AARC Clinical Practice Guideline

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

PR 1.0 PULMONARY REHABILITATION: medical director to assure appropriate performance Pulmonary rehabilitation is a restorative and pre- by the program staff and to assure proper service ventive process for patients with chronic respirato- delivery.2 ry disease. This guideline is appropriate for pediatric, adult, PR 2.0 DESCRIPTION/DEFINITION: and geriatric patients in whom clear indications for Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) has been defined as a rehabilitation are present and who possess the nec- “multi-disciplinary program of care for patients essary cognitive and physical capabilities. with chronic respiratory impairment that is individ- ually tailored and designed to optimize physical Based on the individualized assessment the follow- and social performance and autonomy.”1 ing areas of education and training should be con- sidered:2 As reserve declines, dyspnea worsens and in- 2.1 pulmonary anatomy and physiology includ- dependent daily activity performance erodes. PR ing the pathophysiology of lung disease24-26 provides multidisciplinary training to improve the 2.2 description and interpretation of medical patient’s ability to manage and cope with progres- tests27-33 sive dyspnea.2 2.3 bronchial hygiene techniques34,35 2.4 exercise conditioning and techniques that Although PR efforts are often focused on patients include:36 with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (chron- 2.4.1 breathing retraining37 ic and/or emphysema),3-6 other condi- 2.4.2 endurance, strength, and flexibility tions appropriate for this process include, but are training not limited to, patients with asthma,7 interstitial dis- upper extremity37-42 ease,8 bronchiectasis,8 ,9-11 chest wall lower extremity37,41 diseases,8 neuromuscular disorders,12,13 ventilator 2.4.3 ventilatory muscle training (its role dependency,14,15 and before and after lung is still undetermined, since no evidence for transplantation,16 volume reduction,17,18 or can- exists that it contributes to functional im- cer.19,20 RETIREDprovement when added to a traditional upper and lower extremity exercise train- PR services include critical components of assess- ing program).1,36 ment, physical reconditioning, skills training, and 2.4.4 energy conservation as it applies to psychological support.2,21 Additional PR services activities of daily living43,44 may include vocational evaluation and counsel- 2.5 indications, actions, and side-effects of ing.22 The PR program must be tailored to meet the medications including non-prescription prod- needs of the individual patient, addressing age-spe- ucts, such as vitamins, over-the-counter medi- cific and cultural variables, and should contain pa- cations, and herbal remedies6 tient-determined goals, as well as goals established 2.6 functional self-management by the individual team discipline.20,23 Both patients 2.6.1 self assessment and symptom man- and families participate in this training adminis- agement45 tered by health care professionals. These pul- 2.6.2 infection control with emphasis on monary rehabilitation services are overseen by a avoidance, early intervention, and immu-


nization46-48 initiate 2.6.3 environment control 4.7 ventilator dependence 2.6.4 indications for seeking additional 4.8 increasing need for acute care intervention, medical resources including emergency room visits, hospitaliza- 2.7 sleep disturbances, eg, insomnia and sleep tions, and unscheduled physician office visits apnea as they relate to chronic lung disease 2.8 sexuality and intimacy49,50 PR 5.0 CONTRAINDICATIONS: 2.9 nutrition51-54 The initial assessment of the patient should estab- 2.10 smoking cessation55-57 lish his or her willingness to participate in the reha- 2.11 psychosocial intervention and support21,58 bilitation process. The presence of certain condi- 2.12 available community services, including tions would make successful completion of the re- patient/family support groups59 habilitation process unlikely.2 2.13 advance care planning60,61 5.1 Potential contraindications to PR include is- 2.14 travel issues62 chemic cardiac disease, acute cor pulmonale, 2.15 recreation/leisure activities63 severe pulmonary hypertension, significant 2.16 stress management hepatic dysfunction, metastatic cancer, renal 2.17 indications for oxygen, and methods of de- failure, severe cognitive deficit, and psychiatric livery64 disease that interferes with memory and com- pliance. The decision to provide or withhold PR 3.0 SETTINGS: PR should be based on a thorough, individual- PR may take place in, but is not limited to: ized assessment. 3.1 the inpatient setting, including medical cen- 5.2 Substance abuse without the desire to cease ter, skilled nursing facility, or rehabilitation use would seriously interfere with successful hospital2 PR. 3.2 the outpatient setting2,65 5.3 Physical limitations such as poor eyesight, 3.2.1 outpatient hospital-based clinic impaired hearing, a speech impediment, or or- 3.2.2 comprehensive outpatient rehabili- thopedic impairment may require modification tation facility (CORF) of the PR setting but should not interfere with 3.2.3 physician’s office participation in a PR program. 3.2.4 alternate or extended care facility 3.2.5 patient’s home65 PR 6.0 HAZARDS/COMPLICATIONS: Hazards/complications associated with PR are pri- PR 4.0 INDICATIONS: marily related to the exercise program. During ex- The indications for PR include the presence of res- ercise the cardiovascular and ventilatory systems piratory impairment potentially responsive to the must be able to respond to increased demands. Ex- techniques available.1,2,36 Such impairment may be ercise can lead to muscle or ligament injuries. manifested as: RETIRED 4.1 dyspnea experienced during rest or exertion PR 7.0 LIMITATIONS OF METHOD: 4.2 hypoxemia, hypercapnia 7.1 Patient related 4.3 reduced exercise tolerance or a decline in 7.1.1 The patient may have a disease pro- the patient’s ability to perform activities of cess that has progressed to the stage daily living where rehabilitation is not possible. 4.4 an unexpected deterioration or worsening 7.1.2 The patient may not adhere to or symptoms against a background of long-stand- complete the program because it appears ing dyspnea and a reduced but stable exercise to be complicated or because of a sense of tolerance level hopelessness, depression, or a lack of mo- 4.5 the need for surgical intervention (pre- and tivation. postoperative lung resection, transplantation, or 7.1.3 The patient/patient family may be volume reduction) reluctant to make changes in their usual 4.6 chronic respiratory failure and the need to program, medications, start new ,


quit smoking, use supplemental oxygen, 8.2.15 chest radiograph or exercise.23 8.2.16 social support 7.1.4 There might be concerns or limita- 8.2.17 potential need for assistive devices, tions in transportation. eg, walker, wheel chair 7.1.5 Financial resources might not be 8.2.18 adherence to recommended treat- available. ment modalities 7.1.6 The patient may have to stop the pro- 8.2.19 physician support available to patient gram because of an acute exacerbation, or 8.2.20 availability of transportation and worsening of another medical condition. patient/family desire to use what may be 7.2 Related to the health care system available 7.2.1 Reimbursement by intermediaries or 8.2.21 financial resources third-party payers is not standardized. PR 9.0 ASSESSMENT OF OUTCOME: PR 8.0 ASSESSMENT OF NEED: 9.1 Evidence exists for the effectiveness of PR 8.1 The patient must be under the care of a with respect to exercise tolerance, utilization of physician for the pulmonary condition for health care resources, and quality of life.1,36,66-69 which he or she needs rehabilitation. Appropri- There is some evidence that PR may improve ate members of the PR team participate in the survival in patients with COPD.36,70-73 The ef- patient’s assessment. The initial evaluation fectiveness of PR can best be established by should include the medical history, diagnostic comparing the baseline condition of the patient tests, current symptoms, physical assessment, to his or her condition as a consequence of par- psychological, social, or vocational needs, nu- ticipation in the PR program and should in- tritional status, exercise tolerance, determina- volve both qualitative and quantitative mea- tion of educational needs, and the patient’s abil- sures. Such measurements should include: ity to carry out activities of daily living.2 9.1.1 indicators of health related quality 8.2 Areas to be evaluated and reviewed in- of life67,74-81 including a reduction in dysp- clude:2 nea5,65,67,77,82,83 8.2.1 effect on quality of life 9.1.2 enhanced ability to perform activi- 8.2.2 pulmonary function assessment, in- ties of daily living including energy con- cluding arterial blood gas analysis servation4,84 8.2.3 use of medical resources such as 9.1.3 increased exercise tolerance and hospitalizations, urgent care/emergency performance37,41,67,76,77,79,84-88 room visits, or physician visits 9.1.4 decreased respiratory symptoms, eg, 8.2.4 exercise ability frequency of cough, sputum production, 8.2.5 dependence vs independence in ac- wheezing tivities of daily living 9.1.5 increased knowledge about pul- 8.2.6 impairment in occupationalRETIRED perfor- monary disease and its management89-91 mance 9.1.6 reduced need for medical services 8.2.7 psychosocial problems such as anxi- including outpatient treatment and hospi- ety or depression tal admission70,87,92,93 8.2.8 oxygen saturation at rest, with activ- 9.1.7 increased ventilator-free time in the ity, and possibly during sleep ventilator-dependent patient 8.2.9 co-morbidity 9.1.8 return to productive employment 8.2.10 smoking history 9.2 Documentation and data collection can de- 8.2.11 motivation for rehabilitation, in- velop information regarding the cost-effective- cluding commitment to spending the time ness of PR.70,87,92,93 necessary for active program participation 9.3 The benefit of long-term follow-up, includ- 8.2.12 current medications ing maintenance programs, should be evaluated. 8.2.13 appropriate blood tests 9.3.1 educational/recreational support 8.2.14 electrocardiogram group


9.3.2 independent maintenance exercise Practice Guidelines.33-35,64,95-99 The infor- 9.3.3 scheduled, individualized, on-going mation and recommendations provided to exercise/educational input from PR team patients should be evidence-based and consistent across the program. Each team 10.0 RESOURCES: member must be aware of the content of 10.1 Personnel each discipline’s educational content. The number of disciplines contributing to a PR 10.2 Physical facilities program varies with the size and scope of the PR The physical area for PR can vary greatly de- program and the availability of those disciplines pending upon program structure, patient popu- within the setting. Members might include a res- lation, needs, and resources. The site should piratory care practitioner, registered or licensed provide an appropriate environment with ade- nurse, physical therapist, pharmacist, occupa- quate space, few interruptions or other distrac- tional therapist, dietitian, social worker, exercise tions, sufficient lighting and temperature con- physiologist, chaplain, speech therapist, and trol, and comfortable seating. It is essential to mental health professional.2 All personnel have adequate parking and handicap access. should be trained in basic life support techniques 10.3 Patient education materials97 and, if possible, advanced cardiac life support. 10.3.1 workbooks and videotapes90 10.1.1 Medical director: should be a li- 10.3.2 lung and skeletal models censed physician with an interest in and 10.3.3 anatomical posters knowledge of PR, pulmonary function, 10.4 Equipment and exercise evaluation. 10.4.1 stethoscope 10.1.2 Program director/coordinator: 10.4.2 manual sphygmomanometer should be trained in health-related profes- 10.4.3 pulse oximeter33 sion and have clinical experience and ex- 10.4.4 supplemental oxygen source pertise in the care of patients with chronic 10.4.5 access to laboratory for arterial lung disease. She or he should understand blood gas analysis95 the philosophy and goals of PR and be 10.4.6 stopwatch knowledgeable in administration, market- 10.4.7 calibrated cycle ergometer or mo- ing, education, patient training, and ob- torized treadmill (Measured walking dis- taining reimbursement. tance may be used if an ergometer or 10.1.3 Team members: each member treadmill is not available.)98 should be well-trained in his or her spe- 10.4.8 free-weights or elastic bands cialty, demonstrate the ability to establish 10.4.9 patient’s own equipment, eg, me- rapport with and convey the necessary tered-dose inhaler and spacer, compressor knowledge and skills to patients, and have for home use99 a good working knowledge of the skills of 10.4.10 emergency plan and supplies95 fellow team members. EachRETIRED team member 10.4.11 EKG monitoring during exercise, should be qualified in their area of exper- if indicated, and defibrillation and crash tise to access the patient’s needs, provide cart96 appropriate intervention, and monitor pa- 10.4.12 spirometer tient outcomes.94 The possession of cre- 10.4.13 peak flow meter dentials appropriate to each specialty is recommended, as well as appropriate li- 11.0 MONITORING: censing for each state. Persons responsi- 11.1 Patient: the following should be monitored ble for pulmonary function testing, blood at baseline and at appropriate intervals to assure gas analysis, exercise testing, and those validity of results and appropriateness of inter- engaged in any patient educational train- vention: ing concerning needed therapy should 11.1.1 patient’s response to progressive demonstrate the knowledge and skills and general reconditioning exercises in specified in the relevant AARC Clinical conjunction with breathing techniques


11.1.2 patient’s oxygen requirements at rector should maintain communication and co- rest and with exercise operation with the mother institution’s infection 11.1.3 knowledge and skills acquisition: control service and the personnel health service demonstrations and questionnaires should to help assure consistency and thoroughness in be used to document evidence of change complying with the institution’s policies related 11.1.4 patient’s subjective comments to immunizations, post-exposure prophylaxis, 11.1.5 progress in achieving goals estab- and job- and community-related illnesses and lished at baseline exposures.103 11.2 Patient clinical monitoring during sched- 13.3 The importance of immunization for in- uled, supervised session fluenza48 and pneumococcal pneumonia,47 and 11.2.1 patient appearance avoidance of exposure during periods of high in- 11.2.2 vital signs cidence of respiratory infections in the commu- 11.2.3 cardiac telemetry, if needed nity should be stressed to patients. Staff mem- 11.2.4 perceived exertion and dyspnea bers should receive the influenza vaccination.104 (eg, use of Borg Scale) 13.4 Patients and staff members with signs and 11.2.5 O2 saturation via oximeter symptoms of respiratory infection should avoid 11.3 PR services: each program should estab- contact with patients. lish clinical indicators that objectively measure 13.5 Adequate handwashing105 and proper ven- the information and instruction provided to the tilation with prescribed air exchanges should be patient and should document the outcomes. assured.106 Content, goal orientation, and applicability 13.6 Equipment shared by patients much be should be reviewed on a regular basis. cleaned and maintained appropriately. Specific procedures are provided in the 2001 update of 12.0 FREQUENCY: static lung volume measurement (Section 13.4- Training and informational components of PR 13.7)107 Proper cleaning methods for the pa- should be delivered in a systematic manner to as- tient’s personal therapeutic equipment should sure that all patient care issues are addressed. There be regularly reinforced.59,97 should be repetition sufficient to ensure retention of information and skills. Giving the patient too much 14.0 AGE-SPECIFIC ISSUES: information at one time may cause confusion. Easy- Instructions should be provided and techniques de- to-read patient education materials should be used scribed in a manner that take into consideration the to complement and reinforce verbal instructions.97 learning ability and communications skills of the Program schedules vary according to staff, facili- patient being served. ties, resources, budget, and patient needs.100 PR ser- 14.1 Infant and Neonatal: This Guideline does vices are commonly provided over a period of 12 not apply. hours per week for 6 or more weeks, governed by 14.2 Pediatric: This Guideline is appropriate the patient’s individual needs.101 PatientsRETIRED are en- for children with indications who can be moti- couraged, when possible, to participate in an ongo- vated and who can follow directions. ing maintenance exercise program to sustain the 14.3 Geriatric: This Guideline is appropriate training effect. for members of the geriatric population with in- dications who are motivated and who can fol- 13.0 INFECTION CONTROL: low directions. 13.1 The staff, supervisors, and physicians asso- ciated with the PR program should be conver- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guideline Committee sant with “Guideline for Isolation Precautions in (The principal author is listed first): Hospitals”102 and develop and implement poli- cies and procedures for the program that comply John E Hodgkin MD FAARC, Co-Chair, Deer Park CA with its recommendations for Standard Precau- Lana Hilling CRT, Co-Chair, Concord CA tions and Transmission-Based Precautions. Phillip D Hoberty EdD RRT, Columbus OH 13.2 The program manager and its medical di- Rebecca J Hoberty RRT, Hilliard OH


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