Community College of

Ankrom, Raymond J. Billerbeck, Jean M. Directory of Faculty , Physics and Engineering , Biology AAS, Community C Rhode Island; PHD, Suny Center Stony Brook; A BS, BS, Univ Maryland College Park* Abbate, Maureen E. Apshaga, Susan E. Blessing, Kathy M. , English , English , Library BA, MAT, Rhode Island College BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island MA, ; BA, Rhode Island College; Adam, Mazin S. Archambault, Richard C. MLS, Univ Rhode Island , Art , Human Services BFA, Northrn Michigan University; EDD, Univ Mass Boston; Bower, Gary R. MFA, Rochester Inst Tech BA, MS, Univ Rhode Island , Busn & Professional Studies BS, ; Allen, Karen Arendt, Elizabeth A. MS, Univ Rhode Island , Computer Studies , Chemistry BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island PHD, ; Bradley, Barbara A. Amante y Zapata, Joseph J. BS, Providence College , Nursing-ADN BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island , Performing Arts Arsenault, Joseph R MA, Conservatory Music; , Emergency Admin Brewer, Cassandra M. BA, Point Loma Nazarene University; MS, Jacksonville St University; , PHD, Univ Southern California AAS, New England Institute Tech RI; BA, MA, MS, Univ Rhode Island BS, Roger Williams University Amantea, Cheryl A. Britton, Brendan M. , Busn & Professional Studies Ashworth, Donna L. , Physics and Engineering BS, Johnson & Wales University; , Nursing-ADN MA, ; MBA, Providence College BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island BS, Univ Arizona Amaral, Lilia V Austin, James F Brooks, Chris C. , Nursing-LPN , Library , English MSN, St ; BFA, Rhode Island College; BA, Univ Calif Los Angeles; BSN, Univ Rhode Island MLIS, Univ Rhode Island MA, Westrn Kentucky University Amato-Vealey, Elaine J. B Brown, Susan M. , Nursing-ADN , Foreign Languages Banna, Cynthia L. MS, Boston University; BA, MA, Suny Center Albany; , Allied Health/Phlebotomy AS, Community C Rhode Island; PHD, Univ North Carolina Chapel Hl BS, Rhode Island College; AAS, Community C Rhode Island; PHD, Univ Rhode Island MED, Providence College; Bull, Michelle M BA, Rhode Island College , Nursing-ADN Amore, Anthony R. MSN, Sacred Heart University; Basilico, Anthony D. , English BSN, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College; , Computer Studies MA, Univ Rhode Island BS, MA, MBA, Univ Rhode Island Burdon, Michael P. , English Beauchene, Kathleen Anderson, Renee M. MFA, Emerson College; , English , English BS, Univ Rhode Island MAT, Rhode Island College; BA, MA, Rhode Island College Burke, Margaret S. BA, Univ Rhode Island Benson, Jon R. , Computer Studies , Biology Andreozzi-Fontaine, Lynne SC.M, Brown University; BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island , Psychology BS, Univ Mass Dartmouth BA, Boston University; Berard, Marcel L. Burns, Emily MA, PHD, Univ Rhode Island , Busn & Professional Studies , Physics and Engineering MBA, Anna Maria College; Angell, Robert C. BA, Hampshire College; BS, Roger Williams University , English MS, Univ Calif Davis; BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island Bettencourt, Frances A PHD, Univ Rhode Island , Nursing-LPN Anish, Beth O Buss, Thomas H. BSN, MAE, Rhode Island College; , English , Mathematics MN, Univ Rhode Island BA, MA, ; BA, Providence College; MA, Fitchburg St College; MS, Univ Rhode Island PHD, Univ Rhode Island

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C Corry, Karen F. DePalma, Sharon A , Nursing-ADN , Mathematics Cardillo, Paula A. BS, Rhode Island College; MA, Providence College; , Allied Health/Diag Med Sono MS, Univ Rhode Island BA, Univ Rhode Island MS, Lesley University; BA, Rhode Island College Corsetti, Maria A. Delaney, Kelly M , Nursing-ADN , Social Sciences Carroll, Joseph R. BS, Rhode Island College; MS, Univ Bridgeport; , English MN, Univ Rhode Island BA, MA, PHD, Univ BA, Rhode Island College; MA, PHD, Univ Connecticut Costa, Mary H. Dolan, Leslie J. , Nursing-LPN , English Chaves, Amy L. BSN, MSN, Univ Rhode Island MAE, Rhode Island College; , Allied Health/Respiratory Ther BA, Univ Rhode Island AA, AAS, Community C Rhode Island; Couture, Melinda M. MAE, Rhode Island College; , Mathematics Domenico, Paula A. BS, Roger Williams University BA, MA, Rhode Island College , English EDM, Rhode Island College; Cichon, Sarah O. Crawford, Kevin P BS, Univ Rhode Island , Computer Studies , Computer Studies BSBA, Bryant University; AS, Community C Rhode Island; Doran, Gerald T. MAT, Johnson & Wales University BS, Rhode Island College , English EDM, Rhode Island College; Clark, Rebecca T Crowley, Joseph W. JD, Suffolk University; , Art , Mathematics BA, Univ Rhode Island BA, Oberlin College; BA, MAT, Rhode Island College Dorn, Jonathan A MFA, Rhode Island School Design Cullen, Allie Allethaire , English Clement, Theodore R. , Nursing-ADN MFA, Emerson College; , Performing Arts BA, BS, Brown University; BA, Skidmore College BFA, Salem State College; MS, Pace Univ Plsntvlle/Briarcliff Dummer Foley, Kristin E. MFA, The New School Cummiskey, Emily C. , English Cobb, Regina M. , Nursing-ADN BS, EDM, Boston University , Rehab Health/Therap Massage BSN, MS, Univ Rhode Island BS, Long Island Univ Brookville; E MS, Simmons College D Egan-Kunicki, Justine N D'Souza, Alwyn F. Coclin, Maria , Psychology , Physics and Engineering , Busn & Professional Studies BA, BS, MA, PHD, Univ Rhode Island BS, MS, Bombay University; BS, Boston College; MS, Wichita State University England, Mark MBA, Univ Rhode Island , Criminal Justice & Legal Std DaCosta, Elizabeth Cole, John W. MS, ; , Mathematics , English BA, Univ Rhode Island AAS, Community C Rhode Island; MAT, Rhode Island College; MAT, Providence College; Ethier, Linda A. BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College , Nursing-ADN Coletta, Natalie L. AA, Community C Rhode Island; Dalessio, William R. , Art BS, Rhode Island College; , English MA, Univ Mass Amherst*; MN, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College; BA, Univ Rhode Island MA, PHD, Univ Connecticut Every, John A Collins, John F. , Social Sciences Dan, Liliana , Library PHD, Boston College; , Mathematics BS, Roger Williams University; AA, Community C Rhode Island; MA, Providence College; MLS, Univ Rhode Island MA, Univ Connecticut; BA, MA, Transylvania University BA, Univ Rhode Island Connell, Margaret M. DeCoffe, Jean M. , English , Nursing-ADN F BA, Mcgill University; MS, Boston College; Faraone-Wolff, Leslie J. MAE, Rhode Island College BS, MS, Salve Regina University , Nursing-ADN BSN, Rhode Island College; MN, Univ Rhode Island

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Faulise, Maura C Gambino, Steven J Gorman, Patricia A. , English , Mathematics , Library MAT, Brown University; BS, Univ Hartford; BA, Roger Williams University; BA, Mount Holyoke College; MS, Univ Rhode Island MLS, Univ Rhode Island AA, Three Rivers Cmty Tech College Gatewood, Linda A. Gousie, Alan R. Ferro, Kristine L , Rehab Health/Occup Therapy , English , Nursing-LPN BS, Univ New England; BA, MA, Rhode Island College; ASN, Community C Rhode Island; MA.ED, Univ Rhode Island MA, Univ Rhode Island BS, Salve Regina University; Gazzola, Kathleen J. Gowdey, Karen M. MSN, Univ Rhode Island , Dental Health/Hygiene , Nursing-LPN Folcarelli, Thomas E. MA, Framingham State College; AS, Bristol Cmty College; , Nursing-ADN AS, BS, Univ Rhode Island ASN, Community C Rhode Island; BA, BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College; Geary, William MN, Sacred Heart University Fontaine, Kevin D. , Psychology , Psychology BS, Manhattan College; Grande, Debra L MA, CAGS, Rhode Island College; MS, PHD, Univ Rhode Island , Computer Studies PHD, Univ Connecticut; MBA, Bryant University; Gelsomino, Julie S BA, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College , Mathematics Fontes, Donald S. MA, Providence College; Griscom, Karen L , Biology BA, Rhode Island College , English BA, Rhode Island College; MA, Rutgers U Rutgers College*; Germano, Kerri A. MS, Suny Center Stony Brook BA, Southrn Oregon University , Allied Health/Radiography Forleo, Steven F. MED, American Intercontinental Univ; Grist, Candace L. , English AAS, Community C Rhode Island; , Busn & Professional Studies BA, MA, Calif St Univ Los Angeles BS, Johnson & Wales University MA, Ball State University; AS, BS, Johnson & Wales University; Fox, Christine M. Gesmondi, Dana-Marie MAT, Rhode Island College , English , Nursing-ADN MA, Northestrn University; ASN, Community C Rhode Island; H BA, ; MSN, Georgetown University; Hallene, Pamela A. PHD, Univ Rhode Island BSN, Univ Phoenix , English Friel, Kerri H Ghonaim, Mohamed BA, BS, EDM, Rhode Island College , Dental Health/Dental Assist , Biology Hanrahan, Edward BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island BS, MS, Benha University; , Physics and Engineering PHD, Univ Florida Furtado, Lisa M BS, Rhode Island College , Nursing-LPN Godo-Solo, Hossiri H. Hansen, Cindy L. BSN, Rhode Island College; , Foreign Languages , Biology MSN, Univ Rhode Island MA, Univ Rhode Island; PHD, Brown University; PHD, Vanderbilt University G AAS, Community C Rhode Island; Goffe, Eylana Goldman BA, Williams College Gaboury, Renee J. , Biology , English Harrison, Katharine V MA, PHD, Univ Chicago; AS, AS, Community C Rhode Island; , Biology BS, Univ Rhode Island BS, Rhode Island College; BS, Boston College; MA, Univ Rhode Island Gomes, Helen E. MACOM, NE School of Accupunture; , Nursing-LPN MS, Univ Rhode Island Gadoury, Linda L. ASN, Community C Rhode Island; , Nursing-ADN Hart, Roger Manuel-James BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island , Physics and Engineering Goodman, Andrew L BS, Univ Mass Amherst*; Galleshaw, Julie A. , Art MS, Univ Rhode Island , Dental Health/Hygiene MA, MFA, Maryland College Art Design; BS, EDM, Rhode Island College; Hartshorn, Mark P BA, Univ Southern Maine MA, Univ Rhode Island , Art BFA, MFA, Art Institute Boston

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Hassoun, Linda Josephs, Maddie M. Kortz, Karen M. , Human Services , Allied Health/Med Lab Tech , Physics and Engineering BS, MS, Southern NH University BS, Salve Regina University; MS, Brown University; MS, Univ Rhode Island BA, Pomona College; Hastings, Carlton R. PHD, Univ Rhode Island , Social Sciences K BA, Indiana Univ Pennsylvania; Korzeniowski, Shannon Kaiser, Audrey K. MA, Northestrn Illinois University; , Nursing-LPN , Performing Arts MA, Univ Nebraska Lincoln* AA, Community C Rhode Island; MA, Marshall University; BSN, Rhode Island College; Henry, Heidi P BA, Rhode Island College; MSN, Walden University , English PHD, Univ Kentucky Lexington* MA, Rhode Island College; Koyame-Marsh, Rita O Kappler, Kathleen BA, Univ Connecticut , Social Sciences , Nursing-ADN MS, PHD, Univ Illinois Urbana*; Hogan, Kristen A. BS, MS, Northestrn University BS, University of Kinshasa , Mathematics Kell, Charles R MA, Rhode Island College; , English L BA, BA, Univ Rhode Island BA, Kent State Univ Kent; Lacerda, Kellie F. Holcomb, Kathleen L MA, Univ Toledo , Allied Health/Respiratory Ther , Library AAS, Community C Rhode Island; Kelley, Alison B BA, State Univ Of West Georgia; BS, Univ Rhode Island , Nursing-ADN MLS, Valdosta State University MN, Sacred Heart University; Lajoie, Stephen H. Hopkins, Bethany E BSN, Univ Connecticut , Performing Arts , Mathematics PHD, University; Kelling, Patricia A BA, MAT, Providence College BA, Univ Mass Amherst*; , Nursing-LPN MA, Univ Miami Hurrell, Jennifer E. AA, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight; , Rehabilitative Health BSN, Rhode Island College; Lally, Melanie S BS, MS, Quinnipiac University MSN, Walden University , Nursing-ADN MS, Oregon Health Science Univ; Kelly, Michael J. I BS, Univ Mass Lowell , Computer Studies Igliozzi, David V BA, Univ Notre Dame; Lancellotta, Melissa K. , Criminal Justice & Legal Std MBA, Univ Rhode Island , Physics and Engineering BA, Rhode Island College; BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island JD, Washburn University Khalil, Ali , English Lang, Jillian R J MA, Arkansas State Univ St Univ; , Library Jackson, Lynn G BA, Tishreen University BS, Johnson & Wales University; , Human Services MLIS, Univ Rhode Island Kilduff, Raymond A. EDD, Florida Atlantic University; , Psychology Laurent, Marisa L BS, Ithaca College; BA, Rhode Island College; , Fire Science MS, Simmons College MA, PHD, Univ Rhode Island BS, MA.ED, MA.ED, Univ Rhode Island James, Eileen M. Kilduff, Robert T LeVasseur, Marc G. , English , Mathematics , English MFA, Brown University; BA, MAT, Providence College MA, Rhode Island College; BA, Rhode Island College AA, Umpqua Cmty College; Killgore, Leslie M. Johnson, Cynthia J. BA, Univ Minnesota Duluth , Social Sciences , Dental Health/Hygiene MA, PHD, Brown University; LeVasseur, Valerie M AS, Community C Rhode Island; BS, Trinity College Vt , Psychology BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island BA, Coll Holy Cross; Kitzmiller, Mary K Johnson, William C. MA, PHD, Univ Connecticut , Nursing-ADN , Biology MSN, Calif St Univ Dominguez Hills; Leasher, Barbara A. BS, PHD, Univ Rhode Island ASN, El Camino College; , Mathematics Jones, William J. BSN, Univ Phoenix BA, Bryn Mawr College; , Performing Arts MS, PHD, Univ Virginia Knibb, Jana N BA, Miss State University; , Social Sciences MA, Univ Tennessee Chattanooga BA, MA, Florida Atlantic University

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Leclerc, Paul D. Macaruso, Paul A. Moniz, Justin L , Social Sciences , Psychology , Mathematics BA, Univ Rhode Island; BS, Brown University; MA, Providence College; MA, Villanova University; PHD, Univ Connecticut BA, Univ Rhode Island MA, Westminster College Pa Mansella, Maria C. Montalbano, John W Leonard, Yvonne H. , Foreign Languages , Criminal Justice & Legal Std , Art MA, Middlebury College; BA, Boston College; MFA, Univ Texas Austin*; BA, Rhode Island College JD, St Johns University BFA, West Virginia Univ Morgantown Markward, Cheri D. Morais, Elizabeth Lilli, Debra , Performing Arts , Foreign Languages , English MFA, Boston Conservatory; BA, MA, MA, Univ Rhode Island AA, Community C Rhode Island; BA, Rhode Island College Morgan, Charles D. BA, MAT, Rhode Island College Martin, Leigh A. , English Lima, Christine A. , English AA, Community C Rhode Island; , Biology AA, Community C Rhode Island; BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island BS, Univ Mass Amherst*; MA, Rhode Island College; Morgan-Gardner, Inglish MS, Worcester Poly Institute BA, Univ Rhode Island , Human Services Linton, Todd G Martone-Roberts, Lori A. MS, PHD, Capella University; , Mathematics , Nursing-ADN BS, Morgan State University BS, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park; BSN, Rhode Island College; Moritz, Sabine MA, San Diego State University MSN, St Josephs College Me , Biology Liu, Cindy McCormack, Suzanne K. MS, PHD, Friedrich Schiller University , Social Sciences , Social Sciences Mowry, John L. BA, Guilford College; MA, PHD, Boston College; , Computer Studies MA, PHD, Univ Buffalo BA, Wheaton College Ma BS, MS, Rhode Island College Lu, Jon McGovern, Helen J. Mroz, Ellen L. , Social Sciences , Nursing-ADN , English BA, Beijing Frgn Studies Univ; BSN, St Joseph College Ct; MA, American University Dc; PHD, Brown University MN, Univ Rhode Island AA, Community C Rhode Island; Lucas, Patricia N. McGrath, John D. MA, Rhode Island College; , Allied Health/Radiography , Allied Health/Respiratory Ther BA, Univ Rhode Island AAS, Community C Rhode Island; AA, AAS, Community C Rhode Island; Mullaney, Jeanne P. BS, Rhode Island College; BS, MBA, Providence College , Foreign Languages MA, Univ Rhode Island Megerdichian, Sandra R. EDM, Rhode Island College; Luizzi-Bench, Francine J. , Nursing-LPN BA, MA, Univ Rhode Island , Dental Health/Hygiene BSN, MN, Russell Sage College Murphy, Lisa A. MS, Centrl Connecticut St Univ; Melucci, Robert F. , Nursing-ADN BS, Columbia U Columbia Coll; , Mathematics BSN, St Anselm College; AS, Forsyth School Dental Hygiene MS, Florida Institute Tech; MN, Univ Rhode Island Lyon, Alicia B. BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island Murphy, M. Kelly , English Micheletti, Brenda , Nursing-ADN BA, MA, Rhode Island College; , English MS, MGH Institute of Hlth Prof; PHD, Univ Rhode Island BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island BS, Rhode Island College M Miele, Paul M. Murray, Maureen A MacDougall, Sheryl A. , Biology , Busn & Professional Studies , Criminal Justice & Legal Std AA, Community C Rhode Island; BS, Bryant University; BS, Bryant University; DCH, National U Health Sciences; MBA, Univ Rhode Island BS, Univ Rhode Island JD, Pepperdine University Murray, Steven D. MacInnes, Maryhelen D Miller, James I. , Criminal Justice & Legal Std , Social Sciences , Social Sciences BA, JD, Boston College MA, PHD, Brown University; MA, Indiana Univ Bloomington*; BA, Univ Pennsylvania Undrgrd Adm* BA, Kalamazoo College; PHD, Univ Chicago

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N Panaccione, Carol A. Petro, Allison N. , Foreign Languages , English Najarian, Dennis J. MA, Middlebury College; BA, Harvard University; , Social Sciences BA, Providence College; MA, Univ Rhode Island AA, Community C Rhode Island; MA, Univ Rhode Island BA, MA, Rhode Island College Petrus, Amanda K Panoutsopoulos, Basile , Chemistry Nichols, Rachel Helen , Physics and Engineering BS, Suny Coll Fredonia; , Mathematics BS, MS, Institute Tech; PHD, Syracuse University BA, Marist College; ME, PHD, The Graduate Center, CUNY MA, Providence College Pezzillo, Maria L. Paquet, Donald , Nursing-ADN Norquist, Marjorie M. , Computer Studies BSN, Rhode Island College; , Nursing-LPN BS, Bryant University; MSN, Univ Phoenix BS, MA, MPA, Univ Rhode Island EDM, Rhode Island College Pezzillo, Robert C. Notarianni-Girard, Deborah A. Parker, Shawn G. , Busn & Professional Studies , Foreign Languages , Art AS, Community C Rhode Island; MA, Middlebury College; MA, Suny Binghamton; BS, Rhode Island College; BA, Providence College; BA, Univ Connecticut MBA, Univ Phoenix PHD, Univ Connecticut Parks, Amy B. Picraux, Laura B O , Nursing-ADN , Chemistry O'Neill, Daniel J BSN, Fitchburg St College; BA, Bryn Mawr College; , Art MN, Univ Hawaii West Oahu PHD, Univ Calif Berkeley BFA, Rhode Island School Design; Parrillo, Denise F. Powis, Dale MFA, Univ Pennsylvania Undrgrd Adm* , English , Nursing-LPN O'Rourke, Karin L. MA, Pennsylvania St Univ Univ Park; BSN, Fitchburg St College; , Nursing-LPN BA, Rhode Island College MS, Univ Rhode Island ASN, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight; Parys, Joseph H. Prisco, Rosemary W BSN, Rhode Island College; , Criminal Justice & Legal Std , English MS, Univ Rhode Island BA, Providence College; MA, Brown University; Omollo, Ann O. JD, Southern NE School of Law BA, Salve Regina University , Chemistry Patnaude, Carol A. BS, Egerton University; R , Human Services PHD, Miami Univ Oxford Rajotte, Donna A. AA, Community C Rhode Island; , Nursing-LPN Orabone, Joanne C. BA, EDM, Rhode Island College MN, Northwstrn State University; , Busn & Professional Studies Pelto, Wendy L. BSN, Rhode Island College; BS, Bryant University; , Physical MS, Univ Rhode Island MA, Univ Rhode Island MS, Indiana St Univ Terre Haute*; Rameika, Anne Marie Orellana, Walter O. BS, Univ Bridgeport , Nursing-ADN , Human Services Penta, Lisa C. BSN, MN, Univ Rhode Island MSW, Rhode Island College; , Library BS, Univ Rhode Island Rashid, Tony BA, Gordon College Ga; , Computer Studies Orsinelli-Jordan, Melissa L. MLIS, Univ Rhode Island AAS, Community C Rhode Island , Allied Health/Diag Med Sono Pepe, Beverly J. AS, Community C Rhode Island; Ratcliffe, Christopher W. , Mathematics AS, BS, Johnson & Wales University; , Busn & Professional Studies BA, MA, Rhode Island College MS, Univ Rhode Island AA, Community C Rhode Island; Peterson, Chris E. BA, Rhode Island College; Owens, John , Library MBA, Univ Rhode Island , Physics and Engineering BA, MLS, Univ Rhode Island BA, MS, PHD, Univ Connecticut Read, Courtney C. Petrin, Daniel T , Human Services P , Social Sciences MED, Johnson & Wales University; Pacitti, William A. BS, MS, Oklahoma State Univ Stillwater BS, Univ Maine Orono , Psychology BA, Providence College; MA, PHD, Univ Rhode Island

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Renza, John S. S Silva, Joseph M. , Busn & Professional Studies , Art Salisbury, James F. BS, Bryant University; PHD, Brown University; , Library MBA, Providence College MA, Syracuse University; BA, Rhode Island College; BA, Wheaton College Ma Resendes, Julie L MLS, Univ Rhode Island , Nursing-ADN Sneesby, Sandra L. Salvatore, Marilyn BSN, MSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth , English , Performing Arts MA, MFA, Emerson College; Ribezzo, John S. MFA, Univ Illinois Urbana*; BS, Rhode Island College , Busn & Professional Studies BFA, Univ Rhode Island BS, Bryant University; Snowe, Alyson Santoro, Gina A. AS, Community C Rhode Island; , English , English MBA, Plymouth State College; BA, Eastern Connecticut St Univ; MFA, Goddard College; MS, Univ Rhode Island MAT, Sacred Heart University; MAE, Providence College; PHD, Univ Rhode Island Rieger, Matthew M BA, Rhode Island College , Physics and Engineering Soffientino, Bruno Saris-Baglama, Renee N BS, Slippery Rock Univ Pa; , Biology , Psychology M PHIL, PHD, Yale University BS, PHD, Univ Rhode Island BA, MA, PHD, Univ Rhode Island Roberti, Cecile M. Soter, Melanie C Scally, Donna T. , Busn & Professional Studies , Library , Nursing-LPN MS, Bentley College; BA, Clark University; MN, Univ Phoenix; BS, Bryant University MLS, Simmons College BSN, Univ Rhode Island Robinson, Jody S. St. Jean, Kimberley A. Scally, Keith J , Physics and Engineering , English , Nursing-ADN BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island AS, Community C Rhode Island; ASN, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight; MED, Providence College; Rogers, Rachel A BSN, Salve Regina University; BS, MED, Rhode Island College , Psychology MSN, St Josephs College Me BA, Auburn Univ Auburn Univ; St. Pierre, Debra J. Schmitz, Janice I. MA, MS, PHD, Univ New Hampshire , Allied Health/Med Lab Tech , Dental Health/Hygiene Durham MS, Calif Coll Technology; AAS, Community C Rhode Island; BS, Rhode Island College Rood, John J. BS, MS, Univ Bridgeport , Nursing-LPN St. Pierre, Kerry L. Schrank, Aaron M ASN, Springfield Tech Cmty College; , Nursing-LPN , Mathematics BSN, MN, Univ Mass Amherst*; MBA, Johnson & Wales University; MAT, Providence College; BA, Univ Mass Dartmouth BSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth BS, Roger Williams University Rouillier, Kimberly C Staviskiy, Svetlana Seyler, Michele , Rehab Health/Physical Therapy , Mathematics , English DPT, MS, MGH Institute of Hlth Prof; MS, Lomonsov Moscow St. Univ MAT, Calif St Univ Monterey Bay; BS, Univ Connecticut BS, Northwstrn University* Stewart, Timothy M Rowey, Carol A. , English Shannon, Rebecca L , Busn & Professional Studies MA, Portland State University; , English MA, Boston College; BA, Suny Center Albany BA, EDM, MAT, Rhode Island College MBA, Bryant University; Stockford, Jason A. BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island Sherman, Laurie , Mathematics , English Ruggieri, Sasha N. BA, MS, Univ Rhode Island MAT, Boston College; , English BA, Providence College Stone, Nancy E. AA, Community C Rhode Island; , Nursing-ADN BS, Nova Southeastern Univ; Sienkiewicz, Susan BSN, Anna Maria College; MA, Salve Regina University , Nursing-ADN MS, PHD, Univ Mass Boston MA, New York University; Ryan, Laura J. BSN, Villanova University Suits, Wayne A. , Library , Chemistry BA, Univ Alaska Anchorage; MS, Brandeis University; MLS, Univ Rhode Island BA, Rhode Island College

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Sullivan, Cynthia J. Tsangarakis, Emmanuel Vitale, William M. , Nursing-LPN , Physics and Engineering , Nursing-ADN BSN, MSN, Univ Mass Dartmouth BS, Univ Miami; AS, Cmty Coll Rhode Island Knight; MSEE, Univ Rhode Island BSBA, Northestrn University; Sullivan, Melissa R. BS, Rhode Island College; , Dental Health/Hygiene Tullie, Joan E. MSN, Simmons College MED, Rhode Island College; , Nursing-LPN BS, MA, Univ Rhode Island ASN, Community C Rhode Island; Vito, David R. MS, Fitchburg St College; , Biology Susi, Holly J. BSN, Salve Regina University AS, Community C Rhode Island; , English BA, MA, Rhode Island College AS, Community C Rhode Island; Turchetta, Louis W. BA, MA, Rhode Island College; , Psychology Vouros, Tyler C MA, Univ Rhode Island MED, Providence College; , Art BA, Rhode Island College; AFA, Greenfield Cmty College; Sutherland, Luke J. MAT, Roger Williams University MFA, NY Academy of Arts; , Performing Arts BFA, Univ Mass Amherst* BA, MFA, Rhode Island College Turenius-Bell, Christine I , Biology Swift, Tara M W BS, MS, Tulane University; , Dental Health/Dental Assist Wachira, Stevenson N PHD, Univ Calif Riverside; MS, Eastern Washington University; , Computer Studies MA, Univ Texas San Antonio BSED, Univ Idaho BS, Univ District Of Columbia; Tyler, Gaines A Swithers, Kristen S MS, Virginia Polytech Inst St U , Biology , Biology Wallace, Marla M. AS, Santa Rosa Jr College; BS, MS, PHD, Univ Connecticut , Library BS, PHD, Univ Connecticut BA, MLS, Univ Wisc Madison* T U Walsh, Evelyn M. Tavares Proulx, Rosemarie Ulricksen, Matthew S , Mathematics , Allied Health/Histology , Social Sciences MAT, Rhode Island College; BA, Rhode Island College BA, MA, Providence College; BS, Univ Rhode Island Tennant, David M MA, Univ Rhode Island Wang, Justin J , English , Social Sciences MA, Boston College; V PHD, Lehigh University; BA, Univ Calif San Diego Valicenti, Soudabeh BS, MBA, San Francisco State University Tessier, Richard G. , Mathematics Warila, Robert S. , English BS, MS, PHD, Univ Rhode Island , Biology BA, MA, Rhode Island College Vanner, Amanda M. BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island Thibeault, Christopher J. , Psychology Warren, JoAnn , Computer Studies BA, MA, Rhode Island College , Busn & Professional Studies BA, BS, MS, Univ Rhode Island Verdi, Genevieve R BA, MAE, Rhode Island College; , Psychology Townsend, Heather M. CAGS, Unv of Connecticut , Biology MED, Seton Hall University; White, Paul D. MS, PHD, Univ Florida; PHD, Univ Rhode Island; , Physics and Engineering BS, Univ Rhode Island BA, Univ Vermont BS, Acadia University; Vigneault, Martha M. Traficante, Regina M. PHD, Louisiana St Univ Alexandria; , Rehab Health/Physical Therapy , Psychology MS, Univ Rhode Island MA, Rhode Island College; BS, Northestrn University; Wilhelmsen, Krista L CAGS, Salve Regina U.; DPT, Simmons College; , Performing Arts PHD, Salve Regina University; MS, Texas Womans University BM, Millikin University; BA, Univ Rhode Island Villarica, Gina Lyn L MM, Univ South Carolina Columbia* Trainor, Kira L. , Nursing-LPN Wilkinson, Kenneth P , English MA, Ateneo de Davao Univ; , Mathematics BA, MAT, Rhode Island College BS, Brokenshire College; MA, Silliman Universiy BA, Suny Coll New Paltz; Trombetti, Isabel MS, Univ Rhode Island , Psychology BA, MA, Rhode Island College; PHD, Univ Rhode Island

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Williams, Gerald E. , Psychology EDD, MED, Harvard University; BA, MA, Rhode Island College Wood, Pamela J. , Dental Health/Hygiene CAGS, California State U.; EDM, Rhode Island College; AS, BS, Univ Vermont Y Yang, Rongfang , Chemistry BS, Lanzhou University; PHD, Univ New Hampshire Durham Younkin, Robyn A , English BA, Rhode Island College; MA, Univ New Hampshire Durham Z Zellers, Mark A. , Art MFA, Univ Mass Dartmouth; BA, Univ Wisc Superior Zoto, Christopher A , Chemistry BA, Assumption College; PHD, Worcester Poly Institute

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