Sound Invariant Checking Using Type Modifiers and Object Capabilities. Isaac Oscar Gariano Victoria University of Wellington
[email protected] Marco Servetto Victoria University of Wellington
[email protected] Alex Potanin Victoria University of Wellington
[email protected] Abstract In this paper we use pre existing language support for type modifiers and object capabilities to enable a system for sound runtime verification of invariants. Our system guarantees that class invariants hold for all objects involved in execution. Invariants are specified simply as methods whose execution is statically guaranteed to be deterministic and not access any externally mutable state. We automatically call such invariant methods only when objects are created or the state they refer to may have been mutated. Our design restricts the range of expressible invariants but improves upon the usability and performance of our system compared to prior work. In addition, we soundly support mutation, dynamic dispatch, exceptions, and non determinism, while requiring only a modest amount of annotation. We present a case study showing that our system requires a lower annotation burden compared to Spec#, and performs orders of magnitude less runtime invariant checks compared to the widely used ‘visible state semantics’ protocols of D, Eiffel. We also formalise our approach and prove that such pre existing type modifier and object capability support is sufficient to ensure its soundness. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Theory of computation → Invariants, Theory of computation → Program verification, Software and its engineering → Object oriented languages Keywords and phrases type modifiers, object capabilities, runtime verification, class invariants Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.CVIT.2016.23 1 Introduction Object oriented programming languages provide great flexibility through subtyping and arXiv:1902.10231v1 [cs.PL] 26 Feb 2019 dynamic dispatch: they allow code to be adapted and specialised to behave differently in different contexts.