Progress in the Development of an Eurasian-African Bird Migration Atlas
CONVENTION ON UNEP/CMS/COP13/Inf.20 MIGRATORY 10 February 2020 SPECIES Original: English 13th MEETING OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES Gandhinagar, India, 17 - 22 February 2020 Agenda Item 25 PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EURASIAN-AFRICAN BIRD MIGRATION ATLAS (Submitted by the European Union of Bird Ringing (EURING) and the Institute of Avian Research) Summary: The African-Eurasian Bird Migration Atlas is being developed under the auspices of CMS in the framework of a Global Animal Migration Atlas, of which it constitutes a module. The African-Eurasian Bird Migration Atlas is being developed and compiled by the European Union of Bird Ringing (EURING) under a Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the CMS Secretariat and the Institute of Avian Research, acting on behalf of EURING. The development of the African-Eurasian Bird Migration Atlas is funded with the contribution granted by the Government of Italy under the Migratory Species Champion Programme. This information document includes a progress report on the development of the various components of the project. The project is expected to be completed in 2021. UNEP/CMS/COP13/Inf.20 Eurasian-African Bird Migration Atlas progress report February 2020 Stephen Baillie1, Franz Bairlein2, Wolfgang Fiedler3, Fernando Spina4, Kasper Thorup5, Sam Franks1, Dorian Moss1, Justin Walker1, Daniel Higgins1, Roberto Ambrosini6, Niccolò Fattorini6, Juan Arizaga7, Maite Laso7, Frédéric Jiguet8, Boris Nikolov9, Henk van der Jeugd10, Andy Musgrove1, Mark Hammond1 and William Skellorn1. A report to the Convention on Migratory Species from the European Union for Bird Ringing (EURING) and the Institite of Avian Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany 1. British Trust for Ornithology, Thetford, IP24 2PU, UK 2.
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