8114 Hon. Stephen Lee Fincher Hon. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr

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8114 Hon. Stephen Lee Fincher Hon. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr 8114 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 6 May 31, 2012 which gives students a global education expe- Jim Crow de jure legal segregation was still who recently won the Alabama High School rience that prepares them to thrive in today’s the law of the land, while hangings of Blacks Athletic Association Class 6A State Champion- intercultural world. They are coached by Inter- in the South were still a major concern in ship. national Baccalaureate history teacher, Steven Black life and de facto segregation ruled the This is the first State Championship for the Hall, an Air Force Military Police Veteran. North. Oxford baseball team after coming in as run- The National History Bowl is an inter- The New York Times pointed out in its obit- ners up in 1978, 1989 and 2009. They are led scholastic team history competition. Each year uary, ‘‘At a time when segregation was wide- by Head Coach Wes Brooks. between 60 and 75 regional tournaments are spread, he was a familiar voice to black and All of us across Calhoun County and East held to determine the top teams that will move white listeners alike. At one point in the 1950s, Alabama are deeply proud of these talented on to the National Championships in Wash- he was hosting three shows—one rhythm-and- young Alabamians. I’d like to congratulate the ington, DC. This year competitions were also blues, one jazz and one pop—on three dif- team, their coaches and Oxford High School held in Europe and Asia, and over 100 teams ferent New York radio stations. on this outstanding achievement. will compete in the National Championships. He was also a significant player, along with f The goal of the National History Bowl is to in- Percy Sutton, in the establishment of the Afri- PERSONAL EXPLANATION still a curiosity for the past that will help stu- can American wholly-owned Inner City Broad- dents as they grow into tomorrow’s leaders. casting Corporation in 1970 where he estab- Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I rec- lished an urban contemporary format rooted in HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO ognize the accomplishments of the Thomas African American music but which also ap- OF MISSISSIPPI Jefferson High School National History Bowl pealed to a racially mixed audience. While IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES teams. Qualifying not just one, but two teams getting his start in broadcasting in Wash- Thursday, May 31, 2012 is a prestigious achievement very few schools ington, DC, he moved to New York in 1954 Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, on May 30, can hope to accomplish. I wish them all the and helped to establish WBLS as the highest 2012 I was unavoidably delayed due to a me- best of luck. rated radio station in New York City. Mr. Jack- chanical problem during travel causing me to son dominated the airwaves, eventually ex- f miss rollcall vote 295 on H.R. 4201, the panding his reach across the country. Sevicemember Family Protection Act. Had I REVEREND MARK MACKEY SR., In 1990 he became the first African Amer- been present for this vote, I would have voted NEW PASTOR OF MACEDONIA ican inducted into the National Association of ‘‘aye’’. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Broadcasters Hall of Fame, Mr. Speaker, and in 1995 was among the first five inducted into f HON. STEPHEN LEE FINCHER the Radio Hall of Fame. PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF TENNESSEE Hal Jackson’s birth, as was true of many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES southern Blacks then, was not officially re- HON. ROBERT L. TURNER corded but it’s believed that he was born on Thursday, May 31, 2012 OF NEW YORK November 3, 1915 in Charleston, SC. He was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FINCHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to one of five children. His father, Eugene Baron celebrate the installation of Macedonia Mis- Jackson, was a tailor, and his mother was the Thursday, May 31, 2012 sionary Baptist Church’s new pastor, Rev- former Laura Rivers. Both of his parents died Mr. TURNER of New York. Mr. Speaker, on erend Mark Mackey, Sr. Macedonia Mis- when he was a child, so he was raised by rollcall No. 295 I was away from the floor due sionary Baptist Church is located in Jackson, ‘‘relatives in Charleston and New York before to a memorial service for first responders at in the 8th District of Tennessee. settling in Washington, where he graduated the World Trade Center Memorial in New On May 7th, Pastor Mackey became Mac- from Dunbar High School and attended class- York. Had I been present, I would have voted edonia Missionary Baptist Church’s 10th Pas- es at Howard University.’’ (New York Times) ‘‘yea.’’ tor. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Mr. Jackson was also an avid sports fan f me in congratulating Macedonia Missionary who broadcast Howard University football and Baptist Church, for finding the shepherd for its Negro league baseball games and organized HONORING WARMINSTER flock, and beginning a new legacy in the com- an all-black basketball team known as the PRODUCTION TEAM munity with Pastor Mackey. Washington Bears. He also raised money for f civil rights causes, established Hal Jackson’s HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK Talented Teens International and was one of TRIBUTE TO HAL JACKSON, PIO- OF PENNSYLVANIA the first advocates of the Dr. Martin Luther IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NEER NEW YORK CITY RADIO King, Jr. Holiday. And, as they say, the rest is Thursday, May 31, 2012 BROADCASTER history. He was married four times and divorced Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today HON. JESSE L. JACKSON, JR. three. His current wife, the former Debi to honor the Warminster based production OF ILLINOIS Bolling, survives him, along with two daugh- team responsible for the anti-bullying album IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ters, Jane and Jewell; his son, Hall Jackson, ‘‘All About Bullies . Big and Small.’’ Con- gratulations to Steve Pullara, Jim Cravero, Thursday, May 31, 2012 Jr., a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Jus- tice; and numerous grandchildren and great- Gloria Domina, Kevin Mackie and Patrick Rob- Mr. JACKSON of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise grandchildren. inson for their Grammy award winning produc- today to note that there are many persons in f tion for best children’s album. Your album is the history of the African American community inspiring to us all, and it paves the way in the who have broken down important racial bar- IN RECOGNITION OF OXFORD HIGH fight against bullying amongst our nation’s riers, and that one of the most important of SCHOOL YELLOW JACKETS BASE- youth. these was Harold Baron Jackson—better BALL TEAM FOR WINNING THE Today, bullying is a serious problem in our known as Hal Jackson—who helped to break 6A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP schools, and it has manifested into cyber bul- down such barriers as a popular cross-over lying in our homes. Statistics show that nearly New York City radio broadcaster for over 50 HON. MIKE ROGERS 77 percent of our children have been bullied at years. He remained an active broadcaster on OF ALABAMA some point in their lives, and some of these WBLS–FM Radio until just a few weeks before IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cases have even led to suicide. his passing. He died last Wednesday at age In order to prevent bullying throughout our 96. Thursday, May 31, 2012 nation, it is necessary to apply unique and Mr. Jackson’s easy manner and multiple in- Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I creative methods that resonate with younger terests in music didn’t make it any easier for would like to request the House’s attention to generations. Featuring 37 songs, poems and him to break into the radio business in the pay recognition to the Oxford High School Yel- short stories performed by prominent Amer- 1930s—before the 1954 Brown decision when low Jacket baseball team in Oxford, Alabama, ican artists, ‘‘All About Bullies . Big and VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:13 Apr 06, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E31MY2.000 E31MY2 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with BOUND RECORD May 31, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 6 8115 Small’’ sends a powerful anti-bullying message ice to Methodist communities in Mississippi, he continued to lead and retake the hill. Upon to its listeners. Kentucky, and West Tennessee. capturing the hill, Second Lieutenant Woo was Thank you once again to the producers of Even as a retiree, Reverend Carruth has a tragically killed during counter attack while the album for doing their part to make not only long history of enriching and supporting the evacuating the wounded. Woo’s courage and Bucks County, but the entire nation, a better, lives of his communities tri-state area. Since devotion will be forever recognized and serve safer place for everyone. I am honored to rep- then, he has actively served small member- as a symbol of our commitment to peace. resent these Grammy winners in Congress, ship churches in the 8th District of Tennessee West Virginians are truly honored to count and hope they will continue their efforts. after making his retirement home in Dyer Second Lieutenant Woo, a real American f County. hero, among us. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join f HONORING TL HANNA HIGH me in congratulating Reverend Carruth on the SCHOOL GIRLS’ SOCCER TEAM occasion of his 35th Anniversary as a Meth- CELEBRATING THE GARY NAACP’S odist Reverend this May. There is no doubt 47TH ANNUAL LIFE MEMBERSHIP HON.
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