THE PROGRAMME ALSO INCLUDES A One-Day Seminar on Academic Research & Exchanges Exclusively designed for our participants, the Seminar on Academic Research & Exchanges will be a platform where academic leaders from both Hainan, China and ASEAN universities meet to explore and build networks for future collaboration. Cultural Visits Enjoy a private day trip to Hainans’ famous landmarks and cultural attractions. (*TBC) HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAMME 6 institutional visits Hainan University (HU) - “211 Project” Register online today at: A national key comprehensive university at a provincial-level in Haikou established since 2007 (merged between former South China University of Tropical Agriculture and Hainan University). Hainan Normal University (HNNU) For more information, please contact Established since 1949, HNNU is a key provincial university with a long history and distinctive teacher us: education. It comprises of 21 faculties and 30 research institutions. Thanthakorn Phuangsawat (Fon)
[email protected] or +66 2 6449856 ext. 101 Hainan Medical University (HMU) Renowned as the only medical school in Hainan, the Phunyanuch Pattanotai (Aom) history of HMU began in 1951 with the combination
[email protected] or +66 2 6449856 ext. 107 of 2 privately owned Haiqiang Medical Vocational and Medical College of HU. Currently, there are approx. 14,000 students enrolled at HMU. SEAMEO RIHED Hainan Tropical Ocean University (HTOU) 5th Floor, Office of the Commission on Higher Education HTOU serves as a cradle of talent cultivation for Building, 328 Sri Ayutthaya Road, Bangkok 10400 South Central Hainan and functions as a center for Tel: +66 2 644-9856-62 knowledge innovation, social services, and cultural Email: rihed@
[email protected] inheritance.