Volume M24, Issue No. 22, June 15, 2020 Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed electronically. Submissions should be sent to
[email protected]. Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Photos are welcome. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the week of publication. In Memoriam: Tony Romandini It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of former Vanier electric guitar teacher, Tony Romandini on June 3, 2020. Tony taught here for over 20 years and retired in 2012. In addition to being a guitarist and teacher, he was a respected composer and arranger. As a teenager he studied guitar in New York, and by the age of 15 had performed with Maynard Ferguson. By the age of 20 he was working for the CBC and performing in clubs around Montreal and abroad. In addition to performing on guitar, Tony also played banjo, mandolin, and classical guitar. He gave concerts of classical music in France and Germany during the 1960s, and has performed with the Montreal and Quebec Symphony Orchestras. Tony appeared several times in the Montreal International jazz festival, including as a backing musician to Oscar Peterson in the pianist's appearance with the MSO at the festival in 1985. Those of us who knew and worked with him will remember him fondly not only as an amazing musical talent, but as a warm, generous person with a wonderful sense of humour.