Appendix B Desired Plant Species for Restored Native Vegetation, Midewin

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Appendix B Desired Plant Species for Restored Native Vegetation, Midewin Midewin Land and Resource Management Plan APPENDIX B DESIRED PLANT SPECIES FOR RESTORED NATIVE VEGETATION, MIDEWIN NATIONAL TALLGRASS PRAIRIE The following table includes native plant species that we propose to have present in restored native vegetation on Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, and their relative abundance. Because of difficulties in species establishment, including sufficient seed and site conditions, we expect that will take time to restore vegetation to these levels of diversity. Not all species in the table will be present in planted seed mixes; some species are expected to colonize from adjacent areas. Some species may be introduced at different stages of restoration, as appropriate for the species’ ecology. This table does not include every possible native species that could be established in habitat restorations on site; such a list could exceed 800 vascular plant species. Instead, we selected species likely to be present based on pre-1830 vegetation (soils and General Land Office surveys), species’ historic occurrence and habitat in Will and adjacent counties, and species’ current presence on Midewin and in adjacent regions. Additions and deletions may occur as further information becomes available. Plant species’ selection, presence and abundance in particular habitats is based on community descriptions by Glass (1994), Ecological Services (1995), NatureServe (2000), Sluis and Tanderich (2000), Swink and Wilhelm (1994), and White and Madany (1978), plus field notes and observations by William D. Glass (Illinois Department of Natural Resources) and Eric Ulaszek (USDA Forest Service) at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, DesPlaines State Fish and Wildlife Area, and other sites with similar physiognomy in Will, Grundy, and Kankakee counties, Illinois. Additional information on the ecology and distribution of specific species was distilled from Chicago Wilderness (1997, 1999), Gleason and Cronquist (1991), Herkert (1991, 1994), Mohlenbrock (1999), Mohlenbrock and Ladd (1978), Schwegman et al. (1973), Sheviak (1974), Steyermark (1963), Swink and Wilhelm (1994), The Wetlands Initiative (1999), USDI-FWS (1996, 1999) and Yatskeveitch (1999). This table does not include the many species of widespread, weedy natives that are not associated with specific native vegetation. These species were probably opportunists, adapted to colonizing sites disturbed by erosion, animals, humans, or other processes. Such ‘native weeds’ include common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), wood sedge (Carex blanda), horseweed (Conyza canadensis), tall goldenrod (Solidago canadensis), tall boneset (Eupatorium altissimium), common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), annual fleabane (Erigeron annuus), cleavers (Galium aparine), heal-all (Prunella vulgaris), path rush (Juncus tenuis), smartweed (Polygonum pennsylvanicum), pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), and other species. Appendix B B-1 Desired Plant Species List Midewin Land and Resource Management Plan Plant species are listed alphabetically by scientific name. Nomenclature follows Swink and Wilhem (1994) for the most part; exceptions follow Gleason and Cronquist (1991) or Mohlenbrock (1986). Restored native vegetation types follow those described in Appendix A. The presence and relative abundance of a given plant species within a habitat is indicated by an additive sign (+): + = rare to uncommon; ++ = occasional to locally common; +++ = common to abundant. The desired abundance is based on sites similar to Midewin, and does not apply to these habitats or species throughout their distribution. B-2 Appendix B Desired Plant Species List Upland Perennial Scientific Name Dolomite Typic Wet Typic Sedge Forest and Stream/ Common Name Prairie Prairie Prairie Meadow Marsh Seep Savanna Woodland Riparian Acer negundo - - - - - - - + + Box Elder Acer nigrum - - - - - - + ++ - Black Maple Acer saccharinum - - - - - - - + + Silver Maple Acer saccharum - - - - - - - ++ - Sugar Maple Actaea pachypoda - - - - - - - ++ - White Baneberry Agalinis tenuifolia - - +++ ++ + + - - - Desired PlantSpecies List Slender False-foxglove Agastache nepetoides - - - - - - + ++ + Yellow Giant Hyssop Appendix B Agastache scrophulariaefolia - - - - - - ++ + - Purple Giant Hyssop Agrimonia gryposepala - + + - - + ++ ++ - Agrimony Agrimonia parviflora - - + + ++ ++ - - + Marsh Agrimony Agrimonia pubescens - - - - - - + ++ - Downy Agrimony Alisma subcordatum - - - + +++ - - - - Common Water-plantain Alisma trivale ++ - - - + - - - - Large-flowered Water-plantain Allium canadense +++ +++ +++ + - + ++ +++ + Canada Wild Onion, Wild Garlic Allium cernuum +++ +++ ++ - - ++ ++ + - Nodding Wild Onion Allium mutabile +++ - - - - - - - - Glade Onion Allium tricoccum burdickii - - - - - - + +++ - B-3 Wild Leek, Ramps Ammania robusta ++ - - - + - - - - Scarlet Loosestrife B-4 Upland Perennial Scientific Name Dolomite Typic Wet Typic Sedge Forest and Stream/ Common Name Prairie Prairie Prairie Meadow Marsh Seep Savanna Woodland Riparian Amorpha canescens + +++ - - - - ++ - - Leadplant Amorpha fruticosa ++ - + - - - - - ++ False Indigo-bush Amphicarpaea bracteata - - - - - - ++ +++ + Hog Peanut Andropogon gerardii +++ +++ ++ + - + ++ - + Big Bluestem Andropogon scoparius ++ +++ + - - - +++ + - Little Bluestem Androsace occidentalis ++ + - - - - ++ - - Rock Jasmine Desired PlantSpecies List Anemone canadensis ++ ++ +++ + + - ++ - + Meadow Anemone Anemone caroliniana - + - - - - - - - Appendix B Carolina Anemone Anemone cylindrica - +++ - - - - + - - Prairie Thimbleweed Anemone quinquefolia - - - - - - + ++ - Wood Anemone Anemone virginiana - + - - - - ++ ++ + Woodland Anemone Anemonella thalictroides - - - - - - - ++ - Rue Anemone Angelica atropurpurea - - - + - ++ - - - Great Angelica Antennaria neglecta - ++ - - - - ++ + - Small Pussy-toes Antennaria plantaginifolia + ++ - - - - ++ + - Plantain-leaved Pussy-toes Apios americana - + ++ + + + + + ++ Groundnut Apocynum androsaemifolium - - - - - - ++ + - Spreading Dogbane Apocynum cannabinum - ++ + - - - + - - Indian Hemp Upland Perennial Scientific Name Dolomite Typic Wet Typic Sedge Forest and Stream/ Common Name Prairie Prairie Prairie Meadow Marsh Seep Savanna Woodland Riparian Apocynum sibiricum + + ++ + - - - - + Prairie Dogbane Aquilegia canadensis - - - - - + ++ + - Wild Columbine Arabis canadensis - - - - - - ++ ++ - Sicklepod Arabis glabra ++ + - - - - - - - Tower Mustard Arabis laevigata - - - - - - - + - Smooth Rock Cress Arabis shortii - - - - - - - ++ + Desired PlantSpecies List Toothed Cress Arisaema dracontium - - - - - - - ++ - Green Dragon Appendix B Arisaema triphyllum - - - - - - - +++ - Jack-in-the-pulpit Aristolochia serpentaria - - - - - - - + - Virginia Snakeroot Armoracia lacustris - - - + ++ - - - - Lake Cress Asarum canadense reflexum - - - - - - - +++ + Wild Ginger Asclepias amplexicaulis - ++ - - - - + - - Sand Milkweed Asclepias exaltata - - - - - - - + - Poke Milkweed Asclepias hirtella - ++ - - - - + - - Tall Green Milkweed Asclepias incarnata ++ - ++ ++ ++ - - - + Marsh Milkweed, Swamp M. Aclepias meadii - + - - - - - - - Mead’s Milkweed Asclepias purpurescens - + - - - - ++ + - Purple Milkweed B-5 Asclepias sullivantii ++ +++ + - - - + - - Prairie Milkweed, Sullivant’s M. B-6 Upland Perennial Scientific Name Dolomite Typic Wet Typic Sedge Forest and Stream/ Common Name Prairie Prairie Prairie Meadow Marsh Seep Savanna Woodland Riparian Asclepias tuberosa - ++ + - - - ++ + - Butterfly Milkweed Asclepias verticillata ++ ++ - - - - + - - Whorled Milkweed Asclepias viridiflora + ++ - - - - + - - Short Green Milkweed Asimina triloba - - - - - - - + - Pawpaw Asplenium platyneuron - - - - - - + + - Ladder Fern Aster drummondii - - - - - - ++ + - Drummond’s Aster Aster ericoides ++ +++ - - - - + - - Desired PlantSpecies List Heath Aster Aster furcatus - - - - - - - ++ - Forked Aster Appendix B Aster laevis - +++ - - - - ++ + - Smooth Blue Aster Aster lateriflorus + - + - - + + ++ ++ Calico Aster Aster novae-angliae ++ + +++ ++ - + ++ - - New England Aster Aster oblongifolius +++ - - - - - - - - Aromatic Aster Aster ontarionis - - - - - - + ++ - Ontario Aster Aster oolentangiensis (= A. azureus) - ++ - - - - + - - Sky Blue Aster Aster praealtus - - - + ++ - - - - Willow Aster Aster ptarmicoides (= Solidago p.) - + - - - - - - - Stiff White Aster Aster puniceus - - + + - +++ - - - Red-stemmed Aster Aster sagittifolius - - - - - - + ++ - Arrow-leaved Aster Upland Perennial Scientific Name Dolomite Typic Wet Typic Sedge Forest and Stream/ Common Name Prairie Prairie Prairie Meadow Marsh Seep Savanna Woodland Riparian Aster shortii - - - - - - + +++ - Short’s Aster Aster simplex ++ - ++ ++ + + - - + Panicled Aster Astragalus canadensis + ++ - - - - + - + Canada Milkvetch Astragalus tenneessensis ++ - - - - - - - - Tennessee Milkvetch Athyrium angustum - - - - - - - + - Northern Lady Fern Baptisia leucantha (= B. alba) - ++ - - - - +++ - - Tall Wild Indigo, White W.I. Desired PlantSpecies List Baptisia leucophaea (= B. bracteata) - +++ - - - - ++ - - Cream Wild Indigo Bidens aristosa/B. polylepis ++ - ++ ++ +++ + - - + Appendix B Swamp Marigold Bidens cernuua ++ - + + ++ ++ - - ++ Nodding Bur Marigold Bidens comosa - - - - + - - - + Swamp Tickseed Bidens connata - - + ++ +++ + - - + Purple-stemmed Tickseed Bidens coronata ++ - ++ ++ ++ ++ - - - Slender Swamp Marigold Bidens frondosa + - - + ++ + - + ++ Beggar’s-ticks Blephilia ciliata +++ + - - - - + - - Ohio Horse Mint Blephilia hirsuta - - - - - - - ++ - Downy Wood Mint Boehmeria cylindrica - - + ++ ++ +
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