High Volume Computing: Identifying and Characterizing Throughput Oriented Workloads in Data Centers

Jianfeng Zhan, Lixin Zhang, Ninghui Sun, Lei Wang, Zhen Jia, and Chunjie Luo State Key Laboratory of Computer Architecture Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, China Email: {zhanjianfeng, zhanglixin, snh}@ict.ac.cn, {wl, jiazhen, luochunjie}@ncic.ac.cn

Abstract—For the first time, this paper systemati- which is also referred to as big data applications. cally identifies three categories of throughput oriented Third, lots of users tend to use streaming media or workloads in data centers: services, data processing ap- VoIP for fun or communications. Different from plications, and interactive real-time applications, whose an ordinary Web , a VoIP application will targets are to increase the volume of throughput in terms of processed requests or data, or supported maximum maintain a user session of a long period (e.g., more number of simultaneous subscribers, respectively, and than five minutes) while guaranteeing the real time we coin a new term high volume computing (in short quality of service, which we call an interactive HVC) to describe those workloads and data center real-time application. computer systems designed for them. We characterize The workloads mentioned above consist of a and compare HVC with other computing paradigms, e.g., large amount of loosely coupled workloads instead high throughput computing, warehouse-scale computing, and cloud computing, in terms of levels, workloads, of a big tightly coupled job. The nature of this metrics, coupling degree, data scales, and number of jobs class of workloads is throughput-oriented, and the or service instances. We also preliminarily report our target of data center computer systems designed ongoing work on the metrics and benchmarks for HVC for them is to increase the volume of throughput in systems, which is the foundation of designing innovative terms of processed requests (for services), or pro- data center computer systems for HVC workloads. cessed data (for data processing applications), or Keywords-High volume computing; Throughput- the maximum number of simultaneous subscribers oriented workloads; Data center computer systems; Met- (for interactive real-time applications), performed rics; Benchmarks; or supported in data centers. So as to pay attention to this class of workloads and computer systems I.INTRODUCTION designed for them, in this paper, we coin a new In the past decade, there are three trends in com- term high volume computing (nature: throughput puting domains. First, more and more services, computing; target: high volume, in short HVC) involving a large amount of data, are deployed to describe this class of workloads or data center in data centers to serve the masses, e.g., Google computer systems designed for them. search engine and Google Map. Second, massive In this paper, we identify three categories of data are produced, stored, and analyzed in real workloads in HVC: services, data processing ap- time or off line. According to the annual survey of plications, and interactive real-time applications, the global digital output by IDC, the total amount all of which are throughput-oriented workloads. of global data passes 1.2 zettabytes in 2010. In this A service is a group of applications that collabo- paper, we call applications that produce, store, and rate to receive user requests and return responses analyze massive data data processing applications, to end users. More and more emerging services are data-intensive, e.g., Google search engine or in cloud workloads [1] [38] are excluded, since Google Map. Data processing applications pro- they are tightly-coupled. duce, store, and analyze massive data, and we only After widely investigating previous bench- focus on loosely coupled data processing appli- marks, we found there is no systematic work cations, excluding tightly coupled data-intensive on benchmarking data center computer systems computing, e.g., those written in MPI. Typical in the context of our identified three categories examples are MapReduce or Dryad based com- of throughput-oriented workloads. We present our puting. We also include data stream applications preliminary work on the metrics and benchmarks that process continuous unbounded streams of data for HVC systems. in real time into the second category of HVC The remainder of the paper is organized as fol- workloads. Different from an ordinary Web server, lows. Section II characterize and compare different an interactive real-time application will maintain computing paradigms. Section III revisits previous a user session of a long period while guaranteeing benchmarks and report our preliminary work on the real time quality of service. Typical interactive the HVC metrics and benchmarks. Section IV real-time applications include streaming media, draws a conclusion. desktop clouds [33], and Voice over IP (VoIP) applications. The details of three categories of II.CHARACTERIZINGCOMPUTINGPARADIGMS workloads can be found at II-A. In this section, we give out the definition of Despite several computing paradigms are not HVC, and identify its distinguished differences formally or clearly defined, e.g., warehouse-scale from other computing paradigms. computing (WSC) [4], data-intensive scalable computing (DISC) [28], and cloud computing, we A. What is HVC? compare HVC with several computing paradigms HVC is a data center based computing paradigm in terms of six dimensions: levels, workloads, met- focusing on throughput-oriented workloads. The rics, coupling degree, data scales, and number of target of a data center computer system designed jobs or service instances as shown in Table I. Our for HVC workloads is to increase the volume definition of HVC is towards data center computer of throughput in terms of requests, or processed systems, while many task computing [14] and high data, or the maximum number of simultaneous throughput computing [26] are defined towards subscribers, which are performed or supported in runtime systems. In terms of workloads and re- a data center. spective metrics, both high throughput computing In Table I, we characterize HVC from six and high performance computing are about sci- dimensions: levels, workloads, metrics, coupling entific computing centering around floating point degree, data scales, and number of jobs or service operations, while most of HVC applications have instances. few floating point operations as uncovered in our The HVC system is defined on a data center preliminary work [3]. Meanwhile, we also notice level. We identify three categories of workloads that many emerging workloads can be included in HVC: services, data processing applications, into one or two categories of HVC workloads, e.g., and interactive real-time applications. Services WSC (into the first and second categories), and belong to the first category of HVC workloads. A DISC (into the second category). As for (public) service is a group of applications that collaborate cloud computing, we believe it is basically a to receive user requests and return responses to business model of renting computing or storage end users. We call a group of applications that resources, which heavily relies upon virtualization independently process requests a service instance. technologies, however HVC is defined in terms of For a large Internet service, a large amount of workloads. We think many well-know workloads service instances are deployed with requests dis- in cloud [5] can be included into HVC, but HPC tribution enabled by load balancers. Since each Table I: Characterizing different computing paradigms.

Computing paradigm level Workloads Metrics Coupling Data ♯ jobs or ser- degree scale vice instances High performance Super computers Scientific comput- Float point opera- Tight n/a Low computing ing: heroic MPI ap- tions per second plications High performance Processors Traditional server Overall work per- loose n/a Low throughput computing workloads formed over a fixed [27] time period High throughput com- Distributed runtime Scientific comput- Float point opera- loose n/a Medium puting [26] systems ing tions per month Many task computing Runtime systems Scientific comput- Tasks per second Tight n/a Large [14] ing or data analy- or sis: workflow jobs loose Data-intensive scalable Runtime systems Data analysis: n/a Loose Large Large computing [28] or data MapReduce-like center computing [29] jobs Warehouse-scale com- Data centers for Inter- Very large Internet n/a Loose large Large puting [4] services, belonging services to a single organization Cloud computing [34] Hosted data centers SaaS + utility com- n/a Loose n/a Large [15] puting Services Requests per min- Loose Medium Large utes and joule High volume Data centers Data processing ap- Data processed per Loose Large Large computing (HVC) plications minute and joule Interactive real- Maximum number Loose From Large time applications of simultaneous medium subscribers and to large subscribers per watt request is independent, a service in itself is loosely data stream applications into this category of HVC coupled. For an ordinary Apache Web server, the workloads. For example, S4 is a platform that data scale is lower, while for a search engine allows programmers to easily develop applications provided by Google, the data scale is large. More for processing continuous unbounded streams of and more emerging services are data-intensive. data [37]. The second category of HVC workloads is data The third category of HVC applications is in- processing applications. Please note that we only teractive real-time applications. Different from an include loosely coupled data-intensive computing, ordinary Web server, an interactive real-time appli- e.g., MapReduce jobs, into HVC, excluding data- cation will maintain a user session of a long period intensive MPI applications. In running, MapRe- while guaranteeing the real time quality of service. duce tasks are independent, significantly different Typical interactive real-time applications include from batch jobs of programming models like MPI streaming media— multimedia that is constantly in which tasks execute concurrently and communi- delivered to an end-user by a service provider, cate during their execution [32]. The data scale of desktop clouds [33], and Voice over IP (VoIP) this category of workloads is large, which are also applications. For this category of applications, the referred to as big data applications, and hence will workload is loosely coupled because of indepen- produces large amount of tasks. We also include dent requests or desktop applications; the data scale varies from medium to large, and the number The differences of HVC are as follows: first, of tasks or service instances is large. the concept of many task computing is towards runtime systems, while our HVC is on the level B. Identifying differences of HVC of data center computer systems; second, the workloads and respective metrics are different. 1) High performance computing: There Many task computing includes tightly or loosely are two-fold differences of HVC from high coupled applications from scientific computing or performance computing (in short, HPC): first, data analysis domains, while HVC includes three workloads are different. HPC is mainly about categories of loosely coupled applications. scientific computing and usually a large-scale 4) High performance throughput computing: heroic MPI application, which is tightly coupled, Chaudhry et al. [27] call the combination of while HVC is loosely coupled and commonly high-end single-thread performance and a high composed of a large amount of jobs or service degree of multicore, multithreading high perfor- instances. Second, the metric is different. The mance throughput computing. According to [27], metric of HPC is floating point operation per systems designed for throughput computing em- second. However, in HVC, most of workloads, phasize the the aggregate amount of computation e.g., web search engines reported in [3], have few performed by all functional units, threads, cores, float point operations. chips, coprocessors and network interface cards in 2) High throughput computing: Livny et al. a system over a fixed time period as opposed to refer to the environments that can be deliver large focusing on a speed metric describing how fast a amounts of processing capacity over very long single core or a thread executes a benchmark. periods of time as high throughput computing Different from HVC, high performance [26]. There are three-fold differences of of HVC: throughput computing is defined on the level of first, high throughput computing is defined on the processors, targeting traditional server workloads, level of distributed runtime systems, while HVC e.g., database workloads, TPC-C, SPECint2000, is defined on the level of data center computer SPECfp2000 exemplified in [27], while HVC is systems; second, the workloads of high throughput defined on the data center level. Different from computing are towards scientific computing, while high performance throughput computing, we our HVC includes three categories of applications; have identifies three categories of workloads in third, the metric of high throughput computing HVC. In terms of workloads, high performance is floating point operations per month or year. throughput computing mainly focuses on the first However, in HVC, major workloads, e.g., web category of HVC applications (excluding data- search engines [3], have few float point operations. intensive services like search engines) in addition 3) Many task computing: According to [14], to float point operation-intensive benchmarks many task computing differs from high throughput like SPECfp2000. Moreover, we define different computing in the emphasis of using large number metrics for three different categories of HVC of computing resources over short periods of time applications in III-B. to accomplish many computational tasks where 5) Data-intensive scalable computing (in short, primary metrics are measured in seconds (e.g. DISC) or data center computing: Bryant et al. did FLOPS, tasks/sec, MB/s I/O rates), as opposed not formally define what is DISC [28]. Instead, to operations per month. In terms of workloads, they characterized DISC through comparing it many task computing denotes high-performance with cloud computing and high performance com- computations comprising multiple distinct activ- puting in [28]: first, cloud computing is towards ities, coupled via file system operations [14]. The hosted services, e.g., web-based Email services, set of tasks may be loosely coupled or tightly while DISC refers to very large, shared data coupled. repository enabling complex analysis [28]; sec- ond, from a perspective of programming model, a from different organization may be hosted in the HPC program is described at very low level with same data center, the aggregate number of which specifying detailed control of processing com- is large. Second, in terms of workloads, WSC munications, while DISC applications are written can be included in HVC, meanwhile HVC covers in terms of high-level operations on data, and more categories of workloads, e.g., interactive the runtime system controls scheduling and load real-time applications. Moreover, we have given balancing [28]. In general, a DISC application is out the specific metrics for different categories of written in the MapReduce programming model, workloads, while in WSC, no metric is defined in which splits jobs into small tasks that are run [4]. on the clusters compute nodes. No one formally defines what is data center computing. In [29], it refers to computing performed with frameworks 7) Cloud computing: Vaquero et al. [34] de- such as MapReduce, Hadoop, and Dryad. Through fined cloud as a large pool of easily usable and these frameworks, computation can be performed accessible virtualized resources (such as hardware, on large datasets in a fault-tolerant way, while development platforms and/or services). Accord- hiding the complexities of the distributed nature ing to the widely cited Berkeley’s technology of the cluster [29]. According to [29], data center report [15], when a cloud is made available in a computing shares the same view like that of DISC. pay-as-you-go manner to the general public, it is Basically, DISC or data center computing can called a public cloud; the service being sold is be included into the second category of HVC utility computing [15]. The term private cloud is workloads. In addition, our HVC is defined to- used to refer to internal data centers of a business ward data center computer systems instead of or other organization, not made available to the MapReduce-like runtime systems mentioned in general public [15], which is also characterized as [28] [29]. Second, Bryant et al. do not formally warehouse-scale computing in [4] or data center define the metrics, while we define three different computing in [29]. metrics in evaluating data center computer systems for three categories of applications in III-B. Basically, we believe that (public) cloud com- 6) Warehouse-scale computing: According to puting is a fine grain pay-per-use business model [4], the trend toward server-side computing and of renting computing or storage resources, which the exploding popularity of Internet services has heavily relies upon virtualization technologies, created a new class of computing systems that while our HVC is defined in terms of workloads. Hoelzle et al. have named warehouse-scale com- Though virtualization technologies indeed bring puters, or WSC. WSC is meant to call attention to changes to workloads, which is worth further the most distinguishing feature of these machines: investigation, however, well-known workloads in the massive scale of their software infrastructure, cloud studied in [5], e.g., NoSQL data serving, data repositories, and hardware platform [4]. WSC MapReduce, Web search, can be included into demonstrates the following characteristics [4]: be- HVC. A new trend is that practitioners in HPC longing to a single organization, using a relatively communities advocate an innovative computing homogeneous hardware and system software plat- paradigm—HPC in cloud [1] [38], which suggests form, and sharing a common systems management renting virtual machines from a public cloud for layer [4]. Most importantly, WSCs run a smaller running parallel applications. Since HPC in cloud number of very large Internet services [4]. workloads are tightly coupled, we exclude them There are two differences of HVC from WSC: from HVC. Moreover, in the context of a business first, WSC is towards data centers for Internet model, no one formally defines the metrics for services, belonging to a single organization, while evaluating cloud from perspectives of both hard- in HVC, many small-to-medium scale services ware and software systems. C. Discussion List ranks supercomputers used primarily for sci- Despite several computing paradigms are not entific production codes according to the amount formally or clearly defined, e.g., DISC, WSC, of power needed to complete a fixed amount of and cloud computing, we characterize several new work [17]. Sun Microsystems also proposed the computing paradigms and compare the definition SWaP (space, watts, and performance) metric [24] of our HVC from them. to evaluate enterprise systems from perspectives We draw three conclusions in this Section: first, of both data center space efficiency and power the definition of HVC is towards data center com- consumption. puter systems, while many task computing, high Rivoire et al. [18] proposed the JouleSort throughput computing, or DISC are defined to- benchmark. The external sort from the sort bench- wards runtime systems. Second, in terms of work- mark specification (http://research.microsoft.com/ loads and respective metrics, both high through- research/barc/SortBenchmark/default.htm) is cho- put computing and high performance computing sen for the benchmarks workload. The metrics are about scientific computing centering around is records sorted per Joule. SPECpower ssj2008 floating point operations, while most of HVC is the first industry-standard SPEC benchmark applications have few floating point operations. that evaluates the power and performance char- Third, many emerging workloads can be included acteristics of volume server class and multi-node into one or two categories of HVC workloads class computers [36]. The initial benchmark ad- e.g., WSC (into the first and second categories), dresses only the performance of server side Java— DISC or data center computing (into the second SPECjbb2005. The metric is performance per watt category); With the exception of HPC in cloud metric in terms of ssj ops/watt. workloads[1], well-know workloads in cloud stud- TPC defined transaction processing and ied in [5] can be included into HVC. Moreover, database benchmarks, the goal of which is (public) cloud computing is basically a business to define a set of functional requirements model of renting computing or storage resources, that can be run on any transaction processing while our HVC is defined in terms of workloads. system, regardless of hardware or operating system [35]. Most of the TPC benchmarks are III.BENCHMARKING HVC SYSTEMS obsolete, and only three are still used: TPC-C, TPC-E, and TPC-H. TPC-C centers around the In this section, we revisit previous benchmarks, principal activities (transactions) of an order-entry and present our current work on HVC metrics and environment [35]. TPC-E models a brokerage benchmarks. firm with customers who generate transactions related to trades, account inquiries, and market A. Revisiting previous benchmarks and metrics research [35]. Different from TPC-C and TPC-E, Table II summarizes different benchmarks and TPC-H models the analysis end of the business their respective levels, workloads, and metrics. environment where trends are computed and The LINPACK benchmark report [7] describes refined data are produced to support the making the performance for solving a general dense matrix of sound business decisions [35]. For the TPC problem Ax = b. Performance is often measured benchmarks, the metrics are application-specific. in terms of floating point operations per second For example, the metric of TPC-C is the number (flop/s). Focusing on evaluating the ability of of New-Order transactions executed per minute. traversing the whole memory of the machine [20], In the context of data center computing, Hi- Murphy et al. have put together a benchmark they Bench [13], GridMix2 or GridMix 3 [39], WL call Graph 500, and the metric is the traversed Suite [9] is proposed to evaluate MapReduce run- edges per second (TEPS). Since energy efficiency time systems, respectively. The workloads are data becomes more and more important, the Green500 analysis applications. The metrics are throughput in terms of the number of tasks per minute [13], 1) discussion: We draw four conclusions in and job running time, widely used in batch queu- this subsection: first, there is no systematic work ing systems [16]. YCSB [19] and an extension on benchmarking throughput-oriented workloads benchmark—-YCSB++ [10] are proposed to eval- in data centers. In Section I, we have identified uate NoSQL systems for scale-out data services. three categories of HVC workloads. Few previous The metrics are throughput—total operations per benchmarks pay attentions to all three categories second, including reads and writes, and average of applications. latency per requests. Second, some benchmarking efforts [13] [9] have focused on MapReduce-based data analysis PARSEC is a benchmark suite for studies of applications (belong to our second category of Chip-Multiprocessors (CMPs) [11]. PARSEC in- HVC workloads), and the metric is toward evalu- cludes emerging applications in recognition, min- ating MapReduce runtime systems. They failed to ing and synthesis (RMS) as well as systems ap- notice that there are diverse programming mod- plications which mimic large-scale multi-threaded els in this field, e.g., Dryad, AllPair [2], since commercial programs. SPEC CPU2006 provides MapReduce is not a one-size-fits-all solution [2]. a snapshot of current scientific and engineering For example, MapReduce or Dryad is not appro- applications, including a suite of serial programs priate for applications such as iterative jobs, nested that is not intended for studies of parallel ma- parallelism, and irregular parallelism [2]. chines [11]. SPEC CPU2006 component suite Third, a lot of previous benchmarks, e.g., TPC include both CINT2006—the Integer Benchmarks or SPEC efforts, pay attention to services. Unfor- and CFP2006—the Floating Point Benchmarks. tunately, emerging data-intensive services, such as After the benchmarks are run on the system under Web search engines are ignored. test (SUT), a ratio for each of them is calculated Last, in addition to SPEC- using the run time on the system under test and a sip Infrastructure2011, little previous work SPEC-determined reference time [36]. focuses on interactive real-time applications, SPEC also proposed a series of bench- which are important emerging workloads, since marks for Java applications [36]. Among them, more and more users tend to use streaming media SPECjvm2008 is a client JVM benchmark; or VoIP for fun or communications. SPECjbb2005 is a server JVM benchmark, while SPECjEnterprise2010 is a Java enterprise edition B. Our ongoing work on metrics and benchmarks. application server benchmark. SPECjms2007 is Benchmarking is the foundation of evaluating the first industry-standard benchmark for eval- HVC systems. However, to be relevant, an HVC uating the performance of enterprise message- benchmark suite needs to satisfy a number of oriented middleware servers based on JMS (Java properties as follows: Message Service). SPECweb2009 emulates users First, the applications in the suite should con- sending browser requests over broadband Internet sider a target class of machines [11], that is a data connections to a web server using both HTTP center system designed for throughput-oriented and HTTPS. It provides banking, e-commerce, workloads, not a processor or server in this paper. and support workloads, along with a new power Second, the HVC benchmark suite should rep- workload based on the e-commerce workload [36]. resent three categories of important applications, SPECsip Infrastructure2011 is designed to eval- including services, data processing applications, uate a system’s ability to act as a SIP server and interactive real-time applications, which is supporting a particular SIP application [36]. The the right target of our ongoing DCBenchmarks application is modeled after a VoIP deployment project (http://prof.ncic.ac.cn/DCBenchmarks). In [36]. The metric is the simultaneous number of this project, we have released a SEARCH bench- supported subscribers [36]. mark [3]. We will release a benchmark for shared data center computer systems running data pro- degree, data scales, and number of jobs or service cessing applications soon. instances; we widely investigated previous bench- Third, the workloads in the HVC benchmark marks, and found there is no systematic work on suite should be diverse enough to exhibit the benchmarking HVC systems; we presented our range of behavior of the target applications [11]. preliminary work on HVC metrics and bench- Meanwhile, since service providers may deploy marks. different applications, it is important for a service ACKNOWLEDGMENT provider to customize their chosen benchmarks relevant to their applications. We are very grateful to anonymous reviewers. Fourth, no single metric can measure the per- This work is supported by the Chinese 973 project formance of computer systems on all applications (Grant No.2011CB302500) and the NSFC project [8]. Since different categories of workloads in (Grant No.60933003). 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Benchmark Domains Level Workloads Metrics Linpack [7] High performance Super computers scientific computing code Float point operations per second computing SWap [24] Enterprise Systems Undefined Performance/(space * watts) Green 500 [17] High performance Super computers Scientific computing code Flops per watt computing Graph 500 [20] High performance Super computers Computing in the field of Traversed edges per second computing graph theory (TEPS) JouleSort [18] Mobile, desktop, en- Systems External sort Records sorted per Joule terprise SPECpower Enterprise Systems SPECjbb2005 Ssj ops/watt ssj2008 [36] [22] Storage I/O Storage systems Transaction processing or I/O or data rates scientific applications SPECsfs2008 Network file systms File servers N/a Operations per second and over- all latency of the operations HiBench [13] Data-intensive MapReduce run- Data analysis Job running time and number of scalable computing time systems tasks completed per minute GridMix2 or Grid- Data-intensive MapReduce run- Data analysis Number of completed jobs and Mix3 [39] scalable computing time systems running time WL Suite [9] Data-intensive MapReduce run- Data Analysis n/a scalable computing time systems YCSB [19] or Warehouse-scale NoSQL systems Scale-out data services Total operations per second and YCSB++ [10] computing average latency per requests PARSEC [11] n/a Chip- Recognition, mining, syn- n/a Multiprocessors thesis, and mimic large- scale multithreaded com- mercial programs TPC C/E/H [23] Throughput-oriented Server systems Transaction processing and Application-specific workloads decision support SPEC CPU2006 scientific and engi- Processors Serial programs A ratio is calculated using the [36] neering applications run time on the system under test and a SPEC-determined ref- erence time SPECjvm2008, Throughput-oriented Both hardware Java applications Throughput (application- SPECjbb2005, workloads and software specific) SPECjEnter- prise2010, SPECjms2007 [36] SPECsip Throughput-oriented Systems A VoIP deployment Simultaneous number of sup- Infrastructure2011 workloads ported subscribers [36] SPECvirt sc2010 Throughput-oriented Systems SPECweb2005, Performance only and perfor- [36] workloads SPECjAppServer2004, mance per watt and SPECmail2008 SPECweb2009 [36] Throughput-oriented Systems Banking, Ecommerce, and Maximum number of simultane- workloads Support ous user sessions, ratio of the sum of simultaneous user ses- sions to the sum of watts used [11] C. Bienia. 2011. Benchmarking Modern Multiproces- [26] M. Livny et al. 1997. Mechanisms for High Through- sors. PhD thesis, Princeton University, January 2011. put Computing, SPEEDUP Journal 1(1), 1997

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