MRS. F. G. GRISWOLD ADVERT1SEMENT ADVERTISEMENT_i_ADVERTIS_*E*«T TUXEDO WEDDING BUYS THORNE HOUSE DOOR TO JEWISH No. 15 T<>-morraw FORMISSCANNON Hetty Oreen's Daughter Once CONVERTS OPEN No j4 Reported as Purchaser Mrs. Frank Gray Griswold la the Must the Greatest State Have the Worst Government? TO A BOOKWORM Will Be Married to huycr of the town house of Oakleigh Those Who Join Henry the northeast corner of Episcopal T(r. visit m« often and every time Thorne, at Chureh »nd my library. Luden, of Holland, Seventy-third Street and Park Avenue. May Retain You raud plunder six for of in prose and rhyme. The houso was built years ago Racial Customs THE PRESS Volumes geniua MUZZLING Saturday Mr. the rare antlque decora- books have Gee, Thorne, ^a^a_« aa____Ba___Ba b__«..."bbb___.¦"aaa How many you pilfered? tions and fumishings costing many a collcction yours must be! * What Miss Elirabetti Adelside Cannon, hundred thousands. Sinee the sale of St. Louis, Oct 28.- Je**rs who have ae- the maxim of a certain of are the debta thut never come du*. there have been In the **. a Past generation type Books daughter by a former marriage of the houFe last week, eepted Jeaus Chrlst aa the Messiah ar.d "practical" ^Y8 I used to see? ni'nors current in clrcles Where are the volumes Mrs. Theodore Frelinghuysen, .vill be many realty have become eommumcants of the Prot- was: "BORROW" MY BOOKCASr;, TOO as to the identity of the buyer. One politician WHY DON'T YOU married to Hcnry Luden, of Holland, report that gained comlderable cre- estant Episcopal Chureh may retain, if on Saturday, ln St. Mary'a Chuich, dence was that Mrs. A. Sylvia Wilk*, they desire, the Jewish national ar.d DIVISION AND SILENCE" to ca!l muat climb daughter of the late Hetty Green, was "ADDITION, A burplar coming Tuxcdo. Only relatives and a few racial customs ar.d feaste, according to or ihe purchaser. was "Division" was but "Silence" was essential. The fire eacape the balcony. Intimnte frlends will be at the a ruling of the House of Deputies of "Addition" desirable, usual, for the crime; present Mr«. Griswold ia a member of the ffe risks a punishment ceremony, which will be follow, .1 hy board of governors of the Colony Club. the Church's general convention in ses- were over The a of reminiscent of that decent citizens is enter a house with more ease than ha a in villa of Mr. Mrs. ...ale includes only part the Mon here to-day. Unpleasantly days hoped I'cni reccj.tion the and f of the house. Mr. and lend urm«hings This action was ba-ed on a resolu- to a for to (At times I even you my key) Frelinghuysen. A special train from Mra. Griswold have a larjfe estate, Governor Whitman's attempt punish Republican newspaper failing And "berrow" a Sheridan, Shaw, or Sue, Jersey City will take the guests from known ai Clefstone, at Bar Harbor, tlon that had been presented by tbe preserve the essential "Silence." or a B. L. T. this The bride's attendant Me., and r suburban homa in th*1 Rev. Floyd W. Tompkina. of Philadel- A- F. P. A. city. only Wheatley Hills, Long Island. WHY DON'T YOU "BORROW" MY BOOKCASE, TOO? will be Mrs. Lewls S. Morris. Mr. nr.d phia. U was asserted that there were The facts are all set forth in the following editorial from the Trib¬ Mrs. will a number in the I'nited States hundreds of Jews Frelinghuysen give who had Poems by Lindsay and Oppenheim, of entertainment.s during the we-jk for accepted Christ and yet had une of Friday, February 18, 1916: Miss Cannon and her fiance. hesitated to afliliate with Christian de- Urtermeyer and Edgar Lee BORBER TROOPS nonunaliuna because they did not care and others now in their to abandon their racial customs. "TEACHING THE TRIBUNE" atasters, prime. who ls to be vrrse that'a free- Miss Dorothy Cramp, Etforts to have women permitted to that's shackled and No- as "Some monthfl the Governor'9 Mr. Orr. came to this office ancf Varaa married to Reuben J. Ross, on FACE LONG STAY sit delegates in the House of Depu- ago secretary, Travelled in classical company vember 1, in the Chureh of the RflflflT- ties were abandoncd to day when, on informed The Tribune that in view of ita criticiam of Mr. Whitman's official courao Eact otreet, the hceU of a House to the flat which belongs to you, rection, Seventy-fourth rejection by the to ue as a in the matter of official Straight will have for her attendants Mias of Hishops, a lower h"U«e comm.ttee it eould not expect treated Republican new»paper Out of thr- home which belongs to me. Dorothy Manice, Miss Caramal Car- reported the proposal adversely. advertising. The specific criticism of the Governor which elicited thia declaration DON'T YOU "BORROW" MY BOOKCASE, TOO roll and Miss Margaret Cramp, of thia Wilson Expected to Keep The like all other New York WHY city, and Miss Martha Bent, of PhilaV- No Cbange In Reprr-sentation waa provoked by the Mohansic incident, and Tribune, Mr. Militia at Line All the of the water timrs you robbed me of two and threa) delphia. Ridley Simpson will be Tho House of Deputies refused, by newspapera, had protested against pollution city supply. At Ross's best man. The ceremony will dlocesan vote, to the recom- some old.»ome Winter adupt The Tribune* was into immediate operation in tha Pricclfss volumes, new, be followed by a reception in the home mendation of a special committee pro- "The policy of 'teaching put as an act The Britannica went.from A to Z. of Professor and Mrs. Munroe Smith, posing that the present system of equal matter of election advertising and The Tribune wai informed that of dis- MY BOOKCASE, T007 169 p:ast Seventieth Street. Batflfl diocesan representation in the House the to the election noticee. WHY DONT YOU "BORROW" a dinner on [Fran 0» tHbnne Bnr*aa,] of cipline it waa to be deprived of designation print tegular FBECKLE8. Manice will give Saturday Deputies be changed to one of pro- evening at her home, 100 East liixty- Washington, Oct. 23. Militiamen portionate representation. Fears were "Immediately thia notice was conveyed to The Tribune it sent for Mr. Samuel E. J. M. fourth Street, for Miis Crarnp and Mr. r.nw on the border are likely to be expressed by represeniatives of aome he is a of the of the S. President of the Republican County Committee. and asked if intended who "borrowed" Ross. ftfifla Cramp daugbter thrre all winter. to Intima- smaller dieeesea that the change Koenig, cf book-"borrowing," if the peraon late Fdwnrd S. (ramn and a HBBd- according would throw the balanr« of to which had been issued. Mr. that the Speaking tiocs in official circlej to- po'.ver to follow the ordera Koenig. frankly conceding of Chance" wi'.l only diseloaa hia identity, we can daughter of tho late Charles H. Cramp, given army the larger and wealthi.-r chureh bodies. to him to do declared that he had de- ~,r iniatll of It is declared that as President The lower house to cor.fer pressure had been exerted persuade this, whether the volume has a good home. Philadelphia.. day refused know, at least, Wilson has decided to keep the troops with the House of Bishops in giving clined to accept such ordera, that he did not play politica that way,' and that he u i-eat and vote Ifl thfl house to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Martin B