ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI FREE! C DISPATCH.HECOM TARKVILLE ISPATCH T S ONDAY ULY D M | J 3, 2017 CPD seeks Law expands Narcan use to all first responders armed robbery suspect Man is second suspect accused in Northside armed robbery BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
[email protected] Columbus police have identified a sec- ond suspect in an armed robbery out- side a home in north Columbus in late June. Columbus Police Department has is- Prowell Jr. sued an arrest warrant for Anthony Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff Prowell Jr., of Reform, Alabama. Glen Herron, a paramedic at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle, demonstrates the use of Narcan, a drug used specifi- Prowell is accused of robbing a man cally to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. A new law will allow all first responders to carry the drug. as he was attempting to get into his home on 19th Street North early Regional Medical Center. in the morning on June 24. He and Drug reverses effects of narcotics during overdose “I’m really proud of another suspect, later identified as the state for being proac- Jeffery Dymont Collie, of Alicev- BY ISABELLE ALTMAN — and now, thanks to new legislation in tive on this instead of re- ille, Alabama, allegedly pointed
[email protected] Mississippi, firefighters and other first active,” Yarbrough said. handguns at the man and demand- responders can administer it. ed money. One of the suspects shot Glen Herron and Ron Nivens have “I think by doing this, saved lives with Narcan. In Oktibbeha County, Starkville we can hopefully limit into the home.