SY3057 Football and Society | Readinglists@Leicester
09/30/21 SY3057 Football and Society | readinglists@leicester SY3057 Football and Society View Online 1. Lewis, R. W. Innovation not Invention: A Reply to Peter Swain Regarding the Professionalization of Association Football in England and its Diffusion. Sport in History 30, 475–488 (2010). 2. Allison, Lincoln. Association Football and the Urban Ethos. Stanford Journal of International Studies (1978). 3. Bailey, S. Living Sports History: Football at Winchester, Eton and Harrow. The Sports Historian 15, 34–53 (1995). 4. Baker, N. Whose Hegemony? The Origins of the Amateur Ethos in Nineteenth Century English Society. Sport in History 24, 1–16 (2004). 5. Dunning, E. Sport matters: sociological studies of sport, violence, and civilization. (Routledge, 2001). 6. Dunning, E. & Sheard, K. G. Barbarians, gentlemen and players: a sociological study of the 1/42 09/30/21 SY3057 Football and Society | readinglists@leicester development of rugby football. (Frank Cass, 2005). 7. Garnham, N. Patronage, Politics and the Modernization of Leisure in Northern England: the case of Alnwick’s Shrove Tuesday football match. The English Historical Review 117, 1228–1246 (2002). 8. Giulianotti, R. Football: a sociology of the global game. (Polity Press, 1999). 9. Harvey, A. Football: the first hundred years : the untold story. vol. Sport in the global society (Routledge, 2005). 10. Holt, R. Sport and the British: a modern history. vol. Oxford studies in social history (Clarendon Press, 1989). 11. Hutchinson, J. Sport, Education and Philanthropy in Nineteenth-century Edinburgh: The Emergence of Modern Forms of Football. Sport in History 28, 547–565 (2008). 12. Kitching, G. ‘From Time Immemorial’: The Alnwick Shrovetide Football Match and the Continuous Remaking of Tradition 1828–1890.
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