and he had the right to raise them, but as it is, and may Allah bless your trade. vide what I asked for? Rasheed: Yes, I do. Bahlool: I he went in the morning to his new prop- This is how they were in dealing with knew then that you are nothing but a worshipper erty, which had many shops, and asked lessees, so they succeeded and left us like me and that you will eventually end up in this the biggest vendor, who had more than with impressions of their work that are grave next to me! The story goes on, saying that one shop: How is the market situation told to us generation after generation. Rasheed cried, drenching his beard with tears, and with you? The merchant complained May Allah bless you Bu Mohammad, said: “Leave Bahlool alone. He is saner than all the about slow business due to the effects of Suleiman Al-Luhaib. Amen. people in Baghdad!” World War II in general, so Luhaib asked — Translated by Kuwait Times — Translated by Kuwait Times

KUWAIT: General Manager of Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center Aisha Al-Salem honors Zain’s Waleed Al-Khashti. A group photo from the press conference to announce the winners. Zain strategic partner of fifth Ideal Mother Award Organized by Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center

KUWAIT: Zain, the leading telecommunications individual efforts of mothers who care for and Affairs and Labor’s Career Rehabilitation company in Kuwait, announced its strategic develop their children with mental disabilities. The Department. The fully equipped computer lab partnership of the fifth consecutive edition of organizing committee selected 19 distinguished offers people with special needs the needed the Ideal Mother Award. The event, organized by mothers from across Kuwait, the GCC, and the Arab equipment and necessary training for them to Al-Kharafi Activity Kids Center, aims at shedding region, and will formally honor and recognize explore job opportunities that suit their specific light on the distinguish efforts of mothers of them during a special event to be held this April. needs in both the public and private sectors. The children with mental disabilities. Zain constantly shoulders initiatives that initiative also aims at empowering people with Zain’s strategic partnership of this annual work towards enhancing the society’s welfare, special needs to be more productive and active event comes in line with its support of the vari- especially within the special needs sector. Zain’s members of the Kuwaiti society. ous social causes that are of interest to all seg- long-term cooperation with the various private The company also participates in the annual ments of the society, especially within the spe- and public entities that cater to people with spe- celebration of the International Day of People cial needs sector. The company is keen on rein- cial needs springs from its belief in the impor- with Special Needs on December 3rd of every forcing its partnerships with the many public tance of having a positive print by supporting year. This United Nations sanctioned day aims at and private entities that cater to people with and launching initiatives that cater to various celebrating the capabilities of people with spe- special needs and their families within the local interests of the community. Zain dedicates a cial needs and their families in a family-oriented community all year round. great part of its Corporate Sustainability and atmosphere. Zain also holds annual visits to peo- The Ideal Mother Award, held for the fifth con- Social Responsibility strategy towards people ple with special needs at the Ministry of Social secutive year, mainly aims at shedding light and with special needs. During 2016, the company Affairs’ Care Centers throughout many occasions recognizing the most distinguished and dedicated inaugurated “Zain Lab” in the Ministry of Social each year. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 N Korea test-fires Germany cracks down on child marriages a ballistic missile

Page 10 Page 12 Muslim man dies after attack by cow vigilantes

Tensions rise over the slaughter of animal Hindus consider sacred NEW DELHI: A Muslim man has died after he was attacked by hundreds of vigilantes while transporting cows in India, police said yesterday, as ten- sions rose over the slaughter of an animal Hindus consider sacred. No South Africa ANC rejects arrests have yet been made, but police said they had registered a murder case over 55-year-old Pehlu Khan’s death in hospital on Monday, two days after a mob attacked his cattle truck on a highway in Alwar in the western calls for Zuma to quit state of Rajasthan. JOHANNESBURG: South Africa’s African Communist Party (SACP) and the country’s At least six more people were injured when the truck was attacked by National Congress “closed ranks” around biggest trade union, Cosatu, both historic allies around 200 Hindu vigilantes, who police are still trying to identify. But President Jacob Zuma after two key allies of of the ANC, have each called on Zuma to step police also said they were preparing a case against the survivors of the the ruling party called for his resignation fol- down following the sacking. Mantashe had attack, whom they suspect of trying to smuggle the cattle across state bor- lowing a cabinet reshuffle that cost the coun- also openly criticized Zuma’s actions but he ders. Cows are considered sacred in Hindu-majority India, where squads of try one of its investment-grade credit ratings. painted a different picture yesterday, saying vigilantes roam highways inspecting livestock trucks for any trace of the The rand fell more than 1 percent and bonds the ANC would “close ranks” around the presi- animal. Slaughtering cows is illegal in many Indian states and some also weakened after ANC Secretary General Gwede dent and that the party would iron out its dif- require a licence for transporting them across state borders. Mantashe told a news briefing yesterday that ferences with Cosatu and SACP. Alwar police chief Rahul Prakash said the victim and his associates were the ANC would not support removing Zuma, The events that unfolded after the reshuffle returning to their home state of Haryana when the mob intercepted their whose party leadership role ends in had “created anxiety and undue confusion as a vehicle. Prakash said the six others have now been discharged from hospi- December. Zuma’s presidential term will finish result of the discordant views, in particular of tal, adding that a postmortem would determine the cause of Khan’s death. in 2019. the National Officials of the ANC,” Mantashe “We are yet to receive the postmortem report but he had multiple rib frac- Last Thursday’s dismissal of finance minis- said, referring to the criticism directed at tures,” he said. Another officer, Ramesh Chand Sinsinwar said police were ter Pravin Gordhan, a totem of policymaking Zuma. “The officials ... have further acknowl- preparing a case against the survivors. “They were carrying eight bovines stability for many foreign investors, was criti- edged that their public dissonance on the in the mini truck without permission. We will file a case against the sur- cized by unions, civil society groups and the matter was a mistake that should not be com- vivors after concluding our investigations,” said Sinsinwar, who is heading opposition, and has revived pressure on Zuma mitted again.” Half of the ANC’s “Top Six” group the investigation in the attack. to quit. Since taking office in 2009, the 74-year- of officials, including Ramaphosa and Rajasthan home minister Gulab Chand Kataria told reporters that both old president has repeatedly denied accusa- Mantashe, had expressed disquiet at sides were to blame for the incident. “It is illegal to transport cows, but tions of corruption, and senior ANC officials Gordhan’s sacking. But Zuma, also one of the people ignore it and cow protectors are trying to stop such people from have backed him. S&P Global Ratings cited six, has the support of two other members and trafficking them,” Kataria told reporters. At least 10 Muslim men have been Gordhan’s departure as one reason for its influential groups in the ANC, sources say. killed in similar incidents across the country by Hindu mobs on suspicion downgrade of South Africa to “junk” in an Analysts said that despite calls to resign of eating beef or smuggling cows in the last two years. In 2015 a Muslim unscheduled credit rating review on Monday, from voices outside the ANC, Zuma remains in man was lynched by his neighbors over rumors that he had slaughtered a a move that is set to push up the country’s bor- favor among grassroots members and can cow. Police later said the meat was mutton. Last month a hotel manager rowing costs. count on the backing of large sections of the was beaten by a mob and his restaurant sealed in Jaipur after Hindu vigi- Mantashe said the ANC had accepted the party, including the youth and women’s lantes accused him of serving beef. “irretrievable breakdown of the relationship” leagues. Zuma said on Tuesday in his first pub- Critics say the vigilantes have been emboldened by the election in 2014 between Zuma and Gordhan as the reason the lic comments since the reshuffle that people of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. finance minister was sacked. Gordhan’s should remain calm. The main opposition removal has deepened a rift within the ruling Democratic Alliance (DA) party said yesterday Last year Modi criticized the cow-protection vigilantes and urged a crack- NEW DELHI: A student activist holds a placard during a protest down against groups using religion as a cover for committing crimes. But party, with Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, that it had filed an urgent court application to denouncing the killing of a 52-year-old Muslim farmer Mohammad a leading candidate to replace Zuma as ANC have Zuma’s decision to remove Gordhan and in March he appointed a right-wing Hindu priest to head the country’s Akhlaq by villagers upon hearing rumors that the family was eating most populous state Uttar Pradesh, which is also home to much of the president, describing it on Friday as “totally, deputy finance minister Mcebisi Jonas set beef, a taboo for many among India’s majority Hindu population, in New totally unacceptable”. The South African aside on the grounds that it was unlawful. country’s meat industry. Shortly after Yogi Adityanath was sworn in, police Delhi, India. — AP INTERNATIONAL THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 Hamas offers clemency to Israel ‘collaborators’

GAZA: Hamas has offered “collaborators” with Israel That income will now drop by nearly $200 a a week to turn themselves in and receive clemency month. “Our situation was desperate even before as it investigates the murder of one of its officials in they made the cuts,” he said in his dilapidated two- the Gaza Strip, which it blames on Israel. “The doors bedroom home. “We barely bought thyme and of repentance will be open for one week, from bread for the kids and we can’t buy tomatoes Tuesday, April 4 to Tuesday, April 11,” the interior because of the desperate situation.” ministry said in a statement. Hamas, which runs the The internationally backed Palestinian Gaza Strip, also tightly restricted access out of the Authority, which is based in the West Bank, enclave following the March 24 assassination. ordered all of its roughly 50,000 workers to step The measure remained in place yesterday down after the Islamic militant group Hamas despite calls from NGOs and human rights groups seized power in 2007. But it has continued to pay to lift it. The restrictions have stopped male patients the salaries of the former policemen, teachers and aged from 15 to 45 from using the territory’s sole civil servants like Al-Haddad. In the West Bank, crossing for people to enter Israel to receive medical government spokesman Yousif Al-Mahmoud said a treatment, Human Rights Watch said. Exits by sea reduction in foreign aid had forced the Palestinian are also barred despite demands from fishermen Authority to cut Gaza salaries by 30 percent. preparing for one of the year’s most productive “Without this step, the government cannot pay the periods. Hamas has blamed Israeli intelligence salaries of its employees,” he said. Affected workers agency Mossad and its “collaborators” for the killing expressed shock, anger and frustration as they of Mazen Faqha in the Palestinian territory. gathered outside Gaza banks. The Islamist group has vowed “radical measures” In Gaza City, nearly 200 people joined a protest against Palestinians who “collaborated” with Israel, outside a Bank of Palestine branch. “The salary is our with interior ministry spokesman Iyad Al-Bozum saying that could mean arrests, trials and even exe- children’s right,” said one of the banners. Israel and cutions. Security checks and searches have Egypt have maintained a blockade over Gaza since increased, including roadblocks. A few dozen peo- Hamas, a militant group sworn to Israel’s destruc- ple demonstrated yesterday morning in Gaza to call tion, took power. Israel says the measure, which has for executions. According to Hamas, Faqha formed restricted the movement of people and goods in cells for the Islamist group’s military wing in the GAZA: Palestinians demonstrate outside an Interior Ministry building in Gaza City, run by Hamas, as they and out of Gaza, is needed to prevent Hamas from West Bank cities of Tubas, where he was born, and carry signs condemning ‘collaborators and spies’ working for Israel. —AFP importing arms. But the blockade has hit Gaza’s Jenin. Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza have one third the salaries of tens of thousands of gov- - and increased hardship in already impoverished economy hard, and unemployment is now over 40 fought three wars since 2008. The enclave has been ernment employees in the Gaza Strip who have Gaza. “This cut has worsened our situation. I don’t percent, according to the World Bank. The faltering under an Israeli blockade for 10 years. been sitting idly since the rival Hamas militant know how I will get by until the end of the month. economy has remained afloat through sales of con- group took over the coastal territory a decade ago. Shall I beg?” said Rizq Al-Haddad, a former sumer goods. The Palestinian Authority employees Government slashes salaries The decision deepened the divide between the maintenance worker at the Health Ministry. Al- have provided a large slice of the purchasing power Meanwhile, the cash-strapped Palestinian West Bank and Gaza - two territories that the Haddad, a father of 10, supports his family on a that business owners rely on to keep their com- Authority yesterday said it was slashing by nearly Palestinians hope to turn into an independent state salary of about 2,200 shekels, or $600, a month. merce alive.— Agencies Islamic State used the Mosul museum as tax department Militants destroyed priceless artifacts MOSUL: After they seized Mosul two years ago archaeologists to assess the damage. Apart from wielding sledgehammers to smash museum and destroyed the priceless Mesopotamian arti- soldiers stationed to guard it, a stray cat nibbling statues they regarded as idolatrous sparked a facts in its museum, Islamic State militants found at discarded army rations seems to be the build- global outcry. They also ransacked the ancient a practical use for the building - they turned it ing’s only inhabitant. Machine gun fire and mor- palace in the Assyrian city of Nimrud south of into a tax office. The outside world learned of the tar rounds rang out from a distance as journal- Mosul. The group released another video show- museum’s initial fate from a video Islamic State ists made their way through the museum. In a ing its fighters using bulldozers and electric drills released months later showing its fighters basement room under the main exhibition halls, to tear down murals and statues there. In smashing Assyrian, Akkadian, Babylonian, there was a pile of envelopes used to issue Palmyra in neighboring Syria, Islamic State dyna- Persian and Roman artifacts, many of them two orders to pay Islamic tax, one of main sources of mited two temples and the city’s imposing tri- millennia old or older. funding for the militants. “The Islamic State ... umphal arch before it was driven out of the for- They wanted to destroy any history that did seeks to levy your duties which were forced by mer tourist magnet. not agree with their extreme version of Sunni God on the rich people’s money,” read a message Built in 1952, Mosul museum housed more Islam. Iraqi troops took the museum back last on the envelope stamped with the group’s than 2,000 artifacts but officials have given con- month from the militants, who left its once- black-and-white flag. The “Diwan Zakat”, or flicting accounts of how many were there when famous collection in a sorry state. Remains of an Islamic tax department, then left a space for the militants overran the city. Some looting had Assyrian winged bull statue, some carved stone names and file numbers to identify the pay- already taken place after the US-led invasion of IDLIB: Abdul-Hamid Alyousef, 29, holds his twin babies who were killed during a sus- coffins, mosaics and two black blocks with ments. Next to the tax receipts were green Iraq in 2003. “The destruction is a catastrophe,” pected chemical weapons attack, in Khan Sheikhoun in the northern province of Islamic calligraphy are just about all that’s left. leaflets with Koran quotes, from the same said Nabil Noureldin, a former lecturer at Mosul Idlib, Syria. — AP Smaller pieces from other items litter the floor. department based in “Nineveh Province”, whose University who fled after Islamic State came and Government forces are still battling the militants capital is Mosul. now lives in Turkey. “These are priceless items.” just a few hundred meters (yards) away in the The full extent of the destruction would only Syria ‘chemical’ attack Old City, their last stronghold in Iraq, so the rub- Sense of order become clear when experts can verify the ble-strewn museum is still out of reach for The video released in 2015 to show militants remains against copies of the original items BEIRUT: International outrage is mounting ernment of Bashar al-Assad of carrying out stored at Baghdad’s museum, he added. over a suspected chemical attack that killed the strike, and warned that it “calls into The militants searched the building methodi- scores of civilians in a rebel-held town in question” efforts to bring an end to the cally for valuables, even breaking up the ground northwest Syria on Tuesday morning. AFP’s bloody conflict. floor in their search for vaults with artifacts correspondent in the town of Khan Rebel groups including Al-Qaeda’s for- inside that they could sell, according to Federal Sheikhun saw lifeless bodies lying at a field mer affiliate said on Tuesday they would Police officers. Apart from taxes, oil sales, antiq- hospital, which was itself hit in air strikes take “revenge” against the regime and its uities smuggling and ransom from kidnappings hours after the attack. It remains unclear backers, calling on allied fighters “to ignite were also sources of income for Islamic State. In what kind of substance was used in the the fronts” across the country. But Syria’s July 2015, US authorities handed Iraq a hoard of attack, but the World Health Organization army “categorically” denied the claims, say- antiquities it said it had seized from Islamic said yesterday that some victims appeared ing it had never used chemical weapons State in Syria. to show signs of exposure to “nerve “any time, anywhere, and will not do so in Excavations under an ancient mosque else- agents”. If confirmed, it would be one of the the future”. Both the UN Commission of where in Mosul, recently discovered after the worst chemical attacks since Syria’s civil war Inquiry on Syria and the UN’s chemical militants retreated, showed that they had pre- began six years ago. arms watchdog said they were investigat- served its artifacts for possible smuggling ing the attack to determine whether chem- abroad. In the museum, the militants left What happened? ical substances were used. behind many trivial items that should have Air strikes hit the rebel-held town of Khan been just as repugnant to their strict Islamist Sheikhun around 7:00 am on Tuesday, and How has the world reacted? ideology as the priceless statues they destroyed. residents reported finding entire families Washington and London have pointed There were cards describing main museum arti- “dead in their beds”. The Britain-based Syrian the finger at Assad, and European Union facts in English and Arabic, postcards from the Observatory for Human Rights first reported diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said souvenir shop showing a princess’s skull and that 58 civilians had died, but the monitor- his regime bore “primary responsibility” for dusty books about Iraq’s contribution to Arab ing group later updated the death toll to a the attack. Pope Francis yesterday called history. There was also a pamphlet for an “inter- total of 72, including 20 children and more the attack an “unacceptable massacre”. But national festival” on April 14, 1994, a time when than a dozen women. Another 160 were regime ally Moscow said the deaths were MOSUL: Iraqis stand near a heavily damaged house in the Mosul Al-Jadida neighborhood in the late strongman Saddam Hussein still in wounded, with local medics telling AFP they caused when a Syrian air strike hit a “terror- the western part of the northern city of Mosul as Iraqi forces advance in their offensive to power and Iraq was cut off from the world had treated cases of suffocation, convul- ist warehouse” containing toxic materials. retake the city from Islamic State (IS) group fighters. — AFP under UN embargo. — Reuters sions, pinpoint pupils, and rapid pulses. Chemical weapons What was the aftermath? Syria’s government officially joined the Residents were rushed to clinics inside Chemical Weapons Convention and turned Burundian authorities accused the town and wider province, and some over its chemical arsenal in 2013, as part of victims were taken across the border for a deal to avert US military action. That treatment in Turkey. Hours after the attack, agreement came after hundreds of people- as medics worked to treat the wounded in up to 1,429 according to a US intelligence of ‘extortion’ over forced dues a hospital in Khan Sheikhun, two air strikes report-were killed in chemical weapons slammed into the facility and partially strikes allegedly carried out by Syrian NAIROBI: Across Burundi, citizens account as a contribution to the were charged with ensuring pay- development projects such as destroyed it. The gruesome footage emerg- troops near Damascus. But there have been complain they are being extorted construction of party offices in the ments are up to date. Many in the building schools or helping com- ing from the town was met with wide- repeated allegations of chemical weapons by authorities to pay “contributions” town of Rugumbo,” in the province, country often listed among the munities affected by a food crisis. spread shock, including in Brussels where use by the government since, with a UN-led to finance monuments glorifying said a 34-year-old father of four, three poorest in the world, say they Cibitoke residents say the local world powers have gathered to raise funds investigation pointing the finger at the the ruling party or development speaking on condition of anonymi- can barely make ends meet. governor has demanded that a to deal with Syria’s crisis. regime for at least three chlorine attacks in projects. Members of the opposi- ty. “It is a forced contribution “It is shameful, we are forced to list be displayed with the names 2014 and 2015. The Islamic State jihadist tion, civil society and ordinary citi- because I did not plan to pay it and pay even though our country is in of residents who have not yet Who was behind it? group was also found to have used mus- zens contacted by AFP have I am not a member of this party. It crisis and we barely earn enough to paid their dues. And in several Syria’s opposition has accused the gov- tard gas in a 2015 attack in Syria. — AFP denounced a system of forced dues is extortion and I paid to avoid feed ourselves,” said the motorbike parts of the country, parents are in the country which has been retaliation.” A businessman, a taxi driver, who is 22. Some contri- unable to register their children mired in crisis for two years since farmer, motorbike taxi driver and a butions demanded by local author- at a school if they cannot provide President Pierre Nkurunziza ran for local teacher also confirmed to AFP ities-completely controlled by the a receipt showing they have con- Emirates lends tablet a disputed third term in office. they had been obliged to make ruling party-are said to be for tributed money. — AFP Many of the contributions go similar payments. towards building offices for to cope with US ban Nkurunziza’s ruling CNDD-FDD, or a Youth militia verify payments string of new monuments inscribed The payments take place in sev- DUBAI: Dubai’s Emirates airline began Washington last month banned elec- with slogans glorifying the party eral different forms: farmers and yesterday loaning tablet computers to tronic devices larger than a mobile such as: “We made sacrifices to lead local businesses pay directly in cash premium passengers on US-bound phone as hand luggage on direct flights this country, we won’t give it up.” In to party officials, while civil servants flights in response to an American ban to the United States from 10 airports in the northwestern province of are presented with a list of their on electronic devices larger than a stan- seven Middle Eastern countries and Cibitoke, several residents told AFP names and contribution amount dard smartphone. The Middle East’s Turkey. A similar ban was also imposed they have been forced to pay up by which they feel obligated to sign. largest carrier said in a statement that by Britain, but exempted some of the ruling party officials-even if they The payments can be one-off or the measure aims to “mitigate the incon- Gulf airlines. Other Gulf carriers hit by are not members-or local authori- regular and AFP has seen ruling par- venience of the recent ban on electronic the US ban have introduced similar ties. The amount due varies accord- ty lists from several provinces listing devices” inside the cabin. Passengers in measures. Qatar Airways last week said it ing to profession, a farmer would professions and the amount to be first and business class can now borrow would offer free laptops to business class have to pay about one euro ($1.06), paid. The Cibitoke list shows that the tablets, plug in their USB and “contin- passengers, while Abu Dhabi’s Etihad a motorbike taxi driver about four the country’s second vice president ue working seamlessly”, it said. Emirates announced free wi-fi and tablet comput- euros, while those with small busi- Joseph Butore paid 1,800 euros has already allowed US-bound passen- ers for premium passengers. US officials nesses are charged up to 80 euros, towards regional development. gers to use their laptops and tablets until said the ban was intended to thwart pos- say residents. Cibitoke residents said that mem- boarding, with security taking away the sible attacks on airliners with small “I am a doctor and in my case, bers of the feared Imbonerakure BUJUMBURA: A picture shows the national headquarters of the party devices and storing them in the hold just explosive devices hidden in consumer they deducted 30,000 Burundi youth wing of the ruling party- National Council for the Defense of Democracy-Forces for the Defense of before embarking. electronics. — AFP Francs (16 euros, $18) from my which the UN refers to as a militia- Democracy (CNDD-FDD) in the Ngagara quarter, north of Bujumbura. —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 INTERNATIONAL IS bombers kill 31

BAGHDAD: Militants opened fire and later militants who clashed with security forces blew themselves up in the Iraqi city of until they ran out of ammunition and then Tikrit, killing at least 31 people in an attack detonated explosive belts. IS seized Tikrit claimed yesterday by the Islamic State during a lightning offensive that overran group. Police and army officers said that large areas north and west of Baghdad in the attack, which began on Tuesday night, the summer of 2014, but Iraqi forces recap- also wounded at least 42 people. A police tured it the following year. Iraqi forces are lieutenant colonel said three militants shot now battling to retake west Mosul-the dead three policemen in central Tikrit and country’s last city in which the jihadists then opened fire on civilians, before later hold significant ground. But the jihadists blowing themselves up inside homes in still hold other areas in western Iraq and the area. eastern Syria, and they will remain able to IS issued a statement claiming the carry out deadly bombings even if all areas attack, saying it was carried out by seven under their control are recaptured. — AFP Clashes erupt in Venezuela

CARACAS: Protesters clashed with police in demonstrations. The head of the Organization Venezuela Tuesday as the opposition mobilized of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, con- against moves to tighten President Nicolas demned the crackdown “in the strongest terms,” Maduro’s grip on power and vowed to continue branding it “brutal repression.”“I am once again demonstrations. Nine protesters were injured, obliged to demand that the Venezuelan gov- including one who was shot in the leg, said ernment immediately stop violating the rule of Ramon Muchacho, mayor of one of Caracas’s law, reestablish democracy, recognize the civil districts. None of the injuries were life-threaten- and political liberties of the people, and imme- ing, he said. Protesters hurled stones at riot diately end this repression,” Almagro said. police, who fired tear gas as they blocked the demonstrators from advancing along ‘It was like war’ NORTH MACLEAN: Kayakers paddle on the flooded Logan River, caused by Cyclone Debbie, as it flows over the Mt Lindesay Highway inWaterford Libertador Avenue through central Caracas, Borges, and former presidential candidate West near Brisbane. — AFP where pro-government activists also marched. Henrique Capriles, were among the opposition An estimated 1,000 people tried to march to protesters who felt the sting of police tear gas the National Assembly to demand the govern- Tuesday. “This is how they show disrespect for ment restore powers to its opposition majority. people sworn in as lawmakers,” Borges said on Cyclone Debbie wreaks Lawmakers were among the marchers. Maduro Twitter. “Lawmakers assaulted on Libertador said that the demonstration was aimed at fos- Avenue as we headed in to hold a session.” tering violence in the country. “Today, they Lilian Tintori, wife of jailed opposition tried to fill the streets of Venezuela with vio- leader Leopoldo Lopez, told reporters: “They lence and blood,” said the president, speaking used tear gas bombs against us. It was like havoc in New Zealand from the southern state Apure. “I can say now... war. “Venezuela is in the grips of a dictatorship that peace triumphed in Caracas and in but we are going to free it.” The center-right Venezuela,” he said. opposition wants to remove the socialist pres- The opposition called for new protests ident from office, blaming him for an econom- Flooding blocks roads, closes schools, forces evacuations today. “We’re going to continue to fill the streets ic crisis that has caused food shortages in the to defend democracy and the right to vote,” oil-rich nation. WELLINGTON: Widespread flooding yesterday earthquake in November. “There is definitely more Queensland state last week, smashing tourist Julio Borges, National Assembly president and a Maduro says the crisis is the result of a capi- blocked roads, closed schools, diverted flights and heavy rain to come, and a risk of thunderstorms resorts, bringing down power lines, shutting down long-time opposition leader, told reporters. The talist conspiracy. The opposition has urged the forced hundreds of people to evacuate across New and very strong wind gusts,” MetService meteorol- coal mines and killing six people. majority opposition also announced it would military to drop its support for him, but so far he Zealand’s North Island, as the tail-end of powerful ogist Peter Little told Fairfax news. “There’s even a In Australia the disaster zone stretched 1,000 take steps yesterday in the legislature to fire still has the public backing of the high com- Cyclone Debbie brought intense rainfall. A week small possibility of a tornado.” km from Queensland’s tropical resort islands and Supreme Court justices. Supreme Court presi- mand. “We want liberty in Venezuela. This is a after the storm system left a trail of destruction in Wild weather forced the suspension of flights at Gold Coast tourist strip to the farmlands of New dent Maikel Moreno dismissed their chance of dictatorship,” 56-year-old nurse Maria Gonzalez Australia, a state of emergency was declared in two Wellington Airport, diverting, delaying or can- South Wales state. About 20,000 homes were still success, insisting the legislature “lacks legality yelled at police. “Soon there will be no more New Zealand cities as river levels rose amid record celling a dozen scheduled planes, while without power on Tuesday, as flood waters contin- and legitimacy.” A move by the top court last food. Is that what you want for your children?” rainfall. In Auckland, the area’s biggest city, about Christchurch and Auckland airports also suffered ued to rise in some areas. Authorities urged resi- week to take over the legislature’s powers In the pro-government march, thousands of 10,000 homes were without power. some delays and cancellations. New Zealand’s dents of Rockhampton, in central Queensland, to sparked international condemnation. people denounced the Organization of No deaths have been reported, but authorities mountainous terrain makes its roads susceptible to seek higher ground as the rising Fitzroy River The United States and other powers backed American States for criticizing the Venezuelan warned peak rainfall set to arrive yesterday could landslides and many regions are still recovering approaches a peak forecast for Thursday. Australian the opposition’s calls for the government to government over the court move. “We support bring as much as three month’s worth of rain by from November’s 7.8-magnitude quake. Cyclone insurers have declared the event a catastrophe, allow timely elections and release political pris- Maduro against these attacks, which seek to day’s end in some areas. That spurs a threat of flash Debbie, a category four storm, one short of the with state officials saying recovery and repairs will oners. The court later backtracked on its move, carry out a coup d’etat,” said another demon- flooding in areas still recovering from a devastating most powerful level five, pounded Australia’s take months.— Reuters but the opposition pressed ahead with calls for strator, Angelo Olivo. — AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Germany cracks down on child marriages

BERLIN: Germany’s cabinet yesterday moved to added, stressing that no minor must suffer ‘Fundamental rights’ The non-profit German Children’s Aid ban child marriages after the recent mass refugee restrictions on their asylum or residential status There were 1,475 married minors registered in Foundation said it generally welcomed the new influx brought in many couples where one or both as a result of the change. Germany last July - 361 of them aged under 14 - draft law as a sign of “progress” but said courts partners were aged under 18. The new law, set to The age of consent for all marriages in according to the latest figures released after a should have latitude in some tricky cases where receive parliamentary approval by July, is seen as a Germany will be raised from 16 to 18 years. parliamentary request. Of these 1,152 were girls, one spouse is aged 16 or 17. These could involve protective move especially for girls by annulling Currently in some cases an 18-year-old is allowed said the interior ministry. The largest group, 664 underage couples that have their own children, foreign marriages involving minors. to marry a 16-year-old. Foreign marriages involv- children, came from Syria followed by 157 from who could then be considered born out of wed- It will allow youth welfare workers to take into ing spouses under 16 will be considered invalid, Afghanistan, 100 from Iraq, and 65 from lock and lose certain entitlements and inheri- care underaged girls even if they were legally and those involving 16 or 17-year-olds can be Bulgaria. The conservative daily Frankfurter tance rights, warned the group’s head, Thomas married abroad and, if deemed necessary, sepa- annulled by family courts. Rare exceptions are Allgemeine Zeitung welcomed the bill, saying Krueger. In such cases, recognizing a marriage rate them from their husbands. “Children do not possible, for example when one of the spouses that “archaic practices that harm women and involving one 16 or 17-year-old “can be accept- belong in the marriage registry office or the wed- suffers from a serious illness-but only if the couple children have no place” in Germany. The aim was able, for example, if the relationship is proven to ding hall,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas. “We are now both adults and both want to stay mar- not to “paternalistically spread one’s values or be emotionally stable and there is no evidence must not tolerate any marriages that harm ried. The draft law would also punish with a fine disrespect foreign cultures”, but to enforce “fun- of compulsion,” he said in a statement. “The minors in their development.” “The underaged any attempts to marry minors in traditional or reli- damental and, in principle, globally recognized opinion of the minor is also decisive and must must be protected as much as possible,” he gious rather than state ceremonies. human rights”. absolutely be taken into account.” — AFP

Saint Petersburg tourists undeterred after attack

SAINT PETERSBURG: Dutch tourist Nina shopped and browsed kiosks selling tradi- Bollen counted off the string of attacks that tional Russian nesting dolls. have hit Western capitals as she stood in the courtyard of the world famous ‘Come here’ Hermitage museum in Saint Petersburg. The local authorities have been quick to “Paris, London, Berlin,” the student said. try to reassure visitors as they try to ward “Terrorists strike everywhere. There’s no off any damage to the vital tourism indus- such place with zero risks. But we can’t just try that saw some 2.8 million foreign visi- all stay in our own countries. People will go tors flock to the city in 2016. “I can say that on.” Now Russia’s second city is reeling after just as everyone still goes to Paris and a bombing on the metro system left 14 London that they should come here too,” people dead and dozens injured. said governor Georgy Poltavchenko. “We The attack-believed to have been car- live in a world where there is this evil-ter- ried out by a 22-year-old Russian national rorism, but our task is to provide security originally from Kyrgyzstan-rocked the for- for people to enjoy themselves peacefully mer capital just over two months before it and I am sure we can do that.” hosts the opening game and final of the Tour operators said it was still too early Confederations Cup football tournament. to fully gauge the impact of the attack but The city is a major tourist destination for insisted that there had been no signs of visitors from around the globe who flock to any major cancellations. “There could be take in its imperial splendor, grand palaces some, but demand remains very high,” said and glimmering canals. On the vast Irina Tyorina, a spokeswoman for Russia’s Dvortsovaya square Chinese tourists tour industry union. “For summer all hotel ST PETERSBURG: People form digits of the time of the subway bombing in memory of victims of the tragic event, on Marsovo Polye in St stopped to pose alongside lookalikes of rooms are booked up and that is the time Petersburg, Russia yesterday. A bomb blast tore through a subway train under Russia’s second-largest city on Monday, killing several people historical Russian rulers Catherine the when foreign tourists mainly come.” and wounding more. —‚AP Great and Peter the Great. Industry experts from other cities such Officials said that they had stepped up as Paris and Berlin that have seen recent security around key locations such as the attacks agreed that while there might be Hermitage Museum and the metro in some slowdown in the short term there ‘The enemy within’ response to the attack but visitors insisted was unlikely to be any lasting damage. life appeared to be continuing as normal. And for the tourists in Saint Petersburg at For Lisa and Frederic, two French tourists, the time of the attack there seemed little Russia faces different Islamist threat with bombing Monday’s bombing largely went unnoticed doubt that the magnificent city would as they spent the day taking in the sights. continue to attract people from all “We saw flowers and candles but there around the world. “Terrorism can be MOSCOW: Akbarzhon Jalilov, the man suspected Soldatov, a Russian expert on the intelligence but that he had granted him with a temporary were no large gatherings as there had everywhere,” said American Nick Hewitt, of blowing up a Russian metro train, represents a services. registration at the flat as a favor to some mutual been in Paris” following the November 33, as he looked out over the grand Neva new wave of radical Islamists who blend into Security services typically look for an organi- acquaintances. Jalilov’s page on VKontake, a 2015 attack, Frederic said. “We barely see a river. “We’re not just going to stop living local society away from existing jihadist move- zation and financing network behind a terror Russian social media website, has photographs difference now.” On Nevsky Prospekt, the our lives, stop travelling. It needs to be ments - making it harder for security forces to attack, he said, but those may not exist in cases showing him wearing stylish Western dress, in a city’s main thoroughfare, tourists window- business as usual.” — AFP stop their attacks. His pages on the Russian such as the metro bombing. “It’s very difficult to restaurant with friends and smoking a hookah equivalent of Facebook show Jalilov’s interest in counter things like this,” Soldatov said. British pipe. His listed interests included a pop music Wahabbism, a conservative and hardline branch police have run into similar problems investigat- radio station and mixed-martial arts. His page of Islam. But they give no indication that he ing the case of Khalid Masood, who sped across had a link to the home page of boxer Mike Tyson. might resort to violence, presenting a picture of Westminster Bridge in a car last month, killing But he also had an interest in religion: the a typical young man leading a largely secular life. three pedestrians and injuring dozens more, page had links to a website in Russian called “I Fourteen people were killed and 50 wounded before stabbing a policeman to death. Shot dead love Islam” which features quotations from the in the suicide bomb attack on Monday on the by police, Masood also had no known links to Koran, and another called, metro carriage in St Petersburg. Russian state jihadist groups. which said it aimed to help people get to know investigators said the suspected bomber was Islam. Another VKontakte page which belonged Jalilov, a 23-year-old born in the mainly Muslim The enemy within to Jalilov included links to a site featuring the ex-Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan. If radical Jalilov is typical of millions of young Muslim sayings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, an Islamism was indeed his motive, he will be dis- men living in Russia. There was nothing apparent 18th century preacher on whose teaching tinct from two previous waves of attackers - from his background and lifestyle that made him Wahabbism is based. those from Russia’s restive North Caucasus stand out for the authorities. An ethnic Uzbek region who fought successive rebellions against from the southern Kyrgyzstan city of Osh, he Avenging Syria Moscow; and a later group who went to Iraq and moved with his father to St Petersburg for work Security officials and people involved in radical Syria to fight alongside the Islamic State group. several years ago, according to neighbors in Osh. Islam say the earlier generations of violent The new generation may take inspiration or In Russia, he worked with his father as a panel Islamists are now largely out of the picture. Militant instruction from people involved in those previ- beater in a car repair shop, they said. An acquain- in the North Caucasus are hounded by security ous fights, and are drawn from the same Muslim tance from St Petersburg said Jalilov had worked forces, pushed into forest hideouts, and too pre- communities. However, they are not directly for about a year in a chain of sushi restaurants. A occupied with staying alive to be able to launch linked to those militant organizations and have second acquaintance said he was a fan of sambo, attacks on Russian cities. Meanwhile, the thou- not created the trail of arrest warrants, tapped a form of martial arts popular in Russia. sands of people from Russia and ex-Soviet phone calls, travel documents and monitored He owned a Daewoo car, according to a republics who fought alongside Islamic State in border crossings on which security forces usually source in the Russian authorities, and was regis- Syria and Iraq are on the radar of Russian intelli- ST PETERSBURG: Security is still tightened at Sennaya subway station in St rely to keep tabs on violent Islamist radicals. “It’s tered at an apartment in a quiet, upscale neigh- gence. Tipped off by Turkish intelligence which Petersburg, Russia yesterday. Investigators searched for possible accomplices of a a completely different kind, a different level of borhood of suburban St Petersburg. A person tracks jihadists’ movements into and out of Syria, 22-year-old native of the Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan identified as the sui- terrorist threat from the one that Russian security who said he was a representative of the apart- Russia arrests them when they return home or pre- cide bomber in the St Petersburg subway, as residents came to grips with the first services are used to dealing with,” said Andrei ment’s owner said Jalilov had never lived there, vents them from entering the country. — Reuters major terrorist attack in Russia’s second-largest city since the Soviet collapse. — AP European Union trains Europe Union lawmakers ‘credible army’ in CAR BANGUI: With EU help, the Central African sion is currently the sole functioning mili- adopt ‘Brexit resolution’ Republic (CAR) is seeking to turn the page tary force, given that the national army is on years of bloodshed by retraining its under an international arms embargo. The army and by month’s end a first battalion is soldiers are being trained at the Kassai mili- MPs reject pro-Gibraltar hint to present arms. The European Union last tary camp just outside Bangui, which was year unveiled the launch of a two-year mil- occupied by mainly Muslim Seleka rebels STRASBOURG: European Union lawmakers summits’ chair Donald Tusk in his draft negotiat- the one million British residents in EU countries. itary training mission for CAR troops in the at the outset of the civil war that began in adopted a resolution yesterday setting their red ing guidelines released last week. The text was backed by more than two-thirds of capital Bangui, along the lines of similar 2013 when they overthrew president lines for the two-year divorce talks with Britain The European Parliament wants talks on the deputies in the parliament, which will have assistance in conflict-hit Somalia and Mali. Francois Bozize. A counter-insurgency by and rejected attempts by British MEPs to recog- Britain’s future relations with the EU to start only to approve any deal with the United Kingdom. Some 70 instructors have been tasked mostly Christian militias saw the conflict nize Gibraltar’s pro-EU stance in the Brexit refer- after “substantial progress” is made on the bill Britain’s Under Secretary for Brexit Robin with whipping the army into shape and spiral into a war that left thousands dead, endum. In a display of EU unity, the legislature’ for Brexit bill, on the Irish border, and on the Walker said this was “a positive move” although rendering it democratically accountable but the majority of casualties were civilians. text repeated the same priorities set by the EU rights of the 3 million EU citizens in Britain and Britain would prefer to start trade talks as soon following its failure to prevent a three-year At Kassai, French and Swedish instruc- as possible. He told reporters at the session in civil war between mainly Muslim former tors monitor trainee soldiers as they Strasbourg that Britain will also put citizens’ rebels and mostly Christian militias, that engage in target practice with AK-47 rights first in the Brexit process. In a minor started in 2013. assault rifles. “Not bad. But there’s no bullet departure from Tusk’s text, the parliament’s res- President Faustin-Archange Touadera in the head,” one young Swedish instructor olution hinted at the possibility for Britain to took office a year ago to oversee the tran- notes as he inspects the bullet-ridden tar- reverse the Brexit process, stressing however sition to peace in one of the world’s poor- gets. A few hundred meters away, Captain that this would be possible only with the est nations, where the conflict has dis- Innoncent Masse, commander of the approval of all the remaining 27 member states. placed about 900,000 people in a popula- army’s third territorial infantry battalion, “The door is open if Britain changes its mind,” tion of some 4.7 million. Much of CAR is closely watches a drill exercise. The soldiers Gianni Pittella, head of the centre-left grouping, still lawless today, and independent UN wear a motley collection of camouflage the second largest in the parliament, told expert Marie-Therese Keita-Bocoum in uniforms and carry weapons that don’t reporters. The Greens expressed a similar wish. February deplored that “armed groups work. Some were recovered from armed The move was aimed at strengthening the hand have taken over more than 60 percent of groups by the UN Mine Action Service, says of the 48 percent of Britons who voted against the country”. General Herman Ruys, the communications officer Sebastien Isern. Brexit in last year’s referendum, but was Belgian officer in command of the EU’s mil- “Most of the troops are not novices, but opposed by the EU chief negotiator on Brexit, itary advisor team, expects the first force of they haven’t seen action for a long time. Michel Barnier, parliament officials said. CAR troops to be ready for active service It’s not just about training individuals but The conservative grouping, the largest in the by mid-May. “The battalion is about 700 getting them to work as a team,” Ruys says. legislature, tried to distance itself from such a strong, comprising three companies and UN peacekeepers vetted the soldiers to statement, although they backed the resolution. the general staff,” says Ruys, who determine if they had committed human “Leave means leave,” the conservatives’ leader announced that two more battalions will rights abuses during the civil war. CAR’s Manfred Weber said. The resolution also allowed follow, bringing the total force to around armed forces were formed after independ- transitional arrangements to smooth the UK’s 2,000 troops. ence from France in 1960, but mutinied departure, but they should not last more than several times against autocratic rulers, three years. MEPs also insisted that at the end of Arms embargo some of whom ran their own parallel eth- the process Britain cannot expect better condi- A 12,500-strong UN peacekeeping mis- nically-based militia. — AFP STRASBOURG: Members of the European Parliament take part in a voting session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern France yesterday. — AFP tions than when it was an EU member. — Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 INTERNATIONAL India hosts Dalai Lama in disputed region Beijing blasts Delhi

BEIJING: China said yesterday that cians and dancers clad in traditional India relations”. “We demand that India India’s decision to host Tibetan spiritual costumes performed before his sport- immediately cease using the Dalai leader the Dalai Lama on a contested utility vehicle. Lama’s mistaken behavior to damage stretch of land on the India-China border Later, the maroon-robed prelate China’s interests,” Hua added. “It will not would cause serious damage to relations walked slowly through the crowds, a fel- bring any benefit to India. China will between the two countries. The Dalai low monk supporting him by the arm take necessary measures to firmly safe- Lama’s week-long trip to Arunchal and another holding a large umbrella guard its territorial sovereignty and legit- Pradesh, an eastern Himalayan region overhead to shield him from the rain. imate rights.” The Dalai Lama fled in 1959 administered by New Delhi, but claimed Indian officials have dismissed China’s over the border not far from the Tawang by China as “southern Tibet”, has raised criticism of the Dalai Lama’s second visit monastery, the largest of its kind in hackles in Beijing, which labels the monk to Arunachal Pradesh in eight years, say- India. At the start of his tour, he was a dangerous separatist. “China expresses ing he is a spiritual leader who has a reunited with an elderly Indian border firm opposition to this and will lodge devoted following in the region. “His visit guard who had helped him to safety. stern representations with the Indian to this part of the country is totally reli- He now resides in the Indian hill town side,” foreign ministry spokeswomen gious,” the state’s chief minister, Pema of Dharamsala, where his supporters Hua Chunying told a regular briefing in Khandu, told Reuters Television. “As far as also run a small government in exile. He the Chinese capital. the boundary issue is concerned, I have has renounced any political role in lead- The 81-year-old Buddhist monk and also maintained that we don’t share our ing the Tibetan diaspora. The Indian gov- Nobel peace laureate had planned to boundary with China, but we share our ernment has rejected China’s criticism of fly by helicopter to the 17th-century boundary with Tibet.” the Dalai Lama’s visit - his first to Tawang monastery and hold three days Arunachal Pradesh since 2009. “The gov- of spiritual teachings starting yesterday. Severely damaged ernment has clearly stated on several However, heavy rainfall forced him to China has repeatedly criticized visits occasions that His Holiness the Dalai travel by road - a two-day drive through by foreign officials to Arunachal Pradesh, Lama is a revered religious leader, who is rugged mountain terrain - and he is not which it calls South Tibet and over which deeply respected by the Indian people,” now expected to arrive until Friday. The it has a long-standing claim. In its latest it said in its latest statement on the mat- BOMDILA: Buddhist followers offer gifts to exiled Tibetan spiritual Dalai Lama received a rapturous wel- broadside, Beijing said that by ignoring ter. “The government, therefore, urges leader the Dalai Lama after he delivered religious teachings at the come on Tuesday in the town of China’s concerns and persisting in that no artificial controversy be created Buddha Stadium in Bomdila in India’s north-eastern state of Arunachal Bomdila, with large crowds turning out arranging the trip, India had “severely around his present visit to Arunachal in streets festooned with flags, as musi- damaged China’s interests and China- Pradesh.” — Reuters Pradesh state yesterday. —AFP Brazilian shy ‘Car Wash’ judge is loved and loathed celebrity

CURITIBA: A shy federal judge based in skipped a Friday night seminar to attend effectively formed a cartel handing out were processed and taking advantage a provincial capital has become an a friend’s wedding. “I detested him. multi-billion-dollar contracts that were of news media to shape public opinion. unlikely celebrity in Brazil, where he is Detested,” Quadros told Netto for his inflated to pay kickbacks and bribes to “Leaks serve a useful purpose,” wrote shaking up the nation’s power structure book, “Car Wash.” A few years later, when scores of politicians. Moro. “The constant flow of revelations while overseeing what may be the Moro was no longer teaching, the two Moro rarely grants interviews and keeps public interest up and party lead- largest corruption probe in Latin began dating and wed. Today they have he declined to comment for this story. ers on the defensive.” Today, many legal American history. Passers-by mostly two children. That stern streak has led to The son of two teachers, Moro grew up experts see that article as a blueprint for cheer - but sometimes jeer - Sergio less happy outcomes for defendants. in Maringa, a city about 265 miles his management of the Car Wash probe. Moro when he goes into restaurants. Moro is famed for prying information northwest of Curitiba in southwestern Critics in the highly polarized country Concert-goers break into applause out of suspects by imposing lengthy Brazil. After graduating in law from often accuse Moro of taking sides. when performers point him out in the pre-trial detentions and prodding them Maringa State University, Moro began Last year, he was sharply criticized for audience. Tourists are bused in to gawk into plea bargains that implicate higher- working as a federal judge in 1996 releasing a wiretapped conversation at the office where he works in the ups. That has helped turn what initially while also earning a doctorate and par- showing then-President Dilma Rousseff Parana state capital of Curitiba. appeared to be a routine money-laun- ticipating in an exchange program for discussing the details of a chief of staff Many Brazilians see the 44-year-old dering case into a mega-scandal. lawyers at Harvard University. Presiding job for her mentor, former President Luiz judge as a hero who is cleaning up a The investigation launched in over several money-laundering cases, Inacio Lula da Silva. That appointment, LAHORE: A Pakistani forensic team arrives at the scene of a suicide bomb nation plagued by corruption, while crit- March 2014 and exploded later that Moro gained expertise with white-col- eventually blocked, would have attack on a census team in Lahore yesterday. —AFP ics accuse him of unfairly targeting fig- year when Paulo Roberto Costa, a top lar crime, and he took a particular inter- removed Silva from Moro’s jurisdiction ures from the leftist Workers Party gov- executive at state oil company est in a massive corruption probe in because only the Supreme Court can ernment that led the country from 2003 Petrobras, and Alberto Yousseff, who Italy that ensnared many politicians decide whether to prosecute elected Five killed; Taleban suicide until mid-2016. Over the past three delivered huge sums of money to there in the early 1990s. federal officials and Cabinet members. years, Moro has been instrumental in politicians and others, cut plea deals Moro defended the move in his legal blast targets census team the so-called Car Wash probe that that unveiled the depth of the corrup- Leaks serve a purpose decision, writing that “democracy in a already has sent dozens of top business- tion. Piece by piece, Moro and a team In a 2004 article for a legal journal, free society requires that the governed LAHORE: At least five people were killed cial Abdullah Sumbal said. “There was no men and politicians to jail and is still of investigators revealed that top offi- Moro noted the way Italian judges used know what their governors are doing, and up to 18 wounded in a Taleban suicide lack of security, but you know how difficult expanding. “The Car Wash investigation cials in construction companies such as plea bargains to advance investigations, even when they seek to act within the blast that targeted a census team in it is to deal with suicide attacks.” could not have just one hero. There are Odebrecht, OAS and Andrade Gutierrez keeping suspects in jail while their cases protections of the shadows.” —AP Pakistan’s eastern city of Lahore yesterday, judges, prosecutors, detectives,” said officials said. Witnesses described being Pakistan unnerved Igor Romario, the lead federal police knocked to the ground by the blast just The umbrella Pakistani Taleban, or investigator on the case. “But Moro is the after 8:00 am, then a “horrible scene” of Tehreek-e-Taleban Pakistan (TTP), in its center of it. Without him, we wouldn’t blood and bodies and the sound of crying. statement said it had carried out the attack be where we are.” Security forces cordoned off the area on in revenge on security forces. The country’s Friends, colleagues and journalists Bedian Road in the bustling capital of president and head of its powerful military who have covered the case closely say Punjab province. condemned the blast. Lahore has been on Moro is a deeply private man - a law The attack, which the military con- edge since a wave of violent attacks across wonk who voraciously pores over legal firmed was a suicide blast and was quickly Pakistan in February killed 130 people, cases in several languages. He’s noted claimed by the Pakistani Taleban, was the including a bomb blast in the eastern city on for writing meticulous legal decisions - latest incident to dent growing confidence February 13 which killed 14. much faster than most Brazilian judges in security as Pakistan wages a years-long Ten days later a fresh blast killed eight do - that are rarely overturned by higher war on militancy. Farhan Aslam, who was people and sent panic through the city, courts. “We are talking about the best wounded in the explosion, said he and his though officials later said it was a gas leak, lawyers, the most influential people in father had been knocked from their bicy- not an attack as initially feared. February’s Brazil going up against Moro” in court, cle. “I saw two dead bodies on the spot and series of assaults also included a suicide said Vladimir Netto, a journalist for others crying,” the student told AFP from blast at a Sufi shrine in Sindh province which Globo News who wrote a definitive hospital, where local officials were giving killed 90 people and was claimed by Islamic book on the case. “These guys are used flowers to the wounded as a crowd gath- State. At least 22 people were killed and 57 to always winning, but they have not ered outside. wounded on March 31, when a car bomb this time.” Punjab health minister Khawaja Imran tore through a market in a mainly Shiite area Nazir said five people had been killed. of Pakistan’s tribal belt in an attack that was ‘Car Wash’ Three of them were soldiers and two were also claimed by the TTP. He’s also known as a stickler for even civilians, a security source said. Rescuers The surge in violence has shaken a grow- minor rules. While teaching in 1996, he said at least 18 were wounded, including a ing sense of security after the country warned law student Rosangela Wolff de RIO DE JANEIRO: Demonstrators wear jerseys with the face of Judge Sergio Moro during a child who was in critical condition. The appeared to be making strong gains in its Quadros that she’d be marked absent protest against corruption on Copacabana beach. —AP bomber had attacked a van carrying mili- decade-and-a-half long fight against extrem- and might flunk his course if she tary personnel who were part of a team ism, with analysts speaking of a militant carrying out a census count, the Pakistan resurgence. The military launched a nation- Board of Statistics confirmed. Teams of wide crackdown after February’s attacks, Germany threatens online giants enumerators backed by the military and killing dozens of alleged militants across the security forces are carrying out Pakistan’s country. Islamabad also swiftly accused first census in almost two decades, an neighbor Afghanistan of harboring militants with 50m euro hate speech fines enormous and highly-charged task that responsible for the attacks, and temporarily could redraw the country’s political map closed the border between the two countries. one year before national parliamentary Kabul has long accused Pakistan of sheltering BERLIN: Germany yesterday took the cent according to a government study cited by that a test carried out by FSM-a self-regulation elections. “The census is a national duty, the Afghan Taleban, a charge which European lead in cracking down against hate the minister. lobby group backed by online media-found that and we will complete this task,” Lahore offi- Islamabad has at times admitted to. —AFP speech and fake news, threatening social Beyond hate speech and fake news, the draft Facebook deleted more than 65 percent of ille- media giants with fines of up to 50 million legislation also covers other illegal content, gal content within a day.Maas acknowledged euros if they failed to remove offensive posts including child pornography and terror-related that freedom of expression “has huge signifi- India’s ‘anti-Romeo squads’ accused of promptly. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet activity. The companies would have 24 hours to cance in our democracy”. But he added: approved the tough measure after assessing remove any posts that openly violate German “Freedom of expression ends where criminal law harassing couples, shaming young men that companies like Twitter and Facebook were law after they are flagged by users. Other offen- begins,” predicting that Germany’s measure NEW DELHI: Indian “anti-Romeo” police squads than 20 prominent women’s rights activists not doing enough to erase content that ran sive content would have to be deleted within would only be a beginning. “In the end, we need set up to protect women from sexual harass- called on Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi afoul of German law. seven days after it is reported and reviewed. European solutions for companies that operate ment in public places should be disbanded Adityanath, a member of Prime Minister “Hate crimes that are not effectively com- Executives of the social media groups also risk across Europe,” Maas told reporters. because their heavy-handed tactics and moral Narendra Modi’s party, to end the squads. “The batted and prosecuted pose a great danger to individual fines up to five million euros ($5.3 policing are leaving people insecure and fear- serious issue of violence against women and the peaceful cohesion of a free, open and dem- million) in case of non-compliance. Under ‘Talking to a wall’ ful, women’s rights activists said. The squads, routine sexual harassment of women in Uttar ocratic society,” said Merkel’s government in a German law, Holocaust denial, incitement of Underlining the frustration with the slow- made up of plainclothes and uniformed police Pradesh cannot be addressed by setting up statement. Since the arrival of around one mil- hatred and racist speech are illegal. moving fight against such online hate, one officers, were introduced in the northern state anti-Romeo squads. These ‘squads’ impose their lion asylum seekers in Germany since 2015, the social network user, Steffi Brachtel, told AFP of Uttar Pradesh in March following the own aggressive and arbitrary code through volume of xenophobic hate speech has ‘Policing opinion?’ she had filed countless complaints to Facebook appointment of a new state leader who had moral policing,” it said. exploded online. Alarmed by the incendiary But critics warned that the proposed law over offensive posts. But only once did it agree pledged to crackdown on sexual abuse. “It has already come to light that in many nature of the posts, the government has could stifle freedom of expression. Renate to remove a post-a Hitler-related one, she said. But in the last two weeks there have been cases, these ‘anti-Romeo squads’ have become repeatedly warned the online behemoths to Kuenast, an MP with the opposition Greens, The waitress had begun her one-woman cam- increasing media reports of the squads - which an even greater source of harassment and fear take action to better police the content on said the fines were “almost an invitation to not paign against online hate speech after a friend also include police-sanctioned vigilante groups for women and men.” The reports have their network. just erase real insults, but to wipe out almost shared an objectionable cartoon on Facebook. - targeting and publically shaming young men prompted Adityanath to order police to issue The web companies had pledged in 2015 to everything for the sake of playing it safe.” “I spent several hours every day on Facebook, and couples in parks, colleges and markets. guidelines to the squads, calling on them not examine and remove within 24 hours any hate- Facebook said it was examining the proposed trying to tell people to watch what they are Suspected “Romeos” have been questioned, to question, frisk or humiliate couples or give ful comments, but in a recent report tracking rule, but stressed that it has heavily invested in saying... but got the feeling that I was talking to had their identification checked and their par- out physical punishments. But the activists - progress on this front, Justice Minister Heiko boosting the resources of its content review a wall,” she said.Brachtel said she also faced ents informed of their activities. Others have who include human rights lawyers Indira Maas said not enough was done. Maas said team. More than 700 people will be working physical threats. Neo-Nazis followed her on her been forced to do sit-ups as punishment. In Jaising and Vrinda Grover and women’s rights one incident, a man accused of harassing a campaigners Aruna Roy, Kavita Krishnan and Twitter only took down one percent and on the task force for the company in Berlin by way home and her letterbox was bombed. But woman had his head shaved by an “anti- Kamla Bhasin - want the squads to be disband- Facebook 39 percent of the content reported year’s end, said the group, which posted a net she warned that if action is not taken against Romeo” police squad, local media reported. ed and those who have been publically by users deemed to flout Germany’s anti-hate profit of $3.7 billion (3.5 billion euros) in the far-right material, “then it just gets passed on In a statement issued late on Tuesday, more shamed to be compensated. —Reuters speech laws. Google’s YouTube video sharing last three months of 2016. and on, and that’s how the hate gets bigger in platform fared far better, with a rate of 90 per- It also rejected the data cited by Maas, saying people, and that’s a major problem.” —AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 INTERNATIONAL Motives for North Korea’s latest missile test

SEOUL: North Korea rarely misses an of the first meeting between President much from a routine weapons test? missile and nuclear weapons technology North Korea benefits from the US and opportunity to conduct a banned missile Donald Trump and his Chinese counter- What you should know about North is the clear priority, and political and China being at odds with one another. test to coincide with a high-profile world part, Xi Jinping. Did North Korea really Korea’s latest missile test: diplomatic considerations come second,” event that’s expected to discuss the want to steal the show ahead of the said Kim Dong-yub, an analyst at Seoul’s North Korea’s goals impoverished yet nuclear-armed coun- Trump-Xi summit? Or was the launch just Dual purposes? Institute for Far Eastern Studies. North Korea may want to send a mes- try. Yesterday, it fired a newly developed part of its broader missile development Initial US and South Korean assess- sage to both Washington and Beijing that missile into the sea, this time on the eve programs, with outsiders reading too ments indicated that what North Korea Past provocations it wants to be the subject of negotiations, fired was a medium-range KN-15 missile. North Korea has long fired missiles and with the country’s young leader, Kim Jong Known as “Pukguksong-2” in North Korea, detonated nuclear devices during major Un, vowing to build a powerful, prosper- it’s a newly developed, solid-fuel missile political events in South Korea and the ous nation. North Korea could also have whose first publicly known test occurred United States, and before or during used its latest missile launch to show that in February. North Korea called that test a regional talks. In 2009, weeks after Barack it won’t back down to pressures by the success, but some outside analysts said it Obama took office for his first presidential Trump administration. If the launch does- might test the weapon again before term, it fired a long-range rocket in what n’t have any political or diplomatic mean- deploying it. So North Korea may not critics called a disguised test of its long- ing, it could just be part of its bigger goal have minded giving a fresh look of its range missile technology. Days before the to build up a nuclear and missile arsenal. capabilities ahead of the Trump-Xi sum- 2013 inauguration of South Korea’s then- The launch also came amid ongoing mit while sticking to its own weapons President Park Geun-hye, the North con- annual South Korea-US military drills that development schedule, said Koh Yu- ducted its third nuclear test, making North Korea usually responds to with its hwan, a professor at Seoul’s Dongguk world headlines again and inviting tough- own military training and missile tests. University. South Korea’s military issued a ened UN sanctions. “They cannot stop now and they are similar assessment. The North has fired missiles when under heavy sanctions anyway,” said Koh, North Korea has denied using big South Korea hosted the 2010 Group of the professor. “Until their nuclear and mis- international events to get outside atten- 20 summit and other events, and while sile programs reach a point where they tion in order to wrest concessions and aid. top US officials were traveling in the feel it could be used as a deterrent against When conducting nuclear and missiles region. “I’ve joked before that they don’t the United States, the North probably tests in recent years, it has cited what it mind being hated, but they definitely won’t show strong willingness for talks.” calls increasing US military threats. hate to be ignored,” Ralph Cossa, presi- Kim, the analyst, also said it’s likely the Meanwhile, regional disarmament talks dent of the Pacific Forum CSIS think tank North will continue to test-fire missiles SEOUL: A woman walks past a television screen showing file footage of a that provided the North with much-need- in Honolulu, said after Wednesday’s over the next few months as it continues North Korean missile launch, at a railway station in Seoul yesterday. —AFP ed aid have been stalled for years. “For launch. But he also said the missile to pursue a reliable nuclear-tipped missile North Korea, making advancements on launch was hard to understand because that can reach the mainland US. —AP N Korea test-fires a ballistic missile Trump, China’s Xi set to discuss North Korea

SEOUL: North Korea test-fired a angle and reached an altitude of have no further comment.” Trump the birth of the state’s founder, Kim ballistic missile into the sea off its 189 km, the official said. Any launch wants China to do more to exert its Il Sung. It has used the anniversary east coast yesterday, South Korea’s of objects using ballistic missile economic influence over unpre- in previous years to test-fire the military said, ahead of a summit technology is a violation of UN dictable Pyongyang to restrain its intermediate-range Musudan ballis- between US and Chinese leaders Security Council resolutions. The nuclear and missile programs. tic missile and to launch long-range who are set to discuss Pyongyang’s North has defied the ban, saying it China has denied it has any out- rockets to try to put satellites into increasingly defiant arms program. infringes on its sovereign rights to sized influence on Pyongyang and orbit. An expert on the North’s polit- The missile flew about 60 km from self-defense and the pursuit of Foreign Ministry spokeswoman ical strategy warned against read- its launch site at Sinpo, a port city space exploration. The launch drew Hua Chunying ruled out the chance ing too much political significance on North Korea’s east coast, the swift condemnation from Japan, of a link between the launch and into the timing of the tests ahead of HELSINKI: President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping and wife South Korean Office of the Joint with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe say- the summit, saying, “I can’t see any the US-China summit. “They may Peng Liyuan (right) receives Finland’s national team training suits from Chiefs of Staff said in a statement. ing further provocative action was certain connection between these have taken the summit into account Finnish nordic skiers Matti Heikkinen (left) and Krista P’rm’koski (2nd left) Sinpo is home to a North possible. Japan’s Chief Cabinet two things.” Ahead of the US-China to pick a day but, to me, it is more Korean submarine base. The Secretary Yoshihide Suga described summit in Florida, Trump had likely to catch up with its own mis- before an official state dinner yesterday in Helsinki, Finland. —AP sile development roadmap for their technical needs,” said Kim Dong- Chinese President Xi extends yub, a military expert at Kyungnam University’s Institute of Far Eastern ‘panda diplomacy’ to Finland Studies in Seoul. North Korea failed in an attempt HELSINKI: China’s President Xi Jinping, on innovation-driven development, green to launch a ballistic missile from its the way to his eagerly awaited first development and coordinated develop- east coast two weeks ago. Earlier in encounter with Donald Trump, met his ment.” Xi said China appreciated “Finland’s March, it fired four missiles towards Finnish counterpart in Helsinki yesterday, firm commitment to the one-China poli- Japan, some of which came as close extending Beijing’s famed “panda diploma- cy”, which Niinisto confirmed in his own as 300 km to the Japanese coast. It cy” to Finland. The two sides agreed to car- address to the media. After Helsinki, Xi has also conducted two nuclear ry out “cooperative panda research” and was due to continue his journey across the weapons tests since January 2016, “make the pandas messengers of friend- Atlantic to Florida, where US President all in defiance of UN sanctions. The ship between our two countries,” Xi said at Trump awaits him today with a much US and South Korean militaries said a joint press conference in Helsinki. tougher stance on trade and China’s prob- initial assessments indicated the The first visit by a Chinese leader to lematic relationship with Taiwan than the latest launch was of a KN-15 medi- Finland since 1995 marks the 100th friendly Nordic country had. um-range ballistic missile, which anniversary of the Nordic country’s inde- Trump had previously infuriated Beijing would be the same kind North pendence and Finns were pleased to learn with suggestions he might break from the Korea test-launched in February. that a pair of giant pandas were expected US’s long-standing One China Policy, Pyongyang tested a new type of in Finland before the end of the year. which nominally acknowledges the Asian medium- to long-range ballistic Finnish and Chinese officials have been in giant’s claims over Taiwan without recog- missile in February, which it later lengthy talks over China leasing a pair of nizing them. In Helsinki, Xi refused to take said was an upgraded, extended- giant pandas to Ahtari zoo in central any questions from the media and did not range version of its submarine- Finland, where the construction of a new comment on the upcoming meeting with launched ballistic missile (SLBM). panda cage costing more than eight mil- Trump in his speech. Trump has warned North Korea has carried out sev- lion euros (over $8.5 million) is well under- talks with Xi will be “very difficult” and eral SLBM tests near Sinpo. “While it way. “We know that pandas are a national accused China during his campaign of is entirely possible it was the land- treasure for China and we will honor and stealing American jobs and industry. US A US Navy’s F/A-18 Super Hornet fighter approaches the deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carri- based KN-15, it very well could value them,” President Sauli Niinisto told Xi. Commerce Department data showed er USS Carl Vinson during the annual joint military exercise called Foal Eagle between South have been a test of their SLBM sys- China is Finland’s fifth largest trading Tuesday that the US deficit with China Korea and the United States at an unidentified location in the international waters, east of the tem that was conducted on land,” partner and Xi said the two sides would gained $1.6 billion to $31.7 billion in Korean Peninsula. —AP said Dave Schmerler, an expert at “expand cooperation in such areas as February. —AFP the California-based James Martin launch comes just a day before the the launch as “extremely problemat- threatened to use crucial trade ties Center for Nonproliferation Studies. start of a summit between US ic” and said Tokyo had lodged a with China to pressure Beijing into The North is believed to be devel- President Donald Trump and strong protest. South Korea’s foreign more action on North Korea. A sen- oping an intercontinental ballistic Chinese President Xi Jinping, ministry also condemned the launch ior US White House official said missile (ICBM) that could hit the Ten Thai soldiers wanted where talks about adding pressure as a blunt challenge to a series of UN Trump wanted to work with China United States and its leader, Kim on the North to drop its arms Security Council resolutions target- and described the discussions over Jong Un, has vowed to test- over death of conscript development will take centre ing North Korea’s nuclear and mis- North Korea as a test for the US- launch one at any time. Experts stage. “The launch took place pos- sile program. Seoul called a National Chinese relationship. and officials in the South and the BANGKOK: Thai police have accused the army as it draws on young conscripts sibly in consideration of the US. Security Council meeting and United States believe Pyongyang ten soldiers of beating a 22-year-old to fill its ranks. China summit, while at the same vowed to respond strongly in case ICBM threat is still some time away from mas- time it was to check its missile of further provocations. North Korea could choose to tering all the technology needed army conscript to death in a military The army chief moved quickly to con- capability,” a South Korean official In a terse statement, US continue with missile-related activi- for an operational ICBM system, prison, as the army races to limit dam- demn the death and assured the public told Reuters about the military’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said: ties through next week, when the such as re-entry into the atmos- age from the scandal unfolding during of a swift and impartial investigation. But initial assessment of the launch. “The United States has spoken isolated and impoverished country phere and subsequent missile its annual draft. News of the death on rights groups say the tragedy is nothing The missile was fired at a high enough about North Korea. We celebrates the 105th anniversary of guidance. —Reuters April 1 emerged just as the armed forces new for a military with a long history of launched an annual conscription exer- torture and abuse. “The Thai army faces a cise that will see some 100,000 men chronic inability to end abuses against its aged 21 and over enlisted into the mili- conscripts,” said Human Rights Watch tary for up two years. Private Asia director Brad Adams, blaming a “cul- At war with in-laws: Tanzania’s Yutthakinun Boonniam, 22, died one ture of impunity”. The watchdog noted day after being taken to hospital from that there has been no progress in the the army prison in the southern prosecution of soldiers allegedly respon- evicted widows push for rights province of Surat Thani. Doctors said he sible for the death of another private in suffered kidney failure after a sustained June 2011. The military, which has run CHAMHUNDA: When Rosemary Cyprian tried activists say. In 2015, a UN committee called on Attacked beating with a hard object. Images pur- the country since a 2014 coup, has also to speak to her sick husband after he was Tanzania to amend laws and customs that dis- A few months after Abiya ordered Cyprian to portedly of the victim and circulated on repeatedly been accused of extrajudicial rushed by relatives to their home on the criminate against women after independent leave her home, she attacked her own grand- social media showed his face swollen killings and the torture of civilians. Tanzanian island of Ukerewe, it was too late - he experts considered a complaint by two widows, daughter while she was digging the disputed nearly beyond recognition. The military has vowed to investi- was gone. His sudden death marked the start of who had been evicted by their in-laws following one-acre farm on Ukerewe Island, the largest His mother has told local media her gate the fatal shooting in March of Cyprian’s bitter war with her mother-in-law, the deaths of their husbands. island in Lake Victoria. “She took the hoe and son was beaten in the military prison for Chaiyaphum Pasae, a young communi- Abiya, in which she lost her farm, contact with “The sad thing is other African countries are threatened to cut my daughter with it,” recalled minor disciplinary offences including ty campaigner in the north of the coun- four of her children, and her peace of mind. “She starting to do this now but Tanzania is lagging Cyprian, who was dressed in a faded black T- oversleeping and missing guard duty. try. But most allegations of army abuse told me: ‘It’s customary when your husband far behind,” said Susan Deller Ross, a law profes- shirt and green and yellow wrap skirt with her Yesterday a military court approved and impunity come from the insur- dies, you have to leave and go back to your sor at Georgetown University. “It’s (having) a son asleep on her lap. “I shouted at her to run arrest warrants for nine soldiers accused gency-torn “Deep South” of the country, home’. I was shocked,” Cyprian, 41, said as rain horrible impact on millions of women.” away,” said Cyprian, who has nine children - of “a gang assault that resulted in death”, where allegations of killings of pounded down on the roof of her dark living Provisions allowing widows to live on their mat- eight with her husband, Baraka, and another Surat Thani’s police chief Apichart unarmed or innocent civilians are rife. room, its window frames covered with cheap rimonial property until they die are often vio- child from a different relationship. Boonsrirote said. A tenth, who is an offi- No military personnel have ever been iron sheets. lated by in-laws who take advantage of Cyprian has not stepped foot on her farm in cer, is also being sought but no arrest brought to justice over abuses in the Even though Tanzania’s constitution guaran- women’s ignorance, fear of social stigma and the four years since the attack, even though she warrant was granted since he is not southern conflict. By law all Thai men tees equal rights to own property, customary the inaccessibility of the courts. “People are and her children are short of food. Instead, she deemed a flight risk. “Eight are in military who do not volunteer for military serv- law which often takes precedence, especially in misusing culture,” said Eunice Mayengela, a watches her in-laws harvest cassava, maize and custody and will be handed over to ice must attend a draft lottery at least rural areas, states that widows have no right to lawyer with a local rights group, Kivulini, potatoes about 50 meters from her front door. police later today,” the police chief said. once after they turn 21. There are inherit from their husbands. As a result, thou- describing one case where the husband’s fami- Seven in-laws visited in November, threatening The death is a public relations disaster for exemptions for students. —AFP sands of women in the East African nation are ly buried his body outside the widow’s front to cut Cyprian and her children with machetes if vulnerable to homelessness and poverty, door to scare her into leaving. they did not leave. —Reuters NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

Kuwait strongly denounces Khan Sheikhoun... Israel proposes freight rail link... Continued from Page 1 Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Israel has spoken in recent Continued from Page 1 ment on the basis of the 2012 Geneva declaration and rele- years of the possibility of a “new horizon” with Sunni Arab vant Security Council resolutions, namely resolution 2254,” “I have already started working ... I am in touch with states in the region, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan “Kuwait strongly denounces this criminal action, renews he said. very senior elements in the US administration,” said Katz, and the Gulf. In part the goal of closer ties would be to act the call upon the international community to implement Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled called on the Security Council to who has said he intends to eventually succeed Netanyahu as a bulwark against Iran’s spreading influence in the relevant international resolutions related to protecting the act seriously for resolving this humanitarian catastrophe as Likud leader.Katz said he did not believe a rail route region, but there is also the possibility of increased trade brotherly Syrian people, putting an end to the cycle of vio- and pledged anew that Kuwait would spare no effort for would make a serious dent in the high volume of commer- and business, including with countries that may not offi- lence and bloodshed in Syria, while emphasizing the neces- alleviating suffering of the war-weary Syrian people. cial traffic through Egypt’s Suez Canal linking the cially recognize Israel, like Saudi Arabia. — Reuters sity to bring officials responsible for such crimes to justice,” Furthermore, he hoped that the conference would signal Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled stressed. the launch of a process that would end this bloody humani- The Syrian crisis, which entered its seventh year, is tanta- tarian catastrophe in Syria. UK to help reform Saudi economy mount to a bloody humanitarian catastrophe that has “Our conference is sending a powerful message, we are Continued from Page 1 news cited an unnamed British official as saying. May held claimed more than 400,000 lives, along with some 12 mil- not letting down the people of Syria,” EU Humanitarian Aid a private meeting with Energy Minister Khaled Al-Falih, lion others who have become displaced or refugees, “thus Commissioner Christos Stylianides told delegates. saved many lives in the UK”, her office said. Saudi Arabia who also heads Aramco, in the presence of London Stock casting a shadow not only on the internal conditions in Announcing the new pledges to applause from those at the faces a significant budget deficit with billions of dollars in Exchange Group Plc chief Xavier Rolet, the official said. Syria and neighboring countries, but also on various states meeting, he added: “Thank you so much. It is an impressive debts to private firms, largely in the construction business, May’s office said she and King Salman “discussed work- across the globe, undermining international security and figure.” Stylianides did not clarify if the funding was new, or after a drop in global oil prices by about half since 2014. ing together to address the humanitarian situation in stability,” Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled said. if it included some funds previously pledged by the interna- Britain will also assist Riyadh in “building a reformed Yemen”. On Tuesday, May held talks with a string of officials Aware of the volume of this humanitarian disaster, tional community for war-torn Syria. In London last year, Ministry of Defense” and reviewing defense capabilities, including Saudi Crown Prince and Interior Minister Kuwait had hosted three international conferences for donors put together two $6.0 billion tranches in aid, one for the premier’s office said. Mohammed bin Nayef and Defense Minister Mohammed donors to provide humanitarian aid to Syrians - in 2013, 2016 and the other to cover the period to 2019. May’s visit to the oil-rich kingdom came as she seeks to bin Salman, who is second in line to the throne. The British 2014 and 2015. Moreover, Kuwait had co-chaired the fourth The two-day Brussels meeting brought together some secure investment and trade after Britain officially started a premier also met Sarah Al-Suhaimi, the first woman to head international conference for states pledging assistance for 70 countries and aid groups who also wanted to show sup- two-year countdown to leave the European Union. The the Saudi stock exchange and a Saudi investment bank, and the Syrians in London in Feb 2016. Total Kuwaiti aid for port for UN-sponsored peace talks between the rebels and premier pitched the London bourse as a venue for the Princess Reema bint Bandar, head of the women’s section at Syrians in the four conferences reached $6.6 billion, he con- Russian-backed President Bashar Al-Assad. Yesterday’s ses- expected listing of oil giant Saudi Aramco, Bloomberg the General Authority for Sports. — AFP firmed, urging other nations that have not paid their sion was dominated by news that at least 72 civilians includ- pledged contributions to do so. Since the end of the ing 20 children had been killed in a suspected chemical London conference, where Kuwait pledged $300 million at weapons attack on the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun Trump: Attack ‘crossed a lot of lines’ a rate of $100 million every year between 2016 and 2018 - it in Idlib province. had honored its pledge for 2016. UN chief Antonio Guterres said “the horrific events of Continued from Page 1 partner along with Iran, said the text was “categorically Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled indicated that Kuwait had hon- yesterday demonstrate unfortunately that war crimes are unacceptable.” ored its financial obligations for the Syrians when the Kuwait going on in Syria”. “This conference must represent a The warning came during an emergency meeting of the The draft backs a probe by the Organization of the Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) inked mem- moment of truth where the international community” final- UN Security Council called by France and Britain after the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and demands oranda of understanding with the countries hosting the ly comes together to settle the war and give the Syrian peo- attack was carried out in the early hours on Tuesday. Haley Syria provide information on its operations. Russia’s Deputy refugees - namely Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Turkey - ple hope, he said. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson lashed out at Russia for failing to rein in its ally Syria, stand- Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov told the UN council that the ing in the UN Security Council with photographs of lifeless proposed resolution was hastily prepared and unnecessary, for funding projects in health, educational and utility sectors. told delegates it was “impossible for us to ignore the horrific victims, including children. “How many more children have but voiced support for an inquiry. “The main task now is to Moreover, Kuwait provided some $29 million to interna- attack” and pointed the finger of blame firmly at Damascus. to die before Russia cares?” she demanded. “If Russia has the have an objective inquiry into what happened,” he said. Johnson and other delegates repeatedly urged all parties to tional agencies, which support the Syrian people in their influence in Syria that it claims to have, we need to see them Moscow, which launched a military intervention in 2015 the conflict and their backers to condemn the attack and home country and neighboring ones, he said. It will honor use it,” she said. “We need to see them put an end to these in support of Assad’s forces, earlier defended the govern- its pledges for 2017 and 2018 by providing more than $600 the use of chemical weapons. horrific acts.” ment against accusations of responsibility for the attack. It million for infrastructural projects in countries neighboring Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri urged donors to At least 86 people, among them 30 children, were killed said the deaths were caused when a Syrian air strike hit a Syria, in addition to $58 million to relief agencies operating “invest in peace”. “Ladies and gentlemen, the current situa- in Khan Sheikhun, and dozens more were left gasping for air, “terrorist warehouse” used for making bombs containing on the ground, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled added. tion in Lebanon is a ticking time-bomb,” he told the confer- convulsing, and foaming at the mouth, doctors said. It is “toxic substances”, and pledged to continue its military sup- Elaborating, he indicated that Kuwait Foundation for ence. EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini admitted thought to be the worst chemical weapons attack in Syria port for Assad. Advancement of Science had secured more than 9,000 it was “surreal especially today” to be discussing the “post- since 2013, when sarin was used. US officials have not said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose forces teaching scholarships for refugees in the countries around conflict situation”. “But if you want peace you have to start what chemical agents were used, but Trump said it was “a have deployed in northern Syria, labeled Assad a “murderer”. Syria. On the other hand, he added that Kuwaiti charities building peace and the conditions for peace”, she said, urg- chemical gas that is so lethal, people were shocked to hear Iran, another key Assad ally, condemned “all use of chemical have been playing a key role soothing the Syrian people’s ing a “strong push to the political talks in Geneva.” what gas it was”. weapons” in Syria, but suggested the blame for the attack hardships, presenting $63 million in 2016. Moreover, during Delegates made clear that aid for reconstruction would not The attack has strained the already tense relations may lie with “terrorist groups”. Mohammed Alloush, a former the consultative meeting on the Syrian crisis hosted by be forthcoming until there was a genuine political transi- between the US and Russia, just days before Secretary of senior opposition negotiator and member of the Saudi- Qatar on April 2, 2017, Kuwait pledged $4.46 million. “From tion to a new Syrian government without Assad. “Our State Rex Tillerson is due to visit Moscow next week. At the backed Jaish al-Islam, called for Assad to face the this stand, I renew Kuwait’s unwavering and principled publics will not accept that their money go in any way to United Nations, Britain, France and the United States have International Criminal Court. “The only solution to Syria is to stand that a comprehensive and viable solution to the those responsible for these crimes,” Johnson said, referring presented a draft resolution demanding a full investigation summon Chemical Assad to the tribunal and not invite him Syrian crisis can only be attained through political settle- to the Idlib attack. — Agencies of the attack. Russia, Syria’s main diplomatic and military to the negotiating table,” he tweeted yesterday.— Agencies THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 ANALYSIS


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Focus Apple aims for more control, less chip design cost

pple Inc’s decision to stop licensing graphics chips from Imagination Technologies Group Plc Ais the clearest example yet of the iPhone maker’s determination to take greater control of the core tech- nologies in its products - both to guard its hefty mar- gins and to position it for future innovations, especially in so-called augmented reality. The strategy, analysts say, has already reduced Apple’s dependence on critical outside suppliers like ARM Holdings Plc, now owned by SoftBank Group Corp. Apple once relied heavily on ARM to design the main processor for the iPhone, but it now licenses only the basic ARM architecture and designs most of the chip itself. More recently, when Apple bought the headphone company Beats Electronics, part of a $3 billion deal in ‘Shock’ measures seize Beijing realty 2014, it ripped out the existing, off-the-shelf communi- cations chips and replaced them with its own custom- Local property agents reckon home cent rate for first-home buyers in the capital. designed W1 Bluetooth chip. “Apple clearly got rid of all i Wei, a recently married photographer more expensive shorter loans. Buying a the conventional suppliers and replaced about five in her 20s, fears her plans to sell her third property has already been banned. upgraders like Ji make up around 80 per- “My budget is up to 2.2 million yuan for the chips with one,” said Jim Morrison, vice president of JBeijing apartment and upgrade to one And the definition of a second-home cent of buyers in Beijing this year. Some down payment for a 2-bed flat,” Jiang says, TechInsights, a firm that examines the chips inside elec- costing 6.15 million yuan ($891,000) will buyer has been broadened to include any- developers, too, are concerned about the “But with the new requirement, I’d have to tronics devices. “Today we do much more in-house collapse because of new measures aimed at one who has a record of taking out a previ- impact on the market. “This round of tight- pay 3.5 million yuan as a down payment for development of fundamental technologies than we reining in a soaring property market. ous mortgage anywhere in China. Beijing ening is unprecedentedly harsh, and I’m my ideal home.” However, Cao Zhounan, used to,” Apple Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri said Beijing, home to about 22 million people, is has also curbed individuals buying new com- very, very pessimistic about the market,” CEO and chairman of property developer at a February conference. “Think of the work we do on on the frontline as China takes on specula- mercial property, and closed a loophole in Sun Hongbin, chairman of Sunac China Greentown China Holdings Ltd, while pre- processors or sensors. We can push the envelope on tors and tries to tame home prices. Chinese buyers faking divorce to take advantage of Holdings told financial magazine Caixin on dicting nationwide sales volumes will drop, innovation. We have better control over timing, over authorities fear surging prices are building first-home down payment rates. The number March 28. “The risks are very high in our says the market “will increasingly cater to cost and over quality.” Most vendors of consumer elec- up household debt, heightening banks’ of new clients expressing interest to buy fell industry mainly because property prices are genuine buyers who will actually live in the tronics products rely on outside suppliers for chip credit risks, and fanning resentment as by nearly a third in the week following the now limited by the government. If we buy homes they buy”. The restrictions may, design and development, primarily because it is home affordability fades. latest curbs, and home viewings dropped land at current price levels, we will no doubt intentionally or not, also drive property extremely expensive. That has created huge opportuni- Apartments in Beijing on average are still 30.7 percent, according to data from Lianjia, lose money.” investors to look beyond China’s capital. In a ties for companies like ARM, Qualcomm Inc and Nvidia cheaper than homes in Tokyo or London, Beijing’s dominant real estate broker. recent phone sales pitch, a telemarketer Corp, which have developed core technologies for pro- but prices hit their 2016 peak in December It may be too early to gauge the impact Beyond Beijing eagerly promoted projects in cities near cessing, communications and graphics that are used by and have continued to shatter records this on prices, though. data shows While Ji frets, other cities are copying Beijing, including earthquake-prone scores of vendors. Now, though, Apple is so big that it year. Second-hand homes in the capital prices in Beijing’s re-sale market grew 1.07 Beijing. In just two weeks, at least 50 cities Tangshan, which has a poor record on pollu- can economically create its own designs, or license averaged 63,082 yuan ($9,165) per square percent in March, slower than February’s 3.3 have emulated the capital, says Yan Yuejin, tion. “The tougher the stance that authori- small pieces of others’ work and build on it. As with metre in March, according to, a percent increase. Official March home price an analyst with E-House China R&D Institute, ties take in tier-1 cities, the greater the share ARM and Qualcomm, the actual manufacturing of the private provider of home price data - data is due on April 18. “The market will which tracks China’s housing policy. Those of activity that will be pushed into tier-2 and chips is still contracted out to a semiconductor foundry, enough to value a modest 90 sq m apart- freeze under the new measures,” said Yi include smaller and less developed cities beyond,” Westpac said in a March 20 note. such as those run by Samsung Electronics and Taiwan ment at $824,850. “Prices have surged Xianrong, a professor at Qingdao University that had benefited from a speculator-driven That could take some heat off tier-1 cities Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd. almost 50 percent for a two-bedroom apart- and former researcher at state think-tank boom, such as Zhuozhou and Langfang. Last such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and ment from when I first started looking in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. week, the housing ministry said Beijing’s Guangzhou, and shift investors’ capital to Move Fast, Save Money October,” said Jiang Yuan, 33, who works for tightening experience deserved to be stud- smaller cities where restrictions are less Bringing more of the design work in-house cuts a big data company. “Sales may drop 90 percent.” ied by the rest of the country, state media severe. On Monday, property agents in complexity, people familiar with the processes say. A previous round of restrictions cut the “It was like an ambush,” said Ji, the pho- reported. Beijing’s housing bureau represen- Xiongxian county in neighboring Hebei Instead of managing one or more design teams and number of re-sale market deals in Beijing by tographer. The prospective buyer for Ji’s flat tative Xu Jianyun was reported as saying the province shut up shop hours after Beijing then a fabricator, Apple has only to manage the fabrica- 37 percent in the three months to end- has now withdrawn, leaving her to find authorities would unswervingly contain ordered a ban on property sales in an effort tor. It may also help the company move faster - and December, but failed to stop prices rising. In another buyer quickly or risk defaulting on upward price pressure. to curb a sudden housing boom triggered by save money - as it focuses on new technologies such as mid-March, the municipal government act- her contract for the bigger home, and los- While the measures are aimed at specula- plans for a new special economic zone. virtual and augmented reality. Apple CEO Tim Cook has ed again - raising the minimum down pay- ing over half a million yuan in the deposit. tors, genuine buyers, too, are caught. Jiang, Household mortgages, which accounted for indicated that Apple plans to integrate augmented real- ment on a second home to 60 percent from “I’m worried no one wants to buy my 50 the big data worker, has an apartment in the 39 percent of China’s new loans last year, are ity into its products, which makes 3-D sensors and 50 percent. On bigger homes, that mini- square metre apartment anymore,” she says. eastern port city of Qingdao, and wants to not expected to pull back significantly. Central graphics chips like Imagination’s especially important. mum increases to 80 percent from 70 per- “I’m not the only one affected by the new buy his first home in Beijing, where he works. bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said last Even before formally cutting off Imagination, Apple cent. They also suspended issuing individ- policies. I’m just one link in a long chain. If But the re-definition on second-home buy- month that home loans will keep growing rel- had given hints that it was preparing to design its own ual mortgage loans of more than 25 years, one person scraps the contract, the whole ers means he faces paying at least a 60 per- atively rapidly this year, suggesting some tol- graphics processors. Specifically, it introduced a piece effectively forcing borrowers to take on chain is likely to break.” cent down payment instead of the 35 per- erance for household debt. — Reuters of its own code called Metal for app developers. App developers use Metal to make their apps talk to the graphics chip on the iPhone. By putting a piece of Apple-designed code between app developers and the phone’s chip, Apple has made it possible to swap out Mexicans build lives at home with US earnings the chip without interrupting how the developers work. That could also make it easier to bridge the gap for he Botello brothers grew up in a small stone hut in a paying for the wall. But they did notice a change in the month, I earn what I would make in six months back home,” developers between the graphics chips on Apple’s remote Mexican village until they went to the United United States as the Republican billionaire got closer and said Magdaleno Botello, 30, another of the brothers who phones and its desktop computers, which currently States. Now, by local standards, they are rich. But they closer to the Oval Office job he holds now. “There is more has been in Florida since 2014. require some separate coding. T fear that US President Donald Trump will take away their racism. People look at you as if you were a criminal. You Back in Piedras Negras, the Botello family farm their “By promoting Metal instead of relying on other future remittances - the dollars they earn as undocument- work more than the Americans and they pay you less,” said land and raise cattle. They toil from sunup to sundown. The existing standards, Apple is not only able to control ed migrant construction workers and send back home. “I Jose Botello. He said it is simply not fair that Trump might last harvest of corn and sorghum - it took seven months to what graphics chip functionality is exposed at its own would not have a house nor a pickup truck without the try to seize the money “that we work so hard to earn.” grow - got them 90,000 pesos (around $4,500). That com- pace, but also blur the line for developers between cod- money that I earned there,” Jose Botello, 28, told AFP, pares to the $3,000 that each brother can make per month ing for desktop and mobile GPUs,” said Pius Uzamere, proudly showing off his comfortable home in the village of Temporary work in the US. But in America, they are just passing through. the founder of a virtual reality startup called Ether. Piedras Negras in central Mexico. The Botello brothers entered the United States legally They plan to stay a few years, save money and return to the Taking control of the iPhone’s chips can also help After spending two years in the United States, Jose and with a work visa which, they say, “someone” got them at village. If the need for money arises, they can see them- Apple keep costs down, which is especially important his 24-year-old brother Federico came back in December the US Embassy in Mexico at a cost of $2,500. It was good selves going back to the United States for a while. But none as it gears up for a feature-laden new iPhone this fall. to get married in this sunbaked hamlet of just a few for three months, after which they were living in the coun- of them plans to stay there for good. Magdaleno said from Timothy Arcuri of Cowen & Co said in a research note unpaved roads. Four other siblings remain in Naples, try illegally. But it is all worth it, said Gabriel Botello - the Naples that he plans to return to Mexico soon and not that he thinks the curved screens expected on the new Florida, saving every penny they can with the dream of cre- brothers make an average of $20 an hour as construction return to the United States “so long as that man is in pow- phone could add as much as $50 in cost, for example. ating a better life back in Mexico. Remittances sent from workers. In a good month, each one is able to send home er”. He means Trump. What is more, he added, “people here Shebly Seyrafi, an analyst at FBN Securities, estimates the United States are the main source of income for many $2,000 and live on the $1,000 that is left. “Here, in one do not enjoy life as much as we do in Mexico”. — AFP that the average price of an iPhone increased only 1 per- families in Mexico, particularly rural people. And they are cent to $695 last quarter, while costs increased 8 percent one of the main sources of revenue for the country as a to $420, resulting in an iPhone gross margin of 39.6 per- whole: nearly $27 billion in 2016. So the Mexican govern- cent. That is down from the 44 percent average gross ment is watching Trump very closely, because he has men- margin for iPhones in 2015, according to Seyrafi’s esti- mates. Apple spends only $75 million a year on licensing tioned the idea of seizing such remittances or taxing them fees for Imagination’s chips. But licensing fees to chip to help pay for the wall he wants to build along the border designers, taken together, are a significant cost for the with Mexico. iPhone. Apple recently sued Qualcomm for $1 billion over licensing terms for its communications chips - ‘Sacrifice’ which Apple would have trouble designing in-house Emigrating “is a sacrifice because my wife stays behind. because of patent issues. — Reuters But it really is worth it because this is the only way to get ahead,” said Federico Botello, who built his home on a patch of land that also features dozens of head of cattle, also purchased with money he earned in the United States. “I may stay another year,” his 22-year-old brother Gabriel All articles appearing on these pages said by telephone from Naples, adding that back home are the personal opinion of the writers. there is scant economic opportunity. “We have done well. There have not been any immi- Kuwait Times takes no responsibility gration raids around here. But if they catch us, we will for views expressed therein. Kuwait have no choice but to return home,” said Gabriel Botello. He described his routine in Florida and going to work Times invites readers to voice their and then back home, day in and day out - “the life of an opinions. Please send submissions via unauthorized immigrant”. The Botello brothers do not speak English, and their Spanish is also pretty rudimen- email to: [email protected] or tary because they dropped out of school when they via snail mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, were young. So they do not know much about all the comments Kuwait. The editor reserves the right to Trump has made about Mexico - the campaign-era insults edit any submission as necessary. about some Mexican migrants being rapists and drug deal- Federico Botello, who migrated to the United States with his brothers in search of work and better opportunities a ers, the threats to ditch a major trade accord also involving few years ago, now lives in his hometown, Piedras Negras in Guanajuato state, Mexico, where he poses for a photo Canada, and the hint that remittances might be a target for during an interview on March 21, 2017. — AFP p15_Layout 1 4/5/17 10:24 PM Page 1


IOC strips more medals Liverpool fined over Guardiola tells players from 2008, 2012 Games approach for Stoke starlet to prove their worth LONDON: Liverpool were hit with an academy transfer ban and AARHUS: Uzbeki wrestler Artur Taymazov was stripped of his freestyle LONDON: Manchester City will make “necessary” changes to the squad ordered to pay £100,000 ($124,000, 117,000 euros) after admitting gold medal from the Beijing 2008 Olympics 96-120kg category following a when the transfer window opens in July and it is up to the players to their part in the ‘tapping up’ of a promising Stoke youngster. The positive doping sample in re-testing, the International Olympic prove the club cannot do without them, manager Pep Guardiola has Premier League club won’t be able to sign any academy players who Committee said yesterday. Fellow wrestler Vasyl Fedoryshyn of Ukraine, said. “Every club wants to improve and the changes are necessary but have been registered with a Premier League or Football League team who won silver in the men’s 55-60kg freestyle event at the we are going to discuss it at the end of the season,” the former same Games, was also disqualified along with Russian in the last 18 months. Although the ban is for two years, the second Barcelona and Bayern Munich manager told Svetlana Tzarukaeva, who won silver in the London 2012 12 months has been suspended for a three-year period and will only British media. “The players decide for them- women’s 63kg weightlifting event. All three tested posi- be activated in the event of any further similar breach by the club. A selves through their performances.” Third- tive for the anabolic steroid turinabol. More than 100 ath- brief statement from Liverpool said: “The club accepts the sanction.” placed City travel to face leaders Chelsea in letes have had positive results in re-tests of samples taken The case involves forbidden inducements offered to a 12-year-old at the Premier League. Chelsea saw their lead during the London and Beijing 2008 Olympics conduct- Stoke and whom Liverpool accept they spoke to before they should over Tottenham Hotspur trimmed to seven ed by the IOC. The re-testing programme is part of have and also paid for him and some of his family to attend a game at points after a stunning 2-1 home defeat to the IOC’s efforts to catch cheats using newer Anfield. Liverpool also offered to pay the player’s school fees, which Crystal Palace at the weekend and City mid- testing methods or looking for substances were being paid by Stoke at this time, but this was a breach of newly- fielder Kevin de Bruyne said nerves could that were not known at the time of past introduced regulations which state a benefit can only be offered if it is creep in at Stamford Bridge should City Olympics, and to prevent them from com- applicable to all youngsters across the club’s academy and this was emerge with a win. City trail Chelsea by 11 peting in future Games. —Reuters not the case.—AFP points. —Reuters

Nissan and NISMO announce global motorsport program for 2017

DUBAI: The 2017 motorsport season is about Yasuda. For the first time in seven years, Jo?o Team Principal: Masahiko Kondo to start, and on behalf of , Takao Paulo de Oliveira will return to KONDO Racing, Forum Engineering ADVAN GT-R / Yokohama Katagiri, CEO and president of NISMO, has now which took two victories last year, and will #46 - MOLA - Satoshi Motoyama / officially announced Nissan/NISMO’s motor- team up with Daiki Sasaki. MOLA will continue KatsumasaChiyo sport activities for 2017. These are as follows: with the same strong driver combination from Team Principal: ToshiomiOeki last year, with veteran Satoshi Motoyama chal- S Road CRAFTSPORTS GT-R / Michelin SUPER GT GT500 lenging the series alongside young gun Nissan’s new GT500 racer, which incorpo- With sights firmly set on reclaiming the KatsumasaChiyo. rates the distinctive design of the standard GT500 championship title, Nissan/NISMO will Toshikazu Tanaka, corporate vice president 2017 Nissan GT-R NISMO, was developed in field four newly developed Nissan GT-R NISMO of NISMO, remains as Nissan’s team executive compliance with the 2017 SUPER GT technical GT500 entries in 2017. director. The complete roster: regulations and inherits the competitive and Having won the SUPER GT GT500 hard-charging spirit of previous incarnations Championship two years in a row in 2014 and #23 - NISMO - Tsugio Matsuda / Ronnie of the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT500. 2015, but missing out on a third consecutive Quintarelli Officially revealed last November, the car title after leading the championship until the Team Principal: Yutaka Suzuki has undergone testing in Japan as well as in last event in 2016, NISMO will be back at the MOTUL AUTECH GT-R / Michelin Sepang, Malaysia. The updates will be made track with the driver pairing of Tsugio Matsuda #12 - TEAM - Hironobu Yasuda / just before the opening round and are expect- and Ronnie Quintarelli in Nissan’s ace car #23. JannMardenborough ed to result in an even stronger, more compet- Fresh from the GT300 class, GT Academy Team Principal: Kazuyoshi Hoshino itive GT-R that will build upon the previous graduate JannMardenborough will step up to Calsonic IMPUL GT-R / Bridgestone championship winning car’s legacy of domi- GT500, making his GT500 debut with TEAM #24 - KONDO Racing - Daiki Sasaki / Jo?o Paulo nance within the history of motorsports. IMPUL together with teammate Hironobu de Oliveira

OLYMPICS RUGBY LA blames Paris over Facebook ‘likes’ story Waratahs’ Foley returns from

AARHUS: Los Angeles yesterday accused rival Paris of being behind reports that the US city bought concussion to face Hurricanes Facebook “likes” to artificially boost it’s bid to secure the 2024 Games. Campaigning by the two cities is reaching a peak WELLINGTON: Wallabies flyhalf Bernard Foley has over- ahead of an International Olympic Committee decision come concussion symptoms and been cleared to play for on September 13 on which of the two will host the the New South Wales Waratahs tomorrow as they try to get 2024 Olympics. their Super Rugby season back on track against the Wellington Hurricanes. French radio station RTL said on Monday that the Foley missed the Waratahs’ first four games before LA 2024 bid had used fringe internet companies to returning to face the Melbourne Rebels two weeks ago. buy “likes”, so it could announce that it had become However, the symptoms reappeared and he missed last the first Olympic bidder to attract more than one mil- Sunday’s 41-22 loss to the Canterbury Crusaders. lion Facebook fans. “Bernard has been given the clearance after further Companies based in Pakistan, Bangladesh and expert reviews, including a review with neurologist, and Nepal are known to be used to buy social media “likes”. treatment over the course of the last week,” Waratahs “All Facebook advertising has been purchased coach Daryl Gibson said in a statement on Wednesday. directly through Facebook. It’s no surprise that this Foley’s fellow Wallabies back Rob Horne has been with- story originated from Paris,” LA 2024 spokesman Jeff drawn from the side due to a hamstring injury after initially Millman told AFP in a statement. being named to start in the centres. Israel Folau, therefore, “LA 2024 is a global campaign as the Olympic returns to the number 13 jersey with Bryce Hegarty in at movement is global. There are Olympic stakeholders in fullback. Hulking winger Taqele Naiyaravoro has also every country. “Bids advertise on traditional and social earned his first start of the season after a barnstorming media, and all Facebook advertising has been pur- performance against the Crusaders when he ran over the chased directly on Facebook.” top of George Bridge to score. A report picked up by several media documented a There will be no clash of giants on the wing, however, as sudden boost in fans on the LA 2024 Facebook page, the Hurricanes’ Julian Savea has been rested for tomorrw’s PARIS: Former All Blacks rugby player Alexander “Ali” Williams arrives at the Paris courthouse, yesterday. Williams increasing from just over 200,000 at the end of 2016 to match at Wellington Regional Stadium. and former Wallabies back James O’Connor were arrested last month outside a Paris nightclub. O’Connor was more than a million in April. Vince Aso, the competition’s top try-scorer with seven, fined for cocaine use by the Paris prosecutor’s office while Williams will face a hearing with the prosecutor for buy- At the start of the year most of the LA “likes” had has also been rested, allowing Cory Jane to make his first ing the equivalent of 2.4 grams of the drug. — AP come from the United States but since then fans from appearance this season while Wes Goosen gets his first developing countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh start. “If you look at Julian and Vince, they’ve both started and Nepal have dramatically increased. all five matches so far, so its a chance for them to freshen Millman said there was a logical explanation to the up, but equally it gives Cory and Wes an opportunity,” Surfing and canoe bodies in sudden spike in “likes” from far off countries. “Facebook Hurricanes’ coach Chris Boyd said. advertising is more efficient in countries where there is “At the end of the day we have faith in the depth in our less competition from other brands,” he said. squad, so whoever runs out there were confident they’ll do stand-up row over paddling the job. It’s a long season and you need to utilize your “Since the IOC’s international promotion period AARHUS: The rapidly growing popularity of stand up its organisation. “Up until last year there was no whole squad.” The Hurricanes will again be without All began on February 3, 2017, permitting bids to pro- paddleboarding (SUP) has led to an unlikely battle for interest from the ICF,” ISA President Fernando Blacks hooker Dane Coles, who has failed to recover from a mote internationally, our promotion has been directed control, with surfing and canoeing both claiming it as Aguerre told reporters yesterday. “The interest arose knee injury. Loose forward Ardie Savea was not considered primarily internationally, including Facebook advertis- an off-shoot of their own sport against a backdrop of when we were to bring SUP to the (2018) Youth after he sustained a calf injury in their 34-15 win over the ing around the world.” Over the same period, Paris also possible Olympic inclusion. Olympics in Buenos Aires.” saw its fans grow threefold but 80 percent of its new Queensland Reds. The Hurricanes, last year’s winners, are looming again as one of the competition favourites and The International Surfing Association (ISA) has “We have a track record of doing this. At the ICF Facebook “likes” came from France, with many of the organised competitions for years in SUP, a sport where now there is an interest of how they can be part of the rest from francophone countries such as Algeria and have 20 points from five matches. The Waratahs have just eight points after six games athletes stand on a board and move forward using a popularity of the sport.” Tunisia. Reports of the spike in LA’s social media popu- long paddle. Surfing is one of five new sports to be included in larity came as Los Angeles and Paris lobbied interna- but have the benefit of playing in a poorly-performing Australian conference and remain in the playoff hunt, But the International Canoe Federation (ICF) says the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, and Aguerre said the ISA tional sports leaders at the SportAccord convention in the use of the paddle automatically makes SUP, had unsuccessfully tried to include SUP in those Denmark.—AFP though they must start picking up points to stay in con- tention.—Reuters spreading quickly across the world’s beaches, part of Games as a surfing discipline.— Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 SPORTS

ARLINGTON: Texas Rangers shortstop Elvis Andrus, left, tags out Cleveland Indians Jose Ramirez at third during the sixth inning of a baseball game Tuesday, in Arlington, Texas. — AP

BASEBALL Indians win again, Cubs get first win of season

ARLINGTON: Carlos Santana led off with a top of the fence in center. St. Louis had a run- red to back a solid start by Lance McCullers home run while Carlos Carrasco struck out sev- ner on first in the ninth when Baez went into and help the Astros to the win. McCann’s Baseball results/standings en in his first start since breaking a bone in his short right field to take a hit away from Wong. homer off Hisashi Iwakuma put Houston up 1- right hand as the Cleveland Indians held on for The Cardinals challenged the bang-bang play 0 in the third inning, and Gonzalez broke a 1- San Diego 4, LA Dodgers 0; LA Angels 7, Oakland 6; San Francisco 8, Arizona 4; Chicago Cubs 2, St. Louis 1; Houston 2, Seattle 1; Cleveland 4, Texas 3; Colorado 6, Milwaukee 5; NY Yankees 5, Tampa Bay 0; Detroit 6, a 4-3 victory over the Texas Rangers on but the call stood. Arrieta pitched six innings all tie with his solo shot to left-center in the Chicago White Sox 3. Tuesday night. Carrasco missed the playoffs of one-run ball, helping the World Series sixth. McCullers, slowed by injuries for chunks for the AL champion Indians after getting champions bounce back from a wild loss on of last season, allowed one run and struck out American League National League struck on his hand by a line drive last opening day. Wade Davis worked the ninth for seven in six innings. Ken Giles got three outs Eastern Division Eastern Division W L PCT GB NY Mets 1 0 1.000 - September, and then had some elbow discom- his first save with the Cubs. Adam Wainwright for his second save. Danny Valencia had two Baltimore 1 0 1.000 - Philadelphia 1 0 1.000 - fort this spring. The right-hander limited Texas allowed two runs and three hits in five innings hits and drove in a run, the Mariners’ only one Boston 1 0 1.000 - Washington 1 0 1.000 - to two runs and four hits in 5 2/3 innings. Cody for St. Louis, which lost Stephen Piscotty to a in two games against the Astros. NY Yankees 1 1 .500 0.5 Atlanta 0 1 0 1 Allen allowed consecutive doubles by Nomar head contusion in the fifth. Tampa Bay 1 1 .500 0.5 Miami 0 1 0 1 Mazara and Mike Napoli starting a 25-pitch ROCKIES 6, BREWERS 5 Toronto 0 1 0 1 Central Division Central Division Chicago Cubs 1 1 .500 - ninth inning before striking out Rougned YANKEES 5, RAYS 0 Greg Holland earned his second save in Cleveland 2 0 1.000 - St. Louis 1 1 .500 - Odor, pinch-hitter Jurickson Profar and Joey CC Sabathia was sharp in his first start two days with Colorado, and Gerardo Parra Detroit 1 0 1.000 0.5 Gallo for his second save. Allen struck out the while Ronald Torreyes and Chase Headley hit a three-run double. Holland tossed a per- Minnesota 1 0 1.000 0.5 Cincinnati 0 1 0 0.5 side in the opener around a triple by Elvis both homered as the Yankees earned their fect ninth for the Rockies, who have opened Chicago White Sox 0 1 0 1.5 Pittsburgh 0 1 0 0.5 Kansas City 0 1 0 1.5 Milwaukee 0 2 0 1 Andrus. Cleveland won the first two games to first victory this season. Starting his 17th the season with 8 1/3 scoreless innings from Western Division major league season, the 36-year-old their bullpen. The former Royals reliever is Western Division clinch the opening series against two-time Houston 2 0 1.000 - Colorado 2 0 1.000 - defending AL West champions. Gallo hit a two- Sabathia allowed three singles in five innings. back on the mound after missing the 2016 LA Angels 1 1 .500 1 Arizona 1 1 .500 1 run homer for Texas and Martin Perez pitched Five relievers finished the five-hitter. Most of season following Tommy John surgery. Parra Oakland 1 1 .500 1 LA Dodgers 1 1 .500 1 six innings of three-run ball. the offense was supplied by the bottom of and Mark Reynolds, a pair of former Brewers, Seattle 0 2 0 2 San Diego 1 1 .500 1 the batting order. Torreyes, in the lineup look comfortable back in Milwaukee. Parra’s Texas 0 2 0 2 San Francisco 1 1 .500 1 CUBS 2, CARDINALS 1 because of a shoulder injury to Didi bases-loaded double made it 4-1 in the Albert Almora Jr. robbed Matt Adams of a Gregorius and batting ninth, hit New York’s third. Reynolds, who is playing first base TIGERS 6, WHITE SOX 3 White Sox manager. It was Jones’ first career home run and Javier Baez made a terrific slid- first home run this season, a two-run drive off with Ian Desmond sidelined by a broken left Justin Verlander struck out 10 to match the homer. Verlander gave up two runs and six hits ing stop on Kolten Wong’s game-ending Jake Odorizzi in the third that drove Aaron hand, added an RBI double in the fifth. Ryan most by a Detroit pitcher on opening day in 6 1/3 innings. Francisco Rodriguez relieved grounder, sending Jake Arrieta and the Cubs Judge. Odorizzi was charged with four runs Braun homered and doubled for the since Mickey Lolich in 1970 as the Tigers with two on in the ninth and retired three to their first win of the season. It looked as if and seven hits in six innings. Brewers. Zach Davies allowed six runs in 4 backed him with three home runs. JaCoby straight batters for the save. Quintana, a first- the Cardinals had tied the game in the seventh 1/3 innings. Tyler Anderson (1-0) struck out Jones, Nick Castellanos and Ian Kinsler con- time All-Star in 2016 and the subject of trade but Almora tracked Adams’ deep fly ball to the ASTROS 2, MARINERS 1 eight and allowed five runs in 5 2/3 innings nected against Jose Quintana, and the Tigers rumors, allowed six runs and five hits in 5 1/3 wall and hauled it in with a leaping grab at the Brian McCann and Marwin Gonzalez home- for the Rockies. sent Rick Renteria to a loss in his debut as innings. —AP

GOLF McIlroy joins Rahm for early Masters play

AUGUSTA: Four-time major winner Rory McIlroy and first-time Masters starter Jon Rahm, two of Europe’s top- rated golfers, play together for the first two rounds at Augusta National in pairings announced Tuesday. Northern Ireland’s McIlroy, trying to win a green jacket to complete a career grand slam, and Spaniard Rahm, fresh off a runner-up finish at the World Golf Championships Match Play in Austin, Texas, will join Japan’s Hideto Tanihara on the first tee at 1:41pm (1741 GMT) Thursday in the third-to-last group on the famed 7,435-yard layout. “I’ve played with a few of the Asian contenders, so I sort of expected one of those guys,” McIlroy said. “And then Jon Rahm, I haven’t played with him competitively. We played 18 holes, a practice round, in Austin. I’m really MELBOURNE: This file photo taken on March 26, 2017 shows Ferrari’s German driver Sebastian Vettel (R) spraying impressed with his game.” champagne with runner-up Mercedes’ British driver Lewis Hamilton (L) on the podium at the end of the Australian World number one Dustin Johnson Grand Prix in Melbourne. Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff has backed Lewis Hamilton to exact swift revenge at the will tee off in today’s final trio along- Chinese Grand Prix after a chastening defeat in ’s season opener in Australia. —AFP side fellow Americans Bubba Watson, a two-time Masters champion, and MOTOR RACING Jimmy Walker, who won his first major at last year’s PGA Championship. The ‘Best ever’ Hamilton faces resurgent Ferrari field of 94 also features some morning groups sure to excite Thursday specta- SHANGHAI: Lewis Hamilton has raised on their hands. Mercedes, who have tak- ny chairman Sergio Marchionne, but tors, notably the 10:34 am trio of 2015 his game but whether the Mercedes driv- en both the drivers and constructors’ they must now prove they can be gen- Masters and US Open winner Jordan er can deny Ferrari a second successive titles for the last three years, have won uine contenders. “You really have to go Spieth, two-time major winner Martin Kaymer of Germany and England’s win of the season in China this weekend four of the last five races in China. step by step,” said Vettel. “It’s good to AUGUSTA: Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland plays his shot from the 14th tee Matthew Fitzpatrick. remains to be seen. On paper, the triple As Melbourne showed, however, past know that we have a great car but it’s during a practice round prior to the start of the 2017 Masters Tournament The group behind them includes world champion is still the man to beat form may count for little in a season of just the beginning: new regulations, new at Augusta National Golf Club yesterday in Augusta, Georgia. —AFP the most successful driver by far in sweeping rule change. generations of cars so there will be a lot five-time major winner Phil Mickelson, Shanghai with four wins to date. “Lewis is “If you think you are going to cruise of progress.” trying to become the oldest Masters Amateur champion Curtis Luck of will have plenty of pressure as he the best Lewis that I’ve seen in the last to victory in the future, based on a track The cars this year are longer and champion two months shy of his 47th Australia and American Matt Kuchar. approaches his first Masters tee shot. four years, both on and off the track,” said record of success, you’ll be proven wider, sporting fatter tyres and more birthday. The US left-hander will be Europeans once dominated the “I’ll be very excited on the first tee,” Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff after the wrong very quickly,” said Wolff. “Australia swept-back bodywork as part of a rules joined by South Korea’s Kim Si-Woo Masters, winning six times in seven Rahm said. “I know the first tee shot Briton started on pole and finished sec- was a weekend full of lessons, now we shake-up aimed at making them faster, and Spain’s Rafael Cabrera-Bello. tries from 1988 to 1994, and could I’m going to be really, really pumped ond to Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel in the go to China ready and excited for anoth- more spectacular to watch and harder Just behind them, in what will be surge again this year with a record 11 up, so I don’t know how it’s going to Australian season-opener. “He has er battle.” Ferrari have not started a sea- to drive. But overtaking has also the final group to begin play in Englishmen in the field of 94, McIlroy go. “I want that, ‘Oh my God, I’m play- become a pillar of this team and he son with consecutive wins since 2004 at become more difficult, with Australia Friday’s second round, will be on solid form and Rahm, 22, having ing in the Masters’ moment, to be as proved that in Melbourne.” the peak of the Michael Schumacher era, raising concern about the lack of real Australia’s third-ranked Jason Day, won his first US PGA title at Torrey short as possible. I know it’s going to But Vettel is leading the champi- the Italian team taking 15 victories from moves. The long straights and wide England’s Justin Rose and American Pines earlier this year. happen. It might take one hole or two onship, the first time a non-Mercedes 18 races that season. Vettel’s win in sweeps of the Shanghai circuit saw 128 Brandt Snedeker. “He’s a great young player,” McIlroy holes but I want it to go away as soon driver has done that since he took his Australia ended a victory drought for passes last year, more than at any other Defending Masters champion said. “He’ll be a huge asset to our as possible. I don’t want to get to my fourth title with Red Bull in 2013, and Ferrari stretching back to September track, and should provide a more defini- Danny Willett of England tees off European Ryder Cup team in years to 12th hole and be like, ‘OK, we’re 3- once-dominant Mercedes have a fight 2015, and drew rare praise from compa- tive verdict.— Reuters Thursday at 12:35 pm alongside US come. I’m looking forward to it.” Rahm over par, let’s get to work.’” — AFP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 SPORTS

Neymar Jr’s Five Concludes Tonight at Al Kout Mall

Sixteen teams will compete during the national final of Neymar Jr’s Five by Red Bull at the beach side of Al Kout Mall at 6:00 in the evening, in partnership with Acqua Eva, Intersport, Al Rai Media Group, Kuwait Times and Al Kout Mall. After two weeks and six qualifiers, the qualified teams were shortlisted out of more than 150 team from different football fields: Dasma’s Hassan Abul, Goal Al Shaab and Premier Academy in Bayan.

he unique tournament was open to teams of seven players between 16-25 but this year, for Tthe first time, each team will be able to have two players over the age of 25. During the national final in Kuwait, the teams will play a series of 10 minute games and the time will be stopped before the last minute, during which every team loses a play- er every time their opponents score a goal until one player is left or the time is over. The teams that qualified to the national final and will compete today are: Edello, Columbia, Abood, Al Shabab, Brazil, Real Madrid, Gunners, Ahmad Al Khadhari, Abtal Barcelona, Montakhab Al Jaliya Al Souriya, Payeluchan, King, Vendamon, Al Grinta, FC Remondtada and Pirates. The winning team will represent Kuwait against the 53 other winning teams during the World Final held in Brazil later this year, with a chance to meet and play with the Brazilian legendary and Barcelona FC’s icon Neymar Junior. The tournament is inspired by street football Neymar Jr himself grew up play- ing and the Barcelona and Brazil forward cannot wait to see a new season of this remarkable tourna- ment kick off.

What did Neymar say about his dreams in 2017? “I will always continue to wish peace, health and joy to my family and friends,” Neymar Jr said when asked about his hopes for the future. “On the field, I want to continue having fun as always and as long as I can do that, my year will be good.” “In 2017, I hope to win more games, more titles and to score many more goals – as always. I want to continue evolving as an athlete and to help my team mates on the pitch, both for Barcelona and the Brazilian national team.” “Long term, if I could choose any other country to play in it would be the United States. The culture in the US is incredible, and that really attracts me – as do your team to advanced positions in the tournament,” place at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia scores, the opposition loses a player, which makes the amazing cities. It would be a great place to play said Neymar. The 2016 champions, Angus da Paula, Grande, Brazil The 2016 World Champions were it fast, technical, tactical – and unique in the world one day.” won a high-profile flight to Barcelona, and got lucky ‘Anjos da Bola’ – Angels of the Ball – aged 20-22 of football. More than 65,000 players from 47 coun- “I always played with my friends, using small to spend time with Neymar Jr. during the club’s from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The 2017 final will again tries signed up to play in the first year of Neymar goals.” he said. “The tournament reminds me of my practices. “Meeting with the winners was fantastic, be played at the home of the Neymar Jr at Instituto Jr’s Five and 2017 promises to be even bigger. This childhood and I am very proud of it. To win the five-a- and now I’m eager to see who will succeed in reach- Projeto Neymar Jr in July year’s tournament is open to teams of five to seven side games and outplay them all, you need strategy ing the 2017 World Cup final in Brazil,” said Neymar. Website: players aged 16 to 25, and for the first time two and a good understanding of what the best moment Facebook: over-aged players are allowed in the squad. The is to attack and defend. A good defense is very impor- Neymar Jr’s Five fact file: teams will set out with the hope of making it all the tant as well and can bring your team very far in the 10,000 teams took part in the first edition in 2016 About Neymar Jr’s Five way from the qualifiers, to their national final and tournament.” Altogether, more than 65,000 players were regis- Neymar Jr’s Five is the Brazilian forward’s signa- on to the World Final in July 2017, at the Instituto “To win a match of five players for each team and tered Tournaments took place in a total of 47 coun- ture football tournament – and a truly global phe- Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil. Sign your excel, you have to develop a good strategy and tries in 6 continents Regional winners go through to nomenon. Across six continents and more than 50 team up now – and who knows, you could soon be knowing the right moment for attack and defense, their national final. National winners go through to countries, five-a-side teams battle it out in 10- playing on Neymar Jr’s home turf. Dare to dream, good defense is also very important, and can help the Neymar Jr’s Five World Final. The 2016 final took minute matches with a twist. Every time one team and outplay them all! THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 SPORTS

Nations turn to Plan B for hockey at Olympics with no NHL

NEW YORL: The morning after the NHL is true even in European professional player pool “as deep as it has ever been,” Renney said. In a recent interview, Renney that. Assuming European leagues do give announced it wasn’t going to the 2018 leagues. and executive Jim Johannson - who could said Hockey Canada has already pursued players permission or stop their seasons, Olympics, some Americans playing in The result in coming months may be be tasked with putting the team together its Plan B and will be nimble enough to the player pool for the U.S., Canada and Europe started wondering if they should nations navigating a wild set of complica- - said the US will “have 25 great stories on adjust to any changes to rules concerning other countries could grow if potential keep their schedules open for next tions in putting their Olympic teams the ice in South Korea and will go to the eligible players. Two-time Canadian borderline NHL free agents choose to go February. “Myself and couple other together. If Patrick Kane, Jonathan Quick, Olympics with medal expectations.” Olympic gold-medal winner Jonathan abroad next season for a chance to play in Americans, Deron Quint and Dave Leggio, Jack Eichel and Auston Matthews aren’t Toews expects top junior and college and the Olympics. were joking around to not make any plans available, USA Hockey will likely look to GOLD-MEDAL EXPECTATIONS a lot of European players to make up Russia is likely to be the gold medal over the Olympic break next year because Americans playing Europe to fill the bulk Two-time defending Olympic champi- Canada’s roster. favorite thanks to former NHL stars like they might need us to play,” said Keith of its roster and mix in a handful of col- on Canada always has gold-medal expec- “There are some really good players Pavel Datsyuk and Ilya Kovalchuk playing Aucoin, a 38-year-old former NHL forward lege players. Former NHL forward Mark tations but is arguably hurt the most of playing in Europe,” the Chicago in the KHL and being available. Alex who is playing in Germany. Arcobello leads the top Swiss league in any country by the NHL not going. Blackhawks’ captain said.. “They’re guys, Ovechkin intends to go to the Olympics No joking, they might. In the aftermath scoring, Aucoin is among the leaders in Canada’s benefit is that it has depth of tal- you look at them, and you’re surprised anyway, and Washington Capitals team- of the NHL’s decision, USA Hockey and Germany, and former NHL defenseman ent that spills over into the AHL and they’re not playing here and making big mates Evgeny Kuznetsov and Dmitry other national federations insisted they Matt Gilroy and Jonathon Blum are piling European professional leagues. money. Canadian hockey, obviously I’m Orlov said they plan to join him. have a Plan B - but it’s not clear how to up points in the Kontintental Hockey It’s not the elite of the elite, but there biased, we’ve proven we’re the best over Finland, the Czech Republic and proceed. League based primarily in Russia. are more than 550 Canadians playing in the course of time. The amount of talent Slovakia could benefit from the absence Just because the NHL doesn’t stop its Goaltending options for the Americans the AHL and more than 200 across Europe, and players we’ve produced out of of NHL stars because of the players they season to participate in South Korea does- could include Leggio and Jerry Kuhn play- including former NHL goalie Ben Scrivens, Canada is so great, that we could ice a have in Europe. Big goalie Mikko Koskinen n’t mean some players won’t try to go ing in Germany, Ryan Zapolski from the defensemen Cam Barker and Brendan good team whether we had NHL players isn’t Tuukka Rask but would give the Finns anyway, and the league hasn’t decided if it KHL, Notre Dame’s Cal Peters and Tyler Mikkelson and forwards Derek Roy, Daniel or not.” Although the International a chance, and the Czechs could get stable will allow teams to give players permis- Parsons of the Ontario Hockey League’s Paille and Jonathan Cheechoo. Olympic Committee said “players from all goaltending from KHL stars Dominik Furch sion to leave. The federations can’t just London Knights, who just led the US to “We have developed both a Plan A and the other professional ice hockey leagues and Pavel Francouz - plus maybe Jaromir raid the American Hockey League - many world junior gold. USA Hockey executive a Plan B, and will be ready to move for- will participate” in Pyeongchang, there’s Jagr goes home at age 45 for one last players have NHL contracts - and the same director Dave Ogrean called the country’s ward,” Hockey Canada president Tom even a small amount of uncertainty about Olympic chance.—AP

CRICKET India’s Kohli, Pakistan’s Misbah and Younis, get Wisden honours

LONDON: India captain Virat Kohli has performances during Pakistan’s 2-2 Test been named as the Leading Cricketer in the series draw in England-a result that saw World in the 2017 edition of the respected Pakistan, under Misbah’s captaincy, briefly Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack, — ‘cricket’s rise to number one in the world Test rank- bible’-published this week. ings. “Misbah-ul-Haq was central to one of Meanwhile Pakistan’s Misbah-ul-Haq the most riveting series in England for and Younis Khan were named as two of years,” wrote Booth. Wisden’s Five Cricketers of the Year. “His century in the First Test at Lord’s set According to editor Lawrence Booth, Kohli a benchmark for his team-mates, while his had “the year of his dreams” in 2016, “aver- celebratory press-ups became one of the aging more with the bat in each of the motifs of the year. three formats than anyone: 75 in Tests, 92 “Against the odds, he led Pakistan, with- in one-day internationals and 106 in out a home Test since 2009, to the top of Twenty20 internationals”. the rankings-and all at the age of 42.” Under Kohli, India won series trophies in Turning to Younis, he added: “With the all three formats against England in pressure on, Younis Khan delivered. His 2016/17. Booth said the star batsman’s 235 classy 218 in the final Test of the summer, at in the fourth Test against England at The Oval, helped Pakistan square the series Mumbai confirmed him as the “spiritual after successive defeats had left them in successor to Sachin Tendulkar”. danger of squandering their win at Lord’s. Kohli is the third Indian to win an award “It was his 32nd Test hundred-and a that has only been in existence since 2003 reminder that his struggles earlier in the and is designed to recognise achievement series had been a blip rather than part of a in all forms of the international game in the decline.” England all-rounder Chris Woakes, previous calendar year. who enjoyed a breakthrough year in 2016 Dynamic opener Virender Sehwag won that included 26 wickets at 16 apiece in twice, in 2008 and 2009, with Tendulkar four Tests against Pakistan, was also one of himself awarded the title in 2010. Wisden’s Five Cricketers of the Year. The 2017 women’s award was won by Middlesex’s Toby Roland-Jones, whose Australia’s Ellyse Perry. While the Leading hat-trick against Yorkshire at Lord’s sealed Cricketer of the Year award is a relatively the County Championship title for the new concept by the standards of Wisden-a London club, and Northamptonshire bats- British-based publication which has man Ben Duckett, who scored 2,706 runs in appeared every year since 1864, with not all formats during a prolific season, com- BOSTON: Jake Dotchin #59 of the Tampa Bay Lightning defends David Backes #42 of the Boston Bruins during the third period at TD Garden on even the First and Second World Wars halt- pleted the quintet. April 4, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts. The Bruins defeat the Lightning 4-0. — AFP ing its print run-the Five Cricketers of the Reflecting on other topics, Booth said Year is a tradition that dates back 128 years. Alastair Cook had chosen “the right time to NHL The usual criteria for inclusion in that go” in resigning as England’s Test captain award, which can only be won once in a following the 4-0 series loss in India. player’s career, is the impact a player had However, he added: “That his team lost on the preceding English season. only four of his 17 Test series in charge was Bruins clinch playoff berth testament to a very English grit: understat- ‘RIVETING’ ENGLAND-PAKISTAN SERIES ed, occasionally self-conscious, always Veteran batsmen Misbah and Younis bloody-minded. It proved an exhausting with 4-0 win over Lightning were both honoured in the context of their combination.” —AFP

BOSTON: Tuukka Rask continued his late-season Catch live action of VIVO 2017 IPL surge, making 28 saves for his second shutout in NHL results/standings four starts in leading the Boston Bruins to a sixth exclusively on OSN Sports Cricket HD straight win with a 4-0 victory over the Tampa Los Angeles 6, Edmonton 4; San Jose 3, Vancouver 1; Anaheim 3, Calgary 1; Colorado 4, Chicago 3 (OT); Dallas 3, Bay Lightning. The win enabled the Bruins to Arizona 2 (OT); Winnipeg 5, St. Louis 2; NY Islanders 2, Nashville 1 (OT); Minnesota 5, Carolina 3; Washington 4, KUWAIT: Experience all the excitement and year; or will ViratKohli’s Royal Challengers clinch a playoff berth with two games remain- Toronto 1; Ottawa 2, Detroit 0; Boston 4, Tampa Bay 0; New Jersey 1, Philadelphia 0 (OT); Pittsburgh 4, Columbus 1. all the drama of the world’s premier T20 Bangalore go one better this time around, ing. David Pastrnak scored his 33rd and 34th Western Conference Ottawa 42 27 10 205 208 94 tournament as the VIVO 2017 Indian to be crowned champions? goals of the season, Drew Stafford netted his Central Division Boston 44 30 6 232 207 94 Premier League (IPL) is broadcast live and Whatever happens during the first in 12 games and Zdeno Chara scored a pow- WLOTLGFGAPTS Toronto 39 25 15 243 232 93 exclusive on OSN Sports Cricket HD and enthralling eight-team tournament, OSN er-play goal. David Krejci had two assists. Brad Chicago 50 22 8 242 206 108 Tampa Bay 39 30 10 222 222 88 streamed live on OSN Play this April. Sports Cricket HD and OSN Play are the Marchand was ejected in the first period for Minnesota 47 25 8 259 204 102 Reaching fans across the Middle East only places in the region to catch allthe spearing Jake Dotchin in the groin. Marchand, a St. Louis 43 29 7 221 209 93 Florida 33 35 11 202 231 77 and North Africa (MENA) region, OSN action, live and exclusive, from April 5. 39-goal scorer, received a major and game mis- Nashville 40 28 12 232 219 92 Buffalo 32 35 12 197 229 76 Sports Cricket HD is the only cricket sports Fans canenjoy live IPL updates and join conduct and faces league discipline that could Winnipeg 38 35 7 242 251 83 Detroit 32 36 12 201 240 76 channel where fans can watch the undis- the conversation on Twitter and Facebook result in his seventh suspension. Dallas 33 36 11 216 252 77 Metropolitan Division Colorado 22 54 3 158 267 47 puted kings of T20 go head to head; while with @OSNSports. OSN Sports Cricket HD Washington 53 18 8 258 179 114 fans can watch a live stream of the action remains the #1 destination for world-class Pacific Division AVALANCHE 4, BLACKHAWKS 3 (OT) Anaheim 44 23 13 215 197 101 Pittsburgh 49 19 11 270 222 109 via OSN Play on any device. cricket across all forms of the game, covering Erik Johnson scored at 1:57 of overtime and Edmonton 44 26 9 235 206 97 Columbus 49 22 8 240 184 106 Every ball, every run, every wicket will all major ICC Tournaments, Pakistan Super Colorado rallied to beat Chicago. Matt Duchene San Jose 45 28 7 216 196 97 NY Rangers 47 26 6 252 213 100 be shown in stunning high-definition League, The Asia Cup, India home games and had a goal and two assists, and Gabriel Calgary 44 32 4 221 217 92 NY Islanders 38 29 12 230 238 88 bringingcricket-lovers closer to the action. much more; whilst OSN Playgives fanslive Landeskog and Mikhail Grigorenko also scored Los Angeles 38 34 7 194 195 83 Philadelphia 38 33 9 212 230 85 Vancouver 30 40 9 175 231 69 Will reigning champions Sunrisers streaming access to all these amazing tour- for the Avalanche. Marcus Kruger had a goal and Carolina 35 30 14 207 225 84 Hyderabad defend the title they won last namentson their mobile devices. Arizona 29 41 10 192 254 68 an assist and Artemi Panarin and Ryan Hartman New Jersey 28 37 14 176 229 70 scored for the Blackhawks. Eastern Conference Atlantic Division Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the Montreal 46 24 9 220 192 101 standings and are not included in the loss column (L) STARS 3, COYOTES 2 (OT) Julius Honka scored with 1:15 remaining in overtime and Dallas beat Arizona at American Clarke MacArthur, Ottawa snapped a five-game two-on-one chance. He skated with the puck Airlines Center. Brett Ritchie and Jason Dickinson losing streak and moved closer to securing a down the left wing and made an elevated pass also scored for the Stars. Anthony Duclair and playoff spot with a victory over Detroit at across to Moore, who one-timed it for the victory. Christian Dvorak scored for the Coyotes. Canadian Tire Centre. It was MacArthur’s first game since Oct. 14, 2015, when he suffered a SHARKS 3, CANUCKS 1 WILD 5, HURRICANES 3 concussion in Columbus. Erik Karlsson and Tom San Jose clinched no worse than a third- Two goals by Nino Niederreiter along with Pyatt scored for the Senators. Craig Anderson place finish in the Pacific Division with a win single tallies from Zach Parise, Jordan Schroeder stopped 24 shots for his fifth shutout of the sea- over Vancouver while fourth-place Calgary lost and Charlie Coyle helped Minnesota overcome son. Jimmy Howard made 22 saves in the Red to first-place Anaheim. Rookie Kevin Labanc and Carolina. The Hurricanes were eliminated from Wings’ cage. veteran Joel Ward scored within 12 seconds to playoff contention with the loss while the Wild get the Sharks off to their fast start. Chris Tanev clinched home ice in the first round. Jeff Skinner CAPITALS 4, MAPLE LEAFS 1 scored his second goal of the season for had a pair of goals for the Hurricanes, while Lee Philip Grubauer stopped 27 shots and lost his Vancouver. Stempniak had a goal and an assist. bid for his fourth shutout of the season in the final two minutes as Washington defeated DUCKS 3, FLAMES 1 ISLANDERS 2, PREDATORS 1 (OT) Toronto. Lars Eller, Kevin Shattenkirk, Nate Kevin Bieksa scored his first goal in 3 1/2 Thomas Hickey scored 1:25 into overtime to Schmidt and Tom Wilson scored for the Capitals. months to give Anaheim a lead it would not give New York a win over Nashville at Bridgestone Brett Connolly added two assists for relinquish over Calgary at Honda Center. Patrick Arena. The Predators took a 1-0 lead with 12:57 Washington. Mitch Marner scored the Maple Eaves and Chris Wagner also scored for the left in the second period on Mike Fisher’s goal. Leafs’ goal on a power-play at 18:52 of the third Ducks, who received 26 saves from John Gibson The Islanders tied the contest 1-1 just 1:32 into period. It was his 19th goal of the season. and retained sole ownership of first place in the the third period on a goal by Brock Nelson. Pacific Division with two games left. PENGUINS 4, BLUE JACKETS 1 JETS 5, BLUES 2 Pittsburgh, in second place in the KINGS 6, OILERS 4 Patrik Laine scored two goals to lead Metropolitan Division, moved three points Nick Shore registered a goal and three Winnipeg over St Louis. The win was the fifth in a ahead of third-place Columbus. The Penguins, in assists, and Dustin Brown added a goal and an row by the Jets and completed a five-game sea- their final home game of the regular season, got assist as Los Angeles defeated Edmonton. son sweep of the Blues. The loss was only the goals from Carter Rowney, Patric Hornqvist, Trevor Lewis, Tanner Pearson, Drew Doughty second in regulation by the Blues in their last 16 Brian Dumoulin and Jake Guentzel. Brandon and Nic Dowd also scored for the Kings. games. Mark Scheifele, Nikolaj Ehlers and Mark Dubinsky scored the Blue Jackets’ goal. Rookie Jonny Brodzinski registered his first Stuart also scored for the Jets while Jori Lehtera two NHL points, with two assists. Jonathan and Alex Pietrangelo scored for the Blues. DEVILS 1, FLYERS 0 (OT) Quick stopped 23 Edmonton shots. Ryan John Moore scored 59 seconds into overtime Nugent-Hopkins scored two goals and Darnell SENATORS 2, RED WINGS 0 to give New Jersey a victory over Philadelphia at Nurse and Milan Lucic scored one each for the Sparked by the return of veteran winger Prudential Center. Taylor Hall set up the goal on a Oilers. —Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 SPORTS US soccer, women’s team settle labor dispute

CHICAGO: The United States Soccer “We are proud of the hard work and this entire process,” Rapinoe said in a grassroots level,” Gulati said. decades, winning a record third World Federation and the country’s women commitment to thoughtful dialogue statement. “While I think there is still The New York Times reported that Cup title in 2015 following wins in 1991 footballers agreed a new long-term reflected through this process and look much progress to be made for us and for under the deal, the women’s team and 1999. US women have also cap- labor deal yesterday, ending a dispute forward to strengthening our partner- women more broadly, I think the WNTPA would see a sharp increase in base pay tured four gold medals and a silver at that had raised the prospect of strike ship moving forward.” The US women should be very proud of this deal and and match bonuses. the Olympics. action. Both sides signed a collective have filed a separate case with the feel empowered moving forward.” The changes would allow some play- However the women have com- bargaining agreement (CBA) through to Equal Employment Opportunity ers to double their pay to between plained about different treatment by 2021, US Soccer and the US Women’s Commission, accusing US Soccer of vio- ‘AN IMPORTANT STEP’ $200,000 to $300,000 a year, The Times US Soccer, noting that the men’s team National Team Players Association lating equal pay and sex discrimination US Soccer President Sunil Gulati report said, but stopped short of guar- travels first class while women flew in (WNTPA) said in a joint statement. “We laws. That case remains active despite described the deal as “an important anteeing pay equal to the US men’s economy. The American women have are pleased to announce that US Soccer the new CBA. Several members of the step to continue our longstanding team. Other changes to the CBA includ- also complained about playing match- and the US Women’s National Team World Cup-winning side had said they efforts to drive the growth of women’s ed improved “lifestyle benefits” relating es on artificial turf, when the men’s Players Association have ratified a new were prepared to go on strike if a broad soccer in the United States.” to hotels and travel, and per diems team plays virtually all its games on collective bargaining agreement which range of grievances were not “This agreement helps to ensure the which were equal to the US men’s grass. In 2015, the US women refused will continue to build the women’s pro- addressed. strength of the women’s national team, national team. Players who become to play a friendly against Trinidad & gram in the US, grow the game of soc- US midfielder Megan Rapinoe wel- provide stability and growth potential pregnant or adopt a child would also Tobago in Hawaii, announcing their cer worldwide, and improve the profes- comed the new labor agreement. “I am for the National Women’s Soccer receive greater financial support. decision on the eve of the game after sional lives of players on and off the incredibly proud of this team and the League, and over time strengthen the The US team have been one of the inspecting a badly worn surface strewn field,” the statement said. commitment we have shown through elite player development process at the powerhouses of women’s football for with rocks. —AFP

Shakespeare warns Leicester City to beware sting in tale

Marc Albrighton and Islam Slimani, and seven minutes later the pair combined for Leicester City 2 the opening goal before Albrighton teed up Jamie Vardy for the second. “It doesn’t feel easy, especially on the sideline,” said Shakespeare. “I’ve never felt Sunderland 0 really comfortable until the final whistle, so no, it doesn’t feel easy. “When I saw the games in front of me, starting against LEICESTER: Craig Shakespeare refused to Liverpool, I couldn’t have imagined this. “I declare Leicester’s survival battle won am really pleased with the impact of the despite leading his team into the top half substitutions because that is what you of the Premier League table. Shakespeare’s make them for.” team moved to 10th place after a 2-0 victo- Meanwhile, Moyes is enduring a far ry against Sunderland on Tuesday that left more torrid time than Shakespeare, with beleaguered Black Cats boss David Moyes poor results on the pitch combined with looking doomed to relegation. controversy off it. Hours before kick-off at The triumph extended Shakespeare’s Leicester, his club were forced to back him winning run at the start of his Premier publicly over his threats to ‘slap’ a female League management career to five games reporter who recently quizzed him about and took the Foxes to nine points above his job security. the bottom three. “I’ve been surprised in many ways (by But Shakespeare, who replaced the the reaction) but I’ve done my job with the sacked Claudio Ranieri, refused to accept players, prepared them and organised the job of staving off relegation is com- them,” he said. “The world of football is a plete. “No, I am still not going to say that great business now, it employs an incredi- MANCHESTER: Manchester United’s Zlatan Ibrahimovic scores from the penalty spot, against Everton during their English Premier League soc- because I think we are never quite sure if ble amount of people, whether it be in the cer match between Manchester United and Everton at Old Trafford in Manchester, England, Tuesday. —AP other teams are capable of going on good media or at the training grounds, and for runs,” he said. “I have been in football for that reason football is a big talking point. SOCCER long enough to know anything can hap- “It was not difficult at all, I said and did pen. “We have to make sure we stay all the things, prepared the players and did focused and move onto the next one. “We the same things we would do for any other have to make sure we prepare for Sunday game.” But Moyes conceded his rock bot- Late Ibra penalty saves Man at Everton because that’ll be another big tom side, now eight points from safety, face test for us. “We have to make sure we’re an almost impossible task to save them- ready for each football match. “That’s my selves from relegation after back-to-back job. We have to be competitive in every losses at Watford and Leicester. “It’s tougher. United, more Sunderland woe game but the idea is to try to win it and I really felt that to give us a real chance we that’s what we’ll do until the end of the sea- would have to win one of these two away son.” Shakespeare admitted that his start to games and they both were difficult on support to Moyes while also saying comments match in succession by beating West Bromwich life at the helm had exceeded his own paper,” he said. “What I didn’t put down was that he made to a female BBC reporter after his Albion 2-0, with Troy Deeney becoming the first expectations, with his Midas touch extend- a win against a Manchester United or an Man United 1 team’s defeat at the weekend, suggesting she player to score in four straight Premier League ing to inspirational substitutions against Arsenal or Chelsea in our remaining fixtures “might get a slap”, had been “wholly inappropri- games at Vicarage Road. Burnley also eased the Sunderland. so in my head I know have to win at least ate.” Moyes has since apologised for the com- pressure on themselves, ending a seven-match He made a double change, bringing on one of those games.” —AFP ments. The defeat left Sunderland three points streak without a victory as George Boyd got the Everton 1 adrift at the foot of the table, still eight points winner just before the hour in a 1-0 triumph from the safety zone. Watford won a second over Stoke City. — Reuters

MANCHESTER: Manchester United’s struggle to achieve a top-four finish continued on Tuesday as Zlatan Ibrahimovic came to their rescue with Atletico close on Real an added time penalty to salvage a 1-1 draw against Everton in their Premier League clash at Madrid ahead of derby Old Trafford. Manager Jose Mourinho had to preside over MADRID: Atletico Madrid’s fine form contin- quick succession against his former club as his another disjointed United display which ended ued as Filipe Luis scored the winner in a 1-0 first effort was deflected behind before with Ibrahimovic netting his 16th league goal of win over Real Sociedad to close to within sev- Geronimo Rulli got down well to save low to the season on his return from suspension to take en points of La Liga leaders Real Madrid on his right. The French international was also their unbeaten run to 20 league matches. Tuesday. Luis had scored his first goal of the involved in the only goal as Luis exchanged At the other end of the table, Sunderland season in Saturday’s 2-0 win at Malaga and passes with he and Torres before slotting moved closer to what seems almost inevitable netted for the second consecutive game for home. Torres then somehow failed to double relegation, beaten 2-0 at Leicester City whose the first time in his career by rounding off a Atletico’s lead as he turned Carrasco’s low new manager Craig Shakespeare could celebrate fine team move on 28 minutes. Fernando cross onto the post with the goal gaping an a fifth successive league win since taking over Torres, Yannick Carrasco and Angel Correa all then fired the rebound into the side-netting. from Claudio Ranieri. passed up chances to add to Atletico’s advan- Carrasco was also then wasteful as he shot Mourinho was left bemoaning the loss of tage, but they held on to move three points too close to Rulli after an unselfish cutback by more valuable points after a ninth league draw clear of Sevilla in the battle for third. Griezmann. Griezmann was replaced by Angel at Old Trafford this term bore all the now familiar Real Madrid still have two games in hand Correa with 19 minutes remaining as Diego hallmarks of blunt finishing mixed with misfor- on Atletico, but the two face each other in the Simeone looked ahead to Saturday’s derby and tune. The result left United in fifth place on 54 Madrid derby on Saturday. Real and Barcelona the visit of Leicester in their Champions League points, four points behind rivals Manchester City, are in action later when they take on Leganes quarter-final, first leg next midweek. And who currently occupy the fourth and final and Sevilla respectively. Correa also passed up a huge chance to seal Champions League qualifying spot. Mourinho Atletico will travel to the Santiago the three points when he blasted wide with just felt United had suffered more bad luck as Bernabeu brimming with confidence after a Rulli to beat 10 minutes later. A third defeat in Ibrahimovic also had a 71st minute headed fifth straight La Liga win. “Other than the four games sees Sociedad slip to seventh as effort ruled out for the most fractional of offside opening 15 minutes when they dominated Villarreal and Athletic Bilbao boosted their decisions. “For me it wasn’t an offside,” the the ball, we imposed our tempo, pressed well chances of Europa League qualification. Bilbao Portuguese told BT Sport. “Some guys are suffer- high up the pitch and created chances,” said were 2-0 victors over Espanyol thanks to Aritz ing (from lack of confidence) a bit,” he also con- Atletico boss Diego Simeone. “It is a very Aduriz’s first-half double to move up to sixth. ceded, while praising his side’s effort. In a dra- important win.” Villarreal are in fifth as Adrian Lopez scored the matic finish, a goal-bound shot from Luke Shaw- Antoine Griezmann came close twice in only goal in a 1-0 win at Real Betis. —AFP a welcome response from the England defender to Mourinho’s recent criticism of him-was han- LEICESTER: Sunderland’s Scottish manager David Moyes (R) watches his players dled on the line by Ashley Williams, who was from the touchline during the English Premier League football match between shown a straight red card before Ibrahimovic Leicester City and Sunderland at the King Power Stadium in Leicester, central tucked away the 94th minute spot kick. England on Tuesday. — AFP JAGIELKA STRIKES Before then, though, it had looked as if sev- enth-placed Everton were about to leapfrog Germain double puts United in the table on goal difference when a rare and deft Phil Jagielka goal gave the visitors a first-half lead. Monaco into s-finals England centre back Jagielka showed the predatory instincts of a goal poacher, latching PARIS: Valere Germain hit a brace as utes later Lille were in deeper trouble when on to Williams’ header from a 22nd-minute cor- Monaco bounced back from their League Carlens Arcus was sent off for hauling ner and, with back to goal, holding off Marcos Cup final disappointment to surge into the down Jorge as the Brazilian had a run at Rojo to conjure a shot that trickled between French Cup semi-finals with a 2-1 win over goal. The prolific Monaco-who have hit 87 keeper David de Gea’s legs. 10-man Lille on Tuesday. The principality goals in the French league already this sea- Jagielka’s first goal this term prompted an club are still looking for a first trophy since son-made it 2-0 against fellow Ligue 1 side urgent response from United, with Ander 2003 after capitulating in Saturday’s clash Lille just before the break when Germain Herrera’s effort striking the bar, but even with with Paris Saint-Germain in Lyon, losing 4- struck again, this time from close range. Ibrahimovic back in the team, United were blunt, 1. But they are still top of Ligue 1 — albeit Lille pulled a consolation goal back with Paul Pogba also heading against the bar with PSG breathing hard down their necks- through Anwar El Ghazi deep into stop- after the break. and made light work of visiting Lille at a page time. “Did we have chances? Yes. Did we hit the sparse Louis II Stadium despite fielding a Monaco join Guingamp, French Cup post as always? Yes. Did the keeper play well weakened side. winners in 2009 and 2014, in the last four against us as always? Yes. Did a decision go Striker Radamel Falcao and starlets after they squeezed past fourth-tier min- against us? Yes,” Mourinho said. Kylian Mbappe and Tiemoue Bakayoko nows Frejus Saint-Raphael 1-0. Leicester’s sixth straight win in all competi- MADRID: Atletico Madrid’s Argentinian midfielder Angel Correa (L) vies with Real were all named on the bench. Monaco took PSG, eyeing a third consecutive clean tions under Shakespeare with second-half goals Sociedad’s midfielder Sergio Canales during the Spanish league football match Club the lead in the 35th minute when striker sweep of the domestic honours in France, from Islam Slimani and Jamie Vardy completed a Atletico de Madrid vs Real Sociedad at the Vicente Calderon stadium in Madrid on and captain-for-the-night Germain rifled take on third-tier Avranches away. Angers miserable day for Sunderland boss David Moyes. Tuesday. —AFP high into the roof of the net and five min- host Bordeaux. —AFP Earlier on Tuesday, Sunderland had offered Indians win again, Late Ibra penalty Cubs get first saves Man United, win of season more Sunderland woe

THURSDAY, APRIL 6,16 2017 19 Kohli, Misbah and Younis get Wisden honours Page 18

BARCELONA: Barcelona’s Brazilian forward Neymar (R) vies with Sevilla’s French defender Clement Lenglet during the Spanish league football match FC Barcelona vs Sevilla FC at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona yesterday. — AFP

SOCCER Messi double, Suarez stunner take Barca top

MADRID: Lionel Messi scored twice on his return at Leganes later. Madrid, though, will have to do However, Sampaoli was left to rue another Messi’s deflected cross flush with an overhead Sevilla had a series of chances to at least from suspension as Barcelona piled the pressure without Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale after night of missed chances as a three-goal blitz in kick to break the deadlock with his 31st goal of claim a consolation as Pablo Sarabia twice tested on Real Madrid yesterday by moving top of La they were rested by Zidane. Defeat continues eight first-half minutes secured the three points the season. Barca’s star front three were all Ter Stegen with fierce efforts. Barca could afford Liga with a 3-0 win over Sevilla. Sevilla’s slump and a sixth straight game without for the hosts before half time. involved for their second on the counter-attack the luxury of replacing Suarez, Gerard Pique and Messi was banned for his last two outings for a win sees them remain three points behind Messi fired an early warning as he blasted a as Suarez turned Neymar’s cross back into Messi’s Ivan Rakitic in the final half hour to keep them club and country but looked rested rather than Atletico Madrid in the battle for third place. shot off the underside of the bar from outside path to slot low past Sergio Rico. fresh for a huge month with both legs of their rusty as he took his tally for the season to 43 A visit to the Camp Nou offered Sevilla boss the area after just three minutes. Messi doubled his tally for the night six min- Champions League quarter-final against goals in 41 games. The Argentine also played his Jorge Sampaoli a final chance to make his case Sevilla had two glorious chances to open the utes later when he volleyed home a loose ball Juventus and a trip to Real Madrid to come in the part in setting up Luis Suarez’s stunning over- for the Barca job at the end of the season. scoring as Steven N’Zonzi fired too close to Marc- inside the Sevilla area. The five-time World Player next 18 days. Sevilla’s misery was complete when head kick to open the scoring. Sampaoli was one of the leading candidates Andre ter Stegen when clean through before of the Year then passed up a huge chance for his Spanish international Vitolo was sent off in stop- Barca lead Real by a point, but Zinedine when Luis Enrique announced his decision to Vitolo headed over when unmarked inside the hat-trick just after the break when he didn’t get page time for a second yellow card after chop- Zidane’s men have two games in hand, starting step down at the end of the season last month. area. Suarez made no such mistake as he caught enough loft on an attempted chip to beat Rico. ping down Neymar. —AFP

BASKETBALL NBA results/standings

Golden State 121, Minnesota 107; Sacramento 98, Dallas 87; Utah 106 Portland 87; San Antonio 95, Memphis 89 (OT); Warriors win 12th straight, Denver 134, New Orleans 131; Oklahoma City 110, Milwaukee 79; NY Knicks 100, Chicago 91; Brooklyn 141, Philadelphia 118; Washington 118, Charlotte 111; Cleveland 122, Orlando 102; Indiana 108, Toronto 90. Eastern Conference Western Conference Westbrook ties season record Atlantic Division Northwest Division W L PCT GB Utah 48 30 .615 - OAKLAND: Klay Thompson scored 41 points for his ter. The crowd stood and chanted “MVP! MVP!” long down the sideline and into the Pacers’ bench. Boston 50 27 .649 - Oklahoma City 44 33 .571 3.5 10th career 40-point game while Stephen Curry after the assist. He later waved to the crowd after Stephenson, P.J. Tucker and DeRozan all received Toronto 47 31 .603 3.5 Portland 38 40 .487 10 NY Knicks 30 48 .385 20.5 Denver 37 40 .481 10.5 had 19 points and nine assists as the playoff-ready play stopped. He finished with 12 points, 13 technical fouls. Philadelphia 28 50 .359 22.5 Golden State Warriors ran their winning streak to 12 rebounds and 13 assists. Robertson set the record Minnesota 31 46 .403 16.5 Brooklyn 19 59 .244 31.5 Pacific Division by beating the Minnesota Timberwolves 121-107 during the 1961-62 season and Westbrook can WIZARDS 118, HORNETS 111 Central Division Golden State 64 14 .821 - on Tuesday night. Golden State could wrap up the break it Wednesday in Memphis. Westbrook also John Wall scored 14 of his 23 points in the third Cleveland 50 27 .649 - LA Clippers 47 31 .603 17 West’s No. 1 seed as soon as last Wednesday with a moved into a tie with Wilt Chamberlain for fourth quarter, helping Washington hurt Charlotte’s play- Milwaukee 40 38 .513 10.5 Sacramento 31 47 .397 33 win at Phoenix and a Spurs’ loss at home to the on the career list with his 78th triple-double. off chances. The Wizards (47-31) returned from a Chicago 38 40 .487 12.5 LA Lakers 22 55 .286 41.5 Lakers. Andrew Wiggins scored 24 points for Michael Beasley scored 14 points for Milwaukee five-game trip and stopped a three-game slide. Indiana 38 40 .487 12.5 Detroit 35 42 .455 15 Phoenix 22 56 .282 42 Minnesota, which couldn’t keep up with Golden and Giannis Antetokounmpo added 11 points and Tying Toronto for the third seed in the Eastern Southwest Division State’s spiffy passing and contributions from so 10 rebounds. Conference, Washington dealt Charlotte a signifi- Southeast Division Washington 47 31 .603 - San Antonio 60 17 .779 - many players on both ends of the floor. In his high- cant blow after it had crept closer to a playoff spot Atlanta 39 38 .506 7.5 Houston 52 25 .675 8 est-scoring performance since getting 60 on Dec. 5, PACERS 108, RAPTORS 90 with a three-game win streak. Kemba Walker Miami 37 40 .481 9.5 Memphis 42 36 .538 18.5 Thompson hit 7 of 14 3-pointers - giving him at Paul George scored 18 of his 35 points in the scored 37 points but the All-Star guard went cold in Charlotte 36 42 .462 11 New Orleans 33 45 .423 27.5 least four 3s in a career-best six consecutive games. third quarter, leading Indiana to a big win. The the third quarter along with the rest of the Hornets Orlando 27 51 .346 20 Dallas 32 45 .416 28 His 262 3s rank as eighth -most ever for a single Pacers (38-40) stopped a four-game losing streak (36-42). After making 26 of their first 42 shots, they season after he had 276 last season. that dropped them out of a tie for the No. 5 seed in went 6 for their next 18 as the game slipped away. the Eastern Conference to the very real possibility Washington won for the 17th time this season KNICKS 100, BULLS 91 everyone not named C.J. McCollum and the Blazers THUNDER 110, BUCKS 79 of missing the postseason. DeMar DeRozan scored when trailing by double digits. Carmelo Anthony scored 23 points as the Knicks never found a consistent offensive flow. On the Russell Westbrook matched Oscar Robertson’s 27 points for Toronto (47-31), which had won two snapped the Bulls’ four-game win streak. Courtney other end, Hayward was an efficient 12 for 20 from single-season record with his 41st triple-double, in a row. Jonas Valanciunas had 10 points and 10 CAVALIERS 122, MAGIC 102 Lee had 14 points for New York and Maurice Ndour the floor, including 4 for 6 from behind the arc. leading Oklahoma City to the victory. Westbrook rebounds. The game was marred by a shoving LeBron James notched his second straight added 13 points and 12 rebounds. The Knicks (30- Gobert recorded his 57th double-double. clinched his seventh straight triple-double on an match between Indiana’s Lance Stephenson and triple-double, Kevin Love scored 28 points and 48) had dropped seven of nine. The Bulls (38-40) McCollum scored 25 points for the Blazers and assist to Taj Gibson with 9:17 left in the third quar- DeRozan with 3.3 seconds left. The melee spilled Cleveland warmed up for a big game in Boston by shot just 38.1 percent from the field and commit- Damian Lillard finished with 16. dropping 18 3-pointers in a victory against ted 15 turnovers. They dropped into a tie with Orlando. Kyrie Irving added 24 points and J.R. Indiana for the seventh spot in the Eastern SPURS 95, GRIZZLIES 89, OT Smith had 19 for the Cavs, who made nine 3s and Conference, just a half-game ahead of idle Miami. Kawhi Leonard had 32 points and 12 rebounds scored 43 in the third quarter to turn a tight game All-Star Jimmy Butler scored 26 points for Chicago as the Spurs topped the Grizzlies in a matchup of into a blowout and beat Orlando for the 17th while Nikola Mirotic had 21 points and 10 likely first-round playoff opponents. LaMarcus straight time. The defending champions also rebounds. Aldridge added 15 points, including the tying bas- moved into a tie with the Celtics atop the Eastern ket with 1.6 seconds left in the fourth quarter. Conference. The teams meet today for first place NETS 141, 76ERS 118 Memphis point guard Mike Conley left with 3:42 and temporary ownership of the top seed and Brook Lopez and Jeremy Lin each scored 16 remaining in regulation after bumping heads with home-court advantage until the NBA Finals. Evan points to lead Brooklyn to a rare rout. The 19-win Leonard under the basket. Conley, who finished Fournier scored 21 for the Magic, who have lost five Nets have been buried in last place in the NBA with 19 points, took one continuous stitch under in a row. standings for most of the season and not even a his right eyelid rather than “13.” He is unsure if he recent surge could budge them out of the cellar. will play today against Oklahoma City. Pau Gasol NUGGETS 134, PELICANS 131 Against the Sixers, Brooklyn scored buckets in the added 12 points and 11 rebounds in San Antonio’s Danilo Gallinari scored 28 points as the Nuggets first half at the rapid rate of an All-Star Game. The third straight win. eliminated the Pelicans from playoff contention. Nets matched a franchise record for points in a first Gary Harris added 23 points, including a contested half with 81. Brooklyn has won six of the last nine KINGS 98, MAVERICKS 87 3-pointer that gave Denver an eight-point lead games and is a respectable 10-10 since March 1. Ben McLemore scored 21 of his 22 points in inside the final three minutes. Nikola Jokic had 21 Philadelphia forward Dario Saric, one of the top the second half, leading Sacramento to the victo- points and 12 rebounds to help the Nuggets contenders for NBA Rookie of the Year, only scored ry. Limited to one free throw in the first half, remain on Portland’s heels for the final Western 10 points in 19 minutes; his playing time limited by McLemore scored 11 straight points to end the Conference playoff spot. New Orleans star Anthony plantar fasciitis in his left foot. third quarter, and then helped the Kings pull Davis scored 41 points, and DeMarcus Cousins had away in the fourth. Willie Cauley-Stein had 12 30 points and 14 rebounds. Jrue Holiday finished JAZZ 106, TRAIL BLAZERS 87 points and 16 rebounds for the Kings. Nicolas with 18 points and 13 assists but turned the ball Gordon Hayward scored 30 points for Utah Brussino had a season-high 13 points along with OAKLAND: Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry (30) dribbles next to Minnesota over twice in the last while Rudy Gobert added 20 points and 11 seven rebounds and five assists for Dallas, which Timberwolves guard Ricky Rubio (9) during the second half of an NBA basketball game Tuesday, in 30 seconds - leading to Denver free throws - rebounds. The Jazz controlled the game most of played without Dirk Nowitzki. The Mavericks have Oakland, Calif. The Warriors won 121-107. —AP and missed a 3-pointer as time expired. the night with a defensive effort that bottled up lost five straight. — AP NBK Capital to launch MENA real estate investment vehicle Page 23 Business Stocks, dollar gain on strong private jobs report THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 Page 24 Moh Al-Sa Regional markets off to a promising start pres Page 22 2017 is KIPCO’s base for next 5 ye

KIPCO diversification and operational strength will help face 2017 h

KUWAIT: At its Annual Shafafiyah ‘Transparency’ Investors’ Forum, KIPCO - the Kuwait Projects Company (Holding) - said that external challenges such as regulations, currency fluctua- tion and oil prices, will impact the company’s profitability in 2017. However, KIPCO’s diversified investments, the strong support it has from its shareholders, and the internal practices that have been intangible to the Group’s success will help the company tackle these challenges. At the company’s annual investors’ forum, KIPCO present- ed a review of 2016 and its outlook for 2017 to 2018 to an audience of shareholders, financial analysts and institutional investors. The forum followed the company’s General Assembly meeting where KIPCO’s shareholders approved a cash divi- dend of 25 percent (25 fils per share). As part of its review, KIP- CO announced 2016 as the company’s twenty-fifth year of consecutive profitability, with up to KD 484 million distributed to shareholders in dividends during this time. This year also marks KIPCO’s fifteen years of continuous dividends. The com- pany presented an overview of its exceptional story of growth in assets, revenue and portfolio of companies. It also high- lighted the company’s balanced performance in 2016 despite the challenging environment. KIPCO said that the international market has continued to validate the company’s strategy, as demonstrated by the issuance of a $ 500 million bond under its $ 3 billion Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN) Program - four times oversub- scribed at a new benchmark fixed coupon rate of 4.5 percent - with a simultaneous tender of its existing 2019 bonds. This has brought KIPCO’s average debt maturity to 5.8 years as of KUWAIT: KIPCO’s annual Shafafiyah ‘Transparency’ Investors’ Forum yesterday. — Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat March 2017, and the lower borrowing costs have resulted in saving of approximately $22 million a year in interest. share the company’s vision for this comprehensive, mixed-use neighborhood. Revenue growth In its outlook, KIPCO said that it expected to continue to Also in its 2016 review, KIPCO said that after adjustment for face headwinds in 2017 and 2018, given the challenging foreign currencies devaluation and one-offs, Burgan Bank external factors that present themselves. The banking sector recorded an 8 percent growth in revenue. The bank’s underly- continues to deal with the implementation of new regula- ing profit for the year went up 23 percent when eliminating tions since 2015, while KIPCO’s media business will need to FX gains and other non-repetitive events. Burgan Bank also continue to stay ahead of competition and anticipate technol- improved its risk management and optimized its capital, ogy trends over the next two years. All business sectors will bringing its capital adequacy ratio to 16.7 percent by the end need to deal with implementing international financial of 2016. reporting standards, the risk of currency fluctuation, and the For OSN, a new management team was appointed to instability of oil prices. execute the pay-tv company’s growth strategy. Newly- KIPCO’s Vice Chairman (Executive), Faisal Al-Ayyar said: designed channel packages at new prices were launched “External factors - including currency fluctuation, oil price to further support up to three million subscribers over the instability and the need to implement new financial reporting next five years. standards - mean that our outlook for 2017 and 2018 remains As for Gulf Insurance Group, the company registered a 7 challenging. Despite this, momentum continues to grow percent growth in revenue and a 15 percent increase in across our core companies. Revenue for Burgan Bank, Gulf gross written premiums, while net underwriting results went Insurance Group and United Real Estate was up 8 percent, 7 up 9 percent in 2016. The Group also acquired a Turkish non- percent and 17 percent respectively in 2016, while OSN main- life insurer during the year. Despite being impacted by the tained its revenue levels against 2015. These results are a tes- devaluation of the Egyptian pound, KIPCO’s real estate arm, tament to our ability to continue to weather the strong head- United Real Estate, registered a 17 percent growth in rev- winds we anticipate in the coming two years.” enue in 2016. The company inaugurated Abdali Mall in Commenting on the outlook for 2017 to 2018, Al-Ayyar Amman, Jordan, with 65 percent of the mall pre-leased. In said: “The international markets have awarded KIPCO’s strong Egypt, URC completed its Aswar Residences project in New credit quality with attractive interest rates for the bonds we Cairo and has made substantial progress in the construction issue. We enter 2017 with the projection that the challenging of its residential development, Manazil. external factors will impact our profitability for the year. We Infrastructure work for KIPCO’s mega real estate devel- believe that 2017 will be our base year for the next five years, opment, Hessah Al-Mubarak District, began in 2016. KIP- and that our strengths - namely our diversified investments, CO Group will be developing 40 percent of the district, the strong support of our shareholders, and our prudent KIPCO’s Vice Chairman (Executive) Faisal Al-Ayyar addresses the annual Shafafiyah ‘Trans with the remaining plots to be sold to developers who internal practices - will help us tackle the tough times ahead.” IMF: Nigeria e ExxonMobil, QP sign Cyprus gas deal needs urgent NICOSIA: US giant ExxonMobil with Qatar ABUJA: The International Monetary IMF sai Petroleum yesterday signed a license to explore Fund (IMF) warned Nigeria its econ- urged for oil and gas off the coast of Cyprus, and they omy needs urgent reform in a report introdu expect to start drilling next year. The venture was published yesterday that highlight- exchang selected as part of the island’s third licensing ed the risks to growth for the reces- by cen round to explore block 10. Cyprus Energy sion-hit country and the dangers of exchan Minister George Lakkotrypis described as a volatile foreign exchange market. high na The document, a report from IMF derly ex “immense” the firms’ presence in his country’s staff which Reuters saw an earlier That exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and, for the first version of last month, outlines a raft “somew time, in the eastern Mediterranean. of failings in Nigeria’s handling of percen “One of our primary goals during the third Africa’s largest economy and could chief fo licensing round was to advance the exploration of affect talks over at least $1.4 billion teleph reserves, he said at the signing ceremony. “This is in international loans. It strikes a Additio precisely what we have achieved.” The minister more critical tone than the Fund’s tions fo said a total of 12 exploration wells would be board adopted in a statement last optimi drilled in the newly licensed blocks: 6, 8 and 10. week, though that also said Nigeria authorit Exploration and production sharing contracts are should lift its remaining foreign els to di to be signed on Thursday by Italy’s ENI and exchange restrictions and scrap its The p system of multiple exchange rates. ning m France’s Total for block 6, and by ENI for block 8. Nigeria fell into recession in 2016, central Cyprus would receive a total of 103.5 million its first in 25 years, largely due to the respond euros ($110.5 million) in signature bonuses from impact of low oil prices and militant The Afr the contracts, said Lakkotrypis. ExxonMobil and attacks on energy facilities in the directo Qatar Petroleum said they had begun planning Niger Delta oil hub. Crude sales Nigerian for drilling operations and intend to drill a first account for more than 90 percent of about t exploration well in 2018. “We look forward to foreign exchange earnings and two- That dir working with the government of Cyprus to evalu- thirds of government revenue. on beha ate and realise the country’s hydrocarbon poten- The country, whose economy Nige tial,” said Andrew Swiger, senior vice president of contracted 1.5 percent last year, has ther m ExxonMobil Corporation. also been plagued by a conflict with which in The blocks on offer are close to where ENI made NICOSIA: Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum (left), Cyprus Energy Minister Boko Haram militants since 2009, of a mo creating a humanitarian crisis in the market a huge find in Egypt’s offshore “Zohr” field that George Lakkotrypis (center) and Andrew Swiger, Senior Vice President of ExxonMobil Corporation shake hands after signing an agreement at the presidential palace in Nicosia yesterday. — AFP northeast which authorities are etary po could hold 30 trillion cubic feet of gas. The field sits struggling to handle. The ity”, acc adjacent to a Cyprus block licenced to Total. The declared commercially viable but an action plan reserves to make a planned onshore terminal Washington-based fund’s analysis Nigeria record Zhor find has raised hopes that there is on the next steps has yet to be finalized. Italian- financially viable as it seeks to become a regional came on the same day that Nigeria’s fiscal su more untapped wealth to be found off Cyprus. South Korean venture ENI-Kogas has so far failed energy player.It had planned to build a liquefied President Muhammadu Buhari held tions m US firm Noble Energy made the first find off to discover any exploitable gas reserves in deep- natural gas plant that would allow exports by ship a launch ceremony for a flagship lenders the island’s southeast coast in 2011 in the sea drilling off the island. ENI has the right to to Asia and Europe, but the reserves confirmed so economic recovery plan. meeting Aphrodite field (block 12), which is estimated to exploit blocks 2, 3 and 9 in Cyprus’ exclusive eco- far are insufficient to make that feasible. But the IMF said the plan, criti- World B contain around 127.4 billion cubic metres (4.54 nomic zone that borders Egypt’s gas fields. Cyprus and energy-starved Egypt are looking cized by economists for including Nigeria trillion cubic feet) of gas. Israeli firms Delek and ENI and Total, which have an equal share in into the possibility of transferring gas from the few concrete measures, is not applicat Avner have a 30 percent stake in the venture. block 11, are preparing for exploratory drilling off Aphrodite field to Egypt via an undersea pipeline. enough to drag Africa’s biggest billion a Bank ha Noble has handed over a 35 percent share to the Cyprus’ southern shore sometime this year in Cyprus hopes to begin exporting gas, and maybe economy out of recession. If Nigeria’s economy is to recover, talks ha Britain’s BG International. Block 12 has been these blocks. Cyprus needs to find more gas oil, by 2022. — AFP “much more needs to be done”, the reforms THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 BUSINESS

Regional markets off to a promising start KUWAIT: Regional markets had an unimpres- sive start to the year, underperforming inter- NBK GCC MARKETS REPORT national markets, though Kuwait bucked the trend with a strong rally. The GCC MSCI total return index advanced a mere 0.6 percent on most of the sell-off in 4Q16, appear to have the financial crisis and averaged more than the quarter, dragged down by a weak showing abated for now. Emerging markets, along with double 4Q16. The immediate catalyst for the for the Saudi market. Performance was mixed other risky asset classes, also benefitted from rally may have been the October 2016 acquisi- among other regional markets, with Kuwait the continued flow of positive data from tion of Americana by a UAE investor, which putting in a stellar performance. Total GCC advanced economies. According to the IIF, capi- appeared to inject much needed optimism in market capitalization stood at $946 billion at tal flows to EMs have recovered notably. Net the market. Equities may have also been the end of the quarter, having lost $6 billion portfolio EM inflows totaled $31 billion in the helped by expected changes in the composi- during 1Q17. first two months of the year compared to out- tion of some frontier market indices which Internationally, most equity markets con- flows of $25 billion in 4Q16. could boost Kuwait’s weight in them. tinued their post US election rally, buoyed by Regional markets were mixed but under- Kuwait’s rally comes after years of lagging an improving outlook. US markets were mak- performed overall, dragged down by Saudi the region despite solid economic fundamen- ing new highs and the S&P 500 and the DJIA Arabia. Saudi equities gave back some of the tals. Kuwait has enjoyed relative stability on the were up 6.1 percent and 5.2 percent, respec- strong gains seen in 4Q16, weighing on political arena, which paved the way for faster tively, in anticipation of upcoming business- regional indices. MSCI GCC was up 0.6 percent reform and project implementation. Thanks to lower than analyst estimates. Even the second reversal on the FTSE upgrade. Kuwait also saw a friendly policies in the US. Markets were also in 1Q17. While a record international bond sale its strong financial position, Kuwait has also tranche upgrade by FTSE to EM status in mid- pickup in net foreign inflows in January. buoyed by a more hawkish Fed, which raised in 4Q16 triggered a rally and helped abate con- experienced a milder fiscal adjustment than March failed to provide a sustainable lift. By Valuations for GCC markets are looking rates in March, well before earlier expecta- cerns over domestic liquidity, focus seems to other GCC countries. As such, there has been contrast, Bahraini corporate earnings were more expensive but remain underpriced com- tions; it is now looking to hike rates two or have shifted back to the fundamentals. The low no slowdown in nonoil growth in 2015-2016. positive, with a sample of 37 companies see- pared to EMs. Price-to-earnings per share three more times in 2017. Markets took that as oil price environment continued to weigh on This has been reflected in corporate profits, ing growth of 14 percent. The Bahraini market (P/EPS) for most GCC markets were up com- pared to 4Q16. However, with global emerg- further confirmation of a more positive out- Saudi growth, with recent data pointing to fur- which fared better than GCC peers. Indeed, was up 11 percent. ing markets at a P/EPS of 19.4, GCC markets look. European equities took their cue from US ther softness. Corporate earnings in 2016 con- earnings announcements surprised on the With the exception of Saudi’s Tadawul, mar- remain relatively cheap. markets and advanced 7 percent in 1Q17 tinued to reflect weakness, with profits down 6 upside by 5 percent in 1Q17. ket activity picked up. The daily traded value Regional markets, lacking a catalyst of their despite a less dovish ECB stance and boosted percent y/y. Earnings also appeared to surprise averaged $1.5 billion, slightly lower than in 4Q16. Kuwait saw a big jump in turnover. The own, will continue to be driven by internation- by positive data from the eurozone. to the downside; profits of 69 companies were Lacking direction daily traded value in Qatar was also up a strong al markets and oil. Progress in the US on pass- Emerging markets (EM) rebounded follow- 16 percent lower than analyst estimates. Other markets, for the most part, lacked Meanwhile, Kuwait equities saw a strong any direction. The boost GCC equities got from 54 percent driven primarily by the FTSE ing tax reform and infrastructure spending will ing a poor showing in 4Q16 as flows to EMs be closely watched, while monetary policy in 1Q17, standing out as one of the best per- the OPEC deal to cut output late last year fad- upgrade. GCC markets also saw a reversal of the picked up. The MSCI EM index was up a strong advanced markets will continue to be a key forming markets thus far this year. The value- ed by 1Q17. Corporate earnings for 2016 were outflows that followed the US elections in line 7.8 percent outperforming the MSCI World, with EMs. According to EFG Hermes, net inflows focus for investors. In Europe, elections in weighted index was up 8.7 percent, its best disappointing in most cases, especially for which closed up 5.6 percent. Improved eco- to the region averaged $223 million per month France and Germany, and Brexit talks will con- quarter in over six years. A hefty pick up in Qatar. Profits of 42 listed Qatari corporates nomic outlooks in most of these markets boost- in the first two months of 2017 compared to a tinue to affect sentiment. In the GCC, markets ed equities. Meanwhile, fears of more protec- trading volumes was at least as noteworthy. were down 12 percent while a sample of 18 monthly average of $167 million in the 4Q16. will continue to follow fiscal adjustments and tionist US trade policies, which were behind Daily volumes reached levels not seen since companies announced earnings 27 percent The Qatari market accounted for the bulk of this progress on structural reform closely. Trump cannot turn back time for ageing coal-fired power plants LONDON: US President Donald Trump has no longer growing. Gas prices have fallen by another 8 percent over 2017/18 accord- which suffer from creep, fatigue, corrosion promised to end “the war on coal” waged sharply thanks to the shale revolution, ing to data from the US Energy Information and erosion. Repeated heating and cooling by the previous administration and help encouraging power producers to build Administration. At the same time, more of the system accelerates the ageing process put coal miners back to work. In practice, more gas-fired power plants and run them coal plants are set to close, which will cut and shortens the service life even further. coal production and employment have for more hours each year. And the unusual- potential demand further even if gas prices Most coal plants were designed to oper- been victims of the shale gas revolution ly mild winter of 2015/16 resulted in an increase modestly. The problem is that most ate as baseload, with a limited number of rather than government regulation. enormous buildup of coal stockpiles at coal-fired power plants are now growing cold and warm starts to reduce the thermal Coal-fired power generation has been power plants and a sharp reduction in new very old and nearing the end of their serv- stress on the components. But many are steadily losing market share to natural gas shipments from the mines. The resulting ice life. The capacity-weighted average US now forced to operate on a two-shift sys- since 1988, according to data from the US wave of bankruptcies, mine closures, and power plant started generating in 1987, tem, operating only during peak hours and Energy Information Administration. job losses and layoffs crashed over the coal according to an analysis of EIA data. then coming off load when electricity Coal accounted for 57 percent of elec- industry during 2015/16. But mine closures But the average for all power plants con- demand drops. Two-shifting involves more tricity generation in 1988 but that share fell and job losses were the result of market ceals significant differences between coal starts, and much more thermal stress on to 53 percent in 1998 and 50 percent in forces rather than job-killing government and non-coal power generating units. The the components, speeding up the ageing 2008. Gas has been the main beneficiary regulations introduced by the Obama capacity-weighted average coal-fired pow- process. Many of the coal-fired power with its share of generation climbing from administration. er plant started generating in 1976 and has plants scheduled for closure in the next five 9 percent in 1988 and 13 percent in 1998 to now been producing power for 41 years. In years started generating in the 1950s and 20 percent in 2008. For much of that peri- Morecoal closures contrast, the average non-coal power plant 1960s and are basically wearing out. od, coal’s relative decline was cushioned by Most mining companies and coal ana- started generating in 2000 and has been Some of them are small-scale and rela- growing demand for electricity which pro- lysts are cautiously optimistic about the producing electricity for less than 17 years. tively inefficient, burn low-quality coal, or vided an expanding market for all fuels. outlook for production and employment in emit lots of mercury and other air pollutants. Coal consumption by power producers 2017/18. Excess coal stocks at the country’s Coal fleet ageing In most cases, there is no economic case for peaked at 1.05 billion short tons in 2007, power plants have been worked down and Most coal plants were originally planned replacing worn out boilers and turbines or up from 758 million tons in 1988. But since a modest rise in gas prices should encour- to operate for a minimum of 25 years with- fitting new pollution-control equipment. then the coal industry has been hit a per- age power producers to run gas-fired out significant modification and their serv- Power plant operators mostly plan capacity fect storm of stagnating electricity plants for fewer hours in 2017/18. ice life can be prolonged to 40 or even 50 expansions and refits on a 20-year horizon demand, a sharp fall in the price of gas, and But the medium-term outlook for the years. But as plants age they are increasingly or longer and few see any benefit from a record warm winter in 2015/16. coal industry remains poor, with more coal- likely to suffer mechanical breakdowns and upgrading or adding coal-fired units. No Coal has continued to lose out to gas in fired power plants scheduled to close over need expensive components replacing (“Life new coal-fired power plants are currently the generation system but since 2008 the the next five years to be replaced by a com- extension of coal-fired power plants”, IEA, planned, in contrast to many additional gas- TOKYO: A pedestrian walks past decorated panelling decline has been absolute as well as rela- bination of gas and renewables. Gas-fired 2005). The main problems are associated fired and renewable power units, according used to shroud a construction site along a street in tive terms because demand for electricity is generating capacity is scheduled to expand with the steam generator and the turbines, to notices filed with the EIA. —Reuters Tokyo yesterday. —AFP


Chinese Yuan Renminbi 44.784 Swiss Franc 306.920 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000018 0.000024 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Australian Dollar 234.280 Thai Bhat 9.883 Japanese Yen 0.002658 0.002838 US Dollar Buying 304.650 Turkish Lira 84.390 ASIAN COUNTRIES Kenyan Shilling 0.002962 0.002962 Japanese Yen 2.748 GOLD Korean Won 0.000264 0.000279 Indian Rupees 4.717 20 Gram 255.550 BAHRAIN EXCHANGE COMPANY WLL Malaysian Ringgit 0.065669 0.071669 Pkistani Rupees 2.918 10 Gram 130.070 Nepalese Rupee 0.002961 0.003131 Srilankan Rupees 2.012 5 Gram 66.190 CURRENCY BUY SELL Pakistan Rupee 0.002730 0.003020 Nepali Rupees 2.956 Philippine Peso 0.006002 0.006302 Singapore Dollar 219.880 Europe Hongkong Dollar 39.356 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd British Pound 0.377040 0.387040 Sierra Leone 0.000038 0.000044 Bangladesh Taka 3.806 Czech Korune 0.004060 0.016060 Singapore Dollar 0.213565 0.223565 Philippine Peso 6.102 Danish Krone 0.039816 0.044816 South African Rand 0.016754 0.025254 Rate for Transfr Selling Rate Thai Baht 8.929 Euro 0. 320900 0.329900 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001641 0.002221 US Dollar 305.500 Norwegian Krone 0.031570 0.036770 Taiwan 0.009956 0.009121 Canadian Dolla 230.040 GCC COUNTRIES Romanian Leu 0.084764 0.084764 Thai Baht 0.008571 0.009121 Saudi Riyal 81.614 Sterling Pound 384.717 Slovakia 0.009167 0.019167 Qatari Riyal 84.059 Euro 327.087 Swedish Krona 0.030107 0.035107 Arab Omani Riyal 794.828 Swiss Frank 306.082 Bahraini Dinar 812.670 Swiss Franc 0.2998860 0.309860 Bahraini Dinar 0.804702 0.813202 Bahrain Dinar 810.284 UAE Dirham 83.327 Turkish Lira 0.078729 0.089029 Egyptian Pound 0.014549 0.020457 UAE Dirhams 83.569 Iranian Riyal 0.000085 0.000086 Qatari Riyals 84.793 ARAB COUNTRIES Australasia Iraqi Dinar 0.000197 0.000257 Egyptian Pound - Cash 20.250 Saudi Riyals 82.358 Australian Dollar 0.224097 0.236097 Jordanian Dinar 0.425719 0.434719 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 16.815 Jordanian Dinar 430.789 New Zealand Dollar 0.207605 0.217105 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.000000 1.000000 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.228 Egyptian Pound 16.970 Lebanese Pound 0.000152 0.000252 Tunisian Dinar 135.480 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.014 Jordanian Dinar 431.990 America Moroccan Dirhams 0.020121 0.044121 Indian Rupees 4.714 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 2.039 Canadian Dollar 0.224066 0.233066 Nigerian Naira 0.000398 0.001033 Pakistani Rupees 2.913 Syrian Lira 2.181 Georgina Lari 0.138139 0.138139 Omani Riyal 0.787994 0.793674 Bangladesh Taka 3.830 Morocco Dirham 30.894 US Dollars 0.301750 0.306150 Qatar Riyal 0.083198 0.084648 Philippines Pesso 6.086 US Dollars Mint 0.302250 0.306150 Saudi Riyal 0.080473 0.081773 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Cyprus pound 168.592 Asia Syrian Pound 0.001297 0.001517 US Dollar Transfer 305.850 Japanese Yen 3.739 Bangladesh Taka 0.003467 0.004051 Euro 328.180 Tunisian Dinar 0.130924 0.138924 Syrian Pound 2.426 Chinese Yuan 0.042918 0.046418 Sterling Pound 385.830 Turkish Lira 0.078729 0.089029 Nepalese Rupees 3.928 Hong Kong Dollar 0.037267 0.040017 Canadian dollar 230.480 UAE Dirhams 0.081847 0.083547 Malaysian Ringgit 69.919 Indian Rupee 0.004102 0.004790 Turkish lira 84.610 Yemeni Riyal 0.000994 0.001074 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 BUSINESS NBK Capital to launch MENA real estate investment vehicle Product in final stages of registration

KUWAIT: NBK Capital has announced that it will launch its MENA Real Estate investment vehicle that is currently in the final stages of registration with the Central Bank of Bahrain. lion of infrastructure projects planned in the The MENA Real Estate investments platform coming years and in Bahrain the figure is over will augment the highly successful MENA $32billion - of which real estate is an important Private Equity and Private Credit investment component. We look forward to welcoming businesses that fall within the scope of the more Kuwaiti companies to their brotherly alternative investments division at NBK Capital Kingdom.” CEO of flydubai and CEO of Recaro Partners, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NBK Bahrain is home to over 400 licensed finan- Capital, the latter being the operator and cial service companies, with total banking sec- Flydubai continues its partnership Khalid Al-Rumaihi Yaser Moustafa investment manager of the MENA Real Estate tor assets of approximately $190 billion. It is with Recaro Aircraft Seating Investments vehicle. also home to more than 2,500 authorised ing the Central Bank of Bahrain’s Collective NBK Capital Partners is renowned for iden- Funds with a net asset value of $7.48 billion KUWAIT: Dubai-based carrier flydubai bination of ergonomics, function and tifying attractive investment opportunities Investment Undertaking framework for the and around 70 locally-domiciled funds with a and the German aircraft seat manufac- aesthetics. Weighing less than 12 kilo- across the MENA region via teams of experi- launch of NBK Capital’s latest investment net asset value of approximately $3.2 billion. turer Recaro Aircraft Seating yesterday grams, it is one of the lightest seats in its enced investment professionals situated vehicle as “our longstanding relationship and NBK Capital is a leading regional investment announced at the Aircraft Interiors Expo class and stands out with its numerous across their four regional offices. In doing so, positive experience with the regulator, its company with offices in Kuwait, Dubai, in Hamburg the continuation of their comfortable features. For example, the it identifies the most suitable jurisdiction for suitability for the intended investment strate- Istanbul and Cairo. Established in 2005 as a long-standing partnership. six-way adjustable, ergonomic headrest its ventures and takes into account the finan- gy, and the familiarity of regional investors wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of The carrier will equip its new Boeing has the ability to tilt horizontally, offer- cial services ecosystem, business infrastruc- with Bahrain-based funds.” Kuwait, the largest Kuwaiti bank and the high- 737 MAX 8 aircraft, scheduled to enter ing passengers outstanding comfort ture, and regulatory environment. Khalid Al-Rumaihi, Chief Executive of est-rated in the Middle East, NBK Capital focus- service in the second half of 2017, with through optimal neck support. “Our MENA Real Estate platform focuses on Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) es on providing the highest quality products Recaro Aircraft Seating’s global best- “Flydubai and Recaro have been trust- aggregating a portfolio of existing income- welcomed NBK Capital’s venture and said: “We and services to its clients and investors. seller CL3710. The seat will reflect the ing and successful partners for many producing assets and delivering a stable yield are very pleased that NBK Capital has decided Through its dedicated team of more than 150 maturity of the airline as well as the years. We are extremely pleased about to investors. We are actively pursuing oppor- to base its investment vehicle in Bahrain. We professionals, NBK Capital offers a broad range growing network it serves, ranging from the opportunity to continue our partner- tunities in defensive sectors like Education, see excellent potential for investment both in of services including asset management, Prague in the west to Bangkok on the ship with this major order for CL3710 Healthcare and Logistics across the entire Bahrain and across the region, supported by investment banking and brokerage and prides east. The order builds on the successful economy class seats. We are proud to GCC,” said Yaser Moustafa, Senior Managing the strong pipeline of infrastructure projects itself on a reach and scale that is global, a focus relationship between flydubai and contribute to the success of flydubai’s Director of NBK Capital Partners. across the region. that is regional and a service level that always Recaro Aircraft Seating. Since 2008, fly- continuously expanding fleet,” said Dr. Moustafa described the reasons for choos- “Across the region there are around $2 tril- remains personal. dubai has equipped its current fleet of Mark Hiller, Chief Executive Officer and 58 Next-Generation Boeing 737-800s Shareholder of Recaro Aircraft Seating. with premium seats from the German Recaro Aircraft Seating is a global seat manufacturer. supplier of premium aircraft seats for “Opting for Recaro Aircraft Seating the leading airlines worldwide. The com- S&P reaffirms its ‘AA’ rating for when we launched our airline in 2008 pany has close to 2,000 employees, has proved to be the right choice. The including more than 1,000 working in seats with their revolutionary design Germany. It operates plants in Germany, have substantially reduced the weight Poland, South Africa, the US and China Dhaman with stable outlook of our aircraft, resulting in lower fuel as well as service centers in Europe, the costs. We pass these savings on to our Americas, the Middle East, Asia, and KUWAIT: Standard & Poor’s Rating Services, assessment of membership has remained stable and support- passengers through lower fares without Australia. Based in Schwaebisch Hall, one of the world’s leading rating agencies, Dhaman’s stand- ive Dhaman has a history of preferred creditor compromising comfort on board,” said Germany, Recaro Aircraft Seating gener- under its revised criteria for multilateral lend- alone credit profile treatment by member states on its noncom- flydubai’s Chief Executive Officer, Ghaith ated sales of 409 million euros in 2015. ing institutions (MLIs) and other Supra- (SACP) is ‘aa’. We mercial risks and we expect this to continue. We Al-Ghaith, about the new order. “We are The company ranks among the world’s nationals, reaffirmed its “AA” rating on incorporate no expect business volumes in the region to excited to continue our collaboration top three aircraft seat manufacturers. Dhaman and continued Stable Outlook, uplift from extraor- increase over the medium term. In our opinion, with Recaro Aircraft Seating on the Recaro Aircraft Seating is part of the reflecting its very strong business profile and dinary shareholder the evolution of Dhaman’s role over this period CL3710 seats for our new aircraft. They Recaro Group, which includes the Recaro strong financial profile. support into our could be a key indicator of its importance. will enhance the overall experience on Holding based in Stuttgart, as well as the The Arab Investment and Export Credit ‘AA’ ratings on Dhaman’s risk-based capital adequacy is very board with added comfort, functionality independently operating Recaro Child Guarantee Corporation (Dhaman) is an Dhaman, since the strong. We expect Dhaman will maintain and aesthetics, that complement our Safety division (child car seats) in autonomous Arab multilateral organization, capital base is cur- extremely strong capitalization while insured newly redesigned cabin interior.” Marktleugast, Germany. Recaro established and based in Kuwait since 1974; it rently fully sub- commitments increase as it meets its primary The CL3710 economy class seat Automotive Seating is a product group of encompasses in its membership all Arab states scribed and in the Fahad Al-Ibrahim goal of helping service economic growth across reflects Recaro Aircraft Seating’s Adient and uses the Recaro brand under and a number of Arab international organiza- process of being the Arab region. Liquidity will continue to be Ingenious Design with the perfect com- a license issued by Recaro Holding. tions. It serves as an export credit agency for paid-up”. “The sta- exceptional. the Arab region, supporting FDI’s into and ble outlook reflects our expectation that Al-Ibrahim concluded that management of trade with Arab states. Dhaman will meet its growth targets while Dhaman did not view the uncertainties and Dhaman’s Director-General, Fahad Al- maintaining strong financials as it meets its challenges in the Arab World as obstacles to UK economy probably slowing Ibrahim announced “Dhaman maintained its primary goal of helping service economic achieving its objectives, rather as opportuni- high ratings at “AA” with Stable Outlook for the growth across the Arab region”. ties to avail its intended role and ultimate mis- after strong end to 2016 tenth consecutive year. We continue to wit- sion in supporting the social & economic ness material growth in our investment guar- Strong profile development of these member states, through LONDON: Britain’s economy has probably higher prices, he said in a note to clients. antee and export credit insurance business vol- The Rating Agency revealed: We base our continued provision of its investment guaran- slowed from its strong growth of late last The BoE is widely expected to keep umes backed by solid financial position, assessment of Dhaman’s very strong business tee and exports credit insurance services. With year and a cooling jobs market and hefty interest rates at their record low throughout despite the prevailing political uncertainties profile on its public policy importance and gov- prudent controls and well-imbedded risk man- price increases will become increasingly this year and possibly until 2019 as it steers and economic challenges in many countries ernance and management expertise Although agement tools, we adopt well-designed, well- apparent as Brexit gets underway, accord- the British economy through the uncertain- within the Arab World, being the primary geo- Dhaman’s net profitability declined in 2016, its mitigated risk underwriting policies and enjoy ing to a survey published yesterday. ty linked to the exit from the EU. However, graphical focus of Dhaman’s operations.” business volume increased materially, which a depth of knowledge and professional expert- The Markit/CIPS Services Purchasing one rate-setter voted last month for a rate The S&P stated in its press release dated we view as supportive of the institution’s role. ise in the markets and business field in which Managers’ Index (PMI), a closely watched increase and others said they might follow 29th March 2017 that their ratings on Dhaman The 2016 business volumes reached levels last we operate. We continue to disseminate gauge of Britain’s services industry, rose to a suit soon if there were signs that economy three-month high of 55.0 in March from was maintaining its momentum of 2016. continue to be based on their view of the seen during the Arab Spring in 2011 Despite knowledge and awareness of our services, and 53.3 in February. That topped all forecasts in Despite the stronger-than-expected agency’s very strong business profile and the continued high operating risks in a number do hope to expand further our business scope a Reuters poll of economists, whose median headline growth figure in Wednesday’s strong financial profile. They added “Our of member countries, we note that Dhaman’s and operational capacity. forecast was for a reading of 53.5, pushing PMI, the survey also suggested consumers sterling almost half a cent higher against were cutting back on luxuries. Hotels and the dollar. But there were some warning restaurants, gyms and hairdressers ranked signals as Britain begins the two-year among the worst-performing services in process of leaving the European Union. the first three months of 2017. “Much of Services companies raised their selling the disappointment in growth so far this prices at the fastest pace since 2008, a sign year has been evident in consumer-orient- that inflation may rise more than the 3 per- ed sectors, in part linked to spending and cent expected by many forecasters this year. incomes being squeezed by higher prices,” Businesses hired people at the slowest pace said Chris Williamson, chief business econ- in seven months. Taken together, the PMIs omist at IHS Markit. for manufacturing, construction and services Official data yesterday showed mod- published this week suggest economic est improvement for one of Britain’s most growth will slow to around 0.4 percent in the persistent economic headaches, weak first quarter from 0.7 percent in the fourth productivity. Output-per-hour grew at quarter of 2016, data firm IHS Markit said. the fastest pace in more than a year in Growth of 0.4 percent would be in line the final three months of 2016, but with the most recent Reuters poll of econo- remained well below the average rate mists but slower than the 0.6 percent pre- seen before the financial crisis.The fig- dicted by the Bank of England. “The PMI ures did little to challenge expectations does not cover the retail sector, and hence that 2017 will be a tough one for many may be overestimating growth somewhat Britons. Nearly half of British households given the concentrated hit in that area,” plan to cut spending as worries about JPMorgan economist Allan Monks said. But inflation escalate, according to a separate conditions outside Britain had clearly survey yesterday from pension provider improved and there was uncertainty about Scottish Friendly and the think tank Social how quickly consumers will respond to Market Foundation. — Reuters

ATHENS: European Council’s President Donald Tusk (left), gestures as he speaks with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (right), during their meeting in Athens yesterday. — AFP Alitalia cancels flights EU, Greece seek bailout deal by tomorrow as workers go on strike ROME: Alitalia cancelled 60 percent of unless shareholders agree to pump in ATHENS/BRUSSELS: Greece and its interna- Greece is on its third bailout from euro- The biggest debate is caused by the pen- scheduled flights yesterday as employees more money, sources say. Fiumicino’s tional lenders remained at odds in talks to zone governments but to get money it has sion reform, which would marginally raise staged a 24-hour strike to protest against main terminal was deserted as only a few release fresh bailout loans to Athens yesterday to pass regular reviews of reforms it agreed payouts for some on the lowest pensions, the loss-making airline’s plan to cut 16 passengers, who did not know about the as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said a deal was to in return for the financing. “What we are but slash the highest pensions by 40 per- percent of its staff and reduce flight per- strike, had turned up. The airline said it needed this week and accused creditors of trying to achieve is to get close enough to a cent, with an overall average reduction in sonnel’s salaries by a third. Italy’s flagship would be operating a normal schedule for ‘playing games’ and causing delays. deal so that lenders’ teams of experts may go payouts of some 15 percent. Tsipras said carrier, which is 49 percent owned by six hours on Wednesday to mitigate the Talks between Greece, the European Union back to Athens and finalise the numbers,” Greece had achieved a primary budget sur- Etihad Airways, has made an annual prof- strike’s impact. and International Monetary Fund have stut- one official said. plus of 3.5 percent of GDP in 2016, outper- it only a few times in its 70-year history. It “Workers need to get what they tered for months due to differences over forming its 0.5 percent target, so the debate is in a race against time to win union sup- deserve but at the same time it’s really dif- Greece’s fiscal progress, labour and energy Skeptical was unnecessary. port for its latest turnaround plan as it ficult when they interrupt travel, it really market reforms, rekindling worries of a new cri- If experts return to Athens, they would still Responding to criticism, Tusk said the seeks to unlock financing and avoid hav- hurts the economy,” said Greg Curtis, a sis in Europe. Euro zone finance ministers will work several more days there to come up with European Union stood by Greece’s side and ing to ground planes. “We are on strike passenger from Florida, the United States. discuss the state of Greek negotiations on what is called a staff level agreement - a report was facilitating negotiations. “The sacrifices for the hundredth time because this cri- Alitalia said last month it expects to return Friday at an informal meeting in Malta, but offi- on Greek reforms that would allow ministers to of the Greek citizens have been immense. sis at Alitalia, all the crises, and the indus- to profit by the end of 2019 through 1 bil- cials said a full deal there was unlikely. acknowledge their completion and disburse One thing must be clear - no one intends to trial plan ... are always against the work- lion euros of cost cuts over the next three Tsipras said he would ask for an EU leaders loans. The latest problem concerns reforms punish Greece, our goal is only to help ers,” Paolo De Montis, a representative of years and a revamp of its business model the USB union, said outside Rome’s for short and medium-haul flights. summit if there was no deal this week and that Greece has to implement to reach and Greece,” he said. “I have no doubt that there Fiumicino airport where hundreds of After buying into Alitalia in 2014, accused some creditors of being obstinate. keep a 3.5 percent of GDP budget surplus is no alternative to a positive breakthrough workers gathered. Etihad pledged to return the airline to on Friday.” “The Greek economy is ready to leave the crisis before debt servicing costs over several years Alitalia CEO Cramer Ball has said the profit by 2017, but the turnaround has behind it. But despite the impressive fiscal starting in 2018.Institutions representing euro- A spokeswoman for Germany’s Finance cuts were “painful but necessary”. Despite faltered in the face of competition from results, some of our creditors appear unrepen- zone governments believe Greece will keep Ministry said the government was watching several overhauls and cash injections over low-cost airlines such as Ryanair and tant,” Tsipras told a news conference after the 3.5 percent surplus also in 2019, but the the “intensive” discussions between Greece the years, Alitalia is losing at least half a high-speed rail services, while deadly meeting EU Council President Donald Tusk in International Monetary Fund, which euro zone and its lenders. “Delays are not good for eco- million euros ($533,000) a day and could attacks across Europe have dented Athens. “This isn’t child’s play. This is the future governments want to join the bailout for credi- nomic recovery so we are waiting to see what run out of cash in the coming weeks demand for travel. — Reuters of a people we are talking about.” bility reasons, is skeptical. comes out of these talks,” she said. — Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 BUSINESS Stocks, dollar gain on strong private jobs report NEW YORK: US stocks rose yesterday, with the that, despite the apparent slowdown in GDP cent, to 20,830.43. The S&P 500 gained 13.06 sawed after the US government reported 180,000 jobs in March. A strong US jobs Nasdaq hitting a fresh all-time high on strong growth in the first quarter, labor market condi- points, or 0.55 percent, to 2,373.22 and the a weekly rise in crude inventories of 1.6 report on Friday would “make an even bet- US private sector-jobs data, which also lifted tions have remained unusually strong,” said Nasdaq Composite added 26.87 points, or million barrels. Analysts had expected a ter case for the Fed to continue its tighten- the dollar as it backed forecasts for at least two Capital Economics economist Andrew Hunter. 0.46 percent, at 5,925.48. European stocks decrease of 435,000 barrels, and the build ing and maybe increase the probability more interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve The dollar index rose 0.12 percent, with the rose on the ADP report but pared gains to reported by the Energy Information that they could move three more times this year. US companies added 263,000 workers euro down 0.17 percent to $1.0654. The yen close flat. The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 Administration came as a double surprise this year,” said David Coard, head of fixed in March, the most since December 2014, weakened 0.44 percent versus the greenback to index fell 0.01 percent to close at a provisional after an industry group had reported a income sales and trading at Williams pointing to further tightening of the labor mar- 111.23 per dollar. 1,497.68, while the STOXX Europe 600 Index, a draw. US crude rose 0.57 percent to $51.32 Capital Group in New York. ket, payrolls processor ADP said. The jobs data brought investors back into broad mix of companies from 17 regional per barrel and Brent was last at $54.53, up Minutes of the US central bank’s March The report easily beat the median forecast, the market even as concerns about US countries, rose 0.02 percent. MSCI’s all-coun- 0.66 percent on the day. meeting are due to be released at 2 p.m. among economists surveyed by Reuters, of a President Donald Trump’s ability to deliver on try world index of stocks from 46 countries The ADP data came ahead of the Labor EDT (1800 GMT). Benchmark 10-year 187,000 increase. The US dollar gained against his pro-growth policy plans persist after a gained 0.31 percent. Department’s monthly non-farm payrolls Treasury yields hit a session high of 2.382 the Japanese yen for the first time in four days recent legislative setback. On Wall Street, the Oil prices rose on an outage at the largest report on Friday, which includes both pub- percent in the wake of the ADP data, from after the report, which supported forecasts for Dow Jones Industrial Average was on track for UK North Sea oil field, but gains were tempered lic and private-sector employment. 2.350 percent late on Tuesday and a more at least two more rate hikes by the Fed this year. its best day since March 1 in a broad rally. by a surprise increase in US crude inventories to Economists polled by Reuters expect the than five-week low of 2.314 percent “The ADP survey is clearly another indication The Dow rose 141.19 points, or 0.68 per- a record high. Prices rose early and then see- report to show US employers added touched earlier that day. —Reuters

Trader Christopher Fuchs, center, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, Tuesday, April 4, 2017. Stocks are edging lower in early trading on Wall Street with banks and energy companies taking the biggest losses. —AP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 business Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer Lexus wins prestigious award International quality standards and best-in-class service

KUWAIT: Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons, tions and customer service strategies benefit- one of the Al-Sayer Group Holding Companies ting employees of ministries and leading received top recognition by winning “Best Call organizations. Center Award for Lexus” during the event Lexus Kuwait embeds the philosophy of which was hosted recently by Kuwait Public “Customer as No 1” and “Premium Hospitality” Relations Association under the patronage of Bader Musaed Al-Sayer Business Director HH the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al- Al-Sayer Group Holding represented Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer & Sons at the event The award ceremony was attended by HH and received the award from H.E Minister of the Amir’s representative of Amiri Protocols - Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al-Sabeeh. Amiri Diwan, Minister of Social Affairs and Leading Public and Private sector organiza- Labor Hind Al-Sabeeh and Chairman of tions were contenders for awards and Lexus Kuwait’s Public Relations Association Jamal Al- Kuwait was chosen as the winner in the rele- vant category among the Automotive Sector of Kuwait. According to Mahmoud Abou-Zahr Business Director Lexus at Mohamed Naser Al- Sayer & Sons, “The award is a highly distin- guished being presented under the patronage of HH the Amir. Lexus had previously won the award for best public relations and customer service. Winning this award for the second time is a great achievement as well as a testi- mony of Lexus commitment to 7 star customer service standards.”

Nasrullah along with dignitaries and other dis- international experts in customer service who tinguished guests. evaluated the participating companies at par Award winners were determined by a with the highest international standards. The judging committee consisting of local and event also featured workshop on public rela- Solid growth and sustained CBK visits Hamra Mall to acquaint visitors with investment in the future its BA co-branded cards KUWAIT: The Commercial Bank of Huawei 2016 annual report Kuwait will be holding a booth at Hamra Mall to acquaint mall visitors SHENZHEN, China: Huawei released its audit- gence present huge business opportunities for energy, government bodies, and public safety. with its three credit cards in collabora- ed financial results for 2016, reporting that its all industries, and are also paving the road for This business generated CNY40.7 billion ($5.9 tion with British Airways. The booth will Carrier, Enterprise, and Consumer business new growth for the ICT industry. We will stay billion) in annual revenue, an increase of 47 per- be held for three days starting Thursday groups (BGs) each achieved solid year-on-year customer-centric and will support digital trans- cent. Thanks to its increasingly innovative prod- 6 till Saturday 8 April 2017. growth. Group annual revenue was CNY521.6 formation in all industries, in order to create val- ucts and growing global recognition as a premi- CBK British Airways MasterCards are billion ($75.1 billion), an increase of 32 percent ue for our customers and to grow sustainably.” um device brand, Huawei’s Consumer BG available in 3 types: MasterCard World, over 2015. Net profits were CNY37.1 billion In 2016, Huawei’s Carrier BG generated shipped 139 million smartphones during 2016, MasterCard Platinum and MasterCard ($5.3 billion), an increase of 0.4 percent. In CNY290.6 billion ($41.8 billion) in revenue, an and reported CNY179.8 billion ($25.9 billion) in Prepaid. They are the only British 2016, Huawei continued to invest in the future, increase of 24 percent year-on-year. This was annual revenue, up 44 percent. Airways co-branded cards in Kuwait and with the company’s annual spending on achieved by focusing on digital transformation Sabrina Meng, Huawei’s CFO, noted: “Huawei the MENA region and offer several ben- research and development reaching CNY76.4 and leveraging major opportunities in cloud, was operationally healthy in 2016, with ample efits to their holders. CBK British billion ($11 billion). video, the Internet of Things, and operations cash reserves, a solid and sustainable capital Airways cards allow cardholders to earn Eric Xu, Huawei Rotating CEO, remarked, “In transformation for carrier customers. structure, and high resilience against risk. In AVIOS (which is the British Airways cur- 2016, Huawei maintained its strategic focus and Working in close collaboration with its part- 2017, we will continue to boost the efficiency rency) for every 1KD they spend using achieved solid growth. As humanity continues ners, Huawei’s Enterprise BG delivered ICT infra- and quality of our operations to ensure solid their card and redeem them for flights to explore and make new breakthroughs in the structure to support the digital transformation growth.” Financial statements in the 2016 Annual and upgrades (Avios earning depends digital world, digitization and increasing intelli- of key vertical industries, including finance, Report are audited independently by KPMG. on the card type and whether it is used locally or internationally). rants, special deals with Reebonz, Upon card issuance, cardholders will Careem Rides, and many more. Burgan Bank conducts receive an initial bonus AVIOS as a wel- It is also worth noting that all CBK come gift to get them started, and British Airways cards issued between its draws with social which can be enough for a one-way 1st of March and 30th of April 2017 will flight from Kuwait to London (depend- be eligible for the current “Double media Influencers ing on the card type). Cardholders can Welcome AVIOS” campaign. Through also enjoy a free lounge access world- this campaign, customers have the KUWAIT: Burgan Bank recently announced the quar- wide or regionally depending on their opportunity to double their welcome terly draws winners of Yawmi and Youth accounts. card type, as well as concierge services, bonus AVIOS by spending a predefined Social media influencers, Yaqoub Bou Shehri popu- free travel insurance, free nights when amount during the first 3 months after larly known as Bokhaaled, and Abdullah Al-Jasser staying at Starwood Hotels (Sheraton, card issuance date, a total of AVIOS that popularly known as Abodka, took part in conducting Le Meridien, Four Points etc...), hun- might reach a full flight from Kuwait to the draws and announcing the winners. With the dreds of deals and discounts at restau- London (Tax and Fees excluded). presence of the Ministry of Commerce representa- tive, the influencers have announced and contacted the winners to congratulate them on winning such rewarding prizes. The lucky Yawmi Quarterly draw winner, Majid Hilal Al-Tameemi, took home a cash prize of KD 125,000. The first lucky winner of Youth Account on the oth- er hand, Meshal Tareq Yousef, received a cash prize of KD 1,000, while second and third winners, Abdulaziz Mahdi Al Nahabah and Zahra Hamed Al-Zelzelah, each received free “unlimited access” to Grand ABK announces winners of Cinemas for one year. Burgan Bank continues to hon- or its customers by initiating added value to its finan- ‘Double Your Salary’ draws cial solutions offerings. This time, and in order to add to the celebrations of the winners, social media influ- KUWAIT: Al-Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK) held • Dina Mohammad Khaled, Salmiya encers took part of the draws. its ‘Double Your Salary’ weekly draw on Branch For more information about Burgan Bank’s 27th March, 2017 and 3rd April 2017 at the New customers who transfer their salary accounts, customers are advised to visit their nearest Bank’s Head Office in the presence of a rep- to ABK receive KD 100 and will automati- Burgan Bank branch, where customer service repre- resentative from the Ministry of Commerce, cally be entered into the weekly draws to sentatives will be delighted to assist with any ques- announcing the names of the winners. The double their salaries. Existing customers tions on any of the bank’s products and services. promotion includes weekly draws, with who are already transferring their salary to two winners per draw. The campaign will ABK are entered into a separate draw. run until 27th June, 2017. The next ‘Double Your Salary’ draw The winners are: will be held on 10th April, 2017 where • Zahraa Mahmoud Baqer, South two new lucky winners will be Sabahiya Branch announced. All winners will be contact- • Jaber Mnahi Al-Azmi, Salwa Branch ed personally and a weekly announce- • Khaled Ali Al-Hasawi, Sabah Hospital ment will be made through the media Branch with the winners’ names.

Warren Buffett becomes face of Coke in China

BEIJING: The likeness of billionaire Warren Buffett end that a grinning cartoon portrait of the Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett’s investment firm, is gracing Cherry Coke cans in China, where the American business magnate would adorn cans is Coca-Cola’s biggest shareholder with a 9.3 per- company’s largest investor enjoys a legendary and bottles of his favourite flavour after it was cent stake valued at about $17 billion. reputation. Coca-Cola announced over the week- introduced in the country on March 10. “Incidentally, there is no compensation involved,” Buffett told Yahoo Finance of the use of his image for “a limited promotional period.” The 86-year-old investor and philanthropist has been photographed on numerous occa- sions taking a swig of Cherry Coke, earning him the title of “best-known fan” from Coca-Cola chief executive Muhtar Kent. In Communist- ruled China, where Chairman Mao portraits are as ubiquitous as brand-name logos, Buffett’s business acumen has made him a celebrity and inspired thousands of Chinese investors to reportedly flock to Omaha, Nebraska, for Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting last year. While the meeting was livestreamed around the world, simultaneous translation was only Etihad Airways supports offered in Mandarin. Buffett has in turn lauded China’s “totally autism awareness miraculous” growth. As for his enduring appre- ciation of Cherry Coke-he invested in Coca-Cola ABU DHABI: Etihad Airways, the national World Autism Awareness Day - by bathing as early as 1985 — Buffett admitted in his airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is the exterior of its facilities in blue light. In shareholders’ letter last February that he con- showing its support for Autism Awareness the month of April, which is recognized as sumes enough Coke and candy “to satisfy the Month. Highlighting the need for increased Autism Awareness Month locally and inter- weekly caloric needs of an NFL lineman.” awareness and understanding for autism, nationally, the airline will also be organiz- BEIJING: A bottle of Cherry Coca-Cola with a portrait of Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and “There’s nothing like eating carrots and broccoli Etihad Airways joined thousands of busi- ing community and staff initiatives to pro- CEO Warren Buffett sits on a shelf with other soft drinks at a convenience store in Beijing when you’re really hungry,” he added, “and nesses, buildings and iconic landmarks in mote autism awareness and the UAE’s yesterday. — AP want to stay that way.” — AFP ‘Light It Up Blue’ - a global initiative on socially inclusive society. technology THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

Charter won’t have to compete with other cable companies now

NEW YORK: Federal regulators are let- for high-speed home internet. Greater expand their networks and doesn’t see to build in markets where it has the “They can build out their networks ting Charter out of a requirement that competition could lower prices. But the point of mandating a network weakest competitors. She said she wor- but people won’t be able to buy their would have forced it to compete with smaller cable companies worried about buildout where there is already service. ried that Charter would wind up being service. You can’t close the digital divide other broadband providers and possibly that competition and asked the Federal The reversal is the latest in a slew of the only broadband provider in those without dealing with the price issue,” cut prices. The decision relaxes one of Communications Commission to revisit measures at the FCC that benefit the areas in the long term. she said. “This FCC is bound and deter- the conditions imposed on Charter the requirement. telecom industry. Pai said in a state- Charter bought Time Warner Cable mined to make sure incumbents don’t when it absorbed Time Warner Cable Under a new regime, the FCC said ment Monday that the previous build- and Bright House in May 2016 for $67 have to compete.” Americans without and represents another sign that the Monday that Charter can instead build out requirement had not been in the billion. The buildout was one of the con- access to home broadband skew poor country’s telecom cop is tilting in favor in areas where there isn’t high-speed public interest and was “against the ditions Charter accepted in order to win and rural, where it’s more expensive for of the industry it monitors. internet already. The agency’s new goal of promoting greater Internet FCC approval for the deal. Gigi Sohn, internet service providers to connect Charter Communications had agreed chairman, Ajit Pai, says getting more access for all Americans.” The sole who had been an adviser to the FCC houses. Charter said in a statement that to extend its network to areas where Americans online - what’s called “clos- remaining Democratic commissioner at chairman at the time, Tom Wheeler, the FCC’s change will let it “more fully there is already a broadband provider. ing the digital divide” - is important to the FCC, Mignon Clyburn, agreed with blasted the reversal and said it would devote our resources and attention to This requirement was enacted because him. He wants to cut regulations to the decision. She said that “it has not be effective in getting many more building out high-speed broadband to most US households don’t have a choice encourage broadband companies to become clear” that Charter will choose people online. areas without it today.” —AP Under threat, France grooming army hackers for cyberwarfare

CESSON-SAVIGNE: Huddled just 100 six years ago. Another The annual exercise, which has Trump. Cybersecurity executives in around their computers, two dozen 4,400 reservists will be waiting in been running since 2013, has so far the United States told Reuters they French 20-somethings have been the wings if required. enabled France to recruit 35 per- had witnessed a marked increase in typing away feverishly for seven cent of the reservists it needs. More the number of US intelligence offi- hours. Their objective is clear. Seeking nuggets and more students are also seeking cers and government contractors Eliminate a virus crippling the sys- At Cesson-Savigne, a centre for full-time posts, with starting salaries seeking employment in the private tems of a government environ- French cyber defence excellence, of 3,000 euros ($3,195) a month. sector since Trump took office on mental agency. “Mission accom- the twenty budding digital soldiers “The profile we’re after is someone Jan 20. plished! They have done what they know this could be the opportuni- young who enjoys rummaging Among the French potential were asked to do. Analyse, identify ty to defend their country. They around a little and is extremely curi- recruits was David, an engineering and then develop a code that are put through intense workouts ous in the digital world,” said graduate who at 30 is too old to wipes it out,” says Patrice, a French on tasks ranging from tackling Stephane, a commander who heads join the army. He said signing up military officer testing potential basic infiltration efforts via system up a cyber unit that trains about to do his bit for his country was a recruits at a cyber defence centre compromise to full loss of control 1,000 people each year. no-brainer. “In the future, we’ll see in western France. of the network. “It really is the On the other side of the Atlantic, more and more cyber attacks The exercise was one of dozens opportunity to spot the golden there is concern that the US National instead of terrestrial ones. The held across the country between nuggets,” said Eric, a colonel who Security Agency risks a brain-drain army will need ground troops, but Teradata updates ‘Customer March 20 and 31, involving 240 heads the operations pole of the of hackers and cyber spies due to they will also need people like us people from 12 elite technology army’s cyber defence command tumultuous reorganization and wor- for the logistics and the techno- Journey’ analytics solution colleges, part of a plan to create an centre. In line with French military ries about the acrimonious relation- logical side so we’ll be there to army of talented cyber spies to rules, officers are not allowed to ship between the intelligence com- help them carry out their mission,” DUBAI: Teradata, the leading data and Teradata’s Customer Journey solution counter digital destabilization give their family names. munity and President Donald he said. —Reuters analytics company, today announced sev- helps companies understand and optimize efforts. Officials want them to be eral enhancements to the Teradata each customer’s experience over time, ready to face cyberwarfare that Customer Journey solution that will give across all channels and touch points, in could target civil infrastructure marketers easier access to analytics, real time. Providing marketers with this such as water, electricity, telecom- dynamic visualizations, machine learning holistic view, the right analytical insights munications and transport. and predictive simulations. Most compa- and built-in automation enables them to They will also be expected to nies struggle to understand their cus- execute thousands of concurrent, individu- protect French democracy itself, tomers’ journeys, much less actively man- alized, multi-channel campaigns without amid allegations that Russia inter- age them. adding headcount. fered in the US presidential elec- This upgrade, which combines The new capabilities deliver faster busi- tion last year. Cyber defense has Teradata’s expertise in data integration, ness outcomes, ease solution deployment become one of France’s national advanced analytics and multi-channel and improve user experience. security priorities as states like interaction management, boosts mar- l Integrated customer path analytics Russia, China and Iran, criminal keters’ ability to treat every customer as an offer better understanding of the customer groups and even some allies sharp- individual, increasing response rates, journeys, as well as ideal points of entry to en their own digital abilities. “The reducing churn and ensuring greater cus- engage with them. Marketers can use this threats will grow. The frequency tomer satisfaction. Customers have come capability to target customers on a specific and sophistication of attacks is to expect a personalized and relevant path, such as churn, with personalized increasing without respite,” experience in every channel - be it digital, offers to influence decisions for desired Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le mobile or in-store. A study by Gartner business outcomes. Drian said in December after indicates that “by 2018, companies that l Communication journey visualiza- unveiling the army’s new cyber have fully invested in online personaliza- tions show how customers actually flow operational command. tion will outsell companies that have not through a multi-step campaign, so mar- “The next challenge in cyber by more than 30%.” keters can evaluate factors driving offer defense will not just be detecting acceptance and decline decisions. the attacks, but to continue our mil- Improving customer satisfaction Parameters can then be refined for itary operations amid a cyber However, with channel complexity improved marketing performance. attack, while using cyberspace to increasing at an unprecedented rate and l Visualizations for self-learning models launch our own counter opera- customers interacting in more ways, and show the relationship between customer tions.” The “fourth army”, as it has through multiple devices, it is difficult for attributes (age, income, life stage, life now been labeled, will see an initial companies to understand, and then drive event, etc.) and response rates. This helps billion euros invested up to 2019. NICE: This file photo taken on July 15, 2016 shows policemen walking on the site where a truck and optimize, customer journeys that marketers understand the profile of cus- The objective is to have 3,200 digi- drove into a crowd watching a fireworks display on the Promenade des Anglais seafront in the often involve billions of interactions for tomers most likely to respond to an offer tal soldiers in place by then, from French Riviera. —AFP millions of customers. Teradata provides and plan communications. Exposing the businesses with a flexible and scalable model to the marketer also enables confi- platform for advanced multi-genre analyt- dence, thus increasing adoption. ics and real-time, multi-channel interaction l Real-time offer simulation gives mar- Facebook to use photo-matching management. keters a predictive ability to see the impact “We want businesses to grow by deliv- of a new message, offer or strategy on ering more sales, reducing churn and existing campaigns. By understanding the to block repeat ‘revenge porn’ improving customer satisfaction. In this impact on the number of targeted cus- release of Customer Journey we are put- tomers, and ultimately response potential, ting more analytics into the hands of mar- marketers can run more effective cam- SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook Inc is adding pictures, in order to extort or humiliate them. images “shared in revenge” were forbidden, keting, so they can build a deeper under- paigns, and optimize their offer strategy. tools to make it easier for users to report so- The practice disproportionately affects and users have long had the ability to report standing of customer experiences and l “Bring your own model score” allows called “revenge porn” and to automatically women, who are sometimes targeted by for- posts as violating the terms of service. then proactively optimize related jour- marketers to inject third party or internally prevent the images from being shared again mer partners. Beginning today, users of the world’s largest neys,” said Dan Harrington, Executive Vice generated model scores into the arbitra- once they have been banned, the company Facebook has been sued in the United social network should see an option to report President, Consulting & Support Services tion logic of self-learning models to opti- said. “Revenge porn” refers to the sharing of States and elsewhere by people who said it a picture as inappropriate specifically because at Teradata.”Our solution brings together mize the message for any given customer, sexually explicit images on the internet, with- should have done more to prevent the prac- it is a “nude photo of me,” Facebook said in a all the required technology, plus the con- ensuring no previous work goes to waste. out the consent of the people depicted in the tice. The company in 2015 made clear that statement. sulting expertise to achieve faster time to In addition to industry-leading technol- The company also said it was launching an market. With Teradata, organizations can ogy, Teradata also offers consulting automated process to prevent the repeat shar- have a complete customer journey hub, resources to ensure companies realize ing of banned images. Photo-matching soft- without the implementation challenges of these capabilities, quickly and at the right ware will keep the pictures off the core cobbling together a solution from multiple price, to achieve higher business value. Facebook network as well as off its Instagram vendors.” Teradata consultants include advanced and Messenger services, it said. Users who “Customer engagement has become analytics professionals and marketing share “revenge porn” may see their accounts more complex, costly and problematic experts who have held executive positions disabled, the company said. with the multiplicity of channels, technolo- with prominent companies across multiple Facing criticism, the company last year met gies, analytic applications and new com- industries. Business capability-focused and representatives from more than 150 women’s petitive pressures,” said Suzanne Smith, technology agnostic, our team delivers Director Enterprise Analytics at Lowe’s solutions specific to a client’s organization- safety organizations and decided it needed to Companies, Inc. “However, we are making al needs, data and tools. Teradata’s do more, Antigone Davis, global head of safety good progress with the broad expertise of Customer Journey solution is available at Facebook, said in a phone interview. A spe- Teradata consultants who are helping us immediately, worldwide. New features will cially trained group of Facebook employees discover, drive and optimize customer begin to become available in Q2, 2017 with will provide human review of each reported journeys to increase return on marketing.” all features implemented by June 2017. image, Davis said. The process to prevent repeat sharing requires Facebook to retain the banned pic- Rome turns to cost-saving LED tures in a database, although the images are blurred and only a small number of employees lighting but residents unhappy have access to the database, the company said. Prosecutors and lawmakers have also ROME: Rome is investing millions of Movement, will save 260 million euros sought ways to prevent the spread of “revenge euros in environmentally friendly, cost- over the next 10 years, said the head of porn,” seeking additional penalties for a prac- saving LED street-lighting, but some Acea’s public lighting department. This file photo taken on December 28, 2016 shows logos of US online social media tice that they said has ruined careers and fami- residents of the Eternal City are unhap- Over the same period it will cut carbon and social networking service Facebook. —AFP lies and even led to suicide. —Reuters py to lose the softer, golden glow of the dioxide production by 350,000 tons and old sodium lamps. “This LED light is reduce petrol consumption by 180,000 really bright, really blue, it feels like a tons, Paolo Fioroni told Reuters. “This is a YouTube unveils India mobile app for spotty signals hospital light,” said Monica Larner, an great step forward in terms of technolog- American who lives in Rome’s historic ical advancement and energy efficiency,” SAN FRANCISCO: Alphabet Inc’s Store in India, and will be released in as a prime place to test products for Due to the frustration of trying centre. She said she was shocked to he said. While the conversion is carried Google said on Tuesday it would roll other emerging markets later, com- emerging markets. YouTube execu- to load video at slow Internet find the old bulbs replaced in her out, some central piazzas are now illumi- out a mobile YouTube application pany executives said in an interview. tives said they sought to build a speeds, the YouTube team had con- neighborhood overnight, with no prior nated partly by the old softer light bulbs, designed for India, boosting the Analysts have been forecasting a product for Indian users from the templated showing users a series of search company’s presence in a bur- surge in video consumption in India ground up rather than releasing a images from a video with the audio, notice to residents. encased in romantic glass, and partly by geoning market with spotty Internet since Reliance Jio, the telecom unit slimmed-down version of their pri- like a slideshow. But Indian con- The city’s electricity company Acea the brighter LED glow. Not all residents access. Since the fall, Google has of Reliance Industries Ltd, upended mary app. “As we talked to people in sumers reacted poorly to the fea- says the new lighting, which should be prefer the former, even if it is more aes- been conducting extensive tests in the industry last year with cheap the market, they didn’t want some- ture. The final design helps users fully installed by the summer, will improve thetically pleasing. “I am more than hap- India of YouTube Go, which allows data plans that have prodded rivals thing that felt like a stripped down discover videos that trending in visibility and safety as well as saving mon- py. I find there is more light in this area users to save videos to watch offline to lower prices. version of YouTube - they wanted their region while minimizing data ey. With an investment of about 50 million and above all there is a real saving in and monitor their data use. Silicon Valley has long regarded the full experience,” said John usage. Users can preview videos euros ($53.33 million) the town hall, run energy level,” said shop owner Luca A beta version of the app has India, with its population of 1.3 bil- Harding, vice president of engineer- before watching to ensure that is by the anti-establishment 5-Star Candolo. “It was about time.” —Reuters been released in the Google Play lion people and poor connectivity, ing at YouTube. what they want. —Reuters THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Agreement bars digital firm from targeting women entering clinics BOSTON: A settlement with a digital advertising those devices to be tagged so the messages can Pittsburgh; St. Louis; Richmond, Virginia; and women’s health clinics in Massachusetts but that he company bars the firm from using a technology continue to be sent to the user through apps or Columbus, Ohio. The ads would include links to had the ability to tag all mobile devices entering or called geofencing to direct anti-abortion messages web browsers for up to 30 days after they leave the services that encourage alternatives to abortion. leaving all Planned Parenthood Clinics in the US. toward women entering reproductive health facili- location. Consumers often don’t realize when they “While geofencing can have positive benefits for In a statement, Flynn said the company was sin- ties in Massachusetts, the state attorney general install an app that they are allowing it to disclose consumers, it is also a technology that has the gled out by Healey’s office for a challenge to what said Tuesday. The agreement was reached after information about their location that can then be potential to digitally harass people and interfere he considered free speech. “Although we have not Attorney General Maura Healey investigated used by advertisers. with health privacy,” said Healey, a Democrat. violated any laws, we made an agreement with the whether Copley Advertising or John Flynn, a According to the settlement, Copley contracted “Consumers are entitled to privacy in their medical AG’s office so we can devote our time and resources Brookline man identified as the firm’s manager and in 2015 with Bethany Christian Services, a pregnan- decisions and conditions.” The agreement, officially to working for our clients,” Flynn said. “Their right to sole employee, was violating the state’s consumer cy counseling and adoption agency, and known as an assurance of discontinuance, applies free speech should not be marginalized because protection laws. Copley denied any wrongdoing. RealOptions, a network of crisis pregnancy services, only to Massachusetts and covers consumers enter- government officials do not agree with the message Geofencing allows ads to be directed to the to send targeted ads to the mobile devices of “abor- ing or leaving any kind of health care facility, not of their advertisement.” The attorney general’s office mobile devices of certain people when they enter a tion-minded women” entering reproductive health just those providing abortion services. Flynn said said it was not aware of any similar legal actions designated location. The technology also allows facilities and methadone clinics in New York City; that he hadn’t provided geofencing services at any brought in other states. —AP Drought shatters Turkana’s dreams of a better future A bone dry region of dust and stone

LOKAMARINYANG: In just a few years water, oil thinking that something is going to come out, alization, first by British colonialists and then by and money would flow. Roads, schools and hos- but when my stomach is empty, there is nothing Kenya’s governing elite in Nairobi, who shared a pitals would follow. Turkana’s generations of for the child,” she said. Her four-year-old daugh- disdain for the pastoralists and their way of life. poverty and neglect in Kenya’s arid north would ter Atabo lacks strength enough to cry. “Expectations were disproportionate,” said John end. But it was not to be: five years after the dis- Her black hair had faded to a sickly brown Nakara, a Turkana parliamentarian. “Those covery of oil, and four since a giant aquifer was and her upper arms were no thicker than a ping- changes don’t happen in five years, but in 20, at found, drought has struck again, shattering the pong ball. Compounding the drought is popula- least.” That didn’t stop the promises. An ambi- dreams of a different future for Turkana, a bone tion growth in Turkana-at 6.4 percent a year, it is tious plan for roads, railways and oil pipelines dry region of dust and stone, home to mostly twice the national average-which means already crossing northern Kenya was launched with semi-nomadic livestock herders and lacking the scarce resources are quickly exhausted by peo- great fanfare in 2012, but has been slow coming. most basic trappings of modernity. ple and their livestock. Instead Turkana remains crisscrossed with dirt tracks that become impassable when it rains, and where the few sealed sections are so badly potholed that drivers prefer the dirt shoul- REYNOLDSBURG: In this Saturday, April 1, 2017, photo, Vice President Mike Pence ders. That same year, British company Tullow Oil speaks at DynaLab, Inc. —AP announced the discovery of large crude reserves in Turkana. Production is expected to begin in June, but local and national officials are still White House, lawmakers arguing over distribution of revenues and no pipeline has yet been built, meaning the oil will adrift over GOP health bill have to be trucked to the port of Mombasa, more than 1,000 kilometers away. WASHINGTON: The Trump administration to cover “essential health benefits,” includ- and Republican lawmakers plan to contin- ing mental health, maternity and substance Little oil, less water ue their uphill effort to exhume the House abuse services. The current version of the In 2013, Kenya and the UN cultural body, GOP’s health care bill, but remain adrift and GOP legislation would erase that coverage UNESCO, thrilled to announce the discovery of a divided over how to reshape it to attract requirement but let states reimpose it gigantic aquifer beneath Turkana that promised enough votes to muscle it through the themselves, language that is opposed by irrigation and enough water for all. The promise chamber. many of the party’s moderates. was of sufficient water for the whole of Kenya for White House officials and leading legis- 70 years, but the reality proved different: deeper lators aimed to resume talks yesterday. Late ‘On bended knee’ underground and less pure than predicted, the Tuesday, they failed in a Capitol basement In addition, the White House would let aquifer has proven hard to exploit. “The office meeting to shake hands on a White states seek an exemption to the law’s provi- announcement was very optimistic and based on House proposal to let states seek federal sion banning insurers from charging higher very limited information,” said Sean Avery, a waivers to drop coverage mandates that premiums for seriously ill people. Kenya-based consultant on water issues. The pic- President Barack Obama’s health care law Conservatives have argued that such ture, however, is not uniformly bleak: Political slapped on the insurance industry. “All of us restrictions inflate consumer costs. devolution has handed more power, including want an agreement,” Rep Mark Meadows, R- Conservative Rep Mo Brooks, R-Ala, said he the power to disburse funds, to local authorities NC, told reporters after two dozen lawmak- remained a “no” votes, saying states should TURKANA: Turkana woman hold and launch dead animals they lost due to a biting drought since 2013, facilitating the opening of new health ers from both ends of the GOP spectrum be allowed to opt out of Obama’s insurance that has ravaged livestock population in northern Kenya near Lokitaung. — AFP clinics in Turkana that cut in half the distance peo- huddled with Vice President Mike Pence requirements without seeking federal per- ple have to walk to seek diagnosis or treatment. and other White House officials. Meadows mission “on bended knee.” In the remotest areas, hungry children with Promises unfulfilled Kenya has declared this year’s drought a added, “There’s a whole lot of things that Moderate Rep Frank LoBiondo, R-NJ, anaemic eyes and swollen bellies go to clinics Kenya is not Somalia or South Sudan, neigh- “national disaster” and appealed for internation- we have to work out.” also remained an opponent, citing the where food and medical aid are delivered in bouring nations where war and state failure help al aid. Three million people are in need of emer- GOP bill’s cuts in care offered low-income dribs and drabs, while the carcasses of dead ani- drive starvation. It is instead the region’s biggest gency humanitarian assistance, and, while the Thwart the measure people under Medicaid and the higher mals-killed by hunger and thirst-are piled out- economy and a stable if faulty democracy, but response has been more effective than the last Meadows leads the conservative House out-of-pocket costs it would impose on side their villages. Water wells have run dry or Turkana feels like another country. “The image of time, in 2011, still more needs to be done, aid Freedom Caucus, whose roughly three many poorer and older consumers. Some brackish, often, their pumps are broken. “All our Kenya as a middle income country doesn’t do workers say. “In the current situation, this is dozen members have largely opposed the members of the Freedom Caucus were animals are dead, and the only water to drink is justice to the reality on the ground,” said Werner clearly not enough,” said Schultink. GOP legislation for not going far enough to showing signs of accepting less than many dirty and makes us sick,” said Ekiru Ekitela, her Schultink, country head for the UN children’s As the drought bites, the road ahead looks abrogate Obama’s Affordable Care Act, and originally wanted. Meadows said talks neck slung with countless colourful beads. agency, UNICEF. Far from the agricultural south, longer than ever for Turkana: some 92 percent their opposition helped to thwart the were boiling down to curbing several of Others have resorted to eating the remains of where 90 percent of the population live, Turkana of its 1.4 million people live below the poverty measure in the House in late March. Obama’s coverage requirements - a sharp dead animals, saying “it’s that or nothing.” is a vast, poor region regularly ravaged by line and only a fifth know how to read and The White House offers got an uneven contrast to the full repeal of the statute The end of March is supposed to bring rains drought. The hunger is greatest in the north. In write, a figure four times lower than the national reception earlier Tuesday from GOP moder- that many initially demanded. “It perhaps transforming the barren plains around the vil- the Kibish region, squeezed between Ethiopia average. Observers say education must be listed ates and conservatives, leaving prospects is as much of a repeal as we can get done,” lage of Lokamarinyang in the Kibish region in and South Sudan, more than half of children among the region’s many priorities as it holds shaky that the party could salvage one of Meadows told reporters. Turkana’s far north into pasture, but so far there aged six months to five years are suffering from the key to diversifying the economy and offer- its leading legislative priorities. There was A poll by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family is none to water the desperately dry land. To the acute malnutrition, according to UNICEF. In the ing opportunities beyond herding livestock no evidence that the proposals won over Foundation flashed a warning for the White south, in Karioreng village, Akalale Esekon tried early part of this decade, politicians made rash across an ever-drier land. “There will be more any of the GOP opponents who humiliated House, showing that 3 in 4 Americans want to breast-feed her infant child, but no milk came promises of rapid modernization that would droughts,” said Nakara. “We need to be prepared President Donald Trump and House leaders the Trump administration to make Obama’s so the baby screamed with hunger. “He sucks, consign to history decades of deliberate margin- to face them.” — AFP on March 24, forcing them to cancel a law work. About 2 in 3 said they were glad planned vote on a Republican health care the House GOP bill didn’t pass last month. bill that was destined to lose. “We want to But people split evenly between wanting make sure that when we go, we have the to keep or repeal Obama’s statute. The ‘Sci-fi’ cancer therapy votes to pass this bill,” House Speaker Paul underlying House Republican bill would Ryan, R-Wis, told reporters. He said talks repeal much of Obama’s 2010 law. It would were in “the conceptual stage.” erase its tax fines for consumers who don’t fights brain tumors: study Later Tuesday, Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., buy policies, federal aid to help many his party’s chief vote counter, said discus- afford coverage and Medicaid expansion WASHINGTON: It sounds like sci- an island near England. It’s sold in sions were not “where there is consensus” for additional poor people. ence fiction, but a cap-like device the US, Germany, Switzerland and on health care and indicated a vote this Instead, opponents of the current meas- that makes electric fields to fight Japan for adults with an aggressive week was unlikely. Congress leaves town in ure say they want tax subsidies for health cancer improved survival for the cancer called glioblastoma multi- days for a two-week recess, when lawmak- care to less generous than under Obama’s first time in more than a decade for forme, and is used with chemo ers could face antagonistic grilling from program for many lower wage-earners and people with deadly brain tumors, after surgery and radiation to try to voters at town hall meetings and the entire people in their 50s and 60s. They also would final results of a large study sug- keep these tumors from recurring, GOP drive might lose momentum. cut the Medicaid program and tax increases gest. Many doctors are skeptical of as most do. Under the White House proposal, states on higher earners would be eliminated. the therapy, called tumor treating Patients cover their shaved scalp could apply for a federal waiver from a pro- Consumers who let coverage lapse would fields, and it’s not a cure. It’s also with strips of electrodes connected vision in Obama’s law that obliges insurers face 30 percent premium hikes. — AP ultra-expensive - $21,000 a month. by wires to a small generator kept But in the study, more than in a bag. They can wear a hat, go twice as many patients were alive about their usual lives, and are sup- Marmite may be brain food: Study five years after getting it, plus the posed to use the device at least 18 usual chemotherapy, than those hours a day. It’s not an electric cur- PARIS: In a world bitterly divided into important neurotransmitter called gamma- given just the chemo - 13 percent rent or radiation, and they feel only pro- and anti-Marmite factions, lovers of amino-butyric acid (GABA). versus 5 percent. “It’s out of the mild heat. It supposedly works by the tangy British spread have found sup- GABA acts as a kind of brake on over- box” in terms of how cancer is usu- creating low intensity, alternating port from an unexpected quarter: brain excited brain cells. It binds to neurons and ally treated, and many doctors electric fields that disrupt cell divi- science. Experiments found that volun- reduces their activity, helping to provide don’t understand it or think it can sion - confusing the way chromo- AURORA: In this March 29, 2017 photo, Joyce Endresen wears an Optune teers who ate a daily spoonful of the dark- balance in the brain. Scientists have pre- help, said Dr. Roger Stupp, a brain somes line up - which makes the therapy device for brain cancer, as she speaks on a phone at work. — AP brown yeast extract seemed to have high- viously theorised that GABA helps to tumor expert at Northwestern cells die. Because cancer cells er levels of a vital neuron chemical associ- dampen fear or anxiety, which happens because patients feel heat when University Medical Center/New University in Chicago. He led the divide often, and normal cells in the ated with a healthy brain. The reason when neurons are over-stimulated. The they get the real thing, and many York-Presbyterian Hospital. He con- company-sponsored study while adult brain do not, this in theory could lie in Marmite’s high levels of vita- anti-anxiety drug benzodiazepine, for would refuse to shave their heads sults for Novocure, as do some doc- previously at University Hospital mostly harms the disease and not min B12, the investigators say. instance, works by beefing up GABA’s every few days and use an incon- tors running the study. The latest Zurich in Switzerland, and gave the patient. In a study published yesterday, psychol- effectiveness, and abnormal levels of venient device for years if the treat- National Comprehensive Cancer results Sunday at an American ogists at the University of York in northern GABA have been associated with epilepsy. ment might be fake. Some doctors Center guidelines include Optune Association for Cancer Research What studies show England recruited 28 volunteers and divid- “This study suggests that eating said they would withhold judg- as an appropriate treatment for meeting in Washington. In a 2011 study, the device didn’t ed them into two groups. One group ate a Marmite is potentially good for you in ment until there were long-term brain tumors. It’s also is being test- “You cannot argue with them - improve survival but caused fewer teaspoon of Marmite each day for a month; that it seems to increase a chemical mes- results on the whole group. ed for pancreatic, ovarian and lung they’re great results,” and unlikely symptoms than chemo did for people the other ate a daily teaspoon of peanut senger associated with healthy brain cancers; electrodes are worn on the to be due to a placebo effect, said whose tumors had worsened or butter. The volunteers wore non-invasive function,” lead authors Daniel Baker and The new results belly or chest for those. one independent expert, Dr. recurred after standard treatments. Now they’re in: Median survival skullcaps fitted with electrodes to monitor Anika Smith told AFP. “There could poten- Antonio Chiocca, neurosurgery The US Food and Drug Administration was 21 months for those given brain activity while they looked at a screen tially be beneficial effects for people with chief at Brigham and Women’s approved it for that situation. A sec- The price Optune plus chemo versus 16 A big issue is cost - roughly $700 with a visual stimulus-a large stripey pat- some neurological disorders linked to Hospital in Boston. Dr George ond study, in newly diagnosed months for those on chemo alone. a day. Most U.S. insurers cover it but tern that flickered at a regular rate. GABA.” The pair said they were not clini- Demetri of the Dana-Farber Cancer patients, was stopped in 2014 after Survival rates were 43 percent ver- Medicare does not and “we are pay- cians or dieticians, so were unwilling to Institute in Boston and a board about half of the 695 participants had sus 31 percent at two years; 26 per- ing,” said Novocure’s chief execu- GABA make any recommendations about what member of the association hosting been tracked for at least 18 months, cent versus 16 percent at three tive, Bill Doyle. “We’ve never The Marmite group showed a substan- would be a healthy limit for eating the conference, agreed but called because those using the device were years, and 13 percent versus 5 per- refused a patient regardless of tial reduction of around 30 percent in Marmite. “However, there is no evidence the benefit modest, because most living several months longer on aver- cent at five years. Side effects were insurance status.” The price reflects response to the stimulus compared with the that normal consumption of Marmite has patients still die within five years. “It age than the rest. minimal but included blood-count “an extremely sophisticated med- peanut butter group. The work, published in any negative effects,” they said. Compared is such a horrible disease” that any The FDA expanded approval but problems, weakness, fatigue and ical device, made in very low quan- the Journal of Psychopharmacology, sheds a with the same quantity of peanut butter, some doctors were leery because progress is important, he added. skin irritation from the electrodes. tities,” with disposable parts powerful light on how diet can affect brain the team found that Marmite had around the device wasn’t compared with a “The device is now impossible to changed several times a week and activity, the researchers say. How Marmite 116 times more vitamin B12, three times sham treatment - everyone knew About the treatment ignore ... it absolutely is an a support person for each patient, worked was not clinically investigated. But more vitamin B6, and nearly twice as who was getting what. Study lead- The device, called Optune, is advance,” said Dr. Andrew Lassman, he said. Plus 17 years of lab, animal the presumption is that it boosts levels of an much glutamate as peanut butter. —AFP ers say a sham was impractical, made by Novocure, based in Jersey, brain tumor chief at the Columbia and human testing. —AP THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 HEALTH & SCIENCE

Cancer study: Antibiotics linked to unsafe polyps PARIS: Long-term use of antibiotics researchers noted. But there is a plau- increases the risk later in life of develop- sible explanation for how this might ing colon polyps, often a precursor of happen, they added. bowel cancer, researchers said yesterday. The findings, published in the journal ‘Increasing evidence’ Gut, boost evidence that the digestive Antibiotics fundamentally alter the tract’s complex network of bacteria may population of bacteria in the digestive play a key role in cancer emergence. tract-the microbiome-by killing some Earlier research has linked antibiotic germs and reducing the population of use to developing bowel cancer but others. Even when they work as intend- the potential association with these ed by eliminating a disease-causing abnormal growths had not been bug, antibiotics also reduce the gut’s explored. To find out more, Andrew resistance to other “hostile” bacteria. Chan of the Massachusetts General This disruption of the natural bal- Hospital in Boston combed through ance of bacteria, earlier work has health records for 16,642 women who shown, is common in patients with were 60 or older in 2004. The women bowel cancer. Add to this the fact that were enrolled in the Nurses Health many bugs requiring antibiotics cause Study, which has been following the inflammation-a known risk factor for health of 121,700 nurses in the United bowel cancer-and the link becomes States since 1976. The nurses’ medica- even stronger, the authors said. If con- tions are included in the monitoring. The firmed by further studies, the findings World Health Day: Experts urge parents women examined in the new study had suggest the need to limit the use of had at least one colonoscopy between antibiotics “that may drive tumor for- 2004 and 2010. During that period, 1,195 mation,” they concluded. to look out for depression in children cases of polyps were diagnosed. Sheena Cruickshank, a lecturer in The researchers found an increased immunology at the University of KUWAIT: In support of the 2017 World Health risk of polyps among women who had Manchester in Britain who was not Day theme, Depression: Let’s talk, Clinical taken antibiotics for a total of two involved in the study, said the new Psychologists, Dr Eve McAllister and Dr Daniel months or more over a two-decade research zeros in on a key question. “There Stark from Great Ormond Street Hospital for span. Women who did so in their 20s is increasing evidence that our microbiota Children (GOSH) are calling for parents to be and 30s had a 36-percent greater are important in regulating our immune aware of the signs and symptoms of depression chance of polyps forming compared to responses and many aspects of our nor- in children. counterparts who did not extensively mal function,” she wrote in a comment dis- According to the World Health Organisation, use antibiotics. The risk jumped by 70 tributed by the Science Media Centre. depression is the leading cause of disability percent in women who took antibiotics “Anything that disturbs our gut bac- worldwide, affecting over 300 million people. for at least two months while they were teria-such as changes in diet, inflam- This World Health Day, GOSH are urging parents in their 40s and 50s. mation or antibiotic use-may have an to be aware of the signs and symptoms of “Long-term antibiotic use in early- impact on our health.” But she added depression and other common mental health to-middle adulthood was associated that the study did not adequately difficulties in children. Whilst depression is rarer with increased risk of colorectal ade- investigate whether the diet of the in younger-children (~4%), it typically becomes noma,” the study said, using the tech- women who took a lot of antibiotics more evident in young-people as they move nical term for polyps. The study was contributed to the development of pre- towards adolescence (10-20%). not based on a controlled experiment, cancerous lesions. Nor does it consider “Depression is one of the most common so the evidence that antibiotics some- the possibility that antibiotics in farm mental health conditions worldwide, including how lead to the appearance of polyps animals whose meat is consumed by the Middle East,” reports Dr Daniel Stark, Clinical remains circumstantial, the people could play a role as well. —AFP Psychologist at the London-based hospital, which treats over 1,500 children from the Middle East every year. In a new report published by the World Health Organisation this year, it is estimat- Support surges for smoking ed that 5% of the Kuwaiti population are suffer- ing with depression. ban in US tobacco country ple with a physical health condition are often matizing condition; we should be talking about Negative thoughts more likely to experience depression compared it. It is a common difficulty and the good news is FRANKFORT: More than seven in 10 peo- residents, according to the Kentucky Center Depression is a common mental health con- to their peers. In addition, it is often their men- that it is very treatable condition that can lead to ple in one of the nation’s largest tobacco- for Smoke-Free Policy. The poll, conducted dition that negatively affects how people feel, tal-health rather than their physical health diffi- big improvements in children’s functioning and producing states support a statewide from Sept 11 to Oct 19, surveyed 1,580 the way that they think and how they act. It usu- culties that has the biggest impact on quality of wellbeing at home and at school,” Dr Daniel smoking ban in most public places. It’s the adults by telephone, including cellphones. ally involves a child feeling sad or becoming sig- life,” Dr Daniel Stark reports. Stark concludes. highest level of support ever recorded in The margin of error is plus or minus 2.5 per- nificantly more irritable and finding it more diffi- “Depression is being increasingly recognized polling by the Foundation for a Healthy cent. The smoking ban had support in cult to get pleasure out of activities. It may in younger-people,” Dr Daniel Stark explains. What parents need to know Kentucky since the group first asked the every region of the state and across politi- include negative thoughts, such as ‘I’m not good “It’s important for parents to know that about teenage depression: question in 2011. Anti-smoking advocates cal lines: 76 percent of Democrats, 68 per- enough,’ ‘nobody likes me’ or ‘I’m terrible at this.’ depressed children do not always look like Causes: As in adults, depression in children hope the numbers will fuel a renewed push cent of Republicans and 72 percent of inde- Depression can also include physical symptoms, depressed adults. However, the good news is can be the result of a combination of factors for a public smoking ban in a state that pendents said they supported the ban. such as fatigue, weight loss or gain, sleeping dif- that there are good, evidence-based treat- which may include: friendship difficulties; chal- leads the country in the number of tobac- State lawmakers concluded their 2017 ficulties and finding it difficult to concentrate. ments for children who are experiencing diffi- lenges in school; stressful life events and family co-related cancer cases per 100,000 people. legislative session last week. They over- Children with depression may wish to withdraw culties with their mood.” factors. It can also be maintained by children But working against them is the state’s whelmingly passed a law making it easier from day-to-day activities that they previously Dr Eve McAllister also explains that parents finding it difficult to return to activities they pre- population of smokers - more people for people to access smoking cessation enjoyed. Some older children with depression need to be mindful if their child is presenting viously enjoyed. smoke in Kentucky per capita than any- programs with their health insurance. But may also experience thoughts of life not being with many physical symptoms, for example if a Symptoms: Depression usually involves a where else in the country - and the state’s they failed to pass a law banning all tobac- worth living or thoughts of harming themselves. child is often complaining of stomach aches or child feeling sad or becoming significantly more long history of tobacco growing that has co products from the state’s 173 public Transitions or changes in a child’s life may having frequent days off school, as this can be a irritable, and finding it difficult to get pleasure sustained generations of farmers. school districts, where only 36 percent ban trigger the onset of a mental health difficulty, sign of a mental health condition. “It may be a out of activities. Depression can also include “(Tobacco) has bought and paid for tobacco products on campus and at such as depression or anxiety. “Parents may see sign that the child is feeling anxious about physical symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss everything my life. My house, my educa- school-sponsored events. State law bans these challenges arise following times of school. For example, if the child is complaining or gain, sleeping difficulties and finding it diffi- tion,” said Jonathan Shell, a Garrard County anyone under 18 from buying or using change, such as moving school or moving home, of stomach pain or headache more often during cult to concentrate. Children with depression tobacco farmer and the Republican majori- tobacco products. or moving to a new country,” Dr Eve McAllister the school-week compared to at the weekend.” may wish to withdraw from day-to-day activities ty leader in the state House of Instead, lawmakers have focused on said. “Depression may also be linked to another For parents who are worried that their child that they previously enjoyed. Communication : If Representatives. “We don’t have an passing laws combating the state’s rising underlying mental health condition. For exam- has depression or a mental health condition, Dr you think your child is depressed, it would be appetite to get involved in telling business- toll of drug overdose deaths. In 2015, ple, if your child has become very worried about Eve McAllister, urges parents that the first step is important to think about what your child may es and local governments what they can more than 1,200 people died from drug speaking in public, asking and answering ques- ensuring the child gets a thorough assessment be finding challenging, and to speak with your and can’t do.” overdoses. But each year, more than tions in school, and wants to avoid social gather- from a mental healthcare professional. “It’s child and their teacher about the changes you 8,000 Kentuckians died from tobacco- ings at home, then they may be experiencing important to think and talk about what has led have noticed. It will be important that you com- Political lines related illnesses. “As bad as the opioid sit- social anxiety. This shyness, can then lead to to the range of symptoms. A qualified healthcare municate with your child in a supportive way. Across the country, 27 states plus the uation is, and it’s bad, that still pales in depression if it leads to your child becoming iso- professional that specializes in mental health, Treatment: Speak to your child’s pediatrician District of Columbia have passed work- comparison to the loss we have from lated from peers”. such as a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, to identify a suitable professional. They may rec- place smoking bans, with many more local tobacco every single year,” said Ben should be able to offer or recommend treat- ommend a thorough assessment from a quali- governments also adopting bans. In Chandler, president and CEO of the Physical symptoms ments that are evidence-based. This means the fied mental healthcare professional (eg Clinical Kentucky, 25 local governments have some Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky and a Depression is very common in young people results are rigorously tested and shown to be Psychologist or Child and Adolescent kind of smoking ban, covering nearly 33 former Democratic congressman. “We who already have physical health conditions too. effective in treating children who are experienc- Psychiatrist). They should be able to offer treat- percent of the state’s more than 4.3 million just can’t tolerate that situation.” — AP “Looking at the scientific literature, young peo- ing depression. Depression shouldn’t be a stig- ments that are evidence-based. WHAT’S ON THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

Al-Rawdan opens SAVECO Al-Qurain Branch

AVECO, the leading supermarket in Kuwait, has Minister of Commerce and Industry and Acting Minister of newspapers, magazines and TV channels representatives. SAVECO will be holding a spectacular event on the announced the official opening of SAVECO Al-Qurain” State for Youth Affairs Mr Khalid Al-Rawdan and SAVECO SAVECO Al-Qurain Branch is located at west Abu Fatira / Al- occasion of the opening ceremony. Children’s parties will Stoday at 6.30 PM in the presence of His Excellency Chief Executive Officer Mrs Noor Faisal Al-Qatami with Qurain Markets. It extends over an area of 13000 meter. be held during the weekend from 5 PM till 7 PM. Gifts will be given to competitions winners. The opening ceremony will also include Magic tricks, face painting, bubble game and other entertainment programs. The retail area in the store is categorized in several departments: Dairy, Frozen Foods, Health and Beauty, Grocery, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Meats Department, Fish Department, Cheeses & Deli Department, Hot Food (Saveco Kitchen), the Juicer, Kids Clothing & Toys, Electronics and Home Center, hala cafe, La Patisserie, food academy and Hamad & Shahad which has a wide range of clothing, accessories & toys for babies & kids. The place is perfect for hosting an exclusive birthday party experience for children up to 10 years of age. Indulge your child, fami- ly and friends with first class entertainment. Our unique and dynamic toys will give your children a blast of fun, excitement and memorable experience. In addition, a wide range of gluten-free products, lactose-free dairy products, organic products, protein-rich products, suitable products for vegetarians, dieters and healthy natural options are available exclusively at SAVECO. ‘Life Again Foundation’ opens chapter in Kuwait

By Sajeev K Peter event will be held on Saturday from 5.30 pm understanding and conviction. “As varied as peo- onwards at American International School - ple of this world are, we are strengthened as a he Life Again Foundation, a young Indian Maidan Hawally, Salmiya. “This show will serve as whole society only when we reach out our hands organization that provides community serv- a platform for people from all walks of life, all cul- as individuals to another person in giving or sup- Tices especially in the fields of health and edu- tures, languages, religions and races to join port. That is when the network becomes so cation, is opening its chapter in Kuwait on its first hands for a good cause,” Gautami said. strong that we can lift ourselves up,” she birthday. To mark the occasion, the Foundation is Kuwaiti singer Mubarak Al-Azmi and Malek explained. holding a major cultural show on April 8 in Kuwait Ajeel and Harindranadh from Art of Living also “This can be in terms of social causes or in which domain experts from India and Kuwait addressed the press conference. In addition to health issues. Reaching out one to one is the will speak on health and education. Gautami, eminent speakers attending the April most important thing that can make a significant Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, 8th event will include Zumba instructor and spe- difference in the world today. The spirit of The Life Again founder and prominent Indian cial needs teacher Helen Al-Rahi, Women’s humanity is universal. We have people from dif- actress Gautami said, “It is truly a momentous Empowerment Guru, Life Coach and Founder at ferent cultures, religions, ways of life and lan- occasion for me and our entire team of Life Reham TV Reham Al-Rashidi and Founder at guages. None of it matters when we all come Again. India’s leading and respected artiste Master Consults Zaina Alzabin. together for the larger good,” she said. According Shobhana will lead the cultural show with her ‘One for one, we are there for everyone’ is the to Life Again, it is critically important for organi- ‘Dancing Drums’ ‘Trance.’ In addition to the stun- motto of Life Again. Explaining the rationale zations to work together. “The idea is to combine ning show, popular Kuwaiti singer Mubarak Al- behind the philosophy of Life Again, Gautami our strength with that of other organizations so Azmi will present a musical performance. The said the motto was born out of a very strong that in synergy we can achieve far more than we could achieve individually,” she said.

Education and health Two primary areas of work at Life Again Foundation are health and education. “We have taken up the cause of cancer awareness. We AL-Saqqaf and Nasseer speak during the press conference. have been trying to create awareness about the need of good health and good living practices,” Gautami, herself a cancer survivor said. Artist Nasseer Shamma “It is a tragedy that most of the illnesses and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases and even cancer to a good extent speaks on upcoming are something that are caused or accentuated by our daily living practices. That is why our organi- zation is trying to empower people hugely with Global Peace Concert the tools to live a clean life and optimize the energies of life,” she added. group of international musicians are set to play the Global Peace Concert In rural areas in India, the Life Again seeks to at Jaber Al-Ahmed Cultural center at 8:00 pm next Saturday (April 8). The empower children in order to help them attain AIraqi international musician, Nasseer Shamma held a press conference at education on par with their counterparts in LOYAC’s headquarters with the chairperson, Fareah Al-Saqqaf to speak about urban schools. “Every child has the right to the the concert. same education and same opportunities that the Shamma expressed her pleasure to be in Kuwait for the second time in less world has to offer. This will be our endeavor with than two months. He also expressed a large appreciation for the Kuwaiti audi- our rural education project,” she added. Malek ence noting that he feels at home in Kuwait. Shamma added that the concert Ajeel and Harindranadh added that Art of Living, has been a major success at the French Olympia theatre over the past twenty Indian actress Gautami (right) addresses the press conference as Mubarak Al-Azmi (second Kuwait is happy to collaborate with the Life years. He also stressed that the concert should always convey a message of right) and Malek Ajeel (left) and Harindranadh (second left) look on. Again in its noble endeavor. worldwide international peace. Are you ready for world class Pinoyat Max’s?

edia and VIP guests, including stal- Kuwait, now enhanced by a new menu that bine sweet and savory flavors, legendary ‘Sarap lunch or a casual catch up with friends, Max’s now conceptualized a menu that celebrates the warts of the local Pinoy community, exudes the passion my team and I have for to the Bones’ Max’s Fried Chicken, cozy interiors promises an unforgettable dining experience, diversity in Filipino cuisine that is bright and Mmingled with Max’s Chef Enrique preparing the food we grew up eating and now and heart-warming service, Max’s is a must-visit one that takes the Pinoy back home and every- rich, delicious and versatile. He has taken tradi- Suarez and his team as they enjoyed dishes love to cook for others,” added Chef Henry. “It for the discerning food lover. one else to a dining table in the Philippines,” tional favorites and regional eats and added his from the new menu, which was also launched tastes both familiar and new, which is exactly “The local Filipino community easily relate said Mohammed Ismail, Operations Manager, own special touch to make Max’s new menu to coincide with this special event. Renato O. the experience we wish for our diners.” to Max’s Restaurant. Whether it’s a baptism, Max’s Restaurant. “Chef Henry as we like to call something that we are certain everyone, Villa, Philippines Ambassador of the Philippines Renowned for its signature dishes, which com- birthday, wedding or anniversary, a business our resident Filipino expert and food hero has Filipinos or otherwise, will relish,” he added. in Kuwait, was in attendance. Entertainment was provided by a popular artists including Joanna Slayton, Ramy De la Cruz, Carlo, Najwa, Jennifer and popular dance group - One Groove. Roman Pintorukit, a popular Filipino graffiti artist also unveiled a very cool artwork specially created for Max’s Restaurant. Conceptualized by Chef Henry as he is pop- ularly known, the new menu features for the first time, grilled dishes, sizzlers, seafood and Pinoy favorites like Adobo, Sisig, Tokwa’t Baka, Inihawna Pusit and Boneless chicken BBQ and even Spanish influenced dishes like the Beef Ribs Humba. It will also continue to include core dishes such as Max’s Fried Chicken and Kare-Kare that have helped cement Max’s rep- utation as the region’s number choice for Filipino food. “Filipino food is comfort food and meant to be eaten with family and friends. We look for- ward to welcoming one and all to the cozy, friendly and inviting Max’s Restaurant in THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 TV PROGRAMS

07:15 Disorderly Conduct: Video On Cat Noir 17:30 The Pioneer Woman Patrol 16:45 Elena Of Avalor 18:00 Chopped 08:05 Disaster Date 17:10 Liv And Maddie 19:00 Iron Chef America 08:30 Disaster Date 17:35 Descendants Wicked World 20:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 08:55 Ridiculousness 17:40 Girl Meets World 20:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 06:00 Guardians Of The Galaxy 00:45 Momentum 09:20 Key And Peele 18:05 Stuck In The Middle 21:00 Man Finds Food 06:25 Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man vs 02:30 7500 09:45 Disaster Date 18:30 Bunk'd 21:30 Man Finds Food The Sinister 6 04:00 Echo Effect 10:10 Ridiculousness 18:55 Bizaardvark 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 06:50 Atomic Puppet 06:00 Dracula Untold 10:35 Impractical Jokers UK 19:20 Disney Mickey Mouse 22:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 07:15 Gravity Falls 08:15 Golden Eye 11:00 Urban Tarzan 19:25 Alex & Co. 23:00 Guy's Grocery Games 07:40 Supa Strikas 10:30 Harlock: Space Pirate 11:25 Urban Tarzan 19:50 Jessie 08:05 Two More Eggs 12:30 Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV 11:50 I Live With Models 20:15 Tsum Tsum Shorts 08:10 K.C. Undercover 14:30 Dracula Untold 12:15 Lip Sync Battle 20:20 Backstage 08:35 Milo Murphy's Law 16:30 Tomorrow Never Dies 12:40 Impractical Jokers UK 20:45 Austin & Ally 09:00 Walk The Prank 18:30 Spooks: The Greater Good 13:05 Disorderly Conduct: Video On 21:10 The Next Step 09:25 Right Now Kapow 20:30 Seventh Son Patrol 21:35 Cracke 00:10 The Chase 09:50 Lab Rats 22:15 Mad Max: Fury Road 13:55 Ridiculousness 21:40 Best Friends Whenever 01:00 Emmerdale 10:15 Two More Eggs 14:20 Bondi Ink. 22:05 Girl Meets World 01:30 Coronation Street 10:20 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 15:10 I Live With Models 22:30 That's So Raven 02:00 Coronation Street 10:45 Mighty Med 15:35 Disaster Date 22:55 Star Darlings 02:30 Guess This House 11:10 K.C. Undercover 16:00 Disaster Date 23:00 Good Luck Charlie 03:25 Vera 11:35 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 16:30 Impractical Jokers UK 23:25 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 05:15 Come Date With Me Australia 12:00 Avalon High 00:15 Vet On The Loose 16:55 Lip Sync Battle Witch 06:10 The Chase 13:30 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 00:45 Bondi Vet 17:25 Key And Peele 23:50 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 07:05 Guess This House 13:45 K.C. Undercover 01:40 Lone Star Law 17:50 Life Or Debt Witch 08:00 Vera 14:10 Disney Mickey Mouse 02:35 Tanked 18:39 Ridiculousness 09:35 Gino's Italian Escape 14:15 K.C. Undercover 03:25 Pandamonium 19:03 Disaster Date 10:00 Come Date With Me Australia 14:40 Lab Rats 04:15 Gator Boys 19:27 Key And Peele 10:55 The Chase 15:05 Lab Rats 05:02 Vet On The Loose 19:50 Key And Peele 11:50 Guess This House 15:30 Supa Strikas 05:27 Vet On The Loose 20:13 Idiotsitter 12:45 Emmerdale 15:55 Supa Strikas 05:49 Lone Star Law 20:37 Important Things With Demitri 00:00 Henry Hugglemonster 13:15 Coronation Street 16:25 K.C. Undercover 06:36 Gorilla School Martin 00:15 Calimero 13:45 Coronation Street 16:50 Walk The Prank 07:00 Gorilla School 21:00 The Daily Show With Trevor Noah 00:30 Art Attack 14:15 The Chase 17:15 Lab Rats: Bionic Island 07:25 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 21:30 Workaholics 00:55 Zou 15:10 Guess This House 17:40 Milo Murphy's Law 08:15 Lone Star Law 22:00 Inside Amy Schumer 01:05 Loopdidoo 16:00 Murdoch Mysteries 18:05 Disney Mickey Mouse 09:10 Pandamonium 22:25 Key And Peele 01:20 Henry Hugglemonster 16:55 Brief Encounters 18:10 Gravity Falls 10:05 Tanked 22:50 Tosh.0 01:35 Calimero 17:50 Come Date With Me Australia 18:35 Mighty Med 11:00 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101 23:15 Tosh.0 01:50 Zou 18:20 Come Date With Me Australia 19:00 Atomic Puppet 11:55 Bondi Vet 23:40 The Daily Show With Trevor Noah 02:05 Art Attack 18:45 Emmerdale 19:25 Gamer's Guide To Pretty Much 12:50 Lone Star Law 02:30 The Hive 19:15 Coronation Street Everything 13:45 Gator Boys 02:40 Loopdidoo 19:45 Coronation Street 19:55 K.C. Undercover 14:40 Pandamonium 02:55 Henry Hugglemonster 20:10 Guess This House 20:20 Star vs The Forces Of Evil 21:00 Murdoch Mysteries 15:35 Tanked 03:10 Art Attack 20:45 Mighty Med 21:55 Brief Encounters 16:30 Vet On The Loose 03:35 Loopdidoo 21:10 Walk The Prank 22:50 Emmerdale 16:55 Vet On The Loose 00:30 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 03:50 Calimero 21:40 Disney Mickey Mouse 23:15 Coronation Street 17:25 Rugged Justice 01:20 Kids Do The Craziest Things 04:05 Art Attack 21:45 Marvel's Avengers Assemble 23:40 Coronation Street 18:20 Pit Bulls & Parolees 01:45 Kids Do The Craziest Things 04:30 Henry Hugglemonster 22:10 Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man vs 19:15 Tanked 02:10 Pick A Puppy 04:45 Zou The Sinister 6 THE GOOD LIE ON OSN MOVIES HD 20:10 Pandamonium 02:35 Pick A Puppy 05:00 Art Attack 22:35 Boyster 07:15 Emma's Chance 21:05 Rugged Justice 03:00 Destroyed In Seconds 05:30 Henry Hugglemonster 23:00 Programmes Start At 6:00am KSA 09:00 Frozen 22:00 Pit Bulls & Parolees 03:25 Destroyed In Seconds 05:45 Loopdidoo 10:45 The Hunchback Of Notre Dame II 22:55 Gator Boys 03:50 Ultimate Survival 06:00 Zou 12:00 American Girl: Isabelle Dances Into 23:50 Vet On The Loose 04:40 How It's Made 06:15 Calimero 00:00 America: The Story Of The U.S. The Spotlight 05:05 How It's Made 06:30 Loopdidoo 01:00 Cities Of The Underworld 13:45 Frozen 05:30 Dirty Jobs 06:45 Henry Hugglemonster 00:15 Food Lover's Guide To The Planet 02:00 America's Book Of Secrets 15:45 The Emperor's New Groove 06:20 Mythbusters 07:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 00:40 The Game Chef 00:05 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 02:50 Ancient Aliens 01:05 Raw Travel 17:15 Kronk's New Groove 07:00 Doki 07:25 Sofia The First 03:40 Bible Secrets Revealed 00:55 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 01:30 Dog Whisperer 19:00 High School Musical 3: Senior Year 07:25 Bear Grylls Survival School 07:50 The Lion Guard 04:30 The Universe 01:50 Botched 02:20 The Food Files 21:00 Inspector Gadget 07:50 Must Love Cats 08:15 PJ Masks 05:20 America: The Story Of The U.S. 00:35 The Living And The Dead 02:50 Celebrity Style Story 02:45 The Food Files 22:30 The Emperor's New Groove 08:40 How It's Made 08:40 Jake And The Never Land Pirates 06:10 The Universe 01:35 Line Of Duty 03:20 Celebrity Style Story 03:10 The Best Job In The World 09:05 How It's Made 09:05 Goldie & Bear 07:00 Cities Of The Underworld 02:35 DCI Banks 03:50 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 03:35 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of Australia 09:30 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 09:30 Minnie's Bow-Toons 08:00 America's Book Of Secrets 03:25 DCI Banks 04:40 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 04:00 World's Best Beaches 10:20 Mythbusters 09:35 The Lion Guard 09:00 Ancient Aliens 05:30 Celebrity Style Story 04:50 Maximum Foodie 10:00 Bible Secrets Revealed 06:00 Hollywood Medium With Tyler 05:20 Maximum Foodie 11:00 The Universe Henry 05:45 Confucius Was A Foodie 00:15 Sunlight Jr. 06:55 E! News 12:00 America: The Story Of The U.S. 02:00 Frankie And Johnny 13:00 Cities Of The Underworld 06:40 Chasing The Sun 07:10 Hollywood Medium With Tyler 07:10 Raw Travel 04:00 The Girl Henry 14:00 America's Book Of Secrets 06:00 Gone With The Bullets 15:00 Ancient Aliens 07:35 Dog Whisperer 08:10 E! News 08:30 The Food Files 08:00 The Truth About Emanuel 09:10 Mariah's World 16:00 Bible Secrets Revealed 10:00 5 Flights Up 17:00 The Universe 09:00 The Food Files 10:05 Mariah's World 09:25 The Best Job In The World 12:00 The Girl 11:00 Mariah's World 18:00 America: The Story Of The U.S. 14:00 Trash 19:00 Cities Of The Underworld 09:55 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of Australia 12:00 E! News 10:20 World's Best Beaches 16:00 Escobar: Paradise Lost 12:15 So Cosmo 20:00 America's Book Of Secrets 18:00 Very Good Girls 21:00 Ancient Aliens 11:15 Maximum Foodie 13:10 So Cosmo 11:45 Maximum Foodie 20:00 Nightcrawler 14:05 So Cosmo 22:00 Ancient Aliens 22:00 In America 23:00 The Universe 12:10 Chasing The Sun 15:00 E! News 12:40 Raw Travel 15:15 WAGs 13:05 Dog Whisperer 16:10 WAGs 14:00 The Food Files 17:05 WAGs 14:30 The Food Files 18:00 WAGs 14:55 The Best Job In The World 19:00 E! News 15:25 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of Australia 00:45 Curious George 20:00 Mariah's World 00:20 Mankind The Story Of All Of Us 15:50 World's Best Beaches 02:30 Moomins And The Comet Chase 21:00 Mariah's World 01:10 The Curse Of Oak Island 16:45 Charlie Luxton's Homes By The 04:15 Capture The Flag 22:00 Mariah's World 02:00 Hunting Hitler Med 06:00 The Adventures Of Don Quixote 23:00 E! News 07:30 Mamma Moo And Crow 02:50 Storage Wars 17:40 Confucius Was A Foodie 23:15 Botched 09:00 Thumbelina 03:15 American Pickers 18:35 Chasing The Sun 19:05 The Best Job In The World 10:45 Curious George 04:05 Pawn Stars 19:30 Lyndey Milan - Taste Of Australia 12:30 Moomins And The Comet Chase 04:30 Pawn Stars 20:00 World's Best Beaches 14:00 Egon And Donci 05:00 Mountain Men 20:55 Charlie Luxton's Homes By The 16:00 Thumbelina 06:00 Leepu And Pitbull Med 18:00 The Boxcar Children 00:00 Restaurant: Impossible 06:50 Shipping Wars 21:45 Confucius Was A Foodie 20:00 The Tale Of Despereaux 01:00 Mystery Diners 07:15 Shipping Wars 22:35 Chasing The Sun 21:45 Egon And Donci 01:30 Mystery Diners 07:40 Counting Cars 23:00 Raw Travel 23:15 Mamma Moo And Crow SEVENTH SON ON OSN MOVIES ACTION 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 08:05 Counting Cars 23:25 Dog Whisperer 02:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 04:15 Casualty 11:10 Must Love Cats 10:00 Sofia The First 03:00 Man Fire Food 08:30 Pawn Stars 05:10 Stella 12:00 Ultimate Survival 10:30 Doc McStuffins 03:30 Man Fire Food 08:55 Pawn Stars 06:00 Casualty 12:50 How It's Made 10:55 Miles From Tomorrow 04:00 Chopped 09:20 Storage Wars 00:00 Jessabelle 06:55 Casualty 13:15 How It's Made 11:20 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 05:00 Guy's Grocery Games 09:45 Storage Wars 01:45 Steve Jobs 07:55 Father Brown 13:40 Dirty Jobs 11:50 Loopdidoo 06:00 Barefoot Contessa 10:10 American Pickers 04:00 Cas & Dylan 08:45 Doctor Who 14:30 Doki 12:05 Sheriff Callie's Wild West 06:30 Barefoot Contessa 05:45 Finding Forrester 09:35 Stella 14:55 Bear Grylls Survival School 12:30 Gummi Bears 11:00 Time Team 00:10 Scam City 07:00 The Kitchen 08:00 Just Married 10:25 Casualty 15:20 Mythbusters 12:55 Zou 11:50 Time Team 01:00 Lawless Island 08:00 The Pioneer Woman 09:45 Jackie & Ryan 11:25 Father Brown 16:10 What Could Possibly Go Wrong? 13:10 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 12:40 Swamp People 02:00 Mine Kings 08:30 The Pioneer Woman 11:30 Steve Jobs 12:15 Doctor Who 17:00 Race To Escape 13:35 PJ Masks 13:30 Ax Men 03:00 Mega Factories 13:05 Stella 09:00 The Pioneer Woman 13:45 The Good Lie 17:50 Now That's Funny 14:00 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 14:20 Mountain Men 04:00 Scam City 09:30 The Pioneer Woman 15:45 Twister 13:50 Casualty 18:40 Destroyed In Seconds 14:30 The Lion Guard 05:00 World's Toughest Fixes 10:00 Siba's Table 15:10 Ice Road Truckers 17:45 Casino Royale 14:45 Father Brown 19:05 Destroyed In Seconds 15:00 Sofia The First 06:00 Mygrations 10:30 Siba's Table 16:00 Leepu And Pitbull 20:15 Erin Brockovich 15:35 Doctor Who 19:30 How It's Made 15:30 Doc McStuffins 07:00 Filthy Riches 11:00 The Kitchen 16:50 Pawn Stars 22:30 Swordfish 16:25 Stella 19:55 How It's Made 15:55 Goldie & Bear 08:00 Mars 12:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:15 Pawn Stars 17:10 The Coroner 20:20 Mythbusters 16:20 Miles From Tomorrow 09:00 World's Toughest Fixes 12:30 The Pioneer Woman 18:00 Doctors 21:10 Race To Escape 16:50 PJ Masks 17:40 Hunting Hitler 10:00 Monster Fish 13:00 Siba's Table 18:30 Doctors 22:00 World's Funniest Fails 17:15 Sofia The First 18:30 The Curse Of Oak Island 11:00 13:30 Siba's Table 19:05 Father Brown 22:50 Destroyed In Seconds 17:40 Doc McStuffins 19:20 Mountain Men 12:00 Air Crash Investigation 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 20:00 Frankie 23:15 Destroyed In Seconds 18:05 Jake And The Never Land Pirates 20:10 American Pickers 13:00 Mygrations 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 00:30 How Do They Do It? 21:00 The Level 23:40 Ultimate Survival 18:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 21:00 Ice Road Truckers 14:00 Mars 21:50 DCI Banks 15:00 Chopped 00:55 Food Factory 19:00 Goldie & Bear 21:50 Fifth Gear 15:00 Filthy Riches 22:45 DCI Banks 16:00 The Kitchen 16:00 Monster Fish 01:20 NASA's Unexplained Files 19:25 Goldie & Bear 22:40 Swamp People 23:40 Doctors 17:00 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Wicked Tuna 02:10 Ways To Save The Planet 19:50 Doc McStuffins 23:30 American Pickers 20:05 Goldie & Bear 18:00 Air Crash Investigation 03:00 The Big Brain Theory 20:35 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 19:00 Filthy Riches 03:48 Mythbusters 21:00 Gummi Bears 20:00 Monster Fish 04:36 How Do They Do It? 05:00 Food Factory 00:10 Hank Zipzer 21:30 Miles From Tomorrow 20:50 Wicked Tuna 05:24 NASA's Unexplained Files 00:35 Binny And The Ghost 22:00 PJ Masks 21:40 Air Crash Investigation 06:12 Ways To Save The Planet 00:00 Killers 01:00 Binny And The Ghost 22:25 PJ Masks 22:30 Filthy Riches 07:00 How Do They Do It? 01:00 I Escaped My Killer 01:25 Hank Zipzer 22:55 PJ Masks 23:20 Mygrations 07:26 The Big Brain Theory 02:00 Homicide Hunter 01:45 The Hive 23:20 Henry Hugglemonster 08:14 Mythbusters 03:00 Crimes That Shook Australia 01:50 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 23:35 The Hive 09:02 How The Earth Works 04:00 Killers Witch 23:45 Loopdidoo 09:50 How Do They Do It? 05:00 I Escaped My Killer 02:15 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 10:14 Food Factory 06:00 My Crazy Ex Witch 10:38 The Unexplained Files 07:00 My Crazy Ex 02:40 Hank Zipzer 11:26 The Big Brain Theory 08:00 Evil Up Close 03:05 Binny And The Ghost 00:20 Man V. Lion 12:14 Mythbusters 09:00 I Killed My BFF 03:30 Binny And The Ghost 01:10 Hunter Hunted 13:02 How Do They Do It? 10:00 Crimes That Shook Australia 03:55 Hank Zipzer 00:20 Street Outlaws 02:00 Clouded Leopard 13:26 Food Factory 11:00 The First 48 04:15 The Hive 01:10 Gold Rush 02:50 Animals Gone Wild 13:50 How The Earth Works 12:00 The First 48 04:20 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 02:00 Idris Elba: Fighter 03:45 Jobs That Bite! 14:38 The Big Brain Theory 13:00 My Crazy Ex Witch 02:50 Killing Fields 04:40 Ultimate Animal Countdown 15:26 NASA's Unexplained Files 14:00 Evil Up Close 04:45 Sabrina Secrets Of A Teenage 03:40 Fast N' Loud 05:35 Clouded Leopard 16:14 Mythbusters 15:00 Crimes That Shook Australia Witch 04:30 Storage Hunters 06:30 Animals Gone Wild 17:02 Ways To Save The Planet 16:00 I Killed My BFF 05:10 Hank Zipzer 05:00 How Do They Do It? 07:25 Jobs That Bite! 17:50 The Big Brain Theory 17:00 The First 48 05:35 Binny And The Ghost 05:30 How Do They Do It? 08:20 Ultimate Animal Countdown 18:40 Mythbusters 18:00 The First 48 06:00 Binny And The Ghost 06:00 Outback Truckers 09:15 World's Deadliest Animals 19:30 Sport Science 19:00 Evil Up Close 06:25 Hank Zipzer 06:50 Street Outlaws 10:10 Survive The Wild 20:20 How Do They Do It? 20:00 Britain's Biggest Heists 06:45 The Hive 07:40 Fast N' Loud 11:05 Man V. Monster 20:45 Food Factory 21:00 Crimes That Shook Australia 06:50 The 7D 08:30 Venom Hunters 12:00 Shark Junction 21:10 Ways To Save The Planet 22:00 Crime Stories 07:00 Jessie 09:20 Storage Hunters 12:55 Return Of The Lion 22:00 Sport Science 23:00 Sex, Fame And Murder 07:25 Jessie 09:45 How Do They Do It? 13:50 Animals Gone Wild 22:50 The Big Brain Theory 07:50 Tsum Tsum Shorts 10:10 How Do They Do It? 14:45 Jobs That Bite! 23:40 Mythbusters 07:55 The Zhuzhus 10:35 Gold Rush 15:40 Ultimate Animal Countdown 08:20 Elena Of Avalor 11:25 What On Earth? 16:35 Animals Gone Wild Compilations 08:45 Bizaardvark 12:15 Alaskan Bush People 17:30 Survive The Wild 09:10 Bizaardvark 13:05 How Do They Do It? 18:25 Man V. Monster 00:05 The Half Hour 09:35 Stuck In The Middle 13:30 Storage Hunters 19:20 Jobs That Bite! 00:30 South Park 10:00 Stuck In The Middle 13:55 Storage Hunters 20:10 Ultimate Animal Countdown 01:10 Return To Amish 00:55 South Park 10:25 Disney The Lodge 14:20 Gold Rush 21:00 Animals Gone Wild Compilations 02:00 My Big Fat Fabulous Life 01:20 Tosh.0 10:50 Bunk'd 15:10 Venom Hunters 21:50 Survive The Wild 02:25 Say Yes To The Dress: 01:45 Tosh.0 11:15 Bunk'd 16:00 Outback Truckers 22:40 Man V. Monster Bridesmaids 02:10 Another Period 11:40 Pocahontas II: Journey To A... 16:50 Fast N' Loud 23:30 Shark Junction 02:50 Love At First Swipe 02:35 Another Period 12:55 Stuck In The Middle 17:40 Street Outlaws 03:15 Cake Boss 03:00 The Daily Show - Global Edition 13:20 Jessie 18:30 How Do They Do It? 03:35 Little Miss Atlanta 03:25 Disorderly Conduct: Video On 13:45 Jessie 18:55 How Do They Do It? 04:20 Little People, Big World Patrol 14:10 Austin & Ally 19:20 Venom Hunters 04:45 Little People, Big World 04:15 Lip Sync Battle 14:35 Austin & Ally 20:10 Storage Hunters 05:10 Toddlers & Tiaras 04:40 Ridiculousness 15:00 Liv And Maddie 20:35 Storage Hunters 00:15 Emma's Chance 06:00 Say Yes To The Dress: The Big 05:05 Disaster Date 15:25 Liv And Maddie 21:00 The Wheel: Survival Games 02:15 Chilly Christmas Day 05:30 Sweat Inc. 15:50 Sunny Bunnies 21:50 Running Wild With Bear Grylls 04:00 American Girl: Isabelle Dances Into 06:50 Say Yes To The Dress: 06:20 Catch A Contractor 15:55 The Zhuzhus 22:40 American Tarzan The Spotlight Bridesmaids 06:50 Catch A Contractor 16:20 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And 23:30 Fast N' Loud 5 FLIGHTS UP ON OSN MOVIES FESTIVAL 06:00 Kim Possible: So The Drama THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 information

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Afghanistan 0093 Lithuania 00370 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Albania 00355 Luxembourg 00352 Algeria 00213 Macau 00853 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Andorra 00376 Macedonia 00389 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Angola 00244 Madagascar 00261 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Anguilla 001264 Majorca 0034 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Antiga 001268 Malawi 00265 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Argentina 0054 Malaysia 0060 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Armenia 00374 Maldives 00960 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Australia 0061 Mali 00223 Austria 0043 Malta 00356 Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Azerbaijan 00994 Marshall Islands 00692 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Bahamas 001242 Martinique 00596 Bahrain 00973 Mauritania 00222 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Bangladesh 00880 Mauritius 00230 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Barbados 001246 Mayotte 00269 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Belarus 00375 Mexico 0052 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Belgium 0032 Micronesia 00691 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Belize 00501 Moldova 00373 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Benin 00229 Monaco 00377 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Bermuda 001441 Mongolia 00976 Bhutan 00975 Montserrat 001664 Rawda 22517733 Bolivia 00591 Morocco 00212 Adaliya 22517144 Bosnia 00387 Mozambique 00258 Botswana 00267 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Khaldiya 24848075 Brazil 0055 Namibia 00264 Kaifan 24849807 Brunei 00673 Nepal 00977 Bulgaria 00359 Netherlands 0031 Shamiya 24848913 Burkina 00226 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Shuwaikh 24814507 Burundi 00257 New Caledonia 00687 Cambodia 00855 New Zealand 0064 Abdullah Salem 22549134 Cameroon 00237 Nicaragua 00505 Nuzha 22526804 Canada 001 Nigar 00227 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Cape Verde 00238 Nigeria 00234 Cayman Islands 001345 Niue 00683 Qadsiya 22515088 Central African 00236 Norfolk Island 00672 Dasmah 22532265 Chad 00235 N. Ireland (UK) 0044 Chile 0056 North Korea 00850 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 China 0086 Norway 0047 Shaab 22518752 Colombia 0057 Oman 00968 Comoros 00269 Pakistan 0092 Qibla 22459381 Congo 00242 Palau 00680 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Cook Islands 00682 Panama 00507 Costa Rica 00506 Papua New Guinea 00675 Mirqab 22456536 Croatia 00385 Paraguay 00595 Sharq 22465401 Cuba 0053 Peru 0051 Cyprus 00357 Philippines 0063 Salmiya 25746401 Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Poland 0048 Jabriya 25316254 Czech Republic 00420 Portugal 00351 Denmark 0045 Puerto Rico 001787 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Diego Garcia 00246 Qatar 00974 Bayan 25388462 Djibouti 00253 Romania 0040 Russian Federation 007 Mishref 25381200 Dominica 001767 Dominican Republic 001809 Rwanda 00250 W Hawally 22630786 Ecuador 00593 Saint Helena 00290 Sabah 24810221 Egypt 0020 Saint Kitts 001869 El Salvador 00503 Saint Lucia 001758 Jahra 24770319 England (UK) 0044 Saint Pierre 00508 New Jahra 24575755 Equatorial Guinea 00240 Saint Vincent 001784 Eritrea 00291 Samoa US 00684 West Jahra 24772608 Estonia 00372 Samoa West 00685 South Jahra 24775066 Ethiopia 00251 San Marino 00378 Falkland Islands 00500 Sao Tome 00239 North Jahra 24775992 Faroe Islands 00298 Saudi Arabia 00966 North Jleeb 24311795 Fiji 00679 Scotland (UK) 0044 Finland 00358 Senegal 00221 Ardhiya 24884079 France 0033 Seychelles 00284 Firdous 24892674 French Guiana 00594 Sierra Leone 00232 French Polynesia 00689 Singapore 0065 Omariya 24719048 Gabon 00241 Slovakia 00421 N Khaitan 24710044 Gambia 00220 Slovenia 00386 Georgia 00995 Solomon Islands 00677 Fintas 23900322 Germany 0049 Somalia 00252 Ghana 00233 South Africa 0027 Gibraltar 00350 South Korea 0082 Greece 0030 Spain 0034 Greenland 00299 Sri Lanka 0094 PRIVATE CLINICS Grenada 001473 Sudan 00249 Guadeloupe 00590 Suriname 00597 Guam 001671 Swaziland 00268 Guatemala 00502 Sweden 0046 Ophthalmologists Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Endocrinologist Guinea 00224 Switzerland 0041 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Guyana 00592 Syria 00963 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Haiti 00509 Serbia 00381 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Taiwan 00886 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Honduras 00504 Tanzania 00255 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Hong Kong 00852 Thailand 0066 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Hungary 0036 Togo 00228 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Tonga 00676 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Iceland 00354 Tokelau 00690 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Dermatology Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 Trinidad 001868 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Mohammed Salam India 0091 Rheumatologists: Indian Ocean 00873 Tunisia 00216 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 Bern University 23845955 Indonesia 0062 Turkey 0090 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dentists Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Iran 0098 Tuvalu 00688 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Iraq 00964 Uganda 00256 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ireland 00353 Ukraine 00380 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Italy 0039 United Arab Emirates 00976 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Ivory Coast 00225 United Kingdom 0044 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Jamaica 001876 Uruguay 00598 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Japan 0081 USA 001 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Jordan 00962 Uzbekistan 00998 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Head, Division of Cardiology Internists, Chest & Heart Kazakhstan 007 Vanuatu 00678 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital 25339667 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Kenya 00254 Venezuela 00582 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Consultant Cardiologist Kiribati 00686 Vietnam 0084 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Kuwait 00965 Virgin Islands UK 001284 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Virgin Islands US 001340 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Laos 00856 Wales (UK) 0044 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Latvia 00371 Yemen 00967 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Lebanon 00961 Yugoslavia 00381 Zambia 00260 Soor Center Liberia 00231 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center Noor Clinic William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Libya 00218 Zimbabwe 00263 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 23845955 Lesotho 00266 stars32 THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You may be chosen to run an errand this morning. Wherever you are There could be questions coming your way today concerning how you needed, you are the one that carries through with the responsibilities of maintain your cheerfulness or how you cope with certain difficulties. You seem to have the day. Use this quality of carry-through to create a raise or a promotion. You can a grasp on the ability to create a balance in your life and you have the energies and draw out a demonstration of how people in the workplace depend on your expertise determination to stay with your strong standards-the energies of the universe work in or reliability to be present and on target with your problem-solving abilities. If it is not your favor. You could easily become a mentor to others. Opportunities to expand your the co-workers, it will be the customers that treat you with high respect and you thinking through further education may excite you and a chance to join with a friend or deserve the very best. It may be that you have not gotten your raise or promotion teammate confirms any question about you carrying through with this endeavor. This because you have not said much at your employee reviews. Now is the time to be could be a time to make changes in your environment. You may have insights or break- heard. Review your accomplishments and show appreciation for the opportunities. throughs with regard to your life circumstances. Others value your enthusiasm.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

There may be some conditions to meet if you are to receive a raise or You may read about some profound changes in the legal system or in promotion, but higher-ups have been aware of your good works for some time. world affairs or in space exploration. You could spend quite a bit of time catching up Financial matters will have your attention in a positive way. The need to be respected on all the news that is available to you this morning. Some new information can be is an emotionally charged issue in your life at this time. You are at your most practical- useful in the workplace. A recent psychological study confirms what was already obvi- you know just what to do and can act without hesitation. You are called on to make ous to you: the sound of the human voice indicates mood, demeanor and intention in use of your natural abilities and common sense. Incomplete communication with co- many situations. You are good at deciphering the truth of your customers' search and workers can be misconstrued today. Do not take it for granted that other people are able to help with suggestions for purchase difficulties. The voice indicates satisfac- know what you are saying. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Tonight is a tion or frustration and you are able to create a positive outcome. Learn how to relax good night to socialize with loyal pals. Perhaps you will add to your friendship list. periodically and clear your thoughts through art or music.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) You could be asked how you keep a cool attitude in difficult situations. More and more you will be hearing about shortcuts to better budgeting. Your attitude is that life is too short to worry for very long and this atti- You will be discovering all sorts of new ways to increase your finances. Most important tude, although it may seem carefree, actually brings about a confidence in decision for you is to stand in front of that desired product and ask yourself if you really want to making. You are a fine mentor to others and can help guide many people into positive spend the time and energy it takes to earn the money that will pay for that product. Of directions. Today seems like one of those days where you are asked to guide others ACROSS 4. Covered with paving material. course, food is one thing but the pretty twinkle or new toy may be the basic item to more than usual. This helpful action of yours does not assuage you from picking and 1. (computer science) The rate at which data is 5. A thermoplastic polyamide. reevaluate. You will be able to give good advice when others ask how you manage so choosing. Time is important to you and since no one person is given any more time in a transferred (as by a modem). 6. Used of a single unit or thing. well. Although it's of short duration, you may find yourself puzzled or blocked with twenty-four hour period than anyone else, you set the example of how to allocate your regard to some work situation. After lunch, you will be able to gather your thoughts 4. A collection of excerpts from a literary work. 7. The basic unit of money in Romania. time. Round table discussions are positive and much progress is made in planning and and find a solution. A stranger brings you luck on your way home. developing new ideas. 12. Any of various units of capacity. 8. A very light brown. 15. The fatty flesh of eel. 9. Occurring or appearing or singled out by 16. Adhesions between the iris and the lens or chance. cornea resulting from trauma or eye sur- 10. A light strong gray lustrous corrosion-resis- Cancer (June 21-July 22) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) gery of as a complication of glaucoma or tant metallic element used in strong light- As much as you like to be unencumbered, you may find yourself slowed cataract. This is a good day. You are at your most practical when it comes to deal- weight alloys (as for airplane parts). from making any real progress as far as goals are concerned. At this time you will find ing and working with others. You could feel great support from those around you, or 17. A strong emotion. 11. The capital and largest city of Yemen. that your greatest successes come in conquering your doubts. You will succeed by circumstances could dictate whatever action will be needed. This is a very lucky day for 18. A loose sleeveless outer garment made 12. The basic unit of money in Ethiopia. your willingness to complete whatever you have begun. Your intuition is strong-let it making plans and finding your way through just about any problem you may discover. from aba cloth. 13. Soft creamy white cheese. guide you. Understanding more about your individuality can be one of the most posi- This afternoon is a good time for helping the elder members of your family. Be aware 19. The thin serous membrane around the tive experiences in your life and it empowers you to learn more about other people as of the tendency to become overconfident as you give your elders information or ideas. 14. A soft heavy toxic malleable metallic ele- well. This is all a question of balancing yourself through mind, body and soul. This is a lungs and inner walls of the chest. You will be wise to appreciate the independence that we all need. You feel that you can ment. quest that is truly worthwhile. Children have an extraordinary ability to love uncondi- solve these problems. Good advice from a guide, however, may be given some 20. A water wheel with buckets attached to 21. Brass that looks like gold. tionally. If possible, allow a child to occupy your time this evening. thought. There is no place like humble! Someone gives you tickets to a future event. the rim. 23. A large strong and aggressive woman. 22. A member of an Athapaskan people that 25. The whiteness that results from removing migrated to Arizona and New Mexico and the color from something. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Utah. 27. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. Leo (July 23-August 22) 24. Not firmly fastened or secured. 30. Turned or stirred by plowing or harrowing You may find yourself teaching this Thursday. Perhaps you do substitute This is one of those very busy days. Some may have called you four- 26. A group of African languages in the Niger- or hoeing. teaching and find it a rewarding way to balance your time. Your influence can be help- eyes, nerd or a dork in your youth . . . Now, you are the one that everyone needs to talk Congo group spoken from Senegal east as 31. An analytic or interpretive literary composi- ful in the forming of an individual's future plans-particularly today. Through helping a with and from whom they need an opinion. You may also find yourself in a variety of far as the Ivory Coast. tion. person, you may perceive how to proceed with plans of your own. A work project surroundings. You may travel around town to different homes and businesses in order 28. Burrowing marine mollusk living on sand needs a team leader and although you would love the responsibility, it might be best to fix technical problems. If you are working within a company building, you will find 33. 1,000,000,000 periods per second. to go with a diplomatic vote. Your dreams have been very insightful recently and you that new projects and proposals keep you active with interesting co-workers. You will or mud. 35. Characterized by undue haste and lack of may seek out a good friend that will help you decipher the meaning of your dreams. be quite pleased as the day progresses and work keeps you busy. You should squelch 29. An advantageous purchase. thought or deliberation. Consider placing a notepad near you so that if you awaken because of a dream, you a tendency to overindulge in foods that you know are fattening or otherwise 32. American novelist (1909-1955). 36. A republic in southern Europe on the can take notes and check it out the next day. You may glean some good insight. unhealthy. You gain more of an interest in diet and nice clothes that fit well. 34. Prevent from being included or considered Italian Peninsula. or accepted. 37. Intelligence derived from the interception 38. Hungarian composer and piano virtuoso and processing and analysis of foreign Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) (1811-1886). telemetry. 40. Wear away through erosion or vaporiza- 39. A state in the Rocky Mountains. You are at your mental best with sharp ideas. This is an excellent time Moving with the flow will be easy to accomplish this day. You can count tion. to make decisions and take care of any incomplete work. It is not yet your time to on assistance from others for whatever projects need your attention. A 41. Common Indian weaverbird. shine in the limelight, however, so be content to perform any necessary functions trade could be made if your teammates hesitate for too long. Your instincts for success 42. In addition. 44. An organization of countries formed in without the fanfare or outward enthusiasm from others just now. This should be an are strong and you may notice that you have more energy now than usual. You may 43. The capital and largest city of Japan. 1961 to agree on a common policy for the extraordinary time for expressing your creativity. A class in creative writing, glass etch- actively be concerned over the welfare of others. One complainer may have more than 46. A loud resonant repeating noise. sale of petroleum. ing, beadwork or some such could be a lot of fun and brings in a little extra money as you hear at the root of a complaint-listen carefully. You have such a pleasant way to well. All in all this is a very good day for accomplishing whatever you set out to do, as solve disputes that you are often sought after for your insight. Tonight, you and your 47. An absence of emotion or enthusiasm. 45. (Greek mythology) A Titan who was forced 49. A user interface in which you type com- well as to be creatively expressive. If you ask, a friend or mate might enjoy taking a family work on a plan for improving family finances. Any young people in the family by Zeus to bear the sky on his shoulders. class at the same time, allowing the both of you to visit and talk about your new craft. need to learn budgeting and you are a good mentor. Consider a reward system. mands instead of choosing them from a 48. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising sole- menu or selecting an icon. ly the razorbill. 50. Serving as an essential component. 53. Small shrubby African tree having com- Word Search Yesterday’s Solution 51. (Christianity) The abode of Satan and the pound leaves and racemes of small fra- forces of evil. grant green flowers. 52. At full speed. 55. The capital of the Mexican state of Yucatan. 54. A state in north central United States. 56. A spread made chiefly from vegetable oils 57. English scholastic philosopher and and used as a substitute for butter. assumed author of Occam's Razor (1285- 58. Large bamboo having thick-walled culms. 1349). 60. Living quarters reserved for wives and con- 59. Petty quarrel. cubines and female relatives in a Muslim 62. (Hindu) A manner of sitting (as in the prac- household. tice of Yoga). 61. (architecture) Forming or resembling an 64. A cut of pork ribs with much of the meat arch. trimmed off. 63. A silvery soft waxy metallic element of the 67. Having gaps or spaces. alkali metal group. 71. A native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro. 65. A metabolic acid found in yeast and liver 74. An officer who acts as military assistant to a cells. more senior officer. 66. The United Nations agency concerned with 75. In bed. atomic energy. 76. Resembling an eel in being long and thin 68. The dressed skin of an animal (especially a and sinuous. large animal). 79. A metric unit of volume or capacity equal 69. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in balls. to 10 liters. 70. (British colloquialism) An excavation. 80. Fallow deer. 72. The United Nations agency concerned with 81. A young unmarried woman. 82. The rate at which energy is drawn from a the interests of labor. source that produces a flow of electricity 73. God of the underworld. in a circuit. 77. A unit of luminous flux equal to the amount of light given out through a solid DOWN angle of 1 steradian by a point source of 1 1. Any of various edible seeds of plants of the candela intensity radiating uniformly in all family Leguminosae. directions. 2. Having nine hinged bands of bony plates. 78. Angular distance above the horizon (espe- 3. Speaking a Slavic language. cially of a celestial object). Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 lifestyle


Kashmiri Muslim girls play instruments and sing Sufi music under the tutelage of music teacher, Muhammad Yaqoob Sheikh, on the utskirtso of Srinagar. Girls help preserve Kashmir's Sufi music traditions

hen Kashmiri teenager Shabnam Bashir first Among his current students are teenagers Rehana tracks and traditional tabla beats. The form has seen a took up classical Sufi music three years ago, Yousuf and her sister, who sit in a circle with their fel- recent revival with the advent of Coke Studio, a televi- Wshe had to practice singing in secret because low musicians, heads covered in bright colorful scarves. sion show which features live music performances. all the men in her Muslim family opposed her new pas- Yousuf plays the Santoor, a 100-stringed instrument Female performers are among its biggest stars. But sion. Now the 14-year-old is a proud member of what that accompanies Sufi singing, and says she was over the years, political tensions have eroded Indian her teacher Mohammad Yaqoob Sheikh says is the first inspired to learn when she first saw Sheikh perform on Kashmir's rich musical heritage. mixed Sufi singing ensemble in Indian-administered television. When an armed uprising against Indian rule broke Kashmir, where the music has for generations been a "When I heard he (Sheikh) teaches girls too, I devel- out in 1989, public performances by artists suddenly male preserve. "It took me two months to convince oped a strong urge to learn," she said. "My father is also stopped and cinema halls were closed and transformed them all," said Bashir as she joins four other girls-and his (Sheikh's) student, and he was happy for me to into camps for government forces. Once a feature of Kashmiri Muslim girls play Sufi music under the tutelage of music teacher, one 13-year-old boy-for singing practice. "My father come here." A curfew imposed last year following vio- most public events, performances of Sufi music are Muhammad Yaqoob Sheikh. finally gave me permission on condition that it did not lent protests over the killing of a popular rebel leader now relatively rare. Sheikh still goes wherever there is affect my regular studies." meant classes had to stop for four months. The situa- demand. "Once in a while we go to perform in the Thousands of people in the Muslim-majority region tion has calmed since, but tensions are still running homes of a few who still appreciate this music," he said. follow Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam whose adher- high in the territory, where many favour independence "For us, it's like prayers, we cannot demand a price. ents seek spiritual communion through music and from India. They pay what they like," Sheikh said. — AFP dance at the shrines of their saints. The songs, which On the Pakistan side of the border, Sufi music is use the lyrics of old Kashmiri- and Persian-language thriving thanks to a hybrid form known as Sufi Rock, in devotional poetry, date back to the 15th century. But which the original lyrics are sung to electric guitar they have evolved as a uniquely male tradition, sung by men and handed down through the male line of the family. Sheikh is the exception-he learned the art from his maternal grandfather, Ghulam Mohammad Qaleenbaf, one of the region's best known Sufi singers. "The earlier masters wouldn't even pass it on to sons of their daughters, only sons or sons of sons," Sheikh told AFP at his home in the outskirts of the main city of Srinagar. Sheikh began teaching young Kashmiris in a Sufi music teacher, Muhammad Yaqoob Sheikh instructs his students on bid to preserve the Sufi musical tradition of the pictur- the nuances of Sufi music. esque Himalayan region, which has been divided between India and Pakistan since partition but is claimed by both countries. He said young Kashmiris were turning away from classical music and towards protest rap songs inspired by the tense politics of the heavily militarized region, where dozens of protesters were killed last year in clashes with government forces. "Teaching young boys and girls in a disciplined manner is the surest way to preserve this heritage," said Sheikh. But doing so has not been easy.

Saving Sufiyana When he first started teaching girls, Sheikh faced opposition from both neighbors and soldiers, and had to move the classes to a new location four times. "It looked like everything was going up in flames. I wanted to do something to save Sufiyana," he said. Now he has trained nearly 50 Kashmiri women-although only a Sufi music teacher, Muhammad Yaqoob Sheikh (second left) teaches his students the nuances of Sufi music, on A Kashmiri muslim girl plays Sufi music. small minority continue to perform after marriage. the outskirts of Srinagar. — AFP photos Tajikistan steps up battle against Islamic clothing

lothing factories in Tajikistan are churning out brightly The government claims that over a thousand Tajiks have dates back to early communist times when the authorities women wearing dark niqab veils. "Poor nation, where are we coloured national dresses amid a surge in sales, and it's joined the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, and points to actively promoted veil-burning. But many critics see the dress headed to?" the banners asked. But critics note that the gov- Cnot just because of the arrival of spring. An increasing "foreign" Islamic clothing as "being a sign of radicalization", recommendations as a sign of an accelerating slide toward ernment-backed campaigns almost never impose dress codes number of female officials, teachers and students have been said Edward Lemon, a researcher at the Harriman Institute of authoritarianism under Rakhmon, who has never hid his pref- on men. wearing the Atlas and other traditional dresses following a rec- Columbia University in New York. erences regarding women's fashion. The Tajik education ministry's recommendation is a "typical ommendation by the Central Asian country's government. phenomenon in which women's bodies become the battlefield "The Atlas will never go out of fashion," said Nasiba Anvarova, 'Competing morality' 'Women's bodies as battlefield' where political struggles take place," said Mohira Suyarkulova who owns a dress boutique in the capital Dushanbe, referring Rakhmon, a secular autocrat who took charge of the coun- The dress code recommendations for women and girls, of the Central Asian Studies Institute at the American to a popular, dye-streaked style of dress. "Any Tajik bride try in the early 1990s as it plunged into a bloody civil war after issued by the education ministry ahead of the March holidays, University of Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan. Suyarkulova also said should have several of these dresses in her wardrobe," the collapse of the Soviet Union, nonetheless makes public were aimed at "inculcating national style and patriotism," a that Tajikistan's 2009 decision to change International Anvarova told AFP. demonstrations of piety. Last year he completed the latest of ministry spokesman told AFP. "No one has forced teachers, stu- Women's Day to "Mother's Day" suggested a "narrowing of the The campaign reached its peak last month during the several pilgrimages to Mecca, where his wife and daughter dents or schoolchildren to wear the clothes," he said. But in possible field for women's participation in politics and society." spring Nowruz festival in Tursunzoda, a town west of were photographed wearing the hijabs that Tajik women are 2015, ahead of Mother's Day-which the country celebrates on Others have railed against the sheer impracticalities of wearing Dushanbe, where the country celebrated its Persian heritage in increasingly discouraged from wearing. At home, however, March 8, when other countries mark International Women's the dresses, made from thin silk cloth or cotton, on a daily basis a vibrant display of indigenous fashion. State television the crackdown has gathered strength since 2015, when the Day-Rakhmon complained that in the past, Tajik women had while cool weather persists in the mountainous republic. showed President Emomali Rakhmon, a practicing Muslim, and government banned a moderate Islamic opposition party and never worn black, "even at funerals". This year, ahead of the "Probably the authors of this crazy recommendation don't other officials dancing at a concert along with thousands of handed heavy prison sentences to its leaders following a wave same holiday, an official from the country's state committee have daughters!" one woman wrote on Facebook, expressing women in traditional garb, bearing baskets of bread. But of political unrest. on women and family affairs called on women to dress and her "outrage" at seeing girls walk to school in the dresses. Rakhmon and the male officials wore Western-style suits, and Several incidents of forced beard shavings have been behave like Rakhmon's late mother. "Then we get surprised when young girls fall ill with serious flu. the festivities belied the government's growing fears of reported, and a hospital recently turned away a group of Tajikistan is not alone in the region taking aim at Islamic What does the health ministry think about this? Or is this a Islamist extremism. The authorities have campaigned against women wearing hijabs, Lemon said. The trend could be dress. In neighboring Kyrgyzstan, President Almazbek means of lowering the birth rate in the country?" — AFP Arab-style head and face coverings like the hijab as part of a explained by a Soviet-style "fear of religion as a competing sys- Atambayev endorsed a series of controversial banners last year crackdown that has also included forced beard shavings. tem of morality and legitimacy to the state", he said, which that depicted women in traditional Kyrgyz dress opposite

Tajik women wearing the Atlas and other traditional dresses celebrating the spring Nowruz festival in Dushanbe. Young Tajik girls wearing traditional dresses celebrating the spring Nowruz festival in Dushanbe. lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

FEATURE Tomatito delights Abu Dhabi Festival audience with passionate debut performance while NCPA dazzle them

By Sahar Moussa performed to perfection by pianist Haochen Zhang and Dvor'k "New World" Symphony No.9 in E Minor. Tonight's performance he 14th Abu Dhabi Festival once again secured its place as will feature emotive pieces such as Bach's Chaconne in D Minor, the Arabian Gulf's largest cultural event. It has established The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto by He Zhanhao & Chen Gang Tpartnerships with some of the world's most influential cultur- effortlessly performed by violinist Lu? Siqing and Prokofiev's al institutions including the Institute du Monde Arabe, Institut Romeo and Juliet Suite. Francais, Edinburgh International Festival, Royal Opera House and Recognized as one of the finest orchestras in Asia, China's NCPA Carnegie Hall through the years. Launched in 2004, it continues to Orchestra moved the audiences with powerful performances con- attract the highest caliber of artists to the UAE capital every year. ducted under the baton of Maestro Yi Zhang whose dynamic per- The Abu Dhabi Festival actively supports emerging Emirati tal- sonality and panache shone through during the invigorating ent and advocates the importance of arts and culture in all aspects evening. Yi Zhang has been named as one of the most influential of life in the UAE. Under the patronage of Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak young conductors in China having conducted hundreds of con- Al-Nahyan, UAE Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development certs, operas and ballets throughout his career. Over the past two and organized by the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Foundation decades, he has collaborated with many orchestras both at home (ADMAF) the festival is surely the UAE's leading celebration of arts in China and abroad including: the China National Symphony and culture. No doubt that Abu Dhabi Festival's message is to con- Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Malaysian nect people with different cultures, backgrounds and ages Philharmonic Orchestra, the Saarbrucken Radio Symphony through music, art and theatre. Presenting the creativity of over Orchestra, Orchestre Colonne, Paris and the W¸rttemberg Chamber 160 Emirati and 200 international artists, the festival was able to Orchestra. unite, empower and inspire humanity through cross-cultural Irrefutably bringing the NCPA's guiding principle to life, 'For The understanding. People, For Art And For The World', the orchestra's first perform- This year Abu Dhabi Festival presented as part of its program ance in the Middle East is demonstrative of the world-class interna- one of the most sought after guitar players in the world, five-time tional talent that the Abu Dhabi Festival attracts. Established in GRAMMY award-winner Tomatito that was able to astound the 2010, China's NCPA Orchestra has consistently presented creative audience with a thrilling display of innovative 'nouveau flamenco' and diverse programs during its history. Gaining critical acclaim, in the Red Theater, The Arts Center at NYU Abu Dhabi. Fusing the their performance of the mammoth 'Ring Without Words' with its traditional Spanish form with jazz, gypsy, Brazilian and Turkish creator Lorin Maazel was the only recording the great maestro ever influences, the evening, entitled 'Tomatito - Soy Flamenco' saw the made with a Chinese orchestra. internationally acclaimed guitarist enthrall the audience with a passionate performance that blended Spanish flamenco dance, song, guitar and percussion. With his exhilarating technique and commanding presence, Tomatito took the audience on an emotional and rousing journey through the bold and expressive world of Spanish guitar. Accompanied by El Torombo (a powerful figure in the Flamenco dance tradition) and an ensemble of masterful musicians, it was easy to see from the expressive performance why Tomatito was recently bestowed the prestigious Gold Medal for the Arts by King Felipe VI of Spain. Adding to an already impressive list of past appearances, his Abu Dhabi Festival concert joins performances at world-famous venues such as the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and London's Royal Albert Hall. The Embassy of Spain to the UAE, Ambassador JosÈ Eugenio Salarich said, "Tomatito is perhaps the greatest representation of Spanish Flamenco today. Born into a family of great flamenco musicians, since a young age JosÈ Fern'ndez Torres witnessed the art of his father and grandfather, both nicknamed 'Tomate'. It is indeed an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity to enjoy the essence of his sublime and passionate qualities in Abu Dhabi thanks to the vision and generosity of ADMAF." A master of the passionate Spanish art form, Tomatito's extraor- dinary talent has included collaborations with musical legends such as Elton John, Mohamed Rouicha and Omar Faruk. The Spanish artist has been a pivotal player in the evolution of flamen- China's NCPA Orchestra has received widespread international co guitar, having started his career mentored by the father of praise for its performances across the globe. Having played at Flameco guitar Paco de Luc'a and accompanying the famed fla- world-famous venues across Europe, the US and Asia, the Abu menco singer Camar'n de la Isla. He has since made several collab- Dhabi Festival represents the latest in a long line of prestigious orative albums and six solo albums, two of which have won Latin venues for the Asian orchestra that include the Kissingen Summer GRAMMY Awards. Music Festival and the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival and con- certs across Germany, as well as in Australia, Singapore, Seoul, China's National Centre For The Performing Arts Daegu, Taipei and Macau. During the 2014/15 season, the orches- In their Arab world debut, China's National Centre For The tra undertook its first North American tour, where it performed in Performing Arts (NCPA) Orchestra dazzled audiences as part of seven major cities in the US and Canada, under the baton of L¸ Jia. their two consecutive performances in the majestic Emirates Palace auditorium. The first evening's repertoire included Tchaikovsky's Slavonic March, Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No.2 lifestyle THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017

FEATURES Discover the beauty of nature through 'Art of Nature exhibition' at Umm Al-Emarat park

Tomatito celebrates his origins with a passionate gypsy spirit

By Sahar Moussa

he color of his face reminds you of children playing freely under the sun; his long and curly black hair Treminds you of free horses running in the wild, while his deep voice carries you straight to the magic world of his gypsy origins. When you are in his presence, his charisma and powerful appearance gives you the chills. As part of Abu Dhabi Festival's strategic partnership with NYU, the festival hosted five-time Grammy award winner Jose Fernandez Torres, known as Tomatito. He has been one of the most talented artists who helped in the evolution of the flamenco guitar. He is considered to be one of the greatest flamenco guitarists of all time. Born in Almeria in 1958 into a family of great Flamenco guitarists, he began his musical career aged 12, performing in renowned flamenco clubs. He recorded six solo albums and has performed at international venues - from the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels to London's Royal Albert Hall. Tomatito has collaborated with many other great artists such as Enrique Morente, La Susi and Jose Menese. His collaborations outside the flamenco world include per- formances with Elton John, Omar Farouk, Mohammed Rouicha and Luis Salinas. He has written film and theatre scores and appeared in 'Devil's Advocate' with Al Pacino. Before presenting 'Soy Flamenco' with an ensemble of young musicians (including his son, Tomatito Hijo), Kuwait Times spoke to Tomatito about his Abu Dhabi Festival By Sahar Moussa Sea debut. Some excerpts. The sea and its marvelous discoveries and relationship ryx, forests and islands - we are not talking about a cannot be translated but through the artwork of Amer Al- Kuwait Times: Is this your first time performing in the country in the US or Europe - we are talking about Abu Dour and Amer Al-Husaini by fabricating a 600 fishing Abu Dhabi Festival? How you are finding it so far? ODhabi. You can see the proof of the rich natural diversi- weights from Deira on the Dubai Creek suspended on nylon Tomatito: It's my first time at the festival, but not my first ty manifested at one event: The 'Art of Nature' exhibition at threads at different heights, creating a form of waves. The time in Abu Dhabi. Umm Al-Emarat park. The exhibition is proof of the abundant carpet of fishing weights hangs above the floor as a constant nature that exists from its coastline and archipelago of islands reminder to protect what lies beneath. The work is not only a KT: You come from a musical family. Did your father up to mountains to its north and east. The country's landscape tribute to the sea and its many blessings, but also a subtle and grandfather influence you to play the guitar? is dominated by vast sand dunes, dry riverbeds and salt flats. comment on the need to protect the waters of the Arabian Tomatito: Yes, it's from my musical family, gypsy family, The exhibition is curated by the Abu Dhabi Music & Arts Gulf from overfishing. Flamenco family that came from Spain, and when you Foundation to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Abu Similarly, 'Wave' by Irish ceramicist Michael Rice addresses grow up in a musical home, you cannot deny their influ- Dhabi Environment Agency - and the biodiversity of the UAE. issues of effect-driven reactions, indicating how energy is dis- ence - it's always there. Twenty artists are participating in the exhibition which is persed through natural systems such as water ripples on the organized as part of the Abu Dhabi Festival. The exhibition is sea's surface or the repetitive sound in an echo. KT: You were 12 years old when you started to play the divided into four themes - landscapes, sea, animals and guitar. Do you still have the same feelings like when plants. Each artist tried to merge with these elements in Animals you started, or have you developed new and different order to create and deliver a certain message through their Artist Amer Aldour, who was trained in architecture and feelings? own experiences. engineering, took advantage of his skills to take us on a jour- Tomatito: I think I have more feelings now, much more ney and show us the cyclical motion in nature. Admiring fal- because now I'm aware of how beautiful the music is. I cons, he was able through his artwork 'Flight' to show us the like it more and I'm more aware of it. I'm very much in dreamy movement of its wings. "What I find interesting in love with it. nature is observing cyclical or repetitive patterns, especially in movement. I always feel the urge to translate these into KT: Who is your inspiration? abstract mechanical or man-made movements. My inspiration Tomatito: The great Paco de Lucia of course. for 'Flight' came from the physicality of the falcon. When we see it normally, we see it static, yet the scale, span, the width KT: What does flamenco mean to you? of its wings and repetitive flapping while it is flying is quite Tomatito: It's a way of thinking and a way of living your spectacular. We wanted to capture that movement and reflect life. it in an artwork,' he said. Ranim Orouk shows 3-D prints of the antlers of the disap- KT: Do you mix other music with flamenco or do you pearing iconic species, the Arabian oryx, which were at one like to keep it traditional? time so endangered that there were only four left. Sheikh Tomatito: No. But obviously, you have to follow certain Zayed, the founding president of the UAE, famously took patterns and respect tradition. For example, Paco de Lucia them to Al-Ain Zoo, where they were repopulated. was so good, anything he played he made it sound like fla- menco, and that was the beauty of it. Plants Light also plays a vital role in the last commission of the KT: When you are onstage with your guitar, what feel- exhibition titled 'Inside the City - Beyond the City' by ings possess or come to you - is it sadness, joy, happi- Palestinian artist Hazem Harb. Following two visits to the man- ness or love? grove national park in Abu Dhabi, Harb created a three-part Tomatito: I don't know, I don't know! Something that can- installation consisting of heavy blocks of wood in which not be explained! It is completely complicated - music Landscape mounted acrylic panes feature superimposed photographs of comes out from inside, and it's impossible to explain it. It's In an experiment to find himself and understand more the mangroves at different times of the day. Juxtaposing the like you are in a trance. about the essentials of surviving, Italian-American Roberto natural and urban environments (the mangrove national park Lopardo, a photographer based in Dubai, travelled to an iso- lies in the urban heart of the UAE capital), the incorporation of KT: Do you feel a kind of responsibility that you have to lated island Bu Tinah, which in 2011 was shortlisted as one of light in the piece becomes, as the artist describes, "an unfin- carry the torch after Paco de Lucia's death? the 'New seven wonders of nature', to spend 24 hours by him- ished dialogue between light, space, time and the viewer". Tomatito: No, because Paco de Lucia is a big master and self and took 1,440 images, all shot on a digital camera, and This exhibition is a way to get in touch with the beauty of everybody is beneath him. There are a lot of guitar players documented every minute of his stay with a photograph. nature after the world of technology and moderation have that play well, but there is only one Paco de Lucia. Palestinian-Kuwaiti photographer Tarek Al-Ghoussein swallowed us, and to teach our children the importance of spent three days photographing some of the islands sur- protecting nature in all its forms. KT: Are you working on a new album? rounding Bu Tinah. Ghoussein positioned himself amid nature Tomatito: I'm recording an album that is called Pain and in the photographs to become part of the landscape, Forever with Michel Camilo, a jazz pianist. I'm also planning interacting with this relatively untouched environment while a flamenco record, because flamenco is my life and it's engaging with issues of identity. about time to do one.

KT: Where is your next stop after Abu Dhabi? Tomatito: Finland.

KT: Do you know how to play the oud? Tomatito: Yes, I have one.

KT: Do you see any connection between Arabic and fla- menco music, and do you have any plans to come to perform in Kuwait? Tomatito: I connect very well with Arab countries, because they have very similar music. They have a musical mode that is very similar to our music, especially its rhythm. When listening to the music and the singers, you can hear the rhythm. It's like family. Girls preserve Kashmir’s Sufi music traditions

THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 33

BOLOGNE: French comics writer, designer and colorist Jean-Yves Ferri poses yesterday with characters Asterix (left) and Obelix after a press conference in Bologne. — AFP Italy beckons for Asterix and Obelix

fter decades battling Julius Caesar and his Roman retired illustrator who created the characters along with late to drink hot water-before Asterix introduces them to tea effort to stick to Goscinny's template, with each page con- legions, Gallic hero Asterix and his sidekick Obelix final- writer Rene Goscinny. rather than share the magic potion that is the secret of the structed around the gags." That has become harder in a Aly discover the rest of Italy in their latest adventure, its Gauls' fighting prowess. The first Asterix stories were pub- world where Asterix's idiosyncratically French view of other authors revealed yesterday. "Asterix and the Race through Roman-bashing, Boar-chomping lished in the Franco-Belgian comic Pilote in 1959 and Uderzo nationalities has come to be seen in some quarters as verg- Italy", the 37th story in a series that has been a global publish- The romp from Venice to Sicily is the third from Ferri and will celebrate his 90th birthday later this month. He only ing on xenophobic stereotyping. ing phenomenon for over half a century, will not hit the illustrator Didier Conrad after "Asterix and the Picts" (2013), retired in 2011 having done both the writing and drawing Ferri dismisses the charge, saying his hero is the incarna- shelves until October 19. But writer Jean-Yves Ferri offered a which was set in Scotland, and "Asterix and the Missing Scroll" after the death of Goscinny in 1977. tion of the universal values of fraternity and resistance to few hints as to what it is all about in an interview with AFPTV (2015), a satire of modern media centered on Caesar publish- tyranny. "Asterix has always had a relationship with other cul- at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. ing a set of typically pompous war memoirs. The new album Sons of immigrants tures based on friendship and interest," he says. "He goes to It is the year 50 BC and the lands and islands that now will feature a bigger-than-usual role for the Roman-bashing, The books have been translated into more than 100 lan- help out the Corsicans, the Belgians, the British and the make up modern Italy are ostensibly under Caesar's control. boar-chomping Obelix, and a large cast of new characters, guages and dialects, including ancient Greek and Latin, edi- Spanish. "As for all the rest, Goscinny and Uderzo were always But just like in neighboring Gaul, home to the indefatigable Ferri promised. Otherwise the publishers were giving little tions that are highly-prized as teaching tools. More than 370 very clear that politics and ideology were not their cup of tea. duo, resistance to rule from Rome is flourishing in the away about the storyline in line with their usual drip-drip mar- million copies have been sold and the faithful friends have "You musn't forget that the former was the son of Jewish provinces, much as it still is today in a country where local keting strategy. Food is usually a theme in Asterix tales and it featured in multiple films. immigrants from Eastern Europe and the latter came from a identities and loyalties remain strong. "With the never end- will be intriguing to see how it is handled, given that the While Conrad was anointed by Uderzo as his successor on family of Italian immigrants to France." — AFP ing battle between the Gauls and the Romans, the idea of Italian culinary staples of pizza, pasta and tomatoes did not the drawing side, Ferri admits to feeling pressure to live up Asterix coming to Italy was always there, under my nose," exist at the time it is set. to Goscinny's standard of wry story telling. "I am very con- Ferri, 57, said. "And it was also a way to acknowledge Alberto That problem was memorably sidestepped in "Asterix in scious of the fact that they are part of our cultural heritage Uderzo's Italian roots," he added in a reference to the now- Britain", in which the locals would take a break from fighting and that we can't let people down," he said. "I make a big Playing for pennies and pride

enry Eshiboko considers himself privileged. The 20-year-old lives with his wife and child in Kenya's slumdog footballers Ha single, windowless, nine square metre room. The tin roof and walls are held firm by wooden beams playing, and when the players look at the edge of the Black Stars was up against teams with far bigger so there are no leaks when it rains, there is a power field, they see their neighbors." Adding to the club's budgets this year. socket and, a little way down the alley, a shared water local popularity is the players' willingness to donate Under these difficult conditions adapting to the tap. "This is all thanks to football!" said the local club food and clothes to families in need when they are second division has been tough and despite their left winger and resident of Kibera, a huge slum in the able, while part of the Black Stars' meagre budget improvements the Black Stars have lost four of five heart of the Kenyan capital Nairobi. "With the 300 goes to fund a slum kids' team and buy them an after- matches so far this season. "That means less money, it shillings ($2.9; 2.7 euros) I get for training, four times a training meal. There are occasional perks for the play- is hard," said Eshiboko. They are also struggling with- week, I can feed my family and pay a part of the rent," ers too. "There are times when I take the bus, I don't out their hardcore group of about 4,000 fans who said Eshikobo. have to pay the fare because people say, 'He is a Black would gather when they played in the heart of Kibera Win bonuses are worth 10 times more. "With the Star!'," laughed Eddy Odhiambo, a 21-year-old striker. in the past. The new, better quality pitch is a 1.80 euro match bonus, we can buy clothes, kitchen stuff and a few extra things. Right now, my wife is at the hairdress- er!" he said, his face lighting up as it does whenever he speaks of football or family. In Kibera, a labyrinth of uneven paths crisscrossed by rivers of sewage, Eshiboko's life is akin to luxury: 80 percent of the pop- ulation does not have access to electricity, and many survive on less than a dollar a day. Three back-to-back low league titles made the Black Stars-Eshiboko's team, not the Ghanaian national side of the same name-into ghetto superstars and this year they play in Kenya's national second division for the first time. "Some of our matches are even on television," said Eshiboko.

Winning games, winning support Before their rapid rise the team languished in lower divisions for years, but the club restructured and began to pay bonuses, said coach Godfrey Otieno, a former professional player who opted to remain in his native Kibera "to be able to give back to young peo- ple". "Before, it was common to have only six or seven players for training," the 42-year-old said, pointing out that asking for four mornings a week as well as week- ends without financial compensation "was difficult". "Now, everyone is here, and on time," Otieno said. Smalltime, big dreams bus ride away-out of reach for most of Kibera's foot- For the players, football is a way to defy destiny. But success brings its own challenges. Operating ball-loving residents. "It's not because we come from Kibera that we can't in the national second division the club now has to Like smalltime players everywhere the teammates do anything, or that we cannot have ambitions," said pay for long cross-country trips to away matches as dream of the European leagues. Eshiboko is learning Eshiboko. "When people talk about Kibera, they gen- well as renting a decent quality home pitch. For French through a partnership with Nairobi's branch of erally talk about crime, drugs, poverty. We have our years the club has been almost exclusively financed the Alliance Francaise, a French language and cultural issues, we're not denying this, but with football, we by a French teacher living in Nairobi who helped institute, and has his eye on Ligue 1 team Monaco, prove that Kibera is more than that." For its fans, the develop the Black Stars, but even with new sponsors while Odhiambo is less picky: he'd settle for "any club, team is a source of pride. "We love the spirit of this there is not enough to cover this season's budget, in France or in England". Their coach shares this seem- team, it is people who come from Kibera who play and estimated at $70,000 (66,000 euros). "The level is ingly impossible dream. "If one or two players in the represent us," said Bildad Ilondounga, an ardent Black going up, and we would like to give contracts to team can go to Europe to play football, we have Kibera Black Stars football players play during a training session, in Nairobi. Stars supporter. players, like other National Super League teams do, achieved our goal," said Otieno. —AFP — AFP photos "When we look at the field, we see our neighbors but it's not possible," said Otieno, adding that the