DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! Polls open until 7 p.m. ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY TUESDAY | JUNE 26, 2018 Hosemann: Educated workforce vital for state’s future To make the point, he referenced a Feb- Speaks to Rotarians about ruary meeting in Columbus at the Lowndes County School District career tech center. Mississippi Sec- business survey, elections retary of State At that meeting, he said, some area busi- Delbert Hose- BY ALEX HOLLOWAY nesses, especially those in the construction mann speaks
[email protected] field, pointed out that they have jobs ready for to Rotary Club trained workers, but applicants are few and far members at the Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert between. Starkville Coun- Hosemann sees an educated workforce as the “Taking that silo, where we have a univer- try Club Mon- key to a strong economic future for the state. sity, junior college, a high school, all of that day. Hosemann Hosemann, speaking to the Starkville needs to be towards one goal and that one goal talked about the importance Rotary Club on Monday, said that doesn’t would be to have an educated workforce,” he of an educated necessarily mean a four-year college degree said. “And about 60-70 percent of that educat- workforce for for everyone. He said emphasizing job paths ed workforce will not have a college degree. Mississippi and available through career tech centers is also That’s critical — I want you to have that col- Tuesday’s run- going to be a very important part of bolstering lege degree if that’s what you want to do.