ARTS + MEDI A = CULTURE A R T S + MED ia = CULTU R E SPRING 2009 F O R A LU M N I & F R I E N D S O F C O LU M B I A C O LLE G E C HI C AGO 9 As history unfolded, the world watched through the eyes of Columbia photojournalists. 28 In Our Own Front Yard FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009 Masquerade Tempted? You should be...'09 Experience a tantalizing night of mystery, intrigue, music, and dance. This Columbia Alumni Association & Network (CAAN) event promises to entertain and will prove to be a night to remember! The food and drinks will delight your palette. The decor and atmosphere will captivate your imagination. Prizes for best mask and costume. Party or casual attire appropriate. Tickets are limited. To purchase today, or for additional information visit: WWW.COLUM.EDU/MASQUERADE09 or call 312.369.7802 Illustration by Rachal Duggan (’09) Come visit the Alumni Bazaar at Manifest Alumni Bazaar Works promoted by alumni. Available to all. Put your creativity on display! We are looking for FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009 artisans who wish to sell art, crafts, jewelry, books, or other work. Space is limited. For table information, contact WWW.COLUM.EDU/ M A S Q U E RA D E 0 9 312.369.7802 or
[email protected] SPRIN G 2 0 0 9 DEP A RT M ENTS 5 Vision: a question for President Warrick L. Carter 6 Wire: news from the college community 12 Poetic: the 2008 Stuckey Award winning poems 9 24 Events: what’s coming up on campus 37 Spin: recordings from Soft Targets, Locrian, and Polk Miller and His Old South Quartette 38 Get Lit: new books by Michael Alamo + Costello, Joe Meno, Brandi Homan, and Stephen T.