ST. JOSAPHAT UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC W. Union Blvd. at Kenmore Ave. -- Bethlehem, PA. Archpriest Daniel Gurovich, Pastor -- Carol Hanych, Vesperal Liturgy: Sat. 6:30 PM Liturgy: Sun. 10:00 AM Vespers: Evenings before Holydays 6:30 PM : Major Holy Days 8:00 AM (610) 865-2521 -- Email: [email protected] WHERE FAITH AND TRADITION MEET


SUN NOV 8: 23RD SUNDAYAFTER PENTECOST – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL of the 23rd Sunday – of the 24th Sunday Sat eve Vigil: 6:30 PM: Health of Sandra Whitehead Mitchel (Mother Kathryn Whitehead) 10:00 AM: +Michael Belzecky (Family) ECF CLASSES FOLLOW (8)

MON NOV 9: Venerable Mother Matrona (15) 25th Gospels this week No Service today

TUE NOV 10: Apostles Erastus, Rhodion et al (5) 8:00 AM: +Russell Hoysan (1 Yr) (Fr. Daniel)

WED NOV 11: (10) 8:00 AM: +Olga Walchonski (40 Days) (Fr. Daniel)

THUR NOV 12: Josaphat, Archbishop of Polotsk (6) Transfer to Sunday November 15

FRI NOV 13: John Chrysostom, Archbishop (6) [FAST] No Service Today

SAT NOV 14: Holy Apostle Philip (5) No Services SUN NOV 15: 24th SUNDAYAFTER PENTECOST – ST. JOSAPHAT – PARISH PATRON Epistle of the 23rd Sunday – Gospel of the 24th Sunday Sat eve Vigil: 6:30 PM: For the Living and Departed members of the Parish (PP) 10:00 AM: +Dmytro Chorwat (Son Jaroslav) No ECF classes today Resume next Sunday (9) Sunday Evening – Beginning of the Christmas Fast (Philip’s Fast) READERS GREETERS NOV 7 Rybak ☺ Kadingo at exits NOV 8 Kidd/Tighe ☺ Buddock/Pastrick at exits NOV 14: DeNardo ☺ Palmer at exits NOV 15 Tighe ☺ Buddock/Pastrick at exits Church Cleaning: See 2020 NOVEMBER Schedule

FUTURE EVENTS ECF CLASSES MEET TODAYAND AGAIN ON NOV. 22 [Wear mask to Liturgy and Class] NO TRYZUB MEETINGS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Special Raffle to help with bills December 6: St. Nicholas Party for the children. Kansas City met with Pope Francis PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR Bishop James Johnston of Kansas City, MO. PARISH elaborated on the message that was communicated Carol Sieling, Olga Hoysan, Robert Silvert, Paul to him during a recent meeting that he and his Pastrick, Olga Cehelsky. brother had with Pope Francis

“As Pope Francis personally expressed to me and the other bishops of Region IX in our recent ad limina visit with him this past January, the right to life for the unborn child is the preeminent issue because it is fundamental; without this first right, 2021 CHURCH CLEANING CREWS the right to life, there can be no other rights.” We are attempting to put together a schedule for the cleaning of the Church in 2021. We have lost The right to life, Johnston wrote, “echoes the U.S. a few volunteers do to illness and we are asking bishops’ teaching that ‘abortion and euthanasia (no pleading) with you to volunteer to help out

your church. If we have enough volunteers it will have become preeminent threats to human dignity be possible each cleaning crew to be assigned to because they directly attack life itself, the most one month out of the entire year. Please consider fundamental human good and the condition for volunteering. The veterans will show you what to all the others.’” do. Open to both men and women. Thank you and may the Lord bless you for your kindness. See Fr. Daniel or Helen Karol to volunteer. JUDGMENT DAY When the time comes, as it surely will when we face that awesome moment, the Final Judgment, I’ve often thought as Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is that terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advo- cates. You are there standing alone before God, and the terror will grip your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those who are pro life will not be alone. I think there will be millions of voices that have never been heard in this world, but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world. They will say to God, “spare them because they loved us.” And God will look at you and not say, “did you succeed?” Rather He will say, “Did you try?” Congressman Henry Hyde.

Two tourists were driving through Wisconsin. As they were approaching Oconomowoc, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town’s name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch. As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the employee. “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are... very slowly? The girl leaned over the counter and said, Burrrrrr, gerrrrrr, Kiiiing.” KNOW THE TEACHINGS OF THE UKRAINIAN

Samaritanus Bonus’ to fight increasingly lax laws on assisted suicide

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican has categorically condemned euthanasia “in every situation or circum- stance” as “an intrinsically evil act,” in the Church’s strongest magisterial pronouncement to date “on the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life.”

“Euthanasia is an act of homicide that no end can justify,” the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) declared in its letter Samaritanus Bonus (Good Samaritan).

Excoriating the utilitarianism that measures the intrinsic value of human life by “quality of life,” the CDF slammed the euphemism of “dignified death,” noting that if “a life whose quality seems poor does not deserve to continue,” human life is “no longer recognized as a value in itself.”

The CDF letter reserved its fiercest rebuke for “those who approve laws of euthanasia and assisted suicide” as “accomplices of a grave sin [mortal] that others will execute.” No ‘False Compassion’: Embrace the Sick

Cardinal Luis Ladaria, prefect of the CDF, told Vatican News that Samaritanus Bonus had become neces- sary in the light of “increasingly permissive international civil law on euthanasia, assisted suicide and end of life provisions.”

“It is gravely unjust to enact laws that legalize euthanasia or justify and support suicide, invoking the false right to choose a death improperly characterized as respectable only because it is chosen” as “such laws strike at the foundation of the legal order: The right to life sustains all other rights, includ- ing the exercise of freedom,” Samaritanus Bonus noted.

“Just as we cannot make another person our slave, even if they ask to be, so we cannot directly choose to take the life of another, even if they request it,” the CDF reasoned, as “it is to take the place of God in deciding the moment of death.”

Euthanasia is an act of homicide that no end can justify.

Upholding the Good Samaritan as a paradigm of “care for the terminally ill,” the CDF document debunked “a false understanding of compassion” that was used to justify killing a patient, saying true “compassion consists not in causing death, but in embracing the sick and supporting them to the very end using all”means to alleviate their suffering.”

Explaining the need for a pastoral resource for hospital chaplains, medical professionals and family mem- bers in health care settings, the CDF described situations of abuse where “neither patients nor families are consulted in final decisions about care,” especially in the case of medical protocols such as the “Do Not Resuscitate Order.” The Vatican explains problems of euthanasia and assisted suicide

“The Church is convinced of the necessity to reaffirm as definitive teaching that euthanasia is a crime against human life because, in this act, one chooses directly to cause the death of another innocent human being,” it asserted.

To assert that some acts are intrinsically evil is to affirm the Pauline principle that it is not permissible to do evil that good might come out of it.

“To precipitate death or delay it through ‘aggressive medical treatments’ deprives death of its due dignity,” and “it is lawful according to science and conscience to renounce treatments that provide only a precarious or painful extension of life,” the CDF advised.

Practical Application

The CDF also warned hospital chaplains to “avoid any gesture, such as remaining until the euthanasia is performed, that could be interpreted as approval of this action” when the patients “expressly ask” for euthanasia or assisted suicide.

In offering absolution or extreme unction, CDF clarified, “a penitent can receive these sacraments only when the discerns his or her readiness to take concrete steps that indicate he or she has modified their decision in this regard” and “a person who may be registered in an association to re- ceive euthanasia or assisted suicide manifest the intention of cancelling such a registration be- fore receiving the sacraments.”

Responding to questions arising from numerous recent legal cases regarding the withdrawal of life-sus- taining care, the document clarified:

It is not lawful to suspend treatments that are required to maintain essential physiological functions, as long as the body can benefit from them (such as hydration, nutrition, thermoregulation, proportionate respiratory support and the other types of assistance needed to maintain bodily homeostasis and manage systemic and organic pain). The suspension of futile treatments must not involve the withdrawal of thera- peutic care.

Catholic teaching invokes the moral category of “intrinsic evil” to describe acts “that can never be morally justified or permitted, regardless of the intention of the person who performs them or any circumstances within which they take place.”

The concept is “one of the most sweeping, categorical and absolute phrases that has ever been em- ployed by the hierarchical teaching authority” of the Catholic Church, wrote Nenad Polgar and Joseph Selling in The Concept of Intrinsic Evil and Catholic Theological Ethics.

Homosexual acts and abortion are also classified as “intrinsically evil” in Catholic moral theology. The ‘Pauline Principle’

“To assert that some acts are intrinsically evil is to affirm the Pauline principle that it is not permissible to do evil that good might come out of it (Romans 3:8),” writes moral theologian John O’Neill.

The Church is convinced of the necessity to reaffirm as definitive teaching that euthanasia is a crime against human life.

“To affirm that principle is to deny consequentialism” and”one reason Catholic teaching remains influ- ential — especially in the sphere of medical ethics — is that it offers a theoretically grounded opposi- tion to the consequentialism that dominates discussions.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (2276-2279) forbids euthanasia as “morally unacceptable ... whatever its motives and means” but refrains from assigning it the non-negotiable category of “in- trinsic evil.”

Liberal Catholic hospitals in Europe have openly or covertly rejected Church teaching on euthanasia in recent years with the Belgian Brothers of Charity hospital network voting in 2017 to allow the killing of psychiatric patients under certain conditions.

In May, the CDF told 15 Brothers of Charity hospitals they could no longer identify as Catholic organi- zations.

Euthanasia has been legalized in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Colombia, Canada and part of Australia and is being currently debated in the traditionally Catholic countries of Spain and Portugal.

Assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, and the American states of California, Washington and New Jersey.