A process design for situations of temporal water scarcity in Rhine-Estuary Drechtsteden by implementing adaptive water management case study research MSc Thesis Niña Visser March 2015 Name Donja Janinka Visser Student number 1311158 E-mail
[email protected] Program Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management Degree Master of Science (MSc.) Graduation section Policy Analysis Faculty Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management University Delft University of Technology Graduation committee Professor Prof.dr.ir. W.A.H. Thissen First supervisor Dr.ir.drs. A.R.C. de Haan Second supervisor Dr. M.L.C. de Bruijne Process design for situations of temporal water scarcity in Rhine-Estuary Drechtsteden 2/67 Preface This report is the final result of my graduation that completes the master of science in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at Delft University of Technology. Reading guide During my master thesis project I made many analysis which resulted in illustrations. These pictures became an important part of the report. Therefore I have organised the chapters 2, 3 and 4 in such a way that the running text is on the right hand page and illustrations with short explanations can be found on the left hand page. Those readers interested in the water system and how it is organised are referred to chapter 2 for normal situations and chapter 3 for situations of temporal water scarcity. The water system is analysed from three different perspectives; Technology, Institutions and Process. Chapter 4 presents the process design. Chapter 5 and 6 provides respectively conclusion and a reflection on this project.