Richard B. Weiskopf, M.D., Editor

Anesthesiology 2001; 95:544–8 © 2001 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. The in Gilles Orliaguet, M.D.,* Mustapha Ferjani, M.D.,† Bruno Riou, M.D., Ph.D.‡

DIAGNOSIS of lesions of the heart related to blunt be used when no lesion can be evidenced by any imag- trauma is a challenge, mainly because of confusion about ing method, including histology. Myocardial commotion Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/95/2/544/331722/0000542-200108000-00041.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 the terms used and the absence of recognized standards. results from low-energy impact to the precordium lead- It has been recommended that the term myocardial con- ing to cardiac arrest, with most events observed during tusion be avoided and that the term blunt cardiac trauma athletic activity (baseball, golf, hockey). Cardiac arrest be used only in the presence of pump failure or malig- may result either from an impact 30–15 ms before the nant cardiac rhythms.1 These uncertainties make the peak of the T wave, leading to ventricular fibrillation, or literature difficult to analyze and compare. The clinician from an impact during the QRS complex, leading to is left knowing that “myocardial contusion” occurs in complete heart block.2 In contrast, myocardial contu- blunt trauma and may be responsible for significant clin- sion results from high energy impact and is associated ical events ( and perioperative hemodynamic with myocardial lesions (hemorrhage, increase in edema instability, including cardiogenic and death). formation, necrosis, polymorphonuclear infiltrates) that Moreover, assessment of the heart in blunt trauma also increase extravascular resistance and may result in de- includes assessment of intracardiac volume, the pericar- creased coronary blood flow and cardiac function.3–5 dium, and rare surgical lesions, such as valve rupture, Injury most frequently involves the right ventricle and septal defect, and coronary artery lesions. The aim of this the septum.3 Clinical Concepts and Commentary article is to provide Myocardial contusion may induce severe complica- the clinician with a brief review of the literature and tions, the most frequent being arrhythmias. Arrhythmias some recommendations that could be useful in clinical may occur after even minor myocardial contusion, ex- practice. plaining why most of the literature in emergency medi- cine proposes algorithms to exclude myocardial contu- Pathophysiology sion and thus the need for cardiac monitoring after thoracic trauma. Robert et al.6 recently provided con- Blunt trauma can induce myocardial lesions by several vincing evidence that myocardial contusion is responsi- mechanisms: (1) direct transfer of energy during the ble for the reentry mechanism potentially leading to impact on the thorax; (2) rapid deceleration of the heart; severe arrhythmias. can be caused by and (3) compression of the heart between the sternum myocardial contusion but is rarely responsible for car- and the spine. Although there is a continuum between diac tamponade. Severe myocardial contusion may in- these two entities, myocardial lesions may be divided duce a decrease in cardiac function, but frank cardio- into “myocardial commotion” and myocardial contusion. genic shock is rarely observed.7 Nevertheless, because Theoretically, the term myocardial commotion should the right ventricle is more often involved than the left ventricle in myocardial contusion and because an in- crease in pulmonary artery resistance is often observed *Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Necker-Enfants Malades, when adult respiratory distress syndrome occurs, a mod- Paris. †Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology, erate decrease in right ventricular function may be a Critical Care and Hemodialysis, Military Hospital, Tunis. ‡Professor of Anesthe- siology, Department of Anesthesiology, and Chairman, Department of Emer- clinically relevant problem in severely traumatized pa- gency Medicine and Surgery, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris. tients. The hemodynamic consequences of mechanical Received from the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, CHU ventilation (peak inspiratory pressure, positive end-expi- Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France; the Department of Anesthesiology, Criti- cal Care and Hemodialysis, Military Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia; and the Department ratory pressure, arterial carbon dioxide tension [PaCO2]) of Anesthesiology and Critical Care and the Department of Emergency Medicine can be more pronounced in the case of right ventricular and Surgery, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Submitted for publication April 14, 2000. Accepted for publication February 6, dysfunction induced by myocardial contusion. Conse- 2001. Support was provided solely from institutional and/or departmental quently, ventilatory management decreasing airway sources. pressure (low tidal volume, high-frequency ventilation) Address correspondence to Dr. Riou: Département d’Anesthésie-Réanimation et Service d’Accueil des Urgences, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47-81 Boulevard de may be beneficial. Cardiac rupture is a rarely observed l’Hôpital, 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France. Address electronic mail to: complication. [email protected]. The illustration for this section is prepared by Dmitri Karetnikov, 7 Tennyson Recent experimental studies have shown that Drive, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536. T and I are released after myocardial contusion and that

Anesthesiology, V 95, No 2, Aug 2001 544 THE HEART IN BLUNT TRAUMA 545

Table 1. Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of Transthoracic (TTE) and Transesophageal (TEE) (134 ؍ Performed in the Same Blunt Chest Trauma Patients (n Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/95/2/544/331722/0000542-200108000-00041.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021

From Chirillo et al.8 this release correlates with the energy of trauma.4,5 over, the use of catecholamines during resuscitation of Moreover, there is an early peak probably related to severe hemorrhagic shock may also be responsible for membrane damage and release of unbound the myocardial lesions observed in severely traumatized followed by a continuous release from disintegrated patients.10 These may be involved in the decreased left myofibers. ventricular function observed in severely traumatized Many other cardiac lesions may occur during blunt patients. trauma, but they are rare (table 1).8 Valvar lesions occur in less than 1% of the cases and are predominantly of the Assessment of the Heart aortic and mitral valves. Ventricular and atrial septal In the modern era, , troponin I defects occur even more rarely in thoracic blunt trauma. concentration measurement, and echocardiography Lesions of the coronary arteries (laceration, thrombosis, should be used routinely to assess the heart in trauma. dissection of the ostium) have been found in less than Nevertheless, these evaluations share some limitations. 2% of cases in autopsy series. Clear suspicion of myocar- Invasive diagnostic procedures (coronary angiography, dial infarction (electrocardiography, troponin I concen- ventriculography) should be performed in few cases tration measurement, echocardiography) in a young (Ͻ 0.1%), when a coronary lesion or a cardiac rupture is trauma patient should lead to emergency coronary an- suspected. giography and surgery. Pericardial trauma may lead to Electrocardiographic abnormalities frequently occur in hemopericardium with or without myocardial lesions, myocardial contusion, but a normal electrocardiogram and pericardial rupture with possible herniation of does not exclude the diagnosis. The more frequent ar- the heart. rhythmias observed are sinus tachycardia and extrasys- Apart from the direct lesions related to trauma, the toles. Right and atrioventricular heart may have indirect lesions, mainly due to head blocks are the most frequently observed conduction trauma and shock. It is now well-established that head abnormalities. Repolarization abnormalities (ST segment trauma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and increases in in- and T waves) are frequent, whereas Q waves are rarely tracranial pressure may lead to myocardial lesions. Most observed. Severe arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardia of the knowledge regarding these lesions has been ob- and fibrillation) are rarely noted but are life-threatening tained from brain-dead patients.9 Increase in sympa- complications of myocardial contusion, explaining the thetic activity, with catecholamine storm, is responsible need for cardiac monitoring. for prolonged norepinephrine and neuropeptide Y re- Because a standard electrocardiogram mainly explores lease within the myocardium, leading to ␤-adrenergic the left ventricle, it is not surprising that it can miss right receptor desensitization, coronary vasoconstriction, and ventricular contusion. However, addition of right pre- cardiomyocyte lesions. This phenomenon is associated cordial electrocardiographic leads do not add sensitivity with electrocardiographic abnormalities, troponin re- for the diagnosis. Electrocardiographic abnormalities lease, and decrease in cardiac function and has been may be related to other factors in trauma patients (hy- reported to occur not only during brain death but also poxemia, acidosis, increase in vagal or sympathetic ac- after severe head trauma. tivities, blood electrolyte changes). The usual tachycar- Similarly, we know that hemorrhagic shock can be dia related to hypovolemia, anemia, and the associated with a decrease in cardiac function. More- inflammatory process make the analysis of the electro-

Anesthesiology, V 95, No 2, Aug 2001 546 ORLIAGUET ET AL. cardiogram difficult in the trauma patient. Nevertheless, sions, such as myocardial contusion, , the rapid (within days) disappearance of electrocardio- cardiac rupture, and valvular incompetence. When peri- graphic conduction abnormalities are thought to be a cardial effusion occurs, is diagnosed strong argument for myocardial contusion. by observing right atrial collapse, right ventricular dia- Although electrocardiography is a relatively poor diag- stolic collapse, or both. TEE can be used to diagnose nostic tool in myocardial contusion, most authors con- traumatic complications, such as systemic air embolism, sidered that it is appropriate in assessing prognosis (i.e., which might induce coronary occlusion and thus myo- complicated myocardial contusion). Indeed, electrocar- cardial ischemia, or to diagnose opening of the foramen diography has been shown to be accurate in predicting ovale leading to severe hypoxia. cardiac complications (sensitivity 96%, specificity 47%), Although TEE is a useful tool in the assessment of 8 especially in those necessitating therapy (sensitivity trauma patients, it has some limitations. First, myocar- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/95/2/544/331722/0000542-200108000-00041.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 100%),11 such as antiarrhythmic drugs or defibrillation. dial contusions more frequently involve the right ventri- Serum troponin concentration is considered the most cle, which is more difficult to assess using echocardiog- reliable biologic indicator of myocardial ischemia, even raphy. Second, TEE requires technical skill and in the perioperative period. Measurement of creatine experience. Third, it is not available at all trauma kinase and even creatine kinase MB should probably be centers. excluded in trauma patients because of frequent skeletal muscle injury in blunt trauma.12,13 It should be pointed Perioperative Consequences out that clinically relevant myocardial injury can occur For the anesthesiologist, there is a need to assess the without significant troponin release.12 Indeed, cardiac heart precisely in severe blunt trauma. First, there is a injury involving a small area may be responsible for need to assess cardiac function and intracardiac volume severe arrhythmias, whereas it could be too small to and to identify rare cardiac traumatic lesions requiring release detectable troponin concentrations. Moreover, coronary angiography, surgery, or both. Second, myocar- because of the complex kinetics of troponin release, dial contusion has been shown to be associated with an serial assessment may be required.13 Second, there is increased risk of perioperative arterial hypotension, ar- some convincing evidence that troponin release could rhythmias, or even cardiac arrest.11,14 This increased risk occur because of the global myocardial consequences of of perioperative complications has been reported up to hemorrhage and traumatic shock.10 Therefore, although 1 month after trauma. The magnitude of this risk is still an increased troponin concentration indicates myocar- a matter of debate. Indeed, although intraoperative mor- dial injury, the injury may or may not be related to tality was greater in patients with myocardial injury (54% myocardial contusion. In any event, troponin I is pre- vs. 5%, P Ͻ 0.05), Devitt et al.15 observed that the ferred to troponin T because it is more specific.13 incidence of intraoperative hypotension or arrhythmias Myocardial infarction will probably be reported at an were not significantly modified by the presence of myo- increasing frequency as either a cause or a complication cardial contusion. They considered that the higher mor- of trauma in patients with coronary artery disease be- tality was attributed to noncardiac causes. Nevertheless, cause of the changing demographics of trauma victims reviewing five studies involving trauma patients with (the population is of increasing age in developed coun- cardiac injury who underwent emergency surgery, tries). Consequently, it may be difficult to interpret tro- Baum16 noted that intraoperative arrhythmias occurred ponin increase in this clinical situation (myocardial con- in 6% of cases and severe intraoperative hypotension tusion vs. infarction). occurred in 16% of cases. Some factors should be con- Transthoracic echocardiography may not provide sidered as prognostic factors that may increase periop- high-quality imaging in trauma patients because of me- erative mortality in cases of myocardial contusion: atrial chanical ventilation, pleural effusion (pericardium as- fibrillation, old age, and aortic rupture.17–19 There is a sessment), , or inability to place an in- need for a large prospective study precisely assessing the jured patient in the left lateral decubitus position. perioperative morbidity (hypotension, arrhythmias) as- Therefore, except for the assessment of the pericardium, sociated with heart blunt trauma in severely injured transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is preferable patients. (table 1).8 TEE enables a rapid assessment of cardiac preload by measuring the end-diastolic area, and it en- Recommendations ables a rapid assessment of systolic cardiac function by Two different clinical situations occur in traumatized measuring the fractional ventricular area change. These patients. First, in minor trauma there is a need to diag- echocardiographic measurements are valid estimates of nose myocardial contusion to determine the need for cardiac filling and ejection. Moreover, in emergency con- cardiac monitoring over the first 24 h. In contrast, in ditions, qualitative estimates of left ventricular volumes severe trauma, patients are monitored, and there is a can be used in real time to guide fluid and catecholamine need to assess the heart (intracardiac volume, cardiac administration. TEE enables diagnosis of traumatic le- function, pericardium, valves) and to identify those pa-

Anesthesiology, V 95, No 2, Aug 2001 THE HEART IN BLUNT TRAUMA 547

Fig. 1. Schematic algorithm for assess- ment of the heart in blunt chest trauma. All probabilities (colored arrows) take Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/95/2/544/331722/0000542-200108000-00041.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 into account the a priori probability -electro ؍ of the initial event. ECG ;intensive care unit ؍ cardiography; ICU -transesophageal echocardiogra ؍ TEE -high-frequency jet ventila ؍ phy; HFJV coronary artery bypass ؍ tion; CABG graft.

tients for whom there is a high suspicion of myocardial tiple injuries. Many studies, including a meta-analysis, contusion that may exhibit an increased risk of periop- have recently suggested that myocardial contusion is a erative complications. futile diagnosis, particularly in the absence of immediate In minor cardiac trauma, a normal electrocardiogram cardiac complication. However, most of these studies 3 h after trauma can exclude the risk of cardiac compli- have been conducted in minor chest trauma, and their cation, thus eliminating the need for cardiac monitor- conclusion might not apply to more severely trauma- ing.20 It has been recently demonstrated that troponin I tized patients. or T concentrations do not add significant information in The following should be considered: (1) blood volume hemodynamically stable patients with chest trauma be- and fluid loading should be measured precisely because cause there was a poor relation between increased tro- right ventricular preload is critical for hemodynamic ponin and early or late clinical outcome.13 stability in severe trauma patients; (2) because of tachy- In severely traumatized patients, the anesthesiologist cardia, mechanical ventilation, and pulmonary contu- should analyze the information obtained by electrocar- sion, TEE probably assesses preload more accurately diography, troponin I concentration measurement, and than does right heart catheterization in this situation; TEE. It should be pointed out that use of TEE is moti- and (3) the potential deleterious hemodynamic effect of vated by many reasons other than diagnosis of myocar- mechanical ventilation should be considered because of dial contusion. The anesthesiologist should identify pa- the injured right ventricle. tients with an increased risk of perioperative morbidity There is no treatment that must be routinely per- or an increased risk of mortality. However, currently, formed in the case of myocardial contusion. In the rare there is no study demonstrating that the anesthesiologist cases of severe myocardial contusion with cardiac fail- can decrease these risks by taking some preventive mea- ure, several therapeutics have been advocated. Because sures. No particular anesthetic regimen can be advo- of the small number of these cases, there is no clear cated because of its electrophysiologic consequences in consensus for appropriate treatment. Some important the presence of myocardial contusion. Catecholamines pathophysiologic issues should be considered: (1) the might facilitate arrhythmias, but it is not always possible injury usually involves the right rather than the left to avoid them in patients with severe trauma. Thus, the ventricle; (2) the consequences of conventional mechan- anesthesiologist must anticipate potential arrhythmias by ical ventilation may be deleterious; and (3) an increase in appropriate monitoring and must ensure the availability right ventricular afterload related to severe pulmonary of a defibrillator. Sakka et al.21 have recently reported contusion may precipitate cardiac failure. Consequently, two cases of late (4 and 6 days) fatal cardiac arrhythmias a left ventricular assistance device may not be the ther- in patients who sustained severe chest trauma and mul- apy of choice. In addition to catecholamines, which are

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Anesthesiology, V 95, No 2, Aug 2001