Viruses, Cancer Cells, and the Genetic Concept of Virus Infection*

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Viruses, Cancer Cells, and the Genetic Concept of Virus Infection* Viruses, Cancer Cells, and the Genetic Concept of Virus Infection* S. E. LURIA ( Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. ) CELLULABGROWTHCONTROLSANDTHE ly metabolic (79). The immunological control CANCERCELL mechanisms act presumably through specific "marker groups," located mainly on cellular The experimental evidence for the role of vi ruses in the etiology of some cancers has recently surfaces and acting as receptors for antibodies been reviewed by several investigators active in (9). Alteration of immunological controls may this field (3, 25). A review by an outsider would result either from acquired tolerance by the ani only add confusion to an already complex field. mal or from loss of markers on the cells (41). This is one justification for not attempting any Local regulation among neighboring cells may be detailed survey of tumor viruses in this paper. exerted by accumulation of metabolites, by trans Another, possibly a more valid one, is that this port of macromolecular constituents, or even by conference may concern itself at least as much direct exchanges through cytoplasmic bridges; with the place of virology in cancer research as no definite evidence seems to be available. with the role of viruses in cancer. A useful intro Evidently, the key problem in cancer research duction for the presentations that will follow is to clarify the mechanisms that control cellular mine may be, therefore, a survey of recent ad growth and the cellular alterations that make the vances in basic virology, which have produced tumor cell deficient in internal controls or un some unifying concepts on the relation of viruses responsive to external ones. Several changes may to cellular constituents and to cellular functions. be needed before the full neoplastic powers of an altered cell are expressed. This is reflected in Before discussing viruses, however, it seems the so-called "progression" toward the fully ma desirable to state some problems of cancer etiol ogy in very simple terms, so that we can see what lignant state, in which a number of cellular prop is required of viruses when they are called upon erties can be altered in a series of discrete steps to act as carcinogenic agents. (22 ). Only one or a few of these steps may con A cancer cell is a cell that has become intrin cern the growth control mechanisms. sically altered and capable of multiplying by es The most productive hypothesis is that the caping the normal growth regulation by certain basic controls, which keep the normal, differen control mechanisms. The control mechanisms can tiated cell of the adult animal from dividing and be either internal or external to the cell. The in which regulate the growth and division of the stemline cells of continuously renewed tissues, ternal control mechanisms presumably include are "systems responsible for negative feedback interactions among cellular constituents, as well on specific enzyme-forming systems required for as receptor systems for external factors. The ex cell division" (66). These include, probably, sys ternal mechanisms that regulate cellular multi plication are partially known from studies on tems needed for the synthesis of DNA and of specific mitotic proteins. The full-fledged cancer compensatory hyperplasia and regeneration, on the function of endocrine glands, and on tissue cell has lost these regulatory systems, so that its transplantation ( 77 ). They include hormonal and ability to divide has become unrestricted. In ad immunological mechanisms, as well as somewhat dition, it has acquired a variety of new properties elusive mechanisms of local regulation. The sites that render it destructive to the organism as a of action of hormones on cell functions are main- whole. * Aided by grants from the National Science Foundation Among the many biochemical peculiarities of ( G-8808 ) and the National Institutes of Allergy and In cancer cells, it is difficult to decide which are fectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health (E-3038). primary and which secondary to the altered 677 Downloaded from on October 1, 2021. © 1960 American Association for Cancer Research. 678 Cancer Research Vol. 20, June, 1960 growth pattern. For example, the loss of a variety known tumor viruses is a direct one on the tumor of catabolic enzymes, as well as of other proteins cells. These cells are carriers and producers of such as the organ-specific antigens (82), could the virus; they have specific properties correlated be secondary to a release of the synthesis of the with the specific virus strain ( 70, 80 ); and in vitro bulky mitotic apparatus (77). At the metabolic transformation of normal cells into tumor cells level, promising candidates for key roles in the by virus infection can be demonstrated, for ex normal repression of cell division may be path ample, with the Rous sarcoma virus (55). How ways that waste or destroy metabolites necessary ever, susceptible cells do not necessarily give a for the synthesis of DNA (61); a block in such tumoral response to a tumor virus under all cir a pathway may be sufficient to unleash unre cumstances. Thus, with polyoma virus, the tu- stricted cell growth. Alternatively, activation or moral response probably requires conditions that induction of a normally repressed protein-form obtain only in certain cells and tissues at specific ing system could produce a similar effect. Once stages of the development of the animal host or the growth-restricting mechanisms fail to func at specific stages of the viral disease. tion, it may be expected that secondary changes The role of a virus in the cells of the virus- will accumulate in the expanding populations of induced tumor is the central problem in cancer multiplying cells. virology. Clearly, the relationship of the virus to the evolution of the tumor cell may include a SOMATICCELLMUTATIONANDVmus INFECTION variety of alternatives. At one extreme, the virus Whatever the underlying biochemical mech may master-mind the whole process; at the other anisms may be, the cellular changes leading to extreme, it may trigger only a single step. Other cancer can stem from two types of events. factors may intervene, either to promote the can On the one hand, they may occur either in an cer career of some cells in a virus-infected indi vidual, as with mammary cancer in mice carrying apparently spontaneous way, or after exposure Bittner's virus ( 13), or to transform a less malig to some relatively unspecific agent (chemical carcinogens, radiation, or hormones, acting di nant into a more malignant cell, as with Shope rectly or indirectly [39] ), or following changes in papilloma (72). Thus, the virus may be respon neighborhood relations among cells, such as cul sible for one or several of the recognized steps of tivation in vitro or insertion of plastic films or carcinogenesis: initiation, promotion, and pro other inert barriers between layers of tissue ( 1). gression to full malignancy. Only rarely are the cells involved in cancerization In the evolution of virus-induced cancers, in exceptional cells to begin with, such as embry fective virus may be recoverable at one stage and onal residues. More often, the cells that embark not at another. When present, the virus is often on a neoplastic career appear to be a more or difficult to transmit to uninfected animals; the question arises, therefore, whether exogenous in less random sample from a population of normal fection, or "vertical" transmission through the cells. The randomness of the process is distinct from the orderly processes of differentiation ob germ cells or the genital tract, or even de novo served in normal development; rather, it recalls origin from noninfective proviruses or other cel the randomness of mutations affecting the genetic lular constituents, may be implicated for the material. Hence, the hypothesis that somatic cell presence of these viruses in the animals in which they are found. Especially with agents such as mutations are responsible for the initiation and Gross's mouse leukemia factor (27), the narrow progression of cellular changes toward cancer has been very popular among biologists (9 ). host-range specificity and the difficulty of trans On the other hand, essentially similar cellular mission by extracts suggest a remarkably ineffi changes toward neoplastic behavior are observed cient adaptation to natural spread. in a number of instances following infection with It has been customary to contrast the hypoth viruses (25, 70). The virus-induced tumors in esis of somatic cell mutation as the cause of can clude all varieties, from benign to the most ma cer with the hypothesis of a viral causation (9, lignant; and virus-induced tumors may exhibit 71). Nevertheless, according to current ideas progressive changes toward malignancy similar about viruses and cellular genetics, the opposi to those observed in other tumors. tion between the two hypotheses is probably Although in some instances a virus could pos more semantic than substantial. sibly act as an indirect carcinogen, by altering A somatic cell mutation may be defined opera control mechanisms normally exerted by the tionally as a cellular change which affects more virus-infected cells on other organs or tissues, in or less stably the whole clone that stems from the most instances the carcinogenic action of the changed cell. It is important to emphasize that, Downloaded from on October 1, 2021. © 1960 American Association for Cancer Research. LuRiA—GeneticConcept of Virus Infection 679 at present, in dealing with mammalian cells, we mutually exclusive. Rather, virus infection may can hardly be more specific and that we must be considered as a class of cellular mutations: a refrain from attributing to the term "somatic mu class of mutations, in fact, in which we know tation" any connotation implying a specific struc that the primary change, the entry of the viral tural or genetic mechanism.
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