Panel 61 Issue 11 November 2010

Officer Reports

DELEGATE'S REPORT The world has slowed a little in the last few weeks if you don't count the trip to Longview, Washington to help count votes for Area 72's trusted servant election.

One of the benefits of being there was the opportunity to talk to some of the trusted servants from Oregon Area 58 about their service structure and workshops I am responsible. that they are presenting in Oregon. One that interested me is a Seventh Tradition When anyone, workshop that they give at the same time they do their GSR School. I have asked for anywhere, reaches the PowerPoint and materials and will work on a program for our Area combining out for help, I want Area 58's information with the information from Terry Bedient, the Treasurer to the General Service Board. the hand of AA always to be there. At the Regional Forum in Torrence in August, I also learned of a workshop And for that: that is presented in a northern California area on working with wet drunks. I will also I am responsible be requesting that information and get it to the DCMs.

Inside this issue: On the back table by the literature display, I will put out two proposals from Areas who want to host upcoming PRAASAs in case you would like to look at the lo- Committee and 1-9 cations and facilities. REMEMBER, PRAASA 2011 IS IN HAWAII and the host District Reports committee has secured rooms at the Ala Moana at a nightly rate of just $109 dollars, cheap for Hawaii right on Waikiki. Methow Valley 10 Gratitude Banquet Don't forget that we are hosting a Local Forum in September 2011, the theme District 19 Gratitude 11 of which is "Carrying AA's Message Across Cultural and Language Boundaries". If Banquet you are interested in the becoming a member of the host committee, we are meeting at lunch today. Ladies Luncheon 12 Next, if you haven't completed a Grapevine survey, please take a couple of Spring Assembly 13-14 minutes to do so. If you do or don't subscribe or read the Grapevine, you opinion is very important to the Grapevine Committee. There are only four questions. The sur- January Quarterly 15-16 vey is available on line and the link to that web location is: Flyer Admission to Canada 17-19 http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/J3XVFSG

July Qtrly Minutes 19-27 In Love and Service, Jamie S. Area and Newsletter 28

Alt. Delegate Report Good Morning everyone My name is Joanne and I am an alcoholic. As usual I waited until last night to write my report. As soon as I got settled to write Henery decided that he wanted to play. After a while he got bored with me and so I was able to get to my report. In August I went to Torrance CA for the Pacific Regional Fo- rum. Since I am from Long Beach CA I decided to make it a vacation. We went bowling with my 92 year old grandma and she kick our ass with a 123/124/125. Back to the PFR…I was able to reconnect with a lot of the Alt Delegates from the Pacific Region that was able to attend. The following weekend Jeff and I attended the Oregon Area 58 Voting Assembly and as always I felt right at home. They even let me be of service by run- ning the overhead for the elections and the timer for their yearly inventory. On Sept 18th I attended the Com- bined Quarterly in Wenatchee where I was able to participate in the PI Workshop. With only 3 weekends taken up by Area Service I was able to do a lot of hiking and diving. Both activities really strengthen my relationship with my HP. It is really hard to deny there is a HP when I get to see his handiwork both above and below sea level. Over the next quarter I plan on attending the Mt. Baker Round up in Bellingham over the Halloween weekend. I haven’t decided what I am going to be yet. Hummmmmm!!!! I will also be attending the Spokane Central Office Gratitude Dinner on Nov 13. Thank you for letting me be of Service Joanne W. Registrar Report 10/10

Thanks you all for your continued update. I input the changes on Tuesday evening. I have put the current up- dated group information sheets in the boxes with an instruction sheet. I would like to thank Gaby for translat- ing it into Spanish for me. I only need to get back the group info sheets for the groups that have updates. Please fill out the updates completely this means first and last name address with zip code and phone number with area code and e-mail if you have it. I also made some reports for the Area Standing Committee Chairs so that they have the info for the district standing committee chairs. What we found out is that district chairs are not registered with GSO. This means that DCM’s need to get me their committee chairs. As a special just cuz GSO loves the District Chairs they will send a free 3 ring binder to any district chair for Corrections, TX, CPC, PI and Archives who registers with me. I will then forward the new info to the appropriate Area Chair. Thanks to Terry DCM Dist 14 for asking if he could get the district answering service number in the directory. I contacted GSO and they said YES answering services and central office phone numbers can be listed in the Regional Directory. If you would like to have your answering service number listed let me know. I do have a new email address [email protected] or [email protected]. Phone number 509-630- 2444.

I did forget to mention that I have registered and just purchased my plane ticket for PRAASA in Hawaii. Since I really cant see flying all that way just for the weekend I get to say for 10 days.

Thank you for letting me be of Service Joanne W.

Greetings from the Newsletter Editor The Assembly in Bonner’s Ferry was spectacular. The business of A.A. was conducted professionally and ef- ficiently. I am so blessed to be a part of here. The Newsletter is perking along nicely, I am getting the printing down to a science. I have received newsletter subscriptions in the past couple of months, two of them, both are from individuals that had seen an old copy of the newsletter before the subscription price had changed. I am mailing them off a copy of the newsletter with a letter explaining the new cost structure. Please make sure that newer copies are available for your members to view. Thank you for the loyal submissions and please know that I am available to assist any district newsletter editor in the area. I am looking forward to offering a short workshop at the December Quarterly for those interested in producing the news. Thank you for letting me be of service, Carol N. 2

Share from the Chair First, thanks Carol for the extra time past the Assembly, to allow us all to send in our newsletter articles. The extra time allows us to add to our reports the things that happened over the weekend. Thank you! Thank you! Whoa! What a fantastic job you all did at the October Assembly! Maybe, a better word for the whole process would be; “Impressive”! For those of you that were unable to attend, try teaming up with your fellow GSR’s, your DCM’s, or if an Area Officer lives near you, give them a try (don’t forget your bathing suit, the water and fellowship is warm and refreshing). Teaming up saves gas, money, gives you 2 meetings (to and from) and then, there’s taking advantage of the alternative housing! A little bit of effort goes a long, long way in getting you to an Area event. For those of you who didn’t make it, and the Newsletter is the only way you find out what’s going on, you missed my report. Please ask your DCM for a copy of my trip report. If that’s not a viable course of action, or your District needs to save on printing costs, I’d be happy to send it to you via email. Just drop me a note in my email: [email protected]. I’ll send my report from the podium and that long trip report. If you want to go where I go, or when I go, I’m sure that we can make arrangements. See later in my report for my future schedule and we’ll work on it. I can give up to 5 other people a ride to wherever I go, sooooooo, what’s holding you back? The Local Forum shifted gears this weekend. There should be a report out on its’ status from the Local Forum Chair, Dave Mc., Past Delegate of Area 92, Panel 56. Its’ a great honor for Area 92 to host the Local Forum in September, 2011. We will be in the Tri-Cities for the forum and I believe it will be filled with hope, love and information to enable us to better carry AAs’ message across language, cultural and the chal- lenged boundaries. Improve your sobriety and recovery by serving in Unity with the rest of us, fulfilling our Three Legacies. I can think of no better opportunity for us all to work together on this project. Upcoming events or current plans for travel in the Area: October-Handbook Committee meeting the 23rd in Moses Lake. November-I’m not sure of all the Gratitude Banquets that I can attend at this time. I have planned for District 8 in Coeur d’Alene, on the 20th and then a Traditions Workshop in Pasco on the 21st with the Hispanic Districts. Thanksgiving with the Grandson (nope, he’s not the cook). December- Attending a marriage on the 11th in Ellensburg and then, the Standing Committee Quarterly in Yakima on the 18th. DCM’s, please encourage your District Committee Chairs to attend. I know the additional costs there are additional costs for this, but the benefit is large. Gather up your chairs and give them a ride! Final words for this newsletter article go to the Host Committee for the Assembly, one more time; GREAT JOB! Humbly in service and fellowship, Jeff S. ALTERNATE CHAIR,


PLANNED AREA EVENTS December Standing Committee Quarterly, Saturday December 18th, in Yakima District 19, Gratitude Banquet see flyer pg. 11 Ladies Potluck Speaker Meeting, Dec. 4th, see flyer pg. 12 January Quarterly, January 14th & 15th, in Spokane, see pgs 15 & 16 for flyer. April Pre Conference Assembly, April 15th, 16th and 17th, see pgs 13 & 14 for flyer


CPC Report First of all I need to apologize for not making the September Standing Quarterly in Wenatchee as I was down with a cold and that day had no voice. I understand from those that went that it was very informative. The assembly was great. The district CPC chairs met Friday night and we discussed the motion regarding permanently scheduling the standing com- mittee meetings as they are now which is holding the two standing quarterlies at the quarterly meeting in January and July instead of at separate locations in December and March. We had lots of discussion regarding the cost of travel for both the districts and area as well as the convenience of holding the meetings locally. We then took questions of concern from the districts. We did this by using various pieces of literature items that applied directly to the questions concerned. Such as remembering when doing COC presentations we only tell them what AA is, what AA does and what AA does not do by using the white information sheet entitled “Information on Alcoholics Anon- ymous” from GSO. We received a request to respond to the sample format from GSO for local sharing. The conference commit on CPC dis- cussed the importance of one-on-one CPC contact with professionals and asked for local sharing on the need to develop a sample format for this one-on-one CPC contact with professionals for possible inclusion in the CPC workbook. GSO is also offering CPC special literature package AKA CPC Discount Packages. Order procedures for CPC discount Pack- ages are the same as for any other literature order, no special numbers of identification is required. I have a copy of the information (F-62). Please call me if you are interested. There is a locally produced publication call the “PI-CPC News Exchange”. This exchange is published by an AA mem- ber (not by GSO) and is another way to share service experience and/or ask CPC and PI questions. Let me know if you wish to be added to the address list. Our next CPC function with be in Yakima someplace on Saturday December 18th, so keep that date open and we will get a flyer out as soon as we find the location. Yours in Service Diana M. Greetings from your secretary. I've just returned from the assembly in Bonner's Ferry. What a great job the host committee did! All of us in district 12 are excited for you all to come to the Methow Valley for the April Spring Pre-Conference Assem- bly on April 15, 16 & 17 2011 at Sun Mountain Lodge. I'm working on the minutes from the October As- sembly this evening and you should have all received the minutes from the July Quarterly by now. I've emailed copies of the WSEA92 Directory and distributed hard copies to those of you without email and I hope you've had an opportunity to verify that your information is correct. Please let me know if you have cor- rections or additions. The Handbook Committee will be meeting again this coming Saturday, October 23rd. A big "Thank You" to Tom S, Paula T, Stan T and Jeff S for serving on this committee. This is a non- funded function and I so appreciate their willingness, dedication and oversight of such a vital docu- ment. Some of you may have noticed that most of your handbooks do not include an updated map. We are currently in the process of revising the WSEA 92 map to include Oroville and Tonasket who have moved back into area 92 from the BC Yukon area. Once the map is finalized, I think I can scan it and email it to you. I will have copies available at the January Quarterly. I plan to attend the Gratitude Banquet in Win- throp on November 6th and the Standing Committee Quarterly in Yakima on December 18th. Please let me know how I can best be of assistance to you. Thank you for allowing me to be one of your trusted servants. I wish you all a Blessed Thanksgiving. Dolores E., WSEA 92 Secretary

Public Information Greetings Area 92, Thank you for a wonderful Assembly in Bonners Ferry! I am looking forward to the combined standing com- mittee quarterly in December. In the PI committee, we will have a workshop on speaking at non-AA meet- ings, district reports, and maybe a surprise or two. Hope to see you all there. Yours in Love and Service, Loyd W., PI Chairperson [email protected] 206-380-6486


WHERE MONEY AND SPIRTUALITY MIX-How can groups participate? DISTRICT-AREA-GENERAL SERVICE OFFICE Check with your DCM for the address to send contributions to the district and send the contributions to GSO at box 459. Please send all WASHINGTON STATE EAST AREA CONTRIBUTIONS TO: WA State East Area 92 PMB 263 331 Valley Mall Pkwy E. Wenatchee, WA 98802-4831 And don’t forget to provide: Your group name, district number and group number. Make checks payable to: Washington State East Area 92 Thank you from the Area Alternate Treasurer Yours in Service, Tom S. ALTERNATE TREASURER

Thanks again for an outstanding October Assembly. When I began to prepare this article yesterday, I found that I had two pages of stuff and it was beginning to look much the same as a letter-to-the-editor of the local newspaper. Some of the ones I write so frequently, but thanks to the spiritual delete button, I never have to go there. Now back to business.

The Area Treasurer and I had the pleasure of reporting some good financial news to the Assembly and I want to try a repeat here:  The Finance committee decided to coordinate with our web site people in developing a process of making area deposits on line, more on that later with new development.  I am happy to report that all 25 districts are making contributions to WSEA 92.  Contributions through the summer are a little slow due mostly to other activities.  The decision has been made to send monthly e-mail to each DCM thanking those groups in the district for contributions.  The Finance Committee agreed to accept the budget as submitted by the treasurer and presented to the As- sembly.  Hundreds of preaddressed envelopes were distributed to Districts and GSRs at the Assembly. See your DCM for more until January.  A special THANKS to those groups using the preaddressed envelopes.  We are still on track to establish a prudent working reserve by identifying a set-aside amount of $100 each month.  ~39% of Area 92 registered groups are making Area contributions-up from 35%  Each District was provided with copies of the self-support pamphlet along with FV-19 to help group and district treasurers with the process.  Financial reports were distributed at the Assembly and are available from your groups GSR and DCMs. Keep those suggestions coming- it really works. Thank you again for making my job so easy and for the participation of all those involved Alternate Treasurer, tom S.


Grapevine & Literature Report - 2010 Fall Assembly This is my 2nd Assembly as your Grapevine & Literature Chair. This has been a very rewarding expe- rience in advancing my knowledge and understanding of the need and benefits of literature in acquiring and maintaining sobriety. We sold over $1,100 (after expenses) of literature and took several Grapevine orders at the Spokane Quarterly. I ran out of some of the Spanish speaking literature and have replenished it with addi- tional books and pamphlets in hopes of not exhausting the supply in the future. If you have special literature or Grapevine requests, I have a sheet that you may list them and I’ll try to accommodate your needs. We have bunches of Big Books and 12 & 12s and other popular books. Some of the literature (i.e., “Came to Believe”) had a new look on the cover, but are not a new edition. Some pamphlets that we ran out of have been ordered and all of the pamphlets are available at this time. I have generated a price list that makes is easy to find the title and prices of books and pamphlets. This month’s Grapevine (October) addresses Anonymity and has excellent articles focusing on Ano- nymity on the Internet. You may go to the Grapevine website www.grapevine.org which one of the articles, “Anonymity on the Internet”, shown in its entirety on the site. Please read it – it is amazing how anonymity can broken on the web. While you’re on the site take a look at subscribing if you are not getting it. There is a new Grapevine book “Spiritual Awakenings II” out and has recent articles from the Grapevine magazine in addition to having a different format – we have 3 of them available. We ran out, at Spokane, of the recently published joke book “A Rabbit Walked into a Bar” and, if you’re suffering from chronic GLS (Glum Lot Syndrome). this can be helpful – 5 have been purchased. I have purchased several of the more popular Grape- vine books – such as the “Beginners Book” which is a good choice for new comers. There is no significant discount for shipping from the Grapevine, so I am adding 25 cents to the price to cover my costs – this is still less than you could purchase them, since I do receive some discount for larger quantities. Thank you, and please peruse the available literature and pamphlets. See me if you have any special requests or questions. YIS Fred E., Grapevine & Literature Chair Local Forum Kick-Off On August 3rd of this year our delegate Jamie S. received a letter from Eva S. of GSO. Eva is the Regional Forums Coordinator at GSO and was writing to inform Jamie that the Board of Trustees of Alcoholics Anony- mous had approved Area 92s request for a Local Forum. Area 92 had been working over a year, putting together a plan for a Local Forum and writing a bid to submit to the Board for their consideration. All of the hard work paid off and at the Area Assembly in Bonners Ferry on Saturday October 21st we had a kick off meeting. Around twenty members gathered together at lunch and went to work. We were able to identify 11 sub committees that would be needed and were able to get chair people for all of these committees. It is in these committees that the work will get done that will lead us to a successful Local Forum in the September of 2011. Here is a short definition of a Local Forum and the purpose of a Local Forum taken from the Local Forums Collected Experience and/Guidelines Kit: “The purpose of Local Forums is not to replace service workshops. They are an opportunity for the trustees and the G.S.O. /GV staff member to hear local challenges. They are also an opportunity for attendees to hear about A.A.’s service structure and structure beyond their home group. Local Forums create an oppor- tunity for local A.A. members who are unable to attend Regional Forums to have access to a Forum expe- rience.” I am excited to be chairing the event for Area 92. It is going to be an opportunity for all of us to work together and have an experience that will be felt in Area 92 for years to come. The theme for the Local Forum is “The AA message can cross all boundaries.” We are talking about geographic, linguistic, physical and cultural boundaries. There will be panels discussing these topics as well as presentations by GSO on our service structure and the Grapevine and La Vina. I will keep Area 92 up to date on the progress of the Local Forum through out Newsletter and other communi- cation tools available. As our Hispanic Brothers and Sisters say…happy 24 hours. Dave McC. Panel 56 Delegate 6

DCM and District Reports

District 23 Chelan Manson Entiat November News

Here we are looking at gratitude month. I am very grateful for my sobriety and the opportunities I have to serve my fellow alcoholics. Thank you AA for teaching me the way to live sober! We held our October GSR meeting on the 3rd. We talked about the then upcoming Assembly and printing new schedules. We had 7 attend the meeting, half our groups were represented. The next meet- ing will be on November 7th at noon, Apple Cup Café. The November Birthday Potluck will be held at the Methodist Church on November 27th. Coffee will be on at 5 and eating at 5:30. The celebration of sobriety birthdays will follow the meal. We will honor all birthdays attending. We will welcome you if you come. Love, Janine

Report for District 19: We have been opening our District meetings with the reading of the short form of the Concept that coincides with the month. I also forwarded and presented the GSO contribution info to the groups and encouraged them to send what they could to Area to help with the cost of assembly, and contribute to GSO. As you could see we have our flyer as we promised in the last newsletter. We are getting geared up for the Unity Banquet on Nov.13th. We have a volunteer Gemini AKA/mom, who is been taking schedules to our outpatient facilities and hospital and library also chamber of commerce in Moses Lake. Speedy good health prayer for Tom our PI/CPC rep. Thanks to Paul our scheduling guru. Always ATTA Girl to treasurer TRISH. Pam has graciously done the sec. /minutes for our meeting, that makes my service possible. Paula our GV/Lit rep. has suggested that a subscription to our GV would make a great xmas gift. Jeff our Corrections Rep. has made contact with the authorized persons for Grant county jail and is starting to collect info for back ground checks for approving people to go for meetings. I being our DCM and have had much experience in this section of past service in Idaho, am willing to help conduct a workshop for carrying the message behind the walls. Tammie GSR from Hope in the Desert meeting in Desert Aire on Thursday night at 7pm attended her first district unity meeting. BOBBI DIST. 20 DCM HI I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Assembly this weekend. One of our groups had a steps work shop this month and it was very good. we are trying to help an inpatient facility in yakima set up their A.A. meeting and have a monthly speaker come in. We also got to participate in a treatment panel in Richland last week (thanks Frank you guys do a good job.) Districts 6 and 20 and hopefully 10,11 well be hosting a ser- vice workshop in may we will get a flyer out soon, Yakima's CWCO is now on Englewood and 20 518A but other than that things are going slow SEE EVERYONE THIS WEEKEND. DCM Dist. 20 JERRY W. Hello from District12 Getting prepared for Spring Assembly at Sun Mountain Lodge, committee is doing well on preparations. Flyer is now out, see in this edition of the news letter. Next district meeting will be held in Winthrop, 4;00pm right before the gratitude banquet at 6;00pm. See fly- er this edition on news letter. All groups report normal attendance for this time of year, some have quite a few newcomers which is good. In come is down, I am sure every one is feeling that, Have a great Oct. and watch out for the Great Punkin he only appears on even years YIS DALE G., dcm


District 8 Coeur d’ Alene, ID Hello everyone. Things are going fairly well here in District 8. All of our committees are active, including PI/CPC and Ar- chives. I’m packing a bag to begin driving north tomorrow night to attend the Fall Assembly in Bonners so this will be very brief. A dear friend finally succumbed to cancer after a 3-year battle but she left behind a legacy of service, compas- sion and a lot of A.A. friends. Attending her Memorial was like A.A. homecoming and it was great to see so many of you there! I can just see Karen up there organizing the service and making sure that everything is or- derly and in its proper placeJ. We will surely miss you Karen! See you at the Assembly. YIS David DCM District 8 It’s All in the Name Here in District 5, as in your districts, our fellows are proud of the identity they find with their home groups. And our home group names offer a resounding call to member identity and group autonomy. I chose my home group in part because of its name…Grassroots. What better place to learn this new way of living than at the Grassroots level, from the bottom up. First Things First, Celebrate, Courage to Change, Women of Courage, Stepping Stones. Why did you choose your home group? I also chose my home group based on it’s meeting location at Central Washington Hospital in a quiet residential neighborhood in Wenatchee. That and because my sponsor, who is very service-oriented started the group all factored into my decision. And for that I am grateful. In that place in time and space every time when I walk into the room whether I’m bringing the coffee, the books and literature or a heavy heart I know I’ll soon be among friends who understand what it’s like to be an alcoholic. And for that I am grateful. Regardless of whether it is Sunday or Wednesday night I look for the newcomer, or in my case the not-so new comer I’ve been introduced to before whose name escapes me yet again. I walk up with a smile and out-stretched hand and say ’my name is Jean, we may have met before, but tell me again, what is your name.’ And in an instant I feel an indescribable connection with Alcoholics Anony- mous. And for that, I am grateful. This year District 5 will host its 25th Annual Gratitude Banquet at the First Assembly Church of God, 1520 McKittrick St., Wenatchee with AA speaker Pat E. from Pasco and an Alanon speaker. I have the honor to serve with Tony W., GSR of the Mainstreeters group as Co-chairs. And for that I am also grateful. Do stop by and join us. Doors open at 4pm and dining at 5. Yours in Service, Jean P. District 5 Newsletter Chair Grassroots GSR District 15: Howdy Brothers and Sisters, We had Hog Heaven camp in Kettle Falls in August and heard it was great turn out, Our Round up in Septem- ber had over 60+ people thank Fran for all the help cooking it was great success again. I attended the October Assemble and there were over $135 people there we even had Mike, Fran and Mo there to represent us thanks for coming. Also special thanks to Pat who has worked so hard on our area events. We are going to need someone to take her place as she is off to school next fall please someone step up. Our dis- trict meetings have been great with tables filled up thanks all for supporting your district. My work has been very demanding this year but I hope to make the rounds to all your meetings this winter. Any Group wanting me to come just let me know I am here to be your trusted servant. AA birthdays Dave O 25 yrs, Brett 1 yr, Kathy P 4 yrs, Mason 1 month Bill 60days, Wayne G 15 yrs, Shawn 4 yrs, Kanani 21 yrs, Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! In Love and Service Gary G DCM Dist 15 8

Hello from District 10, During the month of November we plan to hold elections for our standing committee chairs, which will include: PI/CPC, Literature, Social Committee, Treatment & Corrections, and Web-Master. We are happy to welcome Mark E. as our recently elected CWCO (Central Washington Central Office) liaison. There is a new Women’s meeting starting in Cle Elum on Saturday mornings at 9am. We are preparing for our Gratitude Banquet which is held the second Saturday of November each year. This year it falls on November 13, 2010. We will be at the Kittitas County Fair Grounds, in Ellensburg Washington. Anyone who is interested in attend- ing may find the flier with all the info, including directions on our district 10 website at www.kittitascountyaa.org We have lots of AA birthdays to celebrate for the month of October and they are as follows: Gravy John 27yrs, Mark E. 20yrs, Jack S. 4yrs, Jon R. 4yrs, Vicki 25yrs, Lanaya 90 days, Barb 90 days, Renee 1yr, Deana 90 days, Clara 23yrs, Linda H 1yr, and Andy O. 31yrs. A total of 136 ½ years in District 10 for the month of October! “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination” ~Carl Rogers YIS Melissa D. District 7 November 2010 Area Newsletter Report Service rendered with ego is political. Service rendered with love is spiritual. Hello from Bonners Ferry! I am attending the WSEA 92 October Assembly as we speak. Many thanks to District 14 for being such a ter- rific host. Out of 26 registered groups, we have 6 represented at the assembly. With several of us making notes via our laptops, we have become known at the “Geek District.” I did not get the opportunity to visit the border crossing and talk to the Canadian folks there about my past. So I will continue following the guidelines we have received in this newsletter in previous months. We have been given an extension as to when we have to have our District Archives out of its current location to June 2011. We are in dire need of a permanent storage, display and work space for our Archives. GSR s are asked to talk to their Home Groups about finding a solu- tion to our problem of finding a location for the Archives. The District is still in need of an Archives and Grapevine & Literature Chairpersons. The Sponsorship Workshop Committee continues to meet monthly (see Willy W. for more information as to time and location). The District Inventory Committee will not meet until after the first of the year. The next District Meeting will be held November 13, 2010, 1:30 p.m. Our Host group will be the Deary Group and the meeting will be located at the Deary Community Center, on the corner of Highway 8 and Line Street, Deary, ID. If a Home Group would like a District Trusted Servant to attend its business meeting please contact Wynter S., Ron P., Denny A., or myself to schedule a time. Yours In Loving Service, Fern W. District 7 DCM District 14 would like to thank everyone who joined us at the October Assembly. You were all terriffic guests and you are all welcome to visit us again any time. It has been a unique experience to participate in the hosting of one of these things. Thanks to everyone who helped out in any capacity. We all learned a lot, about work- ing with others perhaps most of all. While working with others is important, I think playing with others is a lot of fun too. We had a blast Saturday night, and I would like to thank everyone who played, sang, danced, clapped or just listened. And thanks for not killing the power. The “Magic Train Wreck” may be available for your next event. I guess now we go back to what we were doing, or shall I say onward to what comes next. Grateful to be in the fellowship, Terry O



Sat. Nov. 6th, 2010

METHOW VALLEY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Midway between Winthrop & Twisp on Hwy 20 (Red Roof) 6:00 POTLUCK 7:00 RAFFLE 7:30 SPEAKERS MEETING AA SPEAKER: Rad M., Wenatchee Turkey and ham provided Please bring side dish or dessert

Contact: Diana 509-996-8174 Lloyd 509-996-2783


Unity Gratitude Banquet District 19

Date: NOV 13th 2010

First Presbyterian Church

1142 West Ivy Street

Moses Lake WA 98837




Contact person: TRISH 509-793-4661







Are you inadmissible to Canada? Please read the following information carefully: In general, people are considered to be criminally inadmissible to Canada if they were convicted of an offence in Canada or were convicted of an offence outside of Canada that is considered a crime in Canada. In order to enter Canada, these people must obtain Approval of Rehabilitation or a Temporary Resident Permit at a Canadian Consulate or Embassy. Offences involving operation of a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs will, with very rare exceptions, render persons criminally inadmissible to Canada and therefore in need of Approval of Rehabilitation or a Temporary Resident Permit to enter Canada for any purpose and any length of time. Approval of Rehabilitation permanently overcomes inadmissibility arising from the offence declared. Convictions/Offences Committed in Canada If you have a criminal conviction in Canada, you must seek a pardon from the National Parole Board of Canada before you will be admissible to Canada. You can request a Pardon Application Guide or ad- ditional information from:

Clemency and Pardons Division, National Parole Board 410 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0R1 Telephone: 1-800-874-2652 (Callers in Canada and the United States only) Fax: 1-613-941-4981 Web site: www.npb-cnlc.gc.ca Convictions/Offences Committed Outside Canada If you were convicted of or committed a criminal offence outside Canada, you may overcome this criminal inadmissibility by: applying for rehabilitation, or you may be deemed to have been rehabilitated if at least ten years have passed since you completed the sentence imposed upon you, or since you committed the offence, if the offence is one that would, in Canada, be an indictable offence punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of less than ten years. If the offence is one that would, in Canada, be prosecuted summarily and if you were convicted for two (2) or more such offences, that period is at least five years after the sentences imposed were served or to be served. Criminal Rehabilitation Approval of Rehabilitation may be granted if you can show that you have a stable lifestyle and that it is unlike- ly that you will be involved in any further criminal activity. You may apply for rehabilitation if five (5) years have passed since the end of your sentence. Periods of probation are considered to be part of the sentence as are payment of fines and restitution of a driver's license. Please read the following instructions carefully: · Your application is subject to a NON-REFUNDABLE processing fee. · If your application is refused, the fee will not be refunded. · The Immigration Section offers service in both of Canada's official languages, English and French. Documents in languages other than English or French must be accompanied by a certified translation. Important Information Note that visa offices in the United States do not use the "For Information Only" provisions mentioned on pag- es 8, 9 and 12 of the Guide for Approval of Rehabilitation. Offences involving operation of a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs will, with very rare exceptions, render persons criminally inadmissible to Canada. If five years have passed since the end of the sentence imposed you must apply for Approval of Rehabilitation to enter Canada. 17

If a personal interview is required, you will be notified in writing of the date and time of the interview. It is strongly suggested that you first read the Guide to determine whether or not you need to follow the Approval of Rehabilitation process to gain admission to Canada. Please follow the instructions contained in the Guide and in the following paragraphs. Original Documents Required Fully completed application form, Application for Criminal Rehabilitation and all documents indicated in the Document Checklist. Note: Follow all the instructions in the completion Guide. Do not leave questions unanswered. The form must be completed in block letters or typed. Two passport size photographs taken within the last six months. A criminal clearance certificate from the National police authorities in all countries where you have resided at least six months since reaching the age of 18, including an FBI certificate for the United States and (if appropriate) an RCMP certificate for Canada. This clearance must be based on a fingerprint check. See our Police Certificate Instructions. State police certificates and local police certificates from all the locations, in the United States, where you have resided at least six months since reaching the age of 18. Communicate with State and local authorities regarding instructions for the obtainment of such documents. If your driver's license was suspended as a result of your conviction, you must provide official proof of restoration of full privileges and of the date of restoration. You must also provide, as applicable, official proof of payment of fines, discharge from probation, and/or satisfaction of community service. Fees The fee for processing an application for Approval of Rehabilitation must be submitted with your application. See our Fee Schedule available on the Can-Am site. For Approval of Rehabilitation in respect of serious criminality, we ask that you submit the lower fee with your application and we will advise you, after review of your case, if a "top-up" fee is required. Payment may be made by cash (in person), money order, bank draft or certified cheque, payable to the "Canadian Consulate General". Please do not send cash in the mail. How to Apply You may submit your complete application by mail or in person - each receives the same priority. You will NOT receive immediate consideration of your application. We will contact you when your application has reached our review stage. Processing times may be lengthy - especially so in cases of serious criminality. Submit your application to one of these offices: Canadian Consulate General Immigration Section Suite 1100 600 Renaissance Center Detroit, Michigan 48243-1798

Canadian Consulate General Immigration Section 550 South Hope Street, 9th Floor Los Angeles, California 90071-2627 USA

Canadian Consulate General Immigration Section 1251 Avenue of the Americas Concourse Level New York, New York 10020-1175 USA 18

Canadian Consulate General Immigration Section Suite 600 1501 4th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101-4328 USA

The Canadian Embassy Immigration Section 501 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 USA

WSEA 92 QUARTERLY, JULY 17, 2010, SPOKANE WA 8:00 AM – Jeff S., WSEA 92 Chair called the meeting to order with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer. TWELVE TRADITIONS read in English by Mickey D, TWELVE CONCEPTS (short form) read in English by Rick, TWELVE TRADITIONS read in Spanish by Mario, district 24 and TWELVE CONCEPTS (short form) read in Spanish by Gabby. MOTION TO RECORD PROCEEDINGS – made by District 14, 2nd District 3 – Passed MOTION TO APPROVE JANUARY2010 QUARTERLY MINUTES – made by District 3, 2nd district 20 – approved. TRUSTED SERVANTS REPORTS DELEGATE – Jamie S. – Jamie discussed the 60th General Service Conference (GSC), why we have a GSC and presented a Power Point presentation and a couple of videos. The GSC is the annual business meeting for A.A. for all of the delegates, trustees and staff members. The Board (Alcoholics Anonymous World Service and Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Board and the Grapevine Board) meet at more regular intervals throughout the year because they have day-to-day operational responsibilities for A.A. Will go through results of the GSC Agenda Items we worked on in March later today. There were 131 of us at the GSC including 93 delegates from 93 areas, trustees and staff members. All have equal vote. Jamie was assigned to the Grapevine Committee. Jamie explained the process for motions (motions coming out of committee’s and additional considerations). Jamie communicated the purpose of the GSC by read- ing the quote by Bernard Smith printed in the A.A. General Service Manual. As part of the Grapevine Committee recommendation Jamie provided survey forms and ask that we complete them. Grapevine Magazine is only purchased by 7.6% of our membership. The Grapevine continues to operate in the red. If every group bought a subscription to the Grapevine, the Grapevine would be in the black. Jamie showed first presentation on how to make contributions online. Jamie gave Power Point presentation on the AA Grapevine and the LaVina which included financial information. The LaVina is used more widely than the Grapevine. Jamie showed a presentation of A.A. Finances which included statistics of contributions. If every member would contribute $4.50 a year, A.A would be self-supporting. Currently 42% of groups contribute. We can’t provide the services we currently provide if we don’t take in the funds to do so. Many of us can lead by example. We need to maintain the idea of Corporate Poverty, where we just take in enough money to do what we need to do. Jamie then provided a detailed report of the actions that were taken at the GSC. The printed copies of the GSC report will be available in August. NOTATION: Jeff recognized district 8 for most regular reporting to Jeff. STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS – Each Committee was to meet for 30 minutes and then return to main room for 15 mi- nute reports on the standing committee meeting from each committee chair. 10 MINUTE REPORTS FROM EACH STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIR FOLLOWING STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGS Public Information (PI) - Loyd W., Area PI Chair Loyd began by reading from Box 459, The Trustee’s Report that summarizes what it is that PI Committees do. Recommended the PI Kit which includes the PI Workbook? List of activities that can be done to let people know A.A. is out there. Ensure there is a Big Book in Libraries in your community, make sure that every motel and hotel know that A.A. is available and locations of meetings. Newspaper Announcements. Let people know what A.A. does and what A.A. does not do. How do you get a PI Kit? By registering with the General Service Office. If you are a PI/CPC it is recommended to register for both so that you receive both kits. Area PI Chair is notified as well when you register. Loyd has a list of WA State contacts and will be updating it. A couple of districts are doing some cool stuff. District 20 in Yakima is doing all kinds of good stuff. Also, Grand Coulee in District 12 is doing great stuff. Loyd reviewed the Advisory Actions that were addressed at the GSC. Cooperation With The Professional Community (CPC) –Diana M., Area CPC We had a good turnout at our meeting today. We have lots of literature (Diana held up a number of A.A. Pamphlets geared toward CPC). New piece of literature: A.A as a Resource for the Drug & Alcohol Professional. Actually incorporates the info from the


white sheet “What A.A. does and What A.A. does not do”. The pamphlet also addresses “slip signing” and that we do not keep lists of who attends meetings, singleness of purpose, reporting to court professionals and then local committees and has a space for con- tact information. We have received a request from WA Public Health Association to attend (place a booth) their 17th annual Joint Conference on Health in October @ the Yakima Convention Center. I will pass this along to districts 20 & 6 and see whether we want to attend this or not. The cost would be $300. District 20 has held a luncheon for professionals and a presentation for a local hospital that was well attended and district 12 is getting ready to do a CPC presentation as well. We need to hear from more dis- tricts as to what they are doing. Diana would love to come to your district and assist with a CPC presentation/luncheon etc. Encour- aged each district to have a CPC Chair and register them with GSO so will receive a CPC kit.

Treatment – Michael B., Area Treatment Chair I have available today both versions of the Hope Video (old one & new one). Bridging the GAP pamphlets – if you’re not familiar with them, I have them today, come and see me, your area paid for them. AA in Treatment Pamphlet – free – order them. Also Guidelines for Treatment are free when making literature orders. They will also send you one packet of all the AA Guidelines free. They will send registered Treatment Chairs a Treatment Workbook at no charge. Michael has extra copies of Treatment Commit- tees Brochure. He is available to do workshops in our area. Currently he needs help from your districts. Are you doing any Bridg- ing? He would like to be able to report that and place in the newsletter. District 6 & district 20 reported 35 bridges in the last 3 months. If you have anyone interested in the Bridge Program for Corrections, have them call Michael. Many of the facilities we are working inside of today don’t know what we do. If we aren’t going in there and carrying the message of what AA is and what we are not, we should not complain about them coming to our meetings and disrupting our meetings because we aren’t doing our job. We need to do some work. I can’t do it all alone and you can’t do it alone. Go to your home groups and asked them to help you. Corrections – Mark E., Area Corrections Chair One resounding problem in Corrections and that’s volunteers. Learned right away in AA that what it took to help another alcoholic was to talk to one another. That’s what we need to do in jails and other correctional facilities. We need to get in there so we can talk and so they can talk. I can’t get into all of them. It’s not easy to get into a lot of them. The ones in my home district in El- lensburg have had 8 applicants willing to go into the county jail but only 3 of us have been authorized to go in. It makes it difficult to get regular meetings going in. It takes some facilities a long time to process authorizations to go into correctional facilities. We need to have Corrections Chair in each district and they should know where the correctional facilities are in their district. We need to find out what the correctional facilities want. Some are simple and then some of them haven’t heard of A.A. coming into their facility. There are difficulties involved in getting into some of these facilities. Your district corrections chair can find all of that out.

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We need to have volunteers to go into these facilities. If you are a DCM, please talk with your Corrections Chair. If you don’t have a Corrections Chair try to get one. I will be happy to come and help. Jeff moved into the Q&A SESSION and incorporated 3 questions added by the Standing Committee Chairs 1. Is the Combined Quarterly process working?

2. What is going well?

3. What needs to be changed

4. For Mark. You are Corrections Chair for the Area; we have a Corrections Chair for District 5. Is that something that you w/ like to do - to come and work with our district corrections chair? Mark = “Yes”

5. Treatment – when are we going to expect special needs to be added to our book, or to any of our literature?

Responses: Michael responded there will be a motion at the October assembly re: combining Special needs with Treatment Loyd – tons of literature on special needs. There are special needs guidelines. 6. Any way of getting the PSA’s on our area web page? Also, flyers for these quarterlies & assemblies

Responses: Carol – Always in the Newsletter 3 months in advance. Scott – web team has been looking at how to improve website. Survey in the Newsletter and there has been no response from that. Loyd – some of the PSA’s are available on aa.org Michael - Sometimes things just fall off. Encouraged all to complete survey. 7. Comment: Just want to say “I want Standing Committee Quarterlies back”.

8. Do you keep track of how many attendees at the standing committee quarterlies vs. the standing committee quarterlies held at the assemblies?

Responses: Diana – really haven’t had enough time. The one in March was in Soap Lake to review the GSC. Michael – we began to do this as a way of saving money. The next time we met, we combined into committees. Think that one went extremely well. Then rotation all new DCM’s, all new area officer’s. There was a lot of good information today with what different districts are doing. I think I got information from people I wouldn’t necessarily see at a separate Stand- ing Committee quarterly. Are we all inclusive or are we exclusive? There w/be a motion coming up. Jeff added back in Jan 2008 was the first time. We held the first one in Wenatchee. The comments were phenomenal. Jean expressed she never made it to a Standing Committee Combined Quarterly but she has been able to attend when com- bined with the quarterly. Another member expressed: “Not happy with this format today because not enough time. I have standing committee chairs here that don’t have enough time. Tom – “I am appalled at the way we have reduced the Standing Committee quarterly to what we are doing today. It is im- perative that we get the information to the people in the trenches. Stan – How do we put a price tag on 12th step work? Jerry – “When I was first into service there were 4 Standing Committee Quarterlies each year. A full day of fellowship and service information we could use. Also allows me go to areas that don’t have an opportunity to host an assembly or quar- terly.” Richard – made the original motions and immediately after he made motion, it was changed and it was changed again. Tried for awhile now and it doesn’t seem to work. Loyd does have experience w/ standing committee quarterlies in 72. Doesn’t need to be an either/or thing. TRUSTED SERVANT REPORTS RESUMED ALTERNATE DELEGATE, Joanne W. – I’m honored to serve you and your home groups as your Alt Delegate. I was able to attend a few GSR Schools and was amazed how each of them was as different as the last. I learned a lot from each one. My favorite was when I got to say “oops that is why you want to have current literature” LOL I was in Dist 12 on May 22nd, Dist 15 on May 23rd, Dist 14 on June 5th and Dist 6 on June 12th. I was also able to attend 2 Delegates repots both on May 16th. We were in Dist 21 in the morning and Dist 5 in the afternoon and I’m now here at the July Qtly. I am planning to attend the Pacific Regional Forum in Torrance in August and since that is where I’m from have decided to make a vacation out of it. I will be gone from 8/20 – 8/29. I will also be attending the Oregon Area 58 Voting Assembly on Labor Day weekend. Thanks for letting me be of service. AREA CHAIR, Jeff S. – This has been a busy qtr for me. Since the April Assembly, I finished that month by attending the anniver- sary in Quincy on the 25th of April. On May 16th, I attended the delegates report in Chelan, District 21 and in Cashmere, District 5. On the 22nd and 23rd, I traveled with our Alternate Delegate, Joanne for GSR Schools at District 12 in Omak and District 15 in Chewelah. Over Memorial day weekend, I attended VIII WA State Hispanic Convention in Tacoma, WA. During June, again, I


traveled with Joanne for GSR School in Bonners Ferry on the 5th. On the 12th, we went to Yakima for Districts 6 & 20, yet another GSR School. On the 20th, Grupo Doce in Pasco, celebrated their 4th anniversary, where they combined the celebration with a Public Information meeting. There were more than 140 people there. On the 25th, I went to a picnic and speaker meeting in Spokane. Richard M., hosted my stay in the evening. On the 30th, I flew out to the International Convention. I got to work as a host in the Pacific Region hospitality suite along with Dolores, our Area Secretary (others worked there also). I had a great time at the conven- tion and the fellowship was superb. In addition to all of that, some of the projects I’ve been working on are: 1) GSR School/ Orientation with Joanne, Alt Delegate and Gene D., past delegate 2) The quarterly agenda in English & Spanish 3) District 12’s mo- tion 4) slip signing issues 5) folks with problems concerning entry into Canada. Thanks Joanne for clarifying the proper procedure. Thank you so much for allowing me to be of service. ALTERNATE CHAIR, Scott R. – We got our report back from the April Pre-Conference Assembly. If you are going to be hosting an assembly or quarterly I have that available it you would like a copy or you want to take a look at it. One thing I’d like to talk about a little bit is alternative housing for the upcoming assembly. I’ve been talking with some people and I’m not sure if everyone knows what alternative housing means. Alternative housing is AA members in the host cities (Assemblies & Quarterlies) who open up their homes for anyone who would need a place to stay in order to attend and Assembly or Quarterly for the length of the event. A great majority of the expense is lodging. Please note on the flyer for the October Assembly that there is alternative housing availa- ble. Think we are on track with the October Assembly. I’ve received some paperwork from Dale, district 12 on the April Assembly so I think we are right on track with that as well. Thank you for the opportunity to serve. SECRETARY, Dolores E. – Minutes of the Spring Pre-Conference Assembly will be sent out next week. I’ve updated the WSEA 92 Directory and have some copies available here. Next Handbook Committee Meeting will be 8/15. I had the opportunity to coor- dinate volunteers for area 92 for the Pacific Region Hospitality Suite at the San Antonio Convention. Thank you to Jeff S., Jamie S., Tom S., Fred E., Carol N., Valerie D., Bobbi J., and Sunny C. for the hours they served in the hospitality suite. Please let me know if there is anything I can do from a secretarial standpoint that will make your jobs easier. Thank you for allowing me to be of service. TREASURER, Ty B. – This report is for the 3 months ending June 30th of this year. Tom and I would like to thank all of the groups and districts for their contributions to the area this past quarter. We received a total of $6,020 this last quarter compared to $9,774 for the same period last year. Total expenses this last quarter were $10,454, which was a $424 increase over the total expenses for the 2nd quarter of 2009. Expenses reimbursed are paid on behalf of the chair persons (Area Standing Committee Chairs) went down due to timing differences as in the case of the Newsletter or less literature purchases at the request of the Corrections or Treatment Chairs. The expenses for the delegate this last quarter increased over the same quarter last year. In 2009 the delegate received most of the expense reimbursement for doing the delegate reports in the 3rd quarter and few in the 2nd quarter. Additionally, we made a one- time purchase of a projector for $560 this last quarter. The payment for the insurance was $528 in June. Travel In 2010 is $2,578, $29 less than last year. We started the quarter with $7,232 in checking and ended June 30th with a balance of $2,798. Cash in checking decreased $4,434 during the quarter. Our checking account balance includes a working prudent reserve of $1500 at the beginning of the quarter and $1800 and the end of the quarter. We will continue to allocate $100 a month to the working prudent reserve until we reach a balance equal to 16.6% of the sum of the prior 2 years gross revenue. Please contact Tom or myself with questions. Please let me know if you need additional detail reported. He will bring budget update to the October Assembly. Last May filed first return of 501c Corp. ALTERNATE TREASURER, Tom S. - Tom reviewed YTD Cash Flow (does not include money donated back to area from offic- ers who wish to donate their reimbursed expense). Total income of contributions reflects a total of first 6 mo and 15 days of $24,024.58. All 25 districts have made contributions through the first 6 months. Of the 423 approximate groups registered in area 92, only 149 groups are contributing (35%), an increase of 5% over the first quarter of the year. (YTD Cash Flow report is attached to the hard copy of these minutes). ARCHIVES, Mike B. – On the 1st of May, I attended the Inland Empire Round-Up held in Richland. It was a great event and I got to meet a lot of new people. I set up the Area Archives Display and had a continuous string of people going through, I even picked up a couple of donations to our Archives. The District 4 round-Up committee did a wonderful job and I thank them for letting me be a part of it. August 21st, I will attend the 3rd Regional Archives Workshop in Portland. This is a workshop that would really be worth going to, even if you are not involved with Archives. Training will include archives basics, book repair and document preser- vation. I have been in contact with the Archivist from OR and Western WA and we have discussed making this an annual event ro- tating from area to area much like the PNC. It w/be self supporting with a committee set up to handle the details. We are in hopes that we can get MT and So. ID Archives involved as well. I would like to know by a show of hands, how many of you would con- sider supporting this event in the same manner as we do the PNC. The other day, I received an email from the MT Archivist in re- gards to the National Archives Workshop that will be held in MT next year. I was asked if I would consider bringing an Archives display to the workshop. I felt this was quite an honor because no one else has been ask to do so. Archivist from all over the U.S. and Canada will be there and it will be an opportunity for all of them to view our history of WSEA 92. I am still looking for steering committee members for our Archives. If you are interested or know someone that is, please contact me. Thanks for letting me be of service to you. COOPERATION WITH PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY (CPC), Diana M. – I’m hoping to hear from some of the districts so we can discuss workshops, setting up luncheons or helping with your CPC needs or questions. The spring 2010 issue of the “Newsletter for Professionals” discussed AA as a resource for drug and alcohol court professionals. Recently an informational piece titled “Alcoholics Anonymous as a Resource for Drug and Alcohol Court Professionals” has been produced by GSO. The two-page service piece explains AA to those working in the court system, including ways in which the AA program can be a resource to courts and court appointed counselors (F-177 11-09). The flyers contain an explanation of what AA does and does not do including the fact 22

that AA members share their experience with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem, that AA groups are happy to welcome those sent to AA meetings by the courts, but that groups themselves do not keep attendance records or provide progress reports; and that AA does not themselves offer any social services or provide letters of reference to parole boards, lawyers, court officials, etc. According to the results of the GSC committee on CPC had the following considerations for the CPC kit and workbook and made the following suggestions: 1) the trustees committee on CPC/treatment facilities/special needs-accessibilities gather sharing from the Fellowship on the need to develop a sample format for one-on-one CPC contact with professionals for inclusion in the CPC Work- book. We received guidelines on “Volunteers Staffing an AA exhibit”. The guidelines also suggest what AA literature and other materials are displayed in the booth. If anyone is interested in copies of this material please contact me. We received a notice from GSO as the WA State Public Health Association contacted AA in New York inviting us to attend their 17th Annual Joint Conference on Health scheduled for Oct 11-12, 2010 at the Yakima Convention Center in Yakima, WA. This conference consistently draws 400 -500 professionals from across WA from the public health, healthcare, education and other fields. The cost for non-profit exhibitors is $300. GSO would be happy to supplement the literature our committee is able to supply for this event should we decide the exhib- it to be worthwhile. CORRECTIONS, Mark E. - When originally assumed role I received a comprehensive list of correctional facilities in the area. I am trying to update that list. I will be contacting all of the districts to do that. I will try to get that information by Oct Assembly. I have an annual budget to spend on literature and I spend it. There are more books needed for some of the facilities out there. I will be hitting your districts up to ask if you have a corrections fund that is not being used. W/be trying to communicate the importance of the pink can. GRAPEVINE & LITERATURE, Fred E. - Went to San Antonio and had a lot of fun and also learned a lot. Saw a lot of great literature displays. We did get a complimentary copy of the Convention Special Edition of the Grapevine. I attended a really good panel discussion on the Grapevine. One of the panel members said if just one out of 14 people would subscribe to the Grapevine it w/be in the black. Taken several Grapevine subscriptions and am willing to order them for you. Literature. – I have bunches of cata- logues. I’ve sold a lot of literature here this weekend. I sold a lot of Spanish literature at the assembly in Tri-Cities. NEWSLETTER, Carol N. – Summer is here and newsletter submissions are down. The newsletter was 20 pages for June and July so the printing expense is down slightly. I am looking forward to hearing all the reports from this quarterly and upcoming committee work. Please remember if you want information in the newsletter you need to get flyers to me digitally one month in advance of the event. Newsletter is on line at area92aa.org/newsletter. Reminder to send reports. Remember I publish a month in advance. I would appreciate more officer reports and district reports. PUBLIC INFORMATION, Loyd W. – I need reports from local districts on PI activities. I will compile a list of PI chairs and con- tact them individually to find out how the area can better help to carry the AA message. I did receive a press kit from GSO re: 75th AA Anniversary. Correction to WSEA92 Directory –my cell number is 206-380-6486. Happy to assist you any way I can. TRANSLATION, Daniel M. - Don’t have much. I just attend the meetings for the delegate report over by Yakima. That was pretty much what I have done lately. Little activity, I was home sitting there waiting for phone calls. Nobody called me. Grateful to be here. TREATMENT, Michael B. – Again, I need communication from all districts on Bridging the Gap for monthly Bridge counts. Need contacts for Grapevine subscriptions to inpatient & outpatient facilities. If you have a facility in your district that would bene- fit from a Grapevine subscription, please contact me. I need a person who will be the “in care of” that the subscription can sent to, the name of the facility and the address of the facility. I have 12 left. I just gave 6 away to Richard today and I want to commend his district for what they are doing right now. They just got into Eastern State Hospital and they have a couple others their working on right now. I would love to go to a workshop. Keep me busy, so I don’t get so bored. I will be attending the Standing Committee Quarterly the 3rd Saturday of Sept and will be leaving for vacation right after that and will be back at Bonner’s Ferry in October. I do appreciate the DCM’s who have come forward today to give me their information for the Bridge Program. Thank you for the oppor- tunity to serve you. DCM REPORTS District 1 – no report District 2 - Allen D, DCM – Number of groups represented is 32 – 51. Standing committees are Corrections –Bob S., Social Activ- ities – Eric G, Treatment – Amanda M. Last quarter activities include Dist 2 “Spring Fling” in the rain. Combined with Dist 3, 13, 17 and worked on the Central Office Inventory. Planned activities are a “Picnic In The Sun” for late August. We are currently form- ing a committee for the 2011 January quarterly. Concerns & Solutions: Alt DCM w/our Area Alt Delegate have been working on our district group names and contact info. Working on getting more participation at our district meeting. Solution w/be to visit more meetings in our district. We updated District Treasurer information with the bank. Finally now he can write checks legally. Special needs – only one meeting listed as special needs. Next meeting date is 7/22 @ 6PM at the Alano Club. District 3 – Riskstr, DCM – 6 groups represented today. Last quarter activities include Quarterly done Woo Hoo. Next is plan- ning for the Christmas and New Year’s Alkathon. Planned activities include getting a group conscience on how the fellowship wants to have times assigned for Group Time slots! Concerns are getting and keeping people involved in service. Next district meeting will be Tuesday, August 10th @ 5:45 PM at the Corbin Sr. Center. District 4 – Shirley F. DCM - Her district voted to fund her to the Pacific Regional Forum in CA. Number of groups represented today is 6. Standing committees include Archives – Bob S, CPC/PI – Joseph A., Corrections – Frank T, Treatment – Robbin T, Spe- cial Needs – John S. Last qtr activities included Inland Empire Roundup 4/30 – 5/2/10. They are host for April Assembly. Spring fling Dance in April and 4th of July Picnic. Planned activities include 4th Step Workshop, July 24th. Planning Workshop on the 1st Saturday in October on Sponsorship. August 21st or Aug 28th – Chapter 5 Picnic. Sept 11th – Picnic BBQ/Potluck w/Mystery Speak- 23

er 5 – 10 PM. District 4 is sending me to the Regional Forum in CA August 27 – 29. Next district meeting is August 14th @ 11:45 AM @ the Quinault Baptist Church in Kennewick. District 5 – Bill B. DCM - Steering Committee positions filled are Archives, Corrections, Newsletter, Treatment, Answering Ser- vice & 12 Step Call Committee. Still need CPC/PI. Last quarter activities: Delegates report went well. Held Bridgeport Campout with good turnout. Three new groups have started up in Wenatchee – good growth. Planned Activities include Birthday Potluck & Coin Give Away, 4th Saturday of each month & last Sunday each month in Leavenworth. Gratitude dinner in November 2010, we need a speaker, please call me. Saturday Night Bowling still going good. Everyone welcome. Concerns: Committee chairs not reporting at District. We need more group GSR’s and need a CPC/PI Chair. Solutions: Visiting group business meetings and put together a Sponsorship & GSR Workshop. Next district meeting will be 3rd Sunday of the month @ 3pm @ St James Episcopal Church. District 6 – Michael S. DCM – Number of groups represented is 19. Standing Committee Chairs filled are Corrections – Rodney I, Archives – Susan M, Grapevine/Literature – Terry T. Open are CPC/PI, Treatment and CWCO representative. Last quarter activi- ties included AA Memorial Day Picnic and GSR School June 12, 2010. Planned Activities include Delegates Report August 21st , Labor Day Picnic, Workshop Planning Committee - November 9, 2010 @ Central WA Central Office 6 pm. Archivist to put togeth- er group history. Concerns: Apathy to service, slip signing (after a shooting at a group meeting, some wanted to stop signing slips). Group conscience spoke and slip signing continued. One solution was to have volunteers from that group to take meetings to work release. Next district meeting is August 19th @ CWCO. District 7 – Fern W. DCM – Groups represented are approximately 27 registered and 12 active, 1 represented here today. Commit- tee Chair positions filled are Archives, Corrections & Treatment, Grapevine & Literature, Newsletter. CPC/PI is open. Last quarter activities include updated District Guidelines (intense project). Most groups in the district are very familiar with the guidelines now. Planned activities: Sponsorship Workshop (planning stages) and District Inventory. Concerns: District trusted servants who quit their position w/little warning. Part of the solution is to emphasize the reading of the Traditions at every district meeting. This is also a reason we are preparing a Sponsorship workshop to help all realize we need to emphasize responsibility to Sponsee’s, other- wise we just replace the person quitting and move on. The next district meeting is scheduled for August 14th at the Alano Club in Clarkston. District 8 – David R. DCM – Number of groups represented is 35. Six in attendance today with 3 GSR’s. Committee Chair posi- tions filled are Archives, Activities, Corrections, Newsletter, Grapevine & Literature, PI/CPC and Treatment. Last quarter we had a 12 Traditions Workshop and updated our district handbook. Planned activities include Hosting Delegates Report on 8/14/2010 from 10am – 2pm and a district 8 Handbook Workshop. Concerns and Solutions: Hoping to motivate AA members to participate in dis- trict service by hosting a Delegates Report followed by district 8 Handbook Workshop w/food and fun for all. We’ve changed dis- trict 8’s GSR meeting agenda so that GSR Sharing is first and committee reports are 2nd. The next district meeting will be held on 9/14/2010 @ the Church of the Nazarene on 4th & Kathleen in Couer d’ Alene. District 9 – LaVon L. DCM – 14 Groups – no GSR’s present today. Standing committees filled are Activities, Archives, Answer- ing Service, Literature, Corrections and Treatment. Last quarter we had the 4th of July Picnic Potluck and the Sunday Big Book Meeting with the last Friday of each month honoring Birthdays for anyone in the district. We’ve now placed the Grapevine and LaVina in the jail and are working on getting them into the juvenile hall. Planned activities include a Corn Roast & Potluck on 9/5/2010 and the Gratitude Banquet on 11/13/2010. Concerns and Solutions: GSR’s not making district meetings and people not stepping up to open meetings. The next district meeting will be on August 1st @ the First Congregational church, 73 S. Palouse @ 6:30PM. District 10 – Theo Denner, DCM – 13 Groups Represented. Standing Committee positions filled are Treatment/Corrections and Archives. Planned activities coming up are the annual Soft Ball game & BBQ on 7/25/10 at Kiwanis Park in Ellensburg @ noon, the River Float on 8/28 and the Cle Elum picnic @ Cle Elum Park from noon to 4PM on 8/7/10. Concerns and Solutions: We are trying to fill the PI/CPC Chair position. The next district meeting will be held on 8/18 in room 135 on the Campus of Central WA U. District 11 – no report District 12 – John U., Alt. DCM – 28 groups represented. All Standing Committees are active (PI, CPC, Treatment/Corrections, G & L and Archives). Last quarter we held GSR School. Concerns & Solutions: Lack of participation, keeping newcomers and doing 12th step work. The next district meeting will be held in conjunction with our annual picnic on March 1st @ Spring Canyon in Grand Coulee. District 13 – Richard M., DCM – 24 groups represented. Active Standing Committees are Alt DCM – John M., Corrections – Rachael, CPC – John A., PI – Shane, Treatment – Angie J. Last quarter activities included 3 district meetings, BBQ Dinner & Speaker Meeting with about 230 members and families. Worked with district 23 & 17 on the Central Office inventory. Last month we filled 56 of our standing committee positions. Planned activities include district meetings, visiting home groups, starting 2 meet- ings at Eastern State Hospital and one @ Interlake late in the week. Concerns & Solutions: We are making a Directory of GSR’s and home groups so we can communicate with each other better. Helping GSR’s understand what AA is and what can help their own groups. The next district meeting will be held on 7/20 @ 5:30 at 10920 e. Sprague (New Life Assembly Church) District 14 – Terry O, DCM – 19 groups represented. Active Standing Committees are Service Activities, Archives, Corrections, Literature, PI-CPC, and Schedules. Last quarter activities include monthly district meetings, AA 75th Birthday Pig Roast, GSR School, Delegates Report, Campfire Meeting, October Assembly Planning Committee meetings and the October Assembly. Con- cerns and Solutions: We have elected officers & chair people who have not attended meetings. Treasurer & Literature Chair have been replaced. PI-CPC is open. Changed meeting schedule to fit the growing number of meetings. Some like it, some don’t. We hope to have a group conscience before the next printing. The next district meeting will be held 8/8 @ 1:30PM @ the Gardenia Cen- 24

ter in Sand Point. “As long as I’ve been sober the Troy/Bonners Ferry (Yaak) Campout has been the 2nd weekend of July. This year it is the third weekend, which is also the July quarterly. So instead of bring the Delegates Report to a bunch of Happy Campers, Ja- mie came to Sandpoint on the 11th and shared her experience of the Conference in New York. We had our district meeting prior to Jamie’s report. Bernie M. stepped up to fill our vacant Treasurer position and Linda H has volunteered to take over the Literature Chair. Thank you for serving in these important roles Thank you also to those at the meeting who voiced their concerns about what we’re doing. . Don’t have PI/CPC filled yet. We made some changes to our printed schedule. I’ll be heading to Montana to visit with some groups there. And if my Higher Power wants me to, I’ll make it to the Yaak Saturday night.” Next district meeting will be the 3rd Sunday of the month at the Gardenia Center in Sand Point. District 15 – Gary G, DCM – 20 groups represented. Active Standing Committees are Activity, PI/CPC, Corrections, Archives and Grapevine. Last quarter held a GSR School, held district meetings, Speaker Meeting & Potluck the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Planned Activities include a Pig Roast @ Chewelah Park on last Sat of this month, Delegates Report on 8/7, Hog Heaven August 12 – 15 and Chewelah Round Up @ Chewelah Civic Center. Concerns & Solutions: Need to get more GSR’s to quarterlies & assem- blies. Have had good turnout at district level (20+ people). The next district meeting will be held on 8/10 @ 6PM at the Health Edu- cation Building across from the hospital. District 16 – Eduardo B, DCM –District 16 has 8 groups. We have a few changes. They have the time now from 10 – 12, used to be 2 – 3, still the last Sunday of the month. The DCM is work with the groups, visiting them and trying to motivate them in service. District 17 – Ronald R, DCM – 12 groups represented. Active Standing committees are Social Activities, CPC/PI, Treatment, & Treasurer. Last quarter activities included working with other districts here in Spokane on inventory for Central Office. This was a three month effort. Planned activities included a Barn Dance, Picnic, Rafting and background work on April 2012 Assembly. Con- cerns & Solutions: Concerned with keeping Chairs filled and getting representation from every group at district so that we can meet the needs in the district. Next district meeting will be held at the Corbin Senior Center on August 10th @ 6PM. District 18 – Helen R. Standing in for Bryan M. DCM – 2 groups represented. Active Standing Committees are PI/CPC – Becky M., Archives – Bryan M., Literature – Ron G., Corrections – David C., Treatment – Tom D., AA Answering Hot Line – Maura T. Last quarter activities included Touchet River Outdoor roundup, aka Pig roast (Waitsburg), annual Lip Sync (Prescott) and Dr. bob’s Birthday Party (Dayton). Currently finalizing our District Guidelines. Concern: Our district meetings have been poorly attended for the past three months due to circumstance necessitating time changes from our regular time. Communication in general breaks down among our members. Solution – we need to be more diligent in contacting each member prior to the changed time to remind them of it. Next district meeting will be on 8/01 @ the Waitsburg First Presbyterian Church on Main St. District 19 – no report District 20 – Jerry W, DCM – 8 groups represented. In attendance today is 1 alt DCM, 2 GSR’s, 1 alt GSR, 1 member and I. Ac- tive Standing Committees are Corrections, PI, CPC, Treatment and Archives. Last quarter activities included Speaker Meeting, Dis- trict Meetings and Assembly. Planned activities include a Delegates Report in Yakima on 8/21, flyer will be out soon. Concerns are low contributions and apathy of non-participating groups. Next district meeting will be on 7/19 @ 616 River Rd in Yakima @ 6PM. District 21 – Gabriela D, DCM - We have 2 groups that we are visiting next month. There is a new group in Omak. We are also working with the LaVina and buying literature for them. I was also at Spanish Convention for the State of WA. Also we are work- ing hard to find a place for the district meeting. Currently we are rotating the district meeting. The time that we need is from 10am – 1pm. I want to say thanks to Jamie, Jeff & Joanne. Thanks for those who were in Texas. District 22 – Kelly C, DCM – 10 groups represented. Active Standing Committees are Grapevine & Literature, Corrections & Treatment, Archives and PI/CPC. Last quarter activities include a Group Inventory, Saturday Monthly Speaker Meetings. Addition- al groups added: Friday Night Candlelight meeting, Living sober on Wed Night and a Men’s meeting on Monday. Concerns & So- lutions: Looking at doing workshops with rotating subjects. District adopted new budget system. Committees now can plan better. The next district meeting is on 8/8 at Gritman Hospital @ 4PM. District 23 – Janine H, DCM – 12 groups represented. Only one active committee, Archives. Last quarter Activities included Monthly Birthday Potlucks (May celebrated over 200 yrs, June moved outdoors to Chelan Falls Park), July 4 Memorial BBQ. Note: Living Sober has become a group. Concerns: We don’t have an alternate DCM. Solution: We are going to narrow our inventory down to 3 questions and get it done. Making motion inspired participation. 10 out of 12 groups made a group conscience. The next district meeting will be on 8/01 @ the Apple Cup Restaurant @ Noon. District 24 – Mario C, DCM – We are having meetings every last Sunday of the month. Sometimes we are having a study meeting the second Sunday of the month (Concepts and Traditions). We are also visiting 2 groups during the month during each month. We have a representative to the WA State Hispanic Convention. We are working very hard with our Literature Committee. We are buy- ing more literature. We have an increased need for literature. We are taking care of our invitations for speaker meetings on the Con- cepts and Traditions and some other AA topics. We are also trying to have a good relationship with district 25, the new Hispanic district as much as we can. District 25 – Saul G, DCM – I represent 6 groups. District 25 meets the 2nd Sunday of each month. Our meetings are rotating be- cause we don’t have a place for our meeting. Also the times vary. This district has a new alt DCM, new treasurer and new secretary. The 13th of June, Jamie visited us with the conference report. Our groups for district 25 are getting ready to work with the conven- tion with the State of WA, May 2011. Also we are taking care of 2 groups a month. We also have a Study meeting every 3rd Sunday of the month, rotating locations. Our next meeting is going to be in Toppenish. This group is called Life Of Sobriety. Contact num- bers are 509-985-0822 and 509-952-6773. Thanks everybody. REGISTRAR REPORT, Joanne W. – Thanks everyone for continuing to get me your district changes. It is slowing down a bit as I have only had about 4 changes so far this month. I found that I was doing a bit of procrastinating in getting the entries made so I 25

have set aside Tuesday evenings for this task. If you have any changes please get them to me by 5Pm on Tuesday. If I receive them after that then they will get entered the following week. I have e-mailed current group info sheets to everyone. Hispanic districts your sheets are in your mail boxes. Please double check the information. It has been brought to my attention that I have transposed numbers for some. I do have some group changes forms available or you can e-mail me the changes. Please include the complete group name and number in all e-mails. Why send me the information instead of GSO? Well because GSO has over 61,000 groups to look after and there are only 430 in area 92. Committees who receive free 3-ring binders are PI, Treatment, Corrections, CPC & PI. If you get me the info I can forward it on. Thanks for letting me be of service. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT, Tom S. – Ad Hoc Committee assigned to the Finance Committee on Area Liability Insur- ance is complete, purchased in June, effective July 1st and is in effect for the next 12 months. The Newsletter will continue to be a source for self support and spirituality, by that I mean the newsletter publishes the correct address for contributions. Also, the web- site contains the current correct mailing address for contributions. Gave alternate treasurers report earlier which covered current contributions and current trends. Also, the finance committee made a recommendation that we provide “Thank You” notes to the groups that are contributing and I will work on a method to do that and get back to you. Note: Delegate report included how to make contributions to GSO online. WEB TEAM – Carol N. gave this report for Scott. We are looking for feedback and thank to those who have returned the survey. There will be an online survey that I will put together soon. We’re going to process through the website guidelines to insure they are adequate. There is still a push to give the website a “face life”. We’ll probably poll you on that on the survey as well because that will cost money. DCM ROUNDTABLE Fern reported Problems and issues in our districts. Getting people involved in service. People don’t want to be involved in politics they call it. Discussed GSR School becoming an area document, feeling was no, what would be accomplished by that. GSR ROUNDTABLE – Clay gave a presentation of Corrections and what is needed. GSR’s discussed apathy in AA. All concluded that we need to be an example. A lot of people are going on too long in meetings. A variety of meeting challenges were discussed. Chairperson should lead the meetings. Some suggested having more meetings on sponsorship, including service sponsorship. Most GSR’s have attended GSR school. HOST COMMITTEE - Marguerite We did really well. 110 people registered including 40 GSR’s. OCTOBER ASSEMBLY 2010 – Terry, District 4 -Hopefully you got registration form in box. Not in Spanish yet but we’ll post on the website as soon as we can get it. One chairperson resigned but we have been able to fill all of the committee chair position. Facility is locked in, food confirmed. Alternative housing is available. JANUARY QUARTERLY 2011 – District 2, Allen. Just now putting together the committee. Will get flyers out asap. APRIL PRE-CONFERENCE ASSEMBLY 2011 – Dale G, District 12 – Location is Sun Mountain Lodge April 2011. Cost will be just a couple dollars more than last time. Room fees are set, committee chairs are set. Flyers will be at the Oct. Assembly. OCTOBER ASSEMBLY 2011 – no report LOCAL FORUM STATUS – Dave Mc. – Bid should be awarded soon. For those of you who do not know what a Local Forum is, a Local Forum is designed to allow people that may not normally have a chance to experience a forum with have that experience. The GSO will send out a staff member plus one trustee. Theme is AA Message Can Cross All Boundaries. There would be panels set up at the forum, possibly Hispanic, Native American, Deaf & Hard of Hearing panel, perhaps a Russian panel, etc. Tentative agreement with Clarion Hotel in Kennewick. Does need to be self-supporting so there will be a registration. Would like to keep registration down so I’m going to propose to the DCM’s, Groups or local members that if we can make donations………will send out letter to DCM’s and Area Officers to talk about this proposal further. Forum would take place in Sept 2011. Show of hands in support of donation? SPECIAL NEEDS AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORT – Mike Mc – This past quarter one more District Special needs Chair has been elected, John S, from District 4. Deaf and hard of Hearing: Spokane Central Office has a Special Needs Chair representing the 4 districts in the Spokane Area and has one meeting in Dist 2 that is ASL interpreted. Several Groups in the area have elected to use microphones in their meetings to give better access to members who are hard of hearing. Blind, etc: No reports of blind accommo- dations being asked for however since most of our meetings are group discussions it does not seem to be an issue. Seniors: The largest growing demographic in AA is the age group 55 plus we do not know yet what the effect will be on the local groups (shut ins need meetings, Senior Centers would be a great place for CPC committees to work on. Physical Challenges: Most Areas list their accessible meetings and I encourage every area to make sure that you list the meetings as “accessible” or “not accessible”. Lan- guage Needs other than Spanish: Many parts of Area 92 have large and growing populations of Russians and eastern Europeans. We have one Russian meeting in Spokane. Religion: Native American and others have beliefs that prove to be challenging to our mainstream ideas and might be. Geography: Many geographic parts of our Area are quite remote and many of those geographic parts are inhabited by Native Americans who are in need of AA. How are we doing at reaching the members or potential members in the remote parts of our area? ANY CENTRAL OFFICE REPORTS - Kaylene, Office Mgr Spokane Central Office – Info may be directed to the people in Spokane @ Spokanecentraloffice.com, then you can get your info out a little better. The Central office has committees. They will work with District Committees. Ron, Coordinator for Central Office in Couer d'Alene. Encourage all districts to send copies of their schedules to our central office. Also if you have event notices to get out, please send them to us. District 8 schedules have the contact information for our central office and you can also get that information from me here today. 26

BIDS –JULY 2011 QUARTERLY? District 21, Chelan was the only district to bid. Bid awarded. MOTIONS - Clarification from the Chair: Any motion passed here today is just being passed to go on to the Oct assembly agenda. Motion #1: District 21 moves that: WSEA 92 pay to rent a vehicle to transport DCM’s and GSR’s to forums and PRAASA. 2nd by Tom S. Background & discus- sion: District 22 called for the question, 2nd by District 4. Motion to end debate passed. Vote on motion – Motion Failed. No mi- nority opinion. Motion #2: The following Standing Committees, Treatment, Corrections & Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) move that: WSEA 92 make motion 09.5 (as numbered in the area handbook) from the October 2009 Assembly the permanent schedule for Standing Committee Meetings. 2nd by District 22. Background & discussion: Rykstr District 3 called for the question, 2nd by District 2. Motion to end debate passed. Vote on motion – Motion passed. Minority opinion expressed. Request to poll vote = 23 for, 7 against, 7 abstain (66%+). Motion passed to go on to October assembly agenda. Motion #3: District 23 moves that: Area 92 resume the three quarterly, one Assembly way of doing Area 92 business, January, April, and July Quarterly meet- ings and an October Assembly. 2nd district 22. Background & discussion. District 4 called for the question, 2nd by District 6. Mo- tion to end debate passed. Vote on – Motion failed (lack of 2/3 majority). Minority opinions express and on one indicated they learned additional info that would change their vote. Motion #4: District 12 moves that: Liability insurance purchased, be cancelled. Motion #10.02 be cancelled and referred back to the finance committee, for a new motion to be sent back to the home groups. 2nd by District 22. Background & discussion. District 6 called for the question, 2nd by Jamie S. Motion to end debate passed. Vote on motion: Motion failed. Minority opinion expressed. Motion to reconsider was made by Loyd, PI Chair, 2nd by Diana M., CPC Chair. Discussion. Michael B. Treatment called for the question, 2nd by District 14. Motion to end debate passed. Vote on Motion to reconsider failed 21 to 11. Motion #5: presented by Richard M., District 13 DCM Motion: to implement Area 92 Election Assemblies in the U.S.A., where the majority of its members reside. 2nd by Loyd, (PI Chair). Background and discussion. Loyd called for the question, 2nd by Carol N. (Newsletter Editor). Motion to end debate passed. Motion failed 29 – 1. Minority Opinion – none. Jeff closed the meeting with the Responsibility Statement.

Respectfully Submitted: Dolores E, WSEA 92 Secretary

God! Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can. And Wisdom to know the difference.


Washington State East Area 92 Newsletter is published monthly by the WSEA 92 Area Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous to provide communication within the Microsoft membership of AA. Opinions expressed are not to be attributed to Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole, nor does publication of any article imply endorsement by Alcoholics Anonymous, or WSEA, except when Conference-approved publica- tions are quoted. Submissions to Newsletter need to be in by 5:00 P.M. on the 15th of the month The WSEA Newsletter is dependent upon the submissions of the preceding publication. groups, committees, and officers for its content. This newsletter is distributed free of charge to elected and appointed officers of the WSEA, DCM’s, Email is preferred; GSR’s, past Delegates, GSO, Pacific Regional Trustee. A yearly subscription is [email protected] as it is easier to reproduce available for a donation of $24.00. See subscription form below. The WSEA into the newsletter. If you do not have email, mail your currently has twenty-five Districts that span a large geographic area in the hard copy to 1680 East Rd, Deary, ID 83823 Inland Empire. WSEA 92 encompasses all of Eastern Washington, as well as Please limit your reports to a maximum of parts of British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon. This vast expanse of territory allows this newsletter to perform an important function of informing 250 words or less per submission. the individual alcoholic as to the activities , news, and events that take place The Newsletter is intended to be shared with all mem- in our Area. bers of the fellowship. Home groups or individuals may subscribe if they would like their own copy. The sub- The WSEA Newsletter Editor reserves the right to refuse the publication of any scription cost is $24.00 yearly. submission.

WASHINGTON STATE EAST AREA 92 DONATIONS Group and District contributions are sent to: WSEA92 PMB 263 331 Valley Mall Parkway East Wenatchee, WA 98802-4831 Please include Group Name , Group Number, and District Number


NAME:______MAILING ADDRESS:______CITY & STATE & ZIP ______AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $ ______HOME GROUP NAME: ______MAIL TO: WSEA 92 NEWSLETTER 1680 East Road, Deary, Idaho 83823 ______