METRO Green Line(Light Rail) Bi E Rac S So You Can Brin Your Bicycle Alon a Refillable Go-To Card Is the Most BUSES Northstar Ommuter Rail Line 1
Effective 8/21/21 Reading a schedule: NORTHSTAR METRO Blue Line(Light Rail) Go-To Card Retail Locations How to Ride COMMUTER LINE All buses and trains have a step-by-step guide TO BIG LAKE METRO Green Line(Light Rail) bike racks so you can bring your bicycle along. A refillable Go-To Card is the most BUSES Northstar Commuter Rail Line 1. Find the schedule for convenient way to travel by transit! Look for instructions on the rack. Buy a Go-To Card or add value to an 35W 00 Connecting Routes & Metro Lines the day of the week 1. Arrive 5 minutes before the HWY Lockers are also available for rent. and the direction NORTHBOUND from existing card at one of these locations schedule or NexTrip says your 280 Timepoint 22 33 1 Details at or online. Larpenteur Ave you plan to travel. trip will depart. 7 6 2. Look at the map and 2. Watch for your bus number. Target Field 3 MINNEAPOLIS 33 fi nd the timepoints LIGHT RAIL 1 2 2 • Metro Transit Service Center: 94 63 87 3. Pay your fare as you board, except Warehouse/Hennepin Ave nearest your trip 719 Marquette Ave for Pay Exit routes. 2 33 67 Nicollet Mall 84 35E start and end 5th St 67 • Unbank: 727 Hennepin Ave 3 30 63 Government Plaza 21 83 points. Your stop 4. Pull the cord above the window 62 4 U.S. Bank StadiumU of M Stadium Village about 1 block before your stop to DOWNTOWN East Bank 16 16 may be between ST PAUL MAJOR DESTINATIONS: 394 5 West Bank 8 67 21 3 MINNEAPOLIS 7 Prospect Park ne signal the driver.