6108 the London Gazette, November 29, 1864
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6108 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 29, 1864. merit's, -sluices, walls, dams, reservoirs, cuts, watercourses, as may be necessary for carrying "drains, roads, 'culverts, and other works as may the said works into execution ; and the said Act be necessary in connection therewith; and to vest will vary and extinguish all rights and privileges in said Company such portion of the said waste relating to the same, and to the lands to be lands as will be embanked, enclosed, drained, or embanked and reclaimed as aforesaid, or which reclaimed as aforesaid. would in any way interfere with any of its objects, 7. To authorise the Company to make and and it will confer other rights and privileges maintain the following works or some of them, in relation thereto. ^ _ • with all necessary and proper conveniences con- And further, in the said Act power will be nected therewith respectively (that is to say) :— taken to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the said -waste lands when the same shall have been ., A.—An embankment commencing at the north embanked and reclaimed as aforesaid, and to western corner of the present embankment raise money on the security thereof by mortgage or sea wall, at or on Bhuie or Glenagh Point, or rent charge, or in such other manner as wul be in the townland of Clenagh, in the parish of defined by the said Act ; arid further, if necessary, Kilmaleery, and running thence in a direc- to levy an acreage rate or poundage on the owners tion nearly west, for a distance of 3 furlongs or occupiers of the lands when so embanked and and 166 yards or thereabouts, thence passing reclaimed, for the maintenance and repair of the in a direction nearly south, and nearly paral- embankment and other works. lel to the channel of the River Fergus, touch- ing the extreme western edge of Deenish And it is intended to incorporate in the said Island, and ending in the townland of Feeriish intended Act the powers and provisions, or in the parish of Kilconry, or being extra- some of the ppwers and provisions of "The parochial adjoining thereto, at or near a point Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845,'* on Feenish Island, distant 143 yards or "The Companies Clauses Act, 1863," "The thereabouts in ~a south-westerly direction Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," " The from the extreme north point of Feenish Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," Island aforesaid, and distant 190 yards or and "The Railways Act, Ireland, 1851;" and thereabouts, measured in a north-westerly the said intended Act will repeal or amend direction, from the Old Castle of Feenish, the powers and provisions, or some of the powers all in the county of Clare. and provisions, of " The River Fergus Navigation and Embankment Act, 1860." B.—An embankment commencing in the town- land of Feenish, in the parish of Kilconry, And notice is hereby further given, that on or or being extra-parochial adjoining thereto, before the 30th day of November instant plans at or near a point distant 303 yards or there- and sections showing the lands and tenements, abouts in a direction nearly south from the in respect of which the said, compulsory powers north-eastern point of Feenish Island afore- are intended to be revived, and showing the said, and distant 660 yards or thereabouts, additional lands and tenements which may be in a south-easterly direction from the Old taken compulsorily under the. powers of the • Castle of Feenish, and ending in the town- intended Act, and also showing the. line .or land of Inishmacnaghtan, in the parish of situation of the proposed works and the lands .Kilconry, or being extra-parochial adjoining to be reclaimed as aforesaid, together with a book .thereto, at a point distant 90 yards or there- or books of reference to such plans, and also a abouts in a direction nearly north from the copy of this notice, as published in the " Dublin extreme south-western point of •Inishmac- Gazette," will be deposited for public inspection naghtan, and distant 403 yards or thereabouts with the clerk of the peace for the county of Clare, in a south-easterly direction from the ex- at Kis office in the town of Ennis, and that on or treme 'north-east point of Feenish Island before the said 30th day.jQf November a copy, of so much of. said plans, .'sections, and book or books aforesaid, all in the county of Clare. of reference as relates, to each of the hereinbefore C.—Aii embankment commencing in'the town- mentioned parishes, and a copy of this notice, land of Inishmacnaghtan, in the parish of as published in the " Dublin Gazette," will be Kilconry, or being extra-parochial adjoining : deposited with the respective clerks of the unions thereto, at or near a point on the authorised 'within which such parishes are. included, (that is embankment on the north-east1 side of -Inish- to say), with the clerk of the po»r law union of macnaghtan, distant 220 yards or thereabouts Ennis, at his office at the workhouse at Ennia, • in ft south-easterly direction from the extreme' so far as relates .to the parishes. of Clare Abbey, •/iprth point of said authorised embankment, Kilnasoolagh, Kilmaleery, Kilconry, and Killoue, And ending in the townland of Clenagh, in and with the clerk of the. poor law union of Killa- the parish'of Kilmaleery, :or being extra- dysert, at his office at,. the workhouse of Killa- • parochial adjoining thereto, at or near a . dysert, so far as relates, .to. the parishes of •point on a fence in the said townland Kiliadysert, Kilchreest, and Clondagad. of Olenagh, distant 180 yards 'or there- And on or before the 23rd day of December •a'bouts in a direction nearly south of 'the next printed copies of the Bill for effecting the' dwelling-house occupied by John M'Namara, objects specified in this notice, " or : some of them, and distant 277 yards or thereabouts, will be deposited in the Private Bill Office of the measured in a direction nearly north-west House of Commons. from the sluice situate on the boundary between the parishes of Kilmaleery and Dated this 14th day of November, 1864. Kilconry, where said boundary stream enters Valla/nee and Vallance, Solicitors for the the estuary of the River Fergus, all in the Bill, 20, Essex-street, Strand, London: county of Clare. and Lombard House, George-yard, And in the said Act power will be taken for Lombard-street, London. stopping up, or diverting, or maintaining all necessary or accommodation roads and approaches and Ennis. to the said waste lands and works, and for con- structing new ones, and also for taking by com- Holmes and Co., Westminster, Parlia pulsion or agreement such lands, houses, or - mentary Agents. » - ^ ".