[email protected] Website: Phone: 04 13 66 12 13 (Int. +61 413 661 213) Gentle New Guinea 4th – 17th September 2019 Guides: Phil Gregory & Scott Baker (Trainee) This was a Gentle New Guinea outing, designed to hopefully not be too strenuous, and to maximize photo opportunities in what is a challenging place for photographers. We were blessed with pretty good weather, but got impacted by fog on two afternoons, at both Murmur Pass and then at Rondon. Flight logistics were good except Air Niugini lived up to their reputation Air Agony nametag and cancelled our afternoon flight to Hoskins just as we were expecting to board, costing us a morning on New Britain, but at least they departed only slightly late on the day we all had international connections! Kiunga, Kumul, Rondon Ridge and Walindi were great destinations with some terrific birds as always, and our hotel in Port Moresby is a very pleasant haven. Sadly this year tribal unrest meant Ambua was not open, but should be restored for 2020 and we included Walindi in the main tour instead. We had a morning up at Varirata and a rewarding afternoon at the PAU. Varirata was great for kingfishers with Yellow-billed, Rufous-bellied Kookaburra, Blue-winged Kookaburra and Brown-headed Paradise Kingfisher, and several sightings of Raggianas though the lek was quiet today. All of us saw both Glossy-mantled (our first of the bird of paradise family) and Crinkle-collared manucodes, and some got brief looks at Growling Riflebird, which was calling close by.