Philadelphia, PA 1939

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Philadelphia, PA 1939 I Philadelphia, PA 1939 CONTENTS SECTION I. Descendants of Thomas Janney, 1634-1696. Steinmetz Family. Taylor Family. .SECTION II. Descendants of Thomas Janney, 1679-1750. .-}~:}:}:: . : =.··. .. .. :. ·.... .• .. _l•···· . : / .·.··t, -·JJ·•···•·....1 _, a··.· ·n·· · . • • • . >:'.\i::t.·•·.·.·. .'.f·'.• ···n. ...~··· ~·.···. .· ~: •. .... : . ' ·.. , :~·:: .. ·.. .' .. -~ . :: ·:·::-~· ·.. >/-~ :_,:~: ·_• . :: : , .. : _: :; SECTION I. The J anneys of An1erica are all descended from the J anneys of Cheshire, England. Me1nbers of this fan1ily came to An1erica and founded the Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio and Virginia branches. The first mention of this name in England was during the 14th century. The name of Janney Ol' Jenney has been spelled in many ways: Jeny, Jenny, Jenninges, Genys, Gyney, Genynges, etc. Lowe.r's Patrony- 1nic Britanica states that "The Fa1nily of Jenney of Brmlfield County Suffolk, are supposed to be of French extraction - - originally-spelt Gyney." Many of the inhabitants of Cheshire - - among whom were the J anneys - - espoused the cause of the early Friends "'·hen G·eorge Fox about the middle of the 17th century, began to p~teach his views. They suffered persecution, social ostracism, pecuniary loss, physical suffering and imprisonment. Joseph Besse's, "Sufferings of the People Called Quakers," published in London in 1753, lists the J anneys among thos<~ suffering persecution. It was to escape these religious perEecutions, and be pern1itted to ,vorship in their own faith, that the Janneys emigrated to America. The family in America is descended from Randle Janney, living in Styall, Cheshire, England in 1593. The Wilmslow Register shows hi~ burial as January 13, 1595. He married, November 26, 1566, Alice Wil­ kinson. 1 Thomas Janney, the son of Randle Janney, ,vho was buried March 5, 1602, owned several tracts of land; was a public spiritej and eha~·itablc man. He married (1), Dece1nber 7, 1578, Jane Worthington (who ·was buried August 10, 1589); married (2), November 4, 1590, Katherine Cash of Styall. Of the latter marriage the:'.'e were six children, all of whon1 remained in Eng-land. Of the first 1narriage, there were four ehildrGn as follows: (1) Randle Janney - - of whon1 below. (2) Ma~gery Janney, born March 31, 1582, died March 23, 1591. (3) Henerie Janney, bapt. l\'.Iarch 7, 1584. (4) Maude Janney, born April 25, 1587, married May 1, 1605, Willian1 Sidebottom. · Randle Janney, the eldest child Inen tioned above, ,vas born F·e­ bruary 23, 1579-80, and was buried October 30, 1613. He married, July 14, 1602, Ellen Alrodd, and they lived in Styall. They had four ,:hildren, as follows: (1) Thomas Janney - of whom below; ancestor to the Pennsylvania branch. (2) Randle Janney - of whon1 further; ancestor of the Ma::.·yland branch. (3) Helene Janney, born 1610, died 1611. (4) Richard Janney, born 1613, died 1690; married Mary - - - , and had five children, all of whon1 rernained in England. Thomas Janney, the eldest of the above four children, born at Styall, baptized June 27, 1605, died December 17, 1677. It was this Thomas Janney who espoused the cause of the Friends and suffered persecution ; his son - - as will be seen below - - emigrating to America. Thomas Janney married, September 3, 1625, Elizabeth Worthington (who died December 19, 1681-82), and had six children as follows: (1) Marye Janney, bapt. March 19, 1625-26, died July 3, 1698; mar­ ried D·ecember 3, 1663-4, Robert Pie:'.'son. They had one son, Enoch Pierson, born 1665, died 1680-81. (2) Margaret Janney, bapt. March 16, 1627, died November 11, 1673. (3) Martha Janney, bapt. June 6, 1630, died F~ebruary 4, 1702; was a minister; married, December 12, 1672, Hugh Burgess, who died l\tiarch 23, 1713, aged 7 4. (4) Randle Janney, bapt. Dece1nber 16, 1632, died March 17, 1674. (5) Thomas Janney - - of whon1 below. (6) Henry Janney, bapt. January 1, 1637, died June 3, 1690. He re­ mained in England. lviarried, January 3, 1674-75, Barbara Baguley, and had five children, of whom his three surviving daughters emigrated to America after his death: 2 1. Elizabeth Janney, born September 7, 1677; •~ame to Philadelphia in 1698, and died there March 10, 1728. She married, February 16, 1710, Pentecost Teague, but had no issue. 2. Mary Janney, born Nov,e1nber 1, 1680, came to Philadelphia :ind died there March 17, 1764. She married, July 9, 1708, .Joseph Drinker, who died August 7, 17 42. (See DRINKER sketch :Zor issue and further details). 3. Martha Janney, born August 21, 1683, died December 11, 1684. 4. Thomas Janney, born January 1, 1685, died August 2, 1686. 5. Tabitha Janney, b:>rn July 29, 1687, came to Philad8lphia; ::.nar­ ried in 1709, Willian1 Fisher, who died 1734. They had two sons, William and Thomas the former of whom was Mayor of Phila­ delphia, 1773. (See FISHER -F AlVIIL Y sketch for full details). Thomas Janney, the fifth of the above six children, was baptized, Styall, Cheshire, England, January 11, 1634. He joined the Society of Friends about 1654 and the follo,ving year received a gift in the ministry and thereafter devoted much time t,:> preaching, traveling ex­ tensively in England and Ireland. According to B8sse, he "suff.e:-ed distress of goods" in 1663 and in 1671, and in 1673 suffered in goods for refusing to pay tithes. Was representative to Monthly Meeting 1679 and 1680, and his name is on a report of Committee in 1681. After William P,enn obtain8d the grant of Pennsylvania, Thomas Janney sailed in the ship "Endeavor" which arrived in the Delaware, Seventh Month 29th, 1683, bringing his wife and four children. He set­ tled in Bucks County on a tract on the Dela"W~are, which was pat~nted to him in 1691. This was the original tovvn of Makefield, now lower l\,iakefield township. Themas Janney gave a ldt out of this tract to Falls Meeting of Friends for a burying ground, tlus being the first public burying ground in the country. Besides this tract, he had also a largei: tract, about 1000 acres, in the inland ·•side of the township, towards Newtown. Part ,:>f this tract has remained in the Janney family until the present time. He was a memhe2· of the Provincial Council, 1684, 1685, 1686; was cne of ·the Justices of the .Peace of Bucks County (in his day these ,iusti!!es held all the county courts), 1685-89; one of the Commissioners of .Jurors ,vho made the first official division of Bucks County in 1692. While in America, Thomas Janney visited, as ,9, preacher, the rneetings of the Society of Friends in tJ e\v England, Rhod8 Island, Long Island and Maryl~nd, as w·ell as Pennsylvania and New .Jersey. In 1695. he returned to England to visit F.riends' Meetings there and died in Cheshi~te, Twelfth Month (February) 12th, 1696. He had been a :,_ninister for 42 years. Although, he can hardly be called an author, he wrote :1 fe,v pieces :for PubEcation. Thomas Janney married, Ninth lVIonth (November), 24th, 1660, Margery Heath, and they had six children as Iollows: 3 (1) Jacob Janney - - of whom below. (2) Martha Janney, born May 17, 1665, died December 4, 1665. (3) Elizabeth Janney, born November 15, 1666, died November 17, 166G. -- (4) Thomas Janney, born December 5, 1667, married 1697, Rachel Pownall. Issue, 4 children: Henry, Sarah (married Thomas Pugh), Mary (married Thomas Rutledge), and Alice Janney. (5) Abel Janney, born October 29, 1671, married 1700, Elizabeth Stacy. Issue, 5 children: Amos, Mahlon, Elizabeth (married John Stack­ house) , and Thomas. (6) Joseph Janney _ - of whom further. Jacob Janney, the eldest of the above six children, born Cheshire, England, March 18, 1662, died Bucks County, Pa., August 6, 1708. He married, October 26, 1705, Mary Hough, daughter of John and Hannah Hough. Thomas Janney, the only son by the above rnarriage, born Decem­ ber 27, 1707, died April 8, 1788; inherited the Janney homestead. H~ married, October 28, 1732, lVIartha lVIitchell, daughter of Henry and Sarah ( G/ove) Mitchell. Th,ey had seven children as follows: (1) Jacob Janney, born August 15, 1733, died March 26, 1761. (2) Thomas Janney, born February 17, 1736, died November 16, 1754. (3) Richard Janney - - of whom below-. (4) Mary Janney, born January 18, 1741, died February 24, 1795; married, 1788, William Linton, but had no issue. (5) Sarah Janney, born October 19, 1743, married 1762, Daniel Richardson. (6) Alice Janney, born October 4, 1747, married John Dawes and died 1815. (7) Martha Janney, born September 11, 1750, married Isaac Warner. Richard Janney, the third of the above seven children, born August 22, 1738, died September 5, 1766; married, 1764, Sarah Worth, daughter of William Worth. Jacob Janney, son by the above marriage, born April 10, 1765, died February 19, 1820; married N oven1ber 16, 1792, Frances Briggs, daughter of John and Letitia Briggs. They had twelve children as follows: (1) Thomas Janney - - of ,vhom below. (2) Richard Janney, bo.rn March 13, 1796, died 1877; married (1) Ann Taylor; (2) Achsah Yardley. (3) Jacob Janney, born April 24, 1798, married Esther Betts. (4) John L. Janney, born l\'.Iay 31, 1800, died April 12, 1872; married, 1826, Mary Jenks. (5) Martha Janney, bo1·n October 14, 1801, died June 12, 1876; mar­ ried, 1821, Robert Simpson. 4 (6) Benjamin Janney, born January 17, 1804, died August 1, 1806. (7) Mary Janney, born June 8, 1805, died July 31, 1807. (8) Sarah Janney, born October 21, 1806, died January 27, 1896; mar­ ried Joshua Dungan. (9) Letitia Janney, born September 25, 1808, died January 22, 1813. (10) William Janney, born March 31, 1810, died July 3, 1891; married 1830, Rebecca Smith. (11) Joseph Janney, born September 19, 1812, died October 11, 1877; was rear·ed on the J annE:y homestead near N e,vtown, Pa.
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